The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1953, Image 1

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Vo! 53, Nd; 15
Filings To Open Monday
Filint for the Student Conn-
rilposittwi 'Vacated by Jerry Roe
iVtlT wTvTJ
ShfMS f Artfn?
enee wishing to file for this posi-
k ,,,, ,.
won irora me oiuaem council
THE REOPENING of the posi-
tion was announced by the coun-
ril at its meeting Wednesday.
ORoe was elected to the Council
last spring from the Arts and
n n Jm m rue. s m
Student Rate $1.25 For Fonda,
Hodiak, Nolan, Powell Production
Friday is the last day students for Broadway in January, Rich
may buy advance tickets for ard Powell is the director,
"The Cain Mutiny Courtmar- Student tickekts are $1.25.
tial," coming to tha Coliseum The three special raise seating
Nov. 19, sections will be on the main
Henry Fonda, John Hodiak floor between general public
and Lloyd Nolan will play lead- seating areas costing $3 and
ing roles in the production slated , The cheapest balcony seats will
The Outside World
Radar Spy1
o -McCarthy
Committee Says
Russia Has Info
SUff Writer
Julius Rosenberg, who was
executed for being an atomic
spy, was the head of a radar spy
ring in the Army Signal Corps
at Ft Monmouth, N J, said Sen.
McCarthy, The senator's com
mittee who is investigating the
situation will interview David
Greenglass, who is serving a
prison term for connection with
the atomic spy case Involving
the Rosenbergs.
Information that was stolen
from the base has been chan
neled to Russia for some time,
announced the investigating
committee, 'Arrangements wiU
be made as soon as possible for
n interview with Greenglass,
Demo Victory
After claiming a victory in
Wisconsin by winning a seat in
the House, the Democrats are
concentrating on a special con
gressional election in California
slated for Nov. 10,
The election is for the House
neat vacated by Republican Nor-
ris Poulson who resigned to be
come the mayor of Los Angeles.
The position has been normally
filled by Republicans but has
been controlled by Democrats
from time to time. Both parties
are seeking the position.
'Francis Goes To Races'
To Show Af Ag Union
"'Francis Goes To The Races"
utarring Donald O'Connor, Piper
Laurie and Francis, the talking
mule, will be presented at the
Ag Union Saturday night
The movie will start at 7:30
p.m. in the Ag Union lounge. No
admission is charged,
FF Position Open
The position of junior mem
ber on Farmers Fair Board is
open to applicants.
AH persons interested may
Submit applications to Mrs. Pe
ters in the Ag Union Office by
Friday night
Sig Hps SfiDS Umb
SEs Too ifs
DeSt, Sig Ep B Teams Loom As Title Threats;
Team Of Week
Xntra-Maral Writer
Intramural favorites played
according to Hoyle Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings as 30 teams
in eight leagues saw action.
In League L first place Sigma
Phi Epsilon ran roughshod over
twice beaten Sigma Nu.
THE WINNERS, sporting a
4-0 record, scored on
four tallies
and three extra markers to bring
their season's scoring mark to
128 points against their oppon
ents 29 to lead all teams.
In other League 1 runes.
fiirnu Aloha Epsilon slipped by
the Delts, 21-18, after staving off
a. desperate Delt fonrth anarter
While the Sig Alphs were dis-
posing of their opponents, the
ATOs edged by Phi Gamma
Delta 27-26 by yardage after
the game was tied at the end of
the regular game.
THE LOSERS, playing their
w crm r.f t epasnn loH 50-
13 at the end of the big first
quarter. The ATOs then held
their opponents scoreless in the
second stanza while picking up
seven valuable points in the
same frame to tie the game at
the halfway mark.
Each team scored six points
ia the third quarter and then
Science College, Because he
transferred to Law College this
semester, he is naw ineligible to
Council member,
Ordinarily the second highest
candidate wouit ce awaraea me
mCau lU,.. Dmi A A... ....
runner-uo. transterred to Law
vn- a . w,,4.
""""' "
last year when Bob Hasebroock,
elected from Arts and Science
College, transferred to Law Col-
le ut continued to serve on
the Council
Rocky Yapp, Council presi-
THE TICKET booth in the
Union is open from 11 a.m. until
10 p.m. Advance sales began
"The Caine Mutiny Courtm8T
tiaT" was adapted for the stage
by Herman Wouk from the
courtroom scene of his recent
novel, ,The Caine Mutiny," now
in its 123 week as a best seller.
""The Caine Mutiny Courtmar
tial" is the second stage produc
tion slated for Broadway to pass
through the University in two
years. Last year the Union
brought the First Drama Quar
tet to University students, which
now enjoys success on Broad
way, as indicated by ticket sales.
martial," due to hie New York in
January, is considered by many
critics to be another outstanding
Featuring Henry Fonda, John
Hodiak and Lloyd Nolan in the
leading roles the production is
directed by Dick PowelL
Union To Hold Coffee
Hour After Miami Game
A coffee hour will be held
Saturday from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in
the main lounge of the Union
following the Miami game.
Marilyn Beideck, chairman
of the Union Hospitality Com
mittee, extended special invi
tation to out-of-towners.
Students on committees for
the event includ e: Anne
Thompson and Marnie Hallam,
serving; Jo Heilman. table dec
oration, and Shirley Stohlman,
Tea To Open Annual Music
Sorority Week Activities
Music Sorority Week will be- who are interested in proies
gin Sunday with a tea and skit sional music orgamaztions, but
at 2:30 pjn. in the Union.
Dr. David Foltz of the Univer
sity School of Music will also
speak at the tea.
Other activities planned for
the week include a picnic and
round table discussion.
The discussion, ""Why A Pro
fessional Music Fraternity?", will
be held on Wednesday at the
Lutheran Student House at 5
Thursday a concert will be
given by the Inter-Sorority
Group at 7:30 in the Union.
Delta Omicron, Mu Pi Epsilon
and Sigma Alpha lota, national
music sororities, are sponsors oi
Music Sorority Week.
Music Sorority Week was de
signed to acquaint all students in
the University School of Music
Award To Presby
were unable to muster
scores in the final stanza.
Over in Leprae IL the nly
game played saw the Alpha
Gamma Rb A team, romping
over the Kappa Sigs, 33-6, for
first win of muob. The
Kappa Sigs have yet to taste vie
tory la four games.
The bie star of the contest
"Vu- SwVw wt,v. r,n
r"f TC " riV' ZZa
rteecol frvr twn T-JaTllP?! ATI
scored 13 points himself, one of
. ... . i 4.
tne lames coming on Dnmam
40 yard pass interception effort.
PRESBY HOUSE continued its
winninc ways by disposing of
the IFVC, 47-0, to remain in the
lead in Leaeue VIIL The game
produced two new stars, Presby s
Don "Summers and Jack ueist.
Summers passed for 18 points.
In addition to his passing Sum-
mers also hit pr j dirt for two
Geist rambled over the double
stripe for three TDs and three
extra points, Ufeifei and Sinner
also looked cood working in the
effective Presby offense,
In League X play, Phi Delta
Phi rushed past the Dent Juniors
2-2, to remain the leader In
that league. In the other league
run. Dorm B-C slipped past
their next-door rivals. Dorm A,
In B league play, favored Phi
For Vacated
dent, s i d that this discrep-
ancy was not brought to the
council's attention until this year
snd was purely "an oversight
on the part of last year's Coun-
nmwruK iv.t
- . J:.....
two ppeis were granvea con-
sidcration by the Parking. Board
t their meeting Thursday, Oct.
When consideration is granted
n appeal, a detailed report is
sent to Dean Colbert, who makes
the final decision as to whether
f t
' '
"fIZlIO. ;j;i:.i
Labor Given To AUF
Memers of Delta Delta Delta
earn money for AUF by wash
ing a car. '"'Washers,'''' left
to righti are: Gwen Axthelm,
Vivian Lemmer, Nancy Stan-
Walton Names Cast
For 'Room Service1
Lab Play Scheduled For November
The cast of the Lab Theater pro- ton! is the leading lady of "'God
duction "Room Service" was an- speed.'"
Wlton- OTHERS IN theast include:
dfv. Hilda -Margot Hunt., secretary
iSv- a
play he has written, Bmjon Ron
ana '"""
MATTERS ARE complicated by
Gribble and Wagner Jim Davis
and Marvin Stromer ), hotel ex-
ecutives who are worried aoout
a $1,500 unpaid bill. Sasha (Char-
les KlasefeJ is a Kussian actor
who finds his way into a leading
part in the play. Jenkins Ron
Green 1 is a would-be backer of
the play discouraged by Gribble
and Wagner. Christine Kay Bar-
should not be
confused with
rushing periods.
New York Economics
Professor To Visit NU
Dr. Wilford I. King, professor
emeritus of economics at New
York University, will visit the
University campus Monday.
Dr. King was graduated from
the University in 1905 and was
given an honorary degree in
1931. He received his M.A and
Ph.D. in 1910 and 1912, respec
tively, at the University of Wis
consin. J. E. LeRossignoll, dean emer
itus of the College of Business
Administration, is arranging a
Monday luncheon meeting at the
Union for friends of Dr. King.
House, AGR
Kappa Psi fell victim to an ef-
f . r' ,1 . , ,
iecxive jigma m macxiiue, j.x-o,
in a hotly contested game.
THE WINNERS scored once
each in the first and third pe
riods and went scoreless in the
second and .fourth. The loser's
lone tally came in the second
Beta Theta Pi B rambled over
the DU.B team 28-6, after lead-
ing by only 7-6 at the half.
THE PHI Delt Bees had little
trouble in marching by Theta Xi
B S4-0.
Delta Tau Delta B and Sigma
Phi Epsilon B stamped them
selves as the teams most likely
to win their league title by
downing Sigma Nu 35-0, and Phi
Gamma Delta 33-0, respectively.
This 'sets the stage for the game
between the two winners in two
The recipients of this week's
Team of the Week" award are
tied for the honor. They are
Presby House and AGR.
The Presby's disposed of IFVC
47-6 in a rame which saw Don
Summeri pass for 18 points and
score 12 points.
Walt Finke led AGR past the
Kappa Sigs 33-6, by passing for
13 points and scoring 12, one a
40 yard pass interception.
Student Council Position
the appeal may be granted.
In the future, an appealer who
does not appear at the proper
time will be granted a second
opportunity to appeal only at the
juagmeni or tnc rareing oara,
w as
wm vas-w nt xmAmt
-"..... ...., -- -
activities committee. Dome Sears
is in charge of publicity.
Bob Peterson, elections chair-
man, reported that 112 ballots
were cast at the Farmer's For-
Ourv-w Lincoln Jewrntl
Icy, Marilyn Hatnmerstrom and
Georgia Hudson. The annual
AUF drive, aimed at collecting
a record-breaking $8,000 this
year, will end Monday,
H Greenlee), a hotel physician;
Sen"1 Kak DeTlnis Knopik),
Southern senator and; Faker aim Boiling)
nd a bank messenger -iPhil Wein-
Beverlee Engelbrecht wiU be
the student production manager
of ""Room Service." The play will
be-presented Nov. 10 and 11 in
Temple Building.
Honorary Pledges
16 Sophomores
Alpha Lambda Delta pledged
sixteen coeds Tuesday, Oct. 13, at
the Union.
Those pledged were: Marilee
Myquist, Patricia Moran, Vir
ginia Reeves, Marjeanne Jensen,
Diana Benedict, Martha Payne,
Gail Katskee, Joan Kucaba, Janet
Gordon, Glenna Mong, Martha
Morrison, Marilyn Anderson,
Gloria Kollmorgan, Dorothy Ba
con, Lois Long and Marianne Han
sen. Language Society
Hears Two Papers
Susan Reinhardt and Shirley
Wear presented papers at a pro
gram meeting of Phi Sigma lota,
romance language national honor
society, Wednesday in the Union
faculty lounge.
Miss Reinhardt presented Cy
rano de Bergerac: Fact and Fic
tion." Miss Wear's topic was
"'Manuel Acuna: His Life and
Guests included: Leonard
Barkfer, Jeanne Beck, Beatrice
Beutel, John Bitzes. Andrew Bo-
der, Valeria Bonnell, Jane Erode,
Kay Burcum, Thelma Cox, Helen
Dunlap, Lehman Faber, Fay
Freauf, Ronald Gibson, David
Gradwohl, Elizabeth Grone,
George Klin, Sue Ellen Lane, Vir
ginia Mann, Anne Sidner, Larae
Watson and Bridget Watson.
1 I "W -i? I
fl I it If h "i l
,.t4i, I j ; I
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l" ' - f
. . . - "
: "I
Cnunay Lincadn Journal
Lot Neors Vompletion
A tractor-drawn drag completes The lots will be covered with
leveling and smoothing opera- frushod rock and are expected
T, . to be opened to students and
tions m the new University faculty the near
parking areas behinc the Union, future.
Friday, October 16, 1953
The investigations committee
has begun work on new prob-
lems concerning an orchestra
bookiig agency, improvement ot
band day and the possibility of
mcreMiyi uie pwn vvo.
These items were postponed
while the committee secures stu-
Carl Mannmel, chairman, said
that any student may attend the
investigations committee mect-
iiigs on Wednesday afternoons at
3 p,m. in the Student Council
Union Wins
First Place
Af Mart
500 Freshmen
Sign For Work
'"Over 500 freshman women
visited the Associated Women
Students'' Activity Mart, Wednes
day, reported Jean Bangston,
chairman of the event;
The Union Activities group won
first place in the booth judging.
The Union booth was com
mended for their art work, music,
backdrop and lighting by judges
Mary Jane Mulvaney, instructor
of physical education for women.
and Elsie Jevons, assistant pro
fessor of commercial arts,
Bernie Rosenquist accepted the
prize for the Union which was a
box of thank-you notes which
will be engraved with the or
ganisation's name.
SECOND TLACE recognition
went to the Builders for their
booth featuring a carousel with
each committee depicted as a
horse. The decorations were in
red and white.
The Nebraskan booth won third
place. Their booth was decorated
with issues of the Nebraskan and
red crepe paper. Sally Hall was
Nebraskan booth chairman and
Eileen Mularky was responsible
for the Builder's booth.
Doors of activities will be
opened officially Monday for
freshmen coeds.
Monday Closing
Day For Drive
The All University Fund Drive
will officially end Monday.
The financial report to date,
as reported by Carl Mammal,
treasurer of AUF, is: Ag Cam
pus, $160; booth collection pre
drivet $1,148-26; religious houses,
$162.23; faculty solicitations,
$495.50, and fraternities,' $736.50.
Independent, $1,004.86; organi
zations, $90.00; organized houses,
$183.85; sororiti es, $1,097.10;
board members, $74.50, and medi
cal school, $176.88. Total collec
tions are $5,329.68.
1 t!
Applause Meter To Determine
'Hurricane Girl' At Rally Friday
The Girl Most Likely to Stop Omega; Bobbie Banks, Chi
a Hurricane" title will be sought Omega, and Nancy Pratt, Tex
by 19 coeds Friday night at the
Miami rally.
The candidates and the houses
they represent are:
Phvllis Cast Delta Delta Delta;
TViariPTw Strnh. Delta Gamma;
Bonnie Kessler. Interna ti o n a 1
House; Marion Clark, Donn;
tsarDara jvieumi, .rvijjua
Peggy Larson, Gamma Phi Beta; E5
Sara Stevenson, Kappa Delta; T "
Natalie Nelson, Pi Bete Phi; NICK ADDUCL Husker foot
Connie Gordon, Sigma Delta ball player, will present the
JOYCE HOCK, Sigma Kappa;
Sandra 1mm, Alpha Omicron pi;
Mary Hathaway, Wilson Hall;
Janet Bailey, Alpha Phi; Ann
Skold, Kappa Alpha Theta; Ear
hara p-rw Tnume Club: Ann
T.aimPTv Karma Karma Gamma:
Susie Enyeart Alpha Chi
.J, ' - ' '' i -:.rive'" -
o Carnival Frida
Fifteen Women's Houses To Vie
In Evening For Annual Trophy
Freshman and pledges from Kappa Kappa Gamma, ''Kappa
organized women's houses will Kandy Kapers;" Residence Halts
compete Friday night for the for Women, "Hit 'Em, Huskers;
tr,iint rw.m r mitral iwiiihv Sina Kama. "Dragon Jet:
awarded by Coed Counselors.
The annual carnival will be
held in the Union Ballroom from
?;S0 to 9:30 p.m. Each group
will have a booth at which anyone
may try their luck at winning
a prixe. Booths will be set up
between 1 and 6 cm.
Judges will appraise the booths
and students, upon presentation
of ID cards, will vole for their
favorites. The hours for voting
ro,?:45 to 9:15 p.m. Presenta
tion of the first, second and third
place prizes will be at 9:S0 p.m.
AI.rH A Cm Omega has won
the trophy for the past three
years. "Not Built for Tilt Aim,
for Game"- was their slogan in
1S50. "Aim High for an Alpha
Chi" followed in litti and "Shoot
With Your Handa, Win an Alpha
Chi Panda" was their winning
booth last year.
Delta Delta Delta took second
place last year, and the Chi
Omegas placed . third. Kappa
Kappa Gamma won honorable
mention. Permanent booths were
built in 1952 to replace the tem
porary ones of previous years,
HOUSES AXD their themes
are: Adelphi, "Adelphi Produc
tions Present in 5-D the Miss Uni
versity Contest Winners;" Alpha
Phi, "Try Your Aim and See It
Rain;" Alpha Xi Delta, "With a
Flick of the Hand, Ping the Al
pha Xi Ferdinand."
Chi Omega, "Win, Get a Head;
"Delta Delta Delta, "Delta
Darts;" Delta Gamma, "A Penny
for Your Toss;" International
House, "Free the Miss and Win
a Kiss;" Kappa Alpha Theta,
"Kit Kat Koe;" Kappa Delta,
"Bunny Hop to the KD Top."
Students, Faculty To Hold
First Co-Sponsored Supper
The first student-faculty co- Students who plan to
STftS" wuTbe held Sund'a
from 5:38 to 7:30 p.m. in the
a iTi.
The suppers present an oppor
tunity for students to become ac
quainted with their instructors
other than from across a class
room desk, Ken Pinkerton, stu
dent stairman, said.
ulty committee are Mr, and Mrs.
A. W. Epp.
Ardie Young, Joyce Taylor
and Del Merntt will serve as
hostesses and host for the picnic
Joyce Young, Mary Taylor and
Margie Anters are members of
the publicity committee.
Members of the faculty com
mittee are Dean and Mrs. W. V.
Lambert, Mr, and Mrs. Ephriara
Hixson, Mr. and Mrs, E. W.
Janike, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Bay and Sherwood Kirk,
Loraine Wilson, Bex Messer
smith, Marv Ellen Michaud, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert J. Mead, Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Lowenstein, Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Ogden and Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Williams.
Candidates will meet in Union
Room 305 at 6:45 psa. Friday
dressed in costumes representing
ways to stop a
hurricane. The
winner will be
determined by
judging an(j applause meter rat'
finalist as "The Girl Most Likely
to Stop a Hurricane." Mike Mil
ligan, Husker line coach, will be
rally speaker.
The rally will begin at 6:50
D.m. Friday. Tassels, Cobs, Pep-
sters and KUit, pep nana win
meet at the Coliseum. The rally
route will follow vine Jst.up
iotn, down ft at, 10 me union,
Red Cross
Erects First
Aid Booths
University Red Cross members
have been working most of the
week DerfectLne their "double
safety" formation for the Ne-
braska-Miami football game Sat-
Directed by Joyce Johnson,
president the members have
ereated first-aid booths in the
east and west stadiums.
Backing up these booths Sat-
urday will be students equipped
with walkie-talkies who will re-
port injuries of spectators im
mediately to the main medical
The booths will be manned en
tirely by students who have
earned first aid certificates.
Stretchers and cots are available
and a public address system will
keep the first-aid workers in
contact with the crowds.
The medical equipment is fur
nished by the Lancaster County
Red Cross and University Stu
dent Health Center.
At the first home game, Sept
19, the students were kept busy
treating persons for sun strokes,
fainting spells and twisted ankles,
fw f Acf i
d For W
Sigma Delta Tau, "Stale our
Ssate;" Terrace Hall, "Lasso
Locks Popeye Socks, and
Towne Club, "Pop Our Tops lh
Towne Club Way."
Plans UN
Week Panel
United Nations
To Be Discussed
The Nebraska University Coun
cil of World Affairs will sponsor
a panel discussion Tuesday at
?;S0 p,m. in Love Library Audi
torium, in observance of National
United Nations Week Sunday
through Saturday.
The four-man panel, represent
ing four different vocations, will
discuss The United Nations As
An International Orcraniration."
The meeting is an NUCWA all
membership function.
Panel members will be: Hugo
F. Srb, clerk of the Nebraska
state legislature; Dr. C Via
White, pastor of the First Pres
bvterian Church in Lincoln; E.
N. Anderson, professor of history
at the University, and ElswortA
DuTeau, Lincoln businessman.
Nancy Gardiner, chairman ot
the UN Week committee of the
special projects commission of
NUCWA. urges that all students
and faculty members attend tha
Union fy Friday. No charge will
c maae. f .
Five student-faculty
will be held during the year.
SW Group Plans
Milford Retreat
The Search Week committee is
planning a retreat for Nov. 6 and
7 at Camp Kiwanis in Milford.
Representatives from sororities,
fraternities, organized houses, re
ligious groups, several Lincoln
ministers, faculty members and
student leaders will be invited
to attend. More then 75 persons
are expected at the retreat,
Marvin Friedman, executive
secretary of the committee, said
"The purpose of the meeting is
to discuss the issue involved ia
relating religious faith to learn
ing and life.
"It will attempt to determine
student needs and to reevaluate
methods of meeting these needs.
Organizations are being given
information on the retreat this
vif Iss
Plans Formed
For Band Day
Approximately 3,600 students
in 65 high school bands will par
ticipate in Band Day Saturday
during the half-time of the Miami-Nebraska
The bands will register at the
stadium at 8 am. At 8:30 they
will march in the traditional pa
rade through downtown Lincoln.
The parade will move south on
10th to O St, east on O to
14th St, north on 14th to R
St, west on R to 12th St
and north on 12th to the stadium.
The reviewing stand will be on
the southwest corner of 12th and
O streets.
luncheon to the musicians at the
stadium. The lunch is furnished
by the retailers division of the
Lincoln Chamber oi commerce
ana wTui De supervised o; u t,
Pop) Klein, the University di-
rector of concessions.
Under the direction of Donald
A. Lentz, conductor of the Uni
versity ROTC Band, the mass
band will play five songs: "Star
Spangled Banner," Hail Var
sity," '"Manhattan Beach," ln
vercargil" and "God Bless Amer
ica." Three hundred baton
twirlers will perform simultane
ously. 1 "T CmtnrAr
UniOn lOpOnSOT
Dance Saturday
The "Music Makers" dance
featuring Eddie Garner's Combo
will be held Saturday in the
Union ballroom from 8:39 to
11:30 p.m.
ine oance is sponsarea oy xoe
Union dance committee. Sine
it is the night of the Miami-Nebraska
football game, special in
vitations have been sent to all
Nebraska high school band mem
bers and students attending Band
Tickets will be an sale in tha
iday Tnd at tle cor
Saturday night The price is &)
cents per person,
Lutheran Worship
The Lutheran Student Foun
dation, representing the National
Lutheran Council churches, will
begin Sunday mcrning worship
services at the Lutheran Stu
dent House, 535 No. 16, this Sun
day at 19:45 axj.
s. "