The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1954, Image 1

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Ehanqes (Little
Republican First Year Reviewed
By Panel At NUCWA Meeting
That the Eisenhower admin
istration has made no major
changes in administration policy
was the general opinion given
.by a panel at a mass NUCWA
meeting Tuesday evening.
Members of the panel felt.
however, that 12 months was not
enough time for a party which
had been in the minority for 20
years to accomplish much.
Panel members were A. C.
Breckenridge, chairman of the
political science department;
Bruce Kendall, assistant profes
eor of speech and dramatic arts
and Wayne Johnson, University
licy of the new administration,
Johnson Enid that it has been too
hasty on many occasions. An ex
TV Show
To Air US
Red Clash
NU Panel Series
To End Monday
"East vs. West" is the title of
the last in a series of "Trouble
Spot," a University television
production, to be presented over
KOLN-TV at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
Dr. Leslie Hewes, chairman of
the geography department; Wal
lace C. Peterson, economics in
structor, and Dr. Carl J. Schnei
der, assistant professor of po
litical scence are members of the
panel which discuss current areas
of conflict each week.
. SINCE THIS is the last pro
gram in the series, Dr. Hewes
stated that it will be a summary
of the whole problem which ex
ists in those countries where con
flicts between the Soviet Union
and the United States arise.
Economic, geographical and
political aspects oi tne coninci
are presented on each problem
which the group considers.
the two-fold purpose of the pro
gram is to inform the public and
to represent the University as
interested in public questions and
public service.
Late Tuesday evening TJP
.report stated that Coach Bill
Glassford will make an an
nouncement of his resignation at
an American Legion banquet in
Omaha tonight. No confirmation
was received from Glassford.
O. W. Green
To Discuss
Job Openings
Job opportunities .in federal
government will be discussed by
O. W. Green at a meeting in
the Agronomy Building, Room
244, Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
Green is head of the regional
soil conservation district in Lin
coln. He also handles personnel
work of other USDA offices be
sides soil conservation.
Dr. Ephriam Hixson, faculty
director of the program, stressed
that although the talks are spon
sored by departmental clubs, all
students are welcome to attend.
Hixson said that an announce
ment concerning times of other
company interviews will be
made at the meeting.
Deadline Wednesday
For YAACA Elections
Eight Vie For Top Positions
YMCA election will close Wed
nesday at 5 p.m. '
Candidates for president are
Charles Anderson and Jack Rog
ers. Anderson, a junior in Teachers
College, is the present vice-president,
special events co-ordinator,
and past chairman of the Film
Society committee.
Rogers, junior in Arts and
Sciences, Is the Y representative
to the Religious Welfare Council
and was chairman of the Christ
mas Vespers program.
- The runner-up in the presiden-
tal race , will be vice-presiaem.
'Hasty Heart'
Cast Tryouts
To Continue
Tryouts will be continued Wed
nesday 'and Thursday for the
third University Theater Produc
tion, "Hasty Heart" by John Pat
rick. '
Tryouts will be held on the
two days from 7 to 10 p.m. and
on Thursday from 3 to 5 p.m. in
Room 391, Temple Building.
Director Max Whittaker said
the action of the play takes place
in a small British hospital in the
South Seas during World War II.
THE CAST will consist of eight
men and one woman.
The "Hasty Heart" which will
be held in the Arena Theater on
Feb. 24, 25, 26 and 27 and March
3, 4, 5 and 6 will have a preview
opening in Fairbury in conjunc
tion with a dramatic clinic on
Feb. 21.
Applications for crew memb
ers for the University Theater
production will also be taken this
week at the regular tryout time
in Room 301.
ample of this, he said, was Nix
on's recommendation for a mil
itary pact with Pakistan.
Eisenhower promised to unify
Korea, but this has not yet been
done, Johnson pointed out. If the
United States desires the unifica
tion of Korea, Johnson felt the
only successful method would
be the recognition of Red China.
"The administration has made
many promises but failed to ful
fill very many of them," John
son added.
KENDALL FELT that it is too
soon to judge the administration
but that thus far it has been un
willing to exert the necessary
leadership. Leadership has been
lacking primarily in three issues,
Kendall said.
1. The administration has
boasted of removing security
risks from government, but ne
glected to tell the people how
these risks were dismissed. 2.
President Eisenhower general
ized and evaded important issues
in his State of the Union mes
sage. 3. The controversy over
wire tapping has lacked a defin
ite stand.
Breckenridge stated that, in
nis opinion, the President has
made some successes and gained
political competence. He warned
against expecting too much from
the administration in only 12
'Not Guilty1
Plea Made
By Ma nice
Hearing Waived,
Trial Scheduled
County Attorney Frederic Wae-
ener filed a charge of assault
with intent to inflict great bodily
injury against Don A. Manke,
University freshman from Lin
coln. This charge was made in con
nection with the hammer assault
made on Ruth Ann Scott, 17-year-
old University freshman, by
Manke Monday. In a written con
fession, Manke told police that he
had struck Miss Scott on the back
of the head several times when
he was giving her a ride to school.
MANKE PLEADED innocent to
the charges and his lawyer waiv
ed preliminary hearing. The case
will be tried in district court
number one when the next jury
convenes Jan. 25.
According to police, Manke al
so was implicated in the one-man
panty raids involving arson at the
George Jacobs residence in Lin
coln. During a lie-detector test
Manke admitted that "he had set
fire to Bev Jacob's formal for
the Military Ball.
In addition, he confessed that
three fires were started in the
Jacob's home when he was there
and that he took panties and
other lingerie from the house.
MANKE ALSO admitted in the
lie-detector test that he had stolen
lingerie from Miss Scott and two
other girls one of whom was
Bev Jacobs, University freshman
from Lincoln.
According to County Attorney
Wagener, the charges filed are a
culmination of previous offenses
by Manke. He added that these
other offenses such as burglary
and arson will be brought into
consideration during the trial.
Miss Scott was released from
Bryan Memorial Hospital Tues
day. Several stitches were taken
in her head and X-ray examina
tions given to determine the ex
tent of her injuries while she was
at the hospital. .
homores, and the YMCA activi
ties are: secretary: Roger Wait,
Arts and Sciences, acting secre
tary, publicity chairman, editor
of "Y Triangle", and Wayne Wolf,
College of Engineering and Archi
tecture, chairman of Y Rooms
committee, past chairman of the
religious activities committee.
Treasurer: Gary Bannister,
Arts and Sciences, chairman of
the Y retreats committee, and
John Chappell, Business Admin
istration, chairman of the Y Film
Society committee, Y treasurer.
Harold Dey, Engineering, present
district representative, delegate
to the YMCA-YWCA Estes Park
Conference last summer, and
Darrell DeGraw, Business Admin
istration, chairman of , social
events and service projects com
mittees. Present officers are Whson
Strand, president; Charles An
derson, vice-president; Roger
Wait, acting secretary; John
Chappell, treasurer; and Harold
Day, district representative.
All ballots must reach the
YMCA office in Temporary "L"
by 5 p.m. Election results will
appear in Friday's Nebraskan.
Delta Sigma Pi Holds
Election Of Officers
' Delphin Sommerhalder was
elected president of the Univer
sity chapter of Delta Sigma Pi,
national professional business ad
ministration fraternity, at a
meeting Tuesday.
Other officers elected for th!
coming semester include: Jerry
Snyder, senior vice president; J.
Neil Coffin, vice president; J.
Wesley Boswell, treasurer; Ron
ald Swanson, secretary; Robert
Sternberg, historian, and Donald
Richards, chancellor.
Volume 54, No. 45
Drop-Out Averages
Only One Out Of Two
Freshmen Graduate-Cox
A continuing study of what
happens to students after they
make the step from high school
to the University is under the
supervision of Henry M. Cox, di
rector of the Bureau of Instruc
tional Research.
In tracing the experiences of
1,184 students who graduated
from high school in the spring
of 1952 and entered the Uni
versity the following fall. Cox
1. About three out of 10 drop
out of the University before the
start of their second year.
2. Almost one out of five of
those remaining in school change
colleges before the start of the
second year.
3. More men students than
women leave school and change
ONLY ABOUT one out of
every two entering students
graduate, with the highest rate
Audience Participates
In Oldfashioned Drama
Play Produced By Hard Work;
Result Is Good Entertainment
Speech Instructor
As this reporter sees it, the
trouble with shows like Pure As
The Driven Snow, Masquers pro
duction which opened last night
at the University Theater, is that
they aren't presented often
enough. The play is an old-time
melodrama done in settings and
costumes of the period replete
with hammy actors, popcorn
and pink lemonade.
The audience hissed the vil
lain, cheered the hero, and gen
erally became a part of the show.
In San Francisco you'd pay big
mney for the privilege of doing
just this sort of thing.
REALLY, THE story needs lit
tle review. It concerns the
heart-rending trial of a virtu
ous young working girl, Purity
Dean, played by Marion Uhe.
After fighting her way through
the miserable storm outside she
finds herself at Uland Inn.
Here she is taken in and given
shelter and employ. But in her
nglish Anthropologist Motes Americans
lack Knowledge Of P re-Christ History
First Holder Of McCurdy .Lectureship Speaks Here
Staff Writer
Dr. Christopher Hawkes, who
toured and lectured at the Uni
versity Tuesday, is the first
holder of the George Grant Mc
Curdy Visiting Lectureship at
Harvard University.
McCurdy was one of America's
early historians. According to Dr.
Hawkes, the two duties of a lec
turer under this program are to
teach and lecture for half a
course or semester, and to travel
around the United States meet
ing other anthropologists and
IN FULFILLING his obliga
tions, Dr. Hawkes has already
lectured at Harvard; attended
the annual Gathering of An
thropologists in Tuscon, Ariz.;
and has visited universities in
Los Angeles, Calif., Berkley,
Calif., Salt Lake City, Utah, and
Nagatys Describe Egyptian
Social Progress At Meeting
Dr. and Mrs. Hussein F. Na
gaty spoke briefly before the Ne
braska Chapter of the American
Association of Social Workers in
the group's meeting at the Union
Monday night. '
Dr. Nagaty is an exchange pro
fessor of zoology at the Univer
sity, and Mrs. Nagaty is an ex
inspector of social welfare In
stitutions in Egypt.
Mrs. Nagaty described the so
cial progress in Egypt during her
speech. She said, "Since 1945,
progress has really been quite
rapid. Sometimes, however, we
tried to move a little too fast. In
1949-50 the Egyptian government
tried a social security plan mod
eled on that of the U. S. and it
failed because the standard of
living was simply too low."
WHEN ASKED about the posi
tion of social welfare in her coun
try since Gen. Mohammed Na
guib's party threw out King Fa
rouk and declared a republic, she
said that "the people seem to feel
they are really a. part of the gov
ernment and are trying hard to
raise the social standard."
The couple agreed that while
Egypt has a long way to go In the
field of social progress, it is mak
ing tremendous strides in its at
. . . i .
of "drop-outs" coming during
the first two years, according to
the Bureau.
Drop-outs amounted to some
11 per cent the first semester; 13
per cent of the men and 6 per
cent of the women. These
amounted to an additional 20 per
cent during the second semester
making an estimate of 31 per
cent for the first year; 35 per
cent of the men and 25 per cent
of the women.
THE STUDY, in the opinion of
Cox, emphasizes that a large
number of entering freshmen are
uncertain as to what they wish
to study. Fifteen per cent fail to
indicate a specific course on their
These findings show that the
attrition rate now remains about
the same as it was in 1947 when
the Bureau made a similar study.
There is no indica$on that the
University's experience differs
greatly from that of comparable
new-found happiness she senses
the presence of the villain, Hank
Gibson. Then comes the hero,
Ken Clement, and various as
sorted other characters.
In this case, the play is not
the thing rather it's the fun had
by the cast and of course the
SERIOUSLY, it was obvious
that a great amount of work had
gone into this production. The
scenery was well executed; cos
tuming was appropriate and the
cast showed a great deal of
finesse in handlirig the melo
drama style. Hank Gibson was
particularly adept at the villain's
role and his posing was a thing
to behold.
acts included such diverse
talents as possessed by Mrs.
Marylin Kennedy, who sang and
danced several old-time num
bers and Kathy O'Donnell and
Marv Stromer, who presented a
nostalgic review.
Denver, Colo. From Lincoln he
will travel to Chicago and then
will return to England at the end
of January.
Concerning his speech "Atlan
tic Europe and the Ancient Ori
ent," Hawkes said, "I think that
in America generally the latter
part of the 1500 years before
Christ tends to fall to the way
side." He referred to the need for the
American people to understand
the diffusion that occurred with
the migration of people westward
from Asia and the "original
creation of new groups."
"I DO less teaching and class
work at Oxford than the Amer
icans do. However, I am sup
posed to do research," Hawkes
said. "I have to spread myself
out over three faculties (depart
ments) anthropology, medieval
history and archeology."
tempt to achieve
ard of living.
a better stand-
A i
Two For Tea
Dr. Hussein F. Nagaty and his
wife relax after a meeting of
the American Association of
Social Workers Monday night.
They discussed th social
Toch Named
Staff Writer
"Finian's Rainbow" has been
selected by the Kosmet Klub as
the 1954 Spring Show.
Along with the release of the
show picked came word that John
Tolch, technical director of the
University Theater, has been
named director of the Spring
Production plans for "Finian's
Rainbow" are now completely
laid out. The show is scheduled
to appear at the Nebraska The
ater, in downtown Lincoln on
April 29, 30 and May 1.
the fourth Broadway musical
produced by the Kosmet Klub
since 1945. Prior to that date,
most of the shows were student
written. Twenty-four members of Kos
met Klub and the workers will
again manage the show, under the
overall direction of Bob Young,
Kosmet Klub president.
Tryouts for the cast will begin
March 2 and will continue through
March 5. All tryouts will be held
in the Union Ballroom from 7 to
10 p.m. Applications for the pro
duction staff will be taken during
the same hours of the -tryouts.
The date that scripts are avail
able will be announced within a
few days.
"Finian's Rainbow" is a two
act musical play which had a
long and successful run on t h e
Broadway stage. Music for the
show was written by Burton Lane,
while the book was written by
E. Y. Harburg and Fred Saidy.
MANY OF the songs from "Fin
ian's Rainbow" have gone on to
become national hit tunes. Just a
few of the top songs include "How
Are Things In Glocca Morra?",
"Look to the Rainbow," "Old
Devil Moon," "If This Isn't
Love," and "Something Sort of
"Finian's R a i n b o w" is de
scribed as a musical success that
has all the ingredients of fantasy,
reality, Irish folklore and ro
mance. The show is the story of an
Irishman who has the theory that
all Americans are rich. While
seeking his fortune in Rainbow
Valley, in the State of Missitucky,
U.S.A., Finiari must cope with
his daughter, who is rather am
bitious. Finian finally solves his
problems with the aid of the lep
rachauns, but even their super
powers fail to solve them com
pletely. TOLCH IS working for the third
year with Kosmet Klub, after
serving as technical director for
the past two years. This year's
technical director is Frank Bock,
instructor in speech and dra
He described the American
universities as being more inter
ested in anthropology than those
in England. However, in England
it is more popular with the av
erage person than here. "The
people feel that the town is a
part of their backgroun d,"
Hawkes said, "and many towns
have historical clubs."
IN ENGLAND the students are
"left more to make their own
pace to see what they can do for
themselves." Dr. Hawkes said
that more self-education was ex
pected. "There are often things in ex
aminations that are not covered
by lectures," Hawkes said. This
is due to the reading lists which
are given to the students so that
they can study on their own.
Dr. Hawkes said that he had
an average of eight lectures ' a
week when he attended Oxford.
"If I had been given more," he
said, "I probably would have
complained about having less
time for my reading."
Dr. Hawkes visited the Uni
versity under the sponsorship of
the Department of Anthropology
and the University. Research
Cmirtety Linclon Star
progress of Egypt before the
group. Dr. Nagaty is an Egyp
tian exchange professor in
zoology at the University.
1 Stew
Director Of Musical Play
matic art, who was the director
for the past two shows.
"Emphasis has never been
placed so heavily on the danc
ing," Tolch stated. "This show
Reading, Study Courses
To Begin February 1
Students To Enroll At Registration
Reading and study courses
for the second semester will be
gin the week of Feb. 1.
Students wishing to enroll for
these courses may do so at the
time of registration by seeing
a representative of the Junior
Division and Counseling Service
staff in the Military and Naval
Science Building Wednesday or
Thursday or contactng Wesley
Poe of the Junior Division and
Counseling Service in Tempor
ary A, Extension 3158.
THE READING improvement
course will be held for students
who are interested in improv
ing their reading speed and
comprehension. The course lasts
for 10 weeks.
The how-to-study course is
held for students who are in
terested in improving their
methods of studying. Such areas
as planning time, SQ3R method
of studying assignments, note
taking and preparation for
examinations are included. The
course lasts three weeks.
Two sessions will be con
ducted for each of the courses.
The first session of both
courses will begin the week of
Feb. 1 and the second session
will begin the week of March
8. The dates and times for the
reading improvement course are
as follows: 4 to 5 p.m. Mon
day and Wednesday or 11 to
12 a.m. Tuesday and Thurs
day. The how-to-study course is
as follows: the week of Feb. 1
4-H Club To Hold
Officer Election
Election of officers will be held
at the regular 4-H Club meeting
Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. m Room
306 of the Agronomy Building.
President Buzz Hargleroad an
nounced the candidates Tuesday.
They are:
President and vice president:
Shirley Slagle, Marlene Hutchin
son, Delbert Merritt and Valdean
Secretary: Iris Becker and Lon
nie Wrasse.
Treasurer: Jim Dunn and Eve
lyn Lauritzen.
Publicity: Janet Kuska and Bob
Program chairman: Pat Wood
man and Don Beck.
Song leader: Arley Waldo and
Sheryl Hill.
Alpha Kappa Psi Plans
Initiation Ceremonies
R. E. Campbell, president of
Miller and Paine, will speak at
the initiation banquet of Alpha
Kappa Psi, professional com
merce fraternity, Wednesday at
6:30 p.m. in the Lincoln Hotel.
Other leatures of the program
will include installation of of
ficers and initiation of new mem
bers. ' Junior Women
Junior women who have not
turned in their information poll
on activities to the Mortar Boards
should place the form in the
Mortar Board box in the Stu
dent Union by Monday, the Mor
tar Boards have announced.
Bloodmobile Scheduled
To Visit NU Campus
RCCU Plans Donation Campaign
Douglas County Red Cross
Bloodmobile will be on the Uni
versity campus February 24 and
"This is first time that the
Bloodmobile has ever been
here," Mike Greenberg, chair
man of the Red Cross bipod
committee, announced. "We are
trying to get at least 300 people
to pledge donations of a pint of
soon and continue until the last
day the bloodmobile is here.
Greenberg warned, however,
that all people under 21 must
have their parents' permission
to give blood written on a pledge
During previous campaigns,
the majority of people rejected
failed to have their parents'
signature. This can be corrected
by early registration.
Booths for registration will be
set up in the City Union and
Ag Unions. These booths will be
manned by Red Cross workers.
A THIRD booth will be in the
Military and Naval Sciences
Building. Throughout all the
other blood drives, the Univer
sity ROTC students have given
blood in very large percentages.
The only group that has given
more is the new veterans frat
ernity, Delta Alpha Pi.
In addition to the booths,
Wednesday, January 13, 1954
will be a real challenge to any
dancer. This year's performance
promises to keep the Kosmet
Klub Spring Show up to the high
standards of past years," he said.
3 to 4 p.m. Monday and Wed
nesday or 4 to 5 p.m. Tuesday
and Thursday.
THE HOURS have been ar
ranged so students who wish to
take both may do so in suc
ceeding sessions at the same
Wesley Poe, guidance con
sultant for the Junior Division
and Counseling Service, said
he was "very pleased" with
the results of the reading and
study courses held last semes
ter. He estimated that 135 stu
dents attended both sessions of
the how-to-study course and
145 attended the reading im
provement course.
Most of the students who at
tended the reading improve
ment course increased their
reading speed at least fifty
per cent, said Poe, and he added
some of them doubled their
reading speed.
The Outside World
Take Lives
In Austria
Staff Writer
A major avalanche disaster in
the Vorarberg region of Austria
claimed the lives of approxi
mately 198 persons and others
are missing.
Snowslides throughout central
Europe's mountainland have
trapped many. Because of
the snowslides communications
were severed and hundreds of
villages have been isolated.
The village of Blons had t h
highest total of victims. Twenty
three houses in the town were
covered by the snow. Many of
the missing were feared drowned
in the dammed-up waters of the
small Lutzbach River which was
blocked by the snowslides.
Harper To Give Talk
At Wednesday Meeting
William C. Harper, director
of University services, will speak
on "Conditions Necessary to
Make a Program Tax Exempt"
Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Ag
Although Dean Harper's speech
will be addressed primarily to
the Ag Exec Board, Don No
votny, president, emphasized
that all those interested should
feel free to attend the meeting.
The Ag Exec Board will hold
a meeting following the talk.
NU Faculty Members
Plan Thursday Recital
rive members of the Univer
sity faculty will present a recital
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in tha
Union ballroom.
The faculty musicians are:
Carol Puckett, t-ello; Marilyn
Schultz, piano; Dale Ganz, bari
tone; Janice Fullerton and Earn
est Harrison, accompanists.
fraternity and sorority repre
sentatives are meeting Wednes
day to discuss plans for solicit
ation of their individual organ
that the need for blood is greater
now than it has been In many
Forrest Francisco
To Address AEEE
The American Institute of Elec
trical Engineers will be addressed
by Forrest F. Francisco Wednes
day at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Francisco, executive president
of the Northwestern Bell Tele
phone Company at Omaha, will
discuss the design of new and im
proved telephone switching equip
ment and will explain the part tha
telephone industry has in furnish
ing network radio and television
IN THIS non-technical demon
stration entitled, "Tka JJew Fron
tier," Mr. Francisco uses spe
cially made telephone (equipment
which enables him to show how
coaxial cable and the transistor
are used.
The address will be preceded
by a banquet which will begin at
6:30 p.m.
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