The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1953, Image 1

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Volume 54, No. 26
Search Week Discontinued; ReHgion - ln
Search Week will be discon
tinued this year.
At a retreat Friday and Satur
day, the University Religious
Welfare Council decided against
holding Search Week this year
because in the past it has shown
itself to be an ineffective pro
gram. The Council pointed out that
although 100 students helped to
plan the program's activities last
year only 82 attended the open
ing convocation.
The Council decided that it
IFiirsU- UC
it For
Huskers To Burn
At Traditional
Two aalhes are scheduled for
the 1953 Homecoming week.
The first rally will be held
Wednesday night beginning at
HC Route
Car Caravan
To Pass Shows
Cars following Friday night's
route for Homecoming displays
will start at 17th and R only.
Following on to 16th street, the
procession will turn west on
Vine, south on 15th, west again
on U to 14th, south to R street,
and east to the Phi Delta Theta
house. Continuing down R Street,
the one-way automobile cara
van will turn south at 16th and
R to the business district
POLICE WILL tow away any
ears parked on these streets after
6 p.m. Friday.
Off-campus houses with Home
coming decorations are: Dleta
Upsilon, 1701 E Street; Alpha
Gamma Rho, 3605 Holdrege;
Farm House, 4013 Holdrege;
Acacia. 334 North 13th Street.
and Theta Chi, 331 North 13th,
Displays most be turned on
Immediately after the rally ac
cording to the route committee.
Committee members are; Dale
Reynolds, chairman; Marv Fried-
mann; Dan Kasdal, and Winifred
Sauter-Finegan Band
'Out To Meet Public1
Recording Stars
Staff Writer
Parades, football, decorations
and crowds may highlight the
Homecoming activity during the
day but the final word for this
year's celebration will be left to
two bespectacled gentlemen
named Sauter and Finegan.
The two maestros who head
one band will put forth music
Saturday night from 9 to 12 p.m.
at the Coliseum. Benny Good
man, Glenn Miller, Tommy Dor
sey, Artie Shaw and Ray Mc
Kinley owe some of their most
famous dance band arrange
ments to the former arrangers,
dow leading their own band.
THE BCA-Victor recording
stars will bring with them their
25 piece orchestra and many
featured soloists, among them
Sally Sweetland who was fea
tured on the recent recording,
"The Moon is Blue."
Ed Sauter and Bill Finegan
had been thinking of combining
their musical talents for over 10
years when an executive of
RCA-Victor gave them a chance
to record "whatever they wished,
sound unheard." Thus a new
band issued its first sounds in
front of a recording microphone
and an outstanding new group
was founded.
SINCE THE two musicians
started at the top and contin
ued at the top of the musical
NU Ag Group
To Formulate
Rodeo Plans
A meeting of the University
Rodeo Association will be held
in the Ag Union TV room at
7:30 p.m. Wednesday.
According to publicity chair
man Cal Lemmon, plans are be
ing formulated for the rodeo
next spring during the annual
Farmers Fair. . Plans are now
under way for securing top qual
ity rodeo stock. A tentative list
of events includes saddle bronc
riding, bareback riding, bull rid
ing, calf roping, bulldogging
contest, coed calf catching con
test and a girls' barrel race.
REQUIREMENTS for partici
pation in the rodeo are active
membership and dues paid in
Jim Boyle was presented with
a trophy lighter at the last meet
ing for helping Casey Tibbs
Judge last year's rodeo:.
Lemmpn emphasized that the
University Rodeo Association
was an all-University club, and
invited everyone to attend.',
was futile to bring in speakers
wno aid not reach any more
students than those who attended
the meetings.
THE COUNCIL instead decided
to use sudy groups and college
religious programs to bring re
ligion closer to the individual
A Religion-in-Life Committee
was appointed to replace the
Search Week committee of pre
vious years. The committee, com
posed of Phyllis Knerl, Marvin
Colorado Buffalo
Rally Friday Night
6:45 p.m. at the Union.
Ralliers will then proceed to
the Carillon Tower where the
team will be waiting,
COBS. TASSELS and Pepsters
win meet at the Union at 6:30
p.m. with the ROTC marching
Dana. The rally will proceed
east on R St. to 16th St. and
north on 16th St. to Vine St.
then west on Vine St. to the
Carillon Tower.
The rally Friday is an annual
Homecoming tradition. Each
year the Friday rally proceed
ing Saturday's Homecoming
football game features the burn
ing in effigy of the opposing
school's namesake. A Buffalo,
renresentine the University of
Colorado, will be burned in the
field west of the Coliseum. The
rally will begin at 6:45 p.m. at
the Union and proceed to the
ALL HOUSES are asked 1 by
the rally committee to carry
their house banners, in both ral
This will be the first big bon
fire on the practice field in many
TV, Radio Show
To Emphasize HC
NU Homecoming will be fea
tured on television and radio
over KFOR-K FOR-TV Saturday.
House decorations, candidates
for aueen and other Homecom
mg festivities will be shown over
KFOR-TV at 9:30 a.m.
The Sautcr-Finegan orchestra
will be featured in a special
KFOR broadcast from the Coli
seum in the evening. Ken Way-
mans of KFOR is in charge of
the day's presentations.
Slate NU Stop
world in the recording field,
they decided to get out and meet
their public. They started their
nation-wide tour late last spring
and Nebraska is one of the
many college stops. Sauter and
Finegan received considerable
acclaim at two of their most re
cent college stops, Ohio State
and Oklahoma Universities.
TWO QUEENS will be pre
sented at the dance: Norma
L o t hrop, 1953 Homecoming
Queen, and the newly elected
Pep Queen. Awards for house
decorations and floats will be
given during intermission.
Advance ticket sales are "do
ing quite well" according to Do
ran Jacobs, Corn Cob. Tickets
may be purchased from Corn
Cobs and Tassels or at the booth
set up in the Union lobby for
Colloquium To Feature
Lecture By Dr. Cook
Dr. Charles J. Cook, research
associate with the Atomic En
ergy Commission, will discuss
"The Rearrangement Collision"
In Room 211 of Brace Laboratory
Thursday, November 12, at 4:15
Tea will be served in Room
209 at 3:45 p.m. prior to Dr.
Cook's speech.
Gold Key Winners
Five sophomores were presented
gold keys for outstanding work
in their first year in the School
of Journalism by Dr. W. L.
Friedman and Barb Crowe, will
work on the religious program
which was suggested by students
at the retreat.
each college course will be asked
to speak in classes in the college
and to tell students how religion
fits into their college and future
professional career.
The various colleges will have
these programs at different times
probably depending on the date
which is convenient for the de
Commandant Finalists
These six University women will
compete for the title Honorary
Commandant for the annual
Military Ball to be held Dec. 4.
Lab Play
Proves Fast-Moving,
Ups And Downs Of Shov Business Portrayed;
Ken Clement, Charles Klasek Outstanding Actors
''There's no business like show
business." And there's no play
quite like one written about
show business.
The University Laboratory
1 healer presented Tuesday eve
ningthe first of two perform
dines m nuum oervice, a
three-act comedy written by
John Murray and Allen Boretz
Directed by Bill Walton, the
play was extremely fast-moving
and funny; though it was obvi
ously a "college" production
The plot deals with the frantic
and frequently fraudulent efforts
of a financially insolvent pro
ducer attempting to get his Dlay
Though he finally sufeceeds.
his frustrations are the back
ground for many raucous laughs.
The entire action takes place in
the producer's hotel room.
KEN CLEMENT turned in the
most creditable performance of
the evening. His natural por
trayal of the producer kept the
play from bordering on slap
stick. An equally good per
formance was that of Marvin
Stromer, playing a blustery ho
tel executive trying to evict the
producer and his cast.
Jim Davis turned in a good
performance as the manager of
the hotel and Ron Becker, Jim
Boling and Amer Lincoln con
tributed generously to the laughs
as the director, assistant direc
tor and author of the show.
By far the outstanding sup
porting performance was Charles
Klasek's portrayal of a Russian
waiter trying to got a part in
the show. Other members of the
cast were Kay Barton, Margot
Hunt, Ron Green, Gene Scran
ton, Skip Greenlee, Philip Wein-
Swindler, director of the School
Pictured above (left to right)
are: Cynthia Henderson, Mari-
- LiieCommittee Formed
sired speaker.
The Council also hopes to or
ganize inter-faith study groups.
Twenty-seven such groups which
have already arisen spontaneous
ly will be asked to send repre
sentatives to a meeting to help
plan a more unified program.
Eventually the Council hopes
to have at least one of these in
formal study groups in each or
ganized house.
STUDENTS AT the retreat
formulated a three-point objec
Candidates are: Cynthia Hol
yoke, Barbara Bell, Sue Brown
lee, Donna Folmer, Mary Jane
Weir and Barbara Adams.
'Room Service'
gart and Dennis Knopnik,
Beverly Engelbrecht is pro
duction manager for the play.
Stage crew members are Joyce
Fangman, Jack Parris, Cynthia
Longsborough and Gary Lucore,
scenery; Margot Hunt, Janet
Kauffman and June Bachman,
Four-Division Mental
Health Program At NU
Students Urged
"Mental Hygiene has long been
a realized problem in univer
sities and colleges of the United
States, but only recently have de
partments been formed to deal
with it," said Dr. William Brill,
chief of the Department of Men
tal Hygiene, Student Health Serv
ices. Dr. Brill went on to say, "There
are many problems confronting
the student other than those di
rectly connected with his school
work. This department is con
cerned with these problems en
countered with, the change from
youth to adulthood."
THIS NEWLY organized de
partment is in four divisions. The
first, the clinical division, is for
the treatment of cases. Dr. Brill
emphasized the treatment of per
sons who are not seriously ill, as
well as more serious cases.
The second division, education,
teaches mental hygiene in formal
classes, informal group discus
sions and written articles and
work, working in close relation-
vouncsy Lincoln Journal
anne Hansen, Dr. Swindler,
Marilyn Mitchell, Kay Nosky
and Phyllis Hershberger.
Wednesday, November 1 1 , J 953
tive for .each study group. First,
each discussion should be plan
ned around the Bible or theolog
ical problem by students who
studied the problem and refer
ences concerning it. Religious
workers will be available to
help all groups who desire it,
Second, every discussion should
pertain to student life. Third,
members of each group should
apply what they have learned
in the study group to their every,
day life.
These women were chosen in
all-University election and will
be presented on KFOR-TV
Wednesday at 8 p.m.
stage properties; Carol James,
Nancy Pratt, Sue Rohrbaugh,
Darlene Hooper and Gene
Scranton, hard properties; Jim
Davis and Ron Breen, make-up;
Beverly Englebrecht, Margaret
Kickel ana Charles Palmer, pub
To Use Services
ship with other agencies and de
partments of the University, is
the third division. Research, for
advancement of particular de
partment and answers for queS'
tions that arise in many fields,
is the fourth division.
DR. BRILL, a graduate of the
Indiana University College of
Medicine, said that most of the
work this year has been limited.
"A great deal of their work has
been with talking with students
and giving them various tests,"
Brill said.,
I became interested in this
work when I was a student and
realized that I had many prob
lems other than those directly
connected with classes and would
have liked to be able to work them
out with a competent person," Dr
Brill said.
"I WOULD like to urge any
student who has any problems
other than those dealing directly
with courses to come in and talk
them over. We hope to be able to
do him a great deal of good."
Love, Marriage
Discussion Today
The second in a series of 12
panel discussions on love and
marriage will be held Wednesday
at 7:30 p.m. in Love Library Au
ditorium. ."Love: adult or adolescent.
Which is yours?" will be the topic
discussed by Dr. Kenneth Can
non, assistant professor of home
economics. Following the lec
ture, the meeting will be opened
for student discussion.
More than 250 students at
tended the first lecture which
was held Oct. 28. The subject
of the initial lecture was "Love
feelings and imitations."
Vo-Ag Group Meeting
Planned Far Thursday
A special program by the Vo
cational Agricultural Associa
tion is planned for members
Dinner will be served in the
Ag Union TV Room at 6 p.m.
Following the meal a movie
about the Future Farmers of
America will be shown. Brock
Dutton, publicity director, said
Vo-Ag faculty, wives and dates
are also invited to attend.
During the meeting, a parlia
mentary procedure demonstra
tion will be presented by the
it I
University Delegates To Submit
Proposal At National Convention
A survey of the conduct of the
press during the 1952 presidential
campaign will be urged, by per
sons attending the Sigma Delta
Chi convention in St Louis, Mo.,
this week.
Members of the men's profes
sional journalism fraternity will
offer a resolution that a commit
tee of the national fraternity in
vestigate means of making a sur
vey of this kind.
of the. undergraduate chapter at
the University, said in a Nebras-
kan interview, that the proposed
resolution is the expression of the
undergraduate chapter and not
necessarily of t h e professional
chapter. Dr. Nathan Blumberg,
assistant professor of journalism
and member Of the professional
chapters, said he wholly approves
a resolution of this type and conv
mended the undergraduates for
their interest in the subject.
"We expect the resolution to
show that the press is not trying
to shield itself from public scrut
iny," Denniston said. "We hope
the results of the survey will re
fute criticisms leveled against the
press for alleged partisanship dur
ing the campaign," he said.
of the chapter at St. Louis this
year will be a move subsequent
to a resolution adopted by the
chapter last May. That resolu
tion seriously criticized the report
of a national committee set up
at the 1952 national convention
AUF Slates
'53 Auction
November 18
The annual AUF Auction, fea
turing the presentation of the
Activity Queen of 1953, will be
held Ih the Union Ballroom, Nov.
Opening at 7 p.m., items rang
ing from pledge classes to beauty
queens will be auctioned off by
Bob Bachman, auctioneer for the
second year in a row.
Queen have been chosen by
twelve' campus organizations. A
preliminary committee will in
terview 12 girls, selecting five
of them as finalists. The queen
will be selected from the five
finalists and crowned at the
auction. Jack Gillespie, chair
man of the special events com
mittee of AUF, is in charge of
the Activity queen selection.
Candidates for Activity Queen
and the organizations they rep
resent are: Shirley Dewey, Tas
sels; Carol Thompson, Coed
Counselors; Suzi Good, A.W.S.;
Gail Katskee, YWCA; Kathy
Olds, Builders; and Ginny Wil
cox, Red Cross.
Shirley Jesse, W.A.A.; Sharon
Mangold, NUCWA; Carole Un
terseher, Cornhusker; Cynthia
Henderson, The Nebraskan;
Joyce 'Taylor, Home Ec Club;
and Janet Lindquist, Ag YWCA.
Tickets for the Auction are 25
cents and will go on sale
Wednesday and Thursday in a
Union booth. They will also be
sold at the door, Wednesday eve
Parking Board
Grants Appeals
inree traffic charges which
were appealed to the Student
Council Parking Board hav hwn
dismissed and the board's action
upheld by J. P. Colbert, dean of
student affairs.
One violator was charged with
parking without a permit, but
was able to prove that he had
obtained a permit which had been
stolen. The other two violators
had been charged with parking
in no parking zones which were
not clearly marked. The Parking
coara nas now marked these
Doctors Awarded
For 3-D Exhibit
A three-dimensional n h o t o -
graphic exhibit of "Perineal Pros
tatectomy," prepared by Drs. Ed
win Davis and LeRoy W. Lee,
professors of urology at the Col
lege of Medicine, won a blue rib
bon at the Omaha-Midwest Clin
ical Society meeting in Omaha
the last week in October.
THE ENTRY is believed to be
the first medical exhibit employ
ing 3-d in Nebraska.
Another blue ribbon exhibit
from Med College on "Manage
ment of Remaining Common Duct
Stones Without Secondary Opera-
Russell Best, professor of sur
gery; Johan A. Rasmussen, in
structor in surgery, and Carlyle
wuson, clinical assistant in
Austrian, French Lecturers
To Make Addresses Here
A geologist from the University
of Rome, Alberto Carolo Blanc,
will give a series of lectures dur
ing the week of Nov. 15.
The University Research Coun
cil and the Detiartmpnt nf Co.
ology are sponsoring the three
lectures, which will be given In
Love Library Auditorium.
On Monday, Professor Blanc
will speak on "The Neanderthal
Man," at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. his
subject will be "Quarterly Geol
ogy of the Rome Area."
Tuesdav at 11 am.. h unit
discuss "Climatic Seauenee in th
Mediterranean from the Time of
the Tyrrhenian Sea to the Pres
Professor Blanc is recognized
as a world authority in his field.
in Denver. Colo.
Its purpose was to determine
whether a survey of press conduct
during the campaign was feasible.
The committee report completed
in early 1953 expressed the opin
ion the survey was not feasible.
Representing the professional
chapter of the fraternity will b
Dr. Blumberg and representing
the undergraduate chapter at the
convention will be Denniston, Ed
DeMar and Dick Reid.
The Outside World
To Testify
In House
Byrnes Called
On White Case
Former President Truman and
former Secretary of State James
Byrnes have been issued sub
poenas by the House Un-American
Activities I Committee for
questioning in the Harry Dexter
White case.
,The charge is that Truman
promoted White, one-time as
sistant treasury secretary, al
though the President was aware
of FBI reports that White was
a Soviet spy.
Byrnes, present governor of
South Carolina, said he suggest
ed to Truman that the nomina
tion of White be removed and
he recalled the discussion about
it. Byrnes and Truman have
become bitter political foes in
recent years. In the 1952 cam
paign, Byrnes supported Presi
dent Eisenhower.
Big Three To Meef
President Eisenhower, Prime
Minister Churchill of Britain
and Premier Laniel of France
will meet in Bermuda Dec. 4 to
discuss new policies to counter
Russia's threat to Western se
curity. The meeting will last
for five days.
One of the topics to be dis
cussed will be what course the
West should take in view of
Russia's last note rejecting the
Allies' bid to a Big Four foreign
ministers conference in Switzer
land. The French Press Agency
quoted a "reliable source" say
ing that Premier Malenkov has
let it be known he is agreeable
to a Big Four conference "at
the highest levels."
President Eisenhower said that
any conference with Malenkov
would have to be preceded by
evidence of Soviet good faith.
Philippine Election
Early returns from the Phil
ippines presidential election
show that Ramon Magsaysay is
leading by approximately an
81.000 vote margin. However
no word had been received from
the liberal strongholds of Presi
dent Eupidio Quirino. The final
results will not be known for
about three days.
Board Selects
Two Students
'Best Dressed'
Dixie Borgaard, junior in Agri
culture, and Arnie Stern, Law
College sophomore, were select
ed as the Br1 st Pressed on Cam
pus by a board composed of one
dean and 12 students.
Members of the judging com
mittee were Frank Hallgren, as
sistant dean of student affairs:
Jim Cederdahl, Art Raun, Mar-
snaii K.usnner, Kocfcy Yapp, Jay
Benedict, Sue Brownlee, Susie
Reinhardt, Shirley Hamilton, Na
omi George, Barbara Adams,
Barbara Bell and Mac Bailey.
EACH OF the winners will re
ceive $100 in clothing from
Harvey Brothers clothing store
All nominees for the tilte will be
given $3.50 in merchandise.
The board chose the winners
Former business manager of
The Nebraskan, Stern is a mem
ber of Innocents society and
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. Miss
Borgaard belongs to. Alpha Chi
Omega sorority and' is a Red
Cross worker.
Final Ag Dance Lessons
Slated For Wednesday
The last of dance lesson series
will be held in the Ag Union
Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.
Miss Donna McCandless will
give instrucion on the rhumba
and tango. Dale Nitzel, dance
committee chairman, said ap
proximately 130 students at
tended the sessions last week
but again there was a shortage
of women.
tAt "jt "jlr
Chemical Society
To Hear Clauser
Dr. Hubert Clauser of the Fac
ulty of Sciences, University of
Paris, will speak to an open
meeting of the Nebraska section
of the American Chemical So
ciety Nov. 19.
He will discuss the chromoto
graphy of protein on a new kind .
of ion exchange column. The
meeting will be held in Avery
laboratory, at 7:30 p.m.
Dr. Clauser, a native Vienna,
has been a Rockefeller at the
University of California since
Oct. 1951. He carried on investi
gations in the chemistry of the
pituitary hormones under the di
rection of Dr. C. 1L Li. .