. y. . . Page 4 TH NEBRASKAN Tuesday, October 1 3, 1 953 J k K j 3 I i i! v3 f3 If s fjtf Claims Aline Countesses Among rJei7y-iscose 4 fr-Sar-ien Royalty Kappa, Theta, Pi Phi, Gamma Phi, Tri Delt Represented By GRACE HARVEY Staff Writer Nine Ak-Sar-Ben Countesses out of 12 chosen this year have , attended or are University. attending xne The countesses will join 16 AUF Drive Sororities Have Novel Fund-Raising Projects : Shoes Polished, Skirts Hemmed - Two pairs of shoes polished sponsoring white elephant auo for fifty cents! Good-as-new tions to selling the actives to Jewelry for sale' the PIed.ges. the. houses re jeweiry xor 5die. campaigning to raise more than The sororities are enlisting their quotas of $2 per member. their members in new drives to raise money for AUF. From Council OK's New Biz Ad Constitution The Student Council unani mously approved the constitu tion of the Business Administra tion College Executive Council and heard a report from the Parking Board during a meet ing Wednesday. At its first meeting Oct. 1, the Parking Board reviewed two parking appeals, Eldon Park, Board chairman, reported. Be cause the appeals were invalid,- no action was taken. The num ber of appeals, however, is ex pected to increase this week, Park said. ' JO JOYNER was appointed to the Board as secretary and vot ing member by Rocky Yapp, Council president. In response to requests by Council members, the Corn husker has contracted with a new studio for the individual yearbook pictures, in hopes the students will be better satisfied, Murt Pickett reported. ' At NU Food Brands Judged By 40 Dieticians Nearly 40 dieticians from" Ne braska colleges combined tasters last week to find the best buy in Iruits and vegetables for their cafeterias and residence halls. Contents of 140 cans which had the brand names removed were tasted and rated by the food testers at the annual food testing clinic sponsored by the Division of Purchasing and Pro curement. The combined ratings which will be released late this month will tell the dieticians the best brands according to price. The University will base its yearly purchases of $17,000 worth of can goods on the results. MRS RUTH Meierhenry, busi ness manager of Residence Halls for Women, in explaining how she as a dietician prepares to taste, says she first eats an av erage breakfast. "I want my taste to be normal. Each tester takes a swallow of water after each bite to rid her mouth of the pre vious taste. Pineapples, tomatoes end orange juices have a carry over to the next swallow."' WHEN YOU USE (Daily TlsdjAadJuuv m mm 3SSIT II To place a classified ad Stop in the Business Office Room 20 Student Union Call 2.7631 Ext. 4226 for Classified Service Hoars 1-4:30 Mon. thru fri. THRIFTY AD RATES No. words ld'cry 2day 3 day 4 days 1 week 1-10 $ .40 $ .65 S .85 j $1.00 $1.20 " 11-15 .50 I .80 1.05 1.25 1.45 16-20 .60 .85 j 1.25 1.50 1.70 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 1.75 1.95 26-30 .80 j 1.25 j 1.65 2.00 2.20 HELP WANTED TUDKffT WIVES. THE UNIVERSITI O" NEBRASKA bu cvera! attractive paning for eecretarle and typista who ar interested la full or part tima employment. Liberal vacation and elck Sa&ve allowance. Educational oppot- . tunlilea. For further information con tact Mre. Stehly, Peraonnel Dept. Boom 204 Administration Hall. Sua boy wanted Sigma Delta Tau bouse, for noon meala only. Contact buuMt mother. 464 No. lih. 2-3530. oMFORRINT JT tin. nth Room. Bind and double; tenUemen. Student Hotel S-3020. Drincesses. all Omaha residents. Dc nf iqm At.Sar.Tipn rovaltv Four countesses are affiliated wun ivappa xvappa uaumia, mc first of whom is Alison Anne Faulkner, daughter Mr. and Mrs. SCARVES, JEWELRY and anything else in good condition the girls felt that they could live without was auctioned off at a white elephant sale at the Delta Gamma house Monday night. The Ch Omegas plan a similar sale. To further AUF collectons, the 1953 pledge class of Gamma Phi Beta went as a body to help solicit funds. Pairs of actives will be on the auction block Tuesday at the $4,534 Reached The All University Fund an nounced Tuesday progress in the current drive, totaling $4,534.98. 100 percent sororities and fra ternities: Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Alpha Theta Alpha Omicron Pi Alpha Phi Phi Delta Theta Sigma Chi Beta Theta Pi Alpha Tau Omega Other donations are: Independents $1,004.86 Denominational 132.23 Ag College 160.00 Booth Donations 1,148.26 WAA 25.00 Presby House 95.00 Newman Club ....... 20.00 Fraternities 624.50 Faculty 422.50 College of Medicine.. 176.88 AUF Board Donations 74.50 Sororities 766.25 Total $ 4,534.98 Alpha Chi house. Alpha Chi pledge class will start the bid ding on their actives at 50 cents. In return the pledges will re ceive an hour's work of personal duties from each active. SPECIAL SERVICES will be sold to the members of their houses by the Kappa Delts, Tri Delts and Pi Phis. Each girl will list a service that she will per form and the amount of money it win cost. Skirts hemmed, hair trimmed. backs rubbed, bed made, themes written, rooms cleaned, shoes polished, and clothes pressed are among the services listed for sale. The Kappas went into the kitchen to start their project. They baked cookies and sold $50 worth of them to the other organized houses. TWO HOUSES are going to skip dinner for the cause. The Alpha Phis and Thetas are go ing to donate funds for an eve ning meal to AUF. From going hungry to feeding each other, the University soror ity women are scrambling aboard the AUF bandwagon in its drive for $8,000. FOR SALE TALE, HARVARD, PRINCETON, WEST POINT, and NAVY 5 large regulation pennante of the country'! moat tradi tional universltiea, S for $2.00. Postage prepaid. College Banners, P.O. Box 381, Bradford, Conn. LOST & FOUND Lost Key chain with t keys; on tire teeter on ring. Found Ladles gold wrist watch. Owner may have for coat of ad. Inquire at trie rssrsKan otnee, LooT LA IjiUS GOLD w.i waicn. Wed nesday, Oct. 7. REWARD. If found please deliver to tha Buelnesa Office, KKBRA8KAN Office, Room 20 Student Union. HESULTS Richard W. Faulkner of Lincoln Miss Faulkner is majoring in art ana eaucauon ana loiiowing graduation m 1955 she plans to do graduate work at Pennsyl- vanj ctate College BARBARA JANE Ryan, also a Kappa, is from Dennison, Iowa. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Raun of Dennison. Barbara, a Mortar Board, is ma joring in Home Ec and plans to make a career of fashion mer chandising. ' ( Jane Spencer, the third Kappa Countess, transferred to Nebras ka this year from William Woods college where she took part in the Aquacades. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Spen cer of Nebraska City. A Kappa from Iowa, Shirley Louise Nichols, will also be a member of the Ak-Sar-Ben roy alty. Judith Anne Flansburg, one of three Kappa Alpha Thetas to be honored, is another Lincoln Countess. Miss Flansburg, an art major, is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Flansburg. She graduated from Ferry Hall, Lake Forest, 111. and will be graduated from the University in 1955. MARILYN HELEN Morgan, University graduate, is another Theta Countess. She is now speech therapist in the Kearney public school system. Miss Mor gan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Morgan of McCook, received the Woodrow Magee speech scholarship and the Uni versity Theater "Oscar" while attending school. Anne Crofton Sidner, the third Theta Countess, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Sid ner of Fremont. Miss Sidner en rolled at the University this fall after attending William and Mary College for two years. Diane Hinman, Delta Delta Delta, is majoring in speech cor rection at the University. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs, York A. Hinman of North Platte. ROBERTA JEAN Nielsen, Gamma Phi Beta, will be grad uated from the University ir June. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward Nielsen of Co lumbus. Miss Nielsen previously attended Lindenwood college at St. Charles, Missouri. The travel minded Countess has visited Canada, Mexico, the British Isles, Europe and Hawaii. Anne Jane Hall, 1953 graduate, was affiliated with Pi Beta. Phi while attending the University. At the present time, she is a vo cal music teacher in the Oak land, Iowa, school system. Miss Hall is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paige L. Hall of York. Alain Feature Clock Lincoln: "Blueprint For Mur der," 1:05, 2:45, 4:30, 6:15, 8:00, 9:45. Varsity: "A Lion Is In The Streets," 1:36, 3:35, 5:34, 7:33, 9:32. 'state: "Martin Luther," 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:22, 9:30. Stuart: 3-D Cartoon and "Wings of the Hawk," 1:00, 3:09, 5:18, 7:27, 9:36. THE BOLDEST BOOK OF OUR TIME... Honestly, Fearlessly On The Screen! mHm Sarg don't want eommiaaion, even if the ptatn'a wire comet with it..." IURT LANCASTER MONTGOMERY CLIFT Trow wm a hardhead ...the tougher it got he likad it!" DEBORAH KERR FRANK SINATRA Wmiiiunntimim,timmimmm r mmtimmmmi "Her and them aweatert. Look coldern an ioeberg, but I know who taugfet W the core...' ON OUR GIANT SCREEN 50c Bargain Hour Till 2 P.M. 65c Till 6 Then 74c Children 20c Doors Open Dally 12:45 P.M. my) -Mp) ' -V, 'Good Evening!. .' : Acting Chancellor John K. Selleck (second from the. left) greets John D. Chapman, as sistant director of the library for humanities, at the annual Chancellor's reception held Friday evening. Others in the OTTIED UNOE AUTHORITY OF "Coke" il a registered trode-mark. COCA-COLA BOTTLING i epjiiiiiiiiitiwpiiMiuiMMewmiijwii it MWlMMimimfW '' - i ''" yk - , PUMP 'A 4 4 receiving line are: Mrs. Sel leck, the Chancellor, Dean J. P. Colbert, and Mrs. Colbert. Also being . greeted is Kath erine Renfre. The reception was held in Raymond Hall of the Women's Residence Halls. j h.K.V-- ' THE COCA-COlA COMPANY IY O 1953, The Coca-Cola Company COMPANY OF LINCOLN 'He'i auch a comical little runt He makea me want to cry while Tm laughin' at hixo..." Ok D0IK1A REED "Sure, the' nice to hka. She' nice to all the boy..." STARTS New Union Assistant To Begin Job Thursday Heyne Former Fremont Teacher "This is a mighty busy place," EVEN THOUGH t rying an were the words of Delmar other field of work, Heyne will Heyne, new assistant managing still be working with students. 1 director of the , Union, when Mainly, he will be working queries as to his" first impres- with the Union personnel, sion of the University. Heyne is a graduate of Wayne Heyne Will take over his State Teachers College, and Union job on Thursday. Oct. 15, a native of Thurston, Nebraska, replacing Roger Larson who re- At Wayne, he majored in edu signed last week. Heyne taught cation and social studies. Heyne social studies at Fremont 'High received his graduate degree in School for seven years. school administration this sum Prior to that time, Heyne mer at the University. . , served with the Naval Air Corps Heyne plans to move his wife as a lieutenant. He was a nav- and two children, Diane, 8, and igator in the Pacific theater and Robert, 4, - from Fremont to in the service from May of 1942 Lincoln as soon as housing ar until January, 1946. , rangements can be made.; Shop Tuesday GOLD'S Glove. . Street Floor Pleated ILHIP by Pandora She 32 to 40 W 0l Is It tmB As seen ' yyn In LIFE m Ik I Y Choice of 2 styles (a) . With permanent pleats . at bodice and hemline (shown) (b) Beautiful nylon embroid ery at top and hemline. 40 denier nylon tricot that re quires virtually no care. Practical enough for the thriftiest housewife and career girl. Glamorous enough for the most fashionable and pretty enough for gift giving. Style (a) in black and white only. Style (b) in pink, white, black, yellow,' blue. GOLD'S Lingerie Second Floor Shipping charge mil be added on out-of-town deliveries. We Give Green Stamps 9:30 fo 5:30 lj6Tiua ' Oeprt" Seat (GILaDl Completely handseivn and leather 'tailored of Cretcendoe's Shrink proof Cotton Wonder-Fabrict Ode BeigeBlack RedBlack All Black From a large collection . . .Three pearl buttons mold . . . and keep. . .this neatly narrow look of the Ravel. An elegant day time glove. The Ode a simple short glove, is seamed down the back to a small vent and framed with nubby braid that slims the cuff. and Pretty TlilCHT t I s. i III WW T i