i " ,4 . J r, Page 2 THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 23, 1954 EDITORIAL PAGE Questionable Motives Suffrage for 18-year-olds has long been , held out as a possibility by all manner of political organizations, parties and pressure groups. The demand for the 18-year-old vote, how ever, has not come from those who would supposedly gala advantage from a change in the suffrage laws the 18-20-year-old. They have not Indicated a burning desire to vote, and there have been no loud com plaints of any lack of liberty from them. True enough, there have been some loud, highly " organized "We want to vote" movements by young people, but these were not, on the whole, organized or backed by young people. Rather, these "movements by youth" were organized and backed by special interest groups andor political parties who supplied money, organization and scripts for a limited number of young people who made the noise. The total number of young people con cerned with a movement to change the suf frage lawi has been small when the total number of young persona who would be Affected by the change Is considered. The question arises: why do political and other groups take such an interest in a change in the voting laws if the 18-year-olds show comparatively little interest in such a change? The answer is quite simple the politicos Un-Specialize A near-capacity audience attended the first performance of the University Collegiate Band Sunday. The band, a new organization, gave a fine concert The audience was almost completely composed of parents and brothers and sisters of band members. As usual, University stu dents failed to attend the concert at least In significant numbers. Today, the Agnes Moorehead show is play ing at the Nebraska Theater. Anyone who doesn't know that fact by now does not listen to the radio, read posters or news papers. Elsewhere on this page is a column ex . plaining the need for engineering students to have a liberal education. , These three facts have a significant rela tionship to one another. The nn-student-attended concert Illustrates for the nth time the lack of interest NUers have toward interests outside their special field. The Moorehead show may be another in the long list of Union -sponsored enter tainments which loses money as a result of this lack of interest The column demon strates that even such specialized schools as the College of Engineering recognize the need for knowledge of other fields than that of a student's major Interest Nebraskan editors could easily find some other facet of student life to talk about in today's editorial columns. We could simply acknowledge the fact that most University students prefer to put some time in studying their particular ( major subject and the rest of that time in at the local beer-drinking establishments and at the movies. However we feel compelled to say again that it is stupid to go through this University without taking advantage of opportunities such as the Agnes Moorehead show. S.H. Moderate Polish In spite of phenomenal spring weather, in. spite of second-semester doldrums, there is one indoor sport which will always retain its popularity. Known under many aliases, the term most printable is "apple-polishing." After a concerted spurt of devotion to the activity immediately prior to finals, in ..terest lagged at the beginning of the new semester. The sport was not extinct, how ever, but merely dormant. Expert practi tioners were merely lying in wait until the time, or the "apple" should be ripe. And with fiie threat of down slips disgust ingly close, some students apparently feel the time is now, for signs of the sport are reap pearing in full force. After all, the early bird rets the worm; and teacher's favorite gets the grade sometimes. Occasionally, though, professors aren't sus . ceptible to a particular brand of flattery "polish." And some, unfortunately, can even spot signs of the sport before the student gets his strategum properly in operation. There are pitfalls, however, in prema turely condemning "polishers." For although the evils of apple-polishing are obvious, equally bad is the danger of being a "dull apple." In fear of ridicule from classmates, stu dents often Tefraln from consulting their in structors for help. Instead of discussing their problems, they avoid the instructor's office like the plague. Rather than be accused of seeking favoritism they prefer to pretend to understand the lecture and flunk the next hour exam. So which is better to be a "polisher" or "pretender?" Perhaps in student-professor relations we should keep in mind an old adage . . ."all things in moderation." M.H. want votes, votes the opposition won't have. Political parties are interested in creating large groups of organized, loyal 18-21-year-olds who will vote their party ticket while the opposition has no new source of votes. It's as simple as that. The proponents of 18-year-old suffrage re ceived heavy artillery for their pleas when the American public realized that young men too young to vote were dying in Korea. "Too young to vote, but old enough to fight and die," has been a powerful slogan for the backers of the 18-year-old vote move ment. Opponents of the move to change the suf-. frage laws have countered with charges that 18-year-olds were little more than children and not able to vote intelligently. Both sides have good arguments, and back up pro and con ideas with facts too numerous for repetition here. However, one question rises to the fore ground when the question of voting rights for 18-year-olds is discussed. What are the motives behind the claim that 18-year-olds be allowed to vote? Are those urging suffrage for the young persons interested in seeing "justice" done or do they simply Want some thing their opponents don't have? The Nebraskan believes the groups press ing for the 18-year-old voting age are pri marily interested in cornering the market on a new batch of voters little more. It is gratifying to see the majority of young persons who would be involved by a change in voting laws can see the motives of their "friends." Thus far the move has been con fined to the planning committees of political groups. The youngsters have listened to their roaring and gone about their "business as usual" T.W. Students, Unite! That University students are good movie fans is a fact long known to theater operators in the city of Lincoln. Since this is true, perhaps a request by students to the theaters might receive con sideration. However, this is a project that will require cooperation by many well-organized student groups. The Nebraskan, acting in the best interests of the University students for whom it is a spokesman suggests that a "Spare Us From the 3-D's That Require Super-Duper, DeLuxe Personalized Glasses That You Take Back At The Door Society." For short this organiza tion could be called the SUFTDTRS DDPGTYTB. This organization, if students would rally round, could be the saviour of the slim-pocket-book students. Of course it would take time for it to succeed, but its possibilities are unlimited. T.W. Margin Notes Ate Too? THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION. THIS STORY IS NOT TRUE TO LIFE. IT COULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ANYONE YOU KNOW. IT IS WHIMSY. So University moviegoers were warned at the beginning, at the end, and by the review of the recent attraction, "The Captain's Para dise." Yet, though everyone knows it could never happen, that it is pure fiction and that only Alec Guinness could live through the entan gled, pleasant tortures of having two wives, one could safely venture that every male secretly doubted the recurrent admonitions. THIS COULD NEVER HAPPEN, but it might just happen to me. But, maybe ... Don't Tell-Ask It is interesting to note these days the growing importance of good linguistics in the United States business world. Business men, reaching out for foreign mar kets nowadays, simply cannot afford their spokesmen tripping over their own tongues. Just how carefully the investor with an eye on customers across the ocean must pre pare his sales talk was demonstrated in the case of the French Coca-Cola incident. The Frenchmen were told "buvez (drink) Coca-Cola." This advice, as innocent as possible by American advertising standards, proved dyna mite in France. For one thing, it was in bad (French) taste. Along the Seine one may suggest but never tell a Frenchman what to do. Nof Kingly Australians are complaining that "Royal Tour Ties" are the worst looking in history, let alone fit for a king. They are made of dazzling satin covered with coats of arms, maps of Australia, por traits of the royal family, royal ciphers and royal lions rampant with sequin eyes. To celebrate Queen Elizabeth's visit, an other Sidneyite is manufacturing nylon stock ings which feature a" colored royal crown about midcalf height on each leg. ' i 11 i n -THIRD TEAK Member: Associated Collegiate Press Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Inc. 420 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York JJl!!!!,MMm " " ttw EDITORIAL STAFF rnwrij at ftaiwaaka m axpraatlaa af tooanw Edit-, .... mow m Bpmmm ur. AaoanHat ta Arttela Q at taa ...... - SmUjr HU r4m wntln tudimt aubh-attan ma dmlniatom EffltariaJ rasa Editor. . Toai Woodward ; Rmm mt FublloaMima, "It j the dmlaird poller Manulnx Edlter mt thai bou teat puhliaatlona nndar IU JunadiBttaa & i"Tr ,.7 J" Da tVaa trm atiliortai aanaoiablp aa tba part of taa Kay Noakir t-wft, w n tt part at tmy taaraaar at tba faeuitr e oni' .. ..Janey Caiman, Disk F (llama, l,itlaniS, Urn . wamaara o taa mxmtt af Taa Martaaaa Hamas, Graaa Harrrr liwmi mm aananaJI? ranpoaalbta tar ariuU taar aa i, ' " ' r aa at mum ta aa arurta." " Man: ftUmmn KtbwTU'tloo nta an M a aamanar. S2.80 raaUaO, at P .....Oarjr fraiiown f far tin eaUiaca yata, malii-d. Slngla aapy to five KEPOKTER eanta. FoMwlwd as InaaAay, wVaaaatday and Friday Itovar Piw. Harriot Kuarg, Lnotrrase Mwltxer. Jab aarinc tea aaaaai year, csaapt aeaioa and anuntaaUua Prandan, WUIIanMtta lunch, Harbara Elcka, Marcla. pwrUKia. Oaa twnm paniimtmt during tba awntfc af An Mlekaiaan, San imm. Barbara Utark. ant atMta maw br ttm iimvunUer af Httbraafca tradar ttw arTBimrvsa iit in mamrvmam mt it CoramlMaa af Student rnblloaHmu. uai,aa btai- HjbwwmI aa aaai elana laaiaar at tba Foat infirm ta Biwlnaar Manarar Maa Slppla lUMtf, MtaraM&B, mnr Ant f Ctmnrwrn. Hank S. Manar. .. ..Chat Slngn, Doran Job, ). am aa mmtut rata f pontaaa pnxrtdad far ta , ('hlla ftmMMa um, Aat f au-raai mt Ont. 8. ASH, autturtaaS i "T? t! !ir Ron lunar. A. IxM. Klut Mawa IriUtor. ... brace Harvay LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick BSbler The Student Forum Slide Rule Engineers Need Study Of Humanities Green By HENRY HOFFERBER Guest Columnist Some of us are inclined'to be lieve that we are attending the University merely to get training in a chosen field. When students are asked to take courses that are intended to broaden their background, they see no use for such courses in their curriculum. In order to establish the im portance of such subjects in the programs of engineering stu dents, Dean Roy M. Green has written a report of "What The Engineering Profession Expects From The Humanities." In this report Dean Green states that, . . . for a very con siderable period, the engineering profession has striven to build a future memjsership which is pro fessionally competent rather than simply technically trained." By general agreement, such com petence should include the fol lowing: a 1. Technical Training ". , . resulting in ability to analyze, design, construct, operate or manage engineering works or projects. 2. Knowledge of economics and finance . . resulting in ability to appraise the economic aspects of engineering works." 3. Knowledge of the funda mentals of human conduct and the principles of management "... resulting in the ability to organize the efforts of individ uals and groups in an effective prosecution of engineering works." 4. Knowledge of the forms of expression'. . . resulting in the ability to discourse in written and oral form in the language of the arts as well as in the sym bolic language of science." ' Dean Green goes on to say, "An understanding of the evolu tion of the social organizations in which we live, a familiarity with the great documents of arts, morals and religion, an apprecia tion of the obligations of citizen ship and enthusiasm for learning are required of a successful en gineer. "Such competence is the goal Copped Copy Indiana School Seniors 'Examine' Bell Clapper By BRUCE BRUGMANN Two seniors at Valparaiso University (Ind.) brought the editor of the Torch, student newspaper, a bell clapper, stolen at 1 ajn. on a Sunday morning. With the clapper was a note that began: "For four years (that's 720 days) this chunk of mineral has summoned us to classrooms. Our sleepy eyes have opened and our wobbly feet have stepped onto cold floors to the monotonous clang of this clap per. It creates the early morn ing Frankenstein of the bath room mirror. Tardinesses have been recorded because this thing hit the bell before the student hit the classroom." The seniors then said that they simply had to see it firsthand before they gradu ated. Dick Cook reports in the Wyoming Branding Iron that a local sorority girl received a box of brownies from a group of girls in Sheridan. Delighted with the delicious .package, she nat urally wanted to share her good, fortune and proceeded to pass them around to all the girls; more than a few remarked about their extraordinary goodness. It didn't take long for the brownies to diminish, and when they got down te the last layer what to their wondering eyes should appear but a dean cat's tail. "It's another blow for free love," comments Poor Richard's Almanac in the Wyoming Brand ing Iron on recent action taken at Indiana University. The ac tions says that it's okay for stu dent couples to smooch in dormi tory lounges with the gentle stipulation that: 1. three lights must be on in the room; 2. a coed and her date must have both feet on the floor. Committee chairmen of the water carnival at Michigan State College have to watch their lan guage at meetings. One four letter word is especially frowned on by the group. In fact, its mere mention costs the speaker a dime. The word is "rain. ' a a a From the University of Minne sota Daily: "Tchaikovsky's Sym phony No. 6 in B minor, Opus 74, 'Pathetique' "will be played at the music listening hour today, 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Students may bring bag lunches." Comments the Michigan State News, "If you really hunger for culture, that is." Now that the social season is under way, the girls on campus are suspicious as to their pros pective dates. Here is the latest guide to aid the girls on what to beware of as set up by the Iowa State Daily: Thin wallet Athletic ability (wrestler) Pet dog back home Ingrown toe nail Glint in eye Motherless childhood Motorcycle See his etchings Belcher You're the only girl Size 15 shoe Sees your best girl friend Your best girl friend if voovt apvucp foo. cash FWr-WEKT Of YOua BE6ULA.B 13 S3 61 INSURANCE CmIDENQ YOU OOttj MAVE TO BE-APPIY FOB THE eBGOUJt $ 54 PTVr- VtHC. IT WILL EE PMD YDU ALT0M ATI AU-Y! A Second Glance of a life time and not that of the academic interlude. The academic education in the purely technical field of engi neering does not, and never did, presume to equip the student with the requisite knowledge, or technique of practice which, per se, will allow his to enter the profession or to function as a professional engineer." "In engineering, the educator has been obliged to scrutinize carefully the courses and course contents in order that the stu dent's time may be utilized to at tain two major objectives. First, that he gain the fundamentals upon which engineering is built, and second, that he catch the spirit of engineering to the de gree that he will continue the studies which lead him to ulti mate professional competence." In these last words of Dean Green lies a compact summary of the need for study in the human ities. We can readily see from this report that technical train ing is a very small part of the education necessary for a profi cient engineer. It seems to me that the spirit of engineering is quite important. Without enthusiasm for con tinued learning, an engineer would soon be out of touch with modern progress. In other words, he would not possess the spirit of engineering. Instead, his lack of a background in humanities would prevent a balanced de velopment. a a a Unless an engineer is able to get along with his fellow men, unless he is able to deal with them, unless he is able to inter pret their actions, their character and the things they stand for, he will not be the leader that he should be. His technical training will have been in vain if not supplemented by the humanities. How competent an engineer will you be, or for that matter, how competent a university grad uate will you be, regardless of your college? Will you be con tent with merely specialized training? Or will you live your life as one who appreciates the broad background by which one may improve society? By PAUL LAASE The most controversial figure in the United States today is one Joseph McCarthy, the junior Senator from Wisconsin. He is well-known for his never-.md-ing battle against the "suover sive elements" in American so ciety. His record on matters in volving Communism is known by all. There is more to the story of -Senator McCarthy, however than his personal fight against Communism. Buried behind this record lies the amazing story of a man who is characterized by a complete lack of moral and ethical principles. These prin ciples were once thought to be standard equipment for those in public office. a During his fist year in the Senate, 1947, our hero served as vice-chairman of a committee which was to investigate the housing problem in America. Naturally enough, the commit tee considered prefabricated housing as one possible answer to the housing shortage. While serving as vice-chairman, Joe wrote a 7,000 word article devoted to advertising Lustron pre-fabs. In return he received $10,000 from the Lus tron Corporation. Prior to and during this pe riod Joe had borrowed consid erable money from the Presi dent of Lustron, Carl G. Strsnri lund, at various horse trscks around the country. The money was supposedly used to cover Joe's gambling losses. This sort of dealing is hardly the type of action one would expect from a Senator. a a a Senator McCarthy's attacks have not been confined to "sub versive" individuals. On June 14, 1951, he delivered a 65,000 word speech on the Senate floor, attacking our then Secretary of Defense, General George C. Marshall. General Marshall was de scribed as a participant in "a conspiracy so immense and an infamy so black as to dwarf any previous venture in the history of man." The object of the con spiracy was "to diminish the United States in world affairs, to weaken us militarily ... to the end that we shall . . . finally fall victim to Soviet intrigue from within and Russian might from Qhkkkh . By CHICK TAYLOR Men make passes at girls that empty glasses. a Joe had a very homely wife. One day he came hom earlier than usual and found her in the arms of his friend Benny. He watched them hugging and kissing for a few minutes, then cried, "Listen, Benny, I MUST but YOU?" a a "Do you know how to tell a little girl sardine from a little boy sardine? "No." "Look and see which can they come out of." without." McCarthy continued to ask "whether a man so steeped in falsehood, who has re course to the lie whenever it suits his convenience, is fit to hold so exalted a place where he must be a model to the of ficers and men of our Armed Services?" a a Joe knew these charges of treason were untrue before they were uttered. General Mar shall's fine record speaks for it self. This type of denunciation is hardly becoming a United States Senator who holds an of fice of public trust. Perhaps the biggest blot en Joe's record is his active inter, vention in the 1950 Senatorial election in Maryland. McCarthy ' pulled all the stops in a success, ful campaign to defeat Senator Tydinrs, a long-time opponent of McCarthy and his tactics. With Joe's full knowledge and co-operation was published a . scandal sheet which blamed Senator Tydings, as chairman of the Armed Service Committee, for holding up the shipment of war material to Korea. Accord ing to the scandal sheet, only $200 worth of baling wire ever reached South Korea before the Korean war began. Yet the Con gressional Record of August 16, 1950 shows that $496 million worth of equipment was shipped to South Korea prior to June, 25, 1950. Just a few days before the election the newspapers in the Maryland area ran a picture of Senator Tydings talking, in a friendly manner, to Earl Brow der, long-time Communist leader in the U. S. This was later dis covered to be a composite pho- tograph, planted in the news papers, with Joe's approval, to insure Tydings' defeat This is, once again, hardly the type of activity one expects from a U. S. Senator. These incidents are merely ' part of Joe's "illustrious" rec ord. Eleven times in our history Senators have been expelled from the Senate, some for les ser crimes than these. Senator McCarthy is no exception. Joe should go. , University Bulletin Board TUESDAY YW Community Tours Commis sion Group, 3 p.m., Ellen Smith Hall. YW Commission Group, "Is Marriare Your Career," 5 p.m., Ellen Smith Hall. Agnes Moorehead, 7 and 9 p.m., Nebraska Theater. WEDNESDAY , Summer Projects Mart, 2:30 to 5 p.m.. Parlor X, Union. Steen Rasmnssen, Lecture en Architecture, 8 p.m.. Love Li brary Auditorium. "Hasty Heart," Arena Theater, S p.m. Main Feature Clock (SrhaoaJfli Farnihi tar Tntten Varsity: "The Captain's Para dise," 1:00, 2:51, 4:33, 6:15, 8:08, 9:57. State: "Devil's Canyon," 1:00, 3:55, 6:45, 8:50. "No Time For Flowers," 2:30, 5:25, 8:30. EGOIlOfalEG DISCUSSION GROUP DR. RAUEY WKITKEY of thm UN Economics Dept. Ditcutsion .Leader PRESBY HOUSE TUESDAY, 7:30 P.M. FRKKH FROM HIS HIT HOIJB la THE CAFT AUK 'S FAKADISC NOW hq man IN THB WKJ0?Ig SUIT' THIS IS SMASH COMEDY' Tnllnrr BtudffBta -Faculty SOc A dm. (IdimttfloatloB) fjf Trrr'i.nraMtr-""'"'- iwiirii Mfr'-ffl'WfilKMitar-ir ttiiiiuxijii . miiinri---"-" r ' r jirniH fmr ImK atfaratattoit mt'ltrt ,mt aMiaal VETKAAMS ABaUMUITILaTIIUH aw aomie undc authority or mi coca-cou c&Mfnr r "Cekt" it a aaira toaaa-ma'k. p IVS J, Tha tut-LM COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF UNCOLN