The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 15, 1954, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Friday, January 15, 195$)
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The MuaenT opeaKiNH
The Great Idea
As an editor proceeds through the semester
that he heads his college paper, he has his
rye upon the last edition and particularly
upon his last editorial.
When the semester , started, he expected
that his experience daring the term would
enable him to compose a truly great editorial
for that last edition. Throughout the semes
ter he becomes Involved in day-to-day mat
ters but still he reserves that last that
honored spot for a greater idea than he has
had all semester.
But, sooner than the editor e::pects, that
last day comes. He still has the space for
The Great Idea but, alas, the idea has never
presented itself...
n air in uui riir in uuh lsviuk huic w uti
words of true wisdom on to his readers and
half in dejection over his inability to produce
The Idea, the editor rests his chin in the
palm of his hand and waits for inspiration.
First, he thinks of a few of the scores of
Police Statism
On several occasions during recent months,
George Orwell's book, "1984" has been cited
as containing amazingly accurate predictions.
Once again, an Orwellian concept has
strayed from the Imaginative to the concrete.
In Miami, a plan to observe the actions of
unknowing citizens is said to be underway.
TV sets, lnconsplciously hidden, would record
the actions of every John Doe who strayed
into range, as well as every Al Capone who
was foolish enough to take a trip down Miami
Houston too, has adopted a variation of this
invisible "Big Brother" technique. However,
this Texas city has limited the TV cast to oc
cupants of the jail and the audience. to the
sheriff who may watch the conditions of the
entire insitution without moving from his
desk (monitors, we mean).
Coupled with the current effort to legalize
wire-tapping evidence and the maintenance
of dossiers on innocent persons unfortunate
enough to have made an enemy with a pen
chant for "warning the authorities," the un
seen but seeing TV monitors are a logical ex
tension of our apparent drift toward Police
Wire-tapping may be necessary in cases of
national security when permission to use this
device is granted by competent authority;
dossiers are useful to law enforcement agen
cies, but are dangerous when taint of poli
tics, hearsay, or gossip are permitted in the
records, and TV monitors may be extremely
useful under certain restricted circumstances.
. But, if allowed to become established with
out proper safeguards for the rights of priv
acy, such precedents can be the totalitarian
devices which an arbitrary administration
could easily misuse.
Brownell's motives may be the highest con
cerning wire-tapping; Houston and Miami
may utilize the monitor system with Judicious
care, and FBI Director Hoover may be ex
tremely cognizant of the rights of the Ameri
can citizen. But again, such powerful de
vice may not always be under the direction
of high-minded persons.
And public officials have been known to be
corrupted by the possession of power over
others. E.D.
A Little Hope
Amidst the gloom of the Cornhusker "ath
letic situation," there is one small candle.
That is the University basketball squad.
Although basketball is definitely the num
ber two major sport at Nebraska, normally
a hot team such as we've had so far would
send thrills of excitement through the bones
of athletic lovers.
Bat, alas, how hard it is to see any Joy in
Sportsvllle when the dirty football program
draws all the attention.
The blackness of the night has so infected
athletics in Lincoln that even the light of
the basketball candle cannot stand forth un
opposed: Three coming home-tfourt games are sched
uled for Monday nights.
And if you don't think that scheduling any
event on Monday night isn't a sure kiss of
death as far as attendance is concerned, you
Just don't know the power of fraternity and
sorority meetings.
The possible effect of the meetings on the
three games so concerns the athletic depart
ment that Publicity Director John Ben tie y
called The Nebraskaa to ask for help.
The Nebraskan, of course, cannot call off
house meetings. But, as a prescription for
better athletic health, the paper would recom
mend that organizations change their Mon
day night meetings to allow attendance at
basketball games.
It's a gamble, to be sure. But a view of a
sparkling little team might throw some much
needed light Into the dark alleys of Corn
husker athletics. K.R.
editorials he has written during the semester.
He smiles as he thinks of the satyrical edi
torials but the smile fades Into a frown
when he recalls how many readers -thought
he was being serious.
He remembers a couple of strong editor
ial stands, when his friends said he had bet
ter not publish what he had written. His
eyes glow for an instant as he recalls the
pride he felt when the article was printed.
Writing sfich an editorial takes guts, he had
told himself.
Then the editor remembers arguments with
his staff over the use of the banner headline.
He had kept the banner for The Big Story.
But the Big Story had never come. Even
the best news articles always seemed a little
unimportant for a banner. He winces then
almost smiles when he recalls the story he
finally let the staff banner.
The editor takes his elbow off his desk and
leans back in his chair.
Now, about The Great Idea, he starts to
think. He tries to remember the parting
thoughts of other editors, but he has no idea
what they said.
The editor tries to visualize the intense
interest of his readers when they will receive
the last paper.
But will the editor's last Issue be as Im
portant to the readers as to the editor? He
thinks about the suggestion for a moment.
"Say, Joe, I guess this is the last issue of
the Rag for a couple of weeks," he can hear
someone say.
"Yeah," another voice seems to answer,
"better pick up a few extra copies; we'll need
some paper to wrap our laundry in."
The editor stares at the model editorial
page that had hung on the wall all semester.
Then he turns to his typewriter, dashes off
an article and tosses the typewritten pages
into the copy box.
Putting his fountain pen in his shirt pocket,
the editor walks out of the office. He locks
the door behind him.
In the copy box an editorial lies ready to
be printed. It looks like any other article the
editor has written that semester.
But this editorial is entitled "The Great
Idea." K.R.
Job Or Breadline
For a generation with but a slight ac
quaintance with the hard times of the de
pression, the "healthy readjustment" spoken
of by the Administration may bring about
more of an appreciation of those bygone and
unfamiliar days.
Unemployment figures have not risen to
the point where any particular pinch is felt
by the college graduate as yet, but the fact
that more and more persons are out of work
will make everyone's job just a little less se
cure. More employers will tend to review the
new graduate's scholastic record with in
creased scrutiny. If this is foreseen by stu
dents today, competition in the classroom
could become sharper.
However, for the great majority of students
reared in an era of prosperity, recession is
only a word used by the economist. Few
students will re?li7.e class standing may some
day mean the difference between a Job or a
breadline, E.D.
Margin Notes
Eternal Problem
Tradition examples cited as Impossible
problems are that of squaring the circle and
trisecting an angle.
Times have changed. Euclid, if he were
alive today, would probably be fascinated by
a situation which absolutely defies solution.
That problem, obviously brought about by
the age of Industry, is what to do about the
left-hand turn.
Some Things Are Sacred
It President Eisenhower's proposal to allow
18 year olds to vote is taken seriously by
congress and a law is enacted, those of us.
who havis been waiting patiently until our
21st birthdays to be able to place an X on
a ballot will certainly have deflated egos. It's
a blow to have someone three years younger
take over a privilege so long exclusive to
those proudly boasting their 'of age' qualifi
cations. Love Letters
Love certainly has a strange way of finding
Itself out.
For instance, it is common for African girls
to use beads instead of words to express their
sweet nothings.
Some boys have a whole collection of them
from different gjirli. But others seem never
to inspire their girl friends enough to get
them to sit down and weave a necklace.
It seems that a jewelry box full of colorful
beads would be more valuable than a mere
stack of papers tied with a pink ribbon.
Member: Associated Collegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Inc.
420 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York
TtM Wabraakaa Is pabltohaa r ttM tadanta f tka
!?mivrH f MwbnMk M aa axprmtttm of ntvitont
now ana opinion only. Aaaorrflng Article II at tha
rjf-l,mr fovmrnlna tnilont aahllrattom ati 1nilmt4
hi I'M floor af ralillratlona, "It I tfe ImIwH pnlta
(at ftmiud that traMimtkm tidr Ha furlMtlatloa hmll
t tra from editorial Mnwmhla an the prt of tlHi
tHwd. or w lb part of anr nMiabw at tht fiumltf f
(Dalmrslty, a taa mmnlMm of tha taft of Ta
pffiwwiiia pomoiwllf MprwIUi for what thr sa
m ilio or muum to fx print:."
Hir.mriaa ra arc is mum tar, tt.M atalM, at
M t th eniilpta yar, S msUrd. Stasia aaay to five
Hit. rbilih4 ea Teeadav, W4nMdy and Friday
i?n tha aehool year. anapt var.atlon and examlnatlue
aarfax). On Imo uilbnd dnrlni the monck at Aa
m ewn yaa kr tit fjniwull of Nebraska adt the
!.(-'!! af tha Commit! of Itudest Publication.
Jr.atml mi aaMind ela matter at the Poet Offl la
I tnmtia. Ffohreiik. undrr Art af doner. March S.
lti. u a rwlal t of potf irldd for la
fwtto ii, Ael at 0rM af o. 8, IS", authorise
Editor. .................................. . 1111
Editorial Par Edller ., Ed fie Mar
Manaelni Editor gall? Hail
Mewi Editor. ...... ..... .....Tom Vv nod ward
Upy Edltori ....Jaa Barrlam, Marianne Hen,
Hay Mosky, l.raoa Harvey
Apart Rdltea. Oanrt Perntrh
A Editor..,...., .DwtfM Junitt
Mary Key RarMr, lie Derpe, VYIHIamette Dnenh, Dirk
Pullman, Emily Hrmphlll, Mam jMn. f'lornc I,
Carol !, Mara PeUraon, Lnrlrrare w1tiur, I-owrll
VMtal, Harriot Karri, Marde Mtrkrlffa, rtrrnle Bonn,
euut, Mary Ana Vom, Barbara Etcke, dancy Carmen.
rinain nanarn
Am'I Baaln Manan. , .Chester ftlnrer, frnraa Jaoeh
dim Hotatetter, k-k Weatentt
(itrmdattoa Ma4Mr, , .Rsaj WUIMmaaoa
M-ht Htm JMitar Mariana llaneea
by Dick Bibler
"That dang laundry has fouled-up again I don't take chemistry.'
Rights Of Organizations
Dear Editor:
Are we taking the straight and
narrow road in handling the
football question? Or are we
victims of some sinister plot as
the American Legion text book
attack of a year ago, the Farm
Bureau attack on Mitchell last
fall. Or worse yet, could this at
tack on our Athletic Program be
an indirect means of destroy
ing our fundamental heritage,
the right of assembly and the
right to pick our associates and
friends without outside dicta
tion? I am now refering to the New
York incident of barring college
fraternities with discriminatory
clauses and the past activities of
some of the members of our Stu
dent Council trying to get our
University to accept the New
York policy.
My personal opinion is that
the University or Student Coun
cil has no right to dictate the
qualification for membership in
a professional or social frater
nity or sorority. This right
should be left up to the gov
erning body of the fraternity or
Honorary fraternities may be
an altos-ether different ques
tion. If one studies the history of
our country, one will find that
the fundamental strength of our
country is the many different
organizations and institutions
which have always kept check
on each other and our govern
ment. a
If we allow someone higher
up to dictate what type of an
organization is legal, it won't be
long until there will only be a
few legal religious organisations.
The result of this dictation, as
has been proven in many coun
tries as Russia, Guatemala, and
China, will be Autocratic Capi
talism in which our thoughts,
re&f'itg material, and activities
will be controlled.
a a
This controlling process can
only lead to stagnation and pov
erty and finally to Autocratic
Socialism or Communism when,
the people get discussed with
their station in life and feel
they have nothing to lose by ac
cepting communism.
Therefore for the sake of pre
serving our freedom and Dem
ocratic Capitalism, we must
allow each organization and in
stitution to regulate its own in
ternal affairs.
If we let each organization
and institution take care of its
own internal affairs, we may
still be able to give hope to the
people of autocratic capitalistic
countries, such as Spain and
many others, before they give
up hope and turn to Autocratic
Socialism or Communism.
Calculus Defended
Dear Editor:
As I read the article you pub
lished on the misuse of Calculus
in the University curriculum, I
immediately thought of this let
ter that I received from a former
student in the University.
I received this letter on Dec.
28, prior to the printing of your
article and I think that it is such
a direct, yet unintentional, re
buttal that I would like to quote
the last two paragraphs from the
"I am presently employed in
the Instrument Engineering sec
tion of the Goodyear Atomic Cor
potation. My section is a part of
the Design and Development de
partment whose work is being
done here at Oak Ridge. We are
on a co-operative training pro
gram with the Oak Ridge people
in the design of the new U-235
gaseous diffusion plant now be
ing built in Portsmouth, Ohio.
We expect to return to Ports
mouth in Jun.
a a
I enjoy the work very much
and am very happy to have the
opportunity to be here. You may
be pleased to learn that I have
discovered that the Calculus is
an extremely useful tool and not
just another of those subjects re
quired by the university as an
additional burden on the student.
Its importance cannot be over
emphasized and it should be
stated that this importance is
rapidly increasing.
. a a a
It Is my opinion that an en
gineer cannot successfully re
main In the engineering field
without deeper study in higher
If you believe that it would be
of any help, please pass this in
formation on to, any other stu
dents who, like I, believed that
the Calculus is 'just another re
quirement'." JAS. H. GRIFFIN
On The I 'King Of Rifles' Good
Ais,e ; Despite Time Review
Any resemblance between this
review of "King of the Khyber
Rifles," and a review of the
same movie in "Time" is purely
coincidental. I saw Time's sharp
worded denunciation before I saw
the movie.
a a a
Personally, I enjoyed this mo
vie. I "have long been a Ty Power
fan, and what with Terry Moore's
recent expose' in Korea, I thought
I ought to see "Khyber Rifles"
In spite of "Time."
Khyber Rifles" is the story of
a big blood-letting which occurred
in 1857 in India, at the time of
the one-hundredth anniversary of
British rule. Power (Tyrone, that
is) is a captain in the British
Army, who, born in India of an
English father and a Moslem
mother is received as a "half
caste" by his garrison, upon ar
rival In India.
a a
The general In command of
the garrison conveniently has a
beautiful young daughter who
Captain King (Power) conven
iently falls in love with. Things
look bad for the romance, and
for the whole garrison for that
matter, when Captain King has
to go fight the oncoming horde
of armed-to-the-teeth Indians,
a a a
Just ready' to go Into battle
with his Khyber Rifles, the boys
decide to fight, not with rifles,
but with knives. Tht movie,
therefore, might be more aptly
titled "King of tha Khyber Knife
Wielders." But you can't h-ve
everything perfect in a movie,
I guess.
a a a
Needless to say Power over
comes the enemy, the general's
daughter (that's Terry Moore, In
cidentally you might have
guessed) Is overcome with Pow
er's bravery and the movie ends.
My biggest quarrel with the
movie is the ending. It quits, it
doesn't conclude. (There's a fine
degree of difference.)
How do you like that, I must
be getting used to big screen
type Cinemascope. I forgot to
mention it till now.
There's a good "Tweety Bird"
cartoon, too. So if you don't mind
seeing Cinemascope, and you like
"Tweety Bird." I'd say "Khyber
Rifles" is a pretty good buy this
week-end. BOB SPEARMAN
Bulletin Board
The Merchant of Venus" Pro
duction, 8:30 p.m., Room 316,
"A Phoenix Too Frequent"
Production, 8 p.m., Temple The
Candlelight Dance, 8:30 p.m.,
Arts Exhibits Opening, Morrill
"Rawhide" Movie Showing,
7:30 p.m., Ballroom, Union.
"Submerged Combustion" Lec
ture by Dr. X. A. Kobe, 7:30
p.m., Room 324, Avery Labora
tory. Audubon Screen Tour, 8 p.m.,
Auditorium, Love Library,
Nebraska-Missouri Basketball,
8 p.m., Coliseum.
Four-H Club Leaders Meeting,
All day, Ag Student Union.
Stern Thoughts
Attention Cheerleaders: Neb
raska's colors are Scarlet and
Cream not Red and White as
your cheer explains. I'm glad to
see that you have initiated some
new cheers, anyway.
Speaking of colors, perhaps
we should change our school
colors to Blood Red and Sewer
Brown. The- way t h e present
coaching problems have been
dragged through the gutter cer
tainly puts the University of
Nebraska in a most unfavorable
position. Granted that some re
vamping and revision is needed
in the Athletic Department, it
certainly could have been man
aged more skillfully. The blame
for this lies with many people;
students, alumni, and interested
a a a
Congratulations are In order
for the Husker basketball team,
which has been showing that
greatly needed desire to win.
The cage crew, has shown that
desire can pay off in wins; of
-course, I don't want to forget
the skill involved, but the will
to win helps a lot
a a a
The result of recent showings
by the basketball squad is shown
In the attendance at games.) Not
since 1949-50 have such crowds
filled the! coliseum; win, lose,
or draw, I'm sure that this
year's basketball team will con
tinue to draw faithful and inter
ested fans as well as casual fol
lowers who know they are going
to see some all-out effort,
a a a
With exam week coming up it
will be interesting to see if
grades will be effected by the
restriction on the pre - exam
study period. I, imagine not, but
I wonder, also, if movie at
tendance will show any decrease.
a a a
I understand that the Faction
oops ... All University Party
made some effort to control the
recent Publication Board ap.
pointments of second semester
Nebraskan staff members. Nice
effort, boys, but it looks like
your political strength Is wan
ing. Better get some hints on
political functioning from the
old days. President T; at one
time, what the faction said and
wanted was done.
a a a
The Faction, it seems, has con
tinually grown weaker since the
sub-rosa fraternity known as
TNE left the campus. If thef,
is a relationship between Ftfiir'
ion strength and sub-rosa exis
tence, the sororities should be
able to swing some power,
a a a
Dr. Hoover and his staff have
finally devised an almost fool
proof registration procedure. In
past years, there were various
ways to get around the pro
cedure and register early.
From all reports, this year has
seen very little, if any, sneaking
by the authorities fcr an early
registration. Given time, how
ever, I am sure that someone
will find a way to beat the
system. '
Well, that about wraps it up.
First Semester, 1953-54 has fi
nally come to an end. See ya
or... don't put all your
goose eggs in
one basket
Once there was a Basketball Team that
had Plenty of Nothing. It was so poor
that even the Coach hadn't gone to a
game all aeason. Couldn't stand to
watch his Scoreless Wonders., So the
Futile Five careened through the sched
ule and hit the road for the Big Game.
Due to lose by 45 point, the Experts
But somebody back on campus had
Brainstorm. He whipped out his
Trusty Telegrammar (the Telrgrammar
being a pocket-sized guide to telegraph
use. If you'd like one, incidentally,
for gratis, just write to Room 1727,
Western Union st 60 Hudson Street,
New York City.)
Spotting a likely idea he started the
wheels moving! So, just before game
time, the team got more Telegrams than
you could shake a Referee at. Croup
telegrams from fraternities and sorori
ties, personal telegrams from Prexy
and the Dean, of Women, hundreds of
telegrams from students ... all saying
"We're behind you, team!" The reac
tion? Tremendous. The boys pulled
themselves together, went out and lost
by only 28 points instead of 45.
The moral is Obvious. The more yon
encourage t guy, the better he'll do . . ,
and Giving a Hand by telegram work
wonder. In fact, whether it's Money
from Home you want, or a Date, or just
to send a Soulful Message to Someona
Special, just call Western Union or
whip down to jour local Western Un
ion office.
Western Union
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