The Case For John Dewey,' First Of Two Opposite Views See Page Two For Article University Debate Teams Win Honors During Weekend Trips See Article On Page Four Volume 54, No. 25 LINCOLN! NEBRASKA Tuesday, November 10, 1953 indies OODH V6D1 ET"3 TO 1 m To u Qi1!Gj d Will E ;s f ip P ft'- xv4 & i II h It I li w f 'rvv mi ?niir:i i N ft Vi C28 rat Aro PM o Lab Production To Feature Fourteen University Students The U n i v e r s ity Laboratory Theater will present "Room Service," a former Broadway hit by John Murray and Allen Bor- ettz, in Room 201 of the Temple .Building, Tuesday and Wednes day at 8 o'clock. The production concerns the Xrantic, humorous and finally 'Mutiny1 Show Sales Reopened Special Stage To Be Provided Student ticket sales for "The Caine Mutiny Courtmartial" to be presented Thursday, Nov. 19, re opened Monday. Tickets are beine sold in the Union ticket booth and in orga nized houses by Union workers The price for the special student section is $1.25. The student section will be lo cated on the main floor of the Coliseum, between sections sell ing at three and four dollars to the public. The seats will be raised for a better view of the stage. CONSTRUCTION OF a special extended stage for the production will be aided by the Nebraska Masquers working in co-ordination with the Union. This extended stage has" been planned to increase visibility and improve acoustics. It should help to bring the audience closer to the actor? and increase the feeling of being an active part of the play. This is especially desir able m The Caine Mutiny Court martial," as all through the firsv set the audience sees the action as if they were in the courtroom during an actual trial. "THE CAINE Mutiny" is an adaptation by Herman Wouk from the courtroom scene of his recent novel of the same title, r ow in its 123rd week as a best seller. Slated for Broadway in January, , the production is considered by many critics to be an outstanding hit. The presentation is directed by Dick Powell. successful efforts of a group of snow people to produce a play with insufficient financial back mg. DIRECTING THE play is Bill waiton, a senior in Teachers College. Beverly Engelbrecht, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences, is the production manager. Included in the cast are Chuck Klasek, Margot Hunt, Marvin Stromer, Amer Lincoln, Ron Becker, Kay Barton, Kenneth Clements, Jim Davis, James Bol- mg, Kon Green, Gene Scranton, Darrell Greenlee, Phillip Wein gart and Dennis Knopik. STAGE CREW members are Costume crew: Marilyn Herse and Mar j one Hooks. Scenery crew: Joyce Fangman. Jack Parns, Cynthia Lonsbor ough and Gary Lucore. Stage properties crew: Margot Hunt, Janet Kauffman and June Bachman. v Hand properties crew: Carol James, Nancy Pratt, Sue Rohr baugh, Darlene Hooper and Gene Scranton. Make-up crew: Jim Davis and Ron Breen. Publicity: Beverly Engel brecht, Margaret Rickel and Charles Palmer. No admission will be charged Vocal Team Wins Talent Show Prize Marilyn Kennedy, and Nick Amos won the $10 first place prize In the Union Talent Show Sunday evening for their vocal duet of selections from the Broadway musical, "Kiss Me Kate." "The Dreamers," a vocal trio of Jan Boettcher, Phyllis Ma loney and Dot Osborn, took sec ond place with their version of I Believe" and "I Got Rhythm." A three piece combo, Chuck Baker, Dick Glassford and Billie Kroft, won third plice with their interprets tion of "Chuck's Dream" and "Blue Moon." 'EVENING AT Blue Note," the annual Talent Show, attracted a crowd of 600 students, the activi ties office estimated. Hank Cech was the master of ceremonies for the show held in the Union Ball room. The general entertainment com mittee of the Union sponsored the show which was under the direction of Billie Croft, the com mittee chairman. Serving as judges for the talent show were Wes Jensby, graduate student in dramatics; Miss Mari lyn Schultz, instructor in the School of Music, and Miss Doro thy Spear, director of food service. Filings Open For YWCA Top Positions Filings for YWCA president. vice president, secretary, treas urer, and district representative opened Monday. Sophomore or junior Y mem bers with 5.5 averages may make application for the positions in the YWCA office in Ellen Smith Hall. THE NOMINATING commit tee will draw a slate of two nominees for each office except vice president. The two nominees for president will be president and vice president according to the number of votes they ' re ceive in the spring elections. : Shirley Hamilton, Norma Lo throp, Phyllis Knerl, Elaine Smithberger, Lois Anderson, and Jessie Knowles, president of the advisory board, will be voting members of the nominating com mittee. Non-voting members will be Neala O'Dell, Barbara Raun and Janice Osborn. 'N'Club Dinner Set For Football Team The "N" Club will sponsor a dinner Thursday, Nov. 12, in the Union as a sendoff for the foot' ball team before their homeconv ing trial. Ellsworth DuTeau, president of the Alumni Association, and Adna Dobson, alumni "N" Club president, will speak on "The Cornhusker Tradition." Plans are being made for Bobby Shantz, Philadelphia A pitcher, to attend the dinner. Rounding out the program will be a vocal trio composed of Jan Boettcher, Dot Osborne, and Phyllis Malony. Former N-Men Bill Day and Clair Swanson will also g've entertainment. several comic sport movies will be shown preceding the din ner, from 6 to 7 p.m. Cornhusker Pictures Individual picture deadline for the Cornhusker has been ex tended until Dec, 1. Pictures are being taken at the Edholm-Blomgren studio. Any student who has not made an appointment, or was unable to have it taken with an organ ized house may make an ap- .pointment at the Cornhusker of fice. - Winning Coli-Agri Skit Members of the 4-H Club night skit competition. Pic held the "winning hand" in tured above jfrom left to right the annual Coll-Agri Fun are: Janet Kuska, Sheryl Hill, Marlene Hutchinson, Virginia Golus, Alice Keller, Bob Aue and Jim Dunn. (Cornhusker photo) Club Wins Honors f Coll-Agri Fun Wight Alpha Gamma Rho, Love Hall Awarded Honorable Mention Honorary Commandant Finalists Announced Coeds To Appear On TV Show Barbara Adams, Barbara Bell, Sue Brownlee, Donna Folmer, Cynthia Holyoke and Mary Jane Wier are the finalists for Hon orary Commandant of the Can diate Officers Association. One of the six will reign at the Military Ball Dec. 4. Paul Neighbors orchestra will be featured. Latin-American Prints On Display . A display of 75 Latin-American prints and a coffee hour will be held in the main lounge of the Union Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. The exhibit comprises prints from IS South and Central American countries. They are primarily woodcuts, whi" are a common art medium in atin America. Elaine Hess, chairman of the Union house and office commit tee, said that the Union is spon soring the coffee at this time so that all foreign students at tending the International Friendship banquet may see the display. Candidate's qualifications are: Barbara Adams, Pi Beta Phi, Cornhusker editor, Mortar Board, of North Platte; Barbara Bell, Kappa Kappa Gamma Corn husker associate editor, Mortar Board, of Lincoln; Sue Brown lee, Delta Gamma, AwS Board, Mortar Board, of Omaha. Donna Folmer, Alpha Chi Omega, Coed Counselor, of Lin coln; Cynthia Holyoke, Kappa Alpha Theta, WAA, Red Cross, of Pasadena, Calif., and Mary Jane Wier, social chairman of Alpha Phi, of Sioux City, Iowa. Finalists willbe presented by Miller and Paine on KFOR-TV at 8 p.m. Wednesday. This is a half-hour program featuring modeling. LAST YEAR'S finalists were were Joanne Louden, Joan Han son, Artie Wescott, Jeanne Vicrk, Adele Cornell and Julie Johnson. Joan Hanson was chosen Honor ary Comrtiandant. Electiori for the Honorary Commandant of 1953 will be held tha'week after Homecoming by the! CO A. All sophomores, juniors and seniors in NROTC or Advanced- Air and Army ROTC are eligible lo vote. University 4-H Club took all the top honors at the annual Coll-Agri-Fun night Friday as they took first place in the skit division and curtain acts. "Alice in Aggie Land" was the prize winning skit and "Twirls and Whirls" was awarded $10 for the top curtain act. Nearly 300 persons attended the annual fun night. HONORABLE MENTION for skits was awarded to Alpha Gamma Rho's presentation of Agnet" and Love Hall's "Coffee Tales For Two." In the curtain act competition guitar duet by Marjone and Georee Rolofson received hon orable mention. Don Lees was emcee. Cha- perones were Mr. and Mrs. How ard Ottoson, Mr. and Mrs. Avis Kristenson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dowe and Mr. and Mrs. John Sulek. Miss. Kate Field and Walt Spilker were judges. Members of the Coll-Agri-Fun Board are: Del Merritt, Evelyn Lauritxen, Al Bell, Ginny Barnes, Dale Olson and Lois Kieckhafer. "COFEE TALES For Two" skit presented by Love Hall fea tured an alumni mother and co-ed daughter comparing their college days. Following this, Jim Dunn played several tunes on the uke- l.ele. The winning skit, "Alice In Aggie Land," was then pre sented by the University 4-H Club. It illustrated the way a deck of cards had to take the back seat to other campus activi ties, especially studying. Home Ec Club followed with "Hetty's Kitchen Clatter" por traying a picturesque view of the kitchen. THE SKIT presented by Farm House, "Ag to Eternity," was a satire of college life in 2053 A.D. The next curtain act was a guitar duet by Marjorie and George Rolofson. I Sulking figures and "goodie" smugglers adorned the stage as Alpha Gamma Rho presented "Agnet." "TWIRLS AND Whirls," was literally a "sparkling" perform ance as Patsy Woodman pre sented the 4-H Club curtain act. The prize-winning act featured a lighted baton. Loomis Hall enacted their idea of "The Man From Mars." Final presentation of the eve ning was a skit by the Ag YM YW. The skit centered around a barn dance program, featuring testimonials and sales talk. Twenty-Six Leave Today For Seminar Twenty-six students will leave for the United Nations Seminar in New York City tl-2 pan. Tues day rrom the Union. University students include Jean Davis, Anne Thompson, Kay tJurcum, Naomi George, Ruth Ellen Sorensen. Marilyn Roddv. John G. Wirsig, Patricia Graham and Cynthia Henderson. Terry Bullock of Northwest Missouri State College and Mar garet Coffey of Hastings College will attend. THREE STUDENTS from Kearney State Teachers College making the trip are: Margaret Briggs, Doris Thompson and Ros ella Campbell. Louise Stone, Jackie James. Doris Miller, Margaret Berger, Beverly Ellis. Erin Murphy. Marilyn Linton, JoAnn Vrana, Carolyn Rudd, Marilyn Wagner, Mary Lou Mahlin and Jan Pit caithley are from Nebraska Wes leyan University. Clinton' B. Gass, Nebraska Wesleyan University, and Janice Osburn, YWCA director at . the University are chaperones. Nu-Meds To Meet A lecture "The Practice of Ur ology" will be the high point of a Nu-Med meeting to be held Wednesday in Love Library Au ditorium at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Horace Munger will make the lecture. NU Panhell Receives Recognition National Award Initially Given A National Panhellenic award has been presented to the Uni versity Panhellenic for outstand ing constructive leadership in campus affairs, Miss Helen Sny der, assistant dean of women, announced Monday. The Leland Award, presented this year for the first time, was awarded on the basis of the part Panhellenic has played on cam pus in scholarship, leadership, citizenship, cooperation, philan thropy and good living stand ards. THE CUP, a traveling award which Panhellenic will keep for two years, was awarded to the University by the National Pan hellenic Conference, which met in Pasadena, Calif. Examples of Panhellenic activ ities were submitted to the Na tional Committee on Awards to be judged with entries from col leges and universities all over the United States. Following are a few of the University Pan hellenic activities: THE ALL-sorority average is the highest group average of campus scholarship. Panhellenic participated in a student health program for the inspection of campus kitchens and training of food handlers. It sponsors a two-year schol arship for foreign students. The Panhellenic workshop promotes extensive intersorority cooperation. Panhellenic took an official stand against block voting on campus, and sponsored a stand against ticket voting. Hands Around The World Theme For Annual RWC, NUCWA Banquet The annual International Friendship Dinner will be held Tuesday at 6 p,m. in the Union Ballroom. Any student wishing to take a foreign student may contact Nita Helmstadter at 2-8096 by 1 p.m. Tuesday. Tickets are 90 cents. "THIS IS one of the best ways for Americans to show their good will to the foreign stu dents. No one should miss the opportunity to learn about other people," stated Dean (jeorge ko senlof, the unofficial foreign stu dent advisor. Dean Rosenlof will bring three guests from the National Com mittee for Foreign Students to the dinner, Tim Nelson will act as master of ceremonies for the after-din-ner program and will extend Invitations Available Foreign students who have not yet received their invitations to the Friendship Dinner should see Dr. G. W. Rosenlof or Miss Cypreansen or report to the Union at 5:45 p.m. to obtain their invitations. Dr. Rosenlof may be con tacted in the Administration Building Room 103 and Miss Cypreansen in Room 102 Temple Building. Dr. Rosenlof said many foreign students had not been sent in vitations for the dinner, but they were all invited and urged to attend. "In these cases, trip reason they have not received official notice of the riinnpr is wr Hnn't have their addresses and tele phone numbers," he said. The Outside World Demos Mitchell Challenges Government On White Issue Calls For Grand Jury Investigation Of Charges greetings to all the euests for the official sponsoring groups. Over 250 students, faculty mem bers, and guests are expected, but more may come, if they con tact Miss Helmstadter in suf ficient time. Janet Steffen, chairman of the new Student Council committee for foreign students, will explain what the committee was set up to do and what it has accom plished thus far. THE DINNER is sponsored jointly by the Religious Welfare Council and NUCWA. Jim Col lins, president of NUCWA will give an outline of the organiza tion's activities for the coming year. Featured on the program will be Hans Steffen and 'Rosmarie Hill, both foreign students from Germany, who will sing native German songs. Following the German songs, Inge Feldhahn will give a talk on the opportunities for foreign students on the University cam pus with relation to getting jobs and working in this country after graduation. MISS FELDHAHN was born in the United States, but was caught in Germany when the war broke out and went to grade school and high school there. She then returned to the United States and entered the Univer sity. Since her graduation, she has worked as a clinical pathologist at Bryan Memorial Hospital in Lincoln. The theme for this year's din ner will be "Hands Around the World." Innocents Interpret HC Policy Displays To Be On 'Equal Basis' Innocents Society in a letter to organized houses clarified th policy which will be used con cerning expenses for Homecom ing displays. The letter reads: "As was stated in previous let ter, all materials and equipment used will be evaluated and counted in on the $100 limit. This includes equipment pur chased by the house, owned by the house, or loaned to the house. Materials will include lumber, paint, paper, and rental value, of motors, lighting, and all ther equipment used. "AN ITEMIZED account of all materials must be submitted to the Innocents Society mailbox, Union, by 5 p.m., Wednesday. "An evalution committee will check all material and equip ment Friday. All material must be outside by 3 p.m. in order to be evaluated. The commit tee will use the expense account submitted by the house, and will include any additions on it. "ANY O RG A N I Z A TION'S evaluation surpassing the $100 limit will be disqualified. "This plan is being used in order to make Homecoming dis plays on a more equal basis, and therefore fairer to all organiza tions concerned." This year 30 houses have re ceived approval in themes sub mitted to the Innocents Society. The traffic route past houses with displays will be released by the route committee later this week. The Eisenhower administra tion has been challenged by Ste phen A. Mitchell, Democratic national chairman, to allow a grand jury investigation of charges that former President Truman promoted Harry Dexter White in the face of FBI reports that White was a Soviet spy. White appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee and denied that he was a member of an "elite" group In the Communist appa ratus. A week later he died. The Democratic chairman said the whole thing looked to him like the administration, in an attempted "classic political man-1 Geroge Arnold and Irving Mark euver," is switching over tolheim. "McCarthyism." Republicans Watch The election in the 24th dis trict of California is being watched by both Republicans and Democrats. The Republicans look upon the 24th district election as a potential vote of confidence in the Eisenhower administration. The Republican candidates are Glenard P. Lipscomb and John L E. Eollier. The two running on the Democratic ticket are Religious Retreat Features Student Discussions, Skit The University Religious Wel fare Council met Friday and Saturday at Camp Minis-Kuya for a religious retreat. The program is designed, as Janice Osborn said, to "get the students not to listen to a group of speakers but to get together themselves, perhaps in discus sion groups, and discuss theif campu3 religious problems." Friday evening a skit based on the book "Campus Gods on Trial" by Chad Walsh wa3 put on by six University students, Rocky Yapp, Neala O'Dell, Shir ley Langhus, Chuck Swan, Marv Green and Marv Friedman. The half-hour courtroom scene fea tured college student f-n trial for forshipping several different gods. , TOO MANY things to do and too little time to do it in contri buted to the present situation in which Christ has been overshad owed by other seemingly more important aspects of college life at the University. Seeking to discuss this prob lem fully, and not to gain a pos itive conclusion, the group broke into bull sessions led by Jan Osborne," University YW ad viser, Dick Mutt, pastor of the LSA Snyod, and Rex Knowles, Presbyterian pastor. Twenty-seven of there inter faith fellowship groups have been formed spontaneously. A representative from each group will meet within the next two weeks to plan a more unified program. Foltz To Present Program David Foltz, chairman of the Department of Music will pre sent a program to the alumna chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Thimayya And Reds Lt. Gen. K. S. Thimayya of India, chairman of the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commis sion, will meet with the Com munist leaders in an effort to resume the stalled prisoner of war explanation program. Thi mayya said that the explana tions are paralyzed because of stubbornness of both the Com munists and the prisoners. Ibn Saud Dies King Ibn Saud of Saudia Arabia, the world's richest and most powerful monarch, died Monday, leaving the throne to the eldest of his 40 sons, Crown Prince Emir Saud. The crippled, one-eyed king was stricken with angina pec toris on Oct. 9. He was a six foot, four inch giant of a man in his prime but had been crip pled by arthritis in recent years. Mossadegh Trial Ex-Dictator Mohammed Mos sadegh stormed and made fiery speeches on the second day of the trial for his life. The 75-year-old former premier of Iran told the court he would not ap peal any sentence the t court would render. . Mossadegh is being tried on the charges that he tried to overthrow the monarchy, defied the Shah and illegally dissolved the Majlis (the lower house of Parliament). He claims that the military court is not competent to try him on these charges. He blames the British for the woes of the Iranians. Simmons To Address Second PBK Banquet Robert G. Simmons, chief Jus tice of Nebraska state supreme court, will speak at a meeting and banquet of Phi Beta Kappa, Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. in the Union. Justice Simmons, who return ed Sept. 15 from the second of his recent assignments on be half of the U. S. government in the southeastern Asiatic coun tries, will relate his experiments to the one hundred members and friends expected to attend the banquet. SDX To Discuss Plans For Convention Tuesday Sigma Delta Chi, men's pro fessional journalism fraternity, will meet noon Tuesday in Par lors ABC, Union. Final plans for a national con vention trip will be discussed after the luncheon. Ag Fraternity Joins National Organization Gamma chapter of Alphi Gamma Sigma, national agricul tural fraternity, was formally initiated into the" national fra ternal organization Saturday. The Nebraska chapter is th third to be accepted into th national fraternity. Other chap ters are at Columbia in Missouri and Ohio State College at Colum bus. The fraternity was first started in 1922. The Nebraska chapter first organized in March, 1953, as the Gamma Club and moved into their house at 3256 Holdrege this fall. THE FORMAL installation was conducted by National Presi dent Elnar Kiehl of Missouri and he was assisted by the Na tional Secretary, Charles Haas. Don Warner, alumnus from Mis souri, is faculty adviser for the chapter. Eleven members of th Missouri chapter and two from Ohio State attended the instal lation. Cap Dierks is president of the Nebraska chapter. Other officers are Dick Easkra, vice-president; Jerry Jensen, recording secre tary; Dale Van Vleck, treasurer; Jack Stammer, corres ponding secretary; Maurice Norton, chap lain; Boyd Stuhr, warden; Al Bell, pledge chairman; Lloyd Lathrop, chorister; Don Lees, social chairman, and Charles Watson, athletic chairman. OTHER MEMBERS are Stan Eberspacher, Dale Filkins, Don Fitz, Carroll French, Vern Ja cobmeier, Art KuhL Phil Miller, Lee Nielsen, Norman Reed, Don (Continued on age 4) Football Team Names Ledingham New Queen SANDRA LEDINGHAM Honor Thrills' Pigskin Beauty Sandra Jean Ledingham has been chosen Pigskin Queen of 1953 by the Nebraska football team. Miss Ledingham, a brown-eyed brunette from Lyman, Neb., is a sophomore in Teacher's College. She is a member of Alpha Phi sorority. The new queen is 5 feet, 6 inches tall and weighs 123 pounds with measurements of 36-24-34. WHEN INTERVIEWED by the. team, she said she was "thrilled and very much Impressed to be chosen for the honor." Members of the team said they felt they had made an excellent selec tion. Miss Ledingham was a Corn husker beauty queen finalist last jrear. J