The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 27, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Moms for Peace
An all-out atomic offensive for ptace
has been undertaken by the United States.
That Is the word from Atomic EnergCom
mlsslon member Thomas E. Murray. The
Banning Of Greeks
Banning of national social fraternities and
sororities because of discriminatory actions
by New York State University has been
criticized in the Nebraskan.
The New York State action was, by nature,
discriminatory. All national fraternities and
sororities were banned. Apparently national
affiliation merits banning in New York.
An action taken by the Student Council at
Rutgers University, aimed to stopping dis
criminatory practices, is a more fair, work
able solution to the problem. The Rutgers
Council passed "a resolution last year stating
that fraternities and sororities would be
given one year to remove discriminal clauses
from their constitutions, or face punishment
by the Council This one-year period gave
the offending groups an opportunity to at
tempt the change in their own way.
The results of this action have yet to be
seen the one-year period does not end until
March of 1954. But the program gives the
offending groups a chance to correct their
errors. Sororities and fraternities in New
York State have lost their important na
tional affiliation guilty or not guilty.
The local chapters of New York State and
Rutgers could not make the constitutional
changes by themselves. Any change in their
constitutions had to come from their national
organizations. In one instance the local groups
were given no opportunity to obtain this
permission. In the other, local groups were
given a year, ample time, to effect a change
In policy.
Another workable plan has been advanced
by the University of Minnesota. Besides re
fusing recognition to any new groups with a
discrlminitory charter, that university re
quires Greek organizations whose constitu
tions contain bias clauses to submit annual
written reports on progress being made
toward their elimination. Failure to submit
the report or inadequate reporting result in
non-recognition of the group by the univer
sity administration.
In this case, as at Rutgers, offenders are
given a chance to make changes, to correct
their errors; they are not "put out of busi
ness" simply because they are in error.
At Columbia University recognition of dis
criminating groups will be withdrawn unless
.rulings against members of certain racial,
religious and color groups are withdrawn by
Oct 1, 1960. This ruling will affect all but
religious groups., t
In all these actions the element of fair
play has been the governing factor. Disci
pline has been mentioned, but will come if
offending groups do not do their part in
doing away with discrimination. The spirit of
working together to lick a mutual problem
rather than "you shall do this because you
are student and I am administration," should
go a long way toward ending discrimination
in fraternal groups. T.W.
Get Out The Vote
Some persons might be taken aback at the
mention of "getting out the vote" now with
no election impending, but, according to what
the Nebrskan believes it is a pretty good
argument, this is the right time to do it.
Patriotic groups which make it their busi
ness to solicit the voters' interest, particu
larly during presidential campaigns, are in
advertently guilty of foisting upon the Amer
ican people the concept of crescendoes of
enthusiasm immediately preceding an elec
tion followed by a period of abject silence
until another election rolls around.
What good does it do to put a ballot in
the hands of someone having no idea of the
issues and personalities involved in an elec
tion? The time to Interest people in their
government cannot be turned off and on at
will; it must be continuous to be of an?
While certainly laudatory as an effort to
make more Americans aware of the duties of
citizenship, the "get out the vote" campaigns
are shortsighted in that they do not consider
that a democracy is based on an enlightened
and continually interested citizenry. The only
way to achieve the ideal democratic citizen
is to develop a sustained interest in the man
on the street concerning his government.
How to do this? Certainly not by saying,
'Since you are a citizen you must vote. It
Is your right and duty."
A better and more lasting effect would be
achieved by saying, "Since you are an Amer
ican citizen, it is your responsibility to edu
cate yourself so that you may intelligently
use your right to vote. This is an everyday
process, not merely a pre-election scanning
of newspapers. It begins with entrance Into
the school system and ends well, it never
ends. E.D.
JhsL TMaoaIiosv
Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press
Advertising representative: National Advertising Service, Inc.
429 Madison Ave., New York 17, New York
Ttm JTefcrMkM to nanHgkafl fry the student af the EDITORIAL ST4ST '
VaHrenky af Rutnth a an rjrrelon af ItaimW Ertltar. ...... ..... In frrtraa
MS 1rti mlf. AMTtfta. U Artel. 0 af the Maw'" dtti .7?.' .'. ..' .JSnlfr HaO
ytaw ffOftontns ataSent avallratkma and admlnletered New Keller Tom WnodweiS
l.r (tie Bomtt of rhltt1m, "ft to the e1iv fxtllry. Copy EHor Jan Harrlenn, Marianne Hbimmi,
t th StwurS teat (wtriieatlon tmitnr Ita luHiKHrticn ahull Cynthia Handeraon, Kay Noeky
1 irem I mm 4ltrtl eenamatita on th part of t)M .. Soarte Editor.,,,,,,.,...., Gaorjre Fagnalch
ftflAr. m fin part af any mmtbor of th faculty M A Kaltor Dwtfht itmOt
I ltHy, thi nwtnbere of he atafl f The . . REPORTERS
ar pmmmlir mpoaalble for frbat tfcry any Harriet Rarr. Marrla Mlarlara, Graee Harrey. Brrato
er a aw caua t fee printed." RneenanM, F.lira Plrlu-tt, Brace Brormann. Mary Klwll-
dy, Xlric Woodward, Hani inrnm, frrt Daly, Carolyn
a-Vi"l!l1 rat era It a ntnntmr, ft.SS mailed, or ia, Fhyllle Hcrnhbrra-rr, I-ow.ll V ratal, Mary Kay
gl ti year, $4 nallrd. Slnle oopy la flye Bwhlrr, Marilyn orln, nielt Frllman. Marilyn Mllrh-
r (.'1.4 n Ttwaday, Wdne3ay and Friday, en, atalla Katt, Marilyn Tyaon, Del Harding and Jack
it ii,..a and examination perlvda. One teaue frandaen,
; ft durii th month ef Aumut eact ft by the
! . . v of yOTak niW the anponrlalna tne BUSINESS STAFF
1 - o fcsmlwvt PnMlrattona. Kntered aanmd RoatneM Manajptr ..... Stan Slpple
f 1 - ,r at ttm Peat O'fira In I loootn, Nroraaka, Aae't Bosineae Manager. , .T-t KrMtean, Doraa Jeeobe,
t t -,.t of .rMi, Marel 1, mil, and afaooeM Cheater Stager, Vitk Weeteott
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t H$rrt ( oU S. authoiiud Sept. It, 192. Mht JSewt JEdttor Marianne Hauaea
goal of the new offensive will be a power
reactor capable of producing 60,000 kilowatts
of electrical energy which is expected to be
built within the next three or four years.
Murray said, "It should show the world
that, even in this gravest phase of arming
for defense, America's eyes still are on the
peaceful future."
It seems strange that just because the
United States is attempting to develop some
thing for peaceful purposes that a "history
making announcement" need be made.
Naturally such a project is news regardless
of the state of world affairs, yet one might
well wonder that it is news also because
Americans have become so enured to reading
of atomic resources being adapted for arma
ment that the very oddity of peaceful appli
cations should startle us.
When, after eight years in the atomic age,
our nation is finally coming out with de
velopment along peaceful lines, it is not nec
essarily a reflection on the United States; but
rather on the condition of world affairs.
Nevertheless, it is a sad signpost of our
times that, application of this new energy
source must wait any time at all before
peaceful application. E.D.
Margin Notes
The Construction Craze
Not only is the University in a fever of
construction, but apparently so is all of Lin
coln. Sixty-two permits for new houses were is
sued by the city building inspector for the
first 21 days of October. With 10 days re
maining, this month is already 12 new homes
and $95,035 in cost ahead of this month last
A carpenter's paradise!
Once Upon A Time . . .
Arranging for a Panmunjom peace confer
ence, the Communists have insisted upon a
round-table discussion.
The system worked pretty well for King
Arthur, with his original round table.
But times have changed.
Gon' Fishin'?
The latest sporting stunt has developed a
new angle to the ancient art of fishing.
Some merry-makers in London got into a
heated debate about fishing, and the result
was a bet that it would be impossible to fish
in the Thames from the roof of the Savoy
Hotel. Sounds simple enough, but the roof
is 261 feet from the Thames and 150 feet
A British flycasting expert, however,
proved that it could be done, by casting a
lead sinker six feet into the river from the
He didn't catch anything there are no
fish in the Thames at that point.
Them Boom Days Is Back
Here is the 1953 version of the Rush of '49.
History repeats itself, people say. Only
this time it isn't gold the prospectors want,
but uranium.
A lone prospector made what "looks like
an important new discovery" of uranium in
remote lands of Wyoming. A rush of other
prospectors followed and now more than 20
have already staked claims in the area.
Go West, young man, go West.
Fur-lined Foxholes Next?
Things is looking up.
Breakfast in bed an unheard-of-luxury to
fighting men has arrived in Korea.
An Army sergeant reported that he de
livered coffee and flapjacks to the men in
his unit in their bunks last Sunday morning.
It seems he had prepared breakfast for the
outfit, but they all stayed in bed. Since they
wouldn't come to the breakfast, he brought it
to them.
Wonder if the same trick would work in
the dorm , , .
A Matter of Viewpoint
in Tehran, Iran, the Shah recently gave
32,000 acres of his land to 1,600 peasants. In
gratitude, some of the people threw them
selves on their faces and kissed his feet as
they received the documents which made
them full-fledged land owners.
How different things are in America in
the first place, nobody ever gives anything
away. In the second, nobody would dream
of expressing thanks so humbly.
But then we don't have peasants and Shahs,
Terrific Traffic
In Connecticut, the longest trip you can
take is about 128 miles, from Greenwich in
the southwest corner to Thomson in the
But during the first six months of 1953
automobiles traveled 3,800,000,000 miles on
Connecticut highways. The State Safety
Commission figured that out by studying
the amount of gasoline consumed in the state.
Tourists, no doubt
"It's obvious this course just doesn't' have anything to offer any
more so we'll just have to make it a 'Required.' "
Council Unfair To KK's
Dear Editor:
It seems to me that an injus
tice is being committed by the
Student Council and the victim
of this discrimination is the
Kosmet Klub.
The Student Council is sup
posedly a representative group.
This is as it should be.
Why, then, should organiza
tions such as the Corn Cobs,
Builders, and Religious Welfare
Council have representation on
the powerful Council and the
Kosmet Klub not?
I think The Nebraskan and
the Student Council should look
into the organizational set-up
of Council and correct this situ
Manner Of Living
Dear Editor:
Manner of living and methods
'of doing things are more likely
to be the real reasons for dis
crimination rather than differ
ence of religious beliefs or racial
Los Angeles, Calif.
Bulletin Board
Corn . Cob Worker -Active
Meeting, 5 p.m., Room 313,
Kosmet Klub Worker . Meet
ing, 5 p.m., KK Room, Union.
Kosmet Klub Active Meeting,
7 p.m., KK Room, Union.
Union Dance Lesson Class,
7:30-9 p.m., Union.
COA Organizational Meeting,
8 p.m., Room 107, Military and
Naval Science Building.
Spanish Club Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Student Council Meeting, 4
p.m., Union.
Home Ec Banquet, 6:30 p.m.,
Union Ballroom.
"Do you realize," said a student
In the v Union
to a stranger
across the ta
ble "that you
are reading
your Nebras
kan upside
"Of course I
realize it,"
snapped the
stranger. "Do
From way down in my cranium
I, this prediction make:
That if you eat uranium
You'll get atomic ache.
loves his wife
1 ttiss
raoovcT or
I '' " , f
s Uh i-f a J
fa i ' J h y I '' f
0j 1
Bo b1'
The Student Speaking
by Dick EJbler
The migration is finished and
so am I. I told you about those
migration trains. Well, to say the
very least, this year's edition was
a lulu. Those present included
about 105 band members, some
six other males and about ten
girls which - put feminine com
panionship at quite a premium.
There were three forms of en
tertainment drinking, necking,
and sleeping. Unfortunately, due
to a mix-up by a fickle wide-eyed
Chi O pledge, I was relegated to
sleeping no comment.
But I passed the time looking
for good date prospects and
there were QUITE a few females
that would make "interesting"
companions. Such as Chris (en
gaged) with John (going steady),
Zigie the Alpha' Xi with hot-lips
Brendle, and another Alpha Xi
pledge, a suicide blonde, whose
name I have forgotten but whose
actions will linger on in memory.
There were three local tele
phone operators who took the op
portunity to improve their operat
ing efficiency. They were so
taken with Kansas City they
missed the train after our three
hour stop over there Saturday
night, much to the disappoint
ment of a number of boys.
But the best show was put on
by one of the aforementioned
frosh coeds, who shall be name
less, who had sworn to me that
she only held hands with boys..
This proved to be a masterpiece
of understatement.
The alcoholic frocking was not
as complete and rowdyish as on
the 1951 Kansas State trip. More
of the participants were stewed
funny instead of stevved-drunk.
A trumpet player named Jim was
almost assassinated he wouldn't
let anyone sleep Saturday night.
Then there was Dennis the
Menace a most beligerant six-year-old,
who persecuted Dick
Huebner, Jim and myself until
Chris kissed him and he went
back to his daddy crying. Crazy
mixed-up kid!
Aside from a broken watch
Stolen Goods
mm '
LmCMl&A Others Face Donating Too
Exchange Editor
Coeds at the University of De
troit, in looking at the history of
the university's enrollment, are
reminiscing the "good ol days."
Twenty years ago there were
, 1,577 men and 79 coeds enrolled
fn the university, and today
there are 5,617 men and 1,776
women enrolled, which brings
the ratio of men to women
down from 20 to 1, to a mere
3 to 1.
The University of Detroit has
made another interesting obser
vation: "Did you, know that if all
the people in the world were
placed in the State of Texas there
would not be more tha.n 11 people
to an acre?
Did you know that if all the
people in Texas were being
placed elsewhere in the world
you think it's
old married
Last year a survey of leading colleges
throughout the country showed that
smokers in those colleges preferred
Luckies to any other cigarette.
This year another nation-wide survey
based on thousands of actual student
interviews, and representative .of a
students in regular colleges shows that
Luckies lead again over all brands, regu
lar or king size... and by m wid margin!
The No. 1 reason: Luckies taste better.
Smoking enjoyment is'all a matter of
taste, and the fact of the matter is Luckies
taste better -for 2 reasons. L.S.M.F.T.
Lucky Strike means line tobacco. And
Luckies are made better to taste better.
So, Be Happy Go Lucky!
tJlnMckittge-nay' amsiica's leadinc if Afiv? actubsr or cioassttes
Tuesday, October 27, 1953
band, a lost camera case and a
hurt ego, the trip was quite a
This week, after being run
through the mill because of my
comments on the Miami game by
my journalism instructor, a foot
ball team member and three of
the Nebraskan staff, I shall tem
porarily withhold by Venom and
quote from the column of Jack
Carberry, Denver Post sports edi
tor. This in part was what he had
to say about the local football
situation last week:
"But if reports going the rounds
of the Bis Seven and Skvline
conferences are true, this is what
is going to happen:
"Bill Glassford, whose Ne
braska Cornhuskers have 'lost
four, and won their first game of
the season Saturday against Mi
ami, will be paid off on his con- V"
tract and be replaced by Utah's V
Jack Curtice. Also sitting on the
hot seat is Jules Sikes, the Kan
sas head man.
"Sikes' situation is reportedly
less definite than the predicted
fate of Glassford. Denials will
probably be in order, but as we
hear the story, Curtice, who doub
les in brass as Utah's athletic
director, has been 'felt out' and
is willing to make the shift if of
ficially 'tappfd' by the Nebraska
Board of Regents . . .
"Curtice, it is said, does not
want to be in the Utah athletic
director's office when the 'story
or 'scandal' breaks. (A refer
ence to the Utah-Kansas State
dispute over Jack Gardner, ex-K-State
and present Utah basket
ball coach, who supposedly lured
some of his players to Utah with
him). Should Glassford be let out
at Nebraska and signs have al
ready covered the Lincoln cam
pus reading "Goodby Glassford"
Curtice might well make the
move if invited.
"Some in Big Seven circles say
this invitation has already been
extended a bit unofficially, but
still with authority. .. .
"The Nebraska job is a right
nice one."
f hnritv Not New With NU:
there would not be an mora
people in Texas?
If Nebraska students think they
are .scraping bottom when they
give to AUF, they should consider
other schools who have adopted
similar campus chests.
Cornell University is now plan
ning for their annual drive which
is held in the spring. Some of the
charities they will be contribut
ing to are: on campus, Student
Relief and Foreign Student Grant
Fund; off campus, National
Scholarship Service and Fund for
Negro Students, and the World
Student Service Fund.
Lehigh University has Just com
pleted their campus chest char
ity drive which fell about $1000
below a $5000 goaL
Iowa State's campus chest,
which will have its first drive in
November, has set its 1953 goal
at $8500.
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