The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1954, Image 1

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ef For
Boutoi To Speak
Installation Of
Academic Freedom" is the
theme of the annual YM-YWCA
banquet which will be held Thurs
day at 6:30 p.m. in Union Par
lors XYZ.
Frederick K. Beutel, professor
of law and president of the Ne
braska chapter of American As
sociation of University Professors
will be the guest speaker. He will
carry out the theme of the ban
quet by discussing "Academic
Freedom." A question and answer
TV Panel
To Discuss
' Glassford, Hall,
Bernd To Speak
Varsity Sportsmanship" will
be discussed on a television show
over KFOR-TV at 7 p.m., Thurs
Members of the panel will be
Sally Hall, editor of the Nebras-
kan; Bill Glassford, head foot
ball coach, and Danial Bernd,
former University athlete.
Each of the speakers will pre
sent a different side of the res
ponsibility argument in athlet
ics. Glassford will outline his
conception of a player's duty
toward the team and the Univer
sity as a whole, Miss Hall will
talk on the University's respon-
sibility to the athlete and Bernd
will present the alumni's respon
sibility in regard to college ath
letics. After short speeches the topic
will be discussed informally by
the panel with the Rev. I. J. Do
mas, pastor of the Unitarian
Church, serving as moderator.
The 30-minute program which
1$ entitled "Council Chamber"
is sponsored jointly by the ra
dio station and the Lincoln Coun
cil of Human Relations.
Mechanical Engineers
Plan Wednesday Meet
The American Society of Me
chanical Engineers will meet
Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in Hoom
216, Richards Lab.
Student papers will be given
and movies will "be shown. Re
freshments will follow.
YD's To Hear Paul Meadows
'At Organizational Meeting
Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of
sociology, will speak at the or
ganizational meeting of the cam
pus Young Democratic Club Wed
nesday at 7:30 p.m. in Union
Parlor A.
. His topic will be "What's Hap-
penea 10 Hiisennower : ur.
Meadows, author of "Technology
and the Social Order," which will
be published soon, recently com
pleted three years of service with
the Family Service Board in Lin
coln. Ninth Annual
KAM Conclave
Date Named
" The "Biggest Thing in Texas,"
the ninth annual Kappa Alpha
Mu convention, has been sched
uled for April 15 to 17 at Hous
ton, Tex.
The University Rho chapter is
planning to attend.
The convention will feature
the International Collegiate
Photography Competition and
Exhibition and several guest
speakers. The Exhibition is th
only salon in the country open
to all college students. First
place winners in each of the
four c 1 a s s e s news, features,
sports, picture stories and pic
ture sequences will receive $25
government bonds. For further
information contact. Rho Chap
ter, B-4 Burnett.
The KAM chapter at Houston,
Tex., is planning a preview of
their Frontier Festival for the
The Outside World
Staff Writer
Bentley In Serious Condition
WASHINGTON Rep. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich- rmi
in critical condition in a Washington hospital after being riously
wounded in an outburst of gunshots fired in Congress Monday.
Bentley's physician gave him a 50-50 chance to recover In spite
of emergency surgery and four blood transfusions. The 35-year-old
lawmaker who was hit in the liver and lungs was placed in an
oxygen tent.
Other lawmakers wounded in the gun battle were reported
to be doing well.
Thirty guards were added to the Capitol and business was
resumed by Congress. The House convened at noon Tuesday
with about 200 members in their seats.
The four Puerto Ricans which are being held or the shooting
are from New York City.. The ringleader, Lolita Lerori said
that the attack was intended to dramatize the demand by Puerto
Rican nationalists for independence for the island.
The government will begin presenting fy1? J
four to a federal grand jury Wednesday, said U.S. Attorney Leo
Rover. They are charged with assault with intent to kill against
ach of the five congressmen. The charge would be changed to
murder if Bentley dies. The punishment in that case would re
death in the electric chair.
Ha Vs. McCarthy
WASHINGTON Chairman Leonard Hall of the Republican
National Committee is in disagreement with Sen. Mccartny
(R-Wis) when he attacks persons "fighting Communism just as
he is." The comment made by Hall was not re ated to any
specific situation, however, he did say he did not J
things developed last week in the controversy between Mcuarxny
and the Army. .,
Hall had just completed a conference with President Eisen
hower when he made his comments on the situation, wau aid
not give Eisenhower's reaction although he said he had discussed
the situation with the chief executive. . ,
Hall said that he believed a cure for the situation might be
in changing the rules of committee procedure. In order to get a
start in that direction, a move has been initiated by the Senate
Republican Policy Committee, and various bills on the point nave
been introduced.
Y Disiraer
At Annual Banquet,
Officers Planned
period will follow the address.
JACK ROGERS, newly-elected
vice president or city YMCA,
will act as toastmaster. Follow
ing the invitation which will be
presented by Charles Harris
n.eiui ,riewine will lead group
Annual reports of city and Ag
campus YW-YMCA will be given
ay pasi oiiicers.
The new city YM-YWCA offi
cers will be installed.
Entertainment will be provided
py x eosniro isa. harmonicist from
Nebraska Wesleyan University,
man of the YWCA board, will in
troduce tne guests who will be
lewis Horn and Jack Covle. ex.
ecutive and assistant executive of
tne community Chest, roswn.
tively, and members of the Board
or Management and Advisory
ooara 01 it WUI.
xiineuj ior ine nanmier i
$1.25 and may be purchased either
at tne YWCA office in Ellen Smith
Hall, the YMCA office Room 108
Temporary L. or from reDresen-
wiives in organized houses.
'Hasty Heart'
Ticket Sales
To Continue
Tickets for "The Hastv Hoow
University Theater production of
jonn Patrick's Dlav, are still
available for the remaining ner.
The story involves the nroh-
lem of an incurably ill Scotch
man, Lachie, played by John
bullivan. The nurse. Glenna
Berry, and two other patients,
HanK Gibson as Tommy -and
Morrell Clute as Yank also fig
ure prominently in the play's
OTHERS IN the cast are Jack
Parris as Kiwi; Gene Dinsmore,
Digger; Forrest Stith, Blossom;
Bill Walton, the colonel, and
Larry Hanson, the orderly.
The University Theater office
urges that all students reserve
tickets for Wednesday or Thura
day nights, as a capacity crowd
is expected for the weekend
The play will begin at 8 p.m
in the Afena Theater in Temple
"The talk," Dr. Meadows
said, "will center around the di
vergence between what the Re
publicans promised the nation
during their campaign and what
they have and hope to have put
into effect"
Publicity chairman, Don Searcy
announced the meeting will be
open to all students and faculty
members who are interested in
the ideals and principles of the
Democratic party.
mittee is headed by Ed DeMar.
He. said that plans are already
being made for a Democratic
rally to be held March 12 in con
nection with the Democratic kiclc
off campaign.
Both national and state Demo
cratic officials will meet in Lin
coln March 12 to map out cam
paign strategy for the fall elec
tions. The meeting Wednesday will
consist of the election of officers
and the adoption of a constitu
tion. elBCjQOUS
if Si Ash Wednesday Ceremonies
Organizations Plan Special Communion Services, Vespers, Meditations
Lent, a period of six weeks
and four days beginning today,
Ash Wednesday, commemorates
the forty days before Easter and
will be observed on the Univer-
Volume 54, No. 60
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Beauty Queen
These University coeds were
selected from 42 entries for fi
nalists for Cornhusker Beauty
Queen, Thefinalists, announced
Monday night at Coed Follies,
are (front row, from 1. to r.)
i?or q Lata fiovs
Student Directors Named; Parts
Available For Twenty NU People
Tryouts for four University
Laboratory plays will -be held
Thursday and Friday from 3 to
p.m. in Rooms 203, 210, and
151-B, Temple Building.
Max Whittaker, director of
Laboratory Theatre, has an
nounced that any interested
University student may try out.
Morning," a comedy by Serafin
and Joaquin Quintero, will be
held in Room 203. The director
will be Doris Billerbeck. A cast
Seminar Planned
For Wednesday
"Social Security" will be the
next topic for discussion at the
faculty-student seminar spon
sored by the Union convocation
committee Wednesday at 4 p.m.
Dr. Frank Z. Glick, director of
the Graduate School of Social
Work, and Joseph Sewal, man
ager of the Lincoln bureau for
the Old Age and Survivors In
surance program, will -discuss the
spects of the social security
The discussion will be held in
the Union Faculty Lounge.
sity campus by many religious
student houses.
Lutheran Student Association
is planning a series of special
services during the Lenten sea
son. In addition to regular Sunday
morning services. Rev. Alvin
Petersen will conduct a series of
Lenten vespers. These services
will be held each Tuesday at
7:15 p.m. at the student house.
The subject of the series will be
"Lenten Affirmations."
TOPICS OF individual serv
ices are: March 16, "I Believe in
Jesus Christ;" March 23, "I Be
lieve in Forgiveness of Sin;"
March 30, "I Believe in Ressur
rection," and April 6, "I Believe
in Proclaiming the Gospel."
The Lutheran house will ob
serve a "Spiritual Emphasis
Week" Sunday through Tuesday.
A guest speaker, Rev. David
Preuss, Vermillion, S.D., will
discuss "Christian Envolvement
in the World Struggle;"
open its Lenten services with an
Ash Wednesday service.
The series will be continue
with a 6:30 a.m. breakfast and
7:15 a.m. Bervice. University fac
ility members will be guest
speakers at each of these serv
ices. The scheduled speakers are:
March 8, Niles H. Barnard,
chairman of the mechanical en
gineering department; March 10,
Miss Marjorie Johnston, dean of
women; March 24, Tyra A. New
ton, instructor in mathematics;
March 31, Thomas H. Goodding,
professor of agronomy, and April
7, Mrs. Angeline Anderson, as
sistant professor of home eco
nomics. Student leaders in charge of
the services are David Heffel
bower, Shirley Kinsel, Orvis
Wall, Roma Jean Miller, Gordon
Maznusson and Connie Lindly.
Chapel will hold a series
Cjirouips To pen Lent"
Beverly Jacobs, Alison Faulk
ner, Daphne Young, Gretchen
Winkler (second row, 1. to r.)
Diann Benedict, Sandra Spei
cher, Leigh Cartwright, (back
row, 1. to r.) Rita-Al Goding,
of two men and two women will
be chosen. The Spanish comedy
is concerned with two sweet
hearts who re-discover each
other after a separation of many
"Helena's Husband" is a farce
by Philip Moeller, based on the
novel "Helen of Troy." The cast
contains two women; Helen and
her maid, and three men; the
king, his servant and the Prince
of Troy. -
Tryouts will be held from 3 to
5 p.m., in Room 210 on Thurs
day, and 151-B on Friday. Di
rector will be Donna Folmer
KAY BARTON will direct
"The Living Room," a drama by
Graham Green. Two men and
three women are needed for the
cast. The plot revolves around a
priest and his friend. Tryouts
will be held from 3 to 5 p.m., in
Room 210, Thursday, and 151-B,
"The Dear Departed" is a
comedy involving the estranged
family of Abel Merriwea'ther,
who is supposed dead. Three
men and three women are re
quired. Student director is Pa
tricia Hahn. Tryouts will be
from 3 to 5 p.m. Thursday, and
4 to 5 p.m., Friday in Room 203.
"Lenten Meditations" beginning
Wednesday and continuing for
the s41owing five Wednesdays.
The theme for the meditations
will be "The Cross for Victory."
Mortar Board
Conclave Set
For Saturday
Twenty-five Mortar Boards
from seven colleges will gather
at the University Saturday for
the second annual conference of
Mortar Boards this area, an
nounced Joy Wachal, conference
Universities of Denver, Wyom
ing, Kansas, South Dakota, Colo
rado and Nebraska, Grinnell Col
lege and Kansas State College
will be represented.
Janet Stef fen, University Mor
tar Board president, will preside
at the morning meeting. The
welcome address will be given
by Miss Marjorie Johnson, dean
of women. The organization of
National Mortar Board will be
explained by Eleanor Knoll, sec
tion 11 director. Rex Knowles,
Congregational - Presby t er i a n
Student Pastor, will speak to the
group following a luncheon.
will be held during the day. Top
ics will be "How Much is Ex
pected of a Mortar Board Now
and Later," "Recognition of Out
standing Underclass Women on
the Campus," "Spring Training
for New Mortar Boards" and
"Election Problems and Pro
cedure." Darlene Goodding is in charge
of registration. Barbara pilker
will supervise housing and meals
for the visitors. Program chair
man is Sue Reinhardt and Bar
bara Raun is arranging place
("cards and seating.
B m
Courtfsy Lincoln Journal
Marymaude Bedford, Barbara
Hof and Susan Muelhaupt. Gail
Drahota is not pictured. The
six winners will be announced
in the Cornhusker in May.
it happened at nu
Day after day, the halls of
Burnett are jammed as students
madly scramble back and forth
to and from mid-morning classes.
No one can foretell what would
happen if, "God forbid it," a fire
should break out in the rented
Yet every Monday, the routine
seems to change. Last Monday
was no exception. The halls are
never crowded and they never
will be.
Those 'blue Mondays' must be
potent characters.
Tryouts To Continue
For 'Finian's Rainbow'
Tryouts for parts in "Finian's
Rainbow," Kosmet Klub Spring
Show, will continue in. Union
Parlors XYZ Thursday and Fri
day from 7 to 9 p.m.
Persons interested in being
cast for the principal singing
and speaking parts may sign up
at a Union booth. Sixteen
speaking parts, 32 singing cho
rus members, 6 female dancers
and 6 male dancers are needed,
as well as 3 male Negro singers,
in Room 108, Temple Building.
Nebraska Law Review
Elects Hunter Editor
Publications View Court Decisions
Ronald Hunter, a junior in the
College of Law, has been elected
editor of the "Nebraska Law Re-
The meetings will be held from 7
to 7:30 p.m., according to Rev.
A. J. Norden, pastor.
The Presbyterian-Congregational
Fellowship will hold a
Lenten series during its regular
Thursday night vesper services.
Rev. Rex Knowles, student pas
tor, will conduct the services.
hold communion services each
Wednesday at 7 a.m. This is a
regular service but is expected
to take on special significance
during the Lenten season. '
In addition to the communion
services, , a confirmation class
will be held each Sunday at 6
p.m. until Easter.
The University YM-YWCA
will hold an all-University com
munion service April 7, accord
ing to Jan Osburn, YWCA di
rector. The place and time of
the service have not yet been
A SERIES of talks by Lincoln
ministers and student pastors to
be given in fraternity houses is
being planned by YMCA. Fra
ternity presidents whose houses
are interested in having speak
ers should contact Charles An
derson. Topics of the proposed talks
are "God," "Christ," "Immortal
ity," "Prayer" and "Scripture."
Catholics will observe Lent at
St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel with
masses on all weekdays at 6:45
and 7:15 a.m. Ashes will be
blessed before the 6:45 mass and
distributed before both masses
and at 7:30 p.m.
A SERMON and benediction
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Wed
nesday and 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
The "Stations of the Cross"
will be recited at 4 and 7:30 p.m.
Fridays. The first week will
have only a 7:30 p.m. service.
The Rosary will he repeated
daily at 5 p.m. Sunday masses
are scheduled for 7., 8, 9, 10, 11
and 12 p.m.
Cp Worsts
DGs, Gamma Phis
Place Second, Third
The 1954 Coed Follies ended
Tuesday night with the presenta
tion of awards to skit and curtain
act winners.
Taking first place in the skit
division was Chi Omega with the
skit "Madame Flutterby." Sec
ond and third place went to
Delta Gamma and Gamma Phi
Beta, respectively.
First place in the curtain act
division went to Kappa Kappa
Gamma. Their skit was entitled
"Celestial Tribunal."
ELAINE HESS, Arts and Sci
ence junior and a member of
Delta Delta Delta, won the Tues'
day traveler act division with a
tap number "The Tango."
Skitmaster for the Chi Omegas
was Kathy ODonnell. Delta
Gamma skitmaster was Jane
Bergquist and Gamma Phi Beta
skitmaster was Jerrie Langlett.
Co-skitmasters for Kappa
Kappa Gamma were Pat Loder
and Mary Janet Reed.
Included among the traveler
acts, presented between skits and
curtain acts, were Monday
night's winners, Carol Unterse
her and Billie Croft, members of
Delta Gamma and Phi Beta Phi,
Mortar Boards presented a
traditional skit which was a
satire on personal occupations,
in school and at home, of the
Mortar Board members. Skit
master was Joyce Johnson.
PRESENTED FOR the second
time were the 12 Cornhusker
Beauty Queen finalists and Typ
ical Nebraska Coed, Muriel
The Chi Omega skit dealt with
three NU students' experiences
in Japan at Tokyo U. Accom
panying them on their trip to
the Orient was their Japanese
instructor, Professor W a k a i.
While on the Tokyo campus they
met and danced with the famous
Geisha girls while Professor Wa
kai flirted and succumbed to the
darling of them all, Madame
Good newspapers received the
go-ahead from the "Celestial
Tribunal" as depicted by the
Kappas. Complete with Gabriel
and Satan tugging at the judges'
heartstrings, newspapers repre
senting Nebraska, Alaska, St.
Louis and Wall Street danced and
sang their defense.
JUDGING THE skits, curtain
acts and traveler acts were
Dudley Ashton, chairman of the
department of physical education
view" by the Nebraska Law Re-
view Monday.
The "Nebraska Law Review"
is a student publication published
in conjunction with the Ne
braska Bar Association and the
College of Law. The publication
contains comments on recent de
cisions of various courts over the
country and comments on sug
gestions for the changing of law.
Review is sold to Nebraska law
yers and to some out-of-state
lawyers. It is an authority
on recent decisions in the field
of Nebraska law and is often
used in arguing before the Su
preme Court of Nebraska and
sometimes the Supreme Court
of the United States.
In preparing articles for the
"Nebraska" Law Review the
writers spend a great deal of
time. The article is approved by
two faculty members and at least
four student editors before it is
The "Nebraska" Law Review is
published four times a year, No
vember, January, March and
May. Don Davis is the retiring
HUNTER WAS a member of
the Nebraska Moot Court cham
pionship team winning the Na
tional Moot Court Competition
held in New York in early Janu
ary. Hunter received his Bachelor
of Arts degree from Wayne in
1951 and his Bachelor of Science
of Law from the University in
Brugger To Discuss Far East
At Cosmopolitan Club Meet
Miss Florence Brugger, -chief
social worker at Lincoln Veter
ans' Hospital, will discuss and
show slides on the Far Eastern
countries of India, Thailand,
China and Japan at a Cosmo
politan Club meeting in Union
Room 313 Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
MISS BRUGGER spent six
years in Hawaii before World War
n, as chief social worker for
the Bureau of Mental Hygiene
of the Board of Health. After
wards she joined the Red Cross,
spending over six yearB in the
Middle East, Philippine Islands
and Japan as supervisor of Hos
pital Service for Red Cross in
those areas.
From 1948 to 1950 she served
as chief of Social Work, Educa
Wednesddy, March 3, 1954
for women; Dale Gantz, assistant
professor of voice; Dr. N. B.
Blumberg, assistant professor of
journalism; Earl Jenkins, in
structor in voice; Shirley, Chap
man, director of Union activities,
and Grace Meeker, visiting pro
fessor in speech and dramatic
AWS chairman for Coed Folliet
was Eileen Mullarky. Skit chair
man was Susie Good.
Other skits participating in,
Coed Follies were Pi Beta Phi
"Emma Solves a Dilemma" and
Sigma Delta Tau, "Alice in News
paperland." Curtain acts participating wer
Kappa Alpha Theta, "Gad, What
an Ad," and. Alpha Phi, "Synco
pated Sentinels."
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Typical Coed
Muriel Pickett was an
nounced Typical Nebraska
Coed at Coed Follies "News
capers" Monday night. Misi
Pickett, a junior in Teachers
College, is a member of PI
Beta Phi.
NU Offers
2 Courses
On Study
Second Session
Begins Monday
The reading Improvement and
H o w -T o-S tu dy courses will
begin their second session of th
semester Monday.
One session of the Reading Im
provement course will consist of
classes on Mondays and Wednes
days from 3-4 p.m. and another
session, on Tuesdays and Thurs
days from 4-5 p.m. The coursa
itself will last for three weeks,
but at least six more weeks of
work on the reading accelerator
are required.
THE HOW-To-Study course will
be offered on Mondays and Wed
nesdays beginning March 8 at 4-5
p.m. and on Tuesdays and Thurs
days from 11-12 a.m. This course
will last three weeks.
Registration will be held in the
Junior Division and Counseling
Service, Temporary A, any tima
prior to the first class of each
session. Individual instruction
will be offered for those with
conflicting classes.
THE READING Improvement
course will offer instruction for
the improvement of reading speed
and concentration. Mrs. Anne
Hein, psychometrist at the Junior
Division and Counseling Service,
said that the reading course was
beneficial to those who now read
rapidly but who want to read
faster. She said that almost every
student who has used the read
ing accelerator has doubled his
reading speed.
The How-To-Study course in
structs the student how to plan
his time, how to take notes, how
to study for tests and how to use
the SQ3R method of study.
THE JUNIOR Division and
Counseling Service is sponsoring
the study courses. Both of the
courses are non-credit and re
quire no registration fees.
tion and Training, Public Health
and Welfare, GHQ, and SCAP
in Japan. In 1950 she returned
to New York School of Social
Work for graduate study.
Palladian Society
To Meet Friday
Dr. Donald J. Moore, chairman
of the physics department, will
discuss "Cosmic Rays" at at
meeting of the Palladian Society
Friday at 8:30 p.m. in Tempo
rary J, 15 th and Vine.
Alter the discussion, the group
will study the works of Beetho
ven, the third artist in a music
series titled "Introduction t
Anyone interested may attend.
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