Thursday, Jufy 9, 1953 SUMMER NEBRASKA NU Coed Heads Up City Tennis Program PAGE 3 V TENNIS TIPS Carol French, University of Nebraska senior (center), passes albng some sug gestions to two tennis pupils at Peter Pan Court. Miss French is in charge of the City Recreation t l if j-i it ft. a ; Golf, Football In News By GEORGE PAYNICH One ex-Husker athlete making quite a "name for himself in Ne braskan golfing circles this sum mer is Dick Spangler' Jr. The former star for the University of Nebraska golf team won his second straight Lincoln Country Club tilt Tuesday by downing Del Ryder 7 and 6 in the finals of the i club tournament. Spangler together wiih tpnmnfps Louie Roper and Irv Petersen, all 01 Lincoln, have brought the lime light on the universitv eolf snort by their consistent, amatuer nlav Roper worked his way into the quarterfinals or the Trans-Mississippi golf meet while Petersen has been one of the top amatuer players in the state. King football is a lot nearer than one realizes. John Bortfogna, senior from Turtle Creek, Pa., is the boy we . think will fill the new spot in the single wing formation adequately. John has settled down quite a bit from his erratic sophomore year and is more serious and determined to 'do the job than ever before. I It is this reporters belief that John will be one of the truly great tailbacks in the nation next sea son. The televised opener will give jhim a chance to strut his stuff be fore the football fans of the nation. Counesy Lincoln Journal Department's summer tennis instruction program at the various Lincoln Courts. Students receiv ing lessons are Gerry Wendelin of 3333 C (left) and Virginia Ann Kelley of 3266 Dudley. Summer Tennis Tournament In Third Round The 1953 University men's sin-,aker, John Moran, Ray Colson, John Moran, Ray Colson, Ralph Kico renins luuiiioineni is emer- boweil aoni, Kaxpn K.eiiog, Owen ing its third round of elimination Morgon, Stu Reynolds, Paul Kirk series. ' man, Harold Brockberg, Gary Summer session students who Heinzle, Voris Peden, Earl Moore, participated in the first round ofand Maurice Lipton. Players who qualified for the second round of matches are: matches were: Harold Dietrich, Wayne Whit- Kellog, Paul Kirkman, Voris Pe den, and Maurice Lpton. Winners of the second round will play in the third round which will be held until July 13. And You'll Sell Your Books at Just North of Love Library f COTY no excess evaporation no messy "crumbling" twists up like a lipstick and unbreakable Retains its exciting fragrance. ..down To the last coo! refreshing stroke! 125 I plus tax Choose your favorite fragrance t'ORIGAN I'AIMANT EMERAUDE "PARIS" GOLD'S Cosmetics . . . Street Floor Compounded ond copyrtflhied by Coty. Inc., Tn U. S. A. GOLD'S Toiletries . . . Street Floor t 1 ftt 1J (7 a) nr ZZt Lai m,r I W I Ml ii 1 Sell Your Used Texts and Reference Books . u WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES BECAUSE WE ARE NATIONWIDE BOOK DEALERS Onon 7:2li A.Bl.-4:Sa P.BI. Headquarters for Campus Needs . w Ms i I Tg7i3TiiErfIBlrc. I