Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, February 19, 1954 pko C!loi Pi saw SUTSIC m Intermission To Feature Winner Of 'Cutest Bab Photo Contest Winter will return again Sat urday as Ag College students present the traditional Sno-Ball Dance, the first big Ag dance of the semester. Dancing will be to the music of Bill Albers Orchestra 11:30 p.m. in the College Activities Building. Tickets are $1.50 per couple and may be purchased at a booth in the Ag Union or Researcher To Lecture Thursday Destructive Pest Control Sought Gerald Thorne, senior nema .ologist with the U.S. Depart ment of Agriculture, is visiting the University for two weeks. Thorne is working with the Ag College faculty and ad vanced students in furthering their knowledge of the parasite. Thorne, who ha studied nema todes for the past 36 years, said the only economical method to control the root-eating nema todes is by crop rotation. ACCORDING TO Thorne, al though microscopic nematodes, commonly referred to as "eel worms," may be "raising cane" with the sugar beets in the jNorm FJatte Valley, they are forcing Nebraska farmers to adopt proper farming methods. The farmers of Nebraska's panhandle have actually in creased their yield per acre, he said. Thorne continued, "But only crops of sugar beets can be produced every four years on heavily infested land." The only other method of controlling the sweet-toothed parasite is by fumigating the soil, he said. "But chemical con trol costs $40 an acre which is much too expensive and fumi gation lasts for only one crop." at the door FEATURED AT intermission will be the presentation of the "Cutest Baby" and the award ing of prizes. Both the person voted the cutest Bnd the stud ent identifying the most infants in the Baby Photo Recognition Contest will receive prizes. In case of a tie, contestants will draw for the honor. Also featured at intermission will be a Tri-Dclt duet consist ing of Claudette Helm and Nancy Stanley, accompanied by Mar garet Raben. "THERE HAS been much in terest in the Baby Photo Con test. Balloting has been very good." stated Bill DeWulf, con test chairman. Three huge snowflakes will be the center of attraction on the dance floor, with many smaller snowflakes completing the win try theme, according to Joyce Taylor, chairman of the decor ations committee. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN for theSno-Ball Dance arei publi ctiy,, Sharon Egger, Max Clegg, and Milton Fricke; decorations, Joyce Taylor, Ardath Young and Lee Lingren; ticket sales, Marx Peterson and Shirley Geis; refreshments, Yvonne Fowler, Don Reynolds and Ella Matzke, Baby Photo Contest, Bill De Wulf, Ruth Ernst and Edwin McReynolds. Arrangements for serving re freshments have been made in cooperation with the Ag Union Dell. Your Church God Has A Place On University Campus iirci .t cmrmrvm wt Mton I OiiTrr Nwwiim wmvsmvn ... LUTHERAN STUDENT HOUSE 535 No. 16 Friday Visitations, 7 p.m February Frolics party, 8 p.b. bunday Bible Class, 10 a.m (Ag Lutheran House, 9:45 a.m worsnip, li a.m.; lsa supper and meeting, "The W o r 1 Church," Pastor C. Jensen speaker, 5 p.m.; Ag ESA meet ing at Ag Student Center for supper, 6 p.m.; World Student Day of Prayer Service, 6 p.m Tuesdav Vespers, 7:15 p.m. Wednesday Bible hour, 11 am.; Choir, 7:15 p.m. Thursday Christianity course, 7:15 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri Synod) 15 and Q Sunday Worship, 10:45 a.m Gamma Delta, beginning with cost supper, Dr. R. Borchers speaking on "The Limitations of the Scientific Method," 5:30 p.m. Wednesday New Christian Doctrine class, 7 p.m.; Choir re hearsal, 7:15 p.m. BAPTIST FELLOWSHIP Sunday Cost supper, 5 p.m.; Universal Day of Prayer service with song service, 6-7 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN - CONG RE GATIONAL HOUSE Sunday Forum, Rev. Thomas Huxtable is speaker, 5:30 p.m. Monday Breakfast discussion, Contemporary T h e o 1 o g 1 cal Thought, Rex Knowles is leader, 7 a.m. Tuesday Discussion, Chris tian Economic Thought on Con temporary American Problems, Dr. Ramey Whitney, leader, 7:30 p.m. Thursday Contemporary Theological Thought, Rex Knowles, leader, 10 a.m.; Ves pers, 7 p.m.; Contemporary The ological Thought, 8 p.m. SOUTH STREET TEMPLE Friday Youth group services. Sunday School, 10-12 a.m. Wednesday Hebrew class, 3:15 p.m. UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHAPEL 13 and R Sunday Holy Communion, 9 a.m.; Morning Prayer with ser mon, 11 a.m. Wednesday Holy Commun ion, 7 a.m.; Choir Practice, 7:30 p.m. METHODIST STUDENT HOUSE 1602 Q Sunday Masses, 8, 9, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Monday Religious course, 3 ; p.m. 1 NU To Award Scholarships To High School Seniors Freshman scholarships will be awarded this fall by the Univer sity to 300 Nebraska high school graduates. Each scholarship is worth $100 and will be presented to the high est ranking senior in each of 300 hiPh schools.. Awards win oe made on the basis of competitive examinations. Examinations will cover sci ence, mathematics, and social studies. Colleee antitude tests will also be given to high schoo students. In order to be eligible a senior must be in the upper 25 per cenl of his class. Alternates will be chosen to receive scholarships rejected by the winners. USE 'NEBRASKAN" WANT ADS iiisx&Miixaaaxa ' . . tunm i mi i ii it m im win n r fin n t il in in rn iiir m i i ii nn Mir r m m w iiii l Law Students Prepare Cases For Moot Court Local Attorneys To Judge Rounds HE SAID that some new type of chemical must be discovered if we expect to increase our food supply. The supply must, by 1975, feed approximately 190 million people in the U.S.," he added. Thorne said that there is "probably not a single crop gro'' n from which these micro-scCj.- j pests do not exact a toll," even though sugar beets are the main victims in Nebraska. Thorne will discuss "Plant Parasitic Nematodes in our Ag ricultural Economy" in a nnhlif lecture Feb. 26 at 3:30 p.m. in me Agronomy Building. KAM Annual Photography Contest Open Kappa Alpha Mu, honorary photojournalism fraternity, has announced its ninth annual 50 print international collegiate pnotography competition. This contest, sponsored by the eighteen Kappa Alpha Mu chap ters, is open to all college stu dents. .Purpose is to extend spe cial recognition to students showing talent and interest in photography. RULES FOR the contest are 1. Pictures should not be post- marKea later than April 1. 2. Pictures must have been taken since April 1, 1953. Four classes of pictures, news, feature, sports, picture story and picture sequence, will be judged winners in eacn class will re ceive a $25 government bond and runnerups, a certificate of recognition. Students interested may re reive more information and en try blanks by writing to: print chairman, Mabel Stewart, Room 114, .School of Journalism, Uni versity of Houston, Houston, Tex. , Purpose of Kappa Alpha Mu Is the improvement of pictorial Journalism, the advancement of high ideals for professional and amateur photographers and the promotion of achievement and advancement in photographic journalism. Art Exhibition Opens In Union Twenty-five paintings selected from work submitted by mem bers of Delta Phi Delta, art honorary, are being exhibited in the Union Lounge this week. Art media represented in the show include watercolor, ink, oil, tempra, charcoal, air brush, ink and crayon, etching and wax resist work. IN THE showcase, pieces of ceramic art and original design jewelry are being exhibited. All the work was executed by Uni versity students with the excep tion of two pieces done by Delta Phi Delta alumni. Selection of the paintings to le shown was decided by a committee consisting of Norman Geske, director of Morrill Hall Art Gallery; Mrs. Freda Spauld ing, David Seyler end Rudy Poz liati, assistant professors of art. Coffee Hour A coffee hour for faculty members and graduate assistants will be. held Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Union Faculty Lounge. There will be a charge of 20 cents for refreshments. By BEV DEEPE Staff Writer The freshman participating in the Thomas Stinson Allen Moot Court Competition are scurrying about the Law building as they nervously delve into documents and records for information from which to prepare their briefs The eight sophomores partici pating in the competition are do ing less scurrying than the fresh man, but more methodical delv- ing. The four junior participants are seldom seen except as they wander from one book shelf in the library to another. THESE "MOOT courters" are busy finding information for their briefs which will be re turned to the Board of Advisors from March 4 to March 15, de pending on the date briefs, were issued. The members have been given three weeks to prepare the briefs which are written ac cording to the rules of the Su preme Court of Nebraska. Unsettled points or law on which briefs are based are writ ten by the Board of Advisors, which consists of 12 law students and Allen Axelrod, faculty ad visor. The cases for the freshman are composed of torts, contracts, legislation, property and consti tutional law. The sophomore cases contain more advanced work, such as securities, com mercial law and criminal law. THE CASE which junior par ticipants will argue in the Su preme Court Chamber 6n March 27 involves a damage action which occurs when the pilot of a plane, attempting to make ar tificial rain, succeeds and floods a golf course. After the briefs are received by the Board of Advisors, par ticipants are given one week to prepare oral arguments they will use in their rounds of competition to defend their own cases and to refute their opponent's. Fresh- man rounds will be held March 15 through March 24. Sophomore rounds will be held March 11 and 12. THREE LOCAL attorneys will act as judges for each freshman round of the competition. The Board of Advisors are seeking a local or district judge to sit in on sophomore and junior rounds. The Allen Appellate Competi tion was established in 1946 by the faculty of the University Col lege of Law as a memorial to the late Thomas Stinson Allen, first graduate of that college. Ag Scholarship Established By Ceres Club Ceres Club has established a $50 scholarship for scholastic achievement and meritorious effort in school life. To be eligible, coeds must be registered in Ag College and have sufficient hours to graduate in June, 1955, or at the end of summer school, 1955. They must have earned at least one-third of their credit hours in the University home economics de partment. She must have a 5.5 average and be wholly or par tially self-supporting. 9 INTERESTED COEDS may secure application blanks at the office of Miss Margaret M. Can nell, instructor in home econom ics. They must be mailed by March 8 to Mrs. Phillip L. Kelly, 3101 N Street. Applicants must include two letters of reference, testifying as to need and character. Before making application, candidates are requested to give the regis trar's office permission to send grades to the above address. Personal interviews will be held in the home economics parlors between 2 and 4 p.m. March 12. fc's Seotriifi f&pmftho cm DE L.RAY' CLUB COUPE Miis Dclray Club Coupe combines all the colorful smartness ot a sport model witn an interior mai s designed for everyday family use. Scats, sidewalls, even the headlining, are all of soft, lustrous vinyl in color treatmentj that harmonize with the exterior color of your choice. And this new interior is just as durable and practical as it is beautiful. The vinyl is easily washable and amazingly resist ant to scuffing and wear. You don't have to worry about little feet on the seats or the things that little hands might spill. And for grown-ups, here at last is a coupe that pro vides all the between-seat knee-room of a 2 -door sedan! The Delray Club Coupe is only one of the wonderful new Chevrolet models that make up the lowest-priced line in the low-price field. Come in and look them over. r -J 1.1. r" OF EXCt' MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLET! THAN ANY OTHER CARI SEE YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Conveniently listed under "Automobiles" in your local classified telephone directory L3 If JVL Mil II? Blu II barren Perry . rtfiweswrnw.-- Program Operation Of KNUS Similar To Commercial Station By BRUCE MINTEER Staff Writer A classroom situation which closely resembles the operation of a commercial station is the course known officially as Speech 176. Actually, though the course has a calendar number, anyone interested in radio broad casting experience may take part. Operation is much like that of a commercial station. Back of each broadcast day lies several hours of gathering commercial material, selecting music and as sembling the broadcast "book." KNUS, WHICH is the desig nation given the station, may be received in any one of the or ganized houses on campus as well as the dorms. Broadcasts begin at two o'clock with the Third Hour program, which is an hour of both poetry and prose, and classical music. Dur ing the next two hours popular music, news and sports and spe cial features are carried, with students in charge of production. Those students who have ac tual work on the air are respon sible for filing a music sheet listing the records they intend to use. This sheet then goes to the record library, where records are pulled for the show. An other copy goes to the contin uity department to be placed in the book, along with promo tional announcements for the day. THE STAFF is broken down into many sections: news, desk, sports, music and continuity, all headed by a director. The new organizational policy of the sta tion makes provision for five di rectors, one director for each of tne operational days. He is re sponsible for all programs and features for this day. It was be lieved that by doing this a bet ter organization can be achieved SPECIAL PROGRAMS in ad dition to The Third Hour pro. gram are "What's Your View?" a panel discussion by University students every Friday. A pro gram which will again be car ried this semester is "Campus Capers," produced by Dave Chapman and Morse Weiseurt Every week an interview with different campus sororities will be broadcast at 4 p.m. Featured, in the order of their appearance, are Delta Gamma, Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau and Sigma Kappa. The station will go on the air Monday at 2 p.m., beginning the second semester of station opera tion. Harold's Barber Shop lYt BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE STUDENT UNION Haircuts $1 I Mb k 3th ANNUAL SUMMER ADVENTURE CRUISE TOUR..'. wit crJH, S.P. Stt, . S. Prtldnt Cleveland, Jun pi- Spt. 6. yaw travel eaant 't "TX No m i jhfl J T ,.,4'IIIIIMII,,.AMWJ M.HIi X -in. 'yVVTs--V I . wdyM""j-,hite- r f ' . - CO., tHt AMIMCAN TOBACCO COMPANY . ( Jl In Mm mm I? S F f(M When you come right down to it, you smoke for one simple reason . . . enjoy ment. And smoking enjoyment is all a matter of taste. Yes, taste is what counts in a cigarette. And Luckies taste better. Two facts explain why Luckies tasts better. First, L.S.M.F.T. Lucky Strika means fine tobacco . . . light, mild, good tasting tobacco. Second, Luckies are ac tually made better to taste better . . . always round, firm, fully packed to draw freely and smoke evenly. So, for the enjoyment you get from better taste, and only from better taste, Be Happy Go Lucky. Get a pack or a carton of better-tasting Luckies today. COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER LUCKIES A comprehensive aurvey based on 31,000 student interviews and super vised by college professors shows that smokers in colleges from coast to coast prefer Luckies to mil other brands.' The No. 1 reason: Luckies' better tastel VJeVe rooting ffi'U 0