EDITORIAL PAGE He Is Our Coach Journalists and would-be journalists are tolling the death bell for Nebraska's Coach 21 Glassford. .The (ports editor of the Denver Post has evea speculated on Glassfords successor. Sports editors and writers speak lightly of fhe two yeers ranaintag la Glassford's con tract The anonymous critic from Grand Island has called Glassford a mediocre coach, an egocentric slaTt-driver who shows virtually bo concern at all for their (the football play ers') mental or physical wen-being." - Bet Glaaef art Is net eosehlar for the sports writers. .Be Is set paid by anonymous satir- 'On The Spof Nebraska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet PtndidsW appearing before the Mortar Boards and the Innocents respectively, were subjected to a psychological screening Mon day night. The Interviews, It seems, were conducted en a scientific basis. Bob Young, Kosmet JQub president, in explaining the approach aid, "It was oar Intent that the interviews should be enjoyable, and yet put the candi dates under some pressure in order to deter mine hew they would read" fample of Mortar Board interview: MB: Do you believe in the three-date rule?" Aspirant: I dent know. I've never been out with the same girl three dates in a row." MB: TJo you think the Prince Kosmet Cub candidate should be sexy?" Aspirant: TJhmm. I . . KB: "Get your eyes above the table, you." Aspirant: "Yes ma'am." MB: '"Take off your jacket and let's see year shoulders ... when's the last time you pressed your shirt?" Aspirant: ""Well ..." . MB: Wh were you out with last Friday Bight?" Aspirant: My dog. We went hunting." Twelve finalists out of 44 candidates were chosen as result of these "put-'em-on-the-spot" interviews. The 12 were apparently judged on their ability to respond to embarrassing questions. This ability, of course, is a measure of one's poise, personality, popularity and appearance and which, naturally, is supposed to reflect the Qualities we look forward to seeing in our t-and-comlng campus royalty. If nothing else, voters at the KK Revue will know that the glibbest candidates were elected. But, however banterfuHy inclined or skilled at repartee these candidates might be, K does seem a little incongruous that two of them will reign as "the ideal Nebraska couple, in the romantic sense." The plan to subject the candidates to the Scientific approach originated with the Kos met Klub in the hope that a reaction to ob stacletype questions would be a reflection of an individual's poise and personality. But was tbic proved at all? Since when -does the ability to remain un- ruffled under fire Indicate a person has princely or queenly Qualities?" A sharp wit is a requisite of the comedian, but shouldn't a potential prince or queen possess refined manners, tact and finesse rather than a quick comeback to an innane question? The validity df psychological questioning is matter lor the psychologist who is a spe cialist Jn his field. The Innocents Society and the Mortar Boards hardly qualify as judges or interpreters of a "put-'em-on-the-spot" routine. XJ). Governor's Concern Gov. Crosby will be seeing a lot of the campus within the next few weeks. Scheduled to speak at the Nebraska High School Press Association convention Nov. 6, Crosby win have an opportunity to talk to and jet the views of pre-coHege Nebraskans. But, this is apparently not sufficient for the twernor. He has agreed to address a Busi ness Administration banquet sponsored by the Business Administration Student Council on Dec. 1. Crosby is quoted as saying, "I teal it is my duty to report to the students at KU." The meeting should prove to be inter esting and will be open to the public. In addition to these appearances, Crosby fees consented to write for The Nebraskan's challenge column in order to present his views of the problems youth is faced with in politics, particularly in state government. Such effort to communicate with and share the views of the younger generation is not, Unfortunately, seen frequently public of ficials, "jlf One of the essentials of leadership is a working knowledge of the problems of those yea would lead. The governor, in his effort t aptak to and explain the equalization of tsi assessments to groups throughout the atate, has shown lie is willing to listen as w$3 as apeak to the people. ESs concern with the students, The Ne wstou "believes, -will be made with the 9mm view; that is, we expect him to listen as 'Well as talk UD. 1st. Be Is not responsible te self-appointed vigilantes professing a love of the great game f football" aad of "our boys out en the field." A coach is selected by the Board of Reg ents. He is answerable directly to the mem bers of that Board. He is not responsible to emotional Monday morning wallers. For this we can be thankful. The public's Ire is easily aroused. Victory on the gridiron becomes a moral issue. De feat must be laid at the feet of a -scape-goat. And the coach is usually handy. Perhaps Coach Glassford uses sstire to ex cess in training football players; perhaps he has made a mistake in developing IS so called iron men; perhaps he is not loved by every man on the Varsity squad. But he is still our coach. We, and the Board of Regents, had enough faith in Coach Glassford to agree to his pres ents contract together with a stipulation which gives him the right to exercise an ad dtional five-year option if he so pleases. Students of the University hid sufficient, faith In Coach Glassford to pack the Coli seum In a mass meeting urging him to stay at Nebraska and not accept aa offer to coach at Pitt The University community took great pride in the write-up Glassford received in the Saturday Evening Pat two years ago. We gave him credit for a fine football season in 1950 and a fair season last year. We can't just run out on him. Perhaps Bill Glassford has served his use ful time at the University. But that fact can only be determined toy the Board of Regents, which, after all, is re sponsible to the citizens of the state. The status of Coach Glassford is for the Board to determine not now, when tempers flare and emotion blinds reason, but when the sound of defeat is no longer ringing in our ears. The clang of defeat must not be mistaken for a death knelL 1 As long as Glassford remains at Nebraska, ' it is the duty of University students to sup port him. He is our coach. K.E. Winning Neutrals The Communists opened the preliminary Korean peace talks by demanding the admis sion of neutral nations to the big talks. The Communists have made this proposal before and the United States has repeatedly re fused to consider inviting non-belligerents to the Korean peace conference. The American stand is understandable from, a limited point of view. The only issue im mediately at stake is the future of-Korea, a matter for the participating members of the United Nations and the representatives of the Communists to settle. But the peace conference cannot be con ducted in a complete news blackout. Facts , and rumors wfll leak out through the censor. Both sides will undoubtedly make public an nouncements before the talks end. The conference will be a drama enacted before the eyes ol the entire world. Some Americans, disagreeing with the of ficial VS. stand, have suggested that repre sentatives of neutral nations such as India be invited to the conference to view the pro ceedings, If not to suggest possible solutions to paramount problems. Their argument is that the West might prove once and lor all that it is sincere in its dedication to peace and to freedom lor the nations of the world. Their suggestions have been neglected or poo-pooed as idealistic. But News Commentator Alex Drier this week reported facts which might well sub stantiate the arguments of Americans deserv- ; ing the presence of neutral nations. Drier said that the head of the Indian cus todial troops had supported in the United Nations in opposing Communist use of lorce on anti-Communist prisoners and that an Indian guard had severely criticized the Com munist interrogating tactics. Perhaps comments such as these will filter their way to New Delhi, where, as Drier said, the philosophers live in their dream world. Perhaps Indian witnessing of East-West contacts will convince the Jence-straddlers that we are more concerned with the well being of Asian nations than with the power we can exert over their futures. If India were a member of the Korean peace conference, Nehru might come down off his pink Cloud and realize that the Com munists are not the friends Joe thought they were, X.R. Margin Notes Figures Don't Lie Apparently Nebraskans are still pretty ashamed of the figures released in the 1950 census which indicated a population reduc tion of about 0000 during the previous ten year period. . . fTFTir-TEIED TEAK mmmm Associated ftaiinfinta n A&vertoint repmentative: National Advertising 1 T. ft tm amm a th. . .J , . m ArMM U at torn jo, Mowt an.witaim ea admMatenni Hi ntWUM, "I i MHm4 t. mimo mulm tl JurMMium laut) ' , '!-'. i fimKj aa ia wr af ta w t, ; t kvn imMMlwr mf the faculty of to .BMttiwwr af 4n omtt af Vtm - . t' '.H(ei&M fay araat Saw aar a oar ., tta ftw ana." n W a fcmster. ei.SS mtlat, ar , o ", fc ,,?4, V1,.. w muni, flliwta awr h fw ' ' m auw, WSaanwr mmt Wer M "nil aaataa ,tuii MUkmlimtlan (, , t ww t ti .,4 mnm tm maata at m- ( f t I, rtwuwjf tit iainna Bdr tha wnititi af atmtwnt P tnitloiM. ' w e A '- ttmnm mt im faat Dfllog tm a. . . u.r At af rmM,, Marak S. . "tl mr af mitiM amvisMl far tti ! i ' ' i-ix US Lmraai af Oct. S, auinorlaaa IDranuii. win Vmtm . .Ran antiam K4ttm. ....... m It ttmr Maarhtr Junta.... . miiv hall rw r ....... . Ton, Hw.-4 B.Slrr. Jan Barrlaan. MarkMaw Bmmm. Ka JSauu . ,nm luaws efj EMUar. ....... ..... .. .Oram fjml Ac Mltar. .iwtgM jmiilt BEFOHTERS Hwrlat Hn. Mania MMuiaan. Bamlc Koaanqahrt, Klian PtalcMt, Arm Jlnnrmami. Umry Htalliy, Kirk VVaadward. Ham imnm. twHt MtUy. (Jaralyn La, Phyllla HamtiMnnrmr. UnnU Vantat, Mary Kay Nxhto, Marllm UaMaii, ItWk Krlhnan. Marilyn MImtmiII, Maialle Htt, Mullra Xiram. 1I Mardlnx and Jak J'lanann. siismass er.rr tmntnm MaeMmr Stan Strmk em't BoatiMN BlanafMra. . .J Erlilwan, nra Jaeubn, OaaiMr Hawer. Dlek vntnM irnlttaa tnfit. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. Jkrn wmiaaaa Mtiial lUxiiut. .... ............ Jiui liarriava Lrmi HUN ON CAMPUS - a-Ay J OBSaaa fey Dick llhler The Student Speaking Hey, Arready "Wwttil stumbled ever Prof. Snarf in th' clty tV ether niht Seems he carries that camera every place he roes." 'Not Our Chickens' GOP Still Blames HST For All Its Difficulties (The followinr editorial published recently in the St. Louii Post-Dispatch.) There is one practice Uiat the top command of the Eisenhower Administration has engaged in long enough. That is the habit of blaming all its. troubles on the Roosevelt and Truman Adminis trations. Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey says that the Repub licans "found things in very much more difficult shape than we anticipated' in regard to federal expenditures and possible tax reduction. Secretary of Aericnltnre Ben son puts it this way: ""The chick ens are coming; home te roost. They are not rur chickens, but we have tot to take care of them. We inherited them along with ether items ia eur legacy President Eisenhower himself ,self has indulged repeatedly in the same luxury of fixing re sponsibility on his predecessors. Speaking to the Future Farmers of America at Kansas City, he said that current farm difficul ties are footed in our recent past Then he went on to list the causes as he sw them all before he took office. The President has several times complained that the budget could not be balanced because of the Truman Administration's C.O.D. orders" lor dfense which are now coming due. Certainly the Korean war, which came in the Truman Ad ministration, produced problems for the Eisenhower Administra tion. But so did 'World "War II, which came in the Roosevelt Ad ministration, produce problems for the Truman Administration. The depression years of the Hoover Administration passed on overwhelming problems to the" Roosevelt Administration. But the depression did not take form in the Hoover Admin istration alone. The business and economic crash was building up under Coolidge and Harding, who inherited post-World War I problems from the Wilson years. And Wilson found that he had to do a major job of legislative construction because so little was achieved in the dcnothing years of William Howard Taft So It has been back throne ear history. Te the Presidents who followed Lincoln were be queathed the problems left by the Ova War. The Civil War broke opon Lincoln ia large part because Buchanan allowed things te drift from bad to wrae. Jefferson had a lot of hard work to do lor the new democ racy because of policies followed by the first Adams and his Fed eralist colleagues. Washington, if he had cared to, could have blamed the problems of his eight years in office on the weak nesses of the Articles of Con federation. This chronology is not com plete, but then it does not need to "be. Every President has in herited problems, and it can be taken for granted that Dwight D. Eisenhower's mccessor will inherit problems n the man now in the White House. The Presidents who have stood out in history as great leaders did not make their reputations fcf folsininr their cliffiealties m their predeeesfiars. They wen t h e i r distinction by working hard and intelligently and effec tively at their always difficult job. The Eisenhower Administra tion asked for its responsibility. The American people granted the request almost a year ago. By now ample time has been de voted to blaming the preceding Administrations. To continue it makes no more sense than for folks down in Dewey Short's Ozark district to go on forever calling rabbit meat "hoover pork." Br JCUT SHAKFNACK Came mcross this headline in Friday's Nebraskan: Saleide ' Club Tryeuta Planned fee Mon day. This proposes an interest ing situation. Just wondering if they have any life members. I suppose the dues go for a mass funeral every spring. Reminds me of when S. Sam Jones was the mortician over at Le Phlegm, tiny Iowa town. Sam had just gradeatcd frem embalming scheel with flying " shrouds (top grades ia Drainage Z61) when he first hear Le Phlegm. ISM Inhabitants, which had as mortician store 15.11. Citteens had been dispos ing of deceased members la little-nsed closets and ander living-room rags. Great opportunity, thought Sam, and he juickly set up shop, so to speak, in Le Phlegm. He bought out the local bakery there and ran the pastry shop in conjunction with the funeral parlor. "An unbeatable combin ation," he always used to say. Always wondered m'hat be meant until I tried one of his chocolate flops. Sam was a great hit in Le Fhlegm and did a land office business, needless to say. He wais especially popular with the kid dies as he would loan them bodies for Halloween.. But even though Sam was a great sport and likeable fellow, he was not really satisfied. His discouragement sprang from the seeming immortality of the town's leading and richest citi ren, one J. Wilson Le Gleet. Le Gleef was the ancient owner of the Le Phlegm Water Works, and for S7 j-ears, had been mak ing a potful selling water. For Princeton President Dodds Calls ROTC Program 'Intellectually Thin1 PRINCETON, N. J. (TP) The most basic faculty criticism of the present Reserve 'Officer's Training Corps structure in the American college is that sub jects taught under ROTC are . "intellectually thin" and are mainly concerned with "dull me morizing of detailed facts," ac cording to President Harold W. Dodds of Princeton University. This criticism, said Dr. Dodds, is sound and the defects in the ROTC studies should be cor rected. Dr. Dodds pointed out that ""total war is more than a strictly military problem. The 'know why' is an essential element of the 'know bow' and should he part of the -equipment of an ROTC graduate." His remedy calls for a .clone Integration between college and i University Bulletin Board Wednesday Rodeo Club Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Ag Union. Ellen H. Richards Dinner, 6:30 pjm Union Ballroom. Ag Builders Mass Meeting, 7:1 5 p.m., Ag campus, lounge of Foods And Nutrition Building. Music Recital, 4 p.m., Social Science Auditorium. WAA Mass Meeting, 7 p.m., Grant Memorial. Student Council Meeting, 4 p.m., Union. Thursday Dance Lessons, 7:30 p.m., Ag Union. Friday Audubon screen Tour, C p.m., Love Library Auditorium. ROTC courses, anfl a closer al liance between academic and military professors. At Princeton, Dr. Dodds said, the history department has con structed a new course in military history which is required for ROTC students and also open to civilian students as an elective. According to Dr. Dodds, both academic and military profes sors are pleased with the re sults. He also suggests a course in geopolitics. "Officers and civilians alike need fuller knowledge of the economic as well as political uses of manpower and natural resources, and of the impact of military policies upon our econ omy he said. "The cure lor the scholastic thinness of the ROTC curricula is not to load on more of the same stuff; .. .. . colleges .. .. .. should be permitted to compress the courses into fewer classroom hours and exerciHes, and to util ize the hours thus recaptured to deepen the meaning of the pro gram and achieve a more satis factory integration with the aca demic program," said Dr. Dodds. Another criticism, which Dr. Dodds dismissed as being "with out foundation," is that civilian and military discipline do not mix; military discipline should -wait until one enters the serv ice. He pointed out that dis cipline in the ROTC has little semblance to discipline in actual service duty. "The campus remains distinct ly civilian in spirit and the same is true for , the officer candi dates," he coucludeil a-s alnn he sold he cot 134.98 ($34.49 on Thursday, bargain day). "He doesnt seem to like my chocolate Cops, Sam often complained. But the inevitable must hap pen. On a dVk, moonless night, Sam was startled from his Em bahner's Monthly by the pierc ing jangling of his phone. "Jones's Body Shoppe, he said. The voice at the other end in formed him that old Jt Gkef had passed beyond shonJy after a spasmotJo fit. Sam grabbed his body cart and, while visions of solid bronze caskets danced through his head, rushed to the "Water King's" home. It was ghastly," said the Le Gleef maid. He suddenly clutched at his throat, prancel about on the kitchen stove a bit. and fell in a dead heap.' "Really?" said Sam. "What could have caused that, I won der?" And so saying, glanced at the old man's right hand. It was still grasping a CHOCO LATE FLOP! MORAL: If you eat chocolate Hops, you'll get your water shut off. WelL it's rettiag around te Homecoming time again Isnt h? Well, isnt it? Of coarse, H ia. Wonder what kind ef display the Beta Sigs will have this year. Thousht last years was the most, bat maybe a little strong. At least the Gestapo thought ss, eh Hueb? Hope everyone who went to Missouri got stinking drunk and have still got terrible hangover. I couldnl go. Well 111 knock off for this terne, and by the way, dont worry about this column it ain't for real Slide I FVe Instructors Join Rule i Engineering Stall Hm. i a list of some of 4he new engineering instructors in case anyone is interested in their background. The ones 1 have been associated with so far are pretty fair. It takes a good man to pick an instructor, I suppose, especially since there are very few people that want the job. Robert E. Adams, who re-, ceived a B.S. in Electrical Engi neering and a MS. at Kansas State, is now an instructor in Electrical Engineering here. Tao Ching Hsu, "BS. inMe- chanical Engineering, Chiao Tung University, Shanghai,, and Ph.D,. in Engineering, Univer sity of Edinburgh, is an instruc tor in the Engineering Mechanics Department. One of the two assistant pro fessors is Gerald M. Smith, B.S. an Mechanical Engineering, and M.S. in Applied Mechanics, Kan sas State, and is now in the Engineering Mechanics Depart ment. In fart, the Engmeering Me chanics Department boasts Jour out of five of the new instruc tors. Thomas C. Smith, BS. in Electrical Engineering, MA. in Education, New York Univer sity, MA. in Mathematics, Uni versity of Michigan, is now an instructor in the Engineering Mechanics Department. Lyle E. Young is the other assistant professor, and he also belongs to the Engineering Me chanics Department. His exper ience includes a B.S. in Civil Engineering and M.S. in Civil Engineering, University of Min nesota. So there you are. 3 think that it is significant that all of them have a masters degree, and one of them is a doctor. Just goes to show that it takes a little more than the urge to teach school, regardless of what you may think. "" In case some of you haven't been over to Stout Hall lately, here's what they did. The roof and fourth floor were removed and replaced with a flat roof which has drainage outlets en tering the storm sewer through conduits inside the building. The interior is finished much like Ferguson HaB with drop ceilings, and a new concrete stairwell has replaced the old wooden one. The CE's haw a reading room to themselves now. Some of us have wondered if the reconstruction of the inter ior of this building wasn't more cirpensive than wrecking and new construction. It wasn't the cost of the present reconstruc tion was about half the cost of new construction. We now have braidings mem orializing three great teachers who were also deans of the Col lege. The building housing the Mechanical Engineering Depart ment is now known as Richards Hall in honor of Charles Rubs Richards, .dean of fhe College from 1909 to 3 812. My father tells me that building was brand new when he .graduated. Looks like itH be there lor cjuite some time. Stout Hall is named in mem ory of Oscar Van Pelt Stout who served as dean from 1812 ' to 1820. The Electrical Engineer . ing Department is now housed in Ferguson Hall, sintd ia honor .of Olin J. Ferguson wbe served as dean from 3820 to 3945. Incidentally, the EE's now number one-third of the present cnroHmenl .of engineers. That's Quite a portion. J. A. Marks ALL M4.KLM TJaaerwnad Bays! Corona Rftninrtaa Siege! Offict Iqa'ip. Cm. Sal ttaar Ha af TMOa J. Pol Shttiy Switched to WiMrool Creua-OIl EecsBt He Flunked The Iinger-5ijJ Test V V In appreciation ie aster friendt OWEN HOUSE . at She Chuckwcgon 3131 R Oct. 29, 1953 FREE COFFEE ALL DAY COKE IN T OR A PIECE OF BURT'S EIETEDAY CAKE I TO P.M. ef sil t m aaarfiaf" said Shoady ai.'-youc Uk lock 12k sou thing the t draesed in. Purthapa job better spring fb sofas WBdroot ru-Oa, America'! favorite hair touiC. Keeps hair eoa&ed -rrtboBf freaatneas. Remove, loose, ugly dandruff. Celircx aa toying dryness. Contains lanolin. Non-alcoholic Se ghedy eoatsd down to It is druggist lot Wildot Creant-OU, and now he, Mint mighty fins. iht kls pw and star when h paaaet. So you better leopard oa he bandwagon and try -STUdroot Om-OS raght meow. Scratch up 29f for a .bottle or laady lube at any toilot good counter. And ask your barbf for some TBTlldroct Cream-Oil on your hair .Then you'll be thecals whiskers of 13 J So. Harri, Hill Rd., WdUmHl,KY. . - . . . I w uarooi company, inc. Buffalo It, N.Xj ' - i I mmmm ! Mtl 11