The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 20, 1953, Image 1

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Srb, White, Anderson, DuTeau
To Examine UN Orqanization
u o n i De unconscious, be
This is the slogan adopted by
NUCWA in its observance of
United Nations Week which
started Sunday and will extend
through Saturday.
The Nebraska University
Council of World Affairs is
sponsoring a panel discussion
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Love
. Library Auditorium. The four
man panel will discuss "The
United Nations as an Interna
tional Organization."
The discussion, which is a
NUCWA all - membership func
tion, is open to the students and
faculty, announced Nancy Gar
diner, chairman of the UN
Week committee of the special
O projects commission of NUCWA.
To Sponsor
UN Trip
Space Available
For 41 Students
Students interested in partici
pating in the annual United Na
tions seminar sponsored by the
national student YMCA-YWCA
may register in the YWCA office
in Ellen Smith Hall.
The seminar will be held Nov.
13 to 15. The combined contin
gents from Nebraska Wesleyan
and the University will leave
Lincoln Nov. 10 and return
Nov. 17.
While in New York, students
will stay at the Hotel Diplomat
at special student rates of $2.50
per day.
The schedule of events includes
attending two UN general assem
blies, a briefing session with the
Secretariat, visits to the delega-
Otion headquarters of the Indian,
Middle East, Indonesian, British,
French, and U. S. missions.
During a meeting with the
leaders of UNESCO, a film will
be shown and a discussion held.
A new feature of the trip is a
dinner meeting in honor of the
students. Guest speaker will be
Henry Cabot Lodge, U. S. dele
gate to the UN.
As in comparison with the cost
of the trip in the past, $70 should
cover all expenses, including bus
fare, room, board, and registra
tion fee. The registration fee,
which is $7.50 includes the cost
of the seminar dinner.
Twelve Wesleyan students and
six University students have reg
istered for the tour. Space is
available for 41 students to make
the trip.
Members of the YMCA and
YWCA will be given first chance
" to go if more than the quota of
itudents registers.
Students wishing to register
may either call Jan Osborn, di
rector of the University YWCA,
at extension 4114 or sign up at
the YWCA office in Ellen Smith
The Outside World
Russia Accepts
O For Panmunjom
J V. - .
Stall wnier
Th TTniteri States'
to start planning the KoreaiT
peace conference at Panmunjom
next Monday has been accepted
by Communist China. However,
the Reds maintained the right to
settle there who will take part
in the full-scale talks.
The Communists insisted that
the conference be similar to a
round-table discussion by per
mitting non-belligerent nations
to take part in the meeting.
Plans are also in the making
for a Big Five and North Korean
peace conference. The confer
ence would include Red China,
rather than Nationalist China.
Repatriation Troubles
TWo Communist delegations
stormed at a Korean repatriation
commission meeting Monday be
cause the Indian troops refused
to permit defiant Korean war
prisoners to listen to Red per
suasion teams.
Because of the walkout of the
Polish, Czech and the Reds, the
commission activity may be
halted for a while.
Security Council
An urgent meeting of the
'Hobo' Disturbers
Booked By Band
Approximately 12 University
students were booked by Lin
coln police for their actions Sat
urday morning during the Band
Day parade.
The students, carrying wash
tubs and other noise-making
objects, broke into the parading
high school bands and bothered
them and the crowd, C. J.
Frankforter, professor of chem
istry, watching from the review
ers stand, said.
The "hobo" band entered the
parade at 12th and O streets and
marched with the high school
bands for a half block; then
marched along the sidewalk.
Frankforter said that he felt
such an act should have been
worked out between University
officials and the Student Coun
cil rather than with the Lincoln
Miss Hurricane
Janet Bailey, a member of
Alnha Fhi. was selected "The
Girl Most Likely to Stop a Hur
, ricane," from 19 candidates at a
rally Friday night preceding the
Miami game.
The theme of Miss Bailey's
costume was I dreamed
stopped a hurricane in my Glass
Panel members, who will
represent their own vocations,
are: Hugo F. Srb, clerk of the
Nebraska state legislature; Dr.
C. Vin White, pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church in Lincoln:
Dr. E. N. Anderson, professor of
history at the University, and
Ellsworth DuTeau, Lincoln bus
inessman. Moderator of the dis
cussion will be Nancy Gardiner.
Srb, a past state senator, has
been clerk of the state Legisla
ture since its first session in
1937. In addition, he is vice
president of the American Leg
islative Officers Association and
is a member of the Executive
Committee of the National Leg
islative Services agencies.
Srb "favors a strengthening of
the United Nations efforts." He
added, "I believe that some form
of enforcement of the policies
that they believe in must be
worked out."
DR. WHITE expressed the be
lief that, "One thing the UN has
demonstrated is that it is pos
sible for people of different
philosophies to cooperate
through the years. We have
learned that we can get to
gether on great issues that af
fect world conditions and arrive
at conclusions that are more or
les satisfactory to everybody in
volved. Dr. Anderson said that we
would enlarge upon the follow
ing four points in his discus
sion: 1. The United Nations is in
the tradition of our ideals of
solution of problems in its use
of the town meeting method of
.2. IF WE DID not have the
UN, the American people would
demand that its equivalent be
3. The UN is a vast improve
ment over the League of Nations
in that it has much more influ
ence along social and economic
lines. In addition, it is bent
upon building these lines into a
foundation of peace and not de
pending upon politics.
4. The Security Council is the
weakest part of the whole Or
ganization. However, the Gen
eral Assembly is not adequately
organized to handle its job
DuTEAU PLANS to stress
"that a world community is
here whether we accept the idea
or not. We have to deal real
istically with a world which has
become in effect one great com
munity. As far as human rela
tions are concerned, the prob
lem of peace will always be dif
ficult as long as men of ill will
are sitting in on the confer
ences which tend to indicate
world opinion and good will."
DuTeau said that the United
Nations as it evolved from .the
League of Nations reminded
him of what Abraham Lincoln
said during the Civil War, "We
shall nobly save or meanly lose
the last great hope on earth."
DuTeau regards the UN as a
great hope to be saved and not
one to be meanly lost.
US Plan
I United Nations Security Council
I. . n 1 . j:
nas Deen cauea 10 uiscuss hi-
fairs in Palestine. The Big Three
Western Powers, Britain, France
and the United States, said that
the meeting was called because
the . Israeli-Jordan border kill
ings threatened Middle East
An Israeli attack was held
Oct. 14 on the Jordan border
village of Kiya. The Jordan gov
ernment said the entire village
was wiped out. This violated the
Israel-Arab agreement made in
Tito's Troops Prepared
The Yugoslavian troops are
prepared to march if the Italian
forces move into Zone A. The
invitation sent to Yugoslavia and
Italy asking them to meet with
the United States, Britain and
France and discuss the Trieste
question has not received a re
ply. President Tito and other
speakers have said that they
feel such a meeting would be of
no use if Britain and the United
States held to their decision to
pull out of Zone A of Trieste and
turn it over to Italian administration.
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Homecoming Queen Candidates
The winner of the 1053 Home
coming Queen title to be an
nounced at half-time cere
monies at the Homecoming
game with Colorado Nov. 14
will be chosen from this group
of Tassels members. Candi
date for the honor are:
Vol. 53, No. 16
s ' s - . ; , , '
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Glassford Gets A
Head football Coach J. Wil
liam Glassford gets a free ride
from tha Memorial Stadium
on the shoulders of Corn Cobs
members following the Husk-
'54 Football
Parents Day Tickets Made Available
Five Hundred tickets will be re
served for parents who wish to
attend the Missouri - Nebraska
football game next year on Oct.
Topic Set
First Meeting
On Foreign Aid
The first in a series of semi
nars, sponsored by the Union
Convocations Committee, will be
held Wednesday at 4 p.m. in the
Union Faculty Lounge.
"Should the United States con-do-China?P
tinue foreign aid to French Indo
China?" is the first seminar
topic. Topics are chosen from
lists submitted weekly by inter
ested students and faculty mem
bers and are discussed in the
seminars by faculty members
who are familiar with the sub
Experts who may not be mem
bers of the University faculty
will be obtained for discussion
sessions of certain topics if
enough interest is shown.
Dr. E. N. Anderson, professor
of history, will serve as moder
ator for the first discussion.
Other participants are Dr. Adam
Breckenridge, chairman of the
political science department, and
Dr. Robert Sakai, instructor in
Young Democrat Convention
To Feature Panel Discussion
Group To Debate Proposed Bicameral Legislature
A panel of prominent Nebras-
kans will debate the proposed
change to a bicameral legislature
Friday during the Young Demo
crats' State Convention, to be
held Friday and Saturday.
Courtesy Lincoln Star
(clockwise from the bottom)
Jo Johnson, Mildred Snyder,
Phyllis Colbert, Marian Scott
' and Joyce Bennington. The
Queen was chosen after a pep
rally held Friday evening, but
her name will remain secret
until the Homecoming game.
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
ers' winning football game
against Miami. Corn Cobs
members . and freshman pep
sters combined efforts to car
ry the starting ll and Glass
ford from the field.
30, it was announced at a SDecial
luncheon Monday noon.
Students will receive applica
tions for the tickets upon regis
tration for the first semester of
1954 and applications deadline
has been set by University of
ficials as Oct. 18.
STUDENTS MAY fill out the
applications for their parents and
pay for , the , tickets .until , the
deadline and aS' "long as the tick
kets last.
Attending the luncheon were A.
J. Lewandowski, Athletics Busi
ness Manager; Donald Lentz, di
rector of the University band;
Col. C. J. Frankforter, associate
professor of chemistry; J. P. Col
bert, Dean of Student Affairs;
Marjorie Johnston, Dean of Wo
men; James S. Pittenger, Secre
tary of the Nebraska Alumni As
sociation; President Rockford
Yapp and Norma Westcott of the
Student Council, and Ken Ry
strom, editor of The Nebraskan.
THE FOOTBALL schedule for
next year will be:
Sept. 25 Minnesota, there.
Oct. 2 Iowa State, Dad's Day.
Oct. 9 Kansas State, here.
Oct. 16 Oregon, Band Day.
Oct. 23 Colorado, there.
Oct. 30 Missouri, Parents Day.
Nov. 6 Kansas, there.
Nov. 13 Pittsburgh, Homecom
ing. Nov. 20 Oklahoma, there.
Nov. 26 Hawaii, there.
The University ROTC band has
scheduled the Colorado game as
their annual trip to an out of
state game. Tentative plans indi
cate Colorado may constitute an
unofficial migration.
The discussion will be held at
7 p.m. in the Lincoln Hotel.
For the first time since the
proposal, leading figures from all
over the state will make their
views known before the Resolu
tions Committee of the Young
Democrats and the general pub
lic. TAKING the side of the uni
cameral in the discussion will
be James K. Lawrence, editor of
The Lincoln Star; Walter Raecke,
former speaker of the unicam
eral and Democratic candidate
for governor in 1950 and 1952;
Hugo Srb, clerk of the Legisla
ture; and John P. Senning, politr
ical scientist and one of the orig
inal designers of the Nebraska
Speaking against the unicam
eral form of state government
will be William H. O'Gara, for
mer speaker of the bicameral
House; George Sullivan of Oma
ha, former member of the legis
lature; Katherine Truman of
Omaha, and Frank Sorrell of
Syracuse, candidate for governor
in 1948.
EACH SPEAKER will talk for
five minutes. At the end of the
discussion, Resolutions Commit
tee members will ask questions.
Senator Mike Monroney of Ok
lahoma will be the guest of the
Nebraska Young Democrats.
Senator Monroney will be met at
the Lincoln Airport Friday after
Andrews To
Program Features Jazz, Puppets, Sailors
Sigma Nu, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta
Beta Tau, Beta Theta Pi, Phi
Gamma Delta and Delta Upsilon
will present the six skits for the
Kosmet Klub Fall Revue, Oct.
Sigma Nu's entry, "Captain
Cook Discovers Sigma Su," con-
Best Ever,
Judges Say
Tryouts 5how
Much Promise
Kosmet Klub judges unani
mously lauded the fraternity
skit entries and praised the An
nual Fall Revue as the best in
recent years.
Frank Hallgren, Associate
Dean of Student Affairs, felt
"the skits were far superior in
comparison to last years at this
stage. They were unusually
junior, seemed to think that
originality had definitely re
placed slapstick. "The entries
last Wednesday and Thursday
even in tryout stage would have
compared favorably with last
years' final production," he said.
Robert Young, Kosmet Klub
president, said, "it is the finest
group of skits I've seen since I've
been in school. The fellows have
really gone to work to provide
some real entertainment. The
skits showed hard work and
much imagination."
secretary, -thought that "origin
ality and uniqueness prevailed
and the slap-stick was cut down
New Meeting
times, Dates
The seven Red Cross College
Unit Commissions have sched
uled mass meetings in the Un
ion this week for the new upper
class and freshman workers.
The publicity committee, deal
ing with art and newspaper
work, will meet at 5 p.m. Tues
day in Room 306. Lou Thomas
sen is art chairman and Nat
Katt is publicity chairman.
The Veterans Hospital unit,
under direction of Fran Locke,
will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m. in
Room 313.
At 5 p.m., the orphanage com
mittee will meet in Room 315.
Chairman is Marilyn Reideck.
THE BLOOD commission
group will meet Wednesday at 5
p.m. in Room 306. Mike Green
berg is chairman.
Friday at 5 p.m. the Brownie
leadership group will meet in
Parlor Y with Ginny Wilcox,
The handicraft commission will
meet Friday at 3 p.m. in Room
306. Jo Knudson is chairman.
Monday Oct. 26, the orthopedic
hospital commission will meet in
Room 316 at 4 p.m. Carol Gillett
is chairman.
noon at 3:15 p.m. and will be es
corted to the Lincoln Hotel by
members of the Young Demo
crats. MONRONEY HAS been award
ed the first Colliers Award for
Distinguished Congressional Ser
vice ever given a member of the
House, a Distinguished Service
award by his alma mater, the
University of Oklahoma, and in
1953 the Americanism Award
from B'nai B'rith "in recognition
of outstanding service in the gen
eral advancement of American
ism and citizenship responsibil
ity." A member of Phi Gamma Del
ta, Sigma Delta Chi, Phi Beta
Kappa and past president of the
University of Oklahoma Alumni
Association, Monroney was vice
chairman of the Joint Committee
on Organization of the 79th Con
gress. He was third ranking
member of the House Banking
Committee when elected to the
Deadline Of SC Filings
Slated For Saturday
Filings for the recently va
cated post in the Student Council
must be made by Saturday.
To be eligible for the position,
the applicant must be a male
student in the college of Arts
and Science, a junior or sopho
more, and have a cumulative av
erage of five or above.
Filings will be made on the
standard used for all University
cots Fir
Emcee Fraternity
cerns Captain Cook and his jour
ney to the village of Nigma Su
on a Pacific island. A native
dance highlights the show. The
skitmaster is Dick Curtis.
The Phi Kappa Psi Skit, "Jazz
Jeopardy," is centered about the
kingdom of Diptomaine where
the king in his search for mar
malade discovers jazz. Mike
Shugrue is the skitmaster.
ZETA BETA Tau's "Pistachio
the Puppet" tells the tale of a
puppet who is turned into a real
boy and is tempted to join a fra
ternity at Nebraska. The skit
master is Marvin Steinberg.
"The Fleet's In," Beta Theta
Pi's entry, centers around the
return of Commodore Perry to
Japan after 10 years' absence.
Rockford Yapp is the Beta skit
master. A history of the French revo
lution will be presented by Phi
Gamma Delta. It concerns the
origination of be-bop. The skit
is highlighted by dancing of old
French reels and improvised be
bop. The skitmaster is Charley
Tryouts For NU Lab
Play Open Wednesday
Stage Crew Needed To Manage
Properties, Make-Up, Lighting
Patine for "The Male ..-
mal," the second University lab
oratory production, will be held
from 7 to 10 p.m. Wednesday
and Thursday and from 3 to 6
p.m. Thursday and Friday.
"The Male Animal" ran on
Broadway in 1940 and had a
successful revival last year.
Written by James Thurber and
Elliott Nugent, the three-act
comedy portrays campus life
during Homecoming at a large
midwestern university. The plot,
apropos with current problems,
envolves the attempt of a pro
fessof to maintain his academic
FIVE WOMEN and eight men
are needed for the play. Any
regularly enrolled student is eli
gible for the tryouts, which will
be held in Room 201 in Temple
Bldg. Dr. Meeker, director of the
production, announced that
scripts are available in the box
All people interested in work-
Tickets Available
For 'Little Foxes'
Tickets for the University
Theatre production "Little
Foxes" may be purchased for
$1.25 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the
Temple box office this week and
Reservations may also be
made by phoning 2-7631, exten
sion 3263, and tickets will be sold
at the door.
THE PLAY will be presented
from Wednesday through Satur
day, Oct. 31, in the newly decor
ated Arena Theatre on the third
floor of the Temple at 8 p.m.
Season tickets may be pur
chased any day this week for
$4 at the Temple box office.
Nebraskan Filings
Deadline Thursday
Applications for two Nebras
kan positions will be accepted
until 5 p.m. Thursday.
Filings are open for copy edi
tor and assistant business man
ager, due to the resignations of
Cynthia Henderson and Dave
Applications for copy editor
should be submitted to Ken
Rystrom, editor of The Nebras
kan, and applications for assist
ant business manager will be
received by Stan Sipple, busi
ness manager of The Nebras
kan.' The Board of Student Publi
cations will interview candi
dates at a future date.
Ag YM-YW Plans Tour
Of Corn Belt Farms
Foreign Students
A tour of several corn belt
farms in Eastern Nebraska is
being planned by Ag YM-YWCA
for international students.
Dale Toops, co-chairman of the
farm committee, said that the
object of the trip is to better
acquaint foreign students from
other lands with corn belt agri
culture and to improve mutual
tour is Oct. 24 from 12:30 to 5:30
p.m. The tour will include a
dairy farm, a beef feeding farm
and a general crop farm.
'Although the tour is planned
especially for Ag foreign stu
dents, Toops said, it is hoped that
city campus foreign students and
Tuesday, October 20, 1953
Delta Upsilon presents "Like
Cleopatra Did." The skit is about
a Nebraska coed who tells her
beau that she would like to be
Cleopatra. The skit reveals her
conception of Cleopatra. The
Delta Upsilon skitmasters are
Bob Lock and Bill Nichols.
Pin DELTA Theta will pre-
sent this year's curtain act.
Master of ceremonies will be
Dave Andrews, former student
at the University now with'
The new Kosmet Klub policy
permitting all organized men's
groups to enter skits for judging
proved unsuccessful. Eighteen
skits were judged, all fraterni
ties. Judges for the Fall Revue were
Bob Young, president; Mac
Bailey, vice-president; Marshall
Kushner, secretary; Tom Miller,
business manager; Walt Wright,
historian; Marv Stromer and Bill
Devries, junior members of Kos
met Klub; Helen Bladen, in
structor of modern dance, and
Wes Jensby, a graduate assistant
in theater.
mg on uie stage ticw may acn
John Tolch, technical director.
WORKERS ARE needed to
manage properties, sound, stage
lighting, make-up, and costumes.
Any student, enrolled in good
standing, regardless of his col
lege, is eligible to participate.
All students interested in be
hind the scenes work may leave
their name in Room 208 in the
Temple before '5 p.m. Friday.
HC Filings
Seniors To Vie
For Position
Filings for 1953 Honorary Com
mandant may be from Tuesday
until Friday.
All senior women with a cum
ulative average of at least 5.0 are
eligible to compete for the title.
The winner will be presented
at the annual Military Ball which
will be held on Dec. 4.
FILING MAY be done in tha
office of the Dean of Student Af
fairs, Room 209 of the Admin
istration Building.
Six finalists will be chosen from
those filing at an all University
election on Friday, Oct. 30.
The finalists will be guests at
a tea in their honor for the pur
pose of meeting all the members
of the Candidate Officer's As
sociation. FINAL SELECTION of the hon- '
orary Commandant will be made
by the COA which is composed of
all juniors and seniors in ROTC
and upperclassmen in NROTC.
Last year's Honorary Com
mandant was Joan Hansen.
Officers To Form
Ball Committees
The Candidate Officer's As
sociation will hold a meeting
Thursday to form committees
for the Military Ball.
Reports on the filings for
Honorary Commandant and on
the band for the dance will be
Committees will be formed to
provide for: the grand march,
publicity, band, master of cere
monies, coliseum, decorations,
election of Honorary Comman
dant, tickets, invitations and pro
grams, color guard and crack
squad, saber guard, parking,
seating and ushers.
Officers of COA include: Mac
Bailey, president; Al Blessing,
vice president and treasurer, and
Bob Backman, secretary.
To Take Trip
native Nebraska students will
also go on the trip.
Sponsors of the tour are the
Ag YM-YWCA and the Lancaster
County Extension Service. The
tour has been approved by Eph
riam Hixson, associate director
of resident instruction in Ag Col
lege, and the Student Council
Foreign Student Coordinating
Committee, with the understand
ing that some native students will
make the trip.
TOOPS SAID that there is room
for about six more students. The
cost of the tour will be the pric
of transportation.
Students who wish to attend
may contact Toops at 5-5350 or
Joyce Splittgerver at 6-5046.
For Coeds