The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, December 2, 1953
Ml1 Don't Say A VJord
"Advice to Students: Shut Up" reads the
headline over one of Robert C Ruark's recent
In the article which follows, the national
columnist, in a semi-humorous vein, suggests
that "studenthood should be put on a kind
of probationary basis, in which noisy thoughts
outside of the three R's should be mandatorily
forbidden until graduation."
Although Ruark's remarks are satirical, his
b&a premise Is serious: That college students
should be seen and not heard.
The arguments he presents are valid. To
a degree he is correct when he claims that
Gov't For Sale
The precedent established by the Eisen
hower administration in enacting the give
away oil bill is apparently sufficiently well
grounded now that other legislation may be
looked forward to in the near future.
Even the most adamant and sincere pro
ponents of giving title to the off-shore oil
lands to the states will admit that today many
present-day discussions of "giving the govern
ment back to the people" stem directly from
the tidelands oil legislation.
Few persons really had the vision to see
what might actually be involved, but some
did. Sen. Murray, (D-Mont) In a speech In
the Senate before passage of the original
giveaway bill said, It is part and parcel of
gigantic giveaway or handout program.
The giveaway program which Is now
emerging is far too large and too complex for
complete analysis in this brief statement of
Yet today, as if to bear out Sen. Murray's
words, it appears that there are forces at
work to sell the Post Office Department to
private business? Fantastic? Impossible?
Sandal's World-Herald said editorially
with reference to a proposal to sell the Post
Office to private enterprise: "There has been
no stampede to adopt the idea, but lack of
public interest doesnt necessarily mean that
It is fantastic or Impracticable, or that It will
be forgotten.'
In fact, in defense of the proposal, the
paper said, This attitude has started some
raucous laughter among the comrades of the
left. Sell the Postoffice? Haw! Might as
well sell the State Department, say they,
which remark is regarded in some quarters as
real sassy repartee."
Quite to the contrary, this matter is more
Important than "real sassy repartee' from
whatever quarter the 'World-Herald or the
comrades of the left"
It is the basis of an established and success
ful policy. First, a feeler is sent out, prefer
ably as an editorial in a newspaper to deter
mine the immediate reaction of the public.
Then, dependent upon how the proposal is re
ceived, the paper may endorse the proposal.
From there, the original drafters of the
proposal may take over. The matter is given
wide discussion in other areas with a watch
ful eye to public opinion. If some acceptance
or indifference is met, active endorsement is
made by backers of the proposal through their
spokesmen, the politicians.
Once the first politician speaks publically
on the proposal others so minded are free to
join without the stigma of being the original
backer of the proposal
This period usually takes some time, for all
the . legislators are now feeling out public
opinion. Opposition forms and public debates
take place. Our proposal is now a full
fledged public issue. It is but a matter of
opportunity to bring the proposal to vote.
In that we may well may be witnessing the
ery first step of this process In the Omaha
editorial gently feeling out the public's atti
tude, it will be interesting to see if this pro
posal ridicBlons as it sound, follows the pat
tern. One might wonder too, about the conten
tion of Wayne Morse, (Ind-Ore), who main
tained that tidelands oil would be only the
first step, the leak in the dike EJ).
Price Of Winning
lows. State College students organized a
panty raid,, blocked the Lincoln Highway,
threw tear gas bombs back at police and
gathered 4000 strong to demand a day off
after they won their Homecoming football
game against Missouri. The rioting students
tried to accomplish this two nights in a row,
but their college president stood adamant
no vacation.
President Virgil M. Hancber of the Univer
sity of Iowa quieted his students by throwing
two parties for them on the Monday and
Tuesday nights after their team tied Notre
Dame. 'What is more the Student Union
was thrown open and free refreshments, were
served those nights, according to a student
from that university.
Iowa State officials let their student popu
lation run loose unta they calmed down;
Iowa University "bought off theirs before
any organized rallies were started.
The scene on the Nebraska campus has
been comparatively quiet; but on the other
hand, we haven't won any football games
either G.H.
"very little thinking, as thinking, goes on in
universities." Students, he is safe in saying,
have not had the practice nor the experience
that their elders nave had.
The columnist rightly criticizes students
who run rampant with half-truths. Their
function is not to participate in "disgraceful
riots," shoot off their mouths or imagine
themselves as embryo William Pitts, Gari
baldis or Clemenceaus, as Ruark pictures
European students.
But college students will not be shut op.
We realize that society is run by an older
generation, that major decisions are made by
men sixty years and older.
We do not ask to hold positions of high
responsibility. But we insist that we be
heard. When opinions of the American
people are noted (and that should be often
in a democracy), we expect to be heard along
with other citizens.
After all, the affairs of the world will be
ours someday if the older generation doesn't
blow up to bits before we get our chance to
handle problems.
Ruark must remember that we have just
as much at stake in the future of our nation
and mankind as he does. In fact, we have
reason for greater interest since we'll be
aound here longer than he will.
He should not forget that, right now, we
have more formal education than many of
today's leaders. They may possess experi
ence. But surely Ruark will not deny that
experience corrupts the idealism of " what
ought-to-be with what appears possible.
When a man's feet are stuck in the mud,
it's pretty hard to see beyond the mud
The columnist, citing student riots in Rome
and Trieste, accuses "higher education" of
providing "an excuse for more extraneous
nonsense than any ether form of social
He seems to forget the violence frequently
connected with the labor strikes of our elders
Dr the occasional lynchings in our own
And speaking of "extraneous nonsense,"
Ruark might mention predicaments our par
. snts and grandparents have brought upon the
Instead of criticizing students in general
for actions of Italian youth and telling college
men and women to shut up, Columnist Ruark
would do better to challenge students to the
intelligent thought he believes is minimized
in college.
If members of Ruark's generation hadn't
"devoted ourselves mainly to the pursuit of
happiness, coeds and corn whisky, and read
only the sports pages," perhaps the world
wouldn't be worrying today about blowing
itself to pieces. KJU ...
Do Morals Slip?
To hear the politicians talk you'd think
every political campaign were waged as a
moral crusade. "Throw the rascals out" and
"keep the rascals out" become cries of the
, dedicated protectors of the republic.
The fact that political parties and candi
dates sometimes switch sides on issues seems
to have no effect upon matters of principle.
" One side of a question can become just as
moral as another, it seems.
Te hear the farmers, and their self-styled
friends, speak ef price supports you'd think
that proponents of oppostt views are eon
signed to the eternal pits.
The Hall County Farm Bureau attacked
Dr. C Clyde Mitchell a few weeks ago be
cause he favors fixed price supports. The
Farm Bureau advocates flexible supports.
The difference between the two views if you
are to believe the Bureau, Secretary Benson
and a number of other persons is a matter
of principle. .
The Nebraskan fails to see a moral differ
ence between supports of one kind and sup
ports of another kind.
How long ago was it that the baaie ques
tion concerned the wisdom of supports at all?
Bat that controversy seems to have panted.
The moral dividing line has slipped.
But that's the way it is in politics. K.R.
Margin Notes
Our Garden Of Eden
Isn't life fun? Just think of all the happi
ness that is created in the world every day.
Russia gets no end of pleasure from calling
the U.S. a liar. McCarthy's grin as he pokes
through old files in an indication of the
pleasure he is receiving from that job.
Democrats smile at the plight of the Repub
licans and the Republicans smile at the plight
of the Democrats. Frenchmen dance at the
thought of a ruined Germany. Red China is
exuberant at the report of Korean War
atrocities. Yes this is truly a happy world.
Miserably happy.
JltsL TkbAa&huv
Member: Associated Collegiate Press.
Advertising representative: National Advertising service, Ine.
42 Madison Ave, New York 17, New Yerk
Tha fMmtfcaa k mnVHrbt mt tk twtarta mt S3HTOBIA1. 8T4ST
CwiTaraH mt Karak mm anraulna m MHar ....MM
iwws Mid Wwf-aa-onJT. a.aaar)KC ta Ajtteia M af fcna KttMrlal FlMra E4ttav. KM la tfr
isy-w r"?iBf ataatott ufcttHaa m wtatroiftmul Suiter ..
a f fMiatias, Im tha wl - Kw Ettar .
i t Bk tit tKiruUat 4c Ha twnmai'Vtm mSsmM Cm E4tta Mm Barrtan. KhImm Bawmm,
trmm ttmm w mnanhim ma tttm part mt Um Kmk9. Uramm HarraV
wB nrt mt uf mmim mt Urn Hmmlt? at Sparta mtttm Qrmn rr
t o tinhorn, at tha mmmbm mt tha mtmtt Tha A Kdtta ... jaaatt
,.- mn pmwmmitf nwpaaattia far wa Our tm REroHTTBS
m mm a mmeam to mm prtnttatt" RwiM atavtrff. Starch HMuim, Gtmm Star,
t.'1.!k Taar. Weaaaal u TH tlZ hTmltommT ZHitX
! . rf Uf th Lnt'pnlty f KrbrMfc mttr tfea t
xrtruunt t lita CnmtttM ml Stmtmm PmbHrmHimt. M'SUTZSS RAIT
ur4 M em4 etaa mttar a Utm tmmt Offtoa ta MaM Kaaar 9P9m
f-nneio. ,N4t. sr Art mt CufTW. Kmrru , Aja't iHiMH tnnmmfn. . . 1bU Siavw, Dwu is-l
Hi. 1 M mm mt momtrntm prtrrtdrt far la Jba HmUUUmr, VlcVtnBi
AM mt Cerw mt Oct. $, lilt, avtaartecS CTmhhIbMob mk WJ."?""
Sept. W. 11. HM-ew VUt .........4 HatTMmm
'Did You Get That Rain We Sent You?'
The Student Speaking
Hey, Arready
(Reptu.K with permission of Her block and The Washington Post)
The Challenge
Must A Prof Surrender
His Beliefs To Be Paid?
Professor of Agricultural Economics
From an imaginary editorial in the Podunk Tribune:
"Professor Doakes is currently under attack by the Podunk
Chapter of Sons and Daughters of 100 per cent Americanism for
his left-wing views. Naturally he and his pinko friends are howl
ing that their rights of free speech are being threatened.
"Heck, Professor, nobody is trying to take away your free
speech! You can talk all you want to about how nice it would be
to have socialized medicine, public housing or any other new
dealish scheme you want Nobody will stop you.
"But our taxpayers here in Podunk support the University,
and we intend to have some say-so about whom we hire. We
don't like our money going to pay people who say things we dis
agree with. Remember, Professor, nothing in the American con
stitution gives you the right to work for the state."
Unfortunately for America, this
n. tfrrv SHARPNACK
It was ROTC Summer Camp
time at Death Valley Air Base,
Texas, and thousands of airmen
and officers were running about
making final preparations for
the cadets' arrival. Cacti were
being trimmed, tarantulas were
being shaken from bed clothes
and dormitory rugs were being
vacuumed. '
Finally, the plane bearing the
100 cadets landed and out
stepped the young men, hand
somely tanned from robust sum
mer activities and each waving
the pennant of his respective
The airmen on the base
jumped up and down with glee
at the sight, but the more ma
ture officers restrained them
sleves and merely smiled.
Colonel Gleef, base comman
der, greeted each boy warmly
and invited them all to his home
that evening for a get-acquainted
After the party, 98 of the boys
left for their quarters. John
Schlonk and George Greefle
stayed behind for a few min
utes to comment on the colonel's
campaign ribbons. George
thought one was a Pershing Rifle
ribbon and everyone laughed, but
the Colonel.
"It is," he said.
When John and George got to
the dormitory they found the rest
of the boys quietly reading their
drill manuals. Some were out
lining the book. The two were
careful not to disturb them and
went to their own room to do a
little reading, too.
Nine a.m. came all too early
for the boys, but at the sound
of the band playing "Dear Old
Nebraska U" everyone hopped
out of bed and into his sharply
pressed military uniform.
At 9:30 sharp (as is the mili
tary way) two busses pulled up
outside the dorms to take the
boys to breakfast Everyone
rushed outside so as to be sure
to set a seat for the two-block
.John Schlonk read the break
fast menu with dismay. Ham was
the only meat, and John didn't
like ham. He stormed over to
the head cook, a Master Sgt.
O'Mulligan, and told him about
it. The sergeant was visibly
shaken and Immediately ran to
the food ' lockers to find John
some bacon.
The first activity ofthe day
was a tour of the maintenance
shops, but the majority of the
boys didn't see much in that so
they were permitted to spend
the morning as they wished. One
of the boys had a private flying
license, so Col. Gleef said it
would be all right for him to take
an F-S9 up for a spin.
On every afternoon, as a re
tur from th drucery of mat
In. !aeaa there wu wim
ming. horseback riding, archery
and tennis available.
During the course of the four
week training period, 15 dances
were held for the cadets, and
models from Dallas were brought
to Death Valley for the occasions.
On dance nights, the boys could
stay up until 5 a.m., but of
course, on other nights sack time
was 1 a.m. (sharp).
The unhappy day of departure
finally had to come and some
of the boys were found on their
beds that morning sobbing piti
fully. The colonel arranged a cere
mony, of course. He wanted
something simple, but touching,
for their leaving that Saturday,
but the airmen insisted on a
parade, even though it was their
day off.
And so, amid the cheers anc"
waving of the good men of Death
Valley Air Force Base, Texas,
the shiny Constellation disap
peared into the wild blue yonder
and life at the base returned tc
its humdrum normalcy.
imaginary editorial, with real
names and places, has appeared
all over the nation. Professors
have been gagged or fired be
cause their views and opinions
on economic and social matters
were unpopular. In several
states, the professors have found
out that they had "no right to a
In a slightly different way, the
"right to a job" argument has
come up in Washington. A Fed
eral employee is summarily fired
without a chance to find out why.
He "hears" that a loyalty board
has considered his case and, al
though not finding evidence of dis
loyalty, nevertheless has ordered
him dismissed as a "security
risk." .
The man, believing himself to
be completely loyal, demands to
be faced with the allegations, to
meet his accusers and to force
them to prove his guilt or with
draw the accusations. Coder re
gulations set np under Truman
and continued under Eisenhower,
be is denied this right He is
told that in accepting a federal
Job he has surrendered his righto.
"You have all your rights as an
American citizen," he is told,
"but you cannot claim the right
to work for the government If
your superiors fire you, they do
not have to tell you why."
Somehow in this hysterical era
the direction of justice has been
lost No longer is a man pre
sumed innocent until positive
proof of guilt is established under
law, with the rights of the ac
cused protected.
We have moved over into the
fanatic reabn, where charges of
guilt even those made irres
ponsibly by spiteful and anony
mous tipsters, are accepted as
The reason for this hysteria, .
of course, is the desire to ferret
out any Communists who may be
employed in government It is
highly probable, however, that
the methods employed are as sin
ister as communism itself.
m m m
It is possible to staff govern
ment and universities with people
who relinquish their basic rights
in exchange for Jobs. The result
will be a loss of one thing Ameri
cans have long considered price
less the free and questioning
No, no one has any Inalienable
"right" to a job with the state
or the county or the city or the
nation. But out citlicns will re
cognize that the type of govern
ment employee or school teacher
most valuable to America Is one
who will not surrender any of his
fcasle rights merely to draw his
salary from public funds.
The, Nebraska Board of Regents
recently adopted an outstanding
statement of principles regarding
the rights and responsibilities of
teachers, a statement of which
Nebraskans can be proud. The
number of universities whose gov
erning bodies have been simi
larly courageous is unfortunately
small. The number heading the
other direction is frightening. And
most frightening of all is the now
official attitude of the largest em
ployer of professional cholars in
the world the U. S. Government
Next j-ear's meeting of the
American Society of Engineer
ing Education will be held at the
University in October, The pur
pose of ASEE is to promote bet
ter relations between the schools
participating and to create an op
portunity for exchange of ideas
on any topic 'concerning the
The report written by Nebras
ka's delegation concerning this
year's trip to Kansas revealed
the two major topics of the
meeting. Engineering Open
University To Host
ASEE Next Year Q
Dear Editor:
After reviewing several late
issues of The Nebraskan, I was
amazed at the low standards of
journalism being employed in
editorials involving politics and
foreign policy. Apparently The
Nebraskan editors are not sat
isfied with expressing sterotyped
propaganda which they believe
is material of editorial calibre.
Editorials frequently accuse
Senator McCarthy of: mud
slinging and false accusation, yet
continually make Insinuations
degrading his character: sensa
tionalism, yet continually try to
make a spectacle of him: con
tributing nothing toward public
service, though he risked his '
public career to fight commu
nism: hiding behind Congres
sional immunity, though his
book "McCarthyism, The Fight
for America" was published
without that benefit. These edi
torials serve only one purpose:
the degeneration of the entire
The Nebraskan editorials seem
to have an affirmative viewpoint
on these issues:
Bulletin Board -
American Society of Civil En
gineers Meeting, 7:30 p.m , Room
205, Stout Hall.
Senior music students recital,
7 p.m.. Social Sciences Auditor
ium. Military Ball Rehearsals, 7:30
p.m.. Coliseum.
Love and Marriage Discussion,
7:30 p.m., Love Library Auditor
ium. NC Rodeo Association Meet
ing, 7:30 p m., Ag Union.
Fhi Sigma Iota, 7:30 p.m.. Fac
ulty Lounge, Union.
Military Ball Rehearsals, 70
p.m., Coliseum.
Faculty and Graduate Assist
ants Coffee Hour, 4 to 6 p.m.,
Faculty Lounge, Union.
Audubon Screen Tour, 8
Love Library Auditorium. '
Is Degenerate1
1. Security nsKs In govern
ment are not too important
2. Mistakes made in govern
ment affairs should be handled
in a clandestine manner so as
not to disturb the people, at
home and abroad.
3. Let the FBI take care of
communists (a la Gestapo) in
4. Any individual called be
fore a Congressional committee
should be notified well in ad
vance (It takes 'em that long
to read the fifth amendment).
Ridiculous! Surely the editors
have not intended this type of
journalistic fuel to fire the fur
nace of human reasoning.
An edtorial advocating diplo
matic recognition of Red China
was rancid enough to make the
Korean War dead arise and
chisel epitaphs on their tombs.
Why have they gone back on
us. And, not only this editorial
reflects one editor's ignorance
and indifference to common
sense by using Mr. Dulles speech
as a tool, but it also reflects the
typical jargon of others who
have succumed to Red propa
ganda. Is the desire to create
this type of editorial so great
that our own flesh and blood
must be cheapened?
It seems strange that our
future editorialists will substi
tute appeasement for clear
thinking argument, sacrifice
their inherited rights for a pur
gatorish peace founded on hu
man slavery, and will believe
the infidel of their all-seeing in
tellectual ideas are always
House and the Engineering mag
azine. The K-State delegation
stated they have been operating
their engineering magazine at a
profit of $700 a year with no
subscription fee; there must be
some sharp economists down
there. No doubt their magazine
is full of ads. That seems the
only other way to pay for the
E-Week is held on other cam
puses in much the same man
ner as it is here at Nebraska.
The problem of financing is met
in a different way, but the prob
lem still exists. The engineering
open house at Kansas State is
financed through appropriations
from the school.
Nebraska's E-Week is financed
solely from the sale of E-ribbom
before E-Week. Iowa State't
Vicia is their equivalent ol
E-Week. Displays by the engi
neers inform the people of Iowi
what the college offers to tht
Faculty rating system wai
discussed and the body agreed
a rating system should b
adopted b ythe faculty, as wai
recommended by the Nebraska
deleg?tion last year. Faculty
ratir s systems have been kicked
around for many years at coV
leges, but have never becomW
timiy established as any criteria
f r judgment, nor have the
atings been developed or Im
proved. In order for rating systems to
work, the faculty must voluntar
ily adopt and administer them.
Perhaps neither the mode of in
struction nor the mannerisms of
the instructors warrant an effort
in establishing faculty rating.
The conferees also agreed that
a better co-ordination should br
maintained between class work
and the laboratory course. Tht
old problem of report writinr
was brought up; it seems the
students think that more empha
his should be placed on the ex
periment than on the report
The assembly noted that t
plan to reduce the nember ol
students spending five years ir
school for a four-year degree
was desirable. The hours can be
squeezed in if ROTC is accepted
as a non-technical option. '
If the Nebraska delegation
continues to be as active as it
has been in the past, next year's
meeting should contribute much
to a better understanding of en
gineering education J. D.
For the Beet
Corsage Values
135 So. 12
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