The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 04, 1953, Image 1

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Volume 54, No. 34
Friday, December 4, 1 953
4 4
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Westcott Meets 'Wheel1
University student Dick West
cott is shown meeting US
Secretary of Commerce, Sin-N
clair Weeks, during the fifty
eighth Congress of American
Industry held in the Waldorf
Astoria this week. The con
gress was attended by dele
Singers To Present
Carol Concert Sunday
Soloists, String Quartet To Perform
University Singers will present
a Christmas carol concert Sun
day at 3 p.m. and again at 4:30
p.m. in the Union Ballroom
The 120-voice group will be un
der the direction of Dr. Arthur
Westbrook. Soloists will be Dale
G a n z, assistant professor of
voice; Shirley Rasmussen, grad
uate assistant; Marshall Christ
ensen: Marian Brinkman and
Court To Speak
At NU Vespers
Dr. Frank Court, pastor of St.
"Paul's Methodist- Church, will
speak on "Christ on the College
Campus" at the annual Univer
sity Christmas Vesper Dec. 10.
The service will be held at
1:30 p.m. at the University Epis
copal Chapel at 13th and R Sts.
AH-University Vespers are spon
sored jointly by the campus
Jack Rogers and Corliss Kruse
are co-chairmen of the commit
tee. They are assisted by Nancy
Timmons. Rager Wait, Gretchen
DeVrieSr Virginia Bower, Harriet
Ruegg and Wilson Strand.
Pittenger To Take Part
In Alumni Convention.
James Pittenger, executive
Becretary of the - Nebraska
Alumni Association, will partici
pate in the convention of the
American College Public Rela
tion, District 8, and the Ameri
can Alumni Council, District 6,
Monday through Wednesday at
Ames, la.
Pittenger, a panel member,
will discuss alumni publications.
Phil Holman, editor of the Ne
braska Alumnus, will also at
tend the meeting.
Uhe, Clement, Gibson To Share Leads
In Annual W Masquers Production
Pure As The Driven Snow7 Crew Members Announced
Marian Uhe, Ken Clement and
Hank Gibson will share the
leads in "Pure as' the Driven
Snow," the Nebraska Masquers
production to be given Jan. 12
15. ,
"Pure As the Driven Snow" or
A Working Girl's Secret" is a
melodrama by Paul Loomis. Miss
Uhe will play the part of Purity
Dean,, the heroine; Gibson will
portray the villain, Mortimer
Frothingham, and Ken Clement
Is cast as the hero, Leander
The supporting cast includes
I'arv Stromer as Jonathan Lo
gan; Kathy O'Donnell, Zamah
Logan; Dick Marrs, Jed Lunn;
Bill Walton, E. Z. Pickens; Pat
gates from universities
throughout the nation. West
cott, a junior in the College of
Business Administration was
selected as the University rep
resentative after being noted
as the most outstanding junior
in the college. - ,
David Mullin. A string quartet
will play three selections.
THIS FlKsT year that songs
other than carols were sung was
1950. Attendance that year was
nearly 2000. Last year there was
standing room only for both per
The size of the choir has varied
from 150 to 100. For the last two
years it has remained the same
Admission to the concert is by
free ticket only. These may be
obtained at the main office
the Union.
Carillon To Play
Christmas Music
, Traditional Christmas music
will be played on the Ralph
Mueller Carillon starting Sunday
and continuing throughout the
Christmas season.
Don Kitchen and Don Maul
will play carols before and after
the Christmas Carol Concert
Sunday and presentation of the
"Messiah" the followinng Sun
day. The week before Christ
mas vacation they will play at
certain hours between classes.
Kitchen will present a special
Christmas concert at 2 p.m. Dec.
20. After Christmas he will give
weekly Sunday recitals at 2 p.m.
Dr. Nagaty To Lecture
Before NU Med School
Dr. H. F. Nagaty, visiting pro
fessor from the University of
Cairo, will lecture at the Univer
sity Medical School in Omaha
Saturday at 9 a.m.
The topic of his lecture will be
Insects as Transmitters of Hu
man Disease."
Lodger, Imogene Pickens; Ellie
Guilliatt, Mrs. Ethelinda Hwlitt;
Doris BUlerbeck, Alison Hewlitt;
Katy Kelley, Mrs. Faith Hogue;
Pat Hahn, Letty Barber; and Kay
Barton, Nellie Morris.
eighth annual Masquers' play and
is being cast almost entirely from
the Masquers organization. The
play is being directed by Wes
Jensby in the nineteenth century
style acting. Jensby has directed
the last two Masquers' produc
tions. Morrel Clute is technical di
rector and Jean Sandstedt, pro
duction manager. Dallas Wil
liams, director of the University
Theater, and Frank Bock, in
yfiori onuses
Resolution Would Affect
Honoraries, Professionals
The Student Council moved
Wednesday to prohibit constitu
tions of campus organizations,
honoraries and professionals from
containing racial or religious
"As we are not sure what juris
diction we have or how it would
effect the campus, the Council re
ferred this matter to the judicial
committee," said Eldon Park,
head of the Council judiciary com
mittee. MARILYN HAMER, secretary
of the Council, said that it is
known that several honoraries
and professionals have such
clauses in their constitutions but
some of these are organized on a
national basis.
If steps were taken the local
organizations could change their
constitutions, but those on a na-
Round-Up Set
For Saturday
The first annual Student Coun
cil Recognition Round-Up will be
held during half-time of the Minnesota-Nebraska
basketball game
Saturday. ,
Awards will be presented to or
ganizations and individuals who
have contributed to the over-all
spirit and enthusiasm of athletic
The Recognition Round-Up will
be held annually at the first home
basketball game of each season.
The event is co-sponsored by the
Student Council and the athletic
Rocky Yapp, Council president,
will be master of ceremonies.
Other members of the committee
which planned the event are:
Brock Dutton and Pat Graham,
arrangements; Mimi Hamer and
Art Raun, presentation, and Leon
ard Barker and Gail Katskee,
The Outside World
UN Condemns
Red Crimes
Staff Writer
An American call for stiff con
demnation of the Red atrocities
in Korea has been backed by the
United Nations General Assem
bly. The assembly, composed of
60 nations, approved of a Western-
sponsored resolution of condem
nation by a vote of 42 to 5 with
ten abstentions.
During the past three days
Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of the U.S.
has carried on a debate in which
he accused the North Koreans
and Chinese Communists of kill
ing nearly 38,000 U.N. soldiers
and civilians in Korea as part of
the Kremlin policy.
Weekly Ag Movie
l ve Always Loved You will
be the movie shown in the Ag
Union Saturday at 7:30 p.m.
The technicolor film stars Phil
lip Dorn, Catherine McLeod and
Felix Bressort
structor in dramatic art, are su
pervising this year's produc
tion. STAGE CREW committees for
the production are: properties,
Peggy Larson, manager, assisted
by Valerie Hompes, Jim Davis
and Carol Wolf; lighting, Ruth
Richmond, manager, Gloria Koll-
morgen, Elizabeth Brinkman,
Mary Wayman, Thomas Dowty;
scenery, tnaries Peterson, man
ager, Ron Green, Ron Becker
and Marilyn Thompson.
Make-up is headed by Kay
Barton, assisted by Pat Hahn
and Karen Smets; wardrobe,
Beverlee Engelbrecht, manager,
Jean Carrol DeLong and Skip
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tional basis would have to be
handled in a; different manner,
she said.
The two-day refresher period
was also studied at the meeting.
Since the faculty opinion indicated
that it would be difficult to get
the Faculty Senate to approve a
two-day refresher period before
finals, the committee on the pro
posal decided to ask for a com
promise on one day before and
one day after the finals week.
THE COLISEUM committee
and interested students are in
vestigating the possibility of low
ering the costs of rental of the
Coliseum for student organiza
tions. A. J. Lewandowski, business
manager of the Coliseum, was
consulted as to rentals and oper
ation costs.
Other matters discussed were:
the approval of the constitution of
Pi Sigma Alpha, political science
honorary; approval of the revised
constitution of Pan Hellenic, and
approval of giving the responsibil
ity of publishing the "Freshman
Handbook" to Builders.
THE COUNCIL voted 22-5 to
write a letter to Nebraska con
gressmen recommending that
they investigate and give support
to a bill whereby any amount
over five per cent of income spent
on education could be deducted
from income tax. This was done
on the suggestion of the Univer
sity of Louisville.
Home Ec Club
To Hold Fifth
The fifth annual Smorgasbord,
sponsored by the Home Econom
ics Club, will be held Saturday
from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the Food
and Nutritions Building at the
College of Agriculture.
Tickets may be purchased at
the Ag Union for $1.50.
An array of Swedish foods
will be presented. In completing
the Swedish theme, there will be
decorations displaying customs of
Swedish people and waitresses
dressed in traditional costumes.
Charlie Adams and C. C. Wig
gans,Ag College faculty mem
bers, will carve the meat.
COMMITTEES for the Smor
gasboard are Clara Gregersen,
general chairman; Helen Hecht,
assistant chairman; Mildred Sny
der, Anita Hooper, Artie Young
and Joyce Taylor, publicity; Ja
net Lindquist and Joyce Splitt
gerber, tickets; Geneva Berns
and Marilyn Erwin, room ar
rangement; Lois Kieckhafer and
Sharon Reed, equipment; Con
nie Karges and Shirley Flanni
gan,, clean-up; Marilyn Larson,
and Nancy Hemphill, serving
and waitress; Addie Dubas and
Ginny Barnes, decorations and
favors; Joe Ann Meyers and
Nancy Chamberlin, kitchen.
Faculty advisors are Joan Elli
son and Mary Ellen Michaud.
Memorial Poetry
Contest Opened
First prize of $50 and second
prize of $25 will be awarded to
the two University undergradu
ates who enter the best poems in
the Annual lone Gardner Noyes
Memorial Poetry contest.
Each contestant may enter no
more than three unpublished
poems of any length, form and on
any subject.
Each poem must be typed,
double spaced and in triplicate.
The name of the author may not
appear on the manuscript. A
sealed envelope containing the
name of the author and the title
of the poem should accompany
the manuscript.
The contest closes March 1,
1954. Entries must be left with
the secretary of the Department
of English, 207 Andrews Hall,
before 5 p.m., March 1. Awards
will be presented April 1.
Brill Speaks
On Sexual
Sex involves the whole rela
tionship between two people, Dr.
William Brill, director of mental
hygiene at Student Health Cen
ter, told students Wednesday at
the third lecture on Love and
Marriage sponsored by the Stu
dent Council.
Brill spoke on "Sex and its
Place in the Life of a College
Student." He said that many
factors influence relationships
between the sexes.
SEX HAS different meanings
to different people, he said.
Some people usfe sex neurotic
ally. They use it to gain control
over people and to win. accept
ance socially.
Brill stated that from birth on,
close contact, both physically
and emotionally, is necessary
for individuals, and both mar
riage and sex are part of this
social relationship.
Sexual inhibitions and blocks
are built up by many individuals
and serve to obstruct the adjust
ment necessary in marriage, he
One Will Reign As Commandant
Pictured above are the candi
dates for Honorary Command
ant of the 1953 Military Ball.
They are (from left to right):
Annual Military Ball To Open
Formal Season
Gold Anchors
To Deck Stage
The campus formal season will
open when the Military Ball be
gins at 8 p.m. Friday at the Coli
seum. The first activity of the eve
ning will be a concert by the
University ROTC Symphonic
The program will coritinue
with the entrance of the color
guard, a performance by the
Pershing Rifle Crack Squad, the
entrance of the Saber Guard to
form an arch for the Honorary
Commandant and the presenta
tion of the senior cadet officers.
presented first, escorted by
George Karabotsos, Danny
Wolkensdorfer, and Dick Reed,
all from NROTC. The fourth at
tendant to the Air Force will be
escorted by Bob Bachman of the
Air Force. Al Blessing will
escort the fifth attendant to the
The Honorary Commandant
will be escorted by Mac Bailey,
president of COA. The couple
will walk through the two
columns of Saber Guard to the
south end of the Coliseum. The
finalists and escorts will then
review the Grand March in
which the senior officers and
their ladies will participate.
FOLLOWING the presenta
tion of Honorary Commandant
and the five finalists, a waltz for
the Honorary Commandant, her
attendants and their escorts and
j will nnpn tl. .
dancing to the music of Paul
Neighbors and his orchestra.
The stage has been decorated
with a huge golden anchor. The
outside of the Coliseum features
large Military Ball sign and
small golden anchors. A canopy
leads from the outside of the
Coliseum to the street.
Tickets may be purchased in
the Union booth until 5 p.m.
Friday. Both dance and spec
tator tickets may be purchased
at the Coliseum after that time.
irst 'Male Animal1
Termed Humorously Insane
Audience Reaction Enthusiastic; Thirty-Five Attend
Faculty Reviewer
Wednesday evening the Uni
versity Theatre production of
"The Male Animal" opened be
fore an audience of 35. In spite
of the size, the audience reaction
was enthusiastic. Had the
theater been filled to capacity
the walls would have rocked.
Too bad more people were not
present to have shared the fun.
This comedy, first produced
on Broadway 12 years ago, is the
collaborative effort of James
Thurber and Elliot Nugent. It
makes little difference to know
precisely what each contributed;
what is important is the amount
of Thurber that comes out in
the production.
slant on life must not be lost.
Of his drawings, so well known
to readers of "The New Yorker",
one critic wrote that "his fan
tastic people and animals, mov
ing with sad persistence through
incredible unsets, are all mis
shapen and repressed, the cyni
cal products of a malignant
fate." The essential quality of
these drawings must be felt on
the stage.
In the play itself approxi
mately one-fourth of it is recog
nizable Thurberean madness and
one-fourth social protest. The
remainder is out-and-out do
mestic farce qf a thoroughly
American kind. Tommy Turner,
an English professor at a Mid
Western university, is a "worm '
that finally turns to defy the
dominance of athletics and the
ideals of reactionary commer
cialism in university life.
Joe Ferguson, the old grad back
for Homecoming and an Ail-
American still basking in the
light of his former glory, and the
bumptious Ed Keller, another
alumnus and a trustee of the
University, whose sole eduea-
tinnnl aim i tn hiiilH th larirpct
I stadium and to root out any sug
Mary Jane Weir, Donna Fol-
mer, Barbara Bell, Sue Brown
lee, Cynthia Holyoke and Bar
bara Adams. The women were
selected from a field of more
Past HC's 2l-Year$)lds,
Staff Writer
If tradition holds, the ROTC
units will have a brown-haired,
blue-eyed, 21-year-old Honorary
The records show that out of
the past four Honorary Com
mandants, three have had brown
hair and all four have been blue
eyed. This year's race should be a
scramble, however, if this holds
true, for all six of the candi
dates are blue-eyed, blond-haired
and five of the six are 21 years
Changed Hours
Associated Women Students
Board has announced a rever
sal in closing hours Friday
and Saturday nights.
This change of Friday clos
ing hours to 1 a.m., and Satur
day hours to 12:30 a.m. is a
tradition made annually to
give women students an extra
half hour after the Military
According to AWS, no ex
cuses will be accepted if 'a girl
is late Saturday night.
of age. ' The average height of
these six girls is five feet six
inches, and three are members of
Mortar Board.
.. . .
IT WILL BE interesting to
note next year at this time if
the 1953 Honorary Commandant
has been married, because all oi
the past four have been mar
ried within a year of their reign
except last year's Joan Hanson,
. who is now engaged
The chances for the Comman
dant to be married appear slim-
German Club To Hold
Annual Christmas Party
German Club will hold an an
nual Christmas party Thursday
at 7:30 p.m., in Union Room 315.
Featuring the all-German pro
gram will be a playlet, special
music and readings and the
Christmas story in German.
Games and refreshments will
follow the program.
gestion of liberal thinking on the
part of students and faculty.
The main theme is actually
presented on two levels: one is
the famous mind-over-muddle
of Thurber's war between the
sexes, and the other is a gentle
last stand for the humanities in
all Thurber's thoroughly be
deviled males is Tommy Turner
who raises a storm in a teacup
because he intended to read
Vanzetti's farewell letter to
Sacco to his English class. In
the midst of it all he has to
endure the presence of his wife's
former football-playing sweet
heart. The two dilemmas on which
the play turns are, when scrut
inized, both tenuous. Neither
Turner's trouble with his wife
nor his stand on academic free
dom needed to have reached the
impasse they did, but the skillful
Army ROTC Staff
New regimental staff members
for the University Army
ROTC unit for the second(
, semester are pictured above. '
They are (from left to rihtj:
' n-ti iit;t,r(
than 40. The winner of thes
six is to be presented at th
Ball, from voting by members
of the Candidate Officers As
sociation. Tonight
mer this year since only one of
the girls, Barbara Adams, is en
gaged. Barbara Bell and Sue
Brownlee are pinned.
THE SIX finalists are: Bar
bara Adams, Pi Beta Phi, mem
ber of Mortar Board and Corn
husker editor; Sue Brownlee,
Delta Gamma, member of the
Women's Athletic Board, and
Mortar Board; Mary Jane Weir,
Social Chairman of Alpha Phi;
Barbara Bell, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Associate editor of the
Cornhusker, member of the Mor
tar Board; Donna Folmer, Alpha
Chi Omega, Coed Counselor;
Cynthia Holyoke, Kappa Alpha
Theta, member of Red Cross and
Women's Athletic Association,
Ag Pot Luck
With Profs
Set Sunday
The third "Pot Luck with the
Profs" will be held Sunday from
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Ag Union.
The pot-luck supper is co-sponsored
by the Ag Union student
fa oulty committee and the Ag
College faculty members. Al
though the informal supper is
free of charge1 students who wish
to attend should register Friday
at the Ag Union Activities Build
ing. KEN PINKERTON is student
chairman. Hosts and hostesses'
will be: Margie Antes, Althea
Blunn, Bob Bernham, Mark
Clark, Jim Dunn, Delbert Mer
ritt, Marilyn Pelikan, Joyce Tay
lor and Artie Young.
The faculty committee includes:
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Whitney,
chairmen; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Alfred, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Duley, Mr. and Mrs. Hoerlein,
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Houser, Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil A. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Peterson, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert E. Rofelle, Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie Sheffield and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Thacker.
presentation makes, the action
utterly believable.
The play is principally farce
and as such it succeeds or fails.
As the University Players gave
it to us it was farce. There was
not a dull moment. One or two
bits may not have been as hilar
ious as others, but then one can
not laugh continuously.
Tommy Turner as a worried,
hard-pressed, mildly sardonic
and obscurely valiant character.
This was sustained throughout.
Our sympathy was with him.
There we're only two bits
Where the Thurber quality in
him failed to shine at its bright
est and these passed quickly.
In his initial entrance he
walks into a situation in which
everything he does is dominated
by women. For a few moments
I did not feel this.V
When the letter-reading inci
dent has broken like a thunder
(Continued on Page 4)
iHWlwMr --if- XvlkW
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
John Boomer, operations of
ficer; Maurice Norton, com
mander; John Frost, execu
tive officer, and Richard
Ciaussen, adjutant.