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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1954)
Page 4 UF Charity Poll o cna oaruraav Most Deserving Of Fifteen Groups To Receive Donations From Fund All University Fund is distrib uting polls to students this week to students to give them an op portunity to help in the selection of charities. Polls are being sent to organ ized houses and are available at a Union booth. The poll lists fifteen charities of which the students are to select the four which are most deserving of AUF help. All charities listed have first been checked with the Better Business Bureau. Some of the charities listed are: National Association for Men tal Health, which aids in the prevention of mental illness and improvements in the care and treatment of those afflicted. Nebraska Medical Association which contributes to the Univer sity Medical School for such things as scholarships and equip ment. American Friends Service Committee which sponsors a Kr rean relief program and an edu cational program in racial and economic relations. THE LINCOLN chapter of the Community Chest is also repre rented on the list. The Com' munity Chest supports wholly or in part 29 recognized private welfare agencies, including an eight thousand dollar grant to the University YWCA and YMCA. Also listed are: American Foundation for the Blind, which is dedicated to the blind and helping them to adju; to a normal life. World University Service which gave relief to University students abroad and foreign stu dents here. The National Multiple Sclero sis Society, which supports i Clinical and basic research in its field and other neurological disorders, is under the Student consideration. The Near East Foundation which demonstrates improvements to Near Eastern governments and then persuades them to adopt them, and the National Urban League which is a national social agency devoted to the employment, health and welfare of the Negro, are also listed. THE NEBRASKA Heart Asso ciation aids in research and edu cation for the control of heart disease, the nation's leading killer, and the National Associa tion for the Prevention of Blind ness which is dedicated to the prevention of blindness through research in blinding diseases are on the AUF poll. American Cancer Society, which underwrites 14 tumor clin ics throughout Nebraska, con ducts research in oral cancer and grants for general research. Last year, the American Cancer So ciety received 20 per cent of the AUF proceeds. TWO AGENCIES listed on the poll, the National Society for Crippled Children and the Na tional and Lancaster County Tu berculosis Association, are not permitted to participate in fund raising activities such as AUF. Last year, AUF divided its proceeds among four charities, giving 35 per cent to the Lincoln Community Chest, 25 per cent to the World University Service, 20 Foreign Students Mortar Board Industry Tour Set For April The second annual foreign stu dent tour of Nebraska spon sored by Mortar Board will be held April 12 and 13. The tour will include 30 Uni versity foreign students. Ac companing them on the trip will be Mortar Board members and four University chaperons. The group will tour a radio station, baking company, pub lishing company, dehydrating plant, hosiery factory, dairy farm and a county creamery. Tours will be made at Hastings, Minden, Holdrege, Kearney and Grand Island. FEE FOR the two-day tour is interested students should contact Neala O'Dell or Barbara Spilker. Ag Builders Plan Wednesday Meet Ag Builders mass meeting will be held Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in the Lounge of the Food and Nutritional Building. Alfred Schmid, Ag Builders publicity chairman, urged that fill Ag students, particularly coeds, come to the meeting. Officers of University Build ers will explain the purpose of the organization. Entertainment has been arranged. Library Study Alcoves Open For Assignment New study alcoves have been Installed in Love Library ac cording to Charles H. Miller, as sistant director of libraries. Many of the alcoves are avail able for assignment to graduate students and faculty members while others are assigned to graduate students and faculty members working in the stack area of the library. . Applications for the alcovs Way be made in Miller's office in tne library. Green Named Seventh Love, Marriage Speaker The seventh of a series of Love nd Marriage lectures sponsored . by the Student Council will be held Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. in Love Library Auditorium. K. M. Green, dean of the Col lege of Engineering and Agricul ture will be speaker. His topic will be "Readiness for Marriage." per cent to the American Cancer Society, and 15 per cent to the American Heart Association. Five per cent was used for cam paign expenses. Air Age Education Clinic Scheduled For Friday Bard, Bryan, McLaughlin Named Speakers For One-Day Session Nearly 200 public school edu cators and members of Civil Air Patrol are expected to attend the 1954 Air Age Education Clinic at the University Friday. The University clinic is the only one of its type in the na tion and will feature four demon- trations staged by students from Beatrice, Grand Island, Lincoln and Westside Community Schools. Two NU Press Publications Given Awards Two books published by the University Press last year were chosen as Top Honor Books by judges of the Chicago Book Clinic. Books are "The World's Rim," by Hartley Burr Alexander, pro fessor of philosophy at the Uni versity during the 1920's: and "Beyond Criticism." by Karl Shapiro, winner of he Pulitzer prize for poetry in 1945. THE BOOKS were amone 35 Top Honor Books selected from the 500 books submitted by mid western publishers, according to Emily Schossberger, editor of the Press. The 35 Tod Honor Books will be on display in the fifth annual exhibit of Chicago and Mid western bookmaking at the Chi cago Public Library in May. Books were selected on the basis of: design intention: read ability and attractiveness; illus tration; production intention; pruning impression and regis rer, and binding workmanship ana materials. The Press third entrv. "An brey de Vere." bv S. M. Para, clita Reilly, C.S.J., received high recognition for design, according wj iviiss ocnossDerger . YM-YW Banquet Set For Thursday "Academic Freedom" discussed by Frederick K. Rsn. tel. professor of law dent of the Nebraska tion of University Prnfessm- at the annual YM-YWCA banquet Anuisaay. The dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. m Union Parlors XYZ. Tickets are $1.25 and mav h purchased at the YW office in Ellen Smith Hall, the YM of fice in Room 108 Temporary L or from representatives in or ganized houses Following Beutel's there will be a period of open discussion on academic freedom New city YM snH VW nffiJ will be installed. Feoshiro Isa. Nebraska w. leyan student, will play several selections on the harmonica. hell representative will visit the University March 5 Shell Oil : as follows Company (Refining) March 5 Shell Oil Company Production Dept. (Oil Field Production) FOR INTERVIEWS WITH STUDENTS RECEIVING DECREES . IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS Chemistry Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineer ing, and Geologists with Mathematics and Science Background. Please See Dean Colbert, Administration Hall Room 104, For Appointments And Further Details. You Can Obtain A Copy Of Our Booklet, "Opportun ity With Shell" From Dean Colbert's Office. it happened at nu Daring political science class discussion, tn proressor was vainly trying to explain the usage of the word "disolve" In connec tion with a parliament being ab solved. Finally he sought to explain the word with a simple illustra tlon. Tryinr to ret a student to use the word, he asked what happens to sugar when it Is put In coffee. Apparently misunderstanding his intention, the girl replied, "It makes the coffee sweeter." SPEAKERS AT the one-day ses sion will include Harry Bard, as sistant curriculum director of the Baltimore, Md. public schools and chairman of the committee on aviation education for the Ameri can Council on Education; Dr. Leslie A. Bryan, director of the Aviation Institute, University of Illinois, and last year's winner of the Frank G. Brewer trophy. Americans highest recognition in the field of air youth education and training, and Lt. Col. Merlyn McLaughlin, assistant chief of staff for reserve forces and for mer director of the Aeronautical Institute at Denver University. At 9:15 a.m. The second grade class of Grand Island public schools will peresent a demon stration, "Neighborhood Helpers at the Airport," at 9:15 a.m. Le ila Werner will be the teacher in charge. TWENTY-ONE fifth grade chil dren from Beatrice, under the di rection of Amy Soderberg, will give a demonstration at 10:45 a.m. on the topic, "Why We Can Fly." In the afternoon, 21 children from ninth grade class at Lin coln's Everett Junior High School, under the direction of LeRoy Manson, will discuss, "Saving Our Soil from the Air." Westside will present "This Is The Way We Learn About Aviation," at 3:15 p.m. Kenneth Christiansen, Westside charge. instructor, will be in IPC Accepts Hasebroock's Resignation Bob Hasebroock, sophomore in the College of Law, announced his resignation as president of the Inter-Fraternity Council in a meeting Thursday evening. Hasebroock in making the an nouncement noted that the resign nation was "regretfully sub mitted because of pressing re sponsibilities" and suggested that Vice-President Ted James serve as president until the reg ularly scheduled election in April. fiaseDroocK's resignation was accepted and James was named President. Dr. Nagaty To Discuss Parasite Relationships Dr. H. F. Nagaty. Fulbright exenange professor of parasitol ogy, will discuss "Relationship of parasites of domestic animals to man" Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Room 212, Bessey Hall. The lecture is one of a series of a seminar in parasitology and is open to anyone who is in terested. of Nebraska Manufacturing m-m -g p 3 VX." THE NEBRASKAN iopmd SC rings Student Commen Freshman, Sophomore Class Council Representation Should the class councils be en larged to include freshmen and sophomores, and should female representation on these bodies be assured by a constitutional specification?" Recent action by the Student Council to postpone action on the constitution sub mitted by class officers has largely centered around these two points. Harriet Wanke Campbell, past memoer of the junior class coun cil, didn't believe it "fair to Just nave junior and senior officers as more representation could be gained by having all closses rep resented." As a result she said that "all classes would work to gether and school and class spirit could be built more easily." In connection with the addition of women to the council, she said," mis is necessary 11 you want University women to support the council." THREE OF the four students interviewed were not too sure s to the exact function of the "class Council. Among these was Carole Unterseher. sophomore in Teach ers College, who said that fresh man and sophomore class officers snouid be elected because "if this were the case, junior officers would not jump into class or ganization with cold feet. "Better representation could be gained" she said, "and fresh man and sophomores would feel they were more a part of the stu dent body. Representation on the class council "shouldn't be mo mopolized by men," she said, "and if the Councils are to be truly representative of the two Councils, both sexes should serve on the organizations." "FEMALE REPRESENTATION on class Councils," stated Phil Wisek, Business Administration junior, "should be up to election oy tne student body, and not be caused by a clause in the con stitution." He believed the fresh man and sophomore offices to be "truly unnecessary" and could see "no reason" for their ex istence. Freshman Business Admin Gamma Alpha Chi Initiates Sixteen Gamma Alphi Chi, national ad vertising honorary for women initiated sixteen coeds Sunday. Connie Gordon, president, spoke to the new initiates. Present officers of the organ ization are: Connie Gordon, pres ident; Peg Bartunek, vice presi dent; Natalie Katt, secretary, and Marilyn Irwin, treasurer. New initiates are: Barbara Clark, Beverly Clark, Marianne Hansen, Cynthia Henderson, Kay Nosky, Bernie Rosenquist, Mar ilyn Mitchell, Phyllis Hershber ger, Marian Scott, Madeline Wat son, Sally Hall, Joan Hawthorne, Rita Stopelman, Betty Hrabik, Shirley Rosenberg and Marlene Tiller. SOU OF VALOR... BORii TO BATTLE! Excitement sweeps a flame of furious action 'cross the screen, as Rob Roy lives again his cUathless deeds t to save his name, f his honor and his clan I f OUTLAWED Kia torn from hii brid bf irictory and tyranny I An co,. J. 'iff.. . -.. . -Pi wait )Sfp'Snotr pecos jrwi Comlhuiion Advocated By Three istration student Randall Bixler said, "All students should have a rght to participate 'in the gov erning of anything that affects them, and if this holds true of class officers, freshmen and sophomores should . be repre sented. "More active participa tion by freshman and sophomores in activities and University life in general could be another re sult," he said. BIXLER DIDN'T believe it necessary to insist on female representation on the councils and said, "I don't think it is fair to control who can or can not be elected in a constitutional provision, for election to office should go to the most capable person. A motion to disapprove the constitution was tabled . at the last meeting of the Student Coun cil. The problem will probably be brought up at the next meeting after Council members have had more time to study the proposals. Weekly Series Of Pot Lucks To End Sunday Final "Pot Luck ""with the Profs" will be held in the Ag Union Lounge Sunday, at 5:30 p.m. Ken Pinkerton, chairman of th.e student-faculty committee, announced the following com mittee chairmen: Althea Blunn, publicity; Jim Dunn, posters; Marjory Antes, sign-up sheets; Kenneth Pinkerton, Joyce Tay lor, Mark Clark, Ardath Young and Delbert Merntt, hosts. A SKIT will be presented by the student committee. Students who wish to attend must regis ter in the Ag Union activities office before 5 p.m. Friday. Faculty committee for the sup per include Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hill, chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mattern; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schleusner; Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Read; Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Weldon; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Yien; Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Moore; Mr. and Mrs. Connell Marsh; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bor chers; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Webster, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey. Main Feature Clock Lincoln: "The Long Long Trailer," 1:25, 3:25, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35. Stuart: "Hell and High Water," :10, 3:14, 8:18, 7:22, 9:25. Nebraska: On stage, "Co-ed Follies," 7:30. Varsity: "Rob Roy," 1:25, 3:30, 35, 7:48, 9:45. "Pecos Bill," :00, 3:05, 5:10, 7:15, 9:20. State: "Public Enemy," 1:00, :55, 6:50, 9:45. "Little Caesar," :35, 5:30, 5:25. 1W vh , !l All liva-Action Picturt " TECHNICOLOR STARTS TODAY , t X Mil , x J?V u i S F H STARTS MONDAY MARCH 1 TYPE PAPER $1.25 VALUE 79 LAWRENCE 10V2 SLIDE RULE 29 DICTIONARIES COOK BOOKS FICTION NON FICTION CLASSICS ART BOOKS MIDGET Pencil Sharpeners 79 ZIPPER NOTEBOOKS $10 Plus Tax K Pocket Books 9 1075 Good keading 39 51.50 Special Specials ea. 6$5o POCKET COMBS 3 METAL WASTE BASKETS 29 18" METAL EDGE RULERS 9 Hundreds of From 5c Spanish Dictionaries 1 ea. $300 Value Exhibit Books New Copies 40 Off Classics & Library Ed. Discounts Up To 50 Technical Books Art Books 50 Discount We Reserve The Richt To uiiiiii yuanuty Tuesday, March 2, 1954 IF RUBBER LAB. APRONS 29 PRESTO PAPER PUNCH 9 WATER COLOR SETS 19 TRIANGLES CURVES 29 BRIEF BAGS $10.00 VALUE $00 Plus Tax SCRATCH PADS 5 Lb. $1X0 PENCILS 59 Other Items and Up