The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 15, 1953, Image 1

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7 Mi
New Student Gets
Gerdi Hord of Alliance, dis
cusses ner imenaea stuay counseling service. Miss Hord, not compare with the 1946 in
schedule for the coming year a sophomore, will take courses flux of veterans, it is expected
with Dr. Arthur A. Hitchrock,
University Approves
08 Faculty Changes
Appointments Number 80;
28 Receive Adjustments
Annroximately 80 new ap-
nnintments and 28 adjustments
in title, work or salary of the Pharmacy: Herbert X. Ander
University faculty were ap- son hospital pharmacy instruc-
proved by the college aepan-
merits and the Board of Regents
during the summer.
The new appointments of in-
structors or above include:
English instructors: Ellen
Bremner, Fatsy Herget, Mary-
lvnn Monk, Josephine O Brien,
Dorothy Milton.
Engineering Mechanics: Tao
Ching Hau, instructor; oeram
M. Smith, associate professor;
Thomas C. Smith, instructor.
Agronomy: Karl Kaukis, as-
sistant; David P. Mcwu, as-
Business Research: Robert S.
Polkinghorn, instructor.
Dentistry: Eugene R. Mc-
lleery, prosthodonncs mstruc-
.or; Darvin D. Schoemaner, op-
ative dentistry instructor; Ver
non W. Rinne, operative dentis
try instructor; Edwin M. Col-
lins, oral pathology instructor;
Melvin E. Glantz, operative den-
tistry instructor,
Economics; Laurie S. Robert
son, associate proiessor; wayne
Moeller, instructor.
Law: Reginald A. Robson, as
sociate professor of legislation;
sdward D. Morgan, instructor.
Intercollegiate Athletics: Wal-
ter Milligan, associate football
Library: Richard C. Dahl, Col
'egeof Law librarian vith rank:
of associate professor; Ruth Har-,
din, senior assistant librarian
SCHOOL OF Agriculture:
Dr. Lafta,
Pies In Iowa
A University instructor who
iwas to take up his duties as as
sistant professor of economics.
pr. Maurice Latta, died Saturday
irter becoming ill while attend
ng the Iowa State Fair in Des
Moines, Iowa.
Dr. Latta was a member of
he faculty at Morningside Col
lege at Sioux City, la., and at
Olivet College of Michigan. Before-coming
to the University, he
aught at Doane College in Crete.
While teaching at the Univer
sity, Dr. Latta was a member
of the board of the University
YMCA. He participated in a
forum on Communism sponsored
oy Alpha Kappa Psi, business
Funeral services will be at 1
pm. Tuesday at Umbergers
Chapel with Rev. J. E. Balzer of
Crete officiating.
Dr. Latta Is survived by his
wife, Lillie and his daughter,
TK- -,t u
tes selected to discuss possible
annointwa w rvtaniinn nf the
ynlversity met in a secret con-
member stated, to The Nebras
The committee is -composed of
itions Planned
For Vocal Groups
Tryouts for Madrigal and Uni
yensity Singers are being held
trough Wednesday, Sept. 18.
David Foltz, professor of voice,
hear the Madrigal Singers
tryouts in Room 112 of the Mu
'c Building. University Singers
tryouts will be held In Room 104,
under the supervision of Dr.
Arthur Wcstbrook, professor of
Because neither group Is en-
"ly composed of music majors,
Stllri.r.t !a .T(ffih1l frtr metll-
bership in either group, Foltz
8a'd. Members are chosen ac
cording to ability to sing and
W("k together, alertness to di
rection and voice blend.
The Madrigal group has a
membership of approximately 25
volres, while University Singers
Eludes from 100 to 120.
mmmBSrw frfiMfz . welcome aii students
- director of junior division and
in Business Administration.
John L. Messersmith, assistant
farm mfmager and instructor.
t0r; Daniel F. Moravek, the
same; Frank P. Coserove. asso-
ciate professor.
Phnrmncntmnsv Vnrrn TT. TV.
ier jr associate professor and
department chairman.
Men's Physical Education:
Hollie I.. Lenlev nssfx-iat nm.
fessor; Robert W. Hamblet, in-
Psychology: Harry P. Shelley,
p.lh1i. Kp!llth vngnrino-
Tom S. Gable.
Sociology: mch3tTd Videbeck,
tviavUW MpTM n!-
sociate director of educational
Agriculture Extension: Donald
F. Burzlaff, Herbert H. Hecht,
Ramona L. Laun, Emery W. Nel
son, Eugene E. Taylor, Michael
Tiow T "Do f ri r q A Tn Vi o n n or
'i M,-n- t" tv, t,-'
nA s ?
work or salary of instructors or
above include:
Agronomy: Francis Haskins,
C. H. Yien, Paul F. Sand, as
sistant agronomists.
Animal Pathology: conneii
Marshi associate biochemist.
Anthropology; John L.
Champe. chairman of depart
A . w i
Bacteriology: Carl E. Georgi,
, , j00nt
Home Economics: Norma Spo-
mer, assistant.
Division of Student Affairs:
M a r j o r i e Johnston, associate
dean; Frank M. Hallgren, asso
ciate dean; Lee W. Chalfield, as
sistant dean of student affairs.
Medicine;, Richard H. Young,
professor; Frederick Ware, part
time instructor.
Philosophy: C. H. Patterson,
chairman of department.
School of Fine Arts: Duard W.
Lagin, professor of art; Peter
Worth, chairman of department;
Norman Geske, acting director
of art galleries.
Ag Extension: Roland Houser,
Lester L. Burnham, Greeta B.
Hauke, Richard C. Owens.
been accepted are:
James Taylor, associate pro
fessor of School of Administra
tion; Ralph H. Hopp, College of
Agriculture librarian; Elizabeth
Holt, College of Law librarian;
Ray A. Grace, Webster County
extension agent; Joseph J.
Hromadik, associate professor
civil engineering; William Hice,
journalism associate professor;
George W. Covey, internal medi
cine professor; Lester E. Myers,
operative dentistry associate
professor; Norlne Muhle and
Elaine Zidko, head nurses of the
School of Nursing.
mm 0
n0w rinw Professor of "Law:
Niles H. Barnard, Professor of
Mecnanicai iMiKineerinK;
Baker, Associate Director of
Mathematics; and C. U. Kicks,
ProfesBor of Business Organiza
Since the resignation or k. u.
Gustavson, John K. Selleck was
annotated as the acting Chancel
lor. However action towards ap
n(n;nt a tiormnnAnt Hfl nt"&
r'T"' J1"""" 'aa Kr;a,
to be satisfying everyone con-
nected with the University, ac-
cording to a statement made by
Dr. Earle Johnson of Grand Is
land, a Regent.
Because of the possibility of
pressure on the candidate the
committee will not release names
under discussion.
Reporter Vacancies
The Nebraskan staff needs re
porters for first semester publi
cation. News editor Tom Wood
ward urged all students inter
ested in reporting to fill out
qualification blanks in the Ne
braskan office, Student Union
basement. No experience is necessary.
it it r ... ? , SQII
Increase Due
To Vet Influx
Floyd W. Hoover, director of
registrations and records, an
nounced today that the total en
rollment is expected to reach
7,000 students by the end of reg
istrations on October 3.
Applications from new stu
dents for admission to the uni
versity are - running about 16
per cent ahead of last year, re
ported Hoover. He said that ap
plications received to date as
sure a larger freshman enroll
ment than the 1,461 of Septem
ber, 1952.
"We attribute the increase
largely to the G.I. veterans of
Hoover. While this group does
mat wnnm lour years the total
veteran population will be
around 1,500 students.
In 1948 the university had an
all-time high of 10,250 students.
However, the enrollment fell
nearly 10 per cent each year in
1949, 1,050, and 1951. In 1952
the decline stopped and leveled
off at between 6,800 and 6,900.
The 1949 to 1952 decline during
the Korean War was relatively
small in comparison to the 4,000
total enrollment figures during
the World War II period.
With the majority of the new
Korean veterans coming in as
freshmen, Hoover expects the
total enrollment to remain nearly
the same for the next four or
five years.
In Tomorrow's
Nebraska n ...
A list of the 1953-54 Uni
versity band members.
Plans for news campus
building projects.
Interviews with new in
structors at the University.
Report on the soon-to-be
dedicated Nebraska State
Historical Society building,
constructed next door to the
Interview with a 'former
NU student, returning to the
campus alter tnree years in
Tehran, Iran.
Story of the summer trav
els of five University coeds.
Ag Extension Employee
Terminates Long Duty
Dominic L. Gross, long-time
agricultural extension worker at
the University, has retired. He is
succeeded by Donald F. Burz
laff, a graduate of the University
of Wyoming.
Gross is well known to Ne
braska farm people for extensive
wrfc in imaros phase - of Im
proved crop production pro
grams. He joined the University
Agricultural Extension Service
in 1921. He worked in agronomy
extension work until his 'retire
ment. Beanie Sale To Continue
Freshman beanies will be on
sale in the Student Acitivties
Office, Administration building
201. The price of the beanies is
50 cents.
ROTC Cadets May Not Receive
Reserve Army Commissions In '55
Number Of Officers. To Depend Upon Service Needs
University Army ROTC ca- status of selective service at branch where needed,
dets have been notified that all that time. Graduates not com- Col. Workman emphasized
students graduating in 1955 that missioned will be awarded cer- th t gtandards ior advanced
have taken the prescribed tificates of capacity as second 1 D , " .
course may not receive their lieutenants. They will be sub- course selection have been
commissions. This announce- ject to selective service call after raised and these standards must
ment was made by Col. James graduation. be conformed to. Definite quo-
H. Workman following notifi- Those commissioned may not tas for advanced course enroll-
cation by the army of policy receive their commission in the ment are established. This
changes branch in which they received quota stands at 175 for this year
The probability is that aii ROTC training. The policy is and will undoubtedly be filled,
graduates in 1955 cannot be to make bianch assignments in There have been no basic
used as officers on active duty accordance with capabilities, changes made in the NROTC
at that time. The number to be training and preference, but the program. Forty freshmen have
commissioned and ordered to over-riding consideration is the been selected as regular mid
active duty will depend on the need of the service. Graduates shipmen for the 1953-54 session,
needs of the service, Army Re- must therefore be prepared to Sixty more freshmen will be se
serve requirements, and the accept appointment in any lected as contract midshipmen.
The University of Nebraska
. i . -I -.11 ...
acaaemic year, aim a ui uo vuu
During the oast week 1 have
on the New Student program but
v, .o.r "Wi.iMm Rar-k" to
are number of Korean veterans and I
want to give a special welcome
y?e are proud to have you with us.
ans of WorW War II taught us to
formance for veterans.
I am sure that all of you, whether new students, veterans, or
returning upperclassmen, understand that the University family
i b .mit which recoenizes the equality of membership In our com-
. rw m ..... ...U AMA
munuy. inose oi ywu w
Hammond To Star In Tonight's Fell
Fashion Porado As Jackie Frost
Pat Hammond, as Miss Jackie the Yell Squad took over the
Frost, will lead the 1953 Fall responsibility of design and per
Fashion Parade Tuesday. Be- 8onnel loat wm feature
ginning at 7:30, the parade will Nebraska
pass by downtown windows, re- U-foot N and a Nebraska
vealing current fall fashions. As victory bell, flanked by two foot
Jackie Frost and her retinue ball players, a cheerleader, Corn
pass each store window, their Cob and asse!. All the cheer
bfSt'd 7 ader, will ride on the float,
The University was asked to yelling and performing gjjm-
entcr a float in the parade so nasties.
Vol. 53, No. 1
ir mi
'Fly Or Out'
Order Hilled
To See Truell
"College lives" were literally
saved for over 100 Senior
AFROTC students Friday. In a
telegram from Washington Fri
day morning the AFROTC de
partment was instructed to "dis
regard all 'instructions and in
formation previously sent out."
This means that these seniors
who received letters stating "that
if they did not enter the flight
program they would be dis
charged" may now continun in
tne program.
The previous letter sent out
listed the following informa
tion: Budget limitations set by the
Congress of the United States
have reduced the Objective of the
Air Force from 143 wings to
120 wings. The officer require
ment associated with the re
duced force is computed at ap
proximately 30,000 less than that
associated with the 143-wing
structure. Thus since 85 per
cent of the officers of the new
force will be flying personnel,
more flying officers are needed.
"For these reasons," an
nounced Maj. John B. Truell of
the Air Science Department, it
is necessary that those advanced
Air Force ROTC students who
are not medically qualified for
flight training, or who will not
commit themselves to same upon
graduation, will be discharged
from or not accepted to the ad
vanced AFROTC program. This
does not apply to certain se
lected engineers and science
Some persons will receive a
certificate of completion in lieu
of a commission. It is requested
that students repp" to Maj. John
3. tfruelTfoi ftiitfiSr1 details.
Maj. Truell said, "These stu
dents who are physically quali
fied and willing to apply for
flight training will undoubtedly
receive commissions while -those
who don't go into flight traning
may or may not receive commis
sions depending on the need ior
officers in the Air Force pro
gram. However, students would
continue to be deferred and re
main under the same salary con
ditions as before."
is beginning its eighty-third
nn m aryiYiaf rif TTnlvArfllfv
had the opportunity to appear
not until now have I had a
to these members of our family.
Our experience with the veter-
expect better-than-average per
4V Aamr.tia 4 sir 4 Via flret 4lm
-r. -
tnm v Mifht
Acting Chancellor
3 jsssjGs
A v v
Nebraskan's 'Old'
The first non-daily Nebraskan
to be published since January
1946 will be distributed today.
The paper was made a tri
weekly publication in 1944 be
cause of war time conditions,
miiiiHltinilHil n-miiiTilffCi w X-. m t&
Farm House Wins Top
Scholarship Among Men
Kappa Alpha Theta, Wilson Hall Rate
As First And Second Among Women
Farm House topped all social 5.479. Organized houses for men
fraternities for the sixth con- rated a 5.341 average.
rSgf ?of 'second THE OFFICE of Registration
1952-53. Kappa Alpha Theta led and Record listed the following
sororities in the ratings. relative averages
For the year 1951-52, Farm- Kappa Alpha Thet .570
House was rated by the National gmfet eisis
Interfraternity Council as sec- pi Beta pu g-gJJ
ond in a list of 2,412 chapters of a"1--."";;':::::::::: lift
50 fraternities. FarmHouse of ghTome. . "".r"".."" 6.213
50 fraternities. Farm House of Alpha Omicron Pi e.189
iowa state was rated first. This '::::::::"::"::.6:m
year FarmHouse was third of all
organized houses oil campus with
a 6.4(1 average. . ,
' - . , .
first on the list with a 6.570-"
average. Wilson Hall, women's
organized house, was second
lmV. CA7C -
With b.47b.
The all University average was
5.669 and the all-sorority and
fraternity average was 5.802. The
highest average A or one group
was the all-sorority average of
6.226. The average for all women
was 6.113 and for organized
houses for women 5.997.
The all-fraternity average was
5.526 and the average for all men
I 1
ecft EJiseouniYs
ier-College trig hit
The new chancellor of the
University should be broad
minded both academically and
business-wise. Acting Chancel-
lor John Selleck said Wednes.
Selleck said he would serve
as acting cnanceuor anywnere
the Board of Regents is ready to
select a chancellor.
At this- time a five-member
faculty committee is studying
qualifications of candidates and
its results to the
the ACTING chancellor cave
versies involved in the selection
of a new chancellor. He said f
the controversy between liberal
arts and Teachers College pro-1
fessors has probably been exag
gerated by the press and that it
should not be considered in the
appointment' of a chancellor.
Selleck said letters from the
Chambers of Commerce of sev-
eral Nebraska cities have said
that the new chancellor should
be "conscious of private enter-
prise." He pointed out, how-
ever, that any special interest
group would want a chancellor
who was conscious of the wishes
of that group. ' .
When asked what his plans
were as acting chancellor, Sel-
leek replied, laughingly, "There '
n n n n n r
but resumed the Daily title in
February iao. une JNeDrasKan mittee reduced the staff salariel
title is being resumed because and eliminated two paid posi
of economy measures taken by tions from the editorial staff,
the committee on student pub- The new publishing nd salary
lications last spring.
Alpha xi Delta 6.136
Kappa S1,0.::::;;:;.' eioaa
Sigma kpp v,JJs25
Wilson Hall ........, - fJI?
Terrew hii .,w..... fc.3i
SJSiai ''"''VT.T.t'
international Hou
Loomis Hail s.969
Raymond Hall B OJ
Mnr Hall 5.893
Love Hail B-831
Farm Hoe 6 471
Alpha Gamma Bio 6.000
Acacia 6.913
aipS" Mu'':::::::::"..:.. 6.587
Phi Kappa Psi
faa. "" ??.:
beita Sigma Pi'M"
ThetB 3"
s!! Alpha Emiioii
1 Theta Chi
Beta Theta Pi ....1 5.393
Delta Upsilon 5.369
Sigma Phi Epnilon ............... o.aax
Phi Delta Theta 6.331
Zeta Beta Tau 6-310
Alpha Tau Omega 6.297
Delta Tau Delta 5.272
Delta Sigma Phi 5.269
Phi Gamma Delta 6.209
Pi Kappa Phi 6.178
Beta Sigma Psi J 044
Alpha Phi Alpha 3.784
Comhusker Co-op 6.210
Norris House Inc. 6.113
Dom C 6.627
Brown Palace. Inc. 6.443
Dorm B , 6.386
Pioneer House Inc. .............. 5.265
Dorm A 4865
The Outside World
Southern Democrats Kill
ta I r . DlMMa,f
Mid-Term Convention Plan!
A proposal for a mid-term
Democratic party convention has ference. 1
been 'killed, chiefly due to op- a conference committee man
position from many Southern imously approved a resolution
CnnrtMy TJneoto Star
Bre three tilings I have nersr
wanted to be a football coach,
a preacher or a chancellor of a
He continued, however, that
his job would be to carry on th?;
work of a &mat university m ell
branches academically, in re-
search and in the operation and
maintenance of physical
plant untlf such time as a
permanent decision can be made.
Tuesday, September 15, 1953
Cfiongo Made
Income, Cost
The Daily Nebraskan is now
Tne Nebraskan.
Previously published fourand
five times a week during th
school year, the University'
newspaper now begins a Tues
day, Wednesday and Friday
publishing schedule.
A three-issue week, according
to standards of the Associated
Collegiate Press, does not qual
ify a paper as a daily.
The word "Daily" has there
fore been removed from th
flag and the masthead.
The cut in the publishing
schedule was ordered by tfaa
Committee on Student Publica
tions in an effort to equalize
expenditures of the paper with
the income available from stu
dent tuition and advertising.
At the same time the Com
scneauies should save $3,343
THE DAILY Nebraskan, ac
cording to W, C. Harper, treas
urer of the student activities
fund, lost approximately $6,300
last year $3,500 first semester
and $2,800 second semester. Tha
second semester loss occurred
despite a cut in the publishing
schedule, from five to four is
suse a week, and reductions in
staff salaries and positions. The
economy . measures saved ap
proximately $2,938 for The
Daily Nebraskan.
The $6,800 deficit for lha
1952-53 school year completely
wiped out the student publica
tions fund, accumulated during"
the postwar years when the Uni
versity's enrollment was fre
quently around 10,000 students
and when The Daily Nebraskan
was a tabloid-sized paper.
Since the paper grew to
seven columns in 1950, Tha
Daily Nebraskan has been un
able to balance its expenditure!
with its income.
Income for the .paper consists
of .51 from each student a -se.
mester (paid from tuition) and
of revenue from advertising.
Major expenditures are for
printing aid engraving, salaries
and photography,
IAST TEAR'S income, ac
cording to Harper:
Advertising and sub
scriptions .......... $74,186.77
Student fees 10,907.00
Other income ........ 120.41
Total income ........ $25,214.18 '
Last year's expenditures:
Printing and engrav
ing ..... ..... . . . . . .$22,903.92
Salaries ... 7,095,00
Telephone 238.33
Photography 630.98
Equipment 50.00
Crystal Ball Contest .. 81.00
isc. supplies, expense 579.82
Assessment 58.92
Total expenditures . . 81,637.97
Deficit (less an estimated $150
Income receivable), $6,423.79.
members of the Democratic Con-
opposing the proposed io can
vention. and advocated continued
regional conferences before nes&t
year's congressional elections.
Hep. Rayburn of Texas; House .
minority leader, announced the
committee's action after a mo
tion by Rep. Hale Boggc pre
ceded a series of discussion pa
nels by party members work
ing on the problem. Adlal Stev
enson of Illinois attended most
of the discussions.
The ' "loyalty oath" subject
came up at a meeting f state
chairmen, but the controversial
issue was temporarily side
tracked. The party -convention delayal
appeared to be a move by lead
ers to lessen chances of a party
split by avoiding dissension in
the ranks over such issues as
states rights and civil rights.
US Spokesman Murphy
Rejects Hd Demand
A U.S. spokesman rejected Eel
China's demand for a "round
table" peace conference in the
United Nations, making En ex
plosive new debate a certainty.
U.S. Assistant Serr?tw if
State Robert Murphy vo-rd 1Yt
American rejection to XV, .
proposals, made in a Iwj t-' -gram
from Chinese Xn.-nif.-Foreign
Minister Chou Ln-lai to
U.N. Secretary General D23
U.N. delegates, prepares f-tr
the General Assembly's opening
Tuesday, prepured" fr r.r.'.t
series of explosive dlscurr-i v-s.
concerning Chou's demfr-is t it
Russia, Indii, Burma, Xv.".;, "n
and Indonesia bo ift'd - "
peace copfermtm m 'n- ' '
Pld H-t I"d C'"-,"J f " :
Korea be invi'-d to ,
'rescntaSi' to t' 9 IK ..
Wv "to ilVU'S ('
tn' t !"'. itj tt 1 ' 1 i
i ;
! i .
t : '
if J
v..; :
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