The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1953, Image 1

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    Mortar Boards Enumerate
1953-54 Scholastic Requirements
See Letterip Column, Page Two
'Huskers Need Gridiron Leader
To Spark Team:' Sports Editor
See Page Three For Column
Vol. 53, No. 12
Friday, October 9, 1953
a To.
n mm 9
Dance To Feature Presentation
Of New Queen Friday Night
Farmers Formal Queen finalists Omicron, and member of the
are: Virginia Barnes, Barbara Home Economics club.
r n we, ixauini jeorge, Bonnie
VnCark Karges, Lois
and Barbara Spilker,
.me oiA uauuiudies were ciiusen
in an all-Ag College election Tues-
day. The Queen will be chosen the
night of the Formal by ballots
cast by attending students.
t. .;,.
A member of Alpha Chi Omega,
Miss Barnes is on the YWCA
cabinet, is a member of Tassels.
HTV - : 3: j - . -i
president of Phi UpsUon.
Party Hop
To Be Held
Fifteen Houses
To Participate
A brown jug will be awarded
Saturday night for the best-decorated
house participating in the
Sadie Hawkins Party Hop.
The Hop will be held from 8 to
11 p.m. Presentation of the trophy
will be at 11 p.rrv in front of the
Women's Residence Halls.
Fifteen houses are participat
ing in the Hop, which is spon
fjred by the University YWCA.
THiey are: Howard Hall, Terrace
Hall, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha
Chi Omega, Kappa Kappa Gam
ma, Sigma Delta Tau.
Pi Beta Phi, Gamma Phi Beta,
Delta Gamma, Alpha Xi Delta,
Alpha Phi, Chi Omega, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Kappa Delta and
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Judges of the decorations will
be Jack Coyle, assistant execu
tive director of the Community
Chest; Jessie Knowles, president
of the YW advisory board, and
Jan Osborn, YW director.
Tickets may be purchased for
Tl a couple in the Union Friday
rom 1 to 6 p.m. or from repre
lentatives in organized houses.
Helene Sherman, chairman of
'he party committee, said, "All
X diversity students are invited to
Utend the hop." .
Tryouts Open
For Lab
Broadway Hit
Tryouts for "Room Service
will be held Friday from 3 to
4:30 p.m., Monday from 3 to 5
p.m. and Tuesday from 7 to
ft p.m. in Room 201 Temple
"Room Service," the first
University laboratory produc
tion of the year, will be pre
sented Nov. 10 and 11.
The play is a Broadway hit
in the late 1930's written by
John Murray and Allen Boretz.
The comedy deals with the
frantic efforts of show people to
produce a play without financial
BILL WALTON, director, said
that any student is eligible to
try out for the cast which in
f eludes 12 men and two women.
Anyone interested in working
On lights, scenery, properties or
make-up may also report to
Room 201 at any of the tryout
Eleanor Guilliatt has been
named production manager.
Love Library
Stack Carrells
Are Expanded
The University Library has
Installed 26 additional stack
carrells to accommodate gradu
ate students and faculty mem
bers, Frank Lundy, director of
G University Libraries, announced
The total of 115 carrells,
small enclosures for individual
study, will provide studying
space for 230 to .250 people.
EACH CARRELL has its in
dividual heating system, light
ing system and book shelves.
Two persons usually occupy one
carrell and alternate their study
The library is also adding
8000 three-foot upright shelves
which will accommodate 140,000
more books. To utilize every
amount of space in the library,
swinging book shelves and ver
tical file drawers have been in
stalled on an experimental
If this type of shelf was used
throughout the eight levels of
the library, the capacity of the
present stock would be doubled,
Mr. Lundy said.
Library On Ag Campus
To Be Open Saturdays
The Ag College Library will
be open Saturdays from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. beginning October 17.
Sherwood Kirk, librarian of
the College of Agriculture, said
the increased number of non
agricultural courses being
taught on that campus necessi
tated added library hours. In
the near future the library may
also be open on Sunday after
noons if students and faculty
display a need and a desire
lor it
of Mortar Board, is president of
vmp a j . T4j
FvWS Interdomina-
UPS, m icron H ome
JSJ3" P A Omega sor-
oriv and ls n tne honor roll.
. . v . ,.
JLmS?Jr. Kappa. Delta sor"
"ty' ,N Gfr! " .m
:'V",' ; - t"7
Connie Clark Karges is vice
president of Home Ec Club, is in
Phi Upsilon Omicron, Alpha Lam
ba Delta, Mortar Board, received
the Union award for outstanding
worker, member of Tassels, was
Typical Nebraska Coed, received
the Borden award and belongs to
Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
Lois Kieckhafer is a member
of Ag Builders, Home Ec Club,
YWCA, Ag Exec Board, Phi Up
silon Omicron and Love Hall. She
was a member of the Daisy Chain
in 1952.
PRESIDENT of Home Ec Club,
Barbara Spilker is a member of
Mortar Board, Alpha Lamba Del
ta, Phi Upsilon Omicron, Farm
ers Fair Board and Love Hall.
The six finalists were chosen
from 44 Ag College senior women
Tuesday in an all-Ag College elec
tion. Presentation of the queen
will take place at 10:15 p.m. Fri
day night during the dance. Vo
ting will be from 9 to 9:30 p.m. at
the door. Each couple is entitled
to one vote.
Dancing will begin at 8:30 p.m.
to the music of Bill Albers and
his orchestra. The dance will be
held in the auditorium of the Col
lege Activities Building.
TICKETS MAY be purchased
from any Ag Exec Board member
or at the door for $1.25. All Uni
versity students may attend the
dance, Dale Reynolds, chairman
of the presentation committee
Dress for the affair will be the
traditional farmers garb. This
includes jeans and plaid shirts
for men and cotton dresses for
women. r. - - - -
Betty Hrabik and Gene Kerr are
co-chairmen for the Formal which
is sponsored by the Ag Exec
Board. Committee chairmen and
members are: presentation. Dale
Reynolds, chairman, Madeline
Watson, Norma Wescott, Dale
Nitzel and Keith Erlewine: pub
licity, Mary Ellen Maronde, dhair
man, Carolyn Ross and Don No
votny. Tickets, Art Raun, chair
man; clean-up, Ed Ibsen and
Rolla Swanson, chairmen; chap
erones and guests. Dale Olson,
chairman; decorations. Junior
Knobel, chairman, Helen Hecht,
Lura Harden, Jean Rippe.
Judging Dates Changed
Marshall Kushner. Kosmet
Klub member, announced the
dates for the KK auditions for
the Fall Revue had been
changed to Oct. 14 and 15.
Kushner said that four-weeks
examinations had caused some
delay for groups to get their
productions into condition for
the auditions.
n JHIC Pispieiys
Decoration Sketches, Themes Due
October 21; Judging November 13
Innocents Society has raised Expense accounts of all ma-
the limit for Homecoming house terials to be used must be sub
displays from $50 to $100. mittp1 tn th. TnrwwnT. Nov. n
All materials, including equip-
ment owned by th house, will
be evaluated Friday afternoon,
Nov. 13, before the judging that
Homecoming is set for Nov. 14
when Nebraska plays the Uni
versity of Colorado Golden Buf
faloes. A first place trophy for dis
plays in both the, men's and
women's divisions will be pre
sented at the Homecoming
dance. First, second and third
place winners will receive
ENTRIES for decorations must
be placed in the Innocents So
ciety box in the basement of the
Union by Oct. 21 at 5 p.m. Each
entry must include the theme
and sketches of the proposed
decorations. In case of duplica
tion, the house submitting the
idea first will be accepted.
All organized houses with a
membership of 20 or more must
pay $5 entry fee.
All materials must be outside
of the houses by 3 p.m., Nov.
13, in order to be evaluated by
a committee of experts who
know rental values and costs of
such equipment as motors, light
ing fixtures and raw materials.
evaluation surpasses the $100
limit will; be disqualified before
the judging begins. Displays will
be judged Recording to original
ity, attractiveness, construction
and feneral relationship to the
Decorations are to be com
pleted by 6 ,p.m., and lights will
, be turned 0 ji after the rally.
Queen Finalists Chosen
Pictured above are the finalists
for the annual Farmers Formal
to be held Friday evening. The
finalists are: (left to right) Bar-
New Program Adopted
For NU Food Handlers
Training, Inspection To Be Required
A training program and medi- Science Auditorium: These meet-
cal inspection for all employees ings will be for kitchen em-
of the University and organized ployees who ar not -University
houses engaged in the prepara- students. Handlers need to at-
tion or serving of food has been tend only one meeting in either
adopted by the University and
unanimously approved by the
Inter-Fraternity and Panhellenic
a those approved by btudent
THE PROGRAM, required for Health These permits are re
all persons employed by the quired for permission to work
University in a food-handling jn the preparation or serving of
capacity, will consist of two fooc jn all University eating es
parts, a physical examination tablishments, fraternities and
and two one-hour meetings on sororities. All hashers must pass
the fundamentals of food hand- the physical examination and at
ling. tend the lectures.
, . .. Cooks, second cooks, bus-boys,
THE PHYSICAL examination, dishwasherS) housemothers, and
handled by personnel of the air others who handle or pre-
Student Health Center, will in- e food in any organized
elude a chest X-ray and a Was- houses or for the University are
sermann test. It will also insure considered food-handlers and
that persons handling food are must take the training program.
tree I r o m communicate uis
The meetings will include rea
sons whv food sanitation is nec
essary;.whal diseases, infections
or poisonings may be caused or
transmitted through tooa or on
food utensils, and how food
handlers can prevent such dis
eases. TWO ONE-HOUR lectures on
food handling and serving
will be given after the examina
tions. The first sessions, Oct.
13, 14, 15 from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.
in the Social Science Audito
rium, will be held for Univer
sity students employed as food
handlers. The meetings will be
continuous for three nights to
anticipate the difficulty of work
ing the lectures into study and
activity schedules.
The second session will be
held Oct. 20, 21, and 22 from
7:15 to 8:15 p.m. in the Social
Saturday Ag Movie
A special movie release, "Lav
ender Hill Mob," will be shown
Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in Ag
Union Lounge. Starring in the
movie are Alec Guinness, Sidney
James and Alfie Bass.
. r
' ' . ,
Members of the evaluation
committee and the judges have
not been announced.
Students Hear
Approximately 500 Univer
sity students heard football
coach William Glassford speak
! - ', .-si
i - ' -
Courtesy Lincoln Star
bara Crowe. Virginia Barnes,
Naomi George and Connie Clark
Virrtnc TTinolicte nnt chnwn arp
Keiuhafer and Barbara
of the two sections
"r " " V
course. University Food Hana-
4 V. o
lers Permits will be issued to
Roger Larson
Resigns Post
At NU Union
Roger I. Larson, assistant
managing director of the Un
ion, has resigned to take a po
sition at KFOR - KFOR - TV as
account executive, beginning
October 15.
Larson held the Union po
sition for three years. Previously
he had been associated with the
University of Omaha for one
year. Larson was employed as a
bookkeeper in the Union prior
to his graduation from Business
Administration College in 1949.
DELMAR HEYNE, former so
cial studies teacher at Fremont
High School, has been named to
succeed Larson as assistant man
aging director. He holds an M.
A. degree from the University.
Chancellor, Wife
To Receive Staff
Acting Chancellor and Mrs.
John K. Selleck will meet Uni
versity staff members and their
wives or husbands at a chancel
lor's reception from 8 to 10 p.m.
Friday evening at Raymond HalL
With Mr. and Mrs. Selleck in
the receiving line will be new
chairmen of University depart
ments: Capt. and Mrs. W. O.
Gallery; Col. and . Mrs. J. A.
Stenglein; Dr. Herbert P. Jacobi
of Omaha; Dr. and Mrs. Cecil L.
Wittson of Omaha; Dr. and Mrs.
C. H. Patterson; Dr. and Mrs.
John L. Champe; Dr. and Mrs.
H. W. Manter; Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Worth; Dr. and Mrs. Varro
E. Tyler, Jr.; Dr. and Mrs. Har
old G. O. Hoick, and Dr. A. C.
Members of the Board of
Regents will be special guests.
: 1
at a pep rally held Wednesday
evening. Glassford (at micro
phone) has just introduced
football team Co-Captain Wil-
; 1
Scene From 'Caine Mutiny' To Star
Fonda, Hodiak, Nolan In November
Dick Powell's stage production by Capt. Qoeeg by saying Queeg room scenes during the trial,
of the courtroom scene from was insane and had to be re- showing the brilliant battle of
"Caine Mutiny" starring Henry
Fonda, John Hodiak and Lloyd
Nolan will be presented in the
Coliseum Thursday, November 19.
"Caine Mutiny," a book by Her
man Wouk, is now in its 121
week as a best-seller and is the
source for the stage production
"The Caine Mutiny Court Mar
tial," Powell's production.
' In the Union sponsored stage
production, Henry Fonda is cast
as the shrewd lawyer, Lt. Green
wald, who defends Lt. Maryk,
John Hodiak, accused of mutiny
by Capt. Queeg, Lloyd Nolan.
THE BOOK "Caine Mutiny"
gets its name from the really
non-existant mine-sweeper Caine.
The court martial arises when
Lt. Maryk relieves Capt. Queeg
of his command during a violent
tropical storm.
Lt Maryk pleads not guilty
to a charge of mutiny brought
Science Honorary
Chooses Officers
Vincent Robinson has been
elected president of Sigma
Gamma Epsilon, honorary pro
fessional fraternity of the earth
Other officers are: vice presi
dent, Donald Lorenz; secretary,
John Harper; treasurer, R. G.
Yetter, and scribe, B. W. Brown.
New members are: Harley J.
Corey, William R. Chichester,
Cyril Harvey, John Howe, George
Husmann, Wayne Lampshire, Eu
gene Malin.
Alistair McCrone, Vinton
Moore, Allan Osborne, Alan Peck
ham, Owen Schooler and Stuart
Foreign Agriculturists
Study US Methods
Interpreters Span Language Breech
By DWIGHT JUNDT of farm mechanization as it ls
Ag Editor carried on in the United States.
Thirty foreign agriculturists "It provides useful information
from 10 different countries are that can be transmitted to Euro
studying farm mechanization at pean rural transportation by ex
the College of Agriculture. tension and educational methods,
Countries represented are: for in most of the home countries
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, represented by the group there
France, Greece, the Netherlands, is a very rapid increase in
Norway, Portugal, United King- mechanization," Dr. Hurlbut
dom, and Indonesia. Nine or said. '
more of the group have language w ei- u t
difficulties and four interpreters AT NEBRASKA, emphasis is
accompany them at all times, being placed on instruction con-
The interpreters work simul- ceming farm tractors, irrigation,
taneously with the speaker. At extension programs for . poer
times the buzz of the interpreters and machinery and farm man-
and the silent intent of the agement. .
foreign listeners creates a typi- SeY,eral day? w.lU b.e ?renJ at
cal United Nations atmosphere, the Tractor Testing Lah oratory
on Ag Campus and se' . ral days
L. W. HURLBUT, head of the in making short trips to visit
department of agricultural en- farming arfas near Lincoln. Dr.
gineering, and director of the Hurlbut saiu, "The men are an
short course, said the general exceptionally line group to work
purpose of the course is "to af- with and seem to be highly ap-
ford opportunity for a group of preciative of our efforts in
European Nationals to study both planning and presenting the
economic and engineering phases course."
UF Contributions Apprca
4,000 Mark; Drive
TV To Feature
A student panel discussion of
University religious activities
will be featured on a television
program sponsored by the Lin-
coln Council of Churches Sun-
day at 6 p.m.
The half-hour program on
KFOR-TV will be moderated by
the Rev. Rex Knowles, Presby-
t terian Student House pastor.
Courtesy Lincoln Star
liam Schabacker (at Glass
ford's left). Ted Connor
(Glassford's right) is moving
up to be introduced.
lieved of his command in the in-
terests of ship and crew,
CAINE Mutiny
portrays the
Alpha Kappa Psi Plans
Wednesday Smoker
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
business fraternity, will hold a
Smoker Wednesday evening in
the Union.
The organization celebrated
its Founder's Day at the Cham
ber of Commerce Building Wed
nesday. Vance Baker addressed
the group.
vjiiivcimlj' uiiu tuuuiuu-
tions to date total $3,497.64, an -
a o, m. ' 1 ' At,
nM,r, fori Mammal A TTP
treasurer '
AUF-S goal of $8)000 almost
reached the halfway mark in the
fourth day of its two week
campaign when contributions
from individual students and or-
ganizations were totaled. Inde-
pendent students have given
$980 to the campus charity but
M wSS3-. : . ::w:::?
1 '4 j
V r
1 s ri
S s 1
v r
me cniei contriDutions nave sales aaaea $433.
come from the booth used in A trip to Medical School at
the pre-campaign drive. Omaha "netted $176.50. AUF
Four fraternities, Sigma Chi, Board members have contrib-
Phi Delta Theta, Alpha Tau uted $174.50 to their own cause.
Solicitors Knock On Doors;
Canvass Proves Surprising
By JANICE CARMAN Nancy Chernay came across a
, Staff Writer male student who gave; but he
Knock, knock! Who's there? had to get the money from his
"I am from AUF, and . . ." wife, who was putting him
To the 2,300 unorganized stu- through school,
dents of the University who One boy, visited by some girls,
were solicitated by All Univer- suggested an hour dance,
sity Fund workers, that must . Two solicitors, upon visiting a
sound familiar. rooming house, told the landlady
The job of soliciting sounds that they were from AUF and
very dull indeed, to some people, asked if a certain student was
but the AUF solicitors, who re- home. The landlady called,
ported back to the Union Tues- "George are you home?" A voice
day night after canvassing the from upstairs yelled back, "No,
independents, had experiences to I'm not."
tell that proved their evening
was far from what might be GWEN URAN rang the door
called dull. bell, of a house; a boy opened
the door and handed her $12
MEL TODD and Elwin Ran- before she had a chance to say a
ney were given the address of a word.
house that turned out to be lo- Mary Kay Beachler was taken
cated inside a cemetery. No- through a mortuary and for the
body was home. visit was paid $1.
veteran who didn't want to give Marilyn Eaton had to walk
because he bad donated on 1944's across a plowed field to get to
drive. one house.
Fired with the inspiration to A YOUNG married couple,
give to' AUF, three boys passed who had $2 to last them for the
the hat and gave the girl who rest of the week, gave $1 to the
was soliciting $1.08 in pennies. AUF worker who canvassed
Carol Uaterseher visited a them.
Greenwald s wits against over-
awing amounts of evidence.
Advance ticket sales for the
production will open Wednesday,
Oct. 14 in the Union.
The Outside World
On A-Bomb
Demos Ask Ike
To Give Facts
Staff Writer
Confusion on the danger of an
atomic or hydrogen bomb attack
by the Russians is being spread
by the Eisenhower administra
tion, stated several Democratic
The Democrats believe that it is
time for the President or th
National Security Council to make
some statement of the known
facts on atomic warfare and the
fate of the people.
A story in the New York Times
reported that the President
wanted to stop all the loose of
ficial talk about the Soviet
Union's possible hydrogen bomb.
All statements concerning such
matters must pass through the
National Security Council or the
President, it stated.
New Administration
The occupation zope in the
Trieste area will be" given ov,er
to the Italian government for ad
ministration at the earliest pos
sible date, the United States and
Britain announced. Allied forces
have occupied the zone for the
past eight years. The troops will
now be withdrawn.
Penney In Lincoln
Business opportunities for
youths are greater today than
ever before, stated J; C Penney,
founder of the nation-wide chain
store, who arrived in Lincoln
Thursday for "a two-weeks, visit.
Penney, who made his fame
and fortune the hard way, said
that any honest young man who
is not afraid to work can make
British Policy
Britain intends to continue work
on the proposal for East-West
talks despite the negative atti
tude taken by Russia, stated An
thony Eden, British Foreign Sec
retary. Eden appeared for the
first time in six months before
the opening session of the Con
servative party conference. The
British policy is to maintain unity
and strength of the Western al
liance. Continues
wiiiega aiiu aiu uuiuna
- Sigma, have given 100 per cent
to the drive. The majority of
tu " Ul iVC AUG majority
e fraternities and sororities
tal $365. Religious houses have
added $70 to the total. Campus
activities have contributed $800.
Ag campus solicitations boosted
the drive by $108; and book