The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 18, 1953, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    Thursday, June 18, 195T
Lfocfa jHIosfl Td Aihleftes Bins IMAA iWee
Track And Field Events!
Scheduled For Evening
This year's National Collegiate Track and Field Cham
pionships will be a twilight af ftir. Scheduled for the Uni
versity of Nebraska Memorial Stadium, Friday and Satur
day, events start at 6 p.m. both days.
Preliminaries in ten of the 14 events will be run on Fri
day, with finals in every event on the Saturday program.
r r r
College Meet
i Friday preliminaries
c i 4 v. ... W t t
lump. 6 P-m 440-yard dash. 6:30;! il U5KCl
discuss throw, 6:43; 100-yard dash.)
6:50; 120-yard high hurdles, 7:10; TV In
eSO-yard run, 7:30; 220-yard dash,! I V til I CI III
Saturday finals ,
Pole vault, high jump, shot put, The University of Nebraska will
lavelin throw and broad jump, k wnrented in the weight
6 p.ra.; one-mile run, 6:30; 440- events jn the National Collegiate
yard dash 6:40; discus throw, 6:45;t Athletic Association track and
100-yard dash, 6:50; 120-yard high ield championships at Memor-'
hurdles, 7:30; 8S0-yard run, 7:10; ia, stadium Fridav and Saturday.!
S2ryd LJ TfJ!? Coach Ed Weir's Cornhuskers
7:45. I " . - w.w. -
pui ana aiscus uiruw.
Cliff Dale and Paul Grimm are
entered in the shot put. Dale and
Larry Smith, Big Seven discus
champion, are the Husker discus
Marks Are
Men's Table Tennis
Tournament Set
By GEORGE PAYXICII ,1Tle ,Aiens "Me len
University of liebrasta 1 . r "T1 A .71
t - I
it i j
Wes San tec, Kansas blaxing- rewpoke, is a
donble-barreled threat t tw NCAA titles and
records ia the Stad NCAA track and field meet
at Memorial Stadium. San tec is aiming at a mile
SS9 doable in the Lincoln affair. He already has
ai a. t aj . a a a 1. 1 41 x.- r ti. . . 4
. must sign up in the Union Ac-
. v , r iTSi h"fct" office by Monday,
track and field athletes and the, . ' "tTL
Cbmtear Lincotn Sat
4:03.4. Bis cowboy finery is as real as Santee's
ability. He has worn cowboy boots almost since
be was bi? enoush to walk and bis father. David
San tee, owns a 4,C0O-acr wheat and cattle ranch
near Ashland. Kansas.
Summer Nebraskan would like to'
The playoffs may be scheduled
take this opportunity to welcome dedlines for each playoff,
this army of young men with a xr--i t..i n
hearty Comhusker -hello." 1
We dont know if NU sports pub-
licist John Eentley has cracked as it omen
ret under the strain ot "Use ire-
Scholarship To
Bob Johnson
Robert Bell Johnson of Council
Bluffs, lav is the first Univer
sity of Nebraska recipient of the
General Electric scholarship of
$500, given to the outstanding stu
Classified Ad Rates
mendous amount of copy he has SwifTl InStrtlCtlOnS
rnit rait in nrpnaration for the
wrA tnrit oamival. but one! In order to swim in the coli-'dent in the junior class of the
Kir n h h rredicted seum pool girls must obtain;." ; College of Business Administra-
practicaHy a rewriting of the! 1- Swimming cap. Ition.
KCAA record book! 2- Beach shoes (clogs). ! Selection of Johnson was made
With totel of 303 athletes from 3. Swimming permit from Stu- by Dean Earl S. FuiTarook on the
f rmravJinir in a season Cent Health. - lecommendarioa of the College's
Wn Ttrariinar rrformances J Girls may swim from 4 to 5 committee on scholarships
have been the rule rather than P-m- Monday through Friday.
the exception, track fans would be
disappointed if some records didn't
fall in the 32nd running of the
NCAA track and field champion
ships. To give a rundown on the coro
piete list of outstanding athletes
would require too much space,
but many nationally known fig
ures must be mentioned.
Standouts in this area. Thane
Baker. KS, Wes San tee. Kansas
and Neville Prke of Oklahoma
will be the crowd favorites.
Osier track greats include
hurdler Jack Davis of Southern
California and teamates Parry
O'Brien, who holds the world's
ra TOtrSr z,TA Sam Iness
with the season's best discus ef-j
fort. Iness was hit in the face with j
a discus last week, but shoiild be
ready for this show.
Lindy Remigina. Olympic 100
raeter champion will be here for
a dual purpose, to run and boney-
rooon. Loirlic t-apozzoa ci )
Georgetown XJniversity and Lang;
Stanley of San Jope are more of
the outstanding array of stars
that will perform here.
For the NTJ athletic denartment
this rpertacle represer.ts the cul
mination cf months 01 prepara
Sales Analysis
No. Tfords 1 Wk. 2 Wks.
1-10 .40 .65
11-15 .50 .80
16-20 .60 .95
21-25 .70 1.10
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Yam are invited to visit onr Personnel Department,
or write ns for further information.
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So you wast to oora a "Kappa" imyt
Okay, ht4 doml bo dowdy;
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