The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1954, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, February 3, 1954
Page 4
liter 12 Years, Guide
lecalls Daring Rescue
Parachutist, And 'Darn-Fool Publicity
Stunt Opposites Of New Job
Newell Joyner, recently ap
pointed naturalist-guide at the
University State Museum, can
boast of a widely varied and in
teresting career.
Joyner first attended the Uni
versity in 1924 and was presi
dent of the freshman class. He
later became principal of grade
schools in Hyannis from 1927 to
1928. He then took a job as the
first junior park naturalist at
Yellowstone Park. In the spring
and fall of 1931, he again at
tended the University. In March,
1932, he became superintendent
of Devils Tower National Mon
ument in northeast Wyoming,
where he remained for 15 years.
JOYNER left Devils Tower
and the National Park Service
in 1947 to take up residence in
Lincoln. He entered private
business and then decided to re
enter the University in the
spring of 1952 to complete re
quirements for a Bachelor of
Science degree. After receiving
his degree last June, he became
assistant guide at the University
Museum. After the death last
fall of James McGee, who was
a guide for 12 years, Joyner
took over the head post.
Joyner attributes his coming
to Lincoln to an incident which
happened while he was superin
tendent at Devils Tower and
still recalls with a shudder the
cix days in 1941 when he was
responsible for the lives of be
tween 10 and 20 men because
of a "darn-fool publicity stunt
which put a professional para
chutist on top of Devils Tower,"
a 750-foot rugged monolith.
DURING THOSE six days 48-year-old
Joyner got little sleep
as numerous attempts failed to
lescue the chutist from the al
most vertical mass of volcanic
The story began early in the
morning on Oct. 1, 1941, as
Joyner sat in his office, refus
ing to believe a report from one
of his mechanics that a para
chutist had just landed on the
top of the tower.
Joyner rushed to the base of
the tower when he finally saw
the man kneeling at the edge
of the acre of boulders and
sharply eroded rocks at the
tower's cap and shouted to the
man, "How are you going to
get down?"
The chutist seemed uncon
cerned and answered, "That's no
trick, it is?"
But it was quite a trick which
called for trained mountain
climbers when other .plans
failed. The original plan to
drop a rope from an airplane to
the chutist which he coold slide
down upon failed when the
rope bounced off the edge of the
tower. A second attempt worked
no better.
and rain storm moved in and
blankets and food were dropped
to the chutist, who spent the
first night on the tower fight
ing the violent wind and rain.
Joyner took full charge of the
rescue operations and decided
that the chutist could be brought
down only by '. experienced
mountain climbers. An initial
attempt by two Rocky Mountain
National Park mountaineers
failed. They said the climb was
beyond their experience; but
another climber, Jack Durranee,
a Dartmouth College student,
was called in. Durranee had pi
oneered a route up the tower
in 1939.
On the sixth day preparations
for the ascent were made and
eight climbers under Durrance's
leadership reached the top after
eight hours. The climbers and
the chutist reached the ground
THE PRESSURE of the re
sponsibility still has not worn
off, Joyner admits, even after 12
years, and the memory of this
experience serves to remind him
of the pleasures of his present
job. With the aid of an assist
ant guide he takes nearly 30,000
school children through the
Museum each year, in addition
to the thousands of adult visit
ors who spend a few hours
roaming the halls seeking more
information about the natural
history of Nebraska.
Graduate Fellowships Offered .
For Radiological Physics Study
University seniors majoring in
chemistry, physics or engineer
ing are eligible to apply for
Atomic Energy Commission
sponsored graduate fellowships
in radiological physics for the
1954-55 school year.
Radiological physics is a new
field of science concerned with
health physics, radiation moni
toring and control and radioiso
tope measurements. This ex
Art Show
Ends Today
Display Features
Worldwide Work
Children's pictures from many
countries are on display in the
auditorium at Miller and Paine's,
in an international show which
will end today.
Included in the exhibit are
pictures done in crayon, water
color and pen and ink by young
sters from 5 to 14 years old.
Countries represented include
South Africa, Thailand, Den
mark, Hawaii and France. The
United States, is represented by
an entry from the Lincoln Pub
lic schools.
Co-sponsores of the exhibition
are the university ot jNeorasKa
Extension Division and the Ne
braska Art Association. The pic
tures have been assembled by
Mrs. M. E. Vance, of Lincoln,
who has been active in circulat
ing art exhibits among Ne
braska schools.
Much of the material from the
Far East was secured through
the co-operation of Chief Justice's
Robert Simmons and Mrs. Sim
mons, who have traveled exten
sively in the Far East.
Samuel Waugh, assistant to
the U. S. Secretary of State, was
instrumental in securing the
French collection, which is being
shown for the first time in
After Thursday the show will
be circulated among schools over
the state, Mrs. Vance said.
On The Social Side
Semester Opens With Announcements
Of Two Engagements, Eight Pinnings
After two quiet weeks of
finals, members of organized
houses again met for Monday
night dinner and meeting. Sev
eral coeds surprised their sis
ters with news of pinnings, and
two recent engagements have
been annuonced.
Don Oden, Kappa Sig, and
Valera Jepson announced their
engagement on Valera's birth
day, Sunday. Don, a junior is
Biz Ad, is from Council Bluffs,
la. Valera formerly attended
Williams Woods College in Ful
ton, Mo., and is now working as
a private secretary in Omaha.
Kitty Wilson announced her
approaching marriage to Tim
Nelson, Delta Sig, at the KD
house Monday night. The wed
ding will be May 29. Kitty, from
Wolbach, is a senior in Teach
ers College. Tim is a senior in
Arts and Sciences.
Three Kappa Delts announced
their pinning Monday night.
Among them was Margie Antes,
Lincoln sophomore in Home Ec,
who is pinned to Jack WLsby
Theta Xi from Grand Island.
Jack is a junior in Biz Ad.
Another Kappa Delt, Mary
Lou Beermann, announced her
pinning to Jim Haggert '53 grad
and an AGR, who is now work
ing in Grand Island. Mary Lou
js a junior in Teachers from
Dakota City.
Sue Simmons, KD pledge, Is
wearing the wings of Glenn
Blomendahl, a former student at
the University who is now in
the Naval Air Cadets. Glenn is
stationed in Milton, Fla. Sue, a
freshman in Arts and Sciences,
is from Hooper.
DG Julie Reynolds passed
candy announcing her pinning
to Dick Curtis, Sigma Nu from
Grand Island. Julie, from Omaha
is a junior in Arts and Sciences.
Dick is an Engineering sopho
more. Colbert-Hunley
Phyl Colbert, '53 Homecoming
Queen, announced to her Theta
sisters her pinning to Charlie
Hunley, Phi Delt. Phyl is from
Lincoln and a junior in Home Ec.
Charlie, from Rulo. is a senior.
Alana Ackerman, Kappa, and
Bill Harmon, DU, also announced
their pinning Monday night. A
sophomore in Arts and Science,
Alana is from Fairbury. Bill,
from Iowa, is a junior.
Another Kfppa candy-passing
was that of Nancee Peterson who
announced her pinning to Dave
Neely. Dave, a Phi Delt, was
graduated from the College of
Law in June and is now prac
ticing law in Omaha. Nancee
is a Teachers College senior from
Alpha Xi Dot Low announced
her pinning to DU Ted Britt.
Dot is a senior in Teachers Col
lege from Beatrice. Ted, from
North Platte, is a junior in
Debaters To Enter Contest At Kansas
University debaters will take
the first major trip of the sec
ond semester Thursday after
noon when they leave for Pitts
burgh. Kans., to participate in a
tournament sponsored by Kansas
State Teachers College.
The speech contest is expected
to attract teams from Kansas,
Nebraska, Missouri and Okla
homa. JERRY IGOU and Russell
Gutting, Norman Alexander and
Charles Klasek, Jim Placke and
Paul Scheele will compose the
three teams from the University.
Accompanying the team will
Palladian Society Plans
Panel Discussion Friday
The Palladian Society will
sponsor a panel discussion en
titled, "Why go to college," Fri
day at 8:30 in the east room of
Temporary J.
Entertainment and refresh
ments will follow. Kay Severns,
vice-president, emphasized that
anyone interested may attend.
Foundation Awards Grant To NU;
Jehle To Head Research On Genes
Investigation In the self-duplication
of genes has been aided
by a $10,000 grant to the Uni
versity by the National Science
The project is under the direc
tion of Dr. Herbert Jehle, asso
ciate professor of physics.
Two year's work will be cov
ered by the grant which will
Want Ads
Phone Ex. 4227
1SI88C Special rates on box cigars at
Bn W '!(' Cigar Store.
alo. 121 N. 12th.
Meals aerved
TOR BALE: Dletrgen Corrmander draw
ing instruments. Nearly new. $22.50
UrU.P WA.NTKD: Baton twlrler. 11.00
pr hour. Contact Mra. Hathaway at
aaye only.
provide pay for assistants and
finance mathematical computa
tions which must be done on an
electronic calculator at the Uni
versity of Illinois.
William L. Bade, Jerrold M.
Yos and Norman R. Zabel, all
physics students working on
their doctorates, will be working
with Jehle on the project.
Others who have ass'isted with
the present project include Wil
liam G. Leavitt and Hugo Ri
beiro in physics, and D. D. Mil
ler and Leonard Nelson in bi
ology. .
Ping Pong Begins
For Ag Students
An Ag ping pong tournament
will, begin this week, having
separate divisions for boys and
girls, tourney chairmen Rodney
Swanson and Jean Landen an
nounced. All games may be 'played at
any convenient place, for only
the weekly playoffs need super
vision. At the end of the series,
weekly winners will be an
nounced. These winners will
compete for final prizes and
titles which will be awarded to
the champions.
All interested Ag students may
still sign for the contest on
tournament sheets available in
the activities office of the Ag
be Bruce Kendall, assistant pro
fessor of speech and dramatic art
and Wilmer Linkugel, graduate
Contests in debate, oratory
and extemporaneous speaking
will be held at the two day
speech conference.
New French Class
Scheduled By NU
A new class for children in
beginning French will be held
Saturday afternoons. Registra
tion will be Saturday at 11 a.m.
in Burnett Hall, Room 320.
Charles Colman, assistant pro
fessor of romance languages,
made the announcement Mon-.
day. The present children's
classes in French, German, and
Spanish will continue Saturday
at the same time, in the same
Any children from four to
high school age are eligible for
these classes. The cost is. $3 a
Oliver Cho$en Speaker
For Vo-Ed Banquet
The Vo-Ed banquet will be
held March 18.
Dr. Albert Oliver, assistant
professor of education at the
University of Pennsylvania, will
be guest speaker for the event.
panding science is also associat
ed with the Use of radioistopes
and the release of nuclear en
ergy. ,
SEVENTY - FIVE fellowships
may be awarded, with full-accredited
graduate study to be
carded out in three locations.
Programs will be operated by
the University ot Rochester and
Brookhaven National Labora
tory, by the University of Wash
ington and the Hanford Works
of the AEC and by Vanderbilt
University and the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory. ,
Under the programs, nine
months vof course work at the
universities will be followed .by
three months of additional
study and field training at the
cooperating AEC installation.
The program is accredited for
graduate-levef training leading
toward an advanced degree.
BASIC STIPEND for fellows
is $1600 per year, with an allow
ance of $350 if married and $350
for each dependent child. Uni
versity tuition and required fees
will be paid by the Oak Ridge
Institute of Nuclear Studies,
which administers the program
for the AEC. -
Additional information may
be obtained from the University
science department or by writ
ing the University Relations Di
vision of the Oak Ridge Insti
tute of Nuclear Studies, P.O.
Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn.
Serve Community
Urban Leaguers
As the result of the formation
of the urban league committee
of the Red Cross College Unit
this fall. Lincoln gained a new
community service group.
Thp committee serves Lincoln
by promoting community pro
thrnueh inter-racial under
standing and co-o peration.
Members work under tne direc
tion of the Lincoln Urban
As a community service com
mittee members perform a var
iety of jobs at the Urban League
Center. Some of the girls assist
in the handicntft program for
grade school children, neiping
the youngsters With finger-paint-incr
and rlav modeling. Others
supervise gym games and direct
vocal groups.
at PRESENT a teen-aee boys'
chorus, a male quartet and a
community sing group tor aauus
have been organized.
Plans for enlarging present
ar-tivitif are underwav. In ad
dition, a series of panels com
posed of teen-agers and commit
tee members will present dis
cussions to high school students.
so nlans to spon
sor personality development ac
tivities which will offer dis
cussions, movies and speakers
on hair styling, make-up eti
quette and clothing.
A PARTY FOR colleee and
high school students will be held
at thf Urban Leaeue Center
sometime in February. Also, Sat
urday night teen-age dances win
be held at the Center.
Mpinhers of the urban League
committee are Barbara Freeman,
Shirley McPeck, Mary mcmui
lpn T.nrna Uuhoff. Carol Relph.
Jackie Burton, Janet Boyd and
chairman Billie Croft.
Th first official meeting of
the urban league committee will
lio hflH Thiirsriav at 7 t).m. in
the Red Cross office in the Union.
Membership on the committee is
still open, and anyone interested
in the work should contact Miss
CC Plans Party
For New Coeds
Mow TInivprsitv coeds will be
entertained at a Coed Counselor
party Thursday at 7 p.m.
Th nartv. snonsored bv the
Coed Counselor Board, will fea
ture refreshments, a program
and a social hour to acquaint the
new students with university
I 31 fj?
Onvnsnoin) LlaimllCS
Program Offers Latest Developments
To Persons Working In Specialized Fields
With more than 8,000 students
carrying correspondence work
each year, the University Exten
sion Division ranks second
among the universities in the
According to Dr. Knute O.
Broady, director,' the University's
yearly registrations are exceeded
only by the University of Cali
fornia. "Most of the enrollees are
teachers taking academic and
professional courses while on tho
job," he said. "The Teachers Col
lege, in cooperation with the Ex
tension Division, maintains one
of the nation's most effective
teachers-in-se rvice education
ABOUT 2.200 students trom
more than fifty Nebraska com
munities carry credit work in
the Extension Division's off
campus course program each
The division is Offering more
than 60 credit classes second
semester. Among the curriculum
are courses in international, sur
vey of music literature, petrol
ogy and hispanic history. Five
non-credit classes stressing tne
improvement of efficiency in
reading, hearing and speaking
and the pastimes of writing and
puppetry are available.
IN ADDITION the Extension
University Art Exhibit
Displays German Prints
'ExDressionism' Represented
In Cuts, Lithographs, Etchings
A collection of prints, including
woodcuts, lithographs, and-etchings
by modern German masters
is on exhibition until Sunday in
the University Art Galleries.
The masters represent the
"Expressionist Group." Charac
teristic of the expressionists is
their emotions, both pathetic and
exotic; in contrast with the in
tellectual and abstract analysis
of other artists.
Included in this collection is
work by Barlach, Beckmann,
Feininger, Grosz, Hofer, Kirch
ner. Kokosehka, Kollwitz, Marc.
Muller, Nolde, Pechstein, and
Schmidt-Rotluff. "This is the first
time these artists have been
shown in Lincoln as a group,"
stated Norman Geske, acting di
rector of the galleries.
For Friday
Y's Isle will be the setting for
the annual YWCA Rendezvous
to be held at Ellen Smith Hall
Friday from 3 to 5:30 p.m.
In a Hawaiian atmosphere
supplemented by palm trees and
pineapple juice, coeds may sign
up for commission and project
groups. Commission group lead
ers will explain the purpose of
each group and assist coeds in
"ALL Y members and those
interested in becoming members
are urged to attend," Carole
Thompson, publicity chairman,
Schedules of conrmission
group meetings will be sent to
all present Y members.
Recently elected YW officers
"Sre: president, Joyce Laase; vice
president, Kay Burcum; secre
tary, Jo Knapp; treasurer, Gail
Katskee, and district represent
ative, Marlys Johnson.
viiu;it7 the onlv woman in
cluded in the group, is one of the
most powerful women artists of
the Twentieth Century. She was
primarily interested in primitive
art and sculpture as contrasted
with civilized life.
Shown with this collection that lent from the WEYHE Gal
leries in New York, the Univer
sity Gallery is also exhibiting , a
wood figure by Barlach and a
painting by Kirchner which were
acquired for the collection in re
cent years.
Division provides University
auaio-visuai maraiai vi us art,
speech or music services to Ne
braska communities.
The division helps build closet
relationships between business
and industry in Nebraska and
the Colleges of Engineering and
Business Administration through
their programs of short courses
and conferences. In this way
latest developments are brought
to men and women who are ac
tively working in their fields of
LAST FALL the College of
Medicine instituted a post-graduate
program in medicine and
nursing in cooperation with Ex
tension Division. In connection
with this, new post-graduate ac
tivities in pharmacy have been
The University's consultive
program for small communities
has been called outstanding. As
sistance is rendered on a self
help basis. The work dees not in
volve doing for, but rather help
ing communities in developing
plans for making physical or
other improvements.
OF THE enrollees in evening
classes last fall: 36 per cent wcra
campus students taking evening
classes to augment their regular
program of study; 25 per cent
were people from businesses
accountants, clerks, secretaries,
supervisors and executives.
Twelve per cent were teach
ers; 9 per cent, homemakers; 4
per cent, nurses; 3 per cent, em
ployed by Lincoln industries,
and the remaining 11 per cent
included occupations of all types.
or... don't put all your
goose eggs in
one basket
Once there was a Basketball Team that
had Plenty of Nothing. It was 60 poor
that even the Coach hadn't gone to a
game all season. Couldn't stand to
watch his Scoreless Wonders. So the
Futile Five careened through the sched
ule and hit the road for the Big Came.
Due to lose by 43 points, the Experts
But somebody back on campus had
Brainstorm. He whipped out his
Trusty Telegrammar (the Telegrammar
being a pocket-sized guide to telegraph
use. If you'd like one, incidentally,
for gratis, just write to Room 1727,
Western Union at 60 Hudson Street,
New York City.)
Spotting a likely idea he started t.he
wheels moving! So, just beiore tame
I ime, the team got more Telegrams than
you could shake a Referee at. Group
telegrams from fraternities and aorori
ties, personal telegrams from Prexj
and the Dean of Women, hundreds of
telegrams from students ... all saying
"We're behind you, team!" The reac
tion? Tremendous. The boya pulled
themselves together, went out and lost
by only 28 points instead of 45.
The moral is Obvious. The more you
encourage a guy, the better he'll do . . .
and Giving a Hand by telegram works
wonders. In fact, whether it's Money
from Home you want, or a Date, or jut
to send a Soulful Message to Someon.
Special, just call Western Union or
whip down to your local Western Un
ion office.
Coffee Hour
Coffee hour for faculty mem
bers and graduate assistants will
be held Friday from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Union Faculty Lounge.
There will be a 50 cent charge
for refreshments.
8 &fMruj J Amm
j wzrwrfPYT s
Lovely Greeting Card
to convey your sincere thought
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C. TWO-TONE of crisp, washable
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Tiny Tommies you're under five-feci tiro hunes.
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GOLD'S Lingerie. . Second Floor