The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Wednesday, October 71953
f n
-Year yildiriq Plan
Improvements Include Theatre, Psych Institute
New Dormitories, NU High School, Lyman Hall
Considerable progress in con- sity Theatre and peech Labor- Hospital Advisory4 Committee
struction and planning is being atories, which is 65 per cent The Institute, located on the
made this year on the Univer- complete, he 375-seat theatre College of Medicine campus at
sity s 10-year building program auditorium is not expected to Omaha, may be completed early
inaugurated in 1947, said Charles be finished until after the tar- in the winter of 1954
F. Fowler, director of buildings get date of Feb. 1. 3 Thp 2 nnn nnn mm'c h,
and grounds in an informal re- mLl, ' s dor"
port Mondav. 2. THE $1,500,000 Nebraska mito"es . .on the city campus
Work under way at present Psychiatric Institute, a co-oper ?!h" w "
Includes: 1. The $380,000 re- alive project of the University, g!!,6!? aLJn s$ edtule.fnl
modeling project of the Univer- Board of Control and Nebraska uSS&Z
Plans for the remainder of
the 10-year program include:
1. A $1,000,000 University
High School, to be located on the
north side of Vine Street. The
plans include aiuauditorium and
gymnasium as separate units.
i 'OW'""" AUDITION to
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house administrative aeencies.
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Last Obstacle Moved
Last of the houses behind the
Union is blocked up prior to
being moved, completing
clearing and filling operations
necessary for additional stu
dent and faculty parking
space. The house, not yet
moved from the area, rests
over the sidewalk (note lower
right). University officials
say the parking spaces will be
covered with crushed rock in
the near future.
On The Social Side
Summer Wedding Revealed;
Two More Scheduled Soon
Weddina Sigma Nu, have announced their
recent pinning. Doris is a soph-
MTRPHY-MALEY omore at NU School of Nursing
The summer wedding of Shirley m Omaha. Bill is a third year
Murphy to Bill Maley was re- engineering student Both are
vealed at the Sigma Kappa house &om Omaha.
Monday night Shirley, Lincoln Adams-Johnson
senior in Teachers College is a The Kappas feasted on cand
f'o?' Iortar Boaj-d. Bill at- m accordance ith the pinnin
tended Wesleyan University and of Suzie Adams to jShnsor
now works in Lincoln. They were Sig MpK Suzie junior in Teach:
married June IX ers college, is from Omaha. Bob,
Enaaaements a Counc'l Bluffs, la., man, is a
9BLcKWElLsK.4LLA nior. in Business Administra-
Pi Phi Beverly Blackwell has SCHWARTZ-GREEN I
announced her engagement and
approachuig marriage to Keith announced his pinning Monday
Skalla Beverly senior m Teach- night shelly Green, Z B T. to
" br' " v..u zxe sjcnwanz, b u I. zoe, rush
Bluffs. Keith, former Delt presi- chairman, is a Teacher's College
dent from Beatrice, is a Univer- sophomore from Los Angeles,
sity graduate The couple wii be Shelly, junior in Arts and Science,
married Oct. 9 in Council Bluffs, is from Chicaeo
A winter wedding has been , !
planned by Terry BaVnes and JZ ??' v' MVCal"
Larry Ozenberger. who announced fr; f uhlman,
their engagement the first week B?Slg- Monday mght Marbara.
of school Terry, Pi Phi. is an pOT 15 m, Science
Ag College, senior and comes -itTZ''
from Holdrege. Larry, from St g"
JoseDh. Mo., is a senior in Rusi- Goenburg.
ess Administration. The couple p- nn- ...
will be married Dec. 20. KOman KCVeW
HARTWIG-MATZKE Barb Adams, senior, actually
Two Lincolnites, Dorothy Hart- saw berself in the movies this fall
wig and Stan Matzke, have an- when tile illm "Roman Holiday" '
nounced their early fall engage- was shown in Lincoln. Barb, who
ment Dorothy, sophomore in appeared, in two of the scenes,
Economics, is a member of Alpha was vacationing in Rome in the
Chi Omega. Stan, member of the SP5? '52 while the picture
University basketball team, is a was being filmed.
junior in Ag College and a mem- r I r- i j
ber of Farmhouse. 50C1OI Calendar
and college classrooms nn th
third floor. Completion of the
addition, requiring 20 months of
construction, will clear the way
for removal from the campus of
three temporary buildings.
3'. The new home for the Col
lege of Pharmacy, the $600,000
i-yman nau, still m the discus
sion stage. The structure, a
three story building plus base
ment. may be located at the
northeast corner of 17th and S.
Lyman Han will also house the
department of bacteriology. At
least 30 days of preliminary
wont remains before an archi
reci couia De asked for pre
liminary sketches.
4. THE DORMITORY project
ai me college of Agriculture,
estimated at $500,000. The proj
ect will include a 120-student
mens dormitory and 60-student
women's residence. Construc
tion is expected as soon as de
tails for revenue bond financ
ing have been cleared.
5. A $300,000 combination of
fice and laboratory building at
Scottsbluff Experiment Sta
tion. Preliminary sketches have
been completed and the proj
ect may be ready for bids in
6. A College of Agriculture
building fnr th
ment of biochemistry and nutri-
iion, wmcn is still m the dis
cussion stage. Also in discus
sion Stae is 9 Tlan tn nrnrtHn
an ROTC armory at the College.
FOKXER SAID the inclusion
of the proposed Bishop Clark-
son Hospital m the Medical
Center dev-eloDmont of th fni-
leee oi Medicine has necessi
tated a re-study of the basic
construction Dlans of the Col
lege's long-range $6,000,000
building program.
It will be done some time.
Fowler said, before collections
from the special levy for the
Medical College program are
sufficient to permit the letting
pf contracts.
Steel Girders Go Up
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
In contrast to the clearing no.
erations taking place behind
the Union, construction on the
new men's dormitories pro
gresses rapidly. The construc
tion is now 12 per cent ahead
of schedule with the entire
structure nearly enclosed so
that heating may be supplied
for.;- construction throughout
the winter.
The new dormitories are part
of a 10-year building program
inaugurated in 1947. The
$2,000,000 project is the largest
scheduled for construction on
the Lincoln campus. Another
large building, University
High School, will received at
tention when bids for its con
struction are opened.
To Hold
Frame To Speak
To PhiMu Epsilon
The Nebraska chapter of Pi Mu
Epsilon, national mathematics
honorary, will celebrate its 25th
anniversary on campus with s
banquet Wednesday, Oct 14.
Following the bannuet Profec
sor J. Sutherland Frame, head of
trie mathematics Hpnartmont o
iviicmgan state College, will give
a departmental lecture. Dr. M.
A. Basoco. chairman of tho Uni
versity mathematics department
will introduce Frame, whose an.
pearance is sponsored by the
matnematics department.
CC Names
For Carnival
Coeds Create
riMmnl D. I L
Themes for the Penny Carnival
October 16 have been announced.
They are: Adelphi AdelDhi
Productions present in 3-D the
Miss University Contest winners:
Alpha Phi Try your aim and see
it rain; Alpha Omicron Pi Do
you make him sigh? Ask an AO
Pi; Alpha Xi With a flick of the
hand, ping the Alpha Xi Ferdi
nand; Chi Omega Win, get a
head: Delta Delta Delta ndta
Delta Gamma A
your toss; International House
FVrf 1 h o mice anA win u:..
Kappa AlDha Theta Kit Kat k.
Kappa Delta Bunny Hop to the
KD Tod: KeDDa Karma Hammo
Kappa Kandy Kapers; Girl's
Dorm Hit 'em Huskers; Sigma
Kapua Draeon Net- Sicma tvit9
TaU State VOUr statV Terra..
Hall Lasso Locks-Popeye Socks
and Towne Club Pop our tops the
Towne Club way.
B R E"EM A V-I.A wt n v ntmiT
Another Lincoln couple who got Farmers Formal College Ac
engaged over the weekend is Joan tivities Building 8:30 to 11:30
Brenneman and Marvin Lawton. p.m.
Joan, senior in Teachers College, Delta Gamma Tea for all
is a member of Towne Club. Mar- pledge classes 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
via, now attending graduate col- SATURDAY
lege, is in Pre-Med. Sadie Howkim Hon n tn n
A new D G-Sigma Nu combina
tion is that of Marlene Willie and
Bob Ryan. Marlene, junior in
Teachers College, is from Wash
ington, D. C Bob, a Lincolnite,
is a Junior Biz Ad.
Theta Chis serenade Trrc
Baa Monday night in honor of the
pinning of their president Ber
nard Gleason, to Barbara Nay.
Barbara, junior in Teachers Col
lege, is from Ord. Bernard, Teach
ers College sophomore, lives in
Pacific Junction, la.
Doris Frank and Bill Neef,
A G R Rho Rho Rendezvous
Antelope Park 9 to 12 p.m.
Faculty Coffee Hour
To Greet Newcomers
A coffee hour to welcome new
University faculty members and
graduate assistants will be held
rnaay in tne t acuity Lounge
of the Union from 4 to 6 p.m.
All staff members and grad
uate assistants may attend the
coffee hour, which will feature
recordings of popular and classi
cal music, mere will be a
charge of fifteen cents a person
ior rerresnments.
Membership Open
In Rodeo Club
Harry Stokely, president of
the University Rodeo Club, has
announced that anv Uinversitv
student is eligible for member-
snip in trie club.
Men and women are both in
vited to attend the twice
monthly meetings if they are in
terested. The meetings are held
the second and fourth Wednes
days of each month at 7:30 in
the Ag Union.
One of the main functions of
the club is sponsoring the ro
deo each spring during Farmers
Fair. Plans are now being made
to obtain rodeo stock for next
sprines' celebration. It is also thp
job of the club to maintain the
roaeo grounds.
THE LECTURE is at ft n m tn
Room 315 of the Union ThA tonic
for Frame's discussion is "Rep
resentation of Symetric Groups."
Interested students may attend
the lecture.
The banquet will be held at 6
p.m. m the Union. Toastmistress
will be Jean Davis, president of
Pi Mu Epsilon. New members of
the organization will be initiated
by Frame. He will also give a
short history of Pi Mu Epsilon.
gensen, chairman of the physics
department will be guest of
honor. Jorgensen served as the
first President of the Kphracta i
chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon. Other j
charter members will also be pre- j
sent and honored ruests will K
introduced during the banquet. I
Frame. Secretarv . TVm
General of Pi Mu Epsilon. is co
author of a Macmillan tYt "rin.
eral Mathematics," author of a
Aicuraw-Hiu text "Solid Geom
etry," and his written about 40
articles which have appeared in
mathematical journals, princi
pally concerning the theory of
finite groups.
Pi Lambda Theta Plans
Coffee Hour Thursday
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary for
women in education, will have an
informal coffee hour Thnrlav at
5 p.m. in the Faeultv Ioiincro of 1
uie union.
. . beginnng
at 10 a.m.
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