o University's Stand Against USAFl Interference Recognized Nationwide-See Page Two For Editorial Nebraska State Historical Society Museum To Be Dedicated Sunday See Page Four For Feature Story 3 5f Vol. 53. No. 5 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ; Wednesday. September I , ii.iiiiiiiiii.il i i i i m-mm"-;l '"" " I Speco Courses 0 oy Monday pen Junior Division Sponsors Sessions To Increase Studv. Readinq Skill j Two new reading and study j courses sponsored by Junior Dl- vision will open Monday. Both ! the reading improvement and Oow-to-study courses are free iltion, non-credit sessions. One-hour class sessions in each i course will be held twice weekly RCCU Calls For Blood Volunteers 'Mobile To Visit Lincoln Monday The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Lincoln at the Scottish Rite Temple, 15th and L Streets, between 12 and 6 p.m. Monday. A person may give live blood If he is in good health, between the ages of 18 and 60, weighs at least 110 pounds and hasn't given blood in the past three months. TOST CARDS are available in the Union and Military and Naval Science Building. These cards may be mailed to the Red fj Cross office for individual ai' a nnintmpnts. I Mike Greenberg, Red Cross Unit blood chairman, X ( hid, "People don't realize that blood is still important even if iht war is over. Blood is needed 1 fnr th lnrce standing army and also is used in army, navy and veterans' hospitals. Important too is the Gamma Globulin found in blood which is used to fight polio." The bloodmobile will visit Lincoln one day each month, Last year University students gave 187 pints of blood. Five Faculty Members On Health Board for three weeks. Students may register for either or Dom courses in the Junior Division office. A second session will open Oct. 28 nnd continue for three weeks. Students are asked by the Junior Division service to register for the first session before classes start. MATERIAL TO BE studied in the reading improvement course includes: faster reading, Deuer comprehension, and individual practice on the reading acceler ator. According to Wesley Poe, Jun ior Division counselor, the aver age college reader can improve his reading speed ou per cem through use of the machine. Mr. Poe added that a student must pUpa At least 10-12 weeks on the reading accelerator in order to attain and retain greater reau ing skill. Topics included In the how-to- studv course are: Deuer noxe- taklng, planning your umc, m paring for exams, and study habit weaknesses. fttOTim.s Mr. Poe, students will be taught to adjust their reading speea im pending on the type of reading material they must cover. He added that the courses are not nnlv for poor readers all University students would re ceive benefit from such reading improvement and study courses. v ( " VW1T - r -v?v "W-wwww Jr 1 'Li i limn i - " -T- -' ' ' i I;;m , - ,.,...J "- "" Courtesy Sundy Journal and Star uicwiml nrintv Museum I iwivi 'w i . u ranitnl. Other Die The new home of the State niversary "W.t a Sort tuVes and information concern Historical Society located at bulg. cowtedt a cost n appear on 1500 R St. will be dedicated of $600 000 house Lf four. Sunday at the Society's otn an- meiij' r " II Ail Organized Groups Efigibfe For Show; Vlaupin uireciui VI wnwww j Hpr the een- Kosmet Klub Fall Revue i Vmer this year's Re'vue, - s no longer an - .,.., THstorlcals.' f3iThe members of the Klub took organized houses ar asked to action to open the show to all turn the name9 0f their Princa organized groups xn t Nebraska Bweemear madaUpTndfnf groups on Candidate to Larry Ozenberger. laf,t iSSfS f Participate in are no requirements the annual Revue. essary lor candidacy. , Murl Maupin was hhf"""" New advisors w " 5 director of the Fall Revue by the are Daiias WUliams and Klub's executive council. Mau- Max hittaker. nin is a senior in riiin""-... Tnlg years oumn 010. College and a flommn T)pltfl. The Fall itevue wm v vice-president; Tom Miller, bus mnnnffpr! Marshall Kusn- sented Oct. 30. six orgaiu;u nerj secretary; ana wan Five members of the Univer lity faculty have been named to Ihe State Board of Healtn. Dr. J. E. M. Thomson, lecturer In plastic surgery for the Uni versity and also former presi dent of the State Medical As sociation, and Dr. Maurice Frazer, member of the Univer sity College of Medicine staff, have been named as medical rep resentatives. f v Morris I. Evinger, professor of v Civil Engineering, has been named as engineering represent ative. Dentistry representative is Dr. Donald T. Waggener, as sistant professor of oral path- oloffv. Dr. Joseph T. Burt, dean of the University College of Pharmacy, is a public health rep resentative. ACCORDING TO word re received from Dr. Burt, the pres ent boards first meeting will be held on Oct. 5 for reviewing ex isting policies and becoming ac quainted with the board's functions. The activities of the board are financed by both state and fed eral funds and the full responsi bility of the state health, such as ntml nf the licensing board for some 16 professions, falls upon) the seven board members. it happened at nu A certain, rather high-rank-nr University official was ..nnvralnr with his faculty ftkfd about a ..ttiin voune lady s where abouts. . . . . . . Ho explained no na in come interested in what had happened to the young miss after spending "all last night trying to think of her name. One of the llghter-mlnded listeners quipped, "Well, why ,-., wt rail her 'dear v.- uian worrying about I a tan . w. .. - her name?" Pub Board Opens Filings For Posts Applicants for student positions on the 1953-54 Student Publica tions Board win De mierviow Sept. 30 by the Student Council. Letters of application contain ing the candidate's qualifications, experience and reasons for ap plying should be submitted to the Council Detore a p.m. ij Addressed to Bob Peterson, elec tion committee chairman, letters should be placed in me ovuuCilk Council box, Union basement. Three members will be se lected for the Board, one each fmm the senior, junior and soph omore classes. A minimum cum ulative grade average 01 a.u i required. . Commencement Chances One-Half Of freshmen To Graduate Survey Shows Proportion Consistent With Nation 0 .. A M.i f-tf,,ra nn this sub- figures are the result pf a it 1. - 4-V. UnAni1 rT unn III IH 11KUI &3 Vll u .f rch atthe Jehow'tha 10 per cent of the University, approximately one half of the students who enter college as freshmen continue through school to graduation. This figure is true not only for this University, but also for the national college population. freshmen students do not return for their second semester and an additional 22 per cent do not re turn the second year. An esti mated 46 per cent do not return for their junior year and 54 per cent for their senior year. These State High School Musicians Invited For NU Band Day bands have Men mvucu F r.rnnrt island. SuDerior. Te- name Oct. rUmTeh, Tekamah, Ulysses.' VaL Kr.cVa.Miami football game TVna d LentZ. conuuciui of entine. Wauneta, Weeping Water. Builders Calendar Sales To Terminate Saturday Sale of University calendars will end Saturday. All unsold iHarc nnd money of those sold must be turned in to the Builder's office by that deadline. Organized houses will be noti fied of the number of Calendar Girl candidates they have earned as soon as these receipts are turned in. , r0c listine the candidates chosen by each house must also be turned in Saturday. Judging to pick thirteen finalists will be held next wees. York, Palmer and Trenton. 17, Donald .urorT ... w w wtside Community of Vnlvemv .?-,.- o"aha.J Wood River, Wahoo, Bands expected to participate are: Ainsworth, Alliance, Bassett, Benkelman, Beatrice, Beaver Crossing, Blair, Burwell, Calla way. Cambridge. Clarks Cozad r'oicthtnn i ui lis. i.uiutnuuo, wv.B... , t kcsr vid City, cnappeu, uu"."-i Exeter and kustis. CHADRON FAIRBURY. Falls City Friend, Fullerton, Geneva, Gibbon, Gordon, Hastings, He bron, Holdrege. Hooper, Kene saw, Lyons. Litchfield, Milford, Nelson, Norfolk, Newman Grove, North Platte, Oakland Overton, Shelton, Osceola and Platts Six Young Democrats Return From Rally Nebraskans Meet Party Leaders MCUiyaivwii- v-n,,t7Pn. chair- Six Uncoln Young Democrats returned home early inursaay morning, after two days of po litical festivity at the Demo cratic Rally for Adlai Stevenson in Chicago. . The Demos, who had the larg est representation of young peo ple from any state, were pn the Nebraska delegation and took part in buffet luncheons, sDeeches, and uaiiLi v. . . . ' snirl K.riuizeii. tiwu' m-ipcwvy", - - V, ,, man of the ancasier w.u , Club, "was the necessity of get ting from three to four hours of sleep while we were there. MONDAY 'EVENING the group heard a battery of talks from Truman, Stevenson, Spark- man and many otners. wu the evening they visited inform ally with many leading Demo- crats who have Deen m cU handshake sessions. Kon rtaaer, recentiy Sparkman, tiarnmdii, Russell Lallman, Don Rakm Don Kefauver, Stephen Mitchell, and I- 11 T T t vf,Cn nirk Hansen, an um- JllUli.V) . , itv students, and Dorotny TnHia F.dwards. Tnpsdav morning xne iouhb Knutzen were the Lincoln rep- Democrats attended a panel dis- resentatives. "The only limit to our par- o Rural Youth Choose Erlewine President Keith Erlewine, junior in the ,.,1 Affrinulture. was elected president of the Nebraska t.hl vn,.th Orcanization at a summer camp recently held at the Chadron State Park. One of 150 rural youths who attended the camp, Erlewine is 8;.. . mkr r.f YWCA. presi- dent of Ag Country Dancers and members of Ag Economics c ub, Ag Exec Boara ana mimwiv. Union Board Service Offers Free Paintings c.ontc mav check out pio . . woHnPRdav and Thursday from 10 to 12 a.m. or 2 to 4 p.m. i t m nf the Union. Huss. chairman 01 the house and oKice comnuu ui the Union Activities Board an nounced that all types of pictures including still lifes, abstracts, portraits, and nature scenes are available for the semester under Q a new picture-lending service. Ag Supper Plans Begin Tuesday T31 n e f nf A it "Sunday Night Suppers" wUl be formulated at a joint stuaenwacmiy iuim""v meeting Tuesday evening at 7 pm. The meeting will be neia in Room 3 of the Ag Union. Ken Pinkerton, chairman ol Ag Union Student Faculty Com inred the meeting. Mrs. Ephriam Hixson is faculty chairman. The suppers, formerly n-4 "Prvinf-k with the Profs, were presented last year through the courtesy of the Ag faculty and their wives Applications Now Open For Corn Cob Workers rm r.nhs are now taking ap plications from University men interested in becoming Corn Cob umrlrfrs. Tn meet Corn uod requiic- students must be sophO' mores' carrying, at least 12 hours and having passed at least 4 hours with a 4.5 average. r.nh activities inciuae rin nt oaskeball games, at' tending all rallies and the Big Seven Pep uonierence m Vioirincr to sDonsor migra ; V.innrf Pnrnhuskers, assist tlUH, , . j ine in Homecomms - helping Tassels set up the card Tr.frpstpd men may contact rob member, at the ornhusker office or call him at 2-7385. A 1 A. 1 HnllrtVP cussion on Agricuuuiai yvj nHtid hv Governor "Soapy Williams of Michigan. They riinoH with the Nebraska delega tion in the Mayfair Room of the Blackstone Hotel. Tuesday noon, Former President Truman was nMnt nnd was interested in taikincr with several Nebraska people whom ne naa met picvr .dv Wo nnestioned Dick Han V.j. - cbr. ahnnt a maeazine muuc nmwn is writing on young peo nle in politics ana re-anirmeu the subject. T-at Tuesday alternoon xne young people attended the meet ing nf tne uemocrai.li: Committee at which final action ,o folro nn thP DrODiem oi ie loyalty oath. Knutzen remarked Viot thP "fllSDUie OVCI uic a seemed largely a product of the rviinnoo nress ana was over emphasized. "FOR OUR part," he said, "we found enthusiasm ana couriesy on the part ol tne aouxnern delegates, a brightening of the Democratic political nonzun, mm a mutual respect of all toward the achievements of our Con gressman. Of course, tne resig nation of Secretary Durkin was a favorite topic of conversation, urn opnprai consensus 01 OllVA fc.- & . . . , opinion was that the Republi- cans snouia ionow uuuu4U .1 proposed amendments to Taft-Hartley law." Attending .a reception for Gov ernor Stevenson, visiting with the distinguished guest, and lis tening to Stevenson's speech from reserved seats at the Opera House rounded out the groups two day 3 of practical politics. Progress Marked In Ticket Sales Tha hnifwajr mark in ticket sales for the University The nroductions has been reached, Max Whittaker, di rector of the University Theater, said Monday. Tickets are still being sold by Kosmet Klub workers and Ne braska Masquers or they may K TMirphnsed at the first floor box office, Temple, for $4. After the tickets have been secured, ri,onto mav reserve them in v.o Tomnie box office prior to each performance. TSoirot hnidprs have their choice of eight performances of nf the four days which Whittaker terms "as good a se lection as we ve naa ior many years." Coliseum Pool Opens For Recreational Swim The University swimming pool in the Coliseum will be open for women's recreational swimming from 4-5 p.m. every muisuoj until Nov. 1. Those desiring to swim must brine their own cap and bath- ine shoes. Ten cents a swim is .Viarcred. . . ... i It is requirea inai au cueuo except freshmen Tiave a swim permit from Student Health Center. A.. 1 figures are the result 01 a stuay based on 1,579 freshmen enter ing the University in September, 1947. BY SUPERFICIAL analysis, therefore, it could be said tnat an entering college freshman has a fifty-fifty chance to gradu ate. Prediction, however is much more certain for an individual when additional factors are con sidered. Those students who have high achievement in high school and on tne pre-regisua-tinn crnidnnre examinations, and e -- ... .j who are nersonaiiy weu-aaju&ieu have a three-to-one, perhaps a fnnr-to-one chance to graauaie, Discounting all other xaciors, the differences between groups of varying ability are remark able; for example, out of stu dents with superior ratings in terms of pre-registration guid ance examinations, eighty per cent return for a second year in college, but out of a group of students with poor ratings on v.- miiHnne tests, less than one-third return for, a second yea.r-. . , j.. This stuay was iuuuuv.icu jointly by the Office of Admis sions, the Oltice 01 tne negiaudi, and the Bureau of Instructional Research. groups' skits will be judged for historian, the show on uci. "" year's fraternity iinai Beta Theta r 1, ik" ' rl"'0T- Tau Delta, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Phi Delta Theta. Candidates for Prince Kosmet and Nebraska Sweetheart will be interviewed by tho Mortar Boards and Innocents respec tively. Last year's winners were Joe Good and Barbara Adams. Interviews will ne neia uu. Two new members were elect j mmWhin in the Klub. cu v -. j They are Marvin steinoerg turn Bill Campbell. Steinberg is a Beta Tau. Campbell is a junior and a member of Sigma Alpha TTtAcilnn. ti, nnmmittee chairmen ap pointed by the executive council tho Pevue are: stage produc tion, Cary Jones; publicity, Mar . v . u vnchner: nresentation, Larry Ozenberger; master of .Amnn 09 ana orcuesuo, uu" viacehrnnck! Droduction, Robert Vainer- ushers. Rockford G luu"' ' , T". Ji A Yapp; programs, j. oeueu. v nrii,Q T.Qwior! off-camnus pub- licity, Jack ntzgeraia; Army Cites 29 ROTC Students Advanced Men Get Recognition nroeram liam McFarland Bailey; finances, Tom Miller. . The Klub is placing special emphasis on talent this year. Ag College Clubs To Consolidate A meetine of the Agronomy r.luh. consolidated from the for mer ' "ri-K. ana sou onsavauuu Service clubs, has been set for Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in room 307 of the Agronomy huildine. Main item of business is the election of officers for the new cluh. Presidents of the lor- mer clubs invite all members in good standing from both clubs be present at the meeting. Library To Issue Cards Uoon I.D. Presentation Library cards will be issued to students upon presentation of a student identifcation card at Love Memorial Library. This card is usable as" long as a student attends the Univer cit v.arh vear uDnerclassmen must have their cards validated due to possible changes of ad dress. A lost card will be re placed for one dollar 'Permanent' NU Buildings To Disappear Nina temporary buildings will no longer ue """" Charles Fowler, director of build ings and grounds, reported to a Lincoln newspaper recently. Plans call for an aaaiuon w the Teachers College building to house the activities and classes neinfr held in the buildings which were built after World War tt to handle the innux 01 veg ans. Since then the temporary buildings have acquired a repu- . UninM "normfltlPTII. lauon iui ircuig THE NEW addition is part of advanced Army ROTC who have been outstand ing in military service ana ership, activities, Scnuiaioiv high moral cnaracter novo recognized oy me um""""' Designated as Distinguished Military Students, they are: Infantry John Boomer, Wil liam Cecil, ren Mleynek, Ken neth Rystrom, Stanley Sipple and Calvin Kuska. Corps of Engineers Harold DeGraw, Richard Kaf onek, Rich ard Paschal and John Peterson. MILITARY POLICE Corps Al Blessing, Kenneth Clemen Clifford Dale and jonn wooa. Artillery Roy aeii, weniu Clegg, Donald Lees, Ward Linge, Thomas Miller, Maurice Norton, Kenneth Stone, Marvin iauuif- son and Lloyd Van viecs. Ordinance Corps--Robert Bar tizal, Howard Doty, Richard Claussen, Charles Klasek, Ro land Swanson and Larry Smith. Journalism School Plans Annual Tea The School of Journalism will hold a reception weanesaay, Sept. 30, at 8 p.m. in tne iacim lounge, for students faculty- members ana tneir wives, for others interested in journal- The reception is the first of ism building pro- Uv,a mnnthlv functions of the gram previously reponea School or journaimiu. w w ot"- Nebraskan. Activities ana ciass- SOred by the journalism rooms that wui not iw uw Cil, made up 01 oim;eis new addition will De snuieu w four journalism nonorarics. xno other buildings if possible. I council members include Mar- Fowler saia ne nopea mat "Mjorie Moran, presiaeni. ui u two vears only two tempoiaij- o sma Fm: iyie jjenuuwui buildings will still be used and in the near IUtnre none ui u structures will remain." president of Sigma Delta j-ni, Connie Gordon, Gamma Alpha Chi; and Bob Pinkerton, Kappa Alpha Mu. Cider ana oougnnuu will be served at the reception. Starting in Oct. win pe a se- 'College Daze' Session t EuJ.;n 'ne nnn'fs riei nf monthly convactions. Dr, , o tAH.... - wmiam F. Sw ndler is in charge "College Daze" wui ne , th convoCations. which wiU of the convocations, feature guest speakers. In May, members 01 xne jour-, naliosm honoraries will sponsor Journalism Day. v. a m a nf the second 01 xne Know-How sessions sponsored v..r the fnert Counselors. The program giving the do's QnH Hnn't's on the University campus, will be held Wednesday o r nm. in Love Library audi torium. Mary Furberth and Jane Brode are in charge. I Assisting are: Katy fe' KeSldeilTS Barb Medlin, Pat Buck, Shar I I vCOImCI 1 1 Kiffin, Jo Hanlon, Shirley Ofsse, - Kay Yeiter, Sue Kirkman, Betty P I A r f COUnCll m ugci j Men's Dorm The Outside World Committee To investigate artisan Legislature Plan By WILLIE DESCH Staff Writer A proposal to return to the old two-house partisan Legisla ture has been presented and a committee of four Republicans and four Democrats will study the question of the change. rnnr nians to circulate petitions and put the proposal on the 1954 ballot. If Nebraska government but it has been be lieved that his thinking has never gone beyond the possibil ity of changing the method of electing legislators to the pres ent one-house body to a parti san body; income Tax To Be Cut The 1ft tier cent income tax cut will take place at the end Tot agree "to this proposal, ofthe year according to sched voters agree w i stated Secretary of the tk. nrownt 1 fi-vear-old unicam eral system, the only legislative body of its kind in the United States, will come to an end. Details concerning the num ber and pay of the 48 Legisla tures In the country have been studied by the committee. The committee expects much con troversy and discussion from state officials. Crosby: No Comment Gov, Robert Crosby has re fused to comment on the pro posal to ask the voters to bring back the two-house legislative extern to Nebraska. The gov- ' , . 1 AT Treasury Humpnrey. aisu will be no request for renewing the excess profits tax. This tax will expire Dec. 31 with no re newal. . , Due to the threat of war and expensive defense materials, there was much speculation as to whether the tax cut would "actually take place. Humphrey said in his words of caution on the Russian situation that a military and economic security balance must De acmeveu, eluding neutral countries in the Korean peace conference United States representatives won their first round in keeping the de bate from reopening. In a sur prise statement offered by Chief it S. Delegate Henry C. Lodge Jr. he said that the representa tives of the U.N. and the Com munists at the conference might themselves whether they want to invite any non-bellig-erents. He also suggested send ing a U.S. representative to Geneva, Honolulu or San Fran cisco to discuss arrangements with a representative of the Communists. Repatriation Refused Twentv-three American war prisoners have refused to re turn to the United States, Com muniet authorities stated Tues day. Those who resist or refuse repatriation wui De neia in i"' Election of a new men'B dorm itory council was held Monday night. Newly elected officers are! John Veylupek, president; DicK Whitman, vice president; Don Tadkin. secretary; Gerald Ad- cock, treasurer; Dick jirovec, so cial chairman ana ijoreu ocu, athletic manager. Other council members are: Charles iJinman, Verone Gibb, Jim L. Jones, Phd Bridenbaugh, Dean Eckberg, Cy Korian, John Cenovicn, uai Papke, Ken Wulschleger, Gary Uehling and Dennis Arney. Dormitory director Don Cart yon presided at the meeting and explained dorm policies. William C. Harper, .director of commer cial enterprises, discussed, the nrogress of the new dormitories P . 1 4-1, nfmAnt. and impressed upon me their responsibilities in group living. U.S. Prevents Reopening dian custody for three months t il.' ju v,oin riisMissen jjumiK una wv. w the United Nations General -j Hirpptlv com- in tne unnea nuuwa v.-"..-ZlJZRnirSl Assembly for the plan of. in will attempt to persuade them to return home. Ag College Dean Does Summer Work In Iraq Dr. W. V. Lambert, , Dean ol the College of Agriculture, re turned to Iraq this summer xo complete his worK witn xne ioou and Agricultural urganuauuii. His assignment witn xne tftu, a branch of the United Nations, was a continuation oi xne worn he was' engaged in previously in Iraq. This included advisory work pertaining to research, ad ministrative personnel needed, and financial requirements for their technical agricultural prc- grDr!' Lambert returned to the' United States July 9. I