The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, November I I , I
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w i lie ooaf me
Two AGRs, Sig Alphs Reveal Pinmates
Staff Writer
' K D Shirley Fries announced
her engagement Monday to Dick
Cellar. Shirley is a senior in
Teachers College. Dick, now
working In Geneva, is a gradu
ate of Oklahoma A and M where
he was a Sigma Chi. The couple,
both of Geneva, will be mar
ried Nov. 25.
Nebraska Sweetheart Nancy
Hemphill revealed her four
week old pinning to Ken Pink
erton, AGR, at the Pi Phi house
Monday night. Nancy, junior
from Lincoln, is a Home Ec
major. Ken, also a junior and in
Ag. College, is from Beatrice.
Beauty Queen Paddy Wright,
A O Pi, and Jim Hoover- Sig
Alph, are new pin-mates as re
vealed Monday night. Paddy is a
sophomore in Teachefs College
Jim is a senior in Arts and Sci
ence. Both are from Lincoln.
The Sigma Kappa's feasted on
candy Monday night as Lou
Thomassen announced her pin
ning to Keith Kroll, Pi Kap. Lou
of David City, is a junior in
Arts and Science mcjoring in
art. Keith, formerly a student
Omaha U, is a junoir in Engi
neering College.
Armstrong-Chris tensen
Marshall Christensen. Sigma
Nu, passed cigars in revealing
his pinning to Carol Armstrong,
Dmor. Carol is . a spohomore
from Holdrege and Marshall is
a junior from Minden. Both are
in Teachers College.
The Sig Alph's serenaded at
the Alpha Xi house Monday
night as Barb Kokrda and Jerry
Vrzal revealed their pinning.
Barb, junior, is in Teachers Col
lege and comes from Plainsview.
Jerry, also a junior, is in Biz
He is from Norfolk
S tea venson-Harmon
The second AGR pinning Mon
day night was that of Ray Har
mon to Eleanor Steavenson,
Loomis Hall. Eleanor, senior in
Home Ec.. is from Pentanelle,
Ray, junior in Ag College, is
from Loop City.
Mary Fuelberth and Dave
Johnson are not engaged as in
correctly reported last Wednes
day. They are pinned.
Rally- from Union to Carillon
6:45 p.m.
Rally 6:45 p.m. Displays fol
lowing rally.
Sigma Phi Epsilon Breakfast
dance 7 a.m.
Parade 10 a.m.
Homecoming dance 8 p.m
'Stockholm Similar To San Francisco'
Says Swedish Geography Professor
Communism Not Discussed In Sweden As In US
much as San Francisco.
"The number of University
students here" is amazing, Gun
nar Alexandersson, visiting
geography professor from
Sweden, said, when comparing
our University with those of his
native country.
In Sweden, he said that there
are approximately as many stu
dents in an ine universities as
there are here in our own Uni-
THE SWEDISH school system
Is very selective, Alexandersson
noted. For example, only 200
students per year are accepted
into the School of Economics. In
order to qualify, students must
pass entrance exams taken at the
ages of 19 or 20. After passing
the exams, a student may go to
any University in Sweden.
In order to attend the Univer
sities, three languages must be
known. The text boks used there
are all printed in German,
French and English, even though
Swedish is the native language.
MORE THAN 80 per cent of
the people of Sweden live in
To Present
Music Recital
A local businessman, Lowell
Hagen, will present a program
of religious music Thursday at
7:30 p.m. in Room 316, Union.
Hagen will be accompanied by
Eugene Clark, a recognized Ham
mond organ artist The program
will be unique in that it will pre
sent the story of the Gospel of
HAGEN IS a graduate of Tabor
College at Hillsboro, Kan., and
has studied at Kansas University.
During his career he has been a
high school teacher, choir direc
tor, youth worker and a radio
producer. Hagen is now chairman
of the Lincoln Christian Business
Men's Committee.
Clark, of North Platte, will ac
company and present piano styl-
Ings. He studied at Moody Insti
tute, Wheaton, and the University.
This is another in a variety of
programs presented weekly by Inter-Varsity
Christian Fellowship.
Changed Faculty
Titles Announced
Dr. James P. Tollman, dean of
the University College of Medi
cine, has announced 22 changes
In faculty member titles.
One doctor was advanced from
a clinical assistant to an instruc
tor. Other titles changed are: two
men from instructor to assistant
professor; four doctors from in
structor to associate professors;
six doctors from assistant pro
lessor to associate professor;
four doctors from associate pro
fessor to assistant professor; five
doctors from associate professor
to professor and two doctors
named department chairmen.
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Try a Medico Pipe. See Why Medico's
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1 sT
j r H writ rrtt ml m. Vim
apartments, Alexandersson said.
Stockholm has more than a mil
lion inhabitants, and is quite a
bit like our own American city
San Francisco, except that
Stockholm is not spread out as
Gamma Alpha
Chi Pledges
18 NU Coeds
Eighteen coeds were pledged to
Gamma Alpha Chi, national pro
fessional advertising fraternity
for women, at informal ceremon
ies Sunday.
The new pledges are: Barbara
Clark, Beverlee Engelbrecht, Kay
Nosky. Joanne Meyers, Mary
Whitmore, Rita Stapelman, Betty
Hrabik, Madeline Watson, Marion
Scott Marilyn Mitchell.
Marianne Hansen, Phyllis
Hershberger, Cynthia Henderson,
Shirley Rosenberg, Sue Ramey,
Imogene Barry, Joan Hawthorne
and Bernie Rosenquist.
THE COEDS are majors in ad
vertising, art, home economics.
radio and journalism.
Gamma Alpha Chi officers are:
Connie Gordon, president; Peg
Bartunek, vice president; Natalie
Katt, recording secretary; Mari
lyn Erwin, corresponding secre
tary: Janet Nuss, treasurer;
Joyce Johnson, rush chairman,
and Nancy Hemphill, social chairman.
Alexandersson commented on
the number of cars that we have
here, and said that of all coun
tries that he has visited, Sweden
is the most like the United
HE HAS traveled widely in
Europe and said that it is very
difficult to teach geography if
you haven't seen many places
and observed their various cul
tures. ?
Alexandersson said that com
munism is not talked about
nearly so much in Sweden, and
that it ceased to be an issue of
importance a short time after
the war. He said that people- in
Europe watch the publicity on
Sen. McCarthy with much inter
est, and that he is a great topic
of interest to those people.
serve at the University for a
year, and then will return to
Sweden to rejoin his wife who
is a teacher in Stockholm.
This is his second trip to the
United States; he was here from
March to December of last year,
and he made two trips across the
continent during that time.
While here previously, spon
sored by a fellowship from the
School of Economics at Stock
holm University, he spent two
months doing research in Wash
ington, D.C.
Faculty Jamboree
Held At Ag Union
Approximately 350 persons at
tended the fifth annual square
dance jamboree held at the Ag
Union Monday night
Each year for the square dance
jamboree the Ag College Faculty
Square Dance Club invites the
23 Lincoln clubs to the College
of Agriculture for the festival.
dent of the Ag College faculty
club. Harold Chapman is secretary-treasurer
and Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Hartman are representa
tives to the council of Lincoln
Roscoe Roeder of the Lincoln
council was in charge of plan
ning the event.
Ag College Square dance club !
is made up primarily of Ag Col- :
lege faculty. (Jnapman invited
any faculty members interested
to attend the dances. Meetings
are usually bi-weekly. The next
one will be held Saturday.
and his orchestra
Dancing 9 until 12
Couples Only
Adm. 1.70 per couple
Tax Included
After the Rally
come dretted at you are
0mlif yis&ha&fauv
m mm
To place a classified ad
Stop ia the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
Call 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for CUifiel
Hoars 1-4-J9 Mon, thru fri.
No. words j Idcry j 2 days 3 days I day Iwesk
1-10 S .43 j S ,65 S .85 ( $1.00 $1.20
11-15 j .50 j .80 j 1X5 1.25 1.45
16-20 .60 .35 1.25 1.50 j 1.70
1-25 .70 1.10 1.45 j 1.75 1.S5
26-52 0 US I 1-65 . 2.00 1U0
bom. A College district. Refsreoees-.
TTPINO DOK& tbcMS, moot court
brtef. reports, etc. Experienced. 2-8253.
CHURCH CHOlit h. petrines for tenor
end alta paid soloist members Upper
elsssmeo with choir experience pre
ferred. Phone sfter S P.M.
ROOMS: KSoe room for 2 men. 1237
ft, Pbone 1-2304.
RooiTToR RENT A student to share
room eooltnf 1517 K. 3rd
iter .nu S-4-367.
FOR SALE Double breasted tux size
complete with accessories except shoes.
Call Mrs. Davis 7-24W for further
1551 U(J ExSfisnt condition; Low
snlleeee. See at Cspitoi Automotive.
212 So. lth. 2-2626,
LOST -Brown Shutter pencil, flame on
band Richard E. Olson. Ph. S-8822.
E5eT "i"eiu keys on key ring. CUJ
Three Seniors To Give .
Musical Recital Tonight
Three University seniors will
present a music recital Wednes
day at 4 p.m. in Social Sciences
Pianist Marilyn Paul, vocalist
Hilmere Deines and tympanist
Kent Phillips will give the recital.
Miss Paul will play Sonata Op.
31, No. 1, by Beethoven; Inter
mezzo Op. 118, No. 2, by Brahms;
and Mikrokosmos by Bartok.
Deines, accompanied by Marion
Urbach will sing "Lungi Dal Caro
Bene" by Secchi, "O Komme,
Holde Sommernacht" by Brahms,
"The Cloths of Heaven" by Yeats
and "Music, When Soft Voices
Die" by Quilter.
Phillips, accompanied by Shir
ley Hurtz, will play Solo Piece by
Britton, Sonatina for Three Tym
pani and Piano by Tcherepnine
and Concerto for Tympani by
Weinberger. ,
YWCA To Start Membership Drive
of last year." The campaign will
be held from Nov. 16-23.
City campus YMCA will launch
an annual membership drive with
a kick-off dinner at 6 p.m., Wed
nesday, in the Cornhusker Room
of the downtown YMCA.
Wilson Strand, YM president,
said, "I feel confident that mem
bership will be doubled over that
Strand urged all members to
be present for the dinner which
will acquaint them with plans ;?
the current drive and the present
YMCA program.
Now you can enjoy
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The look of success comes oasy
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TO TOE 1953
Arnold Stern and Dixie Borgaard
Congratulations (o the
Best Dressed Man and Woman
on the campus
These winners have been selected
from 16 nominees by a representa
tive group of 12 students and one
prominent dean.
In conducting the 1941 B.D.O.C. con
test we have attempted to further at
Nebraska casual and distinctive attire.
To those candidates, to the signers of
their nomination blanks, to the judg
ing committee, and to the entire
student body we extend our thanks.
Harvey Brothers
1131 "0" Street
..s. K can e 1 1 i. -
, sts"
Last year a survey of leading colleges
throughout the country showed that
smokers in those colleges preferred
Luckies to any other cigarette.
This year another nation-wide survey
based on thousands of actual student
interviews, and representative of alt
students in regular colleges shows that
Luckies lead again over all brands, regu
lar or king size. ..and by a wide margin!
The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better.
Smoking enjoyment is all a matter of
taste, and the fact of the matter is Luckies .
taste better for 2 reasons. L.S.M.F.T.
Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. And
Luckies are made better to taste better.
So, Be Happy Go Lucky!
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