The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 23, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 5

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    Poga 4
Wednesday, September 23, 1953
" TTV f -1
1 ,,- .
Exhibit Preparation
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Museum employees preparing Stanley Sohl, staff artist and
exhibits in a basement work- photographer for the Histori
roora are (from the left) Jim frllSTety- Btf h Bai1 a"d
T.;i. 171 j Tt , , w uatu flic ViUVCi ill. V siu
Bailey, Floyd Urbach and dents.
Facilities To Serve NU, Public
j. ,; mm m mw . att - . fl
3 . P., -io7of.w. , git
l I jj TO -: xrK
Copy Editor
With memories of over
crowded carloads, lost or dam
aged articles, problems of organ
ization and the difficulties of
moving still fresh in the minds
of all of us, the task of moving
40,000 books, 35,000 bound vol
umes, 50,000 photographs, thous
ands of manuscripts and count
less museum items from tiny
lusterware cups to iron safes
that six men can't lift seems
pretty hopeless.
During the summer the Ne
braska State Historical Society
has accomplished just this feat
and all the articles formerly con
tained in the Capitol building,
plus dozens of new displays.
have been successfully trans
ferred to the new State Histor
ical Museum next to the Union.
of the 75th Anniversary meeting
of the Society, will officially
dedicate the museum Sunday
afternoon. By this time, the
principle displays are expected
to be completed.
"We -want students to feel
welcome to use the facilities of
the museum to the fullest extent
possible," James Olson, secretary
of the Society, said. "One of the
principal reasons the building
was built on this location was to
make the story of Nebraska his
tory available to University stu
dents." He stressed that a mu
seum is constantly growing and
changing and urged not only vis
iting the museum, but returning
again and again.
open for visitors to come in and
have a "look-see" since early
this fall. Library facilities are
available to all students Monday
through Friday from 8 a.m. to
5 p.m. and until noon Saturday.
An assistant, who will be on
duty in the reading room at all
times, will help students get
books from the stacks.
Twenty-four units are being
installed in the circular foyer.
The encased displays will pro
vide an introduction to the mu
seum itself and present a panor
amic view of Nebraska develop
ment for over 10,000 years. Still
in construction are the west gal
lery of early Indian relics and
the east gallery of pioneer
Special galleries on second
floor will be entirely new, with
furnishings exactly as they were
during the period depicted. In
cluded will be a typical sod
house, the John Carson parlor
from Brownville, and an early
colonial bedroom furnished ' by
Professor Emeritus W. W. Whit
the assorted and numerous con
tents of the museum was done
by a crew of four boys from the
Nebraska State Reformatory.
Working from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30
p.m. each day, the boys finished
the last of the moving on Sept 4,
They were supervised by Roger
Walker, University Trtudent from
Almost completed, the new
"storybook" museum is waiting
to serve the people of Nebraska.
According to the inscription be
side the entrance, "The spirit of
a people lives in its history. Here
open to all is the history of this
Display Cases
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Large easy-to-see display cases hibit depicts some of Nebras
are scattered throughout the ka's early Indian inhabitants,
new museum. The above ex-
On The Social Side
Engagements, Pinnings
Rate High For 2 Weeks
SUff Writer
Carolyn Good, senior from Co
tad, passed candy at the Tri
Delt house during the first week
or school to announce her en
The event was the niTininp r,f
Dixie Borgaard to Murray Back
haus. Dixie is an Ag. student
from Lincoln and Murray is a
Biz Ad student from Millard.
Both are juniors.
A summer ninnine officiallv
announced at Preference Brunch
gagement to Bill irby. tsm is was of ph nis M Chi
bU' bagTe O. t0 Bob Wagner, Kappa Sig.
?f rBduate of Ste- dent is now working in Lincoln.
phen, College. Bob 3952 UigMe Bachelor and
Schnck-Craaoer football player, is a junior in
Preference Brunch wa the Business Administration. Both
cene lot the engagement an- are from Lincoln,
nounoement of Carol Schuck, .
KD, to John Crancer. Carol, a . Rohwer-Denniston
ophomore, it tram Lincoln. . A !.tCOn revealed at
John fmm T.inrvOn ic the chl O Preference Brunch
Junior fa Arti and Science Col- s that of gh Rohwer to Lyle
tL-, Denmston, Phi Psi. Beth is a
. senior Ae. student from Ft.
TSfrS..,- 5oun- Lyle, junior in Arts and
"T J T Z science College, is from Republi-
.vvu -. - can iiry
fall engagement. Shirley, living
t Tnu Wall is a nnhomnri in LothroB-Carveth
Ag College. Burt, Farm House, The pinning of Norma Lothrop
i graduated from Ag College. sieve carveth, Phi DeJt, was
tww nm. xjniAyoao announced at the Alnha Phi
CUV t,. X -"
house. Norma, 1952 Homecoming
Pinnings Queen, is a senior in Arts and
The Delt serenaded at the fc Uge comes fTrom
Aha XI house Monday night ''V, .7; ' t T
. ,1t r,f the ninnine of ?ta. ?an bu now attending
Nancy Draper, sophomore: to mea i001 "Omaha.
Chtrek Tomsen, Fophomore. Green-Hosterman
ivt. i. t -,,Ant Ruth Green off una
J.1 CULL T 1 m iiWIll o-rt- riuuviiL -
from Belden. Chuck, an Ag "nced her summer pinning to
College student, is from Minden. fe? Hosterman, AGR, at Towne
tiess-v i-sner : . . t,.
Anoiiier Tecent Tri Delt candy a senior ln AS- College. Fred,
passing was that of Elaine Hess f t Present working on his Mas-
to bod wiesner, atu. name zs - "
a Junior from Omaha. Bob, a Larson-Stromer
Lincoln sum, graduated from The Gamma Phis were seren
Missourf University and now aded by the Pi Kaps as a
rerks in Uncoln. result of the pinning of Peggy
Carap-Spencer Larson to Marv Stromer. Peggy
Towne Club members were is a Teachers College sophomore
surprised Monday night as De- from Fremont. Marv, junior in
lores Carag passed candy to re- Arts and Science College is from
veal her pinning to Lt. Don Hastings.
Spencer. Delores, junior from Thurman-Innes
Lincoln, Is an art student. Lt. The Pi Kaps also traveled to
Spencer, now stationed in Vir- the K D house where the pin
ginia, is graduated from Michi- ning of Betty Thurman to Doug
Ran University and -was a mem- Innes was beine announced.
ber of Farm House. Betty is a third year Ag 6tudent
from Broken Bow. Doug is a
Aincrra-Aimuinvn - "
fa.n ah 1 - - 1 kPn inr in Arte nnH Cionra r1!
rtui uueru passed cigars ai .v,n.nv. ui-
fhe Sammy house to revecl his J?e and lives in Philipsburg,
tyinninff to Felica Abramsnn. Kansas.
mil, a graduate student, is ln
Arts and Science college, relica
Is attending Omaha University.
Tm Donovan, junior from
Tineom, informed his TKE
brothers Monday night of his
recent pinning to Pat Carey.
Tom, a Navy man. is an engi
neering student. Pat is in her
first year at the University.
Ardis Fuhrman, Gamma Phi, I
and Bill Aldrich, Phi Delt, have 1
announced their recent pinning. I
Ardis, formerly a Teachers Col-1
lege student, is now teaching in 1
Nebraska City. BilL now in j
the Navy, is from Lincoln. Ar- !
dis is from Wilber.
leaf Vcek j
The Kappa Sigs serenaded the
Alpha Chi house to officially
announce the pinning of Stan
Gohlinghorst to Jane Farnum.
Jane is a sophomore in Teachers
College and Stan is junior in
Business Administration. Both
are from Council Bluffs, la.
Borraard -Backhaus
The Fijis in full "grass skirt"
also serenaded the Alpha Cuis
Student Directory Corrections Needed
10 mane uie aiuaem uirecxory Stephen Fiansburg, James r oiey, xweiier, jvianiynn Kennedy, kod
rorrect and complete the Direc Robert Folk, Sterling Foster, ert Kennedy, John Kessler, Ger
tory staff asks that the following Margaret Fox, Ken France, Wil- - , A Kha r-....-. i,1t
students either go to Room 305 liam Franken. Marlin Frantz, af TT&S' Kleltv.
Union or call the University num- Carroll French, Corliss French, Richard Kieny, Keith Kile, Bob
ber, 2-7631, extension 4231. Carolvn Fricke' Itha Frost. KirkendalL Ethan Kittell, Willis
deirStS WAFNE GAXOW, .Norma Kittleman, Joy Klaasmeyer, Wil
filled out the card from which Gans, Manuel Garcia, Thakorld llam KIas, Charles Klasek, Rich
information is taken for the Di- Gardhi, Marvin Gardner, John ard Klukner. Kelvin Kleim.
rectory. Garrett, Kenneth Gass, Edward
Agita Abens. Earl Achen, Alan Gauchat, George Gaswick, John RALPH KLEIN Marvin
Aden, Duane Ainlay. Berton Ake- Gaswick, Eugene Gauger, James irn.. vcm;- i-,
son, Qark Alexander, Norman aver, Raymond Geiger, Mary Kllmes. uliam Klostermeyer,
A 1 a n fi n x a 11 tt flyY -,T-t rKofiftt. fi tv T?nhprt TCnAnt PipKqH V-rrif
mcAauuci , AdilL.y fVilcll, JVaZVS uu "ai vitaiica vjii uociii, iuxiii v .K...Vf ..a,o. M v 1.
Alminas, Lloyd Andersen, Ben Giels, Shirley Gies, Carol Gif- Dered Knowlton, Charles Koes-
Velma Anderson, Marvin T Arens- Gillett, Julia Gillette, Bernard ? -
Armbrust, Joseph Arpke, Monday Glesmann, Richard Goet t s c h, nis Korinek, Ronald Korinek,
Aiugnonu, jvianuei AyaJa. wwener, xtoger jraui, j. Arnold Kramer, Donald Kre
Harold Baker. Llnvd Rail T?,h- Graver, Wilbert GreckeL Wil- -
ard Banister, George Barlow, Greenlaw, C. Delbert Grim, eii ecnt, ieon
xj cue oarrioo, m. ivay isarton, vjj uiiii, iiuuii ji unuirao, " -
Hal Bauer, Virginia Bauer, Hen- 1)011 Gustafson, Leighton Gus- ice Krocning, Keith Kroll, Uldis
ry Baum, Raele Baumanis, Wil- tavson Russell Gutting, Robert Krolls, Janice Kruecer Wvbe
liam Bectter, Donald Becker, HaaS, Phillip Haas, Glen Haden- Vrr,i r v,
Mary Lou Beerman, Wesley feldt, Frank Hager, Richard Kroontje, Farry KuhL Leonard
Beerj', Gertrude Behrens. Flet- Hale- John Haley, Wanda Ham, Kuhre, Arlen Kuklin, Reba Kuk
cher Bell, Emil Beraner, Ken- Gene Mamaker, Donald Ha- lin, Arthur Kurtz,
neth Berns, Charles Betzelber- mann, Barbara Hamilton, and Guv Lack. Plarhara ij,
ger. Lester Bevans. Josephine Hamouz. ryll i t , v
Roy Hansen, Larry Hanson, chester La. Thomas Ladehoff,
TVIvVVTS UTTUnrvr r" Pai'I Harl. P.ill Unv, OnV.-r-t Alan I.amh Wsm Tomm.'k;
Berns, Thomas Bischof, Eugene H a r m e r, Thomas Harrington, Jean Landen, Robert Lang Ger-
Donna Boehmer, Michael Boer- man, Grace Harvey, Lester Har- Ronald Lantz, Ronnie Bruce
; w " 6 c -V-", r , "ol"u i-inK, uuane larsen. tsarryLar-
Boettcher, Donald Bohaty, Arn- Hayek, Robert Hayek, Marilyn son, Barbara Lavoie Donald
nlH Rmrh Inh-n TlHr,, Hflvps T?alnh WamrorH Willie t . . . . lc' xwiwia
Bartlett, Kenneth Bough. John Haywood. Tom Heband, Ross Lemon. Melvin Lesebe'r? pSh
Bowen, Lee Boyd, Matilda Boye, Hecht, Charles Heffelbower, Levev ShirW wtndowTki
Lois Bramer, Warren Brayton, Larry Hegwoo William Hein, Bale Lewis John LwrifpSn
Max Bredemeier, Sondra Bricker Delbert Heinrichs, Gordon Lewis James Si oS&SE
Franklin Briggs. Robert Brod- Henke, Marvin Henning. Lynn EdwTrd Linrfo,
erick, Robert Brooks, Donald Herrick. and William Herriesf LmdseV Lorna
ford BurnhS Phrt S S Hil- Clyde Hobson? Paul Hoff- Robert W. MacDonald, John
&BuSer?Bobb? Butz I"an' Bryce Hogue. Roger Ho- Machic Phillip D. Mack, Lor
ald Campbell, George L CamD- J,ensee Robert HohL Eugene ie Mader, Marlyce Mader,
bell, MannledmXu Joseph S,GorAdon Holst' C"vcl Mfeer, Keith Magneson, Rob-'
Carlson, Charles Carothers Holt' R-T,Anlta Hooper, Duane ert Magneson, Perry Magnuson,
Jack Carr James Carr Hoover. Kenneth Hornby, Wal- James Majors, Marilyn Major,
Thomas Cartney, Eleanor Chapl ler r1 "g- Donald Hornor, Lidija Maldavs, Clair Mallette,
man, Andonea Chronopulos Eu- Rert Hubbard, Oliver Hultman, Robert Malmstrom, Phyllis Mal
nice Clark, Jimmie Clark, Mar- Gerald Hunphrey, Vera Humph- ory. Donna Malsbury, Robert
lin Clark. Richard Clark K-irh !"ey charles Hunley, Patricia Manion, Burton Mann, Norman
Clouse. John Coder. Lester fWe "unsaker, Margot Hunt, Doug- Mann, Edward Mansfield. Janet
Dennins Coleman, Gerald Colnic. , unter, Ronald Hunter, Mar- Mansfield, John Marks, Richard
Marilvn Pnmctfiflf TTVo
lene Hutchinson. Maroshak. Richard
dos, John Copenhaver, Ralph T "i"-,"" icnes- -nauncey Martin, Frank Martin,
Corliss. Gene Crancer. Martin f"18 lmi8 Ronald Innes, Lyle Paul Martin, John Marshall
CrandeU, Martha Crist. lr)m .MarvT Isaacson. Vern Ja- John Marvel, Arthur Matcha.
cobmeier, Jerry Jackson, Dee Floyd Mason, Carol Masters
BENNIE CROGHAN. Guy Cur- -lames, Merle Jansen, Robert Larry Mather?
tiR William FIq oemt-i T n Vt .Taiici sViarl
Charlfs Tlavipc William nottollv Rpn Plairo TrtVinoi-t T QitrfQnnn
--w , , uuHaa ,JV-iitT , - " w VV1UWUJ1 TV J.
Ervin DeBoer, Louis R. Decker, Johnson, Lyman Johnson, Ruth
dunn . uenKer, 10m uetwuer, jonnson, jjerwm Jones, Donald
Ghen Raymond Dey, Harold Dey, D. Jones, Grant Jones, Ronald
Robert Ditus, Carol Dobler, Nor- Jones, Wayne Jones, Harvey
man uoenring, wuuam iJoJeman, Jorgensen.
Dolores Donorico, Lila Drybread, Joseph Kahn Willard Kalle
wciiju Mi.-K.ei, vicior .astep, meyn, 1 neodore Kalstrom, Rich
Charles Eatough. Stanley Eber- ard Kamm. Pvllis KaDlan. Elira
spacher, Harold Ebner. beth Kaps, Uve KbdsL Seiichi
Erhart Edquist, Richard Eg- Kashima, David KauL Janice
. lindiii r.ggen, arroii ivaui, Kobert Kaufman, Shirley
"K1U"1. .rauuary xjnery, ivan is.eeney, John Keifer, Kuane
i.nEier. Lroroon ii,neiert- jamps tcp ctmn Wo,r x;
-r,:i j Tr. -r,' . ; " "'J' iCiSCl , iwidjjr
uxiioL, Aiuidjci ili iisl. n n n p r i .
Ernst, Eugene Erwin, Marjorie Main Feature Clock
Estes, Melvin Evenngham. La-
Vera Faimon. Charl Falken.
bach, Colleen Farrell, Delos Varsity: "The Moon Is Blue,"
rauinaber. Ronald Fauss. Robert 3:13. 5:17. 7:21. 8:25.
Ficke, Lucille Fmley. State: "The Four Poster," 2 45
Sharon Finnerty, Ken Fisher, 6:00, 9:15. "Prince of Pirates
Loren Fittje, Robert Flammang, 1:25, 4:40, 7:55.
WWW1' -V S N 1
1 ill s
Counosy bumUjr Journal ana Sur
Main Hall Displays
, . . j! . These displays show how Ne-
Museum, flanked by the main braskans in years past
exhibit rooms, is filled with Receptionist Lauretta Griffin
smaller displays resembling also has her desk here.
Red Cross Plans
Interviews Today
The Red Cross Executive
Board will conduct interviews
Wednesday for chairman of the
children's activity committee in
Room 306, Union, from 3 to 5
Students wishing to apply may
sign for an interview time at the
Red Cross office. Applicants
must have at least a 5.0 average.
Activities of the
formerly the orphanages com
mittee, have been extended to
include work with Girl
Bluebirds, orphanages and other '
youth groups.
The chairman win alcn Ka
member of the Red Cross College 1
Unit Board. i
Stage Crews Needed
For NU Theater Drama
Technical crews for the Uni
versity Theater production "Lit
tle Foxes," Oct 21 to 31, are
Pwn1 intfrp;tH in wnrkinc
- ! ' 'Q
on the lights, costumes, make-up.
souna, ana properties crews
should apply to Mr. Tolch in the
Temple Building, room 208, be
fore 5 cm. Thursday. Any stu
dent is eligible and previous ex
perience is not necessary.
lOr rarkjur? of 9 KltnetK, Earelopes
Hm.i4 Lo4tm Stat Unery 5c
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" J' - ) - - SB
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1343 "O"
Open Evenings and Sundays
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7:20 P.O.
Open to all Basic Cadets ii
Army, Navy, and Air Force
Your Choice
Second Regimental Drill Champions
Sportswear Shop
QDanhv Sweaters
In coronation colors:
Regal Purple Duchess Red
Countess Blue Highland Green
London Brown
A. Batwint sleeve sweater
'with a roll collar. You'll
look smartly fashioned in
Sizes 34 avnr
to 40. 5ra
C. Short sleeve pull-over
with s one button cloninr
nd pointed colUr. Edred in
contrasting colors. a c,i
Sfaes 34 to 40 f
D. Lour sleeve car
diean with snur fittinr w airt
band and cuffs av(j
Stees 34 to 40 1
GOLD'S Sportswear Shop
Second Floor