fnl. C. J. Frankforter. asso- number: Sponsor of Corn Cobs, honorary Innocent and sponsor, as well as sponsor for all band trips." "Through his wide contacts with students both in and out of the class room, he has made a great number of friends." Col. Frankforter graduated from Lincoln High School and received his BA degree and Masters degree from the Uni versity. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Minne sota. He then returned to the University and has spent his teaching career in the chemistry department, instructing classes and doing research. At the University he has also been active in military activi ties since World War I. He is now high-ranking colonel of the University ROTC. Annually an award in his name is given to the outstanding ROTC student. The letter nominating Miss Raymond said: "We feel that in her senior year Ruth probably has been the outstanding woman on the campus, for , as the first semester editor of The Nebraskan, she rose quickly to defend the right of our profes sors and students to be free of any dogmatic indoctrination and through her editorials she helped to maintain their free- dom in the classroom, to exam ine critically all that they study." "Ruth has made further con tributions to the campus, be sides editing a good paper, by participating throughout her three years here in the activities of several extra-curricular or ganizations." Miss Raymond is a graduate of Scottsbluff High School and a graduating senior at the Uni versity in the College of Arts and Sciences. She is past edi tor, associate editor, managing editor, and news editor of The Daily Nebraskan. She is a mem ber of Kappa Tau Alpha, hon orary journalism fraternity, and Theta Sigma Phi, women's pro fessional journalism honorary. She was senior attendant to the May Queen on Ivy Day. Fourteen students and faculty members have been honored since The Daily Nebraskan in augurated the Outstanding Ne braskan award in 1949. Selec tion of the contest winners is based on the nominations made by student and faculty mem bers. Each semester two Out standing Nebraskans are chosen one student and one faculty member. icate professor of chemistry, and Ruth Raymond, senior journal ism student, are the winners of the Outstanding Nebraskan awards. The Daily Nebraskan made the choice from a field of 11 nominees. In the letter nominating Col. Frankforter, he was cited for "serving this University and the students connected with it un selfishly for about 20 years." "As an advisor for many stu dents, he has helped a great number of troubled students by his frank and sincere advice." "He is advisor for numerous organizations among which the fill VOL. 52 No. 134 Farewell STUDENTS RECOGNIZE RETIRING CHANCELLOR ... Dr. Gus, is shown here opening: the gift he was riven at the banquet honor ins his service to the University Wednesday evening. Also pic tured are (left to right) Don Noble, the Chancellor, Mrs. Gustav on and Sj via Krasne. June 8 Commencement Set; Brownell To Speak The first University alumnus to serve in a presidential cabinet post, Herbert BrowneU Jr., will deliver an address at commence ment exercises on June 8. Brownell, who graduated from the University in 1924, was a member of the Innocents Society, Kosmet Klub and Delta Lpsilon fraternity. He was managing edi- tor of the Daily Nebraskan in 1923 and was appointed Editor a Phi Eeta Kappa. Following graduation at the university, ne auenaea iaie school on a scnowrsmp. niesc nc a SCnOlarsniP. mere ? edited tne laie ww journal nu .. . 7. ... i .. i w buuu.. ,ifll iue i:cium.s -6". will the Drocessional at 10 a.m. with all candidates meeting in front oi tne iiDrary. n ..u ...... this part ct the program wiu oe canceled. - k i i T : km ill vMn Infonnation concerning com - jnenccmtT twill be given wt YWCA Picks 6 Committee Chairmen vbta Mvmmiuee cnairmcn aim rr,PmVwrS for next year were en- M,nri Thursday. Thev are- PubucftrManlvn Tyson, Mw - toTSorr&n and Rosemary Fehr. MenibcrshiD: Chairman ar.y Cm Kirkinan Phy Us Ca.t Wm n e Kirkinan . Ihui "f. Smithberger. , Ittr tbhn "Uy A: Finance: Chairman Marilyn I nl-,,. Hicks. Helen Sherman. Pat M--,TheClter LOD rlaVS an, Martha Hill and Jan Robert-, ' - r.en DvriesScheduledMay 21 and Shirley Langhus. rr i v.. rKnrlc.tte Mason. Vivian Lcmmer, Kathleen Lang and Barbara Sorcnson. r,. rrt-.h airman Veser Lar - on and Helen Sherman. Rosemary; Fehr Claire Hinman, Sylvia Bar-' Shaw; "Glass Managerie, b i 1 1 constructed interiors of rooms de Sl fd Hleen hnert.7 Walton; "The Boor "Harriet Har;pic,ing certain periods of history ., .krmm of thrYWCAc Tmblicitr chairman, as reported in i'iS-rSCfi.' MrLlvn. er of the Fine ArU commlssionlnlfihts of VT' ThC Gail Katskee is upperclass icao-jii group. Alumni Round - Scheduled For The annual Round-Up luncheon r,f the University of Nebraska Alumni Association will be held June 6, in the Union Ballroom, Ben Joyce of Lincoln, chairman, announced Wednesday. The class of 1903 will celebrate ill 50th anniversary. Other clafses to be honored -re 1913, 1923, 1S33, ttnA 1A11 rviiu- v. r. r.iistavson will be principal speaker, giving at-,Knight, all of Lincoln, tiding alumni an opportunity f" h'K. eha"""OT 1 Comaker Meeting Aha highlighting the prKram; Barbara Adams, 1954 Crn-ti-.n i. w. ..,..r.t:r--r r.f ho Dis- v..trr rALnr. haa announced a tir. s?uished Service Awards, which rc emong the highest awards fcven to the alumni and are pon- fjtttl jointly by the Alumr.i As - To Gus graduating students during re- hearsal, which will be held at 11 si I a.m. on June 6 in the coliseum.; Termite will be issued to eligible Caps and gowns will not be worn persons for the reserved areas, at the rehearsal. (The oermits deny the recipient Three tickets for the exercises iwill be allotted to each graduat - !intf student for friends and rela - tjves. students who are not plan-'Shall be issued, by the campus! ning on tneir three tickets police in, Room 102, Temporary nave been requested to put themL' The Student Council is will- m the ballot hox in tne Union jng to take charge of the sale of. change, to aid the graduating students in obtaining more than the three tickets allotted them, nHH ho rnnrlnlrprf June 1 and 2 " . - from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Student wuncn wace Admission lor llCKet noiuers only will be between 9 and 9:40( am when thc doors will be open - . ... t0 trte generai puDiic. Dipiomas and certificates for the graduates will be distributed ,t the east entrance in Grant Memorial Hall after the exercises. Alier 1 p.m. tney can yii.ii.cu - up from the Senior Checking' i Office, Room 9 in Administration A charge of 50 cents for mail-1 ing will be charged to anyone un- ;.t?. tn ru for his dioloma. If must present their I. D. cards. The Committee on commence , ment and Honoranes uegrees an- nouncca tnai .. ""-""6 Kcn,or 15 required to attena exercises unless officially excused by the dean of his college. J r-o n a ui ice. Arrai Ecmt'iiu iui encc mu.t be made at the office . ,,,,!1,!r,.lf,n and Records not UniversHy Theatre Productions, ...in nreent three Arena plays and two lab plays May 21 and 22 in museum section is divided ;the Temple Building at 7:30 P-nMtato three parts, Indian, Pioneer s The five plays and directors nd perioi Rooms. The Period are: "The Moon is Blue "'."iRoonu section is composed of re- "He" Norma Carsc: wneTelTi,.H,d .aix, 1920 "flapper" house turg. , I In ordr to attend all five plays, win - fw ipuouc iu. Up Luncheon Union June 6 sociation and University. George Bastian of Lincoln has k.., TiamPfi co-chairman of the !n,hr.nn hv Jovce. Co-chairmen of the honor classes are: 1903, O J Ferguson and Verne Hedec; 1913, Dr. J. MacWoodward; 1923, Arnott Folsom; 1 933, Harold Hinds and Mrs. A. J. Haggle (Helen Morrow), and Wi, uavia K Walcott and George ,hort meetinir f H nw un Heads for Frldar n the Cornhusker office. ,.. 11 "- 8ec- p.m. 111 llM TOuuwAI v Voice ot a Great Midwestern University LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Committee, About Councils Tentative Changes "In a final attempt to obtain a parking policy that is truly a re sult of student-faculty and ad ministration cooperation, the spe cial parking committee of the Stu dent Council makes the following comments and recommendations concerning the tentative parking policy for 1953-54." The above statement marks the opening paragraphof the recom mended changes to' be offered the administration by the Student Council as part of the proposed parking program for next year. A special meeting of the Coun-, cil was held yesterday to discuss the measures of the above pro-1 posal that had been drawn up at an earlier council parking com mittee meeting. Alter considerable debate on various aspects of the proposal and taking into account the sug- Hedges as an agricultural eco gestions of Robert E. Knoll, as- nomist at the University headed sistant professor of uigusn, wnoithe College of Agriculture s mir is one ot the faculty advisers to the Council, the following parts of the Council's proposal were unanimously approved and will be submitted to the administra tion as they appear here: "We agree with articles 1-5 in clusive as presented in the admin istrations proposed parking pro posal. "Articles 6 and 7 provide that access to any other parking area. i Permits will be issued at a fee ! i lev have sufficient confidence in our intent to sell only to qualified individuals. We do not feel that i -To : vec:ivi hnoipver me ---.' --i we do have an additional sugges - tion, which win De maae m rei- crpnro to Article 1Z. "Article 8 states that the $1 fines must be naid at the Busi - - ... . t ineSs Managers ornce wnnin hours after receipt. We would rather see a system similar toi tnat used by the Lincoln City p0uce which provides that fines - a QpgpP)J DO l-fSf HlQTOriCCll I UI I II3IWIIVVII Society Set The gtate Historical Society uhmr- .nd dminfatra- , mn.H ,ntn'zelman Dennis Korinek, Bob tive section wi 1 be moved )0herm Hobe Jones, Gaylord their new buildmg at 15th and R(Smith 'william Thayer, Wendell ---,st. m June. Although the formal dedication will not be until Sept. 27, tne caexnaus, i-ai wiaiieiie, j-ran noi modern building will be opened maier, Charles Wright, Dirkes to the public sometime in June. jRolston, Jim Cedardahl, Jim Immediately inside the front en-Campbell, Roy Colson and Frank trance is a rotunda with matched Redman. oak panelling. The rotunda, mu- artist Stanley Sohl said, is ApkthA tn rive an overall orien- jon to the contents of the mu inciuaea are tne interior ui a ana a iaie kmu unstairs is the library, w UprtSTi. the Tibra-rTwith a i ,T''It 'L j general cauui win vv-!, the Nebraska State Historical So ciety archives. Mr. Sohl expressed the opinion that the newspaper room will Del"'"' rlneKeuJ"a'rirom, a newly tackled Inno- Nebraska weeklies, dailies and;Alpha. JournaUsm r Slg house organs. The reaamg room walls are of matched birch panel ling. A small auditorium has been built on the first floor, to be used for education and class orienta tion purposes. It will be equipped with a projection booth. The interior of tne ouuoing is oration and furniture, ana is ' " painted in an entirely new color Daily Nebraskan. scheme for museums. A lot of! Appointed to editorial page ed color has been used, Mr. Sohl: itor is Ed De Mar, senior in jour said, and the building should bchalism. De Mar is past news vciV attractive. editor of The Daily Nebraskan and t, floors are largely asphalt treasurer of the Nebraska chapter and much of it is laid in patterns. The cases for the galleries are all new and each one will be lighted. Nicoll To Confer Today paid within 1-5 days $1. -ia aays 15 days or after $4. In lieu of court action held; aner 10 aays oy tne city ponce,. we propose that the student cre- " -- iui"wu uuui jajuiciii, uiiieiii ol appeals witn wnicti we the parking fines. (This is to agree, although we have favored be included on the back of all a student-faculty committee to ucKeti. ) University Alumnus iii . UIGS 111 Washington A former University faculty member, Harold Hedges died Monday in Washington, D.C. He was chief of the Bank of Cooperatives, Department of Ag- ; "culture, keting division and did speciali;:.:L i j V , """J- "V. iU4 6Uu.lk .ecuun. violators should He was named secretary of the'punishmpnt Bank of Co-operatives at Omaha in io. ne later Decame neaa oi the Washington D. C. office. Graduating from the Univer sity in 1921, he continued to ob tain his masters degree from the University. In 1925, he returned to the cam pus and served as associate pro fessor of rural economics. Lettermen Install New President T..i r 1-1 raui ricusuuiu was installed as president of the "N" Club at h e annual initiation dinner Wednesday night. Other officers are vice-president; Jim Eill Giles. Cederdahl, secretary-treasurer; Dirkes Rol ston and Max Kitzelman, ser. fpflnt-f!t-nrm' Cliff Tlnl ronro, tsentative to the athletic board and David Gradwahl, club represen- tative for New Student Week. New members initiated at the dinner are: David GradwahL Gene Cotter, Jack Trabert, War ren Emery, Bert Linn, William Giles, Gary Renzelman, Erv Pet erson, Larry Holl, Louis Roper, Dick Laver, Jim Oliver, Ted Con nor, Larry Smith, Dan Brown, Harvey Goth, Charles Sprague and Charles Bryant otner initiates are: Max rut vie, wayne wnniacKer, naries Hunley, Virgil Gottsch, Murray ysfroBin Ken Rystrom, journalism sen- was named editor of the fall semester Daily Nebraskan Thurs- any rugnt vy uie KAmiinnw uu Student Publications. Heading the business office of : v,...i The Daily Nebraskan will be Stan fraternity; past editorial page edi tor of The Daily Nebraskan, and member of Kappa Sigma. Sipple is a member of the Stu dent Union Board ot Managers, president of Sigma Nu, Innocents member, and a member of Alpha Kappa Psi, professional Business of Sigma Delta Chi, national jour nalism fraternity, Sally Hall will succeed herself: as managing editor. sne is past i Ml lior Friday, May 22, 1953 , We feel that the 24 hour oer Mod is inadequate and that action ,in advent of non-payment should (be clearly stated. "We are in agreement with ar- tide 9. "Article 10 provides for a sys air these appeals. We feel the policy towards 'persistent violators should be made more definite. We again feel line system used by the Lincoln City Police is adequate. That is, persistent violators receive per sistent fines. We do not feel that additional disciplinary action such as rustication is required. "Article 11 provides that for handling of staff members who disregard the intent of the park ing regulations and we do agree with that action. In addition we realize that we are a student body receive equal "Article 12 provides that per- nut fees and parking fines be used to inforce the parking policy. In addition we feel that any surplus of the funds collected should be used for. parking lot improve- ments. "In addition to these comments land recommendations we believe 'that a Strong policy Should be,iroin xorit was cieciea manager enacted for violators not holding permits. This should include both University and non-University persons." At - -i - a a ii! Upon concluding the business of, manager the day, the regular sessions ofltively. the Council have been concluded for. the year. A special meeting of the parking committee wall be held today when the committee confers with Bruce Nicoll to dis- cuss the Council's proposed changes in the administration ten- tative parking plan for 1953-1954.1 Purple Masquers To Honor Members, Theatre Student New members of the Purple Masque and the outstanding stu dent in the University theatre for this year will be honored Satur day night, May 23 at ninth annual awards banquet at 6:30 in the Lincoln Hotel. The Purple Masque is the high est University theatre honorary for students. Last year's new members were Dianne Downing, Marilyn Lehr, Pat Loder, Don K. Smith, Betty Stratton and Ma rion Uhe. Marvin Stromer was honored last year as the outstanding freshman actor. inree nonorary Masquers mai.omaha chanters of American fnr were namec were iwaxuie iiau- ernicni, instructor in speecn and dramatic art; jonn ioicn, teen- nical director of the University AWS Board member, member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and public ity director of Gamma Alpha Chi, professional advertising frater aity. f CoHira Lincoln Journal Coartmr Lincoln Sua Kyxtrom Sipple - Orchcsis Selects Six New Members Six persons were accepted Wednesday as new members In Orchcsis, a modern dance group. Appointed Editor Barbara Britten, president of ministration. All are new Assist Orchisi annAiinwH hi nmnmt Riiainpe Manaenr . , " . . v. I members as Jacy Mathicsen, Sue nette Vollmer, Marilyn HW.w.v.Mf -v. ' vi'i i, - . ana Elaine Hess, Courtesy Lincoln Journal COLONEL C. J. FRANK FORTER . . . Recognized for his 20-odd years of unselfish service. US Ei4S10i1810Eri Top 1953 Story When Dr. R. G. Gustavson resigned after being Chan cellor of the University since Sept. 1, 1946, he made the news that constituted the Daily Nebraskan's bigges.t news story for the second semester. The Chancellor will leave the University to become president of Resources for the Future, Inc., a fund associated with the Ford Foundation. To show their appreciation for Dr. Gustavson and regret of his resignation, more than 300 students attended a banquet in his honor. At this banquet he was given a movie camera and projector which was purchased entirely with student donations. The remaining ten top stories are as follows: 2. The cut in Daily Nebraskan issues. 3. Brownell's speaking at Commencement. 4. Medical school appropriations. 5. Elections. 6. Administration's action against liquor regulations. 7. Doctor of Education degree. 8. Ivy Day. 9. Vacation robberies. 10. Model United Nations. The story in second place was created when the Student Pub lication reduced the issues of the Daily Nebraskan from four to three copies a week. This decision was made in order to defray the cost of publishing the Nebraskan. Herbert Brownell Jr., United States attorney general, who grad uated from the University of Nebraska in 1922. will soeak at tha 82nd commencement June 8. This story or tne year. Next came the story of the to finance a long range building lkrni.:A rni j. i 1 1 i ui ivieuicme. . .me miius win. oe proviaea Dy a quarter oi a mm levy over a period of years. In fifth place was the election story which told of the campaign and the election of junior and senior class officers and Student Council representativs. Junior and Stromer, Arts and Sciences, and istration. The story concerning the Administration's action aeainst viola tion of liquor regulations in the University took sixth position. Rating seventh were the stories about the creation of a Doctor of Education degree at the University. Such a degree was proposed by the Chancellor but Dr. Robert W. Goss, dean of the Graduate &cnooi is opposed to it. Ivy Day at which Julie Johnson, Arts and Sciences, was pre sented as May Queen was the event which was featured in the story which rated eighth. Ninth in place was the story of the robberies during the spring vacation in which nearly $500 in cash and valuables was taken from the Sigma Chi, Farm House, and Beta Sigma Psi fraternities. The tenth place is occupied by the news of the Model United Nations in which University students assumed the roles of foreign 1 1 A. a A 1 - J A.-. 1 A 1.1 A - . . delegates ana inea xo soive xne Dale Olson Elected FairBoardManager Dale Olson, Aff College junior rr 1 OK rmdr'a fc'iii- Board Tuesday. Dale VanVleck and Mary J, Niehaus were named assistant and secretary respec- Other senior members of the fair board are Eldon Wesley, Sharon Reed and Caroline Ross, Junior members for the board will be chosen next fall. They will help coordinate and plan the 1954 Farmers Fair which has tenta tively been set for late in April. Theatre and Orin Stepanek, asso ciate professor of English and Slavic languages. Morse To Speak At Norris Banquet Students who wish to attend the annual George Norris Memorial dinner Saturday should purchase their tickets by Friday afternoon from Sam Gibson, 108 Temporary The banquet, at $4.50 a plate, will be held Saturday from 6 to 9:30 p.m. in the Blackstone Hotel at Omaha. Snonsored tiv ih Tjnrnln an1 Democratic Action, the annual a f- fair will feature an address given by senator Wayne Morse of Ore- igon. In charge of the flow of news for the fall semester will be Tom Woodward, named to the position ot Kews Editor, woodward is a Corn Cob member, past copy edi tor of the Daily Nebraskan, mem ber of the Interfraterniay Council and member of Sigma Nu. succeeding Glenn Nelson as Sports Editor will be George Pay nich, Delta Tau Delta member, past secretary of the "N" Club, and a two-year letterman in foot ball. Newly appointed copy editors are Marianne Hanson, Cynthia Henderson, Jan Harrison, a hold over copy editor, and Kay Nosky. Replacing Chuck Beam as Ag Editor win be Dwtght Jundt. Assisting Stan Sipple as Busi ness Manager will be Dave Erick son, freshman in Arts and Sciences; Dick Westcott, sopho more in Business Administration; Doran Jacobs, sophomore in Busi ness Administration, and Chet Singer, freshman in Business Ad- .. . . " ,. . i" "JC imnim s uujveiMues ana Responsible for distribution of, colleges is expected to provide i . . . Kvwi.tfn.ii Pelikan.ibc Kenneth Williamson, newlyjjunior officer requirements of the laipointed Circulation Manager. 'Air Force. Courtesy Lincoln Sut RUTH RAYMOND ... The eighth student to be honored as "Outstanding Nebraskan." m information was the third biggest decision of the Nebraska leeislatura program at the University School . i i . . ... senior class presidents are Marvin Theodore James, Business Admin proDiems oi xne unitea .Nations. Dean's Group Elects Holmes New President Sue Holmes, elementary educa tion junior, is the new president of the Dean of Teachers College Advisory Committee. Following the election of new members, the old and new com mittees elect the new committee's president. New members are elected by the old committee from lists of recommendations submit ted by members of the Teachers College faculty. New committee members are: Marilyn Brewster, sophomore in speecn; Marilyn Hamer, sopho more in elementary education; Mn.ln. 1 1 . commercial arts; Eileen Mularkv. sophomore in elementary educa tion, and Cliff Dale, iunior in men's physical education. Hold-over members for next year are: Georgia Hulac, women's physical education junior; Donna Folmer, junior in elementary edu cation, and Stan Shumway, junior in music. Miss Mary Mielenz and Dean F. E. Henzlik are the committee ad visors. This year's committee was re sponsible for the enlargement ot the credit hours for secondary ed ucation practice teaching. The credits given last year were four. They were raised to five. The committee also sent a bulletin to Nebraska high schools containing in form at on ohnnt teaching Held. Cornhusker Distribution Distribution of Conruskers wiU continue until the end of finals. There are no extra copies of the Cornhuskers. Persons who did not buy a copy when they were on sale and wish to buy one now, may leave their names in the Cornhusker office. Unclaimed copies will then be sold to these people next fall. Air ROTC Unit Ups Pre-Flight Requirements Aimed at providing increased flying personnel for the Air Force, a more selective program has been adopted by the University Air ROTC unit, Lt. Col. Alex C. Jam-icson,- commandant, revet led Thursday. Of the 153 applicants tentatively accepted to date for next fall's advanced course, 96 are qualified for flight training, 30 for the en gineering phase and 27 for ad ministrative training, he said. Tne need lor an increase in flight officer graduates from Air ROTC units, he said, is caused by the Air Force's goal of 143 opera tional wing by 1855. According to Air Force ROTC headquarters at Montgomery. Ala bama, the new Air ROTC program m tne nations universities and ,oy pi i t l vi inc active outy I