The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 09, 1953, Page PAGE 2, Image 2
PAGE 2 SUMMER NEBRASKAN Thursday, Jufy 9, 1953 The Function Of A Library You Don't Say fe9Y 'Gramercy Ghost' Is l.'dllor's note: The following Is a reprint of Dorothy Thompson's editorial which . n I I I . js f nircf Production ur Naysott appeared in the Lincoln Sunday Journal and Star, June 21. Worthy of campus reader- i. ii. in a mm tutracniniiuii 01 me argument, "iei iruin ana falsehood erannie. President Elsenhower made his remarks . about book-burning standing before the Baker Memorial Library at Dartmouth College, from which last Sunday he received an honorary degree. It was an appropriate place from which to warn of the danger or attempting to "conceal faults by concealing .exidence that they nave ever' existed." , . The library of Dartmouth College is cne of the. largest in America, used by many besides Dartmouth students. Situated 30 miles from my "Vermont home, I also use it when the need arises. Its years-long director, Harold Rugg, has made it a vital institution cf a Wide community, and keens its contents moving. Its staoks are open; one is directed where to find the book he seeks or the sii! jet in which he is interested; he finds his own volumes to take out, or read in one of the library lounges. I know no great library which seems so like one's very own In this great library are thousands of books rlealinfr with Cnm- tminism the classic documents of Marx and Engels; the treaties of Lenin; commentaries of Marxist theory; books by Marxists criticiz ing other Marxists; books by anti-Marxists; books by former Com munists telling why they left the faith. One could spend weeks In the Dartmouth library reading about nothing but Communism And one can also find books by Fascists, racialists,' imperialists, 'ntmeis, atheists, reactionaries, and radicals of every hue; Catholic nd Protestant apologetics; idealistic and empirical nhilnsonWc- . ' saints and skeptics; plays and novels, poems glorifying the Ameri can scene and others depicting its most squalid aspects. Those who assembled this library did not wi" n tt.,A locks, with their immense diversity, nor investigate the personal lives of the authors. Yet not every book ever published is in its siacics, tor the tens of thousands of momentary trash or trivial en tertainment would crowd its shelves. Some judgment must be ex ercised. But for what does a library exist? It exists for knowledge and inspiration. Within these walls, I can learn what men and women have thought, felt, perceived, and ng for thousands of years, down to this present moment. I ope the pages of a book and am im mediately interested or bored; enchanted or disenchanted. I may find. myself a genius or a fool but the fool cannot long intrude his unwelcome company; I close his mouth and return him to the shelf. Or I find myself in interested argument. n that m books I own, I carry on running conversations with authors in the margins. n scncrxi uurary must De representative and electric. There in. lies the difficulty of reconciling 'library" with "propaganda." A U.S. Information Service library that contains only books prais irs America would not be representative of even anti-Communist, du communists have drawn upon his books. "The Grapes of VYi Mi was wruten by an anti-Communist, but praised by Com mu 's. ihe Education of Henry Adams," a ereat American classic Is not 100 per cent uncritically American. The greatest American novel, I think, is Melville's "Moby Dick," but it is not American Propaganda. The case against the books of Howard Fast is not that he may be a Communist, but that his work, as such, is poor in content and form. The American libraries abroad are nevertheless the best ex pression we have of America. Thpv ... , . J hh; nee, inquiring, rr.tlca. mind, which is the strength and glory of our western civil- nation. The reader will always remember what awakens and appeals to his mind; he will ever reject what insults his soul . . Affirm the belief in his judgment! Give him the best we have, however controversial, and he will find a companion far away, in another country, even perhaps, in another century: a fellow mind; a fellow soul. This is the function of a library not "propaganda." By JOYCE JOHNSON There seems to be quite a turn over of actors in Hollywood these days. I recently read where Olym pic Decathlon Champion Bob Mathias of Tulare, Cal., is being sought to play Buck Rogers in a series of video films. The athlete is supposed to go jefore the cameras late in July for the first of 26 half-hour films. After the TV series, a 3-D mo tion picture will be produced, with Bob in the star role. Another famous, red-blooded American, Mickey Spillane, au thor of the thrill-a-minut my steries, is also going to try act ing. He will co-star with Clyde Beatty in "Man Killer" Any day I expect to see Bobby Reynolds f lvine hroueh outer space as CaDtain Video's rieht- hand man, or Bear Handshy dart ing through the jungle maze Doundins on his chest and utter ing the famous Jungle-Lord's cry. i neara mat Cisco Kid's side kick Panchb died the other day. Here's a chance-of-a-lifetime for those of you who have the theater in your blood. Personally. I'm waiting to fill the girl's shoes who plays Lois j-ane, ace reporter on the Super man TV series. There's an onnnr- tunity to combine business with pleasure; Speaking of TV programs, I heard a refreshing version of a description of low-cut evening gowns on "Toast of the Town" . . . "She was wearing one of those quaint Biblical gowns . . . "Low and behold." On the educational side nf TV the University of Houston is the only university in the countrv using television as a reeular pHh cauonai oirering. Within five years they plan to offer enough courses on TV for a student to receive a com plete degree, the station has been on the air one month and the first course offered, Intro duction to Psychology, received good response from the 'viewers, according to the Summer Texan. What a blow to the habitual Mass-cutters at NU! As the baby Dolar hear snM as he sat on an irchpra "ar t-.ii . .-u. v"" is i uiu: By RON BECKER As a cool breeze blew in thrnnph t h p Hnvlnft Snmmpr Theater Tuesday night, The Lin coln Stock Company produced its third - show of this season's run, John Holm's delightful comedy, "Gramercy Ghost." The first act of the show went rather slow but the second act picked up and the third act was played in top condition. In some places I was bothered bv the tim ing of the light and sound cues, but on the whole the show was very well run. A word of praise is also necessary concerning the set which was excellent, and for tne period costumes which for once, didn't look as though they were actually handed down from 1775. Leading in- the cast of twelve was Miss LaVonne Klavhaiich who played the role of Nancv Wil- lard. Miss Slaybaugh gave a sdendid Derformancp anrJ was very convincing in her role. Also sharing the spot-light was Rich Miller, who portrayed Nathaniel Coombs. Mr. Miller as the "Ghost" and I looked for him to deteriorate at any time. Mace Richford. as ChnrW stew ard, was also very good and well deserves a :omrjliment on his rn . sistency of character. Doing a fine iob as Parker Burnett, wqo John Reeds who contributed much or the humor as well as much of the timing. Miss Ranrlv Vni-ta gave a nice performance as Mar garet Collins and also supplied a bit of the comedy of the show. Les Mathis did a romimenrlahin job as the officer and Jack Parris was suitable as Mr. Ames. Sup plying more of the sparkling hu mor were Bill Lucas, Mike Shane, and Arlene Stetina as the other ghosts, and Mary Doyle and Twila Walker as the ambulance drivers, who I would like to have seen more of. The whole cast deserves a vote of praise for a job well done on a top-notch comedy. Library Of Congress Will Soon House Complete Biography Of Gen. Pershing Library of Conrss will sonn uenerai John J. Pershing to com plete his 12-volume biography. The biography, "Footprints in the Sands of Time," has been pre pared by Harry R. Follmer. retired Omaha real estate man. Nearly 10 thousand dollars has been emDloved in the nrenarntinn of Pershing's biography, the most complete personal history or the general. which was started IS years ago by Follmer. The . author first admired the general in 1886 when he was par ticipating in escaDades as an Tn- dian fighter. Follmer then studied mathematics under Lt. Pershing at the University in 1894. He was also one of the original members of the Pershing Rifles, crack drill unit. President Eisenhower will re ceive a summary of the new work, the 13th book, for the White House Library. Weekly Wisdom When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; When health is lost, something is lost; When character is lost, all is lost! Unknown Summer Nebraskan Member Intercollegiate Press Fiftieth Year Th Hlimmpr NhrnUa anA Th r n.. r.t,...i stolen,, or the Un.vers.ty of NabraVk. V." exps'slon oV" student, neT.' Tod o&loE only. According to Article II of the By Laws governing student publications and adminmarad ry the Board of Publications, "It Is the declared policy of to tort that puoilcations under Its jurisdiction shall b. free from editorial censorship m tne part of the Board, or on the part of any member of the faculty of the Urtver lty, but members of the staff of the Pally Nebraskan (and the Bummer Nebraskan re personally responsible for what they say or do or cause to bL printed. , , Subscription; rates are J2.00 per semester, 12.80 per semester mailed, or IJ.00 for the college year, 4.00 mailed. Single copy Sc. Published dallv ftV tni 1 nlvarailo nF NTaK.n.l . l. . . . . .. : f 7. . " unucr i,m supervision or tne fUDiications Board the school year except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods published weekly during summer school for eight weeks. Enter as Second Class """ ubi uince in Lincoln, jseoraska, under Act of Congress March 3 3879, and at special rate of postage provided ofr In section 1103, Act of October s' EDITORIAL riiM Joyoe Johnson "mor Cynthia Henderson BUSINESS Business Manager chet Singer For any Information regarding new content of the Bummer Nebraskan. all Summer Nebraskan office Monday or Tuesday afternoon or evening. . Kor information regarding business or advertising caE Chet Singer at tbe Webraskan offlM, Why Be Half-Safe! Lockjaw Is No Fun Beware of tho sum m rvr m nncf- w 4ilWUOtti Known as lockjaw! Locki 3W. fir tft.Ani1C fQCAc inmn i - ' ' I UlltU ' 1 v- (limvn4.' 1 1 puiiiiiiciuxne uecause exposures m ujc iorm oi cuts, scratches, or puncture wounds flrp morn fre quent in warm weather when people are out-of-doors. The germs of lockjaw are com monly founrl through a skin break and emit a ueaaiy toxin wnicn causes jaw and neck muscles to cnn;tript CA CO- verly that jaws invfiluntarily close, vice-like. To fieht off this emy a series of immiiniyatinn cVint should be taken with periodic "booster" shots td kppn thA im munity level high. t Pittenger At U.S. Alumni Conference James S. Pittpn the Nebraska Al ileft Wednesday to attend the 38th annual conrerence of the Ameri can Alumni Council to be held at tne bhoreman Hotel, Washington D. C, July 1318. While in the past THpnaav meet with Nebraska Alumni clubs in Pittsburgh, Washington. New York, Boston, Philadelphia and the Cleveland in rii "migration" to Pittsburgh October iv ior tne Nebraska-Pittsburgh football game. Thirty years ago the average American woman was able to eat from 2,800 to three thousand calories per day keep her fash ionable firtire. Now many women are more likely to eat aboot 2,200 calor ies a day or less, to keep in rood trim. Various authorities berieve the widespread mw nf i.w. saving- devices and motor travel ia place of walking- call for less enerry from women, and there fore they, need less food. (Ex rpt from "Here's Howe" by Fete Howe.) Don't worry about hr hH have plenty of date wken finals start showing up." Hayloft Tonight " All star cmt$ headed by New York Aclort in smash hil stage plays Nightly Thru Sundays "GUAM ERCO GnOST" The lauffh packed story of a rirl who Inherits a rhost Open next Tuesday: One Week Only wiGirr MUST FAUL" One of the trreatest mystery thrillers ever written The HAYLOFT. Summer Theatre. Take Normal bus 02 SOUTH STREET For reservation, phone i