'J Friday, February 12, 1954 Shooting At Sports Board Of Regents Grants-ln-Aid By GARY FRANDSEN Sports Editor The University of Nebraska's publicity-packed athletic situa tion in many respects has been caught in the middle of a whirl pool the last few. months. Everything and everyone has been going around and around with nothing being quite done on the whole Situation. On Wedesday the menacing whirlpool was slowed down some what as several definite policies pertaining to the future of Corn husker athletics chiefly involving football, were laid down and officially approved by the Board of Regents. Probably the most important accomplishment which came out of Wednesday's session was the adoption of a new grants-in-aid progTam to provide for aid for 109 athletes at a cost of approxi- This should have been done several years ago. The Huskers mately $89,100 a year. have long rested on the bottom of that department in the Big Seven Conference. The old grants-in-aid plan has long been out moded especially connected with football. As the policy continued to remain the same, athletes, who might ordinarily go to Nebraska, were going everywhere but there. THE LONG-needed new plan simply is this: There will now be 74 football grants-in-aid instead of usual 55. This is an noticable increase of 24 which brings Nebraska "a little above the middle bracket" in comparison with other Big Seven schools. Other sports have been affected by the new policy. It pro vides for 20 in basketball, 12 in track and three in baseball. No provision for aid in such sports as swimming, gymnastics, wrestl ing, tennis or golf is included in the new setup at present. The new system has junked the old "Job" setup. Present plans call for $60,000 of the proposed $89,100 to come from the athletic department with the rest from friends of the University. Coach Bill Glassford has previously stated that requirements for a grant-in-aid at the Cornhusker institution will coincide with Big Seven rules. THUS A potential football player or any athlete involved in a grant-in-aid must rank in the upper two-thirds of his graduating class or if he fails to qualify on this requirement, ht can take Uni versity placement tests and providing he falls in the upper 50 cf this group, he is eligible for a grant-in-aid. All football grants-in-aid will be recommended by Glassford after a detailed screening process. For final approval they will go to the Committee on General Scholarship Awards. To hold the grant-in-aid an athlete must maintain the University standards for eligibility. THERE WAS other action Wednesday. The Board of Regents officially okayed their support of Coach Glassford, approved con tract renewals of John Bentley, publicity director; L. F. Klein, as sistant director and concessions manager; Ike Hanscom, assistant coach; Bob Davis, backfield coach; and Ray Prochaska, end coach; and also approved the temporarily assignment of A. J. Lewandow ski as athletic director. The adoption of the new grants-in-aid policy at Nebraska is a step in the right direction toward getting- the Huskers back on the road to the top, a position tbey once enjoyed and ean again in time. Next on the agenda should be the selecting of a permanent athletic director, the gentleman who will have much to say on how soon Nebraska football reaches its pre-war peak. The wheels are now in motion thanks to Wednesday's long-awaited action. Hjhuiihii.jjuhj)iiii...ijiimii mm. mi umi.i ,i iiiii.iiiiJ..iii.ii.i.ii.m-iiii.iiwiu.ii-miui iiuonm) i ) 11. Slip MmM Will . M;i7 tiff I'M i Hi--.'' X l fT''SP w li A J Husker Star This is Tom Kidd, one of the top performers for Jake Geier's University of Nebraska gym nastics squad. In last week's meet, Co- Captain Kidd Regents Hear Report On Use Of Novocain The Board of, Regents took steps Wednesday to clear up con troversy over the use of novocain for University athletes as charged by an editorial of an Alliance newspaper. The board received a full re port from Dr. S. I. Fuenning. di rector of the University Health Service, explaining the program for the care of athletic injuries and the policy ss to the use of novocain. The report stated that the med ical department has condemned the administration of novocain by individuals other than physicians and that it has never authorized the use of novocain to ret an ath lete back to the gome after an acute injury. The report also said that the Health Service was convinced that if any unauthorized injec tions of novocain wese given, they were administered over two years ago by a trainer who is no longer with the University. The Regents appointed a com mittee of four to pass on the re ports to the editor of the Alliance paper, Gene Kemper, to deter mine if he still desired a hearing "Mamma, what's a second story man?" "Your father. If you don't be lieve the first story he always has a second." Iff ill An i .iiinfln.M 3th ANNUAL IUMMIB ADVINTURI CRUISI TOUR... wnHf rdlt, Stt, I. S. Proiidant CU valand, Jun m-tBt. . your travel am J 1 . w MmLsrsIssI IHlHl''l'l Okay Program Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star was the leading scorer with three firsts. The undefeated Huskers go against the Univer sity of Colorado in their next meet which is this Saturday. CC Board Filings To End Friday Filings for positions on the Coed Counselor Board must be in by Friday at 5 p.m. Coeds may file in Ellen Smith Hall and Ag Union. Positions are open for six sophomores, eight juniors and two seniors, Coeds wishing to file mui.t carry a minimum of 12 credit hours and have a weighted average of 5.7. The interviews will be held Friday and Saturday. Any one who can not be interviewed on one of those days should contact Marilyn Erwin, telephone num ber 5-6887 or 2-1174. " Lovily Oreeting v.aras to convy your sincere thoughti . m a Wm.f forVlnt,e.Uay, Gcldcnrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Strict "'Hi' muawi ii mini ii ' .1 .. i im.ii mi, i n .111 nun li ' 1 1 in i . I 1 il nil i.i.m -. ) X .v.:.v-.-: yvn; i ' M yy.-y.-y.-yy.-y ' g IF" Sophomore Flash The Huskers will be seeing plenty of Dallas Dobbs, a soph omore guard on the starting Kansas lineup, this Saturday. Dobbs is considered one of the ATOs Third Sig Eps, Phi Defs On Top Of I'M Basketball Ratings By FRANK SORENSON Sports Staff Writer ALL UNIVERSITY RATINGS 1. Siama Phi Ennllon & Phi Delta Thcta 3. Alpha Tau Omega 4. Dubbcrs 5. A Jokere 6. Sisma Chi 7. Pioneer Coop ' 8. Hayseeds 9. Beta Thcta Pi & Phi Kapp Psi 10. Sigma Chi "B" FRATERNITY A RATINGS 1. Sigma Phi Epiilon & Phi Delta Theta 3. Alpha Tau Omega 4. Sigma Chi 5. Pioneer Coop 6. Beta Theta Pi & Phi Kappa Pu 8. Beta Sigma Pli 9. Theta Chi 10. Farmhouse & Pi Kappa Phi FRATERNITY B RATINGS 1. Siitma Chi 3. Alpha Gammi Rhe A Beta Theta PI 4. Phi Delta Theta 5. Sigma Phi Eptilon 6. Beta Sigma Pal 7. Farm House 8. Delta Tau Delta, 9. Theta Xi 10. Phi Kappa Pit INDEPENDENT RATINGS 3. Dubbcra 2. As Jokers 3. Hayscedt 4. Presby House 5. Dorm Bullets 6. Dental Frosh 7. Nebraska Coop S. AGR Grada 9. Ramblers , 10. Lutheran S.A. Two consistantly strong teams, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta, shot into a tie for first place in the Fraternity A and All-University standings Thurs day. Each sports an 8-0 record in their respective leagues. The Sig Eps, the scourge of League I, have mowed all op position in the first round of play and enter the second canto with a good chance to go all the way. Their top games have been against the Atos, whom they beat 35-34 and the Delts in a 34-32 battle. The Phi Delts, the frontrunner of League II, have burned up the league with high scores in four of their games. Three of these scoring- sprees were against weak opposition, but their, most de cisive win was. over a. strong Theta Xi team 58-48. In third place the ATOs look to be one of the top contenders for the crown this season. They have lost only to the Sig Eps and have run past all other opposition except the sixth place Sigma Chis who came within one point. ' THE DUBBERS and Ag Jok ers hold down fourth and fifth places respectively, and have 9-0 and 8-0 records to remain the class of the Independent leagues. Sigma Chi stands alone in sixth place and even though trrey have three losses, their play against the Sig Eps and ATOs and their wins over some Harold's Barber Sh:p Vi BLOCKS SOUTH OF THE STUDENT UNION Haircuts $1 7 cu0uwjJ m I. wy.n i THE NEBRASKAN outstanding sophomore per formers in the area and is cur rently among the top 15 scorers in the Big Seven Conference. Dobbs stands at 5-11 and weighs 165 lbs. tough opposition merit their rank. Pioneer Coop and the Hay seeds hold seventh and eighth spots respectively. Pioneer sports a 7-0 record and the Hayseeds have amassed a 7-0 mark, but against relatively weaker oppo sition. Beta Theta Pi and Phi Kappa Psi are in a deadlock for ninth spot. Each holds a win over the other. Sigma Chi B, the barn burner of the B leagues have a grasp on 10th spot. Their high scor ing and good floor play have been the best in the B group. IN THE Fraternity A ratings Beta Sigma Psi and Theta Chi stand in the eighth and ninth spots. The Beta Sigs moved up while the Theta Chis dropped after hitting a couple of bad nights. Farm House and Pi Kappa Phi are deadlocked for tenth place to round out the top ten. In the B leagues, it is well cut and dried for positions below the third and fourth slots. Sigma Chi sits in the top rung while last year's champion, Alpha Gamma Rho, and Beta Theta Pi are tied for second place. Each has a 7-0 record to lead their leagues. IN THE Independent leagues, the Dubbers, Ag Jokers and Hayseeds hold down the top three steps with Presby House and the unbeaten Dorm Bullets close behind in the next two notches. No one will deny that the next three weeks will decide a lot of things and will cut a lot of throats. It will be dog-eat-dog from here on out. "This university turns out some great men." "When did you graduate?" "I didn't graduate. I was turned out." QUICK WHEN Classified To piece a classified ad btup in the Buninem Office Room 20 fetudrnl Union Call 2-763i Service Kxt. Hours 1-4:20 THRIFTY ??2i!Lori!LLldcTJLdcTLl3day" I daY MO $ .40 $".65 $ .85f$i.00 11-15 .50 .80 I.Q5 1.25 . 16-20 1 .60 .95 1.25 1.50 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 L7S 26-30 .80 1.25 1.65" j 2.00 MISCELLANEOUS IIISSC. Special ratei on box elgtra t Ben Wolf a Clear Store. Mea.li eerved elao. 121 N. 12th. ROOMS FOR RENT HOOMERS WANTED At Norrli Houae Co-op. Three veccnclea room nd board Call 2-584. WANTED: Nebr. Co-op. 144 Q St. Haj llmlterl number of opening! for bourd. Cull -2035, 10 ft.m.-7:OU cm. ICarisas, ollido Good's Club Needs Victory Badly To Stay In Big Seven Title Chase Saturday night will be one of reckoning for Coach Harry Good's University of Nebraska basketball team. A win over their rugged foe, the Kansas Jayhawks, is a "must" if the Huskers want to stay in the thick of the scram ble for Big Seven honors. Nebraska is currently resting in third place with a 4-2 while Dr. Phog Allen's Jayhawks are settled in second on a 5-1 mark, having losing only to surprising Colorado, a team that knocked the Huskers off 75-67 in Lincoln Monday night. The first-place Buffs are idle Saturday, but swing back into their bid for their first Big Seven basketball title with a Monday night skirmish with Iowa State. Other Saturday action includes the Cyclones at Kansas State and two non-conference games, Hous ton at Missouri and Oklahoma at Oklahoma A&M. Good will probably start the usual five in an attempt to get the Scarlet back in winning style after two straight setbacks. This means Don Weber and Willard Fagler at the forwards, Bill John son at center and Charlie Smith and Fred Seger at the guards. The Jayhawks will open with Harold Patterson and Larry Dav enport at the forwards, big B. H. Born at center and Allen Kelley and sophomore Dallas Dobbs at the guards. NU Mermen Busy Friday, Saturday Coach Hollis Lepley's Univer sity of Nebraska swimmers hit the pool for two home dual meets this weekend. The first is this afternoon at 3 p.m. when they entertain Colorado and Kansas. Saturday afternoon the Husker mermen take on the Jayhawks again beginning at 2 p.m. Several varsity marks were broken in their recent loss to Iowa State. The medley relay team of Lloyd Reed, Dick Hlidek and Gordon Peterson swam the distance in 3:11.4 to better the varsity mark of Fenton-King-Draper in 1948 of 3:14.5. Cal Bentz also broke two Nebraska records in the 120-yard individual medley and the 440 yard freestyle. Bentz swam the former in 1:16.8 to break Buele Balderson's mark of 1:17.6 and covered the latter in 5:09.4 to erase the 5:15.4 record set by Jim Pixley in 1935. Going into the weekend meets Bentz is the top scorer with 32 points. Sophomore Dick Hill is second with 18 followed by Dick Hlidek, 17; Lloyd Reed, 15; David Gradwohl, 11; and Gordon Peterson, 8. Other scorers include George Gohde, Jack Trabert, Bob Sand stedt and John Lightle. Ag Union Movie "Jim Thorpe All-American" will be shown in the Ag Union Saturday at 7:30 p.m. All students may attend the se ries of Saturday night movies. No admission will be charged Bawd in. Tht Best Seller RACHEL L CARSON'S THE SEA mum us 5fte Admission College Ntndent I.D. Cerda If "LOlIIMNA TERRITORY" YOU USE 4226 for Clauifled Km. thru fri. AD RATES FOR SALE FOR BALK : Remington yulet-Rlter: one and a hB If yeara old. Uncle Sam tak ing me. you take typewriter. Reaeon ably priced. Phone 6-S487. FOR SALE ltMO Studebaker In excellent condition, phone 2-7651. USE 'NEBRASKAN' WANT ADS Niaff If Jliteimeini fa nESULTS Huskers Safurclciy Born Is the key performer on the Kansas team. Although he has been fouling- out with more consistency than any other player in the loop so far, he has been averaging right at the 18-point mark per game. Last season he was an AU-Arnerican selection. Another big problem for the Huskers will be the tough Kansas press which has applied the brakes to a number of their op ponents' offensive attacks. The Husker scoring: JnhnRon. C. . . Fred Soger, G Don Weber, F Willard Fajler, F . Chuck Smllh, G . . Stan Matzke. G . . Gary Renelman, C Duane Buel, G Jerry Hare, F Bob Prokop, T ... Bill Roy, F Norm Coufal, G . . Joe Poynter, C . . . Ward David, F .. 91 89 271 18.1 78 63 219 H.6 S7 66 180 12.0 49 35 133 8.9 32 27 91 7.0 19 16 54 36 12 12 36 2.8 8 12 28 4.0 8 15 31 2.4 3 1 7 2.3 2 2 6 1.0 2 3 7 0.9 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 ... 3 1 7 ... Othen 3 Totals 385 342 1070 Opponenta 403 310 1116 71.3 74.4 Buffs' Gym Team Next Husker Foe Colorado, Kansas State and Nebraska will vie in a triangular gymnastics meet here Saturday, starting at 2 p. m. The Cornhuskers have won two meets a quadrangular at Kansas and a dual last week-end with Colorado State College. Kansas State was second to Nebraska in the quadrangular. Entrants from each school Colorado Charles Bussing, Lee Forker, Paul Johnson, Virgil Kraft, David Lytle, Robert Mer rier, Dick dinger, Al Pereira, Robin Schmutzler and Myron Thorn. Kansas State Ray Beatty, Vernon Dye, Wendell Holt, Rick Khankan and Dale Misak. Nebraska Co-Capts. Tom Kidd, Lincoln, and Max Ken nedy, Beatrice; Danny Fogel, Omaha; Don Hodge, Beatrice; Charles Sprague, Grand Island; Bert Linn, Kimball; Bruce Riley, Omaha, and Burrel McMaster, Beatrice. Husker Grapplers Wrestle Buffalos A pair of unbeaten 167-pound wrestlers will battle here Satur day night when Colorado's grap plers meet Coach Al Partin's Uni versity of Nebraska crew at the Coliseum. Matches start at 8 p.m. Charlie Bryant, Cornhusker footballer from Omaha with four straight wrestling triumphs to his credit this season, will meet un beaten Royal Smith in the eve ning's sixth match. Meanwhile, Partin has switched Chick Graham, Lincoln, from 130 to the 137-pound class, and Jack Jirousek, Lincoln, from 137 to 130. Graham' has won 1, lost 2 and tied 1, and Jirousek has won 1 and lost 3. Other Nebraska entrants: 123 pounds Hilmere Deines, Culbertson (2-1 plus 1 forfeit vic tory). 147 Ron Dunn, Lincoln (0-1). 157 Arnold Morton, Ober lin, Kan. (2-1). 177 Lawrence Goll, Blue Hill (1-3). Heavyweight Max Kitzelman, Omaha (2-1). How College Students Can Get More Information long before they graduate and at no cost through this newly developed NAS career plan If you're like most college students, you probably haven't made up your mind what you're going to do after graduation. There's no more reliable source of advice than your own Col lege Placement Bureau. To further clarify your thinking, to help you decide where your particular skills will find the greatest opportuni ties by comparing one field against another, NAS has opened the way for you to secure first hand information from leading companies in the fields that interest you most. NAS can do this because, as adver tising representatives of more than 700 college newspapers, we are in daily contact with many of the most important and progressive companies in America. 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Bictarlology Banklng and Flnanco Biology J3ulnei Adminlttritlofl Page 3 Freshmen Meet Varsity Saturday The University of Nebraska varsity track and field squad will tangle with the Freshmen in as indoor track meet Saturday. Starting time for the affair is 2 p.m. on the indoor layout be neath the East Stadium. Thus far this season Coach Ed Weir's varsity has whipped Min nesota while dropping meets ta Iowa State and Kansas State. If lies the apple of your eye It she's vourdarlin SWeetieipie Say Iloveyout sir or maam" Say it best telegram -vie Why not call Western "Union now and give us your messages for Valentines Day Sunday, Ftb. 14 WESTERN UNION 121 So. 10th leading companies in those fields. Of course, we can't guarantee a response. We're merely volunteering our serv ices as a link between the campus and the business world. But in many cases you'll hear directly from lead ing companies in the fields you've chosen. Their information should first of all give you a practical, down-to-earth picture of what the industry itself offers in the way of a career. Sec ondly, at the company level, it may in clude valuable facts and figures about working conditions, pay, and chances for promotion. Finally, filling in this coupon may even lead to job offers that would otherwise never have come your way. So act now. If you're a junior, or even a sophomore, it's not too soon to join the seniors in considering a business career. The sooner you start, the more information you collect, the better your chances to find the right job after college. f A5, 1 I4.S V a. WESTERN rjj Say "St my tptcial Volanlint" by v7 Ulagrophing flow. Your own (tarlif llwdlhw forjoii nywtr. National ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC. SPECIALISTS IN ! REPRESENTING C011ESE NEWSPAPERS rh.mir.i Eng. lnsurnct Chamlitry Mittwmatlet Clvll Enj. Mchanleal Enf. Electrical Enf. MtUllurlel Eng. Enlnaerln , Mlnln( Enf. 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