I,. ! i ,.-1 Poga 2 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, March 10, 1954 EDITORIAL PAGE espofisijffy Afof Censorship LITTLE MAN on CAMPUS Tha Tulane University student newspaper, Hullabaloo," has received a letter of "repri mand and admonition" from the student council there for printing "opinionated ma terial" not approved by the paper's faculty advisers. v This Item turned up in the Kansas State Collegian, a student newspaper on the ex change lists of The Nebraskan, some weeks ago. ' ' The announcement of the letter of "repri mand and admonition" did not include just what the consequences of such a statement would be. A check of the exchange columns has not revealed what the consequences for the "Hullabaloo" editorial staff , are to be. Whether or not the letter will seriously af fect the "Hullabaloo" is a matter of conjec ture, but the fact remains that a student council reprimand did carry a real signifi cance for the newspaper. If the council complaint is based only on. We Won't Listen Last . Saturday night Cosmopolitan Club held an annual Carnival in the Union. Quite by accident this Nebraskan staff member happened to attend the Carnival, or at least the show which foreign students put on for. the people attending. She was not little surprised to find herself enjoying it Immensely. For one thing-. It struck home the fact that there Is another University organization which is not fully appreciated. For another thing, there was a spirit of internationalism that made one feel there is no reason why world peace cannot somehow be obtained. Here was a group of University students from overseas who have tpken some pleas ure In learning about and absorbing some of the customs of the United States. And at the banquet they exchanged the customs of their countries with one another. Somehow people in the United States fail to realize that they too could gain from such an exchange. .They are inclined to believe that since they have the shag or jitterbug, they have nothing to gain from seeing a Lithuanian folk dance. Foreign students have so much to tell Americans that the Americans won't listen to. They were probably trying to do this Sat urday, night, by sharing- in part their coun tries with the native born Americans. The carnival was a success to this out eider, and probably to the hundred or so students who attended. The Cosmopolitan Club will not suffer if the other students did not attend. The en thusiasm shown at the carnival will last until next year. But the student who did not attend missed another opportunity that a heterogeneous University has to offer. K. N. achine-Made Man? Last semester the present editor of The Nebraskan wrote an editorial entitled "Why Have People," inspired by the latest time-and-effort-saving device invented by atomic age scientists. The invention, "Speedwalk," was a mov ing sidewalk which would eliminate the bothersome necessity of walking. In an are where modern, machines have made nearly every human activity automatic, man has become more and more simply a button pusher. The editor predicted that if science would only develop mechanical brains, we could eliminate thinking as well as walking in fact, if there was just a machine to oil the machine, people could pass peacefully out of the picture altogether. A frightening prediction yet apparently well-grounded. For science has taken the next step in the process of transferring power from man to machine. A "thinking machine' has been invented. And this time the monster Is not just another computing machine which can cope , only with mathematical problems. This "thinker," according to Its inventor, can . solve almost any problem in a book on fun- elemental symbolic logic. Starting with a certain basic set of prem ises, the machine will reach a quick and ac curate answer by following the formal prin ciples of reasoning. It can test the validity f ths basic laws of logic, explore the field for new principles 'and test whatever spe cific arguments are given it for examination. Since the machine is not subject to prej vSiees, environmental influences, propaganda distortion and all the fallacies which impede banian reasoning, the machine should be bio to do a more reliable and accurate job of finding: the solution to' problems than humans can. la fact, It begins to look as if the think ing machine may be an effective substitute for the old-fashioned human brain. But dont despairthe human brain will . never be completely antiquated. That is, . until a machine invents a machine which can invent machines. M. H. the fact the news was embarassinc or un kind, and forces a significant change in the "Hullabaloo," Tulane is a school without a real newspaper. They have instead an an nouncement sheet whose editors walk softly with empty, upturned hands. The happening at Tulane indicates an unhealthy situation. The student council let ter was based on the fact that the paper printed "opinionated material" that was not approved by the paper's faculty advisors. How the faculty advisers give their approval to news to appear in the "Hullabaloo" is not important The fact they do have control of the news appearing in the paper limits that public tion to the facial level, Indicating the editor or editorial staff of the paper are not con sidered competent to judge what should or should not appear in the paper and how it shall be presented. The Nebraskan is quick to agree that vulgar, dishonest and libelous statements should be kept out of newspapers, but con trolling the press is not the way to do it The persons who are members of the news paper staff should be held responsible for what they print or cause to be printed. If a college newspaper is guilty of statements that would merit admonition and reprimand from an organization, those responsible for the offensive statements should be called for an accounting of their actions. But at Tulane, the student newspaper is forced to carry news stories that will give no displeasure to a rroup of advisers. As for printing "opinionated material," this is no sin unless the editors attempt to present opinion under the guise of fact. If the editors are guilty of this, they should be dealt with personally, there should not be a board or group that passes on what is or is not to be printed. In short, student newspaper staff mem bers should be allowed to print what they believe is the truth in a form they consider tasteful and correct. If their judgment is in error and is not acceptable to the reading public for whom they write, they should not be allowed to print or cause what they wish to be printed. They should not be censored by another agency, before what they print is judged by those who will read it. However trivial it may seem that a stu dent newspaper "way down at Tulane" gets slapped by the student council, it is impor tant that advisers approve news that goes into any paper whether it be a university or other community. The situation at Tu lane smacks strongly of authoritarianism. Control of the press has been one of the first objectives of dictators, Red or otherwise. Peron, Mussolini, Hitler, Lenin, etc., had control of the press in order to make their regimes successful. This is not to say the advisers at Tulane are plotting to govern students, to force them into a "dictator ship," but it does show the importance of a free, responsible press. The Nebraskan believes that any power of any group to reprimand and perhaps con trol the student newspaper to be wrong, if that control is applied for other reasons than for lack of accuracy, honesty and rood taste. The very fact the student council at Tulane could reprimand the newspaper there Indi cates an unhealthy condition. Student newspaper control (along other than the lines mentioned) is not In the best interests of the students who make up that newspaper's reading public. To allow any group other than the editors to control what news shall or shall not be printed takes away the chance for the paper to perform a real service to the student readers. The Nebraskan feels the conditions set up for its publication to be adequate so far as control of the newspaper is concerned. The controls are stated in the masthead of the paper on the editorial page. They read, "The Nebraskan is published by the students of the University of Nebraska as an expres sion of students news and opinions only. "It is the declared policy of the Board of Publications that publications under its jurisdiction shall be free from editorial cen sorship on the part of the University, but members of the staff of The Nebraskan are personally responsible for what they say or do or cause to be printed." T. W. Margin Notes Stuily Communism? Forewarned is forearmed. Apparently Major General William Dean, who spent 38 months as a prisoner of the Communists in Korea, is a staunch sup porter of this old maxim. He stated that he hopes American chil dren will be allowed to study Communism. "That's the only way they can be armed against Communism," he said. And certainly no one can accuse Gen. Dean of confusing indoctrination with study. So school boards, university governing bodies, and any interested parties kindly take note. fTFTT-TniED TEAS Member: Associated Collegiate Press Advertising representatives National Advertising Servtoa, fne, 420 Madison Ave, New York 17, New York Wara8M I pnhHrtwd by th etndwrta of th EDITORIAL STAFF fTanKr of fcebraaka M aa wtpraMtoa ol todrnita -H)t (Mad r.1r.)a aaty. AMortflnf to rti-U 11 of Itam Sail? HaU f-.-im,jn fowniim tnt puiM'rattans ubntnfertm Editorial fare Editor Ton Woodward t,f !- PiM.rH of Puiiiftlon, "it I th dwilHrrd poller Huwlni Editor Jaa RuHua mt th Bom that onMieatiom imetar ttt )irto rtuie ha r ... " . r fra from editorial oamunslp on tin port of the J!5J? Jfu ". V ...Kar Work Swl, m on Um Port of nr nwaihw of ttMt aeaitr of wo """ Jaaey Camca, Dick Fellmaa, i . ..)vrf, out tla Btemhera of too wff of Th Mariano Hansen. One Barrer &hrka mum peraoa.!! mpaaatbl tr wart the s Kt Editor Man pm -mil-rum rUm ar Hi a oraeetar. tiM mailed, ar Bn ' riMh" fri t M eoiU roar, 14 aaailrd. Sliiglo pr l fr REPORTERS awn. evMtetod oo TtMwdftr, Wednoadar and Friday Brrwlj Dorp, Harriot Rarer, Loelrrae ltr, Jaek tsw'uf tit Jil roar, oxiuspt oaeatMia and oxaralnattoa Fraiuleen, WUllamett Itosea, Barbara Kick, Marcia t;-Mvi, tw puMi.hu! during th month of an- Mlokelaea, Saa Jensen, Barbara Clark. w awn rar y tha t niwtt of frinwna nndar tat mnorviittOB t Cmmltta of Sti4ot ftobiiraeion. BUSINESS 8tA.IT fr.ntm4 namiud oImo awttor at tlx foot Offtno la BotnM Mnr Staa fllppl I .raw, tirirtuum, anrtrr Act of Ooamwa, Mint S. ia't Bmlaau Maaafara Ckot SklSor. Doran iambi, - m. and mi h- il n of pmSnwe pwrrtdod for ra Pitott 'tall (.w.wa it-;-.. .t mt Caucraa af OeU S, IDil. aatbortaai rirralatloa Manaiw .Ron Iniww b--jt. 19, ic.,. Mht Nem Editor ...Mariana Hna by Dtdc tibia Student Forum VJhere Are We? "It's designed for maximum protection." The Challenge Afo Curtains For Us By CHARLES W. COLMAN (Dr. Colnwa norlTcd his Ph. D. at Cor Mil UalTtntl? la l38. A aawdito In flrurtor In the Romance Iwunn depart- rm. Dr. Colmaa cam to tat Uatvonitr 1947.) "In the very period that saw Russia emerge as a threat to world peace, American educators, with the tacit consent of the American people, began lowering here a Language Curtain that has inhibited our knowing the minds and hearts of either our enemies or our friends. "Only when men can talk to gether can they get together, and Americans acknowledge the es sential truth of this whenever they speak, thinking only about other Americans, of 'talking the other fellow's language.' But after a long period of pretty much ignor ing all other fellows beyond our borders, we now say: 'Look, I've decided to be a neighbor, and a generous one too;, so please say 'thank you' in English and let's get to know each other better, in English. "The irony of this approach cuts deep when translated into any language. No question about it, a great ...any foreigners speak Eng lish; but what they cannot under stand is our monolingual discour tesy, our cultural arrogance, our evident ignorance of the fact that ethnic symbols and sympathies end aspirations defy translation and must be directly appre hended by sufficient knowledge of a foreign tongue.' I submit that the preceding quo tation from a commencement ad dress delivered last summer at Middlebury College by Dr. Wil liam R. Parker, Professor of Eng lish at New York University and Executive Secretary of the Mod ern Language Association of America, poses one of the fore most challenges of our time are we to remain a nation of lingu istic illiterates? Certainly It is a stranre para dox that, at the very time we were assuming world leadership, we should have 'lowered the lan ruage curtain" and thereby have created for ourselves a formid able and completely unnecessary handicap. While we talked of working for International under standing and world peace, we de prived ourselves of the most ef fective tool for achieving those goals. If we would test the truth of Professor Parker's charges, let us consider for a moment the fluc tuations of American prestige abroad. It is a sobering experi ence to travel in a foreign land and to see ourselves through the other fellow's eyes. Soon after the first World War we enjoyed, by and large, the friendship and good wishes of the civilized world. We were looked upon as an idealistic, generous young nation. Our cockiness and our naivete were forgiven with an amused tolerance. Now the situation has changed drastically. We have become the dominant military power in the world and consequently the political leader. Our friends expect us to put aside our adolescent foibles and to be have like adults. In recent years we have been shocked and hurt to discover that we are no longer universally loved. Our monolin gual, materialistic-minded sol diers and tourists have brought our prestige to a low ebb. Most peoples would probably still like to believe in us but, if we are to turn the tide, we must start be having like responsible, literate grown-ups and must demonstrate conclusively to other nations that we have an understanding of their history, institutions and culture. Such understanding can come only as the result of a high degree of familiarity with their lan guage. Only within the last two or three years has any serious attention been given to possible remedies for the situation. Recent studies have convinced educators and psychologists alike that there is a bilingual age, a period when a child can learn a second language with the same facility and nat uralness -with which he learns his own. It seems to extend roughly through the eighth grade. These studies, coupled with an urgent plea from former United States Commissioner of Education Earl J. McGrath for more and better language teaching to young chil dren, have helped launch a widely supported movement to introduce foreign languages into the ele mentary school curriculum. We can feel proud that Lincoln has taken its position in the fore front of this movement. It is one of approximately 200 communities throughout the United States to have initiated a foreign language program at the elementary school level. Spanish is currently being taught in grades 3-5 to some 155 pupils at Huntington School. The success of these classes, to gether with that of similar classes for children in French, German and Spanish at the University of Nebraska, Nebraska Wesleyan University and Union College, leads up toahope French and Ger man will soon be added to the Lincoln elementary school cur riculum. If that is accomplished, wemay feel that we have tsen the first step toward answering the challenge. , Charles W. Colman Associate Professor of Romance Languages Exchange Editorial College Days Reviewed In Much-Used Editorial (We ran across this article in an issue of the Purdue Expon ent. Evidently other college newspapers have thought it as appropriate as The Nebraskan. It originally appeared in the Miami Hurricane and was re printed by the Mississippi State Reflector. We feel that while not world-shaking in its import, it could be food for thought.) "I MET A MAN ONCE WHO SAID: "I missed out on my college days. You see, I didn't ente into it quite all the way. I never really got acquainted with a professor. Or even a textbook. Not seriously. I never learned the thrill of digging fossils on a mountainside. I told myself that people who did that sort of thing are queer. And I said that professors were dull and I complained about the classes. I could learn more out of school, I said. I slid through some way without even letting my mind grow curious. And, it's funny, but do you know I feel kind of regretful now when I talk to a scholar. Or go to the library. Or wander through-a museum. I missed out on all of that. And I find myself wishing I could go back to college and live those days over again. "I MET A MAN ONCE WHO SAID: "I missed out on my college days. You see, I didn't enter into it quite all the way. Working my way through school took all my time, or I told myself it did. The fellows used to go bumming around at night and sometimes they'd ask me to go along, but I had to study. I even missed the football games. Froth, I called it. Wasted time; I was in school to study. And, it's funny, but you know I turn away now every time I see a group of college men gath ered in a drug store on a corner of the campus. And every time I see two old college chums slap each other on the back and say, 'Remember the time that we . . .! I gulp a little because I missed out on all that and I find my self wishing I could go back to college and live those days over again. "I MET A MAN ONCE WHO SAID: "I missed out on my college days. You see, I didn't enter into it quite all the way. I was afraid, I guess. I wanted to try for a part in the school play once, but I didn't- I intended to. I went up to the room the night they were reading the parts, but I didn't go in. There were so many there who were better than I, and I turned away and went down the hall. I wanted to try out for the football team, too, but I told myself I was light and turned away from the practice field. And .it's funny, but do you know that I can't go to see a football game now, because I see myself out on the field or on the stage as I might have been if I hadn't been afraid. And I find myself wishing I could go back to college and live those days over again." By BERT BISHOP For all those students who de light in the romance and tickling bluster of a condoned conspiracy, the magazine "The Reporter," March 2, 1954, issue, has real ' news. In an article entitled "The Undergraduate Underground" by Douglas Cater, is a description of a nationwide student group, the Students for America, dedi cated to "winning our battle against Communism." What is amazing about the SFA is its insistence upon con spiracy and secrecy. There is a "hard core" of loyal big shots at the base of each chapter which controls its operations and in sures that the college's adminis tration does not become aware of the chapter's existence. There is an "Intelligence Sec tion" with members known only to the "hard core" whose Job it Is to join suspected socialist or Communist student groups and gather evidence, to be submitted to the "National Security Divi sion" for evaluation and report ing to government agencies. Student members are encour aged to take notes whenever a professor seems to be approach ing "the Communist line" and to watch in texts and outside read ing for signs of pink, all this in formation to be sent dutifully, with names, to the SFA's secur ity division. What all this game of cops and robbers (there are. 2,500 mem bers on 120 campuses, mostly freshmen and sophomores, ac cording to National Director Robert Munger) means Is de batable. Senator Karl Mundt of South Dakota said, "So far as I am advised. Students for Amer. lea is the only nationwide anti. Communist and ant l-socialisi student movement in this coun try." a However, the University of Virginia newspaper, The Cava lier Daily, had this to say when the local chapter came to light: "These first-year men take it upon themselves to determine who is and who is not un-American through their own junior grade imitation of McCarthyism, We feel that this sort of kinder garten Ku Klux Klan is out of place at this University." a a a The SFA is a direct reflection of national hysteria. Suspicion and underhandedness seek to be come justified through fear. Men go off half-cocked with only an inkling of what they are doing and not caring how they work to get the next little job done. De struction of the opposition be comes an obsession at the ex pense of the thing defended. Those who attempt to justify foul methods say they are neces sary because the other side does not play fair. That attempt is merely a statement that evil will win out, because it is stronger, but the fact that it is "our" evil and not "their" evil is a small consolation, indeed, for the loss of dignity and self respect which accompanies ths victory. etlerip 'Knowledge Must Precede Criticism;' 'More 4-H Representation Needed' Dear Editor: I was rather interested in F. Jay Pepper's letterip of last Fri day, primarily because I think it indirectly points up the reli gious problem at this University. I must at the outset agree with him there is a lack of interest on the part of many students in religious problems, though I doubt that very many students would have had the courage to express their disinterest in words as forceful as Mr. Pepper's. But I do not believe, as he does, that this disinterest is due to a lack of validity in religion as to student ignorance of just what re ligion really is. If I had never taken a course in physics and were I to criticize physics by calling it (as Mr. Pepper calls religion) "a truly fantastic idea" which ."has dominated men's thoughts for centuries," I would doubtlessly be accused of not knowing what I was talking about. Yet, where one demands knowl edge as a basis for valid critic ism in all other fields, everyone seems to be an authority on the subject of religion. What this has led to is obvious, at least to me. Most students come to college with a Sunday School knowledge of what religion is. They tend to think that what they know about this subject is all there is to know. Thus by equ ating their Ignorance with religion they succeed in building a straw man of religion which is quickly destroyed in the University at mosphere which demands some study as a basis for belief in any field. t Yet, if religion is merely for the ignorant and superstitious and is unable to withstand intelligent intellectual examination, then we would be justified in main taining as Mr. Pepper does, that it is merely an "upside-down" sort of thing which we should out grow. But, in order to criticize some thing, we must know enough about it to speak intelligently. People call themselves Christians or Jews: do they have the faint est idea, except for the few things they learned up to the time they were confirmed, of what Christ ianity or Judaism is? They are in the University, but their re ligious knowledge stopped at the fourth grade level. Though we may ignore what we have conceived religion to be, we cannot actually ignore the questions which religion asks and seeks to answer. For everyone, at one time or another, seeks to find some meaning in his exist ence. These final questions of existence are religious questions. They arise and demand an swers once we gain the courage to face them. The questions have always been there, but as long as we could comfort ourselves with flattering illusions and easy solutions, we could avoid seeing them. This is no longer possible today, as the ultimate questions have become the immediate ones., Thus I suppose that even Mr. Pepper has some sort of religion, even if it is only a conventional sort of athiesm. At one time or another we are all faced with the terror of existence so unforget tably expressed by these words of Pascal: "When 1 consider the brief span of my life,, swallowed up in etern ity past and to come, the little space that I occupy, lost in the immensity of space of which I know nothing and and which knows nothing of me I am ter rified." Religion Is something more than a monument to Americanism University Bulletin Board WEDNESDAY Red Cross, KOLN-TV Program, 6:30 p.m. Gamma Theta Upslloa Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 105, Geography Building. Scherer Lecture, 7:30 p.m., Bes sy Hall Auditorium. NU Med Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Love Library Auditorium. Union Seminar, 4 p.m., Faculty Lounge. Young Democrats, 7:30 p.m.. Room 313, Union. before whose alter we place a wreath every other Sunday. It is something which is directly con nected to our everyday lives, whose relevance we may ignore but never completely escape be cause of our essentially human nature. To place the guilt for our own ignorance upon the Admin istration, the Faculty, or State Constitution would have only par alytic results. These cannot be the root of our problem, because any study of the past will show that men have , been able to continue religious study even when threatened with death for doing so. Surely our ad ministration has not gone this far. Rather, we must look inward and accept the guilt as being our own. This is the only creative response. In my opinion, a Religious Em phasis Week is not the answer by itself. Our Religious Emphasis Week was not discontinued be cause of administrative pressure. It was discontinued because it was felt that the problem lay in student ignorance of the relevance . of religion. If this analysis is correct then it is no more possible for students to learn anything of religion in a week than it would be possible to somehow absorb the principles of physics in a week's time. This is the reason a study-group pro gram has been attempted. If in terest in religion comes as a re sult of knowledge of its signifi cance, such learning must be a continuous rather than an iso lated process. Any Search Week must have , something which comes before and some thing which follows or it be comes a meaningless cloudburst in an arid desert. I do not pretend to know very much more about religion than Mr. Pepper. However, I am at least aware of my own ignor ance. And I am firmly convinced that now, when students are de termining what their future , course in life shall be, is the most important time for coming to grips with these questions. Let us hope that our convictions will be based on knowledge rather than ignorance of the issues of our existence. MARVIN FRIEDMAN Arguments Invalid Dear Editor: The following article is written in opposition of Dale Reynolds' views set forth in his bi-weekly column (Aggie News, Views; March 2). Reynolds stated that allowing the 4-H Club two mem bers on the Ag Exec Board would defeat the purpose of the Ag Exac Board member plan. The Ag Exec Constitution states in section II article I, "The pur- pose of this organization shall b to support the work of any func tion or movement that will ad vance the interests of the College or Agriculure." The 4-H Club's accomplishment , and promotion of activities on Ag Campus is higher than that of other organizations having equal representation, and the total membership and average attend ance at meetings is high enough to merit two members. At the present time the Home Ec Club is represented by two members because more coeds are needed to give women a moro proportional representation on the Board. The 4-H Club is composed of ap proximately an equal number of men and women; therefore, it is suggested that they be allowed one man and one women on the Board. Such -a representation would help proportionalize the number of male and female mem bers. In summarizing we feel that Reynolds' arguments are invalid in respect that if two members were obtained it would defeat the Ag Board member plan. It . is the opinion of the 4-H Club that the addition of anott j- rv resentative from the University 4-H Club would strengthen the Board by supporting the work of any function or movement that will advance the interests of the College of Agriculture. DEL MERITT. President, 4-H Club "BUZZ" HARGLEROAt) Past President, 4-H Clu'