The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2
Poge 2 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesday, October 7, 195 ) EDITORIAL PAGE What If Wtfre Tagged? Last June the editorial cartoonist for the Washington Post, Herb Block ( known by his signature Heiblvx-k), drew a cartoon which should make every college student shudder. The cartoon showed the president f a col lege presenting- diplomas to graduating sen iors. In the foreground, hiding under a couple of potted ferns, were two sleuths hold ing papers labeled "Inreslifatioais cf Educa tion." One ct the sleuths asked the ether, You Cot all their nataes?" The cartoon might appear absurd at first Stance VTht have students to fear from inrestiffatiotSs if they remain loyal American csfisens"? you may ask. R tM bad that a simple answer at Xath tag" cannot be sirea. But take the ease cf former Universally Student who suddenly found that she was ia Jasshle to bold m h as a telephone eperatar because she wis labeled a security risk. After several unsucoessful aWanpSs ta deter mine why she was so labeled, she disrovered that her name was put on the doubtfur list because she had subscribed to Pravda for a eracparativ Jouraalsin course at the Univer sity. She was fold that her name would be marked cleared'" when her subscriptkai ex pired, but "cleared" is ot the same as sua list ing at H la other wards .ibmaga Bmrinal classroom wark, she was tagged "sTssckaas." The 1SB1 edition of the "Gcing to CsJQege Handbook. printed by Oullkwk Publishers, asks the cjoestioin, ""Cam stedemts avoid being tagged Canvmumitstac?" .Farther defining tbe iffisesiian, tbe publica tion asked maliioinally known SSgtttres: Ia war present ntftftd ia America, feew caa c3ere stadeats, wita Cunoaxaist leaa iagg waaserer, disrsss cmtreversul issaes mni Ideas fcanestly ui frs-tikly if they are bm to bwwoe sahjects af ssnspkioa wbea their pbsktas differ treat those f the emsr.aa- The answers are interesting. . A superficial answer came Smm Ren. Etan aM L. Jackson fS-Calif , a member cf Ven ded mxirAxnBncxji activities committee, who said: Avoid jirofessianEl agitators mi dm mot Scan gwrcrps or rganizaiaons umta ym are car tana cf flbeSr toKiinate ends and confident ttbet tfbeir E5oer$ are bonesEy (devoted to ttbe true processes S the lEleptabbnan ffann cf. sonero snent.'" What abocit the University jranmalisnii srtm $ent? She cSdmTt era belong to an inrgaaiii aatQoa mmder suspicion. The most rettSstic attitudes expressed in fbe answers came from men who said, in ef f act, tfort Students (could mot avoid tbe risk cf being labeled pmko'" Sf their cipmions dif- A Toast To Us The JJebraskKn as celebrating this week. Yirst, because Oct. l-J is Kalians! News paper Week. Second, because we haven't bad nnr beads blcrwn c3 i&oring nnr first three and a bslf -weeks mf publicEtion. We werenU surprised to see JJewspaper Week roll around tor at bappens every year. But we were a Irtfle amazed that we jrot throui all 4 September and a week ml Oc tober without being rum tout an a ra2L This, eff Bourse, isnU to say that we bawen't been Tisiited by indignant delegations mr rep traaHnaed by indiriduals who bne bad their feelings tart. AHthnnch mo one bas attempted aeriaualy to (control wbat goes into oht editorial and news (cdtarrms, anore than ione interested par bas accused tus iof iffiscriirtinating against lit. . ... Sul we continue to follow (our own policieK, correinced that they are lair and 6bjectn e. fered with those cf the community. Charles J. Turck, president of Macalester College, said bluntly: There is NO WAY. An intelligent person knows that in a period of anti-intellectualism through which we are now passing he is bound to be misjudged and suspected by ig norant and unprincipled people. A person trying to be a ChrisSian accepts such risks. Christ did. A coward counts the chances but not the Christian scholar." Elmer Davis, ABC news commentator who cne to the defense of Dr. E. N. Anderson last winter, said the same thing. "1 hate to ten tber people to stick their seeks aat; bat pevple irht are afraid af be emlBg the ebject of suspicion to (heir itaer sat ar biceted aeighbars will sever be wrth a damn. Kobert M. Hutehms, of the Ford Founda tion and former University of Chicago chan cellor, and Mark F. Ethridge, publisher of the Louisville (Xy.) Ccurraerouraal, flatly stated that students should not be buffaloed by threats of unjust critidism. T advise stsdrnts to discuss reatravenial saVjects "nvRfliy aad fraakly" is easy. Ta staad va aad sveak ae'a episirts wbea taey aeeai aBpmUr is atet a easy. Dedica&ia to a principle is quickly dulled by social pressures of the raaenesit. Out cmly weapon, it appears, is truth. And, as Frank P. Graham, Unatd Nations trustee ship council Koeraber, pointed out in answer to the Handbook's cwsSiosa; ' Jesass said, Know the truth and the truth shal jsaake you free." KJB. First Things First Money, somehow, always manages to be involved in any plan far improvemeinits. An esDoepfioin, however, is the iniflitutaoia of aturoay openuEg aaours tor Ag luitarary m Agriculteffirjl EagSnsersng HilL A pressng (demand for making the library available to Ag students and faculty bas beam met "y opening Ag library Saturdays from $ to 5 with ttbe (exoeption of boroe ffcpoaball wieek erods wbea tfhe bcturs will be from S to 12. And. SMrprisaiasSy. this wi31 aaot interfere wiJb the badget aEkoration far Ag library. Money, Saiswever, does (enter into ttbe cues ttion oaf earfiending library bnars for ILove 3Li brary. E&nector of University libraries. Prank A, Laandy, states that repeated budpettary re npiests ff.or (txpaaded sarvik in ffibe ffinnnn of Hanger boars have been icnmancessfuIL, primar ily becamse a larger appsropristion would be called for. Aocarding to ILniSy, the cominiSSiees consid eriiag the year" badge! are "a complete sym pathy' with extending te hours, bat effiber projects take precedence. One of these proj ects, according to ILiandy, as tfibe expansion cf the book and periodical fmid whicb has been roeglected in the past. He pointed malt thai it was simply a gnuter cf ""what bad to come first--" This "firs! Chines firsf tmttjA ictnrw The Xf tiraskaiL Waait jTJiofl is tbe afiditiea of annre tweks aad pnriofiirRlK, if lbe mm mine in tir stacks are not tmade available and utHuieifl to best aflrantace? It seems as thoagb it would be wiser to ex tend availability f present resources by mnore realistic iqperning boors than to expand re sources amder a limited svailMity. If the powers-that-be are mnwUliEg to m grant money for longer boura, which are meeded, bow can they rationalize an appro priation for expansion which is apparently (only (desirable'.? ILundy himself cited the example cf the University library at Berkley, Calif, which (floes more business mm Sunday than any ether day iof the week. There is no argument about the meed ffor more realistic hours. Everyone as apparently convinced cf lhat. The basis far any (difterence cf (opinion would seem to exit in deSining "the lirfit things" which, cf courtie,, ""mart come iBrrt.'" EXJL We have cne curious fact to report EcUtorial WTiters bave a word not a very sdee ward Sar a particular tfcype eff editorial The word Is "lAJgriamfitaniflm" (or dimply AtghEn "Tt means.,-' according to Carl TL lEleBler iin The QuiH, "that the guilty party (tends to con fine bis fiarBfaer afljectiveE to 'diBtanl places and peoples because be is too lazy to find iou4 what 3s going at borne and too timid to criti cize the people be knows.-" We certainly haven't hesitated to criticize the people we know although we snay be lary. But we ha ve also taken a number of potshots at idistRnt places and peoplej; dn tfiflgefl 3a AfgbaxtE. The strange part cf the cane is lhat, -while iut Hocal jjabs have not Sailed to bring cries f anguiKh, a single Afghan succeeded iin aH isx (down the wrath nf the go&h rom a no called "tfiifikitereEteS'' cbserver.. AH eff which anufit prove tfbat the editorial writer 3act Ssifl saSe, even bebiiid AJghans. " Therefore we'H contiirae to caE She strikes Matter Of Sp&ed as we see them whether they're iin the Union IS c-ne can aorawe University students cf r 2n Afghanistan. leading a "taut bie" anymore. We hope we can continue to (celebrate ur Fin Uelts proT'ed that with their tturile race iEoofl bealih JLX. last week. TTSfp as slowing dtwa. Mesjawn AuMimatefi rwlleirlate rrem ttiiriHIifr1&te Frew AflvtrrfiaSnr repmwntatrpe: :atiret!B3 AeverSBSng errine Inc. J JWiftCitHm 3Kew Turk 17. Xrw Twrk Margin Notes That AUF Drive Again f Earlier this year The 'NebraEkan changed its description x& the AIl-CTiiiverEXty Fund 1 'drive from '"sole, (only, single, .allmdkiBive, '.one-bit" to simply "'.one-bit.'" ISow we would like to alter iflhat (description slightly. We feel that She (drive should be labeled "lane-tat per organization.'" How about the fellow who gives bis $2, Ibam turns around and (donate 2 (fiirecfly cr ia (fiirectly)) through every (organization be be aangs to? "Sometimes I Wonder What's In These Darn Things' The Student Speaking Ti lAmiAm CTthliiBniB fan ttin uiuitiii r ft. hA rtntiM mi. fciwtmfliir Ho artMMi ill .nf -ttir , jm tixmnm muaxnt vuHtimtutm mut mmttamm fc sum fsauTd wr -Miiliw(Mm. "it t !ttm 6mUmm6 p.iliw it kk Sbiw Mt iwniliitl i omUat to JnrtN0intin liU arm Siom diuirmi nuio'iia an in inm .rr iur Jmwsinl, ar .im tmn ttt mm mntw nj ttlvr Smutty US w .mwu, hitt mtr Mxmimn f ttm wotoff ol ITnr ,hm aim immramaiv tminailoi tor wtwt (tlmr w mt r mmtm xa " nitlntl." i(twnrttm m&m mm 15? urnmtterr. I .nil itmltufl. mr tm 1 thr urdliiBB men. M 'BHiSwCI. tllllRM Id !"4 fuil,M!mS .on S;WNHI!K, VUMrUV imi6 ?UI. en -if wtxuttinB d mMHiUMKilim iwi.uIk. imi nww i i' tiuTtwr tl nioutn of AitriMt mmsi vmt lw uliie ' mf imwi mor 1i -rnnwrvMiun t ti i-mmmmmt mm 'Ktitwnn f ui.t."tiniB. jttwmtfl w ramii ww m- ntim J'obi M'tm to l.inn.nn. lmuiim. f'-v fcKB f Mimrrtm. (Unroll R, ml nimsinl w.m .w ji.MUMw 4kH"lilie dor 111 'fntnllini il'Tii. t Of , .MS ! Mar .. .hmitr aIl enwviaati, cr&rr ttMtor f drt.irlal fer f,flti. . . MwHMtlitr .atnr. trtHtw , Cnpv Ciilltm. Jan OnvVsnm. Tftm-muiw Bnmxm. jpirtna aaanm, SdW 9iwqr Tmrl Cdltor jfawwi'lur Fwpn' C.atwr . . anma AnuAt Wllllr Sfcntilh. 1TirIvii ftSJmH. (ar. Dana IviieitHlitmi liMrrtftr tiimrc. tcmtir Sijrwir, iwin Jwiiawu. Hkrlb amum. Hunt tiimi, Manv ( ijmiut. Xnratlm 9vant. iThyllifi nrtitHnv iwy Cana ols(un. iaivval Hmnw. Itur r Smbkiuhk. wmrMsse Warr ftiattiwMi mmuww , Mm lmia Mil aunla MKimmm 3Nr Xirii-loMm, Imtai iiiiu, Olmutartlim Xkntim'.. Jam HlwnmnB JiiSUl. awa i.aiw itm, iunaa fey, Arrendy 4 Reprinted with pertntsskia of Herblock aad the Washington Past.) The Challenge True Education Begins In Emotional Experience : By ALEXV T. AXDEXSOX "Assciate PrfesMr Of Bistory (Tats H tae faria ia a weekly series f articles treating the iwMrs, issaes and chaBea$rs of t&e day as Tirwed nrptv taiivi ef van fields f eadeavar.) One eff the mnicst satislyaims; ex pfrjessres tsbat a ccSege protfessiHr cam bave is to Eneit a ffuiraaer sitodesot who reaiMiiwis iaina off sofflnesbajng Jl caace said iaa tbe cBasstuMBio Kod SJaem gjiKis, v& to imdiicate im a msnoiie snaJbsitasailial way that Unas edjaratJcaaall experi ence was BBeaniiisfaL Too ffreij'ffleBtliiy, bewever. one mtneets the stadJEt aba bas be come absorbed ia flbe mmairfcett plaice, wha (disports bamselff gsem eraUy as tibougti Ms college years constattaaSed m5y aim imieirm'ptkffli im Blurs career, and miabal reEc!ts mo lasting iECipressiiani ffironii boofes. prolessnars, bis student associia ttaons, sr new hdeas.. What is wrong'? The answer maay be iim Sbe fact that in erne case ""(education'"' was am eanftcttiaaal esperaemce; iin flbe (ffber case cnly a passing df tliiroe. Sonne wag inooe insisted nbaft mhxir riage was a Sane inttfStnSMim and erary ffamQy shoald baie ccae. 1 biippen to fce oe ff those wha bebeiTes that some kind eff effino tSkinal cnEis as ikcseparable ffinona a truly edacaii's eacj;eiriemce. At some peanut ttbe tboajbtfall stiademtt innaast Seel ffiike. ""A child erjrmg, in ttbe might. A Tftntrii cryiiEg for flihe Br CHICK. TATXOE ""What was the barfiest thing 5-oia learned at colls&e'?'" asaed the proud lather.. "Bow (t,5i (cipeaa beer battles with a djuartier," said ttbe son. "I pacifced ray paradbiute lmy seffit,'" said tbe nerwious stiiioent pUcfl., ''but Tm sore it won't (open,'" "Ha any cipinacaa," replied the Baastnuctar, "yoiu are fumping !M a basty cnnclusian.'" 'RTbat about the rwa bapsters w m us are .standing a m tt in tbe street and the tfirKt (one says to tbe a 4 ta e r. "Dag ttiaat crazy on 10 is n ttrp tberer" and the second one counter's wifb: "That's ns) moon, that cra2y thing as the sim.'' At that naoment another aaaam walfcs (out (off the doorway eff the building, so tbe two put tbe (i3ueston tto fcina and be answers with "H (don'U ifcnow, anan, IT'na a stranger around bere.'" First fester: "TKaat was thai datter?" Second feater: "Er other ICa pes just tell idown the staor m-flb a guarl ci wbirifceyf" First iraten: "Xtid toe spia 51?" Second arater: "Ifio, be lepl this unouth shot."" V.oit ob 'STire: "Belln, as tthoE ffibe Fidelity liranrance cona SaaEy!''" Cperalar: "Tea, anadam.'" ranpe to bare aany buiJhand's JS (fielfly imsusred.'" A Acuity yoang oaaan was a wbax Wito jirla, and be itaued kifit ang fciB. Saud she, "HJtal canlt be, TLcB you's stronger ifiam une An. boney. Ab retilSiBni ywii aa.1" light. And wita mo language bat a cry. Wanlh all dune respect for tbose emattside tbe pale off bigber edaca tefltni it renaaimis tbatt a treaniesii &oses respMisiMility devoilves fjpocn those Ban mar stpiaety wbo are "'Ttraiiwd''" im cmar coUeges assi nmiversitaes. Insttitratioms ciff Msber learniiBg are mutt podia ff jwjjnaainida. Tbey are mmstt aJoBae repnisiluoiriies eitf tracutt. They are diiicwerers and traasnniiittters etf tbraattfia. Tbeir ffirst and final affiegsaiBKre is to ttTTLitb itincilb abofuit tbe tDMaiYeirse. ttrdatni abematt (nmaTin itractlb aboiiiit si ciwty. It is aerardiag to tae caMotc f trala taat a stadnttt avast g: It is ia tae caarwas 4 troth aat fce ntst fiad kis war. Aad at aaaay MffxU taere are kaaards. Why is tbene saatb am empbasis anpoia scQence? It is certaiiailiy naaft aatj'eireJy am tbe bope tbatt isccneDEDe wim indent a betttsr gadget, cir ffaaod a cuane for caaacer r wrftse a Bearaaad piaper uapam snmne isa Istei ardhaenikogiraJ ffaawl Thtt nauay bapcjean. bmt w&$& ediflciffinn am scaanice as Sesiig)Ded tan tiring a iwnailagne peoipCe abreast (nff ciiiarent scieE!tixc ftaonwUedge and to gie tbe staidentt trainnatig iao tbe anelbods etf sentence.. Abswe all it is cesigned to friimti with a traaaoe eff refferenre fiar ennsttderiang tbe Mg Qnes&mss those iactianatiteily conaaeclted wiab mam and the nasoarsprse.. At some poiaat tbe naoxe&fly faawsrledge nuimst conSSict wish ac cepted ftebefs. Here its a jaarcisag paint (For am eaaMffixnrall espera ence. Bere education begins. Why are ttbe social sauraccs enaaphasiaed? History aaad its as socialed (chsciipiliaaes ffonuses iitts att ttentioD aapon unnam aman as am ia (drrtdual and anam as a social be- ing, ttnann priirjiitrse ttinites to the present What bas be teem, mihat bas be (done, bow sbd be sSlqi at and wby'? And is tbeae anylbiaag to learn from ttbe sums total etf brnmam i:rerenre? It nmay he a startling Cart; butt amam is pos sessed c enough fcmowledge ctf mam to srifae most asff bis social ids.. Wiby (does be besataTe to art tupoia at Here is another siartiiEg point for am eanotaonal esper ienre. Wtr Mec every .. aiiaienaty wiiriliir t iSbm wnw aroe una a Barge aflace ta ffibe btaajama,'? U as ai iniSr tw wlariT fibe aes iHufSlt (Tariarc f a wf&nt$M-l&i few. bat rtbr ta tire meimMgiiaie S wfcmihgewi t tbe edacatare eaperieace aSL The painter, the poet, tbe jftuU (oscpher. ttbe aaaiusician bas soaoe thing to comrmtunicTate, and tbose sadHed itaa aKterprietsng ttbeir ea peraences are at tbe sera'ace ctf the mtninitialied. Dt may be true, as someone bas said, that ewry anam should know at least nine language preff!y fcis iwra but there aire ffnany languages an ttbe atneamf She btrsnarutieE to eaauch ttbe ed sucatrwe eEperience and to pj'o I'iae lincalc-uialue (Ojpcrtuniaaes Jfar eoMftionsl experiences. Iff flbtsne is tno education aaa the bu aaaatLCUes weOl, there its bm edu cation.. 3 aff the abos its nnctf to tacy ttbe value ctf special ttraining am ttbe various proSessional 8dh micues. It its mrJy to suggest, wiub al smoerity. that She beant tf edaca tiaB as am eaaaouonal esperience as to be found largely in the three great areas andjcatefl abowe. HI St were ffltSheraviise ttbe baHowwS tfiraditioa e ttbe aisrsiily would be blurred ande.d. and sonnelteng rich would obsafffear fnam tbe life eff stern anaaa. The (Cjuestwre remains; wbal 5und itf education are yoo jgev ting? By JZ1RRT SHARPNACX As way of introdacm" dis col umn, I want yez colitch intel lectuals ta become asquainted wit my home an' friends, an es pecially wit my professional ad viser, dearest friend, an next door neighbor, R. Sam Jones. Now, Sam is a real intellect In his own right, as dey say. an' has done some real profound think in' in his day. He has tra velled ta da far off places of da world an' has had great multi tudes of jobs; all of which gives him a great background for ia teUieence. What?" ya say. "Dat guy runs da, Hobbe Nobbe Petrce Shoppe, a scholar?"" I certainly hope ta tell ya he is. Why, Sam has rationalized out some of da most perplexin problems, like fer instances, the campus police an da K-State game. Often, 1, myself, has gone ta Sam fer ad vice an consultations. Also. I want ya ta be ac quainted wit Fanny, my land lady who has Toeen a real motthuh to me fer da ten yeairs I has been here at da "Exotic Dream apart ments. She is a real great ol lady an" who goes airoum" tefflim" every body she is 22. She don't fool me at all, though, as I know ber daughter who is 63. Too, I want ya shoimlld be fa miliar wit da place im which I live. Da pride of my life, of comrse, is my imported CThiniese bamboo sofa, which Sam brtxsgmt me from Eeri-Eerii. be saM. I also has another piece of furni tare which I pride ta no snaa!! degree. A original water color by Picasso. No less. Sam brought me that, tco. Da door off my apartment is kiHsla cM. twit I wwaMm''t want a new me. Scmetimes enjoyable tings go on downstairs an I can watch 'era from da cracks in da floorboards. Den dere is T. S. Eliot, my faithful, loveable St Bernard an of mho I could write pages an pages on. an probably wiL T. S. gets a lotta baby in' from me an my friends an', often as not, leads a better life dan me. ar ready. But I don't begrudge him dat da least bit because a dog what has just turned 21. is partially blind (tunnel vision an' acute n e a r - s ightedness), completely , deaf, an what barks (defiantly) at anything what passes his rather narrow line of vision needs a lot of attention. (Re also drinks like a fish, so ta speak.) Dea. ef casrse, dere Is Jae. God el' Joe. Be is what ya anight rati me aa Sam's atatere, aa we teres kisa like a kradder. We picked da peer slob apt eata da gwtter eae might, sabered alff. ap an' he kas been kaaxia' areai-i-' ever siace. After a while, Sam gave him a job down at da Shoppe feedin da cuckatoos. Dem damn cocka toos has also had a effect on my life, but I ain't goin ta go inta dat story right taday. Den. too, dere is Joe, da joQy bartender down at da Diamond Bar an" Grotto, an" Ixffliy Belle, da crazy dame at da Chinese Laundry, an well, many more umforgeltable characters what will come bomaadim from da col umns of "Hey, Arready in glor ious techiMooHor a spectacle ta be paralelled only by Warner Brothers. So. I'll leave yea until next week, when you will read il am hepcm"! abotrt wben R Sam Jones was smashim imta da headlines as da greatest private detective otf dem all . . . ias 3-D, arready. Slide I Do Armed Services . Rue Misuse Engineers? Tbe American Socoetty tor En pmeriaig Eftfaratfecws is bDMiEg; a METtiiitiffffli at Kamsas State ttMs year. Friday, Prntf.- E. B. MBer. , Bab Peterson and C. P. Amdersem are going dowm to attttemd this imxpDffHaiait naiieettMiig. aaud wiOH no donuiSst bring back mamy noew udeas. I dioimt dionabt bat what fluey will leave some off omar proMenas down Ibere. tois. Eiaiganijeersiiijg lauspecttwiiai are scheduled to ccuoaDe off Oct. 19. 25) aottl TL That wEl mmeam a rest tor tbe iE2isder-(Class!i!niem im yTTriTTMftwrrm tor maany ctf ufa eb stroartors win toe one. I used to toot forward to tbe tannic when ttbe seniors toci ctfff for pDanjtts ctf iaiiterestt, seeking to ffrjHd sonme andicatlixom ctf what SaB- drjisttry was Hake. I dKanftt mii'Tmiir jnt wiSB da mne amandt good bawewer. as I aaaa sKatted fer ftfrf JCaTy uapam gradaiiattiioaL. I wonder jast harm many fellows are going riygftit iiatito tbe service after graidoaatuoia. Aaayaaaiiire its a tangb hatttDe to get tflarHcgh ccfi lejse wiittboBtt any miiliittary serv ttce am fcettweem: ttbe sitnisaltaDta doesm"tt get aauy beSSer after grad a3attikon, though. I bear. Otoe EE wb graduated last year go a job wjth Bell Labora ftnraes. bnt an?y wnrteed ttbere aboialt EacffiOibs before be was called into tbe Air Ftamce. I (flomlt doubt tbat Bunny is bjip penitig to a good percensage ctf !2he gradaalies m eEgmeeriicg. Iff civiil iam iaadastay aaeeds eaagianeers. Uncle Sam prcfoabty meeds ttSaeam worse. Tbey say tbat college slnadentts that graduate wStbomtt a ccimiimiis saon w amy ttiraaBiiEg in EOTC stU maie a good ebanoe off ffetttiasg a camaaicafiiaom iff drafted. I laoiaJoft tfiais a5sm. I Snaow off cme AgEL. "32. wb as a sai iinate iim Jagaaa right mow. I xStxiiTls ttbey ftaaagmtt this college gradmate bonr to type al wiier again, gawe nti somae shcartband aaoaS ttbem aJLaioed Haina iiaa an andinaaace jgrtwiajs wbere he cam mtBe aoeaSber. Tbere are janubably a M etf stories abautt displaced persons In the arnocd torces that miis-repre-semt tbe siteatiam tbere, tmat tbere can toe no Doisttake abowt tbe el,a resaalits. The best years ctf a Btarv life seem to be wasted, in many imstaioces. rsarmang the art of bat wben tbey cocd be serving tbeiar cosnfry to a better purpose ia essential iau&sstry. So mtmcii tor the woes of grad- utitKtML Tbe lg'ii,ueeiis Exec Btoiard met last Tuesday and de ciided that tbe societies sbomM elect tbe co-cfiaairmen tor tbeir resaiecttve departtmemts at tbe next Biseettacig. Tbe aext naeetjasg ctf aaay off tbe socuetses sbtxujki be ana incportact one; Tbe ASTaOTs are bavimg erne tomiigSiit at 7 over in iff K to elect their wbeeJs, 1 gTiaess. The AIEETi sbocM bf mneettiiaDg tfrra'jgfot also tor ih sami pwpese, so be there if yWrc la vcived. J. A. TtXARKS. E1F0RI AU&UST201I952 aWKStms aiiarrsawor EIfRE AUGUST 2D, 13 S4 m casta. 9 Vie Hehmskan Vcrrf Ads pi.t . , ,. .. hi mi m Wl i i,&t0P verfv Sty!13 fieisfl X if k .. .. . r- V M a . . sXf txve x-psan cs;23 j m s11-1! y2 (SsArs Iran 2A fi f4. si& mis, 9 I ! 1 4 K - I 3750 LINCOLN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 19S2St Serin TW'. 3 OMHESTR1. IW- 111I4 ACtDERfT (MOZIS. Jam. IS gJCH.tKO CD0TOfT. Ik'SsSkwa jnd OniluoHtra And OxdbeaSm Kar. TriTn.?. iw. Ajar- iAlHmO wlXi'EE$ TTH OSXELSTJU. , L0 KCf?, Contactor -nsiirs ri tti irw. mvjr um rtt tu&n nttrr. AS CiMKinr4 At .ttmaot ThKutor Senure Tatavrtia At Sttt&tns I'mtva lUijltjnf: 1 UJ? f ' V ... V J Math