Friday, December 11, 1953 THE NEBRASKAN Page 3 n n 0C DM ITS Aim EFETD IfD l-M Swim Meet Iowa Coach Performances More experimenting with vari ous lineup combination has been the plan for University of Iowa basketball players this week, Coach Bucky O'Connor said, as the second step in the develop ment of the Hawkeyes through December non-conference games. The Iowans won their opener from a veteran Washington Uni versity team last Saturday, 51 49, and next face the Huskcrs here Saturday night. Next home opponent is Colorado A&M Deo. 15. "I WAS pleased with our de fensive play but on offense our players must get better fast breaks and should take many more shots. Actually they should have around 80 shots and they iook only 47," Coach Q!onnor commented. He said that his plan of using two complete teams in units was Finals January 12 Intramural Track Trial Draws Huge Entry List Blue Ribbons Are Scattered The intramural qualification track trials drew a huge field this week leaving Coach Ed Weir well pleased. Weir announced that finals for the independent and fraternity meets are to be held January 12. The Husker track coach also stated that a independent-fraternity track duel would be held January 16, at 2 p.m. INDEPENDENT 0 Yard Dash 1st Dave Beals Spikes 8.5. 2nd Dick Harkins Ramblera. 3rd Chs. Gibson Indep. 4th Andy Cousins Spikes. 6th Fletcher Bell Indep. 6th Dirk Rolston Ramblers AO Yard Ixm Hardies 1st John McWIlliams Ramblers 7.5. 2nd Dan Linguist Spikes. 3rd Jack Braley Ramblers. 4th Bill Poehling Spikes. 60 Yard Hlah Hurdles 1st Jon McWIlliams Ramblers 8.1. 2nd Dan Llndquist Spikes. 3rd Jack Braley Ramblers. Ona Lap Run 1st Dick Harkins Ramblen 19. 8. 2nd Charles Gibson Indep. 3rd Dave Seals Spikes. 4th Ken Relnerj Ramblen. 8ftO Yard Rug . 1st Forrest Dollna Spikes 2:15. 2nd Bill Poehllna Spikes. 3rd Duane Burien Indep. 4th Arnold Steevey Indep. 440 Yard Daih 1st Andy Cousins, Spikes 68.8, Snd Darrell Knecht Spikes. It Lb. Shot Put 1st Ken Relners Ramblers 48 ft. 8tt m. 2nd Richard Wamsat Indep. 48-7 In. Srd Cart Vondra Spikes 43 ft 4 in. 4th Forrest Doling Spikes. 39 ft. 4 ta. Rnnnlns Broad Jump 1st Forrest Dollna Spikes. 19 ft. 814 In. 2nd Jack Braley Ramblers 19 ft, 4 In. 3rd Dirk Rolston Ramblen 18 it, 1 m. 4th Don Robinson Indep. 18 ft. 1H In. 5th Fletcher Bell Indep. 17 ft. 1 Pol Vaalttaa. Qualify at 9 ft. ' Don Blanc Independent. Bill Poehllnt Spikes. Kaanbit Hilh Jama Qualify at 5 ft. 4 In. Jack Eraley Ramblen. pan Llndquist Spikes. Merit Brest! Srlkes. FRATERNITY 0 Yard Dash 1st Burnell McMaster, Delta. 1st Rex Fischer, Phi Gam 6.8s. lit David Jones, S A E 6.9a. 2nd Dennis Smith, S A E. 1 2nd"-TVd Connor, 61a Chi. 2nd Ladd Hanscom, Phi Oam. 3rd Jan Strickland, Sit Nu. Srd Jim Cedardahl, Phi Delt. 3rd Ron Danek. Delta. n it HCOySSv...of course! iNever have wrappings been so beautiful!; ever have selections been so varied! Never4have colorsbeen soexciting l welJraps'V'Clitterama" and traditional, favorites at GOLDENROD 215 No. Expects Improved From Soph Stars successful in that it put more players into the game, one of the objectives of the experiments, However, O'Connor may not nec essarily continue this method, de pending upon how various play ers react to different groups. "I expected some of our sopho mores to be tense in their opener but that will be overcome with more experience. But we must improve on our outside shoot ing to loosen up defenses," the coach declared. On the starting team were only two veterans, Deacon Davis, for ward; and Chuck Jarnagin, guard. The all-sopohomore com bination played about 23 min utes, including all of the second half, broken up by two late guard replacement. Logan with 11 points was Iowa higher scorer, followed by Sharm Scheuerman 80 Yard Low Hurdles 1st Doug Gibson, Phi Delt 7.7s. 1st Bob Knapple, Phi Delt 7.7. 1st Ladd Hanscom, Phi Gam 8.5. 2nd Bill Marshall, 8 A E. 2nd Warner Olson, Phi Psl. 2nd Dick Long, D. U. Srd Allan Doggatt, Phi Gam. 3rd Larry Blevins. Delta. Srd Raymond Donn, Sig Chi. 0 Yard High Hurdles 1st Doug Gibson. Phi Delt 7.9. 1st Warner Olson, Phi Psl 8.4. 2nd Emerson Scott, Phi Gam. 2nd Bill Marshall, S A E. Srd Ted Connor, Sig Chi. Srd Raymond Donn, Sig Chi. 4th AI Schmld, A G R. 4th Bill Giles, Phi Delt. On Lap Ran 1st Emerson Scott, Phi Gam 30.0s. 1st David Jones, S A E 30.7s. 2nd Jan Strickland, Sig Nu. 2nd Lob Burnham, Delta. Srd Ladd Hanscom, Phi Gam. 3rd Bob Niemann, A T O. 4th John Noble, Delta. 4th Dick Meredith. D TJ. 880 Yard Rbb 1st Hugh Camera, Acacia 2:15. 1st Robert Anderson, Acacia 2:15. 2nd Don Beck. A G R. 2nd Berl Spencer, Phi Gam. 3rd Ed McReynolds, Farm House. 3rd Merle Mason, D U. 4th Bill Merryman, D TJ. 4th Mel Harvey, Sig Chi. 440 Yard Dash 1st Robert Anderson, Acacia 56. St. 1st Emerson Scott, Phi Gam 56.8i. 1st Hush Camera, Acacia 67.7s, 2nd Phil Hart, Phi Gam. 3rd Jack Talimo, Phi Delta. Srd Doran Post, Phi Delt. 4th Roger Barnard, Sig Chi. 4th Bob Niemann, A T O. IS Lb. Shot Pot 1st Bill SUes, Phi Delt 48 f.t 4 In. 2nd Rosen, S A M 48 ft. 1 fn. 3rd Jim Cedardahl, Phi D 47 ft. 8 H 4th Ted James. A T O 47 ft. 7 in. 5th Bob Oberlin. 81a Chi 45 ft. 3H In. 6th Dick Rangelsen. Sig Nu 43 ft. 9 In 7th Bill Marshall, S A E 41 ft 7fc m Knnnnat Broad Jump 1st Rex Fischer, Phi Gam 20 ft. 8tt In. 2nd Ladd Hanscom, Phi Gam 20 ft. 7, 3rd Dennis Smith, 8 A E 19 ft. 9 In. 4th Ted Connor, Sig Chi 19 ft. Stt In, 5th Duane Rankin, Phi Pti 19 ft. 4 in. 6lh Jim -Cedanrahl. Phi Delt 19 ft. -7th Bill Ham, Delts 18 ft. 9 In. Pol Vaulting Qualify at 9 ft.,6M in. 1st Ed Zabel, A G R. Bill Marshall, S A E. Clark Caley, Phi Gam. Bob Kirkendall, Phi Gam. Jack Shalla, Delts. ' Allen Aden, Delts. Jack Hawkins, Sig Chi. Kannma High Jam Qualify at 5 ft. 4 in. 1st Ed Zabel, A G R. Jim Ylesley, 8 A E. Bob Knapple, Phi Delt. Doug Gibson, Phi Delt. Dave Alkire, Phi Pti. Jack Skalla, Delts. Allen Aden, Delts. 5V I w ifUwrappings CARD SHOP 14th St. . Oox IT HUE and Roy Johnson, each , with 8, and Davis with 6. Iowa's shot percentage for the opener was only .277 but the players hit .757 on free throws. SQUADS for Saturday night's freshman intra-squad basket ball game were announced today by Coach W. D. (Tony) Sharpe. The contest will start at 6:15 p.m. as a preliminary to the Iowa-Nebraska varsity fray. The squads: RED Forwards Bob Cook, Lincoln; Rex Ekwall, Holmesville; Allan Duey, Chester; Kerb Eilers, Mal colm; centers Bruce Brugman, Rock Rapids, la.; Dale Knotek, Holdrege; guards Bill Wells, Wast Baden, Ind.; Bob Kramer, Syracuse; Bruce Kolb, Lincoln; Jim Robinson, Oshkosh. WHITE ' Forwards Fred L a r g e n, Creighton; Joe Houfek, Clark son; Don Mutzebaugh, North Platte; Dudley Doebele, Elm wood; centers Jim Norman, Galesburg, 111.; Bill Kohe, Gar land: guards Don Erway, Lin coln; Doug Gibson, Falls City; Bill Ross, Gibbon, and Warren Wilken, Murdock. Football Trainer Lists 44 Injuries Trainer Paul Schneider of the University of Nebraska brought in the best defense of one-platoon football in his annual injury report. In 1953 there were a total of 44 injuries ranging from ankle sprains to contusions to sprained fingers. In 1952 there were 65. In each list were four fractures. Main Feature Clock (Schedule Furnished by Theaters) Lincoln: "All The Brothers Were Valiant," 1:23, 3:24, 5:26, 7:27, 9:28. Stuart: "Back to God's coun try," 1:41, 3:43, 5:45, 7:47, 9:49. Varsity 'The Big Heat.'' iizb 3:33, 5:38, 7:43, 9:48. State: "Guerrilla Girl," 3:ut, 6:15, 9:30. "Luxury Girls," 1:25, 4:37, 7:50. Nebraska "Call of the Wild," 1:28, 4:42, 7:56. "Man From The Alamo," 3:04, 6:18, 9:32. "Midnite Show," 1130. mmm 6M0ST! WERt-WOLVE Jl INHUMAN CKEMRtS SIT 8Y YOVt PIUS mmi SCREEN "THE GOBRA STEIIES" ALL SEATS $1,00 7 TICKETS NOW ON SALE THHCiifnir (1 I ' J TilJITE. 0 ) flV7 111 I W!YiH '""V I if ' More dangerous Vjiti SInJC y V than the Apaches W .P -aml ni , : Jr arrows are the m Eleanor r'v -4 " John FORSYTHE S-i DEMAREST ANDERSON BERGEN V . i i , ... y s - MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW i MAIL IE Office pen in Temple DniMing 1 to 5 p.m. Friday Call Ext. 3ZC3 - Gen. Adm. $1.25 (tax incl.) I 1 V x Y Trampoline Whiz Don Hodge, junior from Beatrice, limbers up on the trampoline for the season opener at Chicago this week 65c To i PM! I t l S ; ' ri T--Jl LATE SHOWING SATURDAY NITE COME AS LATE AS 11:20 P. M. AND SEE A COMPLETE FEATURE! 3 K I ir i B 4 ieiniii y A 1 Ml If J,' I i m J 1 EXTRA ! -L 1 A I I . M-fi-M Color Cartooi ' . "' i j end. Hodge is a two-year gym nastics letterman who per forms chiefly on the tramp. (Nebraskan Photo.) DOORS or-Ejr 12:46! - '-tffijryaW- J. V-v. 1 -y.'y fT T JTT r Tl" ATO'S Are Frat Titlists Alpha Tau Omega i the fra ternity champion in intramural swimming. The ATO'f trailed in dependent swimmers who scored a total of 74 points, but scored an overwhelming 69 points to top Phi Kappa Psi which followed with an 18 point total. Three new records wer estab lished in the meet. Tom Hon chen, ATO, managed new records in the 100 yard breast stroke (1:09.9), and the 75 yard indi vidual medley (:46.S). Shop Saturday (-yive her a Poodle A French poodle guards treasure of "Air Spun face powder and Sub-Deb Indel ible lipstick. Four fimom frag ranees: Paris, L'Origan, LMtim ant and Emer aude. 2 50 Royal Peacock A flacon of beloved perfume nestles atop a peacock sprinkled with bril liants. 4 fragrances: Paris, L'Aimant, L'Origan and Emer aude. Price PIim 20 Tax GOLD'S Cosmetics . - . Street Floor Shipping charges will be V aA tA Iff Dick Hill of Delta Tau Delta was the other record breaker as he toppled the old 220-yard frea style event in 2:32.9. INDIVIDUAL INDEPENDENT champions were John Lightle in the 50-yard free style; Bob Sand stedt, 100-yard back stroke; John Lightle, 100-yard free style; Bill Tagney, diving champion, and the independent 200-yard free style champion relay team of Tagney, Johnson, Jones and Lightle. 9:30 to 5:30 Royal Peacock The royal peacock duo with Emerande and L'Aimant Perfuma. Give her Coty. J - -i 5-i-, I added on out-of-town ddivmrlm