The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 27, 1953, Image 1
Summer 7T w n UlJL VOL 53 No. 7 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Monday, July 27, 1953 siirees Wat mifeinr I rJ ! n"YI n u u rr :rj 1 1 3 )B Theater troubles are brought out in a scene from the University Theater's only sum mer production, "Light Up The Sky." Frank Bach (center) who plays Sidney Black, play Moss Hart's 'Light Up The, Sky' MH Summer Theater featured On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Moss Hart's "Light Up The Sky," a satire on the theater, will be presented by the Uni versity Summer Theater Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the Union ballrom. No admission will be charged. The plot centers around young playwright, Peter Sloan who is involved in the task of staging his first show. Conflict is heightened when the actors and actresses turn against the show after the dis couraging first-night reviews. Humor appears in the play wright's handling of the idiocin cricies and emotional whims bf the stars of his show. Jack Parris plays the con scienscious, idealistic .playwright who takes seriously all the pit falls and headaches involved in producing a play. Marilyn Lehr portrays the producer's fluttery wife who was a former skater. Bridge ugensteins Win Match Norma and Stan Augcnstein re the winners of the Summer Session Bridge Tournament held Wednesday as announced by James Porter, assistant profes sor of architecture, director of the tournament. , Second place winners were Ed a E. Romberg and Florence Dunham. Bloodmobilo Stops In Lincoln Tuesday The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be in Lincoln July 28, at the Cornhusker Hotel Ballroom, Blood Chairmen Winfield Elmen and Harold Read announced. Appointments may be secured by calling .the Lancaster Red rmw Office. Mary Sidner plays the star of the young playwright's show who is thoroughly impressed with her importance. Jack Babcock portrays director Carlton Fitzgerald, who, accord ing to Babcock "is the complete example of the screwball type of director." Frank Bach plays Sidney Black, the producer. Others in the cast are Blanche Duckworth Graham, Joyce Iwoh, Harry Langdon, Dale Johnson and Al Dunavan. Play director is Max Whit taker, ' assistant professor of speech and director of the Ex perimental Theater. Driving Course August 3-19 Over 39,000 dead! Over 1,400, 000 injured! Over $3,000,000,000 wasted in traffic accidents. , Our high school youth are re sponsible for five times as many fatal accidents for 1,000,000 miles of driving as the safest age group, 45-49. Statistics show that driver education reduces acci dents in half. A basic course in driver train ing workshop for teachers and administrators, and others inter ested in driver "education will be held from August 3 at 8 a.m. through August 7. The course will carry one hour of under graduate credit. The tuition fee is $5.00. An advanced course will begin-on August 14 at 8 a.m. and extend through August 19. The basic course is a prerequisite to the advanced course. The credit and tuition are the same. All enrollees completing a workshop will be presented with a certificate of completion from the University, American Auto mobile Association, and State Department of Education permit ting them to teach driver edu cation in Nebraska high schools. Applications may be secured from Milton Bechmann, assistant professor of mathematics, Teach ers College, Room 203. 4 ''V : 4 producer listens to the plights of Marilyn Lehr who portrays his wife, Frances Black and Jack Babcock who plays director, Carlton Fitzgerald. Scenery crew is headed by Mary Gale Siegler. Assisting is Marlene Fiscus, Jack Parris, Harry Langdon, Carol Wright, Clara Schwartz and A. J. Mueller. f t Construction of the new, two-million-dollar men's dorms is rapidly becoming a reality. Completion of the dorms, located on 15th St. rom S to U Streets, will be approximately Sept, 1954. To House 670 Men New For more than a decade plans have been taking form to pro vide dormitory facilities for men students at the University. One of the greatest problems finan cing was solved when the Federal Housing and Home Fi nance Agency, a branch of the Federal Security Administration, approved a $2,000,000 loan to construct three dormitory units and a large dining hall on the city campus. The dormitories, which are be ing constructed on 15th Street from S Street to U Street, are expected to be ready for occu pancy In September of 1954. Friday Marks First NU Summer Graduation For the first time in its 83-year history the Univer sity of Nebraska this year will conduct summer com- mencement exercises. The program will be held at 2 p.m. Friday, July 31, in the Student Union ballroom and degrees will be issued to about 300. Symposium To Climax Workshop A symposium on the problem of cerebral palsy will climax the Summer Session Workshop in Cerebral Palsy on Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Love Library audi torium. The guest speakers will be Dr. H. Winnett Orr, orthopedist; Dr. E. W. Hancock, pediatrician; Mr. Don Warner, assistant su perintendent of schools in Omaha; Dr. Wayne Reed, United State? Office of Education; Dr. Raymond Taibll, director of di vision of special education in the state department of public instruction. Dr. R. A. Worcester, chairman of the department of e d u c a ti onal psychology and measurements, will oreside. Under a grant of money from the United Cerebral Palsy Asso ciation, persons of national sta ture Have visited the workshops this summer. All students are invited to attend the meeting. am a, "V" v Construction has been progress ing unusually rapidly. All of the new units will be built of brick with stone trim. They will be much larger than the three existing units and will have flat rather than peaked roofs. Together, the new and old units will form a large quad rangle, about two blocks long and a block wide. All units, ex cept the dormitory administra tion building, will face an inner court. In the center of the court, adjoining the administration unit, will be the dining hall. The dining unit is planned as a very colorful and attractive room, OoFfMS olfZe IIIH!S Presiding at the commence- ment and conferring the degrees will be acting Chancellor John K. Selleck in his first all-Uni versity appearance since he be came head of the University on, July 15. J. Philip Colbert, dean of the University's division of Student Affairs, will address the gradu ates briefly on, "Some Observa tions at Commencement." He will also give the charge to the class, using a text prepared by former Chancellor R. G. Gustav son. Music for the program will be provided by four University staff members, Myron J. Roberts, or ganist; Emanuel Wishnow, vio lin; Donald Lentz, flute, and Earnest Harrison, piano, and by a graduate student, Jack M. An derson, baritone. The order of the exercises: Overture by Handel, played by Myron J. Roberts, organist. The National Anthem. Invocation, the Rev. Sam N. Gibson, executive secretary. University Y.M.C.A. Sonata in A Minor, by Tele mann, played by Emanuel Wish now, Donald Lentz, and Earnest Harrison. Brief address and Charge to the Class, Dean J. Philip Col bert. . Conferring of Degrees, acting Chancellor John K. Selleck. Solo, "The Song of the Pil grims," by Williams, sung by Jack M. Anderson, baritone. Benediction. V 1 HWWJjitijV'jj serving 650 men. The new two million dollar unit will house 670 men. Added to the three existing units, this will provide dormitory accom modations for about 920 men. As early as 1951 the Univer sity began buying property about a block east of Andrews Hall, and easnarking it for dormi tory us After the building ot three dormitory units in 1946 and 1947, the shortage of building materials and the lack of finan cing following World War II blocked plans to proceed with construction of additional dor mitory units.