Poge 4 : ilili ' Pi Tau Sigma Four University juniors have been initiated in Pi Tau Sigma, national honorary mechanical engineering fraternity. Pic tured above are (left to right): 'Phoenix Too Frequent' To Open Friday Night Mood Of Play Ironic, Playful But Overpowered By Words By GRACE NEWELL MEEKER Faculty Reviewer "A "Phoenix Too Frequent," a comedy in one act by Christopher Fry, will open Friday in the Arena Theater at 8:15 p.m. The play is directed by Dale Holt as a part of his work in advanced production. There is no admis sion charge. The one-act play tells the story of a young Grecian widow who is planning to die at the tomb of her husband where she has come with her maid to wait for death. She abandons the intent when she falls in love with a young soldier who is guarding the bodies of six executed prisoners. THE PLAY is written in an Ironic and playful mood but it is overpowered by words. What is said is less important than the manner of saying it and conse quently the style of acting is very important and here the actors found their greatest difficulty. The acting as a whole lacked the finesse, the pacing, the drol lery, the highly polished quality the play demands. Luanne Raun j ss Dynamene, the widow, was loveable and convincing but her performance lacked shading and changes of mood and feeling. Jack Parris as Tegeus-Chromis, the soldier, played with anima tion and sincerity, but his char acterization needed an intensity of feeling which was lacking. Dodo, the maid, was played by Carl To Lecture For Third In Audubon Screen Series Third in a series of Audubon Screen Tours, "Secrets of the Sea," will be held in Love Li brary Auditorium Monday at 8 p.m. Dr. C. Clifford Carl, director of the Provincial Museum at Vic toria, British Columbia, will lec ture and show motion pictures of sea life in natural color. The series is co-sponsored by the University Extension Divi sion and State Museum and the National Audubon Society. Season tickets for the series ere $2.40, and single admission is 60 cents. Tickets may be obtained from the Bureau of Audio-Visual Instruction in Architectural Hall, Room 17, or Room 101, Morrill HalL 4-H Club Officers Announced Merrill Named New President University 4-H Club elected new officers Thursday night at regular meeting. , The new officers are: President, Del Merritt; vice president, Marlene Hutchinson, (secretary, Shirley Slagle; treas , tirer, Evelyn Lauritzen; publicity chairman, Janet Kuska; program chairman, Pat Woodman, and ong leader, Arley Waldo. MERRITT IS a member of the Varsity Dairy Club, chairman of , the Coil-Agri-Fun Board and a member of Alpha Gamma Rho. Miss Hutchinson, a home ec onomic major, is the YWCA dis trict representative and a mem ber of Home Economics Club, VHEA and Ag Interdenom. Miss Slagle is a member of Coed Counselors, YWCA, Build ers and Clovla. MISS LAURITZEN is vice president of Clovla and a mem ber of Coll-Agri-Fun Board. She Is an ag extension major. Miss Kuska, a home economics-journalism major, is in Home J3c Club, a member of Pre-Or-chesks and works on the Corn-buskar. iHi&tf TV UUUUJUil.. uuuit .-,u- "omfi? major, belongs to Clovia ami Dve tiau Wald? general agriculture major, is in Builders, freshman basketba and a member of A1" pha Garrfna Rho. nh nlzters To Judge Tjjiiversitydcbaters will join ' vvvievan in judging the annual I fvItatlonal debate tournament . ... ..., . , , , VvsIeyan jjenaie oacn ja f,?iiiar said the University wd-uid assist the Wesleyan de- hell? Squad, C'Jrtl-iica biiu mtuiy tncrtibers. High school debaters end speakers representing 22 hli:h schools In four states will 'jmrtWpn. . ' ii-m I'll cut in on this -.-''armed the St. Vitus pa- said the surgeon as tie "UThD- rfripa vntir erHnd- j, sit there and read the i I. i.-.v""' v: "I thiiik she's cram the final." Utt!e Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star Initiates Ronald Swanson, Leland Dob- ler, Warren Andrews and Nor man Shuken. All four ranked in the upper 10 per cent of their class. Margot Hunt. Miss Hunt read the humorous lines particularly well and her characterization was consistent throughout the play. Her drunk scene, however, was not convinc ing and one might argue for a Dodo who is more saucy and less coy. MR. HOLT'S use of action was excellent; it gave the play pace and movement which aided in lending interest to the wordy scene. The play was, almost with out exception, played at one level of intensity, and some variation in this regard would have given the performance additional inter est and even humor. The costumes were appropriate and the setting ingeniously adapted to arena staging. The cast and the director are to be commended for doing this difficult piece. The difficulties they faced would not be easily overcome even by professionals, and this cast turned in a genu inely entertaining performance. YD's Challenge To Debate On The Lancaster County Young Democrats have challenged the County Young Republicans to a debate. The Young Democrats wish to determine whether the Young G. C. CARL W VWW'M-W... Jm,fcui,..,ii.iiiiii)iiiyj!ijii.. ,jni.i. Ill .: -, w " ' 1 ".:-y s V , 'I ,Y.'v :-' ''i ' .' Jl- i j ; - x 3 I y j. . .... v , :. a.v x : ..- ' "': " '',f' :, " -: "' - 1 " ' " WHEN YOU USE JJvl TkLhajJiorL ssif To place a classified ad Stop in the Butinew Of fie Room 20 Student Union , Call 2-7632 Ext. 4226 for QaMiflod Service Honrs 1-4:30 Hon. thru frl THRIFTY AD RATES No. words ldcry 2 day 3 days 4 days 1-10 1 $ .40 $ .65 $".85 SIXO 11-15 JO j .80 1.05 j 1.25 16-20 j .60 .05 j 1.25 1.50 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 j 1.75 26-30 .80 U5 IJK2M FOR SALE FOR HALF. 1047 2 door Chvrolt dnn. Pnlnt xoitllnt; maclianlcnlly vtry Kood: low mll"K; reaonabl prlM. lTofor'i car. 8-1907. FOR SA1.M Conipltely qulppd 1852 Jford Victoria, new tlr. Wut (til. Call Jo Krnum aftor t, 2-0373. LOST Pair blu hornrtmmad (lanu In brown Kip bttwiwn lth and 13th R at. TuMday. Flndar pla mil Nancy Klaly 8-4600 or 2-7U6V. Raward. FOR SALK 194 OId graon, 2 door, radio and haattr, bydrnmatle, top condition. Raaaonabla. 6-30U7. S H,P. outboard motor, low houra. Call (l-i:i or at ggoe No. S4. il'KflfAL rat on box claara at Man WoM'a riptur Blora. Mania aarvad alio. 121 N. 12th. FOR HAI.KTnx 25 with tall :W. Jack Holay y.-K2. NEBRASKAN WANT ADS Your Church God Has A Place On Campus LUTHERAN STUDENT HOUSE 535 No. 16th Friday 7:00 p.m.. Visitations; 8:00 p.m., Fudge Party. Sunday 9:45 a.m., Bible Class '9:30 p.m. at Ag Lutheran House. 11:00 a.m., Worship; 5:00 p.m., LSA Supper and Meetings. "Ques tion Forum," 6:30 p.m. Ag LSA Supper and Meeting at Ag Lu theran House, ' Korean Pictures by Don Karlberg. Tuesday 7:15 p.m., Vepsers. PRESET HOUSE 333 No. 14th Sunday 5:30, Forum; speaker. Prof. Worcester. law Students To Hear Talks By Professor A national authorito in the field of criminal law; professor Fred Inbau of Northwestern Uni versity School of Law, ill visit the University Friday for a se ries of three lectures. Professor Inbau's lectures in clude: 11 a.m., Room 101, Col lege of Law, to members it Jtie criminal law class and a group- of sociology students on The Lie Detector Technique;" 2:30 p.m.. Room 101, College of Law, to members of the Lincoln Police Training School on "Interroga tion;" 7:30 p.m., Love Library Auditorium, open to public on "The Scientific Detection of Crime." PROFESSOR INBAU received his undergraduate and LL.B. de grees from Tulane University and the degree, LL.H., from North western University. From 1938 to 1941, he served as director of the Chicago Police Scientific Crime Detection Laboratory. He is a member of the Chicago, Illinois State and American Bar Associa tions, and is author of several professional books. Young GOP's 2 Ike Policies Republicans agree with their colleagues in Omaha. The Doug las County Young Republicans have adopted a platform advo cating the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations, the removal of American ground forces and eco nomic aid from Europe, and if the Korean truce talks accomp lish nothing "that military and financial aid be given South Ko reans and Nationalist China and that war be brought immediately to a successful conclusion. We recommend the withdrawal of American ground forces except in advisory capacities." THESE TWO points were con tinued in the debate challenge: 1. Resolved, that we support the non-partisan foreign policy as proposed by President Eisen hower, and that we reject the foreign policy plank adopted by the Douglas County Young Re publicans. 2. Resolved, that we reject the power marketing criteria of the Republican Administration, and we support the principle of main taining the REA cooperatives as preferred customers in the sale of public power. The state committee also gave strong support in any action the Omaha Democrats deemed feas ible at the debate. iil ' Ids LOST AND FOUND LOHTBlack Schaafftr founUIn pan on rampui wdnaitty morning. Kaward Cull 2-2:60. LOST Parkar 01 blank and llvr pan. Reward ofrtrnd, ('all 2-7H76. HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN: Wc naad rapramntatlvaa In your local to help fill out an otcanliatlon (or bual n aurvtya, dllnltnt account HatlnKa. poll, and public opinlona. . . . Idaal part-tlma work. , . . Chooa your own houra. , , . . Your naaratt taltphon may b your plana of bunlnaa for aurvaya not requiring th alanaturaa of theme Inter viewed. . , , Went l for admlnletrntive aitarnnte fee, application blank, qun tlonnalre, plan of operation, and all tlv Ulle on how you may fnnnoife a eurvey group for ua. . . . OAKIJKN HTATK and NATIONAL HtTRVK.YH. P.O. Box Hi, Cedar (iinv, New Jeraey, WORK WANTED Hewing III home. pe. rial rate on alternllona (or itudente, HM Randolph, 4-30ST. RESULTS THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday 7:00, Jvespers, se ries on stories from fce Bible. BAPTIST STUDENT BOUSE 315 No. 15ft Sunday 5 p.m., Su)-er; 6 p.m., Organ meeting. Friday 8 p.m.. Midy ear party. NEWMAN CItJB 1602 Que Si Saturday Sleigh Riifc nd Chili Feed. I Sunday Masses 8,1, t, 10:30, 11:30 a.m. I UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL (Missouri Synot) 15th and Que Sunday Worship, 10:45 a.m. Gamma Delta, 5:30 p.m., begin ning with cost supper, followed by bowling. Tuesday Christian doctrine class, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Choir n Jearsal, 7:15 p.m. SOUTH STREET TEMTLE 20th and So. Sts. Sunday School, 10-12 am-J Jr Congregation, 11:30 a.mj; Youth Groups home of Bernard, Mitnz, 5:30 D.m. I Wednesday 6:30 p.m.,, Men's Club, Cornhusker Hotel; 3:15 p.m., Hebrew class." j Tickets Now For '54 Film Members To See Membership tickets lor the 1954 Film Society are How on sale for $1.80, announced JIarilyn Hamer, chairman of the series of movies. Seven films are to be presented and a possible eighth if enough tickets afevold. Purpose of the film series is to present films not ordinarily available to the public. The movies will cover a variety of topics, including the beginning of the American drama, of re alism, great film comedies, for eign films, documentaries, shorts and a new film containing paint ings of great artists, narrated by Hollywood and Broadway stars. THE FILMS are: "Greed," Feb. 17; "Blood of a Poet" and "Moana," Mar. 3; "Duck Soup" Wildroot Cream-Oil is Americ's favorite hlr 31.000 S.2017 ft 1 r , 'H " ' We ' ' 1 " . -.'.7 X r m0 i HS FACE IS SO 1 I KNEW VOU )( (gyl.-Tr. I-squ COULD Ve f-Birr THAT ilUUljUS ELASTIC, HE. CAN MOLD WE PENT ME YuoilT,Jrr fTP AVOIDED LOOSE V WOULD BE fMSZli IT WTO ANV SHAPE T.- BECAUSE 1 USE VoT DANORUrTCX), V 13. ii 1 OH.'-HOW CAN POSWX J WILPBOOT-CRIAM)' AnVKACE"-SAME -MY NAME Vf IM &MT telVwmo is who?3 oil to keep VwItoun goes pop wuTi 6 irvTc - Fosvetfl posdci- Sjjy r hair neat-- XT could Ve chief.?-- err - vou ViIiviTrl fl I 8UT NOT (oC" f abided wildroot cbeam-) Vflv. 1 In 1952, b survey of colleges throughout the country showed that smokers in those colleges preferred Luckies to any other cigarette. In 1953, another far more extensive and comprehensive survey super vised by college professors and LOElIGS7AS1,E BeflTEE! cleaner, moDUCT or ( mm A , vi W. D. LUTES The ' University Agricultural Extension Service has an nounced the appointment of William D. Lutes as a full time farm and home safety specialist. Lutes has been ac tive in the vocational agri culture program since 1941, and has made safety one of his major activities. He help ed develop the Nebraska Far mers of America safety pro gram. Available Society - Seven Movies arid "The Barber Shop," Mat. 17; "A Time Out of War," and "Land," Mar. 31; "Pictura Ad venture in, Art," April 7; "The Blue Angel," April 21, and "Fame is the Spur," May 5. "The Louisiana Story" is being consid ered as an additional movie if enough tickets are sold. Membership in the 1954 Film Society will also entitle the par ticipant to see for .a special price of 50c six movies to be shown at the State theater. They are: "The Beggar's Opera," "The Sea Around Us," "Man in the White Suit," "Melba," and Decameron Nights." MEMBERSHIP TICKETS will be put on sale at the Union of fice in tlie main lobby and at a special booth. Union workers will also contact students living in organized houses tonic. Iff nm-akoMc. Cent. MetMat Unolia. AC T UA STU E SI TO ALL l, it i based on more than 31,000 actual student interviews once again proves Luckies' overwhelming pop ularity. Yes, Luckies lead! again over all other brands, regular or king size . . . and by a wide margi! The number-one reason : Luckies' better taste! Livestock Judging ' The Junior Livestock Judging Team has been announced by Coach Don Warner, assistant wo fessor of animal hvsiiadry- The team, which left for Denver Thursday night to attend the Na tional Western Livestock Show, are: Dwight Jundt, Del Merritt, Don Novotny, Orville Weyers, Charles Watson and Cal Lemmon. Students Back Arrow Shorts in Big Swing to Comfort ill ! ' . iiMiBifflMMVlifnifneaiilllfiithlllMrr Students report that in "taking a stand on com fort", they enthusiastically endorse Arrow Shorts. Arrows are designed for ease with such features as no binding center seams. Wide range of fabrics, styles and colors now at all Arrow dealers. ARROW TRADE SHIRTS TIES UNDERWEAR " Creels uir, ar,vt, rnMm to dntfrutf. .. - jr iT f It PENT INTEEIVIE17S' PS PREFER LUCEUES 0T13EH !9 i i I rl :. AMERICA'S LI AD IN 0 U ANUFACTUMBS Of Fridov. Jonuory 15, 195 Team Announced THE LIVESTOCK team is maao up. of Jundt, Merritt, Novotny Veyers and Watson. Lemmon Merritt, Weyers and Watson are on the wool team. The team will judge carlot classes Friday, all other livestock classes Saturday and wool Sun day. They will return late Tues day. -wo!'' MARK HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTSWEAR Get WMrMt CrM.-Oil, OhtUc! low m . w . - ST 5-' SS JMi - 1 rufc 9 I G A R E TT E - fresher, smoother! CIOABETTES CA.T.Co.