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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1954)
i I ft J? - " V "'5 - ! ' ' If Si Tj- Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, March 2, 1954 EDITORIAL PAGE Much Ado Mwui Nothing (This Is the first of a series of editorials concerning the Junior-Senior Class Council Student Council dispute.) The Junior-Senior Class Council Is fight ing; to continue existence and to become an officially recognized organization. The present Junior-Senior Council would like to become the All Class Council with members from the four classes. The All Class Council would then "offer coordina tion and advice to the class officers of the four individual classes for the enrichment of spirit within these groups for the ultimate cultivation of all school spirit." To accomplish these ends, the Junior Senior Class Council needs Student Council recognition. The Student Council will not give recognition if its officials have their way. Both sides are collecting forces, soliciting opinions and making much noise. A fight, now developing, will erupt in Wednesday's Student Council meeting. The fight will erupt with all the force of a penny firecracker. For the issue of class spirit, if there ever was one, is unimportant at the University. In high school, the class to which one belonged made a difference. Students at tended class together, flocked together so cially and had friends from within one class. In a small college, the same situation exists. In the University, however, the logical division of students is not along class lines. Seniors attend freshman courses; juniors slip Resident Riddle A complaint by a non-resident University student over a traffic ticket brought up what seems to be a very unfair situation. The student, a native of Wyoming, noted that he had been fined for not having a Nebraska driver's license when stopped for a minor traffic violation by Lincoln police. On making: an appearance in court, the student was informed that three months' res idence in the state made him a resident, which in torn made it necessary to have a Nebraska driver's license. The student raised the question, "Why, then, am I compelled to pay non-resident fees at the University? If I am considered a resident when a fine is levied in a traffic court, why am I considered a non-resident and forced to pay $160 rather than $80 for tuition at the University?" A check with the political science depart ment and the Associate Dean of Student Af fairs showed that laws governing residency in Nebraska require different periods of res idence for different privileges. To vote, a person must have resided in the state for at least six months. To obtain a divorce in the state of Nebraska a residency of two years is required. The state law governing classification of resident and non-resident students generally states that a student must have taken resi dency in the state for purposes other than attending the University in order to be clas sified a resident. This would apply to per sons whose parents are residents of Ne braska or persons who have lived in the state for some time before entering the Uni versity. Students whose parents leave the state are re-classified as non-resident and are ex pected to pay non-resident fees. The reasons for this are obvious. The non-resident student who lives in the state solely to attend the University or one of the state colleges pays little taxes other than the one on gasoline, but receives benefits Nebraska taxpayers provide. In Nebraska, tax money on property makes up the bulk of state funds and a large portion of the University's source of income, while student fees accouunt for a comparatively small amount of the total money spent by the University. According to University administration officials, the fee paid by the student makes only about 30 per cent of the total cost of the instruction he receives. Thus, students whose parents help sup port the University by paying the property and other state taxes are not expected to pay as high a fee as non-resident students, whose parents make no tax payment to the Nebraska treasury. Establishment of a regular non-resident fee and determination of resident and non resident status according to state law has been the University policy for some years. Officials have decided this policy is more desirable than one of reciprocity, where uni versities charge a student from a particular state the fee charged out-of-state students In his own state university. The University has done its best to cre ate a fair, consistent policy toward non resident status and fees. However, the state laws governing residence offer a picture in contrasts in consistency. It is for this rea son a University student may be a resident of Nebraska and yet be forced to pay non resident fees at the University. T. W. into primarily graduate courses. In activi ties the four classes get mixed Into one an other, and social life is by no means con fined to students in the same class. In short, the All Class Council would attempt to promote unity of classes when the only forces operating are those encouraging non-unity. In this day, at thisnlversity, class spirit will not be encouraged by a freshman-soph-. omore tug-of-war. If freshmen had much interest In "spirit" they would wear those red beanies until the first snow. If sopho mores were inclined to be rah-rah, they would Insist the beanies be worn. If the two classes cared to be traditional-minded, they would not have let the annual tug-of-war die an unmourned death. Neither will a Senior Week be the an swer. Seniors are busy with plans .for post graduation jobs. They are saying goodbye to friends, having a quiet beer or parting in farewell. They are not inclined to attend lareg-scale functions. In addition to the impossible task the Class Council would attempt, the Council would try to achieve an unnecessary goal. Class spirit and school spirit are two dif ferent things and the first does not lead to the latter. School spirit, to this generation, does not mean "do-or-die-for-dear-old-Rutgers." That spirit went out of style with goldfish swal lowing. School spirit is pride in an institu tionand can be bred only by the worthi ness of that institution. Class spirit, to this generation, does not exist. There are more important matters to think about. In our scheme of values class spirit is unimportant. The Junior-Senior Class Council should recognize this lack of demand and need for "class spirit." The fight for existence and recognition is not worth trouble. If the students of this school have a love of the University, if they become loyal alumni, It will not be because they were injected with class spirit with procedure handed out by a Class Council. S. H. Sectionalism-Again Sectionalism, long a factor in United States politics, has come to the foreground once again. The US Air Academy, only recently voted into existence by Congress, has reached the highest hurdle of a path filled with obsta cles. The Academy, to become the West Point of the air, can't find a home. Despite extensive research by a committee headed by General Spaatz seme years ago, no defi nite conclusion has been reached as to where the school is to be located. The findings of the Spaati committee have not and will not be made public. In fact, they will not be available to the men now making a re-study of possible locations until they have completed their work. The needless expense of making another survey is a direct result of the States of the Union trying to get something their neigh bors won't have. It's disgraceful that spe cial interest groups can delay the establish ment of an institution noted, "vital and im portant," by leaders of both parties. T. W. Margin Notes People's Place People seemed to be complaining Thurs day with the little rain and light snow flurries that graced the campus. "This isn't very good on the populace," one student remarked to a friend of his. The major point was overlooked. In Nebraska, what's good for the CROPS must be good for the populace. Let's face it, in Nebraska the people's true position is behind the crops. My Babyl An Arkansas police station received a frantic phone call one night from a dis traught mother. The time was 10 p.m. The mother wailed that her son had not yet come home, and that he had never stayed out so late before. The policeman who answered the phone began- to fill out an official report and in quired the age of the missing boy. "He's 55," the mother replied. Sonny must never have gone to college. His Own Enemy During a performance at a theater in Edinburgh, Scotland, cowboy film star Roy Rogers shot himself and his horae Trigger. During a demonstration of pistol marks manship, Roy's bullets ricocheted off the stage and struck him. The cowboy escaped with a slight nosebleed, but Trigger received a stung flank. x Strange that Roy could do accidentally what countless numbers of film desperadoes have been unable to do, even after years of practice. Jhi Tkbha&Iicu v FIFTY-THIRD YKAB Member: Associated Collegiate Press AdTertlslng representative: National Advertising Service. Inc. 420 Madison Ave, New Tork 17, New fork IfcJ!S?H?1LJJhllrt by th at tt EDITORIAL STAFT tTttverslty rt Nbraka as mm srpraulcm of student' -..-. . K aaS Wtal'iM onlt. Aerdtng w Artie" 11 of M ditor. Sally HaO bf-lAw mmurataf studsnt publlntttaas and administered Editorial Fs Editor torn WoqdwarS !3ti?R?ttroJi!!!!l, 'J&Jff".4""" Manattat Editor Jaa iUrrUo. M ua Beard tnt punllmtloM onrter ita Junsdletkia shtUl Z ... . f trm) editorial mn.or.hlp a 7 tTtnlt tS wi r d to ...Eat Nashy fci-d.. or on Uw part at any member of tlw tMult el n MaT cnnen- D,ck rsUmaa, t linnrarmry, but Out mnnber of tit taf of Tha Martaaaa Hansea. Oraas Harrey L"Z?JZ SnSF" WhM tt" Mar, -Haras, .-t-r!prioa rntoa ar 3 a fimKr, J 50 mailed, at B90tU Edl,or GrJ F'BdM ii for tim tnUimgn rmt, M maild. Single eopy le fire REPORTERS ewr-ts. lnbishl on Tuendar, WednmUy and Friday FWrrl? Derpe. Harriet Rir, Laelrmoe Swltier, lull nnn? fee tctuwi year, except eaeatfoa and examination Frandnen, William te Deeeh, Barbara Eleke, Hare la f rivW. One ttitm puMtttiod dnrtnf the mnetn el Aa- Mickelnen, San Jensen, Barbara Clark. Id mwtt yea ey tin tnlerlty of Nebraska under tha -,. . '-rvisiiB o (be Committee at Student Pobileattoaa. BCSIHESU STAFF y .; second ela matter at the Post Office ta Boslneas Manarer Staa Stpple I : -,ia, NrbsvakM. mtder Aft of ttauft-reM, Maroa S, Ast't Business Managers Cbet Sinter, Doran Jacobs, J ,,,!, tu4 at special rata of jXMtaee provided f at ta Scott CbUea p---i.i U, avtt of OeatffM f Oet. 8, 1811. autlwrUed Circulation Manager Bos Innea mmt. Id, UO. Nltrht News feUmaa LlTTtl MAN ON CAMPUS by Dik mr Student Forum 1 A. ir'mm -E l a.. in I i I k Second Glance "Call 'Visual Aids' and see if they have a movie they can show my class I Just don't feel like lecturing today." Aggie News, Views 4-H Plea Would Defeat Ag Board Member Plan By DALE REYNOLDS Word has it that beards are the greatest on Ag campus now, and clean shaven Aggies are clear out of it. There are more than seventy entered in the Whisker King contest this year, but as in the past, the mortality rate of peach fuzz has been very high the first week. Latest thing in Ag activities is that one Ag organization is seek ing to gain more recognition on campus. A movement is under way by the 4-H club to gain one more member representing them on the Ag Executive board. This petition is now being carefully studied by the board and will probably be decided at the next meeting. But I would like to ask the 4-H club if they considered all the facts and the basis of represen tation set up by the Ag Exeo board constitution? It seems to me that they have not, and this move to gain another member on Ag Exec is actually unreasonable. Representation on the Ag Exec board at the present time is: one member from each of five de partmental clubs; one member from each of two religious organ izations; one member each from each of two honoraries; two mem bers from the Home Economics club; and one member from the 4-H club. There are two reasons why the 4-H club thinks it deserves an other member. Number one is that their accomplishments and promotion of activities on Ag campus is higher than that of other organizations having equal representation, and the second one is that their total member ship and average attendance at meetings is high enough to be deserving of two members. Actually, I cannot see that their accomplishments 4-H leadership training. 4-H club week, State Fair Booth and Style show, plus strong participation in Ag cam pus activities are so much greater than other Ag groups that they should deserve twice as much representation on the Ag govern ing board. The 4-H club is the largest or ganization on Ag campus, with more than 130 members. How ever, number of members in an organization does not seem to be a factor in deciding on how many representatives they have on Ag Exec! The 4-H club argues that since Home Ec club with over 100 mem bers has two representatives on Ag Exec, they also should have two. But they fail to realize that Home Ec club is a special case, and does not have two represen tatives just because of large membership.' There are five men's depart mental organizations represented on Ag Exec, while there is just one women's Home Ec club. This is because Home Ec activities are all combined 'n one organ ization and not wJiead out in five groups as are the men's. Therefore, they were awarded two members to help balance the representation between men -nd women. The 4-H club does not fit into any special case. They were just considered as another one of the departmental clubs. The Ag Exec constitution states that each organization entitled to representation must keep an attendance average of only 10 members per meeting. Therefore, number of members does not make a difference on how many representatives they have, just as long as they maintain a mini mum number of 10. An afterthought why should an organization worry about rep sentation on Ag Exec board they don't do much anyway. Copped Copy 'Problem' Letter Answered; Radio-Active Chicks Stolen By BRUCE BRUGMANN A special letter written to the Editors of the Denver Univer sity paper has seemingly solved the problem of "reader interest and letterips." "Dear Jack Fosterfield: I am a better-than-average looking girl student at this uni versity. I have two fraternity pins. How can I wear them both? . VOLUPTUOUS Dear VOLUPTUOUS: The usual practice is to wear one fraternity pin over the left bosom. I am . sure nature has provided you with an answer to what to do with the second pin." J. F. e Students of beginning psy chology at San Diego State Col lege (Calif.) were asked recent ly to write down what they con sidered to be their "most valu able asset" Two answered "intelligence" and both mis spelled it e e From the Drake University Times-Delphic, student paper: "Senator Joseph McCarthy told an American Legion group recently that 'men of little minds elevated to high position' are . trying to make Communism a . political issue.' We (the editors) agree 100 per cent, no reserva tions." At the University of Alberta, three radioactive chickens have been stolen from the Universi ty's research laboratry. They aren't fit for human consump tion, but, unless they have a Geiger-counter, the thieves will never know. o An Oklahoma City university coed advertised in the school paper for some items she had lost. They were: two mechan ical pencils, a suitcase, a purple formal, one shoe, a billfold, a $3 check, two cornets, a pajama bottom, a suit of long under wear and a white shirt. "It's normal for a girl to lose these things," she explained. In an attempt to add realism to the course, Military Justice System, at Iowa State college, a mock "attempted murder" was was held. A cadet, reprimanded in class, "shot" his instructor, then ran from the room. When he was apprehended, trial pro ceedings were begun. e a When Gabe, a parakeet be longing to a member of ATO at Minnesota university, died, his mourners burled him In front of the campus auditorium one night. The reason was, they explained, "Gabe was an Intel lectual." a a At-Michigan State college, Al pha Omicron Pi sorority pledges pulled a new trick when they took their sneak. One hundred tubes of lipstick vanished with them, leaving paled actives, e a Ken Stein, speaking through his' column in the Iowa State Daily, has initiated a mock sale in the Chemistry Department. Items auctioned off include: "ethyl alcohol jugs which have been emptied by loaded stu dents, all you can carry of the sulphuric puddles lying on the floor, laughing gas that will keep you going for hours, sand which "professors drop into your experiments to keep them from coming out right," and twelve members of the class of '36 still sleeping in the top row of the Chemistry lecture hall. ITS A LOT EASIE2 FOR YOU AND FOR. VA I W MAJL Y5DuR 61 LIFE INSURANCE PREMIUMS IN THE 5fV-AD0JSIB ENVELOPE VA SfNPS YOU FOR THAT POBFOSf . By PAUL LAASE If last weeks squabble' be tween Secretary of the Army Stephens and Senator McCarthy Berved no other purpose, it did illustrate that some reform needs to be made in the methods and procedures used by Congres sional investigating committees. The problem is not confined to McCarthy nor is it a new one. Misuse and abuse of investigat ing committees has occurred since the first one was estab lished in 1792. Investigating committees serve three purposes. First, they are a means of obtaining Information which serves as a basis for fu ture legislation. Second, they act as a check upon the executive branch of the government by serving in a supervisory capa city. In the third instance, they may inform the public about vital issues, so the electorate will have some basis for making de cisions in coming elections. It must also be recognized that investigating committees are not courts of law. While public opinion is a powerful influence in a democracy, and while the investigating committee may in fluence public opinion, the com mittee does not pass sentence upon individuals called before it as witnesses. The committee may make value judgments, but le?al condemnation is reserved for the courts. . Nevertheless, the misuse of these committees has grown in recent years. Much of this stems from the fact that there are no settled rules of procedure to govern the conduct of the com mittee or serve as a basis for conducting committee hearings. A witness called before one of these committees has little pro tection. He is not assured of the right of counsel. Many times a witness may make no statement in ' his own behalf and some have been silenced in the middle of a statement. Often a witness may answer only "yes" or "no" to questions put to him they , are allowed no chance for explanation. Even more Inexcusable is the fact that some witnesses are not told the specifle reason for being hauled before the committee nor are they told who is making the accusations against them. Those who are unfortunate enough to be labeled "subversive" -as well as others have no right to cross-examine other witnesses. The committee chairman is in a position to wield considerable power. He calls and presides over all meetings, which quite often means he is the only one present when an investigation is being conducted. While sub peonas are supposedly issued only with the approval of a ma jority of a committee, they are signed by the chairman. But, as in Representative Velde's cse the chairman sometimes issues them at his own discretion. Publicity releases are made through the chairman, with the approval of the committee. Often the chairman by-passes this step and releases whatever he thinks fit. Some chairmen have taken it upon themselves to hire and fire the committee staff without committee aproval. Questions to witnesses are directed through the chairman, who quite often rephrases, them as he sees fit. What is needed is a public law, setting down the rules and reg ulations for conducting investi gations. Witnesses should be guaranteed their rights right to counsel, to cross-examine, to make a statement, to give full answers, and to know why he is being hauled before the commit tee and who is his accuser. Some curb is also needed upon tho powers of committee chairmen. A chairman should not take any action without first securing th approval of a majority of the committee, particularly as re gards publicity releases. Provi sion should be made so that those who violate the law would be subiect to legal punishment. While we cannot do away wltn nasty and noisy Individuals, wp can eliminate some of their abuse of their privileges. Such a law would do ixactly this. Lelterip Nebraska Student Support Doubted; Quality Lauded; 2 Columnists Rapped JPr fn inf.rnttlo wnlMt reuf at VSTSKAXS A4MlVi8f RATION (Ltttn-to-the-4ltor are Invited hut murt be shmcd. Nmi will as withheld If re quested, bat miut acrnmpanr the letter to be considered for publication. Letters shonld be limited to ZS0-3II0 wordj.) Dear Editor: We are of the rapidly growing group of students who believe that the function of The Nebras kan is to protect the hair of coeds on rainy days. Since most coeds own scarves which do almost as good a job, we question the ad visability of continuing to dis sapate (sic) University funds on paper hats, , y If, however, the function of the paper is to busy the idle hands of journalism students, those students alone should pay the expense or see that the paper pays for itself. As for the argu ment that The Nebraskan serves as a carrier of the torch of truth to the student body, we question whether a candle wouldn't shed more light with less smoke. Fur thermore, we question whether the students are really in the dark; whether they really want the Rag at all. We challenge the editors of this paper to publish this letter (without editing); and with it, a request for letters of confi dence frorh members of , the stu dent body (other than staff mem bers and workers) which would have to be signed and delivered in person to the Rag office. In this way, we would test how many students really want The Nebraskan badly enough to make this slight effort to back up the staff and its policies. No peti tions, please; and no surveys just personal letters delivered in person. Even twisted journalism can be interesting and well written; but how about you? Or is bad journalism better than no journ alism? Pat and Jerry Weinberg Dear Editor: Returning from the service to spend my last semester in the University, I want to compliment you on the excellence of the formerly Daily Nebraskan. May be the improvement is due in part to the dropping of the "Daily" and the consequent in crease in time and effort per issue. However, there are several features of the editorial page which I can't conscientiously compliment. In fact, I can only mutter "Why?" Why "Pollyanna Says" by S. H. especially Friday's bit recom mending the instigation of mud as a tradition on the campus? If S. H. had been in Korea, as may be he should have been, the word mud would be the equivalent ol some of the more popular four letter vulgarities. In the brief spell since my return, I have seen enough serious problems on University Bulletin Board TUESDAY . Kosmet Klub Workers Meeting, 6:45 p.m. Union. Coed Follies, 8 p.m., Nebraska Theatre. Paul Meadows, "Art as Pro test," 8:30 p.m., Gallery B., Mor rill Hall. French Club, 7:30 p.m., 316 Un ion. WEDNESDAY Hasty Heart, 8 p.m., Arena The atre, Temple Building. Love and Marriage Lecture, 7:30 p.m., Love Library Audi torium. ' ASME Meetinig, 7:15 p.m., Room 206, Richards Lab. Young Democrats Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Parlor A, Union. Kappa Alpha Mu, 7:20 p.m., B-4, Burnett. THURSDAY German Club, 7:30 p.m., 315 Union. the campus that I can find no ex cuse for such tripe. At best, I as sume it was written by someone who knew better to fill up space At worst, was someone showing their ignorance? And if so, who let it get into print? Why the horrible movie review by somebody Ralston? Can't h actually review a movie instead of saying "I didn't like it" and proceeding to fill up the rest o! the column with insignificant tripe? And what is the difference between the two shows he liked and the two he didn't? No one I've talked to could see any, and he certainly didn't east any light on the subject. And finally, why Bert Bishop and Del Harding on the other wise laubable "Student Forum?" The former writes as if he was trying to reform us, using lan guage he apparently figures we can't understand to cover up his ignorance; the latter sounds as if he is consciously trying to write on the lowest possible level so that we, the readers, can under stand it. I have never read any thing that so consistently sounded so contemptuous of the reader. And, although I am not a Greek myself, their outlandish bias against the Greeks is the most insipid thing I've ever read. Among the other contributors to the "Student Forum," I single out for praise Paul Laase, who writes intelligently and conscien tiously and who avoids the afore mentioned faults. In short, the paper Is wonder ful with the exception of those contributors mentioned above. I can look on the front page ana find out who is meeting where and when at a glance. I can read the editorial columns and (usu ally) find intelligent comments on University and national prob lems. And I can look on the sport:: page and get the current scores etc. But why this other tripe? Dorwin Raymondr (Editor's Nota S.H. is a coed. She tor antes mad.) Dob' SXlllt s unites By ART DOBSON mis Is the first of a series 'I Jr columns ta be edited br Dob.on He Is sophomore in the Celler of Enrlneer teralty ) m"nbT " 8lm "a Ire- Professor (irritated) "If there are any morons in the room, wili they please stand up." A long pause, and a lone fresSf man arose. Professor "What, do you con sider yourself a moron?" Freshman "Well, not exactly that sir; but I do hate to see you standing there all alone." Friend "Ah, professor, I hear your wife has had twins. Boys oi girls?" Prof (absent-minded) "Well, 1 believe one is a girl, and one boy, but It may be the other way around." a Sentry "Halt! Who go', there?" Returning A.W.O.L "Friend with bottle." Sentry "Pass, friend; halt, bot a a a He "If you'll give me you: telephone number I'll call you ui sometime." She "It's in the book." He "Fine! What's you' name?" She "That's in the book, too ' a a a A postcard addressed to th' honorable editor brought this li: tie gem. Though it's someon else's "Dilly," I thought it woul be a worthwhile addition. ' Pome: I serve a purpose In this schoc! On which no man can frov .i. I quietly sit in every class To keep the average down.