Wednesday, October 7, Martin The Menace Cocky Billy Martin World Series Hero Billy Slams Out Twelve Big Hits To Equal World Series Record By GARY FR AND SEN adelphia Athletics while on S ports Staff Writer Monday it was today's Martin Gerry Coleman, the ex-Marine rapping his record - matching Jet pilot and former Yankee twelfth hit, a ground single to second baseman, has probably center that enabled Hank disabandoned any claims he had Bauer to hustle home with the to the keystone position after run that brought an abrupt the extra-spectacular perform- close to the 1953 baseball sea- ance of spunky Billy Martin, a son. kid who has more guts than a A glance &t the composite box cat crawling into a doghouse score of the Series shows the when he's got a bat in his hand, simple facts iu black-and-white. All is not lost though for the Martin went wild at the plate, likeable Coleman as he could getting twelve hits in 24 trips very likely find a spot waiting for a .500 batting mark that in- for him at shortstop where the eluded two homers, two triples tired legs of veteran Phil Ri- f xutto may be just about ready to call it quits. Some of the boys say Martin might be shifted to short with Coleman going to second, but it's a pretty good bet that The Kid- will pen the 1954 campaign at his customary second base station.' For Martin it was a clear-cut Indication of great things to come. Billy is the firey type of bailplayer who plays every game like the last one and that attitude coupled with his gigan- tic dose of self-confidence could make- him a near replica of his Id Cardinal namesake, John "Pepper" Martin of the fabu- lous Gas House davs. LIKE PIT PER, Billy is a give-and-take performer on k iamwwridL n one ever pushes the Oakland. California, native around without receiv- fog a similar taste at a later ? J5 Piersall and Clint Courtney certainly found that ' 7, rousing ending Monday, "Mar- military duty in Korea many tea is alwars firL-.g ways to labeled Billy's stay at second beat you. HeU cut you. KeH base strictly temporary one. trip you. Hell knock your but thats all hegwash now. brains cut iff he can. He's that From now on f JlLS kind of a ballplayer.- any doubt as far as the second Again like Pepper, B i 11 y basejob s concerned on crafty rparkled as a sensational World Casey's teanx He has the man Series biter. In 1931 it was in Bully Marfan, truly the 1953 ToH Cardinal who blastei World Series hero of the five out twelve hits against the Phil- tense world champions. Strictly Vann NU Student Rehashes Husker Performances By HOWAXD TAXX SUff SrU nrner the past wee wsere weie fiMse sports fans who precanea BiattheBiwiMynlXaslwo wia the world series and those that predicted a Nhxasfc ower Kansas State. In bon cases tbMe tos tamed oat to b . mm ith YaL7 series was atted toftenaa ifflmim W iffnf 11 be darned tiW w fag the feebsasta rcteg siaf tenmed to the Bmskers at Manhattan. m m m TWO WEEKS ax at JBaexs. " Nebraska was towni esse twsarfc- :iuajM win ctowm but fiontght bant HAKuJ utifih skhbm gwid btodrimg and fanrniiiTOy to foe amd IBaeia w- HMaffitarffly gffl ahead off the fflgM- The team finally paEtedl ssost a tie wEfihi a team that was rate3 Jtbio tooachdiD'wni tenses- fisan the HffltjaaRn, Ss the e'ensesst off being behiEBl sJatMsMmTt be wefhd to liny. It was tneEtuooeii last weti ffcstt a teasm caan baTe a SeiteSfflwn after a mpamtm W- tebi mA UJ ceaftog gmssae. Tmae that the 54" J,UJNl "iiM Hiasiers pl3cd crest ball UlIt EnSnafflEav. bout ttfrre raj; mw reatfsm iMft to Sue xm ffnw tS"r ffirYt cot- m ffefreimoe gaane. aaml i' iwt ffl!ar thai ressstm aJitume, at tekt tiw gnawer tBseiiir ffiinit wijaa ff the BT THE tfcrhwl t tfr esi?)isoi the Humfefirs j'w.'H he m gioJ pfcyTitaD step fi&nfmv the wxtnf enati lp-MfOTtairoes tht Juwe A ffam exssmt hlxme the cwamh ftcjr rSa'ffff fw a teams" fast sSmmt frjf. Th5s frau hetss saM mms? tiisiinw asai 54 ha it mfs 9w& txm's Smm hsfih sastef- 37 mter tyvw gvei4 w ftrowr ts'itl a tssn f tr. ahe cs32s c1 ir wort cSitTrfSL fe wife"" aaafl wwi M txmsax SiOTm to the sete! Tiw Jstt en Ssltwr&f ssmmtcs. 5ts Hre nsDayws sawS anort Kh (rffl" reft em ret ntst o tffte ffSeM wast. airtttsauEy rnSay Pse csw".. In ffhettr ar, vwt st fflV exwhe an the 37frS!!c sst faj tS ffuffShsSI aaEm.3 iff fume ffwiCaH pSaem A3J tM W5e 5srs3J xtmA S'5.EaEOTi em the itesara to Itet that iMe smim, T ptavj Jf rc ts wsart retrt ffn e&e auwSher It tf5ft"t PTtftT what paart el the x?rarrfr a faw c"! ftan e3T a jJUortfjar terth fii WW 3TisB wr amy rtihr masiwiSSy to Hi eswatstry. roMMOX El 1ZTD.4T jitoj wiwM tin ysa fhst tssrty r fifty iro8B are toe fsiaj to like the bskks or mass wrfh twsal y'rSio?!Ht Bsrt yma AotH hare to Fv bsmi to tfelk that be fcf ff''1"!! a nEitffctv fff cstfe.. AiJk wfe has nHswecS ffic'.in " k ptoyfo ftwDfisaill at KU st Or nritTOt flfasft. Whst fa M fihat jr-sls ffe Ki Iotss 33ke a tsvthM clash 8-5aist fib rwirfhSer tassss and ft Swnarfliit lowiy a&iiffist th IXCK AXD ffh Swifais ply a FiiftfnS pait fa Shi qucs&so, tct fl"'"" Eass-f set th2r fhare. (TTbs-r a? est fj-jti nhai cff 1953 anri a double. MANY OF the blows were strictly of the clutch nature. In the opening game it was Martin's bases-loaded triple that sent the Yankees off to a fast start something which usually proves disastrous for opposing clubs. -The next day Preacher Roe was breezin? alon? in the late inn'ngs with a 2-1 lead, then it happened. Billy hom- ered to even thinrs up and the Yanks went on to , win. The climax, of curse, came in the sixth and final contest when Martin broke things up with the never-to-be-forgotten single off Clem Labine. Martin, a little better than a .255) hitter during the regular season, has come a lone way since he joined the Yankee varsitr four or five years ago. The general consensus then was that the cocky youngster wouldn't ever be quite good enough to be a recular starter on the class Nzw York nine. WHTS COIXMAX left for Everything Hunky Dory ers. It looked like an emttrery differesrt team that came off tae field at Manhattan than the on twtltra field at H2i- Hmsicrs CAPABIX biJdng aM tackl- rhe proved M. So there lmh ta jjj eing t the team. jy knows or rhmld know that amy Mai player on any team Hfflw masy fcX arewffiffing toftni S aS heads bashed itm smtte decide to boo youa- own team or to mmrnm,' Bye Bye. Bill.- stop and think a nnmnuutc iff yoqj our m'rz J L any other available man cmild ' .,. 60 beKer- ALL WAS iKOJft sad at Msmt battan last Satarday. Again fsv the third eroaiHsai!tive was, CSfarley BryajEtt was oese off ttfce m&m ciqcs son the Hnft&ex' lane. , "i was atoo creroaniiendahse. There aie proiiictsisiHs fmm this eurmier this week, best re Go'ns Down Huskers Skid fn Grid Poll, Rated 79th The PaasJ WijEiarmissoi systems fftw rati n moOeEatle l&rtboM teami has KSwaskai rated T5iB nan is weekly palL Af the J annsieftt cOTntSmtse th yi!!enii ffsmnfj Bit prosiwatrcattsi jm4 as escaaftesit a it had bss Biowfer the two-platoon syrteja. THH a easSZy ke ihni U fa t te afTzsSae f t&e tmuJlrr ejCert mx mtmwmtt b at s yvemlima. Other Mi Severn eJash lifted aie CfcIahoa ciateher 12; MJ swwri ii:mT 21: Kacaa t2; Itowa Stste w.i;f to the top 9 under tare sys- U13 Nelbroslcan Want Ads aa M J fT4A,fcar'44! C ? f 1 iUrf4VCWiW ! gti Y 444i a4l say M&raf m IHflUTI WOW IMC TOMI TO EMKI .riu ardl kwr tnoot YOO ro oj5"r W Kowt .T rm COLO! PHOTO rcrwai4 Cinwawt C4. ra mk ii m pnitlr wcf 1M ctmt tKr sr (ajwMffbl; Cf. ClO-tS THI-DAM.K Oruatiit. X AGiC 4.1 Af not far fsaar audi 4 All Mast mnaJ a" r uttcs nil. Vs hmrry Strong Boy Max This big rough-looking char acter is Max Kitzelman. The junior tackle from Omaha should see plenty of action this . weekend as the Scarlet meet the Pitt Panthers. Max, 235- Favorites Upset Delia Upsilon In 25-19 Rout Of Favored Phi Delt Club; Delts Blank Phi Gams; Phi Psi's Also Win In Intramural Play In the feature game Monday The Phi Psi's scored nine tally came two plays before the evening the rampaging DlTs points in the initial period, six end of the game to end the stomped over a heavily favored in the second, and then roared scoring. , Phi Delt hoard 25-19. The Phi back for a hot second half to Delts on the basis of their 51-0 tally 19 in the third and 12 in . OTHIHK SCORES around the romp over the Kappa Sigs last the fourth periods respectively circuit: Bet a Theta Pi, 18 Beta week were an almost sure favor- The lone Kappa Sig marker came p713 "- i I- PP 18. ite to end up high in the final in the first stanza when they Theta Chi, 0; Nebraska Co-cp, tabulations at the end of the blocked a Phi Psi punt into the 7- Dela Sigma Phi. 0; Farm season, end zone for a touchdown. house, 2. Acacia, 0; Theta Xi, 2, Knvmw the -umrisimff DfsL .Delta Sigma Pi. 0; Pioneer who had previously walked by- Signaia Chi 26-11, were not to be stopped and threw the League II race wide open besides stamp ing themselves as the team to fceat in their league. THE WTXXERS tallied for 13 - CJS TI r;wi JTZjiiSi " tlrnli -A4111 while Bosnz scoreless m the sec- jT f?1?!'- ---- -9 'f w came in a big second quarter .r7 a. ikli-r- to lead 19-13 at the halfway mark. However, the DCs stomped out of their stable and held the R-Street boys scoreless the second half. DELTA TAU Delta, led by captain Marty Mathieswa. roared by a hapless Phi Gain team 25-0 for-ffirst wa off the seasoeiL The win brings the Delts mark to 1-1 so ffar while FSjis own a 0-2 mark each losing to the ATO's and the Sigsna Na$ respectively last week. A mad Phi Psi team over powered a hap Hess Kappa Sig team 4S-S to bring their won lost mark to 1- tor the yocaig jeasaoL The Ikosers who dropped 51-0 to the Phi Belt's last week were completeEy outpassed and ctjnisni by the ianpresEEive win merR. Grid Sketches Vet Paulson Sodalc GIff To Huskers f Jerry Is Navy Bound In June By BOB FESO Ssartc Staff Writer l GeraM "Jesrf Pmtem fazste ffroim Bttl Kapiiis, S. B. Tmu ragfedly buiBt sensfisr is stwae tjjnmes referred to $ "Bell Eap idtf Mont Talkact About dtaenf Paojlasioi has sfflnse 15'S powsnds itadked em his rather short 1 ffraaaae, 5-1, Jwywerer this is th Meal hmH for' a fagthali gmrd. JEJUtT HAS lettered tw years at Jlefcrailca. This jeasom ibowewr, fc has KAft seen tracmch acttom. Nsw t yeamss fsw hi ffiirst taste! Patmlcwra ic the pferidesit ot Btllta Tata Bella Iratearmty, and a sessmr in the C&HIege frf Eutii 5Ht AteiMitratiioni. A reiipsesst off the niary type s'Jwi'llarLip. Jerry is brngmt tor the ffsstaBe days as a oavaj psM. His fetitfer bwwmww 5s a csJaiwrt to the U. S, Airffusmse. ron-fOX LOOKED erpw 5aUy 5od at hi niamaniin cmard fr-jiilMu jus the eaifly g.urjt eff 8 pf(WTOia'i!i4 was to the epasmt wtith Ontfm m Is.iX iu wsvk era tibe fcctf Wchffitot end Etasry Banse wis mWntsxilr.f, Jesry is a tounrottstij; estlnuixSast. Re tais tbmA bis ir casitiK'O allr. The Smith Balssta natiTe (perhaps is w fawstsnt fatcsme he is an excsHlexPt tstsimt&l shot. is 3Mrt TmtzStX LSsr I X ill j iiuMMaii,KiwvM ; n f jL SlL S i : -;"7T" I i L - m THE NEBRASKAN 1 r Counts? Lincois Joaraal pounds, is one of Coach Bill Glassword's outstanding de fensive .giants. The .big .lad needs more offensive work however. A sntnxfi Tan Kn- TVwa- lon club dropped their game to a stronger Lmhisker Co-op team 2-13. The losers had pre- viotislv romped by Delta Sigma Phi 33-2 and were the favorites in League IV. But the winners quickly dis- F'roved bought by passing ver the loser's condrytoee 7- , , ji,UOT''.a tames while puckmg up a safety enroute. The IKE'S led 1-6 at the fealf. but at the three quarter "T t. v.-, the winners led by a ston 8-7 due to their safety. They then went on to rack up 12 points in the final frame to put the game on ice with three minutes to go. The final TKE Intramural Free Throw Tourney Is Underway AH interested and eligible stu dents may enter the first round of the lEtraniMral free throw tour nament by cfctatming a score card and ball from the equipment room at the Ken's Physical Education BtnilWtmy QmaCryiBg sewes fr the Umr aey mwst be to by October 9. Ti al etirmtoatMa play wQl begia at S October 13th. A team trophy win be awarded to the organization winning the championship. Also, a medal will be awarded to the individual champion nd certificates to & naXiut and semifmalists. Oaaant Lawtia Jfaaaai Steady Defender Andy Loehr, diiplayed ftoe ! ffieasive play to Saturdays t3t sSeapcfie the HasiSter lotuc Th jiimutor and frown Turtle Orek. Pa, still pILfyn&g with hs iptsiaj jaw-protuwtor. Andy is a J&$-pw&mder. . - - 1 I 4 r-" p"" a.du ij? l ta ii Am . , . , m y Glassford Seeks Upset Win Over His Alma Mater, U. Of Pittsburgh Glassford ol the University of Nebraska returns to his alma mater nnsQurgn ior no me- . ; 4k!. n.Ml. Dill goes back to rut as an invaaer rather than as reunion-minded grad. Glassford's Cornhusker foot- bailers meet the Panthers on " " . . . 5fiSrdrTi55.the flrSt Une !mce 1942. And the game will stir a lot of old memories for the Scar- let mentor and Line Coach Walter "Mike" Milligan, anothe Pitt alumnus. GLASSFORD WAS an All America guard there in his sen ior year, 1936. He captained the great Pitt eleven that defeated Washington 21-0 in the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1. 1937. He played against the Huskers in 1934, 1935 and 1936. the Panthers win ning 25-6, 6-0 and 19-6 those years. Milligan also played guard. He lettered three years and joined the Pitt coaching staff upon graduation. He was a member of me misDurgn teams mat ae- House, 2, Brown Palace, 0. O.U. Against Texas Will Be Televised Big Seven football action slows in respect to conference tussles this week, but the grid action with non-conference foes will be hot and heavy this weekend. The crippled Missouri Tigers meet a tough foe in Southern Methodist. In 10 meetings be tween the two schools. Missouri J has only two victories and a tie. THE TIGERS may have to field a makeshift backfield for the Saturday night tilt in Dallas. Backs Ed I rrifield, regular right halfback, Tony Scardino, quarterback and Jerry Schoon maker, number two left half backs were injured in last week's win over Colorado. They may possibly seek action however. Colorado meanwhile tangles with the Kansas Jayhawks. The Ja; hawks should be in top form far this one. Kansas came through its game with Iowa Slate with only minor braises. Frank Ondrich rejoins the squad for this game. OKLAHOMA FLATS its third straight mon-comf erence foe Texas, at Dallas. Kansas State meets Iowa State in the other conference tat. Gklahoma's Coach Bud Wilk inson isn't too optimistic about bis team's chances against Texas. The Sooner coach did say his club was getting better all the time. Oklahoma tied Pitt 7-7, last weeJc 31aln Feature dock Varsity: "A lion Is In The Streets," 1:2. 335, 534, 733, 32. niuoiiisini 02 0Hi?S. Cator faf Teduwcalor 1 1 cQj y Cornhuskers 0-0 and then whip- i ped the Scarlet and Cream 40-0 J in ittm, isou ana ioi. TKi Pirrlii iclrAP lasm witn two oeieais ana a we dc- hind it, is hopeful of brighter days, starting witn the Saturday frav - ULA9SrUKlJ ALHLAUI naS announced one change he will makelimination of team-a- quarter substitution which failed Kansas State last week. Earlier the Cornhuskers lost to Oregon zu-iz ana tiea Illinois 21-21. He hinted too, that his starting eleven may be counted upon to go the full 60 minutes at Pitt. Switches in the Nebraska No. 1 unit also are forthcoming. Glassford said. He added, how ever, that any changes will not be announced until Wednesday ?. afternoon. QUARTERBACK John Bor dogna. Turtle Creek, Pa., king pin of the Nebraska T attack. tore an arm ligament at Kansas State, but is expected to be ready to go again by Saturday. Bordogna threw 26 passes for 15 completions and 204 yards in the first three encounters. Left Guard Don Glantz, Cen tral City, who received a neck injury at Manhattan, may not be ready for duty this week. His replacement is likely to be John Machisic, another Turtle Creek, Pa, lad. The all-time Nebraska-Pitt record gives the Panthers 11 vic tories to 3 for the Cornhuskers. Three games ended in ties. The record: Yearlings In Grid Test; Stadium Field Is Site The Husker freshmen squad under the tutelage of Coach Bob Faris. undergoes its first game condition scrimmage this after noon at the Stadium field. The yearling will be carefully scrutinized. Merits will be takes f tbe intra sqnad scrimmage. The fresh are strong in posi tions that the NU varsity is weak, ends and guards. The game will be some indication of bow true this statement is. Mixed Tourney Men and women who are en tered in the mixed doubles ten nis tournament should check the intramural bulletin boards in either the Men's Physical Edu cation Building or Grant Me morial any time after noon Wed nesday, October 7. Matches win begin Thursday evening, October 8, at 7:00 pjn. The best two out of three sets will determine the winners in the single elimination tourna ment. For information contact Miss Mulvaney at 4134. S'aTllliHIIinilllHllliBiiilBIIIIBeiHIIIlallliKllinillB I from Miller's CAREER SHOP i ! lis i m I- 1 a I I A dick on SUEDE-CLOTH JACKET Here with Miracle Milium Lining the neat, trimly- f tailored jacket by Young Timer. Note the clever f stitched detailing that highllghta the yoke and slant poeket This jacket fsift confined to campus . . it's 1 seen on caftual dates everywhere. In red, turquoise, if or cinnamon; sues 9 to 15. 0 ILLL: Page 3 off - t rtoAwsb .. 1-D J; J fj 1S-T ma t 1M1 PMl 1111 14 i3 rtntii !"S pmiwit 1-T i4 14-1S -T 14 Ktkmka " M 14-T 12) Bkvxk t TC YG TIi Kit A. 2S 17 ITS 11 M M 4 1 . S 11 11 S.T t IU M m 3.4 It T IT M S. M .... M 14 S 1.4 ! 14 S tt t-t It 4 IS l.T 4 a -u le .... 1 .. tt -t R. FtarW Y Hater Brwwa B4 pai 111 4 lit 44 S.4 Ill (44 f TU i-1 PASSING Ad. Cam. Pet TG tat. TD .. S -413 117 1 ...14 IS J7T mil AM t J tit Xt tt f JU Stt S S 11 .44 1M S t tECFITLNG r. id x rr l s m S 4S S 41 1 IS 1 14 1 1 1 1 1 -1 m m t IS 1M 1 EFT I BITS . X. A. 1 11 It S 1 JS 1 11 5-5 1 S 1 1 tJt T 41 Vt T J X. Ti. Aim. 1 1 1 1 2- t 1-5 S 4S 14.4 tCOBTXC TO FAT TT A. Mad t IS .. 1 1 .. 1 1 ..! Ill S S 14 1 4 rnroe Tt IqlU 4 15T J t Ml XI 1 tu 14 41T W 1 414 Xlt KICKOrr BETCRfS 9 T4 ht 1 ti -5-4 s in 15J 4S 14J t 1 1 S S.4 UilHal fMII Shop Dailr 9:30 to 5:30 Thursday 10 to 8:30 f i i I i i a f the Caraptu 1795 only rifAf FA III li III !!! On unu So (MM KariBtk Ffacftar Xmfc Tna 1 11 r m t ii V" W 4mmm 11 i li 1 tmmmt WM ; 1 lt m p IW i M yar mm it mi S43 II far mm tmmmt 4jM ma mm nitiw W ? l-ESS2 " 14 mat mUtmrnm pfem ITS 44 mot act naai aBtani 51 IM awata atTiari'l akaj - 4 r a IJ bb mno mKr HJrim S4 T liatlu 11 4 iaadH mmt 111 ar liwil I I III! ! '. f it if 1 ft V. i 1 f i : 1iMa Tiaas ii i3t esmt is the :1 I llT88gg9WaMr & IU n