The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    sam imr...- irr-wrrrlmnwMlBiiii,iil, i -,mmimmmmtmmmmmmmmmammmmummmmmmmtmmKmmmm 11 "- "" iwimwuwin"!1 WlWiliMlllWilMiliilllwiifcwi ii 11 1 wi i iiiiiiiimwmimwmiiwwiii""" ' V.
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Wednesday, October 28,
Fight For Roses
Wide Open Now
SporU SUff Writer
Your guess u as good as mine
row! At least il is when you try
to come up with the two teams
that will be squaring off against
each other New Year's Day in
the granddaddy of them all, the
colorful Rose BowL
TW O WEEKS ago it was gen
erally agreed in most corners
that it probably would be UCLA
representing tee Pacific Coast
Conference and long-unbeaten
Michigan State from the Big
Ten, but now you just don't
know what to expect.
Both favorites were rocked
from their peaks of eminence by
teams that weren't figured to
cause too much tremble.
was the real shocker! Going into
last Saturday's game the high-
and-mighty Spartans were rid-1
Ing a celebrated twenty-eight
game winning streak that looked
like a cinch to reach the thirty
game mark. But then came Pur-1
due, a five-fane loser struggling
to pick up its initial triumph of
the season.
THE REST is history! A rug
ged defense and a pungent full
back by the iarfl-prwnouncable
name of Dan Pobojewski were
all the Boilermakers needed for
a 6-0 win that mortified the
Sprtan faithfuL
Thines were also dark on She
coast! Two weeks apo Red Sand
ers Bruins were also galloping
long at high sneed for the cov
eted nod to Pasadena as they
bad rolled past four opponents,
allowing a mere seven points to
the opposition.
STAVFOW m-as the stopper
this time. The Indians had been
m beaten by a mediocre College of
Pacific team in their
epener and had trouble shaking
off weak Oregon 7-45. Thus they
were discarded as a threat ft
Impede the progress of Paul
Cameron and Comnany.
But Bob Garrett's passing arm
went to work in persevering
fashion and the Indians emerged
with a stunning 21-20 upset
Michigan State and UCLA threw
both conferences into a wild
scramble for the renowned right
to snake the trek for k Jan. 1
The Bruins now have company
In surprising Stanford and the
California Bear while the Spar
tans, are ww, confronted with
Illinois, Ohio State, Michigan
and. possibly Minnesota.
v 'Wisconsin aire both ineligible for
this -year's but both, especially
the Trajanx, should have plenty
to say about who will snake the
'' trip.
Outside f ineligible Southern
California, we are inclined to
believe UCLA and possibly Cali
fornia are the icenly Pacific coast
teams capable of preventing the
Big Ten from capturing their
eighth straight win in mine tries.
STAVFOllD IS powerless if
fj Garrett's right ana isn't clicking
while Washington has displayed
nothing with the execration f
holding Southern California to a
13-13 tie.
la the rival conference Michi
gan State, Ohio State UliDois,
and Michigan axd Minnesota are
all ieams wbe have had their
upo-and-downs, but ay ne of
them can display tremendous
joower on a given afternoon.
How the
stars got
t. ii iiar'iiiarr'tir- i
it k r -
Jayhawk Beauty
End Harold Patterson, three-
sport athlete at KU, will be
one c-f -Coach Jules Sikes big-
gest threats in Saturday's bal-
College Football Standings
WIT ft. VT Or.
-mmu mat SO t-Ml'ti ti s
CMuililwm t m lMm 71 9
tna I 1 jm h m
NnH 3 I Jfiti- T.l M
Ion ute IT Jtici Si
Wst JM 7 XI
(nUrrmtm JMi Tl 1C
socnisasTKEV costfexexce
I f TeL TTOm.
rm Tc s I jkm l it
MMriwami S I
laaim fhmt 1 J
Autmrn Ill
Alabama I a
Kamaokr XII
MjmmmM t .III
GmiH I f O
Florida I
Iiwum ....... Oil
f aMondtt t
TTalBac 4 W
r.ti sit
VI 411
jus. ss a
. 4IT 4H
.Slill S S4I
r. 4i w.
inr ucacc E
WIT rat. IT t.
Tate .: St IjIMMI a 7
-;nwll .... I 41
fM'Mlmilua ....... I t
Har'U' ........ 1 I
liuiaia ....... I
ztaMwa . . O t
iHuliunata .0 1
f l.tMMI t
41 3H S4I
4i .ks a: xi
41 ama 41 41
41 jUIW 41 IS
4 jIHMt l at
w l t r. rr.
ftidtr litm 7 t
Mwwtand ...I IA (Hi
-orrti r:anlina f W" "
ftantk manilina . . .& SI S7
akc i-anat I S 41 JIM Jt 44
nkoBiin 41 S 4) jliim 7 4
K. C Matt 41 a 0 JtMMI It Ml
rinnc coat io)srFesjE:vv
w l t rw. rrm.
fltaitfori 4) 41 IjIMMI 41S S7
tnutnaa CM. ... S 41
J7S 131 Ml
IHli . . 1
W aahtnatoa ..... S I
ia. a ..... S S
Clalitunua ....... I I
MV fitalc .... I S
Oi'aaaa .. . .. . 41 4
Man 4) S 197 S
jkss : ax
41 .filMI S7 m
41 .6UH all KZ
4t jiir, m ths
4i juim n
jlilil) It at)
KIT feL "fC.
Wcat Vinrittai . I 41 41 9. mill UK an
a. ntarr 2 41 41 I. Him 15 14
l-'nrawD t 4) 41 Limit 4.1 41
Kicfcmuirf a I 4t .7 mi 4s n
tnhtia Tana ... t I 41 i7 4)1' U
Omw Waith. ... I t 41 .8KB
t ituhiai WLU. ..... I S 4) 64
iTlltadal .41 t 41 jIMMi 41
IaMnna ..41 S l jitttli
Ha. A fjat ..... S O
4) an
II v
hm d,
4 V "K
- m , f
tie at Memorial Stadium. Pat-
Hereon is a glue-fingered end
as weM as a speedster,
w v r ra. rrc.
a. a. m. .. .a i JW.-J as
HiMma I I .Sim 12 H
w4uia I I -W T an
liaai I I JHNI 7 l
Iula I 41 JMili I III
V I T r. TfC.
Bandar t l.Htt S S
a. MeBaMl ... I 41 Ijtmn IS 7
rem l t s -
Riot I 1 41 Jillll 21 S
Tv. A. M- ... . I I .St l ti
litaaaw I 2 41 JtU S7 M
In. CkriKtuu 41 2 41 jltllH U ai
L T fi. TTtPu
T ua
Unatw a
I tat. -Mate ....... S 2
im MKiaa ..... I I
Mnntaaa 2 a
Mrietuna Vmant ..I 2
.fcenwer .. . . .. I a
(.ulwaaa A 4L I 3
41 l.KIMl Mi 41
41 m i;
k jliH 4MI 71
4t .t " '
I .ST. 4S 4i
4i as ins
- 7 71
Wyoming Star
Paces Nation
In Yard Gains
June" Maiogioanni, Brook
lyn,s repreBentati's'e om She Wy
oming elevien, paces the nation
am total offsense gains account
ing for SSS yards in six games.
Also mainlaining a ffima grip
in the yardage gaining depart
ment are J. C Caroline, JllinciiE
sophomore from Columbia, S. C,
and Zeke Brakcrwfiki, Georgia"'
captain from Danville,, HI
Mantle's trouble.
Caroline chalked tup a total
rushing score f 7M yards and
Brakowska paces tihe nation's
major oollege passers wjHb 8
completed an 128 toes lor a net
gajn of iBB8 yarns-
Tommy sod Jimmy Darsey ayt
"Our Dud led the breai Land
is our liimie town. He tajtd m
4m iur wffy Huouixg ttn the liano
wlien we were ugbt year old.
Tie waLulied and stucLed
uc(etisul mutuaiane .at mtucb
a we cuuld, worked raj
and little irj lirtk
to get diewe."'
If -
Wagner, McWilliams Replace Glbnti, Kcrinek For KU Tilt;
Huskers Continue Light Workouts As Originally Planned
S7 luv 0 LB Lfr
7 Laafe LT fiMir T
U Hfrim C fcrta at
ti Hani (CO RO. mm i
S KaMtei RT m Mm ;
HrarWo RE (CO Mtteto
I 'MtVmitmt OB Bf.M 14
tl Ht 1 H TiH 41
AUntm RH XcVllim II
SI Mi I B 17
KMTtfdf lame I p.m.
(ti-ju RrSner. Rtm GiW- Sl
twatd IsawmmAa. Gmiv Weucit-ain:
fx4d wk. ikt Otwarjma. Kuw
Husker Coach Bill Glassford
plans some changes in the Ne
braska lineup that will open
against the Kansans.
Bb Wagner. Lincoln junior, is
slated to move into the No. 1
Presbys Retain Top Rating
In Independent learn Play
Phi Delta Phi 10th In All-U Poll,
Turn Back Dorm
Sports Staff Writer
Independent Denominational
K a liars
1. Presby Hoase
2. Phi DelU Phi
3. Gents
4. Ag Jokers
5. Newman Club
C Dental Juniors
7. Dorm B & C
8. Methodists
9. Dnbbers
It. Ag Gamma Club
Phi Bella PhL 10th ranked in
independent ratings this week
were hard pressed for their last
win of the season an downing sev
enth ranked Donna B & C 13S.
However, the winners were
never behind and were not in
danger at any time during the
The winners scored in the ini
tial stanza and again en the third,
while going sjcoreless in the sec
ond and final quarter.
AL BLESSING looked good for
the winners while the only threat
n the Donna team came in the
ffwm of TLioren Peterson who
played a fine game and inter
cepted a Phi aerial and went all
the way to paydirt can the last
play of the game.
Melhodisif iuwise showed that
they were more ctesersimg than
their eighth place rating (tie
ratings came coat before the
swanes were 'in the hands f the
ciolumnisti) by ttrmmcan? a hap
less Intervarsity team 54-ffl.
Strangely enough, the m-inners
mustered all their sccxring in two
"quarters. They ran tup 21 mark
ers in the seomnd frame and 33
iin the last -hile gcErg wjfimut a
I tally in both the first and third
their session in fine style by
downing the Lutheran Student As
sociation team 1-W). The winner's
tallies came in the first and sec
ond quarters and then the teams
battled evenly for the next two
Orer in Che Bee teagnec the
hot Beta Theta Pi erew wn hand
ily rer Phi Delta Theta IS-
while the Sigma Sn Jumvrs were
iorieitint U the Alpha Taa Omega
The Betas ran tup a 3M9 lead
by the end f the initial quarter,
after which they went scoreless
until halfway through the third
frame when they collected their
final tally..
THE DEXTAL Juniors looked
.as af they had the Wary bo?-s
strapped am Shear clmve idaajrs
when they trounced over the iat
ter 2-7. Then Denf s soorang was
"ai M
' '"Was
right guard spot ahead of Don
Glantx. Central City. And Ion
McWUUams, sophomore from
Sidney, is likely to get the nod
at right half over Jim Yeisley,
Coin. Ia and Dennis Korinek,
Ulysses. Yeisley has been play
ing at fullback. Korinek. leading
rnshrr. slips to the third spot.
Senior JJick Adduci replaces
Yeisley in the No. 2 fullback
OX 59 occasions Kansas and
Nebraska have met on the grid
iron only one interruption
spoiling the long series that dates
back to 1892.
Saturday the two clubs meet
for toe 60lh time at Memorial
Stadium here, Nebraska's Cora-
B-C, By 13-6 Count
evenly distributed throughout the
four quarters. They collected six
points in each quarter..
Despaie their bad showing, the
XROTC had the best individual
players of the field in the form
of D. Moser. His speed kept the
defense guessing, but be just
didn't bave any support.
rX LEAGUE IX play, the Que
Balls ran over the Sagroa Gamuma
Epsitan team S34 while the Dub
bers disposed of a tough Eagle
team 25-7 after leading by only
14-7 at the halfway mark.
la the omlT other game the
Jinxers and the Ag Gamma Oub
each forfeited to each other by
virtue of neither having an offi
cial for the contest.
Sooners Meet
Cats Saturday
The big one is next Saturday.
On' that particular afternoon the
only umdeJeated teasa? in the Big
Seven, surprising Kansas State
and the petremiually-powerfuJ
Oiblshoma Sooners, tangle in
Manhatten for the league lead
ership and possibly for the
Orange Bowl bid.
BILL MEEB7S Wildcats, cmr
remlly the scourge of the cosaf er-
erjice, were cennMeay toexmg
ahead to the Sooner clash as they
blanked Wichita 21-0.
Meanwhile Bud Wilkinson's
clan were having their share f
troubles with Colorado and bad
to Lave a late foaarth-quarter
toKuchdowm dash by Merrill
Green to edge the Buffs 27-2D.
The general consensus is that
Kansas State wiQ to be at its
very best if they bave any ideas
ef sBsetting Green. Baddy Leake,
Larry Grist and Company. The
Sooners are always extra-rongli
when a chaUengec is knocking
fcard ai the fxrvt-plx stoL The
Cats one-two pus 5a f Teryl
Switrer and Corky Taylor wiU
carry fbeir losg-awaited hopes
into the fray.
Leahy Keeps Irish Vigil
C&ach Frank Leahy directed
his Notre Dame football team m
Tuesday" maneuvers from a
hospital bed Tiia a special tele
vision hook-up.
The Coach. ib was ttricken
with a stomach ailmaemt at the
faalflime of tike Ncttee-Etooe-:
Georgia Tech gaine Saturday
kept an constant touch with as
eastants at Cartaer Faeld m-here
the Irish practicte through a di
rect telephone (Circuit. j
femoke (wuly Camels
ivr Q 4iy amtS fctd
ut wiijr Cwauels are
Aiuwics' aiiytt
pwpdaf cagarette.
Se bmn culd aaj
af jal a ciarfiae
cut Lei
IF" .-.ISM.
huskers looking for their initial
Big Seven Conference victory of
the season, Kansas for its third.
Df 1S9I Kansas opened the se
ries with a 12-0 triumph. Since
that time Nebraska has piled up
42 victories to 14 for the Jay
hawks. Three contests were ties.
The lone ' interruption was in
the 1904-05 period.
Going into Saturdays fray
Ccaaucr Laaodla Sttar
Bob Wagner
the Huskers have a 0-2 mark in
loop games bowing to Kansas
State 27-0 and Missouri 23-7.
For the season, the Husker mark
is 1-4-1. The Scarlet and Cream
trimmed Miami 20-16, tied Uli
noios 21-21, but bowed to Pitts
burgh 14-6 and Oregon 20-12.
KANSAS, TOO, has had rough
sledding in the return to single
platoon ffoothalL Jules v. Sikes
crew opened with defeats by
TCU 13-0 and UCLA 18-7. then
whipped Iowa State 23-0 and
Colorado 27-21, but bowed to
Oklahoma 45-0 and SMU 14-0
the following two weeks.
Weary after their 1-23 licking
at Columbia, Mo, the Cornbask-
ers bad only light duty this week.
Tbey were given a holiday Mon
day and worked est only in
sweat-clothes Tnesday. Glassford
planned no contact work daring
the week.
pleted passes in 63 throws C.43)
continue to pace the Big Seven
Conference this week. The mark
also puts ttiSmn at 191b. in the na
tion. Yardage gained on those
aerials totalled 416.
Andy Loehr, junior end who
along with Bordogna hails -Imam
Turtle Creek, Pa., is the top pass
receiver, having caught an even
dozen, although Ealfhack Dennis
Kiorinek, Ulysses, leads am yards
gained cm receptions with 17
yards cm four.
the Conference in percentage of
passes completed .4S8.
Other Buskers among the loop
Ktiashimg Koxrinek. 4th; Bob
Smith, Grand Island, 9il
Passing Eex Fischer, Oak
land, IMjl
Pass receiring lvariBek, 3rd:
BX3 Sdaabacker. Kindea. Tti;
Lehr, H'lk. and Jim Vritiejr.
Coin. Ia, Uta. Lioeitr tops the
imp in Rtiniber of receptioBs 12.
Pmating "at least eight punish
Bay Novak, Omaha, 41h; Bor-d-ogna,
Punt returns 'at least lour re
turns Bwrdogna. J3h; Smith,
. .
, -i i i
- -- -ga-' Li.., J
Cost less in the -Long Run
by the Month or by the Mile!
Grains Q
, ' '
' -rZ Too Vain
5W atyfe l
Crimm 22.95
Gxsdns or lb rt dbewco evry cittpn isv 3 occamcs
xcos4 fcrasol. For fct ppeorit. woor c!f ssd ise4
emaiSaj r dos't cd to ! FJEX, to rocnytiio 3bo 4
vssissres of tnsjsd&f Ss FWf&fia sia.
t7Aer Me 17.95 and higher f,-
Men's Shae ... First Flaar
H I" "HiHWii'minHWiilll, 'OUafHWIIi .UWl"i.lalniilF'iT)iH.'f.illH'lt''ll.ftml'l'i.1 H1 1!111 If"'!1! iju II'IH I1. f 1 1' r 'rr rr" '""W T " "l iTTi ' ' . . ;:
Page J
Scoring Smith, tie for 5th;
Bordogna, 6th.
Statistics released by the NU
publicity office show that after
six games Dennis Korinek is the
leading Husker rusher with a 5.S
yard average. Dennis has run up
316 yards net on 54 carries.
Halfback Bob Smith is closo
behind with a S.I yard Tenia
Ion 55 carries.
Rex Fischer who has seen lime
Jon McWilliams
ited action since the Illinois
game, has carried a surprising
42 tiines good for a 3.4 average.
IX THE passing department.
Fischer leads in percentage to
tals with a .S33 mark. He has
completed five of six aerials good
for 116 yards.
In the rundown on statistics.
Nebraska has chalked up 43 first
downs on a total net yardage of
1VS9 yards. KU opponents has
garnered some 1SS3 total yards
on 71 first downs.
IX THE fumble department
Nebraska has dropped the ball
IS times while opponents has
fumbled 20 times. The deference
however is that the Corahuskers
have lost the ball om 13 occasions
and their opponents only seven.
Mantle Faces Operation
Mickey Mantle, Yankee cen
terfielder, will undergo a knee
operation sometime in the future.
Medics diagnosed what is
called vffootball knee1 to be
Mantle's trouble.
3 la In Feature Qock
Varsity: Blowing Wild, 1:35,
3:18. 553, 7:24. $57.
Stale: -City That Never
Sleeps," 2:52, 6:11, 930. '"Sweet
hearts On Parade," 152, 4:11.
Thr Wkaa Knr
Mas A Kaaapaipe
' Finnan tin MMfDr no pmsBirttie itf tlRfO CTOL
V v. 4?
II its
Tber free
of 4Sb
e wcnull
girls ia