The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 19, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, February 19, 1954
forgotten Man
Time brings changes in everything, espe
cially attitudes. For those who would take
exception to this, witness the change in atti
tude of persons, as they grow up, toward one
, date Feb. 12.
During childhood Abraham Lincoln's birth
day is more than just a celebration of pne
man's birthdate. It is a time for young peo
ple to gain a knowledge of the American
heritage as it is personified in the life and
deeds of one man Lincoln.
Very few ten-year-old children do not
know the stories of Lincoln's long walk to re
turn a few pennies change he forgot to rive a
woman who made a purchase in his store.
Even fewer have not heard the stories of his
early life and eventual rise to the highest of
fice in the land.
In grade school, Abraham Lincoln's birth
day is a very important date. Weeks of prep
' aration are made by instructors to make stu
dents realize the importance of Lincoln, the
man. The instructor is not interested in
showing the students Lincoln's political phil
osophies in other than very general terms.
Lincoln's accomplishments while in office are
... limited to, "He freed the slaves" and his early
life Is summed up by heavy reference to rail-
No Longer Funny
Ever try to work in a . business office In
. which persistant squabbling made concentra
tion difficult? Ever try to live in a house
hold disrupted constantly by loud arguments
between family members? Ever try to get
something accomplished in an atmosphere of
name-calling tension?
Occasionally these situations crop up in the
best-run business or family, but they rarely
last for extended periods of time. From the
purely practical point of view, they seldom
last because business or living can not be
carried on well in a situation of constant tension.
Tet one of the biggest Institutions in the
world, the United States of America, is at
tempting to carry on the business of national
and international life amid a continuing and
growing amount of Inner squabbling.
The situation is ridiculous. During import
ant national election periods, most Americans
- put up with the name-calling and abuse of
persons and parties with a mild amused at
titude. Knowing the nature of Americans, we
realize that when one party calls another
party nasty names and makes accusations
about its efficiency, this simply means that
. that party wants to win the election.
The time has come for our political lead
era to stop acting like children playing around
with national politics.
Any American with a rational attitude
knows that the Democratic party is not a
group of card-carrying Communists addicted
to treasonable actions.
Any reasonable person also knows that the
Republican party is not engaged in a whole
sale attempt to cheat the farmer, bring on a
catastrophic depression and ignore a depres
sion when and if one starts.
The American government is charged with
the responsibility of maintaining peace in an
unpeaceful world. It is responsible for the
welfare of its citizens in a
domestic situations.
To live up to these responsibilities and to
act in an adult manner, the United States'
political leaders must assume an adult atti
tude toward one another.
The Republican party must remember that ,
members of the opposite party are not really,
ideological opposltes. They are Americans
and this means that they are primarily in
terested in the welfare of the country.
Democratic party members must stop to
think that the Republican party is not going
to sit by with folded hands while the country
Is plunged into an economic depression.
Let the American people say to their lead
ers etop playing games and screaming non
sense at one another. This raucous disregard
of common interests and objectives Is no
longer funny. S.H.
splitting and stories of long hours of study
by fire light.
In high school, more emphasis is given to
study of Lincoln's political accomplishments.
The statement, "He freed the slaves," is ex
amined more closely and Lincoln's part in
ending slavery as an American institution is
However, the myths surrounding the man
are still abundant. Fact is difficult to deter
mine in the mass of fiction about the man's
accomplishments and little attempt is made
at the high school level to differentiate be
tween the two.
At the college level however, Lincoln's
birthday assumes an entirely different role. -
The day no longer marks the clumination
of several days or weeks study about the man.
It is a day for young members of the two
political parties to formulate and deliver
speeches against each other. The delivering
seems to come from one direction; however,
the replies lack none of the sting and harsh
ness of the accusations.
Lincoln seems to have been forgotten by
those making Lincoln Day speeches at univer
sities and large banquet gatherings. Accusa
tions fill the air and the answers vye with
them to be heard.
The result much commotion with little
For young and adult politicos the days
prior to "Honest Abe's" birthday this year
were filled with admonitions by party leaders
to be careful of what they said; they urged
that reason be used to avoid angering the
opposition unduly without good cause.
Now, almost a week later, the air is gradu
ally becoming clear of the charges and counter-charges
made on Lincoln's birthday.
Little or no mention of Lincoln the man
was made on the day he is supposed to be
most important and best remembered. Mem
bers of both parties used Feb. 12 as a good
. chance to run down their competitors for the
eagerly listening persons who wanted to hear
the party-line attacks.
Young persons make crayon drawings and
sing songs about the man, but hurry to grow
up so they may also forget him and listen to
the speeches. T.W.
series, of ticklish
SOG Please
One of the functions of any college news
paper is to make appeals to students to do
or not do something they should know enough
to do or not do without being told or asked.
The request Is simple: Stay off the grass
where there are signs stating, "Stay off the
' A path is being formed in front of the
Social Sciences building. Actually there is
little or no evil, in a path, but this particular
one Is being worn by the patter of little feet
through a $4000 sodding job.
4 Of course, there is some excuse for the
student error of walking on grass because the
sign is not too clear and the words are rather
large and hard to understand without a
pocket dictionary.
However, the large, rusty fence that has
recently been installed on the path should
give the evil-doers some indication that their
route is not appreciated.
Please stay off that grass. T.W.
Margin Notes
The 'Tested' Look
Human nature does some mighty strange
things and college seems to be no excep
tion. During the current round of "hour exams,"
students busily engage themselves in the
serious work of passing the test while wary
professors wander not very aimlessly
around the room.
After finishing the paper, most students
frown, look a bit skeptical at the results and
sheepishly walk up to the professor with the
Then comes the change.
From the tired, angered, wornout victim,
the typical Nebraskan face assumes a broad
smile. The professor, slyly smiles back. Hu
man nature has again worked, for the student
has an ulterior motive.
"Please," he would like to say as his smile
widens into a broad grin, "have a little mercy
on this paper."
Parade-ala '54
In this fast-paced age of science and pro
duction, there has been little room for some
of the grand old traditions of the past .
But one of the most beloved of all Ameri
can traditions will be revived this spring
the circus parade. For approximately 12
years the parade has been non-existent as
circuses resorted to more modern media of
Clyde Beatty, however, intends to change
all that. The famous wild animal trainer
plans to repaint some old circus wagons and
equip his show with all the standard glitter
of the old-fashioned parade. And, although
the cost will be about $500 a day, he figures
it will be worth it.
Besides reviving a picturesque piece of
Americana, a parade will be a good excuse
to let the kids out of school early.
Staple Saving
Now they're giving awards for people who
can find things to omit from tax forms.
An internal revenue employee was awarded
$75 for suggesting that one staple be elimin
ated from certain tax forms. The estimated
annual saving is $2,520 cost of 30 million
So reported a treasury official in a testi
mony made public from a House Appropria
tions subcommittee hearing.
Slightly Sticky
A sticky romance?
- Postal employees in Caldwell, Idaho, said
they would like to get their hands on the guy
who sent a valentine that really gummed up
the cancellation machine.
The envelope contained an all-day sucker.
Jul VtebhaaJuuv
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, ine.
420 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York
JMmfmm MbftetaS fty th ttadmta f th EDITORIAL ST A IT
UrtvemHy X tttliiMk m aa xprston of stwfcnts KSlu 8
turn, and uotatanm nlr. Aenrin t arttel U mt th Sally RnU
fT-lfmt camming tadil crubltratlons ud MmtniateraS Editorial Pat Editor Torn Woodwar
fa &sr4 el Publication, "H la tfc 4eclare4 Poller HuuIm Editor , a
tm. tiem Uw1nJ m.hlp tm th part f UK ?? ; V K Noshy
NA a Um part at any nwnlrar ef the faculty or tOP Ed,t4r Janey Carmen, Dick Fellmaa,
University, tfe BMntber f u staff at TIM Mariana Hassan, finn u.
ii.oteMi.-aa an MaaUy rrspoasIM lot irkat they say Ar -,,. Orat. Harrey
e mt ishm to b. print." Emil M "t""
biwrsjHNi rate ar 3 a mstr, ft.M malleo, at "" Gary rraeasca
M tot th eofUnfr ya, 4 aralird, Bind copy I flv BirORTEBS
'! .rl'U'J"5 " T " Waaaay and Friday Bcvorly Darn. Barrio Roof J, Loelfrae flvrftur, Jaok
'- tlx asboal year, wept neatloa and xamlnatloB rrandssa, WUIIamett Dco, Barbara Elcfc. Manila
aottooa. On bwo publfebrtl hl th month ml Ait- Miekcton, Sam Jwuea, Barbara Clark. .
tf ait year tr tit lnlvrlty f N'otmwka and Um ariainriraa a.v
!.!wSislB f tn Omumtto f atndeat Poblirotloat. Business STArv
(:iml amonS lm matter at tit Pest Of fie as Business tlanarrr Rtan gippl
S .. win. NobrMka, uadrr Art 1 Ctmtn, Mareb S, Bulnww Manafart Cbet Singer, Doran Jaeons,
!k;, meA at speetal rat of portal prmrlAiNl for la , Svntt Chllrs
SMo um, AM of Ohmxm i Oet. S, 117, aatBorUei rlrritlatlnB Manater Ron Innm
. 19, l$a& f Mint Jfews &dtlor. ...Janey Carman
Little man on campus
by duic tibier Student Forum
I'm teaching four different courses in education, but confi
dentially, I give the same lecture in all of them."
On The Light Side
At Loose Ends
Goodness me, what's the
The familiar, theoretical pen
dulum has certainly been swing
ing toward the nation's youth
lately. A couple weeks ago I
breezed about the trend toward
marrying before the ripe old age
of 21. And NOW there may be
a possibility that eighteen-year-olds
will be casting their votes
for the next president.
What I'm wondering is, what
will one have to look forward to
when he reaches the downhill
age of 30?
. ;
If the voting age is lowered
Bulletin Board
Recreation, Faculty and Grad
uate Assistants Coffee Hour,
4 p.m. Faculty Lounge, Union.
Pershing Rifles Dinner Dance,
6:30 p.m., Lincoln Hotel.
Sno Ball Dance, 8:30 p.m., Ag
College Activities Building.
Candlelight Dance, 8:30 p.m.,
World Day of Prayer for
Students Service, 7:30 p.m., Uni
versity Episcopal Chapel.
Collegiate Band Concert, 4
p.m., Union.
Two women talking: "Oh I
know your husband is a school
teacher, but how does he make
a living?"
She: "How was your party last
Voice on Fraternity phone:
"We're having a swell time."
American colleges will indeed
become the vital spots for polit
ical campaigners to swarm upon.
If such a situation should arise
I can just picture our University
scene come election time. Our
famous campus coffee haunts
will be transformed into smoke
filled campaign centers instead
of just smoke-filled. Here Inde
pendent, Greek and Faculty soli
citors would meet with '.heir
team captains (AUF style) to
formulate plans for supporting
their favorite political candi
To carry along- this fairytale
think of the new assortment of
"Queens" that could be added to
Nebraska royalty. . . . "Miss I
Handed Out - The - Most - Campaign-Buttons,"
or "The Joe-Who-Shook-The-Most-Hands."
Even th present University
titles could be revamped.
"Typical Nebraska Coed"
might become "Typical Nebraska
Campaigner" or "Most Eligible
Bachelors" might twist into
"Most Eligible Voters." Amen,
I wonder what the political
candidates might stress while
stopping off at the University?
If they were aware of the Ne
braska situation their platforms
might enticingly read:
"I, candidate I. M. Fillerbuster,
promise the students of the Uni
versity of Nebraska a winning
football season, a campus 'Tu
lajris,' -a date for every coed to the
Military Ball and for EVERY
ONE a honorary membership in
The Legion Club.
During election time students
would even have a new excuse
to write home for extra cash.
. . . "Dear Folks, send more
money. The 'party' needs a
boost." And the parents need
never know what kind of party
their child means.
You don't like my ideas?
Well, as a well-known TV come
dian tersely put it, "Let's don't
put all our eggs in one basket
until we've crossed the bridge."
Dear me, seems I have been
mistaken all these months in
criticizing Mr. Glassford when,
judging by the evening paper
last week, the state's nasty old
high-school English teachers are
the ones to blame for Nebraska s
football woesl
Brother, how far can you
reach for rationalizations! But I
do agree there Just isn't no
excuse for poor English . . .
( After being rather unhappy at
the $1 a head price-tag on
"Knights of the Round Table,"
I was well-rewarded by this
latest CinimaScope "treat." Sir
Launcelot's horse was twice as
smart as Trigger! Gee!
One of the better movies of
recent months is "Captain's
Paradise," starring Ale,j. Guin
ness, at the Varsity. It was
filmed in 2-D, black and white,
using a regular lens, and is
fitted with normal-phonic sound.
It doesn't even have a symphony
concert preceeding it! But some
how, with all these handicaps,
it manages to be an excellent
The local gendarmes begin
giving tickets "for real" on
March 1 to radar-trapped speed
ers. Better slow it down, as
this 12-points-and-goodby-dri-vers-license
system is rough!
Quote of the week comes
from Gen. Carlos P. Romulo,
former president of the UN As
sembly, who speculated that
Adam and Eve were Russians
"since they were cold, miser
able, unsheltered, and misled by
a serpent."
Spent an enjoyable Monday
evening attending the Boston
Pops concert in Omaha. The
highlight of the evening for me
was their masterful rendition of
the Gaite Parisienne Suite. But
the number that "brought lown
wic nwuov noo an cjit;ure a
concern arrangement of "Look
Sharp, Feel Sharp," the razor
blade theme.
The lack of University stu
dents in attendance pointed un
the "cultural desert" to which
Madam Editor referred in Tues
day's Nebraskan. Why do large
numbers of University students
just not go for "cultural" at
tractions brought to our cam
pus? And why do fewer still
attend out-of-town attractiis?
I surely don't know.
I spent two summer sessions
at the University of Colorado,
and students there supported
cultural events to the extent of
chartering busses to attend Red
Rocks concerts in Denver, some
40 miles away.
In addition, outstanding artists
are brought to the Boulder cam
pus and receive much more
support than they do here.
Sure, King Cole' and Stan
Kenton drew a large audience.
But can these be considered as
"cultural" entertainment? Cer
tainly they are enjoyable, but
why don't we have the Ballet
Russe or Boston Pops here?
Simply because if they were
brought here by the Union they
probably wouldn't draw well
enough to pay expenses.
What's the matter with us? Ii
Saturday night at East Hills of
TV and beer at the DB&G the
extent of our cultural inclina
tions? Have we slumped that
far? I'm beglning to thing so,.
Two On The Aisle
Guinness, Surprise Ending
Liven 'Captain's Paradise'
For those of you who have had
the pleasure of seeing Alec Guin
ness on the screen before, all I
need say is that he may be seen
currently in "The Captain's Par
adise" at the Varsity. You who
saw "Lavendar Hill Mob" and
others starring Mr. G.: read no
further. Wade through the edi
torial columns at the left or the
misnamed Student Forum above.
This column isn't meant for you.
"The Captain's Varadise" is
not true to life, could not have
happened to anyone you know,
and is nothing but pure whimsey.
However, if you are a member of
the male sex, you probably will
wish it could happen to you.
The Captain, Alec Guinness,
sails the good ship "Golden
Fleece" from Gibralter to a small
port in North Africa and back.
While in Gibralter, he spends his
time with his charming, but very
domestic wife, Celia Johnson.
However, while in North Africa,
his time is quite well occupied by
his equally charming, but very
UNdomestic, mistress, Yvonne
As the captain described it,
heaven itself could be no better.
One day is spent with the com
pany of a nice home-loving wife,
a quiet evening with slippers and
pipe, and bed by 10 o'clock.
A few days later the scene is
the company ol a lively, viva
cious mistress, a great time doing
Spanish dances at a dive, and bed
If there's time left after the fun's
over. And in between Is the sea
and the company of stout-hearted
men. Could any man ask for
The Captain, admittedly a
"clever" man, keeps peace in ths
family without either mate know
ing of the existence of the other,
although at times his cleverness
is thoroughly tested. His ultimate
downfall comes from an entirely
different source. Anyone who
knows anything about women
(does anyone?) should guess what
it is.
Whether or not you like any
thing else about the show, I guar
ntee you'll like the final scene,
Besides being a delightful com
edy, a web of suspense is master
fully woven Into the story leading
up to a climax that would mak
O. Henry green with envy.
Aside from Alec Guinness, wh
is magnificent, the cast Is excel,
lent. A thoroughly delightful
movie. "Halftima" entertainment
is also good, including a "Candid
Camera" short with an exctllenl
Mr. Ma goo comedy.
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