The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1954, Image 1

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    Class C
' 9 9
Volume 54, No. 61
vil s
Cosmopolitan Party To Feature
Foreign Student
Foreign students representing
45 countries will entertain at the
fifth annual carnival of the Uni
versity Cosmopolitan Club Sat
urday at 8 p.m. in the Union
Theme of tne carnival is
,4Coelum Diavoli" or "The Devil's
Paradise." Featured in song and
dance will be customs of the
countries represented.
According to John Zacharia,
president of t h e organization,
Red Cross
To Receive
Banquet, Tea,
Programs Set
University Red Cross chapter
will receive special recognition
during Red Cross Week which
cpens Sunday.
The theme, "Red Cross in
Resume," will be carried through
tne weeK in the various activities
planned, with emphasis upon a
review of the chapter's work
during the year.
A display case in the Union
Sunday will depict the completed
program. Also on Sunday Ken
Keller will honor Red Cross on
his radio program at 12:30 p.m.
by interviewing chapter officers.
Connie Gordon will moderate a
program over KOLN - TV.
Wednesday from 6:30 to 7' p.m.
GENE BERG, founder and past
president of the Nebraska Chap
ter, will be guest speaker for
the annual Red Cross Honors
Banquet Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
in the Union. Awards will be
given to outstanding workers of
the year. Tickets are $1.30.
A tea for the retiring board
members and the incoming board
as well as the executive heads
will be held Friday in the Fac
ulty Lounge f the Union at
3:30 p.m.
Members from Omaha Univer
sity, Nebraska Wesleyan and the
Junior Red Cross Council will
be honored at a Saturday lunch
eon, A discussion alter the
luncheon will feature problems
and wortc accomplished by each
separate group. Later in the
afternoon the group will tour
Veteran's Hospital.
Dr. Scherer
To Present
Four Lectures
Dr. William F. Scherer, grad
uate of the School of Medicine
and Dentistry at the University
f Rochester, will give a series
of lectures Monday through Fri
day in Bessey Hall.
Dr. Scherer is presently en
gaged in research in the Depart
ment of Biology and Immunology
at the University of Minnesota.
Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at 11 a.m. he will speak on
"Tissue Culture Methods Rela
tive to Uses in Virus Culture" in
Room 217 Bessey Hall. Wednes
day at 7:30 p.m. he will speak
on "Tissue Culture and Polio" In
Bessey Hall Auditorium.
Scherer' visit is sponsored by
the Department of Physiology
and the Institute for Cellular
Growth. It was made possible by
a grant to the Institute by the j
Cooper Foundation through the
University Foundation.
The Outside World
Stff Writer
New Farm Program Announced
WASHINGTON The new farm program "under the Eisen
hower administration would count present big surpluses of cotton,
wheat and corn in fashioning future production control program
for these commodities. Points of the program were announced in
n analysis prepared for a Senate Agriculture Committee hearing.
The provision for a variable price support formula under
which prices for basic crops would be high in times of shortages
to encourage production tnd low in times of surplus to encourage
consumption is the main point of controversy. This : plan would
replace a present system of rigid, high-level supports which expires
Hi the end of the year. '
More Atom Bombers
LONDON In order to guarantee peace by impressing "any
potential enomv with the suicidal folly of aggression , a powerful
force of atom bombers is being built by Britain, Prime Minister
Churchill's government announced.
Britain' aim is to do everything possible to prevent war, but
they wish to be prepared , if it should come, said George Ward,
Parliamentary Air Secretary. . ...
Several new types of jet planes have- been built and added
to Britain's air force, the secretary added.
Hawaii, Alaska Statehood?
WASHINGTON The Senate will consider ?W "J
Alaska at this session after it acts upon the Hawaiian atehood
measure, promised Republican Leader Knowland I (Calif .) ai .tne
present time there is a pending proposal by Sen. Anderson (D-NM)
to tie the two statehood controversies together 'JteJ":
eration. However Knowland and Rcpubl.can le ad ers are opp wrtnf
this because the House has already passed the Hawaiian bill but
not the Alaskan.
Wilkin Nominated For Labor Post
WASHINGTON-J. Ernest Wilkins, Negro Chicago ttomey.
hag been nominated by President Eisenhower to be ass stant
secretary of labor This selection Is subject to s?"ateJ??:
tion. W'ilkins would succeed Spencer Miller Jr., whose resignation
is effective March 10. . .. 4.ut
White House Press Secretary James Hagerty thL ;
the first time so far as they know that a Negro has been appointed
to a Cabinet or sub-Cablnct post. . , ,,.. tlft
Wilkins, a native of Farmlngton, Mo., received hte edwation
In Illinois and Missouri' and has been a Pfnr"2Sn2
Chicago since 102V. He is a former president of the Cook County
(Chicago) Bar Associate. At present Wilkins is serving as vice
chairman of the Government Contract Committee.
this wil be the bieeest event of
the year, for the club.
have worked out such an ex
tensive program of various en
tertainment that we dare be
optimistic enough to say that the
evening will hold entertainment
for just about everyone, no mat
ter what their tastes."
"Besides music and songs from
Germany and the Philippines,
dances from Hawaii and Latvia,
skits from Iran and other forms
of cosmopolitan entertainment,
the American members of the
club will represent the US in
their own skit," continued Zach
aria. DANCING WILL follow the
entertainment. Dress is informal
and native costumes optional.
Tickets may be purchased fori
$1.20 from the Dietze Music
House, Room 102 Temple Build
ing or any member of the Cos
mopolitan Club.
Purpose of the Cosmopolitan
Club is to promote friendship
between American and foreign
students. Membership is open to
all University students.
Casts Told
For Three
Lab Plays
Production Set
March 11, 12
Drama, whimsey and comedv
are on the program for March 11
and 12 when the University Lab
oratory Theater will present three
one-act plays.
"Hello Out There." hv William
Saroyan, is a drama about a man
in prison who is faced with a
lynching mob. Cast in it are Bill
Wagner, Ann Corcoran, Dennis
Wemsley, Marilyn Britfelder, Jim
Copp, Jay Schmidt and Harry
Parrlat. Director is Carol Jones.
WHIMSEY IS the kevnote of
"An Old Lady Shows Her Med
als" by J. M. Barrie. It is the
story of an old lady who has no
son and her ficticious child whom
she invents to keep up with her
neighbors during the war when
talked turned to the affairs of
their soldier sons.
The cast for this play includes
Bill Israel, Len Schropfer, Shir
ley Holcomb, Luanne Raun, Judy
Kraft, Alberta. Kasparik and
Morse Weisgurt as director.
"Conversation with a Ghost" is
a fantasy of a man and the ghost
of his past. Fred Ashley, Mary
Lou Pittack and Bob Lundberg
make up the cast. Dick Marra is
the director.
Production managers for the
plays are Pat Hann, Kay Barton
and Barbara Leigh.
flights Of Professors, Students Discussed By Beutel
The Board of Regents' recent
stand in defense of academic
freedom was cited as an occasion
that made Frederick K, Beutel,
professor of law and president
of the Nebraska chapter or
Native Costumes
Students from overseas model
the costumes of their coun-
tries at the 1953 Cosmopolitan
Club Carnival Over 175 stu-
Varsity Sportsmanship
Discussed By TV Panel
Nebraskan Editor, Alum, Coach
Disagree On Recruiting Policy
Various aspects of "Varsity
Sportsmanship" were discussed
Thursday by members of a panel
discussion over KFOR-TV. They
were: Sally Hall, editor of the
Nebraskan; Bill Glassford, head
football coach, and Daniel
Bernd, University alum and
former athlete.
The group discussed the possi
bility that athletic recruits from
other states be excluded from
the University, and that other
states be encouraged to do the
DEFENDING the present
policy of recruiting out-of-state
athletes, Glassford asserted that
"we must have something to at
tract people to the University."
We must decide on what basis
we wish to compete with other
universities, he said.
Glassford added that "just be
cause a boy has athletic ability"
is no reason why he should be
barred from the University.
Miss Hall suggested then that
other colleges, such as journal
ism and home economics, should
also go to other states to recruit
We must decide whether the
purpose of the Upiversity is to
provide education or public en
tertainment, Miss Hall empha
sized. BERND SAID that the attitude
is wrong when "money is not
paid out for developing leaders,
but for providing a . winning
team , . . in our University. He
went on to say that the term
"scholarships" is "wildly inap
propriate" when used to refer to
American Association of Uni
versity Professors, both "happy
and proud."
He discussed "Academic Free
dom" at the YM-YWCA annual
banquet held in the Union
Thursday evening.
Beutel pointed out that aca
demic freedom was largely a
matter of "public relations" be
tween three groups of people,
"faculty and students, the public
and educational administrators."
He said, "Professors should have
the right to say anything they
desire, with the exceptions of
libel, propaganda and limits of
moral decency."
Beutel said, "involves the right
of a professor to say whatever
he pleases and the right of the
student to hear whatever he
wants to hear."
Because of a difficulty in de
fining truth, Beutel said, "it is
the important duty of the pro
fessor to aee that the fects are
given impartially." A professor
will be guaranteed academic
tenure if he is "competent and
fair in his teachings," he said.
The right to be "judged by his
peers" is a right that shoul.1 be
given instructors if their ability
to present the truth is ques
tioned, Beutel added.
Trouble from the public comes
from ex-officio censors and self
appointed patriots, Beutel stated.
He defined ex-officio censors as
mainly "senators and editors,
KK Show Tryouts
Friday from 7 to 9 p.m. the
last tryouts for "Finian's Rain
bow," Kosmet Klub Spring Show
will be held in the Union Ball
room. Sixteen speaking parts, 32
singing chorus roles, six female
dancing parts aid three male
Negro singing parts are avail
able. Persons interested in being
cast for the principal singing and
speaking parts may sign up at
Union booth.
Friday, March 5, 1954
dents from 45 different coun-
tries will entertain at .the
fifth annual carnival Saturday.
grants given to students who
eventually come to the Univer
sity and "take English A."
Young Democrats Elect
Don Searcy President
Eisenhower Criticized By Meadows
Don Searcy was elected presi
dent of the newly organized Uni
versity chapter of Young Demo
crats Wednesday. More than 60
University students attended the
Searcy is a junior in Teacher's
College. Other officers are San
dra Daley, vice president; Con
nie Gordon, secretary; Marshall
Kushner, treasurer, and Don Wa
r.ek, historian.
Ed De Mar and Bob Spearman
were named executive officers.
DE MAR received a telegram
from former President Harry S.
Truman which read: "Congratu
lations on the organization of a
Young Democratic Club at the
University of Nebraska. Best of
The club is operating tenta
tively under the October, 1951,
constitution, which was approved
at that time, by the Student
Speaker for the meeting was
Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of
sociology, and former secretary
of the Young Democrats of Lan
caster County. Meadows empha
sized the gap between "Eisen
hower promise and Eisenhower
Qgenfs Co
who are authorities on all sub
jects." "Self-appointed patriots,"
Beutel said, "are taxpayers who
can hire and fire professors be
cause they pay taxes." He cited
the recent athletic situation at
an example.
CIVILIZATION has flourished
in areas of academic freedom,
while examples of intolerance
have ruined civilization, Beutel
said. Some authorities, he said,
have compared the decline of
academic freedom in the U.S. to
"beginning of Naziism."
Beutel gave examples of uni
versity administrators who failed
to "protect their faculty," stating
that many times where teachers
were under attack, administra
tors had run for cover.
'Hasty Heart1 Preparation
Max Whlttaker, director
"Hasty Heart" 'right), and
Olenna Berry deft) help Jack
rarris into his costume for
Committee Named To Devise Substitute
The Student Council voted Wed
nesday to disapprove the pro
posed constitution of the All
Class Council and appointed a
committee to work with class offi
cers in preparing a workable con
stitution. The constitution would enlarge
the class council to include four
officers of each of the four classes
and would require that two wom
en be elected for each class.
ELDON PARK, chairman of the
judiciary committee, termed the
constitution unworkable because
the purpose of the class council
was vague and the means for
carrying out the purpose were in
adequate. Present at the meeting were
Ted James, president of the
senior class; Jim Collins, vice
president of the senior class; Bill
De Vries, vice president of the
junior class, and Ellsworth Du
Teau, president of the University
Alumni Association.
The class officers defined the
purpose of the council as being to
increase loyalty to the University
through encouraging class spirit.
Park pointed out that the Uni
versity was too diversified and de
partmentalized to form an effec
tive organization based on classes
He said that loyalty to the Unt
versity could best- be obtained by
strengthening and uniting loyalty
within the colleges.
MARV STROMER, member of
the Council and junior class presi
dent, moved that a committee of
three be appointed to work with
class officers in forming a con
stitution that would be approved
Ag Men's Club Plans
Smoker For Monday
A smoker will be held by the
Ag Men's Club Monday, at 8
p.m. in the Ag Union.
Muo Sonderup, Ag Men's
social chairman, has announced
that slides will be shown by
Anis Bahravi and Pete Aliabadi,
All men interested in the
organization are invited to at
"There are too many gumshoe
artists of opportunistic compro
mise within the party Eisen
hower, who supported TVA dur
ing the campaign, now refers to
it as 'creeping socialism.' "
The growing disunity of the
Kepublican party and the nation
was emphasized by Meadows.
"Eisenhower's commanding per
sonal prestige won the Republi
can victory," Meadows said.
Don Knutzen, state chairman
or the Young Democrats, in
formed the group of clubs al
ready set up in other colleges
in Nebraska. He expressed a de
sire to set up an Inter-varsity
Council to meet periodically so
that the colleges could work to
gether. SEARCY NAMED the follow
ing committee chairmen: Ed De
Mar, publicity; Phyllis Kort,
rally; Tom Henderson, member
ship, and Don Dworak, consti
tutional. The next meeting will be held
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Un
ion Room 313.
Beutel said he believes the
"world to be on the edge of de
struction, since physical science
has outrun political science."
The University needs more radi
cals on the faculty to stir up
student discussion, he added.
In conclusion, Beutel com
mended the Nebraska Board of
Regents' declaration of academic
freedom in support of professor
Clyde Mitchell. He mentioned a
recent article in the "Saturday
Evening Post" concerning the
Regents' stand.
Annual reports of the YMCA
and YWCA, campus divisions,
were given before the speech
and new officers were presented.
Jack Rogers, YMCA vice-president,
acted as toastmaster.
of Wednesday night's perform-
ance. Miss Berry plays the part
of a nurse in a wartime hospi-
tal and Parrii takes the part of
by the Council. The committee is
to report by March 31.
If no constitution is submitted
or approved by the Council there
will be no election of class officers
this spring.
Members appointed to the com
Eligible Bachelor
Candidates Named
NU Coeds To Elect Six Thursday;
Presentation Set For KK Show
Six Eligible Bachelors for 1954
will be selected by University
coeds at the all-women election
Thursday, and presented at the
annual spring Kosmet Klub
show on April 29.
The 21 candidates are: Allan
L. Anderson, junior in Business
Administration, member of Kos
met Klub, Red Cross Board and
secretary of Phi Delta Theta.
William G. Campbell, junior in
Business Administration, mem
ber of Kosmet Klub, Inter-Fraternity
Council and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon. .
LAWRENCE DANE, senior in
Business Administration and
treasurer of Brown Palace.
Marvin Friedman, junior in
Arts and Science College, presi
dent of the Religious Welfare
Council, member of Corn Cobs,
Student Council, Delta Sigma
Rho, Inter-Fraternity Council,
Sigma Alpha Mu and vice-president
Darrel Grothen, junior in the
College of Engineering, secre
tary of Sigma Tau and Pi Tau
Sigma, member of Gamma
Lambda, ASME and social chair
man of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
James Hofstetter, junior in
Business Administration, trea
surer of the Junior Class, mem
ber of the track team, N Club
and house manager of Delta
ANDREW HOVE, sophomore
in Business Administration, a
worker in Corn Cobs, member
of Kosmet Klub and Delta Tau
David K. Jones, junior in
Business Administration and Al
pha Tau Omega rush chairman.
Dwight Jundt, junior in Ag
riculture, member of Block and
Bridle Club, Alpha Zeta, Red
Guidon and president of Farm
Marshall Kushner, senior in
Arts and Science College, former
Nebraskan sports editor, former
cheerleader, a senior member of
the Board of Publications, mem
ber of Sigma Delta Chi, secre
tary of Kosmet Klub and mem
ber of Zeta Beta Tau.
DONALD LEES, senior in Ag
riculture, a member of the Ag
Union Board, Red Guidon, and
social chairman of Alpha Gamma
Carl Mammel, junior in Busi
n e s s Administration, treasurer
of AUF, member of Student
Council, Kosmet Klub and Delta
Theta Pi.
NU Symphony
Concert Set
For Sunday
University Symphony Orchestra
will present its annual spring con
cert Sunday at 4 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Featured in the concert will be
three numbers that have never
before been presented to a Lin
coln audience.
The numbers are Siegfried
Idyll by Wagner, who wrote the
music to commemorate the birth
day of his son, Siegfried; a suite
from the Music for the Royal
Fireworks, overture, alia sicili
ana, and menuetto, by Handel
Harty; and the overture to Ben
venuto Cellini, by Berlioz.
Members of the orchestra were
selected by audition from a large
number of student applicants.
Emanuel Wishnow, professor of
violin, will conduct the concert
The public is invited to the con
cert, which is free of charge.
Oliver Named Guest Speaker
For Vo Ag, VHEA Banquet
Dr. Albert I. Oliver, professor
of education at the University of
Pennsylvania, will be the guest
speaker at the Vo Ag and Voca
tional Homemakine Educational
Association annual banquet March
Kiwi, a patient. The play starts
at 8 p.m. m the Arena Theater,
Temple, Friday and Saturday,
.:!..- i
X ' 1
- - ' l
mittee were Len Barker, Dora a
Jacobs and Art Raun.
Jean Beck, Cosmopolitan Club
representative, was elected new
corresponding secretary to re
place Bill Cannon, who left school
because of illness.
Robert Oberlin, junior in the
College of Engineering, a mem
ber of the varsity football squad
and of Sigma Chi.
Don Overholt, senior in Bus
iness Administration, Deputy
Wing Commander of AFROTC
and past president of Kappa
Bob Russell, senior in Busi
ness Administration and a mem
ber of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
BILL SOELBERG. junior in
Business Administraton and a
member of Theta Xi.
Wayne Spilker, sophomore in
Agriculture, member of Block
and Bridle and Alpha Gamma
Dick Thompson, a senior in
the College of Arts and Science
and member of Phi Kappa Psi.
Orval Weyers, junior in Ag
riculture, member of Newman
Club, Alpha Zeta and president
of Pioneer House.
JERRY MENEFEE, sophomort
in Business Administration and
member of Sigma Nu.
Paul Zucker, sophomore in
Engineering, Corn Cob worker,
president of the Lutheran Stud
ent "Association and rush chair
man of Beta Sigma Psi.
Coleman, Adams
To Take Exams
Rep. A. L. Miller of Nebraska's
Fourth Congressional District ha
announced two appointments to
the United States Naval Academy
at Annapolis.
Both appointees are enrolled in
the University. They are Dennis
L. Coleman, sophomore in tha
College of Engineering, and Mel
vin H. Adams, Jr., a freshman
in the College of Engineering.
Miller said that 17 boys from
the Fourth Congressional District
took his examination for the two
vacancies. "In making the ap
pointment," Miller said, "I con
tinued to follow my policy of
picking those who received the
highest grades in the competi
tive examination."
The appointments are the first
of three steps the appointees
must take before being eligible
to enter the Academy in July.
They must also pass the Acad
emy's entrance examination and
a physical examination.
Tandy M. Allen, a freshman in
the College of Engineering, has
been named one of the alter
nates. Awards Offered
In Essay Contest
One thousand dollars or a full
fellowship to the School of Ad
vanced International Relations
of John Hopkins University in
Washington D. C. is the prize
offered for the winning essay
of the "Foreign Service Jour
nal's" prize essay contest.
"The Organization of Ameri
can Representation Abroad" is
the essay topic. Essays will be
judged by a committee of six
nationally-known person.
Full details may be obtained
at the ofice of the dean of stu
dent affairs or by writing Con
test Committee, 1908 G Street,
N.W., Washington 6, D.C. The
contest closes Oct. 15.
Dr. Oliver's topic will be "Fam
ily Financial Security S one
Hows and Whys."
Oliver Is former director of
family finance at Pennsylvania
and Colorado. He is a member
of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta
Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi.
Students may bring wives, hus
bands and special friends. Reser
vations should be made with Ur
ban E. Wedorff, 104 Agricultural
Engineering Building, College of
Agriculture, by March 5. The din
ner will be $1.50 per plate.
The banquet will be held in the
city campus Union at 6:30 p.m.
Law Examination
Registration Due
Students who intend to enter
the University College of Law in
September should make arange
ments now to take the law apti
tude examination. Dean . O.
Belsheim has announced.
The exam requires approxi
mately six hours and will be
given in two sections. The first
half of the exam will be given
March 19, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.;
the second half, March 20, from
8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
All prospective law students
must take the exam. Registration
should be made at the office of
Dean Belsheim, room 208, Col
lege of Law Building.
Minimum requirement for ad
mission to the college is 63 under
graduate hours.