by FOS w Volume 54, No. 33 -JVteli poms Play To Begin At 8 PM "The Male Animal," starring Barbara Leigh and Donald Sobo lik, will open Wednesday, at 8 p.m. at the Arena Theater in the Temple building The play is a comedy by James Thurber and Elliott Nugent Ori ginally produced in 1941, it was revived for a successful run on Broadway last season. It will be the second production of the Uni versity Theatre this year. TOT ACTION takes place in the home of professor Thomas Turner, Sobolik, and his wife Ellen, "Miss Leigh, The scene is Mid-Western University on home coming weekend. Miss Leigh, junior from Hardy, Nebraska, is a transfer from Cot tey College where she appeared an "Comedy of Errors" and "Stae Door," Sobolik, senior in Art and Science was seen in the University productions of NSchool for Scandal," '"Three Men on a Horse," and "The Game of Chess." j OTHER MEMBERS of the cast re Morse Weisgurt as Dr. Da Members Up To 300 In YMCA Annual Drive To End Today The. total membership of the University YMCA has passed the 300 mark for the first time in several years, Mervin Rector, acting' executive secretary, said Tuesday. That figure includes student, faculty, and alumni members. The annual membership cam paign got under way throughout Lincoln Nov. 16. Although the deadline was originally sched uled for Nov. 23, it was extended to Wednesday because of Thanks giving vacation. LATE TUESDAY, the YMCA l ad 108 alumni members, 84 fac ility members and 117 student members. The Ag campus Y" Tuesday lad 37 members, the city campus "Y 90, with more expected to Join before the campaign ends Wednesday, Wilson Strand, city campus president, said. Since the beginning, of the se mester, he said, the Ag "Y" has more than doubled its member ship, while the city campus "Y" has been almost tripled. The fac ulty membership has increased U.S. Cities Offer Trips To Students Foreign NUers May Participate During this holiday season various communities thou ghaut the United States are arranging special opportunities for students from abroad to share in Christ mas festivities in the American manner. Through the Community Com mittees and the Committee on Friendly Relations Among For eign Students, the major cities in all sections of the country are inviting international stu dents to visit them and to spend the time seeing new sections of the country. LV THE Midwest the city of Detroit is planning tours to such industries as Ford Motor Com pany, to labor unions and to points of civic interest Parties an oe arranged upon iwjuesu during the holiday season must be made through the Committee on Friendly Relations Among Foreign Students, 291 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y. not later than Dec 15. In Chicago, EL, the Holiday Center World Students is pro viding a place to meet friends and to chat informally. Tours, tickets for concerts and invita tions into homes are also avail able. For room reservations and fur ther information, international students may write to: Commit tee for Holiday Center, institute of International Education, 118 South Michigan, Chicago 3, EL CINCINNATI, O. is planning opportunities for these foreign students to spend one to three days with families and to share in festivities, iiigntseeang win oe arranged according to students interests. Advance arrangements must be made not later than Dec. 15 through: International Student Committee, University of Cincin nati YMCA, Cincinnati. Tours to industries, invitations into homes and general sightsee ing is part of the program which Kansas City, Mo, is planning for international students. Ad "vance arrangements should be ' made through: General Program Department, YMCA, 404- East 10th Street, Kansas City. 11 OD1B mon; William F. Klamm, Ed Kel ler; Dick Marrs, Joe Ferguson; Allan Renyon, Michael; Ann Cor coran, Patricia; Ruth Ann Rich mond, Gwendolyn; Joyce Fang man, Blanche Damon. . Margot Hunt will portray Mry tle Keller; Donald Blauw, Wally; Carleton R. Holmes, "Nutsy"; and Harry Parritt, a reporter. Joe Ferguson, the greatest foot ball player Mid-Western ever had and to whom Ellen Turner was once engageo, comes to Homecoming to complicate- the life of Tommy Turner. Tommy becomes a male animal fighting lor his mate and gives a ois sertation on the male animaL The Outside World Dulles Terms Big 4 Meeting Moral Victory By WILLIE DESCH Staff Writer A substantial diplomatic and moral victory is to be accredited to the West because of Russia's declared willingness to attend a Big Four foreign ministers meet ing, Secretary of State Dulles said. Dulles suggested that Vienna might be a better meeting place than Berlin although one factor against it would be that the Aus trian capital also was divided between East and West British Foreign Minister An thony Eden made it clear in the House of Commons that in spite of American doubts of Soviet sin cerity, Britain wants to get Big Four talks under way as soon as possible. 7 Churchill and Eden will attempt to urge Lame! and Eisenhower to join in accepting the proposal at Berlin and setting the date for mid-January, , ... . . US Not To 'Bluster Secretary of State Dulles re torted to widely publicized criti cism that the United States speaks in too kindly a manner to its Allies by commenting that fee and President Eisenhower do not propose to throw away- the as sets of Allied co-operation by blustering and domineering meth ods. The comments were aimed at Sen. McCarthy R-Wis) however his name was not mentioned by Dulles. In a statement made at a news conference, Dulles said the ad ministration rejected arrogant and demanding methods. He added the bases shared by the Allies made possible the peace keeping threat of atomic retlaia tion by the United States against the vitals of Russia. Dulles said without the Allied bases and the United States warn- in e svstems. such key cities as Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago and Milwaukee would be easy targets for the enemy. . - Benson Methods Hit In the opinion of Otis Tossett of Lansford, N. D., a vice presi dent of the National Association of Soil Conservation Districts, the controversy over the reorganiza tion of the SCS was largely the result of "amateurish" actions on the part of Department of Agri culture officials. This was evident when Secre tary Benson and his assistants made the reorganization a top secret plan. Also the methods which were discussed ia closed sessions should have been brought before the public and press Tos sett said. Tossett caned the NASCD the most democratic and patriotic erous in the world saying that their motives are higher than just increasing the productivity of their own farms and their prime motive is to be of the utmost benefit to the country. Committee To Decide Study Period Problem On Tuesday Student Council Final decision of the problem concerning final exam vacation will be reached by the calendar committee on Tuesday. The committee has pointed out that this acHoa will apply to 1354-55 only. Much controversy has arisen concerning this problem. Many Friday Deadline Set j For Cornhusker Sales No appointments for Corn husker pictures will be made after Friday. Students wanting to have their pictures taken for this year's Cornhusker should contact the Cornhusker businesi office be for Friday. Cornhusker sales will close Friday. At 9 p.m. Tassels and Corn Cobs must check their sales books in at the Cornhusker busi ness office. Union Schedules Exhibit More" than 30 pictures from the covers and inside art work of "the Saturday Evening Post ritt h Mhihitied in the Union 1 ir Vipo-inninff Unndav and J closing Dec. 19. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Presentation Of Planned By NU The University Singers will present a traditional concert of Christmas carols at 3 p.m. and again at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Union Ballroom. Dr. Arthur Westbrook will di rect the 120-voice organization in a. program which will include "Fantasia on Christmas Car ols," by Williams with Dale Gam, professor of voice, as solo ist Other numbers will include: "The First Noel," "A Lovely Rose is Sprung," "The Sleep of the Child Jesus," "The Smile of the Christ Child," "Toure-Louro-! Louro." "Rosa Mystica." "O Thou Joyful Day," "Jesus! Thou Dear Babe Divine," "Wassail ROTC Cadets Urged To Wear Uniforms Ticket Sales .'Good' Bailey This Friday the Military Ball 1 still be purchased at the Union will officially open the formal season for the University and military uniforms will be the proper attire . for all ROTC cadets. There is a natural association between the tradition of Mili tary Balls and the wearing of uniforms,' CoL Joseph A. Steng- Rehearsal Rehearsals for the couples who will participate In the grand march at the Military Ball are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 P-m. They will be held In the Coliseum. lein, professor of air science and tactics, stated, "and it would just be defeating our own pur pose if we get away from the uniforms this year." CAPT. TV. O. GALLERY, pro fessor of naval science and tac tics, said that it was simply "appropriate and traditional for ROTC students to wear uni forms to the BaiL" "It is a long standing . policy that uniforms be worn to the Military BalV was the official word received from Army ROTC Headquarters. -Furthermore," they continued, "uniforms need not be worn this week so that they will be clean for the dance." .'. The new uniforms for the first year advanced Army ROTC students have been received, Headquarters reported. They are now being tailored so they will be ready. The cadet commanders of the three ROTC units expressed the view that this is a "Military Ball and each cadet should rep recent his branch of the service. "Uniforms," they agreed, "defi nitely should be worn." TICKET SALES to date are going fairly well considering the interruption of the Thanksgiv ing vacation," Mac Bailey, pub licity chairman for the Ball, an nounced Tuesday. Tickets can O'Gara, Sfh Debate Cites Unicameral Faults, Virtues "Has the Unicameral Legis lature justified Itself or would a bi-partisan bi-cameral system better serve the needs of Ne braska" was the topic of discus sion in an informal debate held in the YWCA Tuesday evening. The discussion, co-sponsored by the city YWCA and YMCA and the University YMCA, was opened by Ed O'Gara, speaker of the Nebraska House of Rep resentatives in 1935, as a pro ponent of the adoption of a two house system in Nebraska. Bills introduced in the Uni cameral were not being prop erly studied, O'Gara said, and the "system of checks and bal ances was being left out" The former Speaker expressed Poll To Determine members of the faculty feel that the majority of students have not applied the two day ' period to studying ia the past. ' IN VIEW of this opinion on the part of the faculty, the Stud ent Council distributed a letter of explanation and a poll to de termine student opinion on this subject The letter presented a compromise of eliminating the two days before exams alto gether, keeping one free day be fore exams. and adding a free day after exams, or retaining the two day study period. Many students, when inter viewed, expressed the idea that if a student has sufficient time to review a course, he will learn more from it Other students felt there was little advantage of the study period before exams as the majority of students don't do much studying during this time. THE CALENDAR committee will review the poll made by the Student Council and make its decision Monday. Members of the committee are: chairman. James Sellers, Pror 1 fpssor of Historv: secretary. Dr. ' Floyd Hoover, Director of Ad- Carols Singers Song" and "What Strangers Are These." ! SOLOIST WILL be Shirley Ras mussen, graduate assistant; Mar shall Christensen; Marian Brink man, and David Mullin. A string quartet will play three selections: "Adeste Fideles," "Gesu Bambino" and "The First Noel." The quartet members will be Joan Szydlowski, graduate as sistant; Shieta Brown; Harold Welch, and Charles Klasek. Admittance will be by ticket only, which may be obtained at the Union's main office free of charge. Tickets may also be ob- J tained at Dietze's Music Shop and at Miller and Paine's. booth and from COA members.' Regular dance tickets are $3, while spectator tickets can be purchased at the door for $1 per couple. The booth has been set up at the city Union and over 150 cadets are selling tickets. Paul Neighbors and his Or chestra, "the nation's most talked about musical personal ity," will be featured. The band fcas played at leading hotels and nightclubs throughout the coun try and is currently at the Ara gon Ballroom in Chicago. Neighbors group is now under contract with Capital records and is playing on all the major radio networks. Four NUers To Participate In Contests Dale Toops. Delbert Merrill Don Novotay and James Hargle road are representing the Uni versity in the 30th annual Inter collegiate Poultry Judging Con test in Chicago Tuesday and Wed nesday. The students and their coach, Irven L. Williams, assistant pro fessor of poultry husbandry, left Monday for Chicago. ' THE TEAM judged Tuesday day in competition for team and individual honors. The judging program will cover production breed selection and market pro ducts. Awards will be made Wednes day. Afterwards a banquet will be held for teams and coaches at the Sherman Hotel. The contestants' Wednesday morning . agenda con sists of a lecture tour of the Poultry and Egg National Board, Institute of American Poultry In dustries, Chicago Mercantile Ex change, and Chicago Board of Trade, and will conclude with a luncheon and a visit at Swift and Company. himself as being in "full sym pathy" with the recent move to reinstate the bi-cameral legisla ture and stated that he believed the House to have been a place to "train novice legislators in the policies of government." Hugo Srb, former member of the state Senate and Clerk of the Unicameral, compared the Unicameral form of government with the old system. Srb also emphasized that poli tics were not necessary in a state legislature. "What is political about roads, schools and health?," he asked. "If a politi cal check is necessary," he added, "the governor may act as an instrument of the political party." Student Opinion ministration HalL Other mem bers are Thomas Goodding. Pro fessor of Agronomy; L. D. Small, Associate of Pharmacy and Lloyd Teale. Assistant Professor of Ro mance Languages. Swedish Geographer To Speak Wednesday Professor G. V. Alexandersson, visiting .professor of geography from Sweden,- will address the Cosmopolitan Club at 7:30 pjn. Wednesday in Room 313 of the Union. He will talk on the social economic and political life ia Sweden. . Professor Alexandersson will supplement his talk by showing slides of views of Sweden. NU Rodeo Association To Discuss Rodeo Stock . The NU Rodeo Association will meet Wednesday at 7:30 pjn. in the Ag Union. Subject of discussion will be rodeo stock and bucking horses and rodeo bulb. A movie will be shown. President Harry Sickly said the meeting was open to all Uni versity students. Wednesday, December 2, 1953 Afeiv ROTC Promotions Announced Norton Named Cadet Colonel Maurice R. Norton will com mand the Universitv Armv T?OTf regiment during the second se mester, oi. james n. Workman, professor of military science and tactics, announced Wednesday. Timed to coincide with the an nual Military Ball, 44 other pro motions were made effective im mediately affecting ROTC sen iors receiving Army commissions in June. AS REGIMENTAL commander. Cadet Col. Norton, an artillery cadet and senior in the College of Agriculture, will be respon sible for spring reviews and pa rades, as well as normal cadet training. Assisting Norton will be Cadet lx. oi. Joan t. rrost of Ogal-I lata, encmeerine cadet nf t h p College of Engineering, who will serve as regimental executive of ficer. Other officers of the regimental staff will be: Cadet Maj. John F. Boomer, operations officer, and Cadet Maj. Richard L. Qaussen, adjutant LAST YEAR, Norton was the recipient of the US Army Asso ciation Award presented to the outstanding cadet in the artillery section. He is active in the US Army Reserve unit in Lincoln and is executive officer of the Univer sity's company of the National Honorary Society of Pershing Rifles. I Cadet maiors Rnnmpr amH Qaussen are also active in the Lincoln units of the US Army Re serve and National Guard. NEWLY APPOINTED leaders of the five battalions of the Army ROTC, with their staffs and com pany commanders are: Artillery BitUlioa Lt. CoL Ward C Lingo, Battal ion Commander; Major Kenneth M. Stone, Battalion Executive; Captain Eldon O. Wesely, Bat talion Operations; Captain Jack E. Gotte. Battalion Adjutant; Captain Roy R. Befl. -Battery Commander; Captain La Vera 1L DannehL Battery Commander. Engineer Battalioa Lt CoL Richard H. Kafonek, Battalion Commander; Major Guy V. Ferry, Battalion Executive; Captain Donald L. Gockley, Bat talion Operations; First Lt Ed win E. Cumberland, Battalion Adjutant; Captain Wayne B. Captain Richard L. Paschal, Company Commander; Captain Thomas P. McAndrews. Company Commander. Infantry BatUBoa Lt CoL Robert Kennedy, Bat talion Commander; Major Jack Keene, Battalion Executive; Cap tain Dwight H. Fritts. Jr., Bat talion Operations; Captain John F. Allen. Battalion Adjutant; Captain Stanley A. Sipple, Com pany Commander; Captain Carl P. Ofe, Company Commander; Captain Calvin J. Kuska, Com pany Commander. Military Police Battalion Lt CoL Theodore S. Kanamine, Battalion Commander; Major John E. Wood. Battalion Execu tive; Captain Charles J. Lawson. Battalion Operations; Captain Donn E. Davis, Battalion Adju tant; Captain Kent D. Phillips. Company Commander; Captain Thomas E. Day, Company Com mander; Captain Emerson W. Scott, Company Commander. Ordnance Battalioa Lt CoL Charles B. Klasek, Bat talion Commander; Major Claire D. Johnson. Battalion Executive; Captain James F. Nissen, Bat talion Operations; Captain John W. Warrick. Battalion Adjutant; Captain Richard D. Jiskra, Com pany Commander; Captain Larry M. Smith, Company Commander; Captain Donald A. Wenz, Com pany Commander. Promotions T Grade Of First Lieutenant Engineer Battalion: Gene A. Yost; Infantry Battalion: Don L. Biehn; Ordnance Battalioa: James G. Bahm. Walter B. Ev erett, Don P. Geesdmen, John D. McPeck, John L. Niehaus. Ken Ry strom Selected Scholarship Candidate Ken Rystrom, senior in Arts and Sciences and The Nebraska n Editor, has been selected by the Marshall Scholarships Commit tee for this region to appear be fore the committee for an inter view on Monday in Chicago. Rystrom was one of seventeen chosen from this region to be interviewed. Six of the inter viewees, three of them reserves, will be given scholarships by the British Government Calendar Changes The following changes in the 1953-1954 Calendar have been announced by University offici als: Dee. 5 Home Economic! Club Smorgasbord' 5:30 p.m. Dec. 17 Delta Omicron Vesper Service at Episcopal Chapel 8.-00 pjn. Feb. 7 Gamma Alpha Chi Tea at Art Galleries 3:00 P-m. April 9-10 National Confer ence of Editorial Writers. Governor's 'Operation Honesty' Plan Defined At "I have some friends that think there is something immoral about taxes," began Governor Robert B.. Crosby, Tuesday evening at the Biz Ad banquet in his dis cussion of "Morality in Taxa tion. Speaking before a large crowd of Biz Ad students, faculty mem bers, and guests, Gov. Crosby defended his new plan for equal ized tax assessments Operation Honesty. "HOW PEOPLE will share the burden has come to the chief issue during my term as Gover nor," Crosby continued, "but the field of taxation about which Nebraskans know the least is the property tax, our main source of income." The Governor explained how the State Board of Equalization became aware of the inequality in tax assessments last year. '"It is no piece of political for tune that I wasn't allowed to ignore the problem as it had been in the past" Crosby stated. THE NEBRASKA law provides for assessment at full 100 per cent evaluation uniformly and proportionately. Since the ori ginal law had been passed, in 1922, different counties had let their assessments slip to as low as 13 per cent of assessed values. "Many predicted we didn't have the courage to equalize the assessments," Crosby said, "but the Board had seen an inspiring demonstration that local govern ment will work, even under po litical pressure. Twenty-three of the 93 counties in the state had equalized their real estate assess ments themselves. "THE PURPOSE of Operation Honesty is to get a generally honest performance on tax sched ules. There are many skeptics, but most people are honest" "The fellow who evades taxes, the Governor warned, "cheats his Brill To Give Talk On Love, Marriage Dr. William I. Brill, University psychiatrist will be the speaker at the third of the love and mar riage discussions sponsored by the Student CounciL Dr. Brill will speak in the Love Library Auditorium from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m Wednesday. This discussion is entitled "Sex Its Place in the Life of the Col lege Student and in his Marriage. Language Society To Hold Heeting Three readings will be pre sented by Phi Sigma Iota, Ro mance Language Honor Society, Thursday. The meeting will be held in the Union Faculty Lounge at 7:30 pjn. - - - Barbara Colwell will read a paper entitled "Small Town Life in the Works of Jose Ruben Ro mero." Sandra Daley's paper will be on The Moors in Spain" and Donald Keiber's on "Antithesis in Hugo's Plays." Young Demos Plan College Program The state executive commit tee of the Nebraska Young Dem ocrats met in Omaha Friday to outline a program for organiz ing Young Democrats in Ne braska universities and junior colleges. Young Democrats of Lancaster county will be responsible for organization of groups at the University and the following col leges: Wesleyan, Union, Doane, Dana, Seward and Hastings. Charles Smith, sophomore in Arts and Sciences, was selected to be in charge of organizing a group at the University. Four Senior Musicians To Give Public Recital Four seniors in the School of Music will present a senior mu sic recital Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Social Sciences Audito rium. Kathleen Wilson, s o n r a n o: Duane Johnson, trumoet: Elton Monosmith. baritone vocalist; and Darleen Holm, piano, will each present four or five selec tions. The recital is open to the pub lic. Audubon Screen Tour To Feature Canadian Subject, Newfoundland Wildlife .Dick Bird, Canadian lecturer and photographer, will present the second Aubudon Screen Tour Friday at 8 p.ra. in Love Library Auditorium. Bird will lecture on Newfound landCanada's newest province. The color film, supplementary to the lecture, will aim to dispel false beliefs about Newfoundland nature and wildlife. i DICK m&D Biz Ad Banquet neighbor's pocket directly, for the neighbor must make up tha monev needed for government" THE GOVERNOR explained how the property tax is the only basic way to get the needed tax money. He showed how states with both a sales tax and an in come tax still had property taxes similar to those of Nebraska. "I am proud of what we have done and still expect to do," Crosby stated in closing," and I'd like you to help me." NU Biz Ad Honors 28 At Banquet Gold Prize' Keys Awarded To Ten Twenty-eight University stu dents were' recognized for high scholastic achievements Tuesday night at the Business Adminis tration banquet The tens students who ranked highest in the freshman class during 1952-53 were awarded the William Gold Prize keys, THE KEYS were presented by Nathan Gold, Lincoln business man, in memory of his father, to: Dorothy Ann Bacon, Walter C. Brestal Jr., Robert A. Flam mang, Israel Morris Goodman, Robert J. Hawke, Patricia A. Morgan, Allen L. Overcash, Shirley M. Pollock, Frederick J. Saathoff and Sol B. Stiss. TEN SENIORS were recog nized for high scholarship and business ability. They have been elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, national honorary business ad ministration fraternity. The new members are: Edson L. Bridges, Mrs. Har riet G. WTenke Campbell, Mrs. Shirley J. Lysinger Eatherton, Joan Pearl Holden, Robert Bell Johnson, Thomas L. Miller, Eldon E. Park. Kenneth P. Pas chall and Verlin L. Rasmussen. NAMES OF scholarship win ners read at the banquet were: General Electric Scholarship Robert B. Johnson. Miller and Paine Scholarships in Business Research Joseph C. Blumel and Om P. Nijhawan. O. N. M a g e e Memorial Scholarships Keith J. Knippen berg and Uve Kaps. W. G. Longworthy Taylor Scholarship Rita M. Dorn. Nebraska Association of Small Loan Companies Scholarship Vance A. Baker. Peak, Marwick, Mitchell and Co. Scholarship in Accounting Thomas I Miller. - - - DUV Loan Fund To Aid Students The national organization of Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War has established a $2,500 loan fund at the Univer sity through the University Foundation, Perry W. Branch, secretary -director of the Foun dation, announced Tuesday. Known as the Grand Army of Republic Living Memorial Fund, the loan fund is the fourth of its kind to be set up nationally by the organization. Loans will be made to sophomores, juniors and seniors who are lineal de scendants of members of the Grand Army of Republic. NU Student Chosen Agronomy Officer Dale NitzeL a junior majoring in agronomy at the College of Agriculture, has been elected treasurer of the national student section of the American Society of Agronomy. Nitzel and Marvin Coffee, a sophomore also majoring in agronomy, represented the Uni versity at the Society's annual convention held in Dallas, Texas. The student section, while holding its own meetings and at tending the regular sessions of the Society, was formed to en courage students to become more interested in research by keeping them informed of research in agronomy and to acquaint them with leaders in the field. Numerous species of birds and animals abound in Newfound land, which is comparatively free from industrialization and com mercialism and. has retained much of its old world charm and primitive simplicity. Aspects such as these will be illustrated in the film. EARLY IN his career," Bird covered the Mexican Revolution, the First World War, Spanish Revolution and other interna tional events as a news photog rapher. He formerly had a radio program in Canada entitled, "Camera Trails.' He is the au thor of articles on nature and photography which have ap peared in magazines in the United States and Britain. Bird has also made extensive lecture tours, done outdoor film assignments for Walt Disney and has made motion pictures for the Canadian government on. Wild life in the national parks. TICKETS FOS the remainder of the Audubon Screen Tours of this season may be purchased far $2, or single admission for cent Tickets are available tt tha Bureau of Visual Instruction, Architectural Halt F.ootu 17, or Morrill Kail, Room 1CL