The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Rage 4
Tuesday, September 22, 1953
olios siaiicies
Summer Remodeling Results Seen
On Ag Campus Buildings, Labs
By D WIGHT JUNDT labs and offices have been
At Editor changed and others have been
g uonege punaings under- added.
wen i extensive modernizing One new laboratory is now
during the summer. . available on second floor for in
The Plant Industry building Eect collection study,
was remodeled and raised to
moaern sianaaras in eiectric n W IiABOKAIOKIES as
wiring, plumbing, and heating, well as offices for graduate stu
The old ventilation system has dents have been made available
been replaced with a more sat- in the Plant Pathology depart
in the Dairy Industry Building ment. Four temperature control
me nans were lowered. units have been installed for re
xne adaiuon or several new search study. Also added is a
laboratories and staff offices will new preparation room and a new
coniriDuie 10 me researcn siuoy. drying room for plant specimens.
In the basoment a new lab has Exterior improvements of the
been set to be used by physiolo- piant Industry building Include
gisis ior researcn 01 ceu tissues. u new approach from the west
On first floor, new laboratories side and a new roof.
tlJr other b"dinKs underwent ex-
"LiLjSewral tensive majntenance work and
painting including Ag Hall, Home
Economics and Foods and Nutri
tion. More paving was done east
of the Agronomy building. Land
scaping of the Dairy barn was
Isfactory unit. The ceilings in
which has been undergoing a
modernizing process for about
three years has been nearly com
pleted. New floors have been laid
and walls have been rearranged
to allow for better methods of
processing milk. New ventilation,
heating and plumbing systems
have been installed and a new
ceiling put up.
Other improvements include
new. repaired and widened side
walks. New poultry shelters have
been installed for the poultry de
partment. Concrete pens and
fences, a water system, sewage
system, and a new drive have
been installed for the swine
Drive Open
For Union
Workers Needed
On 11 Committees
Eleven Committees of the
Union Activities are open to
tudenti interested in becoming
Union workers.
Students may sign up in the
Union Activity Director's office
or in Room 211 from 1 to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday. Work
ers may register for these com
The social and square dance
committee sponsors Union
dances, directs square and s
cial dancing lessons and holds
record dances in the Union
Round-up Room-
The convocations committee is
in charge of Union publicity. It
arranges forums, luncheons and
coffee hours for speakers and
SDonsors a seminar series in
which debates on inter-depart
mental topics are held between
faculty and students.
THE PUBLIC relations com
mittee reelases publicity to Uni
versity and city publications,
prepares The Summer Session
Bulletin, and erects the banners
on the southwest corner of the
The personnel committee ro
tates Union workers into com
mittees, sponsors general get
togethers of Union personnel and
maintains the office records.
The general entertainment
committee presents the annual
Talent Show, presents a Sunday
night movie program and spon
sors sports films and pigskin
The budget committee is the
accounting force for the Union
activities program and receives
and screens the Union budgets.
The recreation committee is in
charge of tournaments table
tennis, chess, ping pong, and
bridge and provides lessons in
these games. In addition it has
charge of the Game Nook.
THK MUSIC committee spon
sors concerts, such as those given
by University singers and or
chestra, is in charge of the Sum
mer Artist Series and supervises
the record collection in the mu
sic room.
The hospitality committee
plans Union open houses and
coffee hours following concerts.
The special activities commit
tee is in charge of the Chancel
lor's reception, the Christmas
open house, and the Union birth
day party.
The house and office commit
tee directs art exhibits and the
picture-lending library.
Med Association
onsors Courses
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Egyptian Arrives At NU
Courlew Lincoln hur
Egyptian Parastologist, NU Student,
Revises First Ideas About Americans
Nagaty Finds Differences, Similarities In Universities
ins irt,, ivi u r i a xneresiu,
and his 19-year-old daughter,
Leila Mary, accompanied Dr.
T . . A. T 1 I.. T1 T . 1
H F. Nflontv. EirvDtlan f; :rmi iNagaiy w uncum. mm iMuguiy,
specialist in medical and veter- education and spends 10 to 20
parasitology, added. "We Kf " "ui",
"I thought that If I spoke to With a population of 22 mll
nn American, he would just lg- ",0" People and so few schools,
j . . ,, classes are necessarily crowded,
nore me and refuse to reply. n Nuaatv .filH HnWever th
the work of the schools. Through
who was champion swimmer of
Egypt for many years and who
plans to be a laboratory technl-.
were told that Americans act this plan, between 40 and 50 per , M stud at a local hos
like machines. I expected to see cent of the students at the Uni-
them running through the yersuy or uairo are empveu
streets, working like automans,
and going through red lights."
Dr. Nagaty, who arrived In
Lincoln Sept. 10, will study a
from paying tuition, he added.
Dr. H. F. Nagaty (right)
Egyptian parasitologist,, ar
rived at the University Sept.
16 for a year of study as a
Fulbright scholar. Dr. H. W.
Manter, chairman of the de
partment of zoology (left)
shows Dr. Nagaty one of the
many parasite specimens in
the laboratory.
Yearbook Opens
Two Positions
Positions for section heads to
handle the military and athletic
divisions in the 1954 Cornhuskers
are open.
Students interested in either po
sition should apply at the Corn'
husker office in the basement of
the Union Monday through Fri
day from 1-5 p.m.. or contact
Barbara Adams, Cornhusker edi
tor, at 2-7875. Selection of the two
staff positions will be completed
by Wednesday, if possible.
Men who have had some year
book or journalistic experience
are preferred, but anyone who
feels qualified may apply.
Orchesis To Hold First
Meeting Wednesday
Orchesis will meet Wednesday
at 7 p.m. in Grant Memorial to
discuss plans for the year.
Barbara Bnttin invited men
interested in modern dance to
attend the meeting and said that
they may become members with-
Annual Faculty Dinner
To Honor 5 Teachers
25 Years' Service To Be Recognized
The University's annual Fac- acuity members, special Kuests
ulty Homecoming Dinner will be wOM InUjaducjJ
held Tuesday night in the Union attendance is restricted to staff
at 6:30 p.m. Tickets may be pur- members.
chased at the door for $1.40 each.
The speaker of the evening
will be Dr. Stanley R. Ross, as
sistant professor of history, who
will report on his observations
of Mexico where he spent a year
in study.
FIVE FACULTY members who
have served the University for
25 years will be honored. They
are: Dr. O. K. Bouwsma, profes
sor of philosophy; Dr. Knute O.
Broady. director of the University
Extension Division; Miss Clara
Evans, assistant professor of
elementary education; Dr. Wil
liam K. Pfeiler, professor of Ger
manic languages and chairman of
the department, and Miss Minnie
Schlichting, assistant professor of
secondary education.
Special recognition will also be J
given to eleven memoers wnu ic
tired during the past year. New
Dr. Nagaty selected the Uni
versity in order to study with
CLASSROOM PROCEDURE Dr. H. W. Manter. chairman oZ
in Egypt is much the same as at the department of zoology. Dr.
h TTniworQitv hut epntinir ar- Manter, Dr. Nagaty said, is well
vear at the University as a Ful- rangements are different, Dr. known all over the wor d for his
year at tne univeisny as a tui. N t sald students slt on research work in parasitology.
research work on parasitology,
the science dealing with animal
and write on Dr. Nagaty, who is president
U nine vt , . " , . 1"
long panks paced in front of or tne bociety or Egyptian i'ara-tg
ting in lnfll- anuiuKiaus, is miyiug a leave ui
them rather than sitting
vidual seats.
absence from his duties as
1 1 A. I A. T T i.
ana p.n( pursues, wr. iagaiy 7" V. " , w. 1IWk1 flt rfliro chairman of the department of
plans to lecture at the University sPrts 1 cca.'.? parasitology of the medical fac-
schools and other nearby col
leges. '
DR. NAGATY was "nmazed
at the number of students en
rolled In your beautiful Univer
sity in proportion to the popula
tion of Lincoln and .of Ne
braska." He added that the en
rollment of the University of
Cairo, one of three universities
dents attend "en mass" and
cheer at the soccer games (com
parable to American football).
ming, and basketball are also on
the college sports schedule, Dr.
Nagaty added.
Within the short time he has
been in the U.S., Dr. Nagaty said
he has discovered American peo
ple to be very friendly, and al-
in Egypt, is between 30,000 and had expected, they take time out
50,000. for play.
ulty of the University of Cairo.
He received his Ph.D. degree
from Foad I University and his
911 lUUtUOHl, I T J fl
and international "i"s"Lr. t ..' " ."
in tennis, swim- u?lra LYLa v 1 WI11VC1"
OH-J AH AJllftllVl,
fl.50 foundry Bar. NOW fl.28
tl( North Hlh Htrert
Women To Learn Rules
At Special AWS Meets
The Associated Women Stu
dents Board will meet with wo
men's organized houses this week
to acquaint freshmen women
with AWS regulations and to
point out rule changes to up
perclassmen. The board will meet with resi
dents of the Women's Residence
Halls and Howard Hall Tues
day and with Loomis Hall and
Love Memorial Hall Wednesday.
Rule books were distributed to
presidents of all organized wo
men's houses Monday.
TimPf 111 P i
The third annual Regional
Postgraduate Circuit Courses for
Nebraska physicians, sponsored
by the Nebraska State Medical
Association, will be held Sept.
28 through Oct. 3.
The courses will be held
throughout the state in six
towns, which include Alliance,
McCook, Hastings, Columbus,
Wayne and Nebraska City. All
members of the Nebraska State
Medical Association, as well as
physicians from surrounding
states, are invited to attend
these one-day sessions.
Co-sponsors are the Nebraska
Cancer Society, Nebraska Heart
Association, West Central Dia
betes Association and the Na
tional Foundation for Infantile
NU Graduate Appointed
As WAC Training Chief
Lt. Col. Helene Novak, Univer
sity graduate, has been appointed
chief of the training section at
the WAC Training Center, Fort
Lee Vfl
A native of Wilber, Nebr., Lt.
CoL Novak received a B.S. de
gree from the University in 1929.
Classified Ads
To place a classified ad
Slop in the Business Office Room 20
Student Union
Call 2-7631 Exl. 4226 for Classified
Hours 1-4:30 Mon. thru fri.
No. words lday 2 days I 3 day 1 4 dqysJJ wgek
1-10 $ .40 $ .65 $ .85 $1.00 1 $1.20
11-15 I .50 .80 I 1.05 I 1.25 1 1.45
16-20 .60 1 .95 1.25 1.50 1.70
21-25 .70 1.10 j 1-45 1.75 1.95
26-30 .80 j 1.25 1.65 2.00 2."20
When you smoke Chesterfield it's
so satisfying to know that you are
getting the one cigarette that's low
in nicotine, highest in quality.
A fact proved by chemical
analyses of the country's six:
leading cigarette brands.
And it's so satisfying to know that
a doctor reports no adverse effects
to the nose, throat and sinuses
from smoking Chesterfield.
The doctor's report is' part of
a program supervised by a
responsible independent re
search laboratory and is based
on thorough bi-monthly exam
inations of a group of Chester
field smokers over a period of
a year and a half.
1841 PACKARD 2-dor 8dan, Good con
dition. Heater. $225 or beet offer. H.
Nielsen. 109 Burnett HaU or 1437
"QUE" Bt.
USED REMINGTON deek model type
writer. Excellent condition. Call 8-3338
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'48 Chevrolet Convertible. RAH. Very
clean and good condition. W. Hergen
rader 6-68T2 or Bee at 1220 No. 10th St.
GOOD FOOD at reasonable rates. Apply
172S "Q" St. Norris Co-op.
Wanted: couple, or single person, part
caretaker. Small apartment bouse. Live
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