The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 21, 1953, Image 1

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    toancellOF. (SiVGiV
"" . Voic ol a Great Midwestern VnirmUy
m m K.I. i -i
VUU J- INO. 133
SC, Faculty
n Hew Pa
Council To
flowing a discussion on
2i i .
council, in general, opposed
for next year. 1
Further discussion revealed that
an indication has already been
t.t thTwYiEt
Council opposition to this parking ! D0inted oiit that th. rt,tn,-t '
plan will not be sufficient & bloJiSKJ&,aSSS?,;;
nn,mnn nnnndtlnn tn th'i. in-i"
its passage.
A special committee was drawn
up, however, to review the faculty
parking proposal and select the
items that the Council felt were
particularly objectionable to therms.
Administration's Proposal
Lists Twelve Provisions
In accordance with preferences
of the majority opinion of the fac
ulties 9 the various colleges and
staffs of the various divisions of
the Lincoln campuses expressed in
response to a statement circular
ized on March 12, 1953,the fol
lowing is proposed as the parking
policy for the 1953-4 academic
1. There will be four reserved
parking areas for the city campus
as follows: "A," in the rear of the
Music Building; "B," on the south
side of T Street from 10th Street
to 12th Street; "C." in west and
central sectors of the Library
Mall; and "D," in the east sector;
of the Library Mall. 8. Staff members, employees or
2. There will be four reserved! students receiving tickets for mis
parking areas for the College of 'use of parkin? space without per
Agriculture campus. "One," west m its, or for violation of these trif
of Agricultural Hall; "Two," at flo rules, shall pay fines of $1
the rear of Animal Husbandry for each such violation. Fines will
Hall; "Three," east of Animal be payable at the Business Man
Husbandry Hall, adjacent to the ater's office, Administration Hall
water tower; and "Four," nt the:
rear of the Plant Industry Build
3. Staff members who have as
ligned duties on both the city
campus and College of Agncul
ture campus shall be issued per-
mits valid in reserved parking
areas on ooin campuses, inc iecleri Tne forfeiture will apply for
for such permits shall be the same
as for reserved areas on both of
the campuses.
4. Onlv full-time members of
the academic administrative staffs
re eligible lor parking privileges ever, students who persistently
in the reserved areas. violate parking regulations after
5. All other parking lots and having had parking permits for
Ktreets on the Lincoln campuses I felted shall be subject to such dis
are open to all other employees of jciplinary measures as the Dean of
tho University, both part-time and student Affairs and the Chancel-full-time;
and to all students ior may direct. In all cases, a stu
whose residence while in Lincoln dent may appeal to the Committee
is eight blocks or more from the!on Conduct Appeals, to the Chan-
Perimeter of the campus. The
perimeter as defined here is the
area bounded on tho west by 10th
Street, south by R Street, east by
17th Street and north by Avery
Avenue. The perimeter for the
Agricultural campus is defined as
the area bounded by Holdrege
Street on the south, 48th Street
Revived Honorary
Activates Eleven
Eleven political science students
have been recently elected to
membership in Pi Sigma Alpha,
political science honorary. The
honorary, advised by Robert J.
Morgan, assistant professor of po
litical science, is being revived
this year after several years of
The new members arc Chaien
Kueng Kiang, Major Lutenbourge,
Robert Munkreis, and Ruebcn
Snmani, graduate students; Thom
as Graham, Syvia Krasne, and
Mary Jane Ncely. undcrgrads;
and John Bitzcs, Howard Doty,
Paul Laase, and Wayne Johnson,
Pi Sigma Alpha will meet
Thursday Bt 4 p.m. in Union Par
lor Z to elect officers.
'"". '.r. lhl?
Ktnnriinir Nfhrnskan awards, nom-
inations closed Wednesday after-L
noon. '
George Round, University DI-
rector of Public Relations; Dean
Goss, Dean of Graduate college,
llenrv Gibson, junior in Engi
neering; Dr. David Foltz, profes
sor of voice and choral director;
Pat Bechan, senior in Arts and
Sciences, and Col. C. J. Frank-'
forter, associate professor of
Chemistry, aro the last nomina
tions for the honor.
From the eleven nominations
submitted by University students
and faculty members, The Daily
Nebraskan will choose two Out
Handing Ncbraskans, one a stu
dent and the other a faculty mem
ber. Of tho nominees, six are fac
ulty members, and five arc stu
dents. The two Outstanding Ncbras
kans will be announced in the
Friday Issue of The Daily Nebras
kan, Previously nominated for the
award were Glenn Rosehquist,
Rpnior pre-mcd student; Orin
Ktepnnek, English instructor; Ruth
Raymond, senior Journalism stu
dent; John Methuselah, senior in
Arts and Sciences; Jan Steffen,
junior in Teachers College; Epn
rtam Hixson, Dean of Resident In
tsurctions of the College of Agri
culture. ,
The letter nominating Mr.
Round said: "He, perhaps more
than nnyone else, has been re
rxinikt tnr Hini the Unlvcr-
fty's name before the people of
N'-braska, end for making these
Review Proposed Program
the acceptibility of this program, it
. . r w wj. una wueiimi. it was evmeni Lnai u
the T)rornsprl rn Monroe f
'interests of the students.
Mac Bailey, hold-over Council
opposing the proposed faculty
Past year,
indications of the recommenda-
tions given earlier by the Council
parking committee as solutions to
the University's parking problems,
particularly student narkins nrob-
on the east, Merrill Street on the
north and 33rd Street on the west.
6. Permits will be issued to el
igible persons for the reserved
areas. The permits deny the reci
pient access to any other parking
area. Permits will be issued at a
fee of $1 for the academic year.
These shall be issued by the cam
pus police, Room 102, Tempo
rary L.
7. Permits will be issued to el
igible persons for the general
areas by the campus police, Room
102, Temporary L, at the rate of
$1 for the academic year. Permits
issued for the general areas do not
admit holders to reserved areas.
102, within 24 hours after receipt
of said ticket.
9. The holder nf a narkine ner-
mit must forfeit the permit to the
campus police after receipt of
more than six parking violation
tickets in any academic year, or
more than four in any one semes.
the remainder of the 1953-54 aca
deinic year.
10. A student may appeal the
issuance of payment of tickets to
tne Dean of Student Affairs. How
cellor, and the Board of Regents.
11. Staff members who fail to
pay fines or otherwise disregard
the intent of these' parking regu
lations shall be subject to such
reprimand as his department head
or dean may direct. Tne start
member, however, may appeal his
case to the Chancellor and the
Board of Regents.
12. Funds collected from park
ing permits, and from fines, shall
be utilized fully to enforce the
parking plan for the 1953-54 aca
demic year.
Joan Reiling Made
Adelphi President
Adelphi, independent women's
organization installed Joan Reil
ing president for the 1953-54 in a
dinner meeting held Tuesday.
Other offireers include: Peggy
Konegski, vice-president; Jean
nette Hilyard, secretary; Betty
Peterson, treasurer; Gloria Peter
son, pledge chairman; and Fay L.
Thoreson, historian.
After the regular meeting, two
pledges Gloria Harris and Marlys
Ann Krueger, were initiated.
Dean Marporie Johnson was a
special guest at the meeting.
DM To Carry Tinners Of Outstanding Nehrashan Contes
jvcr'111'' . . ....
4i a a nriMil'iiml F.vtpnsion EdI
he nas been responsible for
planning the publication of much
newspaper, magazine, and radio
material related to the College of
"As Director of public rela
tions, the first person ever to hold
tho title, his job is of tremendous
importance, particularly in years
like this one, when the State Leg
islature is in session, doing much
of the work necessary to arrange
the presentation of the Univer
sity's biennial budget request be
fore the legislature, Ana ihuubu
it is not generally known, it was
dut larncly to Round's efforts that
LB 294, the so-called Loyalty
Oath bill, which many University
persons found so obnoxious, was
withdrawn without lU-feclings."
Denn Goss was nominated by
the graduate students. The letter,
undersigned by seven graduate
students, recommended Dcnn
Goss, "whose services have been
so vital in promoting the growth
and nrncrcss of the University . . .
u,hn mmhines in one man the
qualities of sn outstanding scholar
and an excellent administrator."
'iTo haa succeeded in obtaining
...K.tnnfini tncreuxe in the num-
bcr of fellowship grants and In
aturmentmi? the funds available
for the employment Ol grnuuais in the ycvcral depart
ments. One of his best-known
achievements was the introduction
of the MoyiCrnery lectures.
'He has consistently maintained
tho high standards required for
j.;U:4..4.: i- i
aumimsuauun a paining pi)
Bailey made a resolution that
the Student Council go on record
parking program for 1953-54. He
further gave four reasons why the
Council should oppose this pro-
I posed program.
Bailey's Proposals
These were: 1. The proposed
program does not provide for a
student-faculty committee to hear
appeals on parking fines issued
students. This was one of the
measures the Council was seeking
to enact in the faculty program.
2. The faculty proposal states
that fines must be paid within
24 hours after they are issued.
Since it is improbable that those
with the authority to hear appeals
(The Dean of Student Affairs and
the Committee on Conduct Ap
peals, the Chancellor and the
Board of Regents) will be avail
able every day to hear appeals,
it would seem that some parking
violaters will not be given the
opportunity to appeal their cases.
3. The revenue that is to come
from raising the price of parking
stickers from 25 cents to $1.00 will
go to increase the campus police
force as well as to enact the mea
sures of the parking program. It
does not seem to be justifiable
that students who buy parking
stickers should have to support the
campus police that guard the en
tire camous.
4. The main idea behind the
'recommendations on parking
leiven the faculty bv the Student
Council was to eliminate the prac-
tice of rustication of students from
class attendance for a week. In
this new proposal, no specific
measures were given as to what
punishment would be given a
chronic parkir violator. It was
merely stated it the violater
would be subj, to disciplinary
measures which Dean of Stu
dent Affairs and the Chancellor
may direct.
Bailey's proposal was defeated
by the Council in favor of wait
ing for the special committee's
report on the Council's objection,
that will be presented today at a
special Council meeting.
Marshal Kushner addressed the
Council as a student representa
tive on the committee on student
publications. He advised the
Council on the recent action taken
by the publications board, that of
cutting the issues of the Daily
Nebraskan from four to three
issues a week.
Kushner Explains
Kushner gave a thorough ex
planation of the situation con
fronting the publications board
and said" that it was hoped that
by the end of the fall semester
next year we could return to
four issues weekly.
The Council discussed the fund
raising problems of the Dally
Nebraskan and a committee was
appointed to investigate the pub
lication board's actions and any
possible alternative action. It was
pointed out at the Council meet
ing that a student paper issued
four times a week would serve
the interests of the students more
completely than a paper issued
only three days a week.
Yapp went through the list of
the 15 Council committees and
appointed each Council member
to act as a member of at least
one of these for the coming school
Graduate College nd lh. c.llhcr
of its craduates are based. The
University of Nebraska students
have boon provided with a nation
ally ranking Graduate College on
their own campus, a College which
also, attracts students of high
quality from elsewhere in the
united btates ana from abroad. '
"Hank" Gibson was nominated
for the award because "In any
time or place the person who can
make others laugh or relax makes
a notable contributien to those
about him. A person who works
tirelessly in the interest of others
is 'outstanding' in any commu
nity., "Iri the past several years, it
seems to me, tnose selected as
'Outstanding Ncbraskans' have
fitted comfortably into some well
worn sterctotypes: the Innocents
or Mortar Boards who have won
campus recognition largely
through standard 'activities,' and
administrators who have been in
a position to make a mark on the
campus generally by virtue of
their positions. This year I hope
the Daily Nebraskan will select
a student and faculty member
who represent 'outstanding'
achievements beyond these nar-
row confines.
" 'Hank' has spent endless hours
to bring the campus and the enm-
munuy cmcriaimuou unu tuni
He was nearly everyone's favorite
as the comedy lend in two Kosmet
Klub spring shows, 'Girl Crazy'
and 'Anything Coes.' In addition
he has successfully performed de
manding roles in University
it happened at nu
Students in sophomore NROTC
had been re-assured by their in
structor and students who had
taken the course that the final
examination would be an easy
job after the usual dose of interior
and exterior ballistics.
The exam day, Tuesday, ar
rived and all students learned the
horrible truth the exam was
rough, very rough.
A group of dismayed and dog-
tired students stood outside the
examination room after handing
in their papers defeat written on
their faces. As the door opened
more students walked out wearing
the same expression.
Finally a smiling student strode
from the room. The group ex
changed glances, managed a wane
grin, when their smiling brother-
in-arms said, "Gee. it's great to
be a civilian again!"
The egotist is right. He can't
open his mouth without putting
his feats into it.
Mama: "This is our new neigh
bor, Mrs. Jones. Kiss the pretty
lady, Junior."
Junior: "No! I'm afraid."
Mama: "Why, Junior, what an
awful thing to say!"
Junior: "Well, she might slap
me luce sne slapped Fapa."
Irv: "Does this wind bother
Dater "Oh no, talk as much as
you please."
Willie: "Every night I dream of
a sign on a door and I push it
and push it, but I can t open it!"
Bogus: "What does the sign
say?" .
Willie: "Pull."
T' Hug is energy that has gone
to waist.
A girl who knows all the an
swers has been asked all the
questions. ,
"I hate to tell you this," said
the psychiatrist, "but the fact is,
your wife's mind is gone com
pletely gone."
The husband sighed. "Can't say
I'm surprised. She's been giving
me a piece of it every day for 15
years now."
Munch: "You're just two steps
ahead of an idiot."
Zieders: ""Well, why don't you
walk faster?"
Put away the picnic clothing
and bring out the rain coats
college Janes and Joes as the
weatherman is up to his old
trick of producing thunder
showers and light rains for Fri
day and the weekend. The tem
perature Is expected to reach a
high of seventy for the week
end days.
Commencement Committee
To Conduct Ticket Exchange
A ticket exchange will he con
ducted June 1 and 2 from 2 to 4
p.m. in the Student Council office
to aid graduating seniors in ob
taining more than the three tick
ets allotted them.
Mary Lou Flaherty, chairman of
the ticket exchange committee, re
quest that all graduating students
who do not need the three tickets
given them put them in the ballot
box in the Union Activities office.
The committee urges students to
keep the tickets for the use of
Class members. Each person pre
senting a ticket will be admitted
to the Coliseum between 9 and
9:40 a.m. on June 8. The doors
will be open to the general public
at 9:40 a.m.
Rehearsal for candidates for de
grees will be June 6 at 11 a.m.
in the Coliseum.
Details of the commencement
program, arrangements for seating
in designated areas, information
concerning the seating arrange
ment for friends and relatives and
instructions regarding the proces
sional and recessional will be
eiven at the rehearsal.
Caps and gowns will not bei29.
Theatre productions of 'Othello'
and 'Idiot's Delight,' as well as
other plays. He's a popular choice
ing his talents to the fall Kosmet
Klub revue, to Builders, and to
Red Cross. His talents have
reached out Into the city of Lin
coln through local radio shows
and Hayloft Summer Theater pro
ductions. "Desnite frequent demands on
his time, "Hank' has maintained
an above average scholastic rec
ord in the College of Engineering.
"He recently has made new
contributions to the campus as a
Dally Nebraskan columnist.
"Kosmet Klub members re
cently recognized 'Hank's' unusual
contributions to the campus by
naming him an honorary member
nf fhpir proun.
"By any standard he's an 'out
standing' adopted Nebraskan!"
The letter nominating Dr. David
Folz said: "He is a leader in the
field of choral music in the United
States and is recognized through
out the country as being one of
the best University choral instruc
tors. Through his magnetic per
innalltv he has drawn praise to
the University for its caliber of
Instructors. He has been honored
by many neighboring universities
who have constantly called uoon
him to be guest choral conduc
tor ot various clinics and work
shops. He has given more than his
share to further musical educa
t-inn And nnnreclatlon among the
Nebraska high school students by
taking an interest In them and
overseeing various high school
music programs sponsored by the
Thursday, May 21, 195
Dr. Gus
Decisions Rest On Value
Dr. H. G. Werkmeister,
gave his last talk at the Univer-i
sity for some time, presented some
of the facts and explained the
value theory from a three-volume
book which he is writing.
Dr. "Werkmeister spoke Wednes
day at 4 p.m. at the Union for
the final seminar discussion group
"Bpmikp nf rnv manv good i
friends it is hard to leave this appetites, and simple pleasures.
University," said Dr. Werkmeister, "Value hinges on a simple for
who recently resigned his position miila," explained Dr. Werkmeis
as chairman of the philosophy de- ter as he illustrated the formula,
Mmnr, via ha heen at the wbirh means from an occasion
University 23 years.
Director of the School of Phil
osophy at Southern University in
California will be Dr. Werk
meister's new position in the fall.
Utility, beauty, goodness, value,
right, and ought were the words
used by Dr. Werkrrieister in con
nection of his explanations of his
theory. He brought out how each
word affects the other.
"Any decision rests on value
judgment," stated the professor.
"My theory cannot be proved.
I can only persuade people to
accept this. Men are rational and
reasonable beings and the reason
able person should do what is
right," said Dr. Werkmeister.
The .onlv eood that can he
accented is "goodwill" and the
definition Dr. Werkmeister used
for goodwill was "the will which
aims at the realization of values."
Right is the quality which per
tains to an act and fills the two
conditions of the act of goodwill
and the act performed with best
possible information concerning
the act.
worn during rehearsal.
The June 8 processional will he
gin at 10 a.m. All Candidates are
to meet in front of tne imrary.
In event of rain there will be no
Diplomas and certificates for
students who have fulfilled all de
gree requirements, will be distrib
uted in Grand Memorial (east en
trance) following the exercises.
After 1 p.m. they will be distrib
uted from the Senior Checking Of
fice, Room 9 in Administration
Graduates are to present their,
I. D. cards when picking up tneir
Ai, Th tinnh i tn call for
"""' ,u. "L n "
UL)l(JIlia3 Will tJC kimiKU V vw.w
for mailing.
Each candidate is required to
attend the graduation exercises
unless officially excused by the
dean of their college, the Commit
tee on Commencement and Honor
arles Degrees announced.
Each excused candidate must
pay a $10 fee. Arrangements for
absence from exercises must be
made at the office Registration
and Records not later than May
Another letter spoke of Pat Be
chan's tireless efforts throughout
the entire school year and latst
summer, resulting in "a truly re
markable Cornhusker, portraying
every phase of campus life.."
A former Builders vice-president,
president of Theta Sigma
Phi. and gold key winner in jour
nalism. Miss Bechan "has dis
played during her senior year, as
well as during the past four years,
a personality, an attitude, and a
role on campus which can justly
and proudly be called representa
tive of an outstanding Nebras
Col. C. J. Frank forter was rec
ommended "for serving this Uni
versity and the students connected
with it unselfishly for about 20
'As an advisor lor many stu
dents, he has helped a great num
ber of troubled students by his
frank and sincere advice.
"He is advisor for numerous or
ganizations among which number:
sponsor of Corn cods, honorary
Innocent and sponsor, as well as
willing sponsor for all band trips."
Throuirh his wide contacts
with students both in and out of
the class room, he has made a
great number of friends."
Fourteen students and racuity
members have been honored since
The DaHy Nebrokan inaugurated
the Outstanding Nebraskan award
in 1949.
All University students and fac
ulty members were eligible for
nomination, with the exception of
former recipients of tne nw.ira
and staff members.
IF orers
More than 300 students gath-:
ered in the Union Ballroom Wed
nesday evening to honor the Uni
versity's retiring chancellor.
.VU.r;n Vion" frm'sponsible for that feeling.
the University to serve as presi- Marjone Danly, who was ac
or,t , Rniirres for the companied by Mary Robinson,
Future Inc., was presented a
movie camera, a proTector and a
book of instructions purchased
entirely from student donations.
After he was presented the giftsjpi. nil Ary
hv Don Noble and Syvia Krasne, rnMtmM.
presidents :of Innocents and Mor-
ter Boards, tne cnanceuux iuiu
the students that it "wouio De
very hard to break the ties" with
the University.
He explained the work he
would be doing in his new job
which is an adjunct of the Ford
Foundation. The Chancellor said
that all his life he had been iook
ir,a -for nennies to support his
ideas. Now, he said, he will have
to look for ideas to spend dollars
thrSenrouncn, ve T short!
SCJan0eft SefSTeSnt'S
Sff AcLted Women's Students
RnarH. exdained the contrmu
tions Dr. Gustavson has made to
student life during his admini
stration here.
Kassa Michael, a student from
Jjr. werKmeisier
tne oasis oi ni uicuij Bw-
that leads to an ex
perience. He presented illustra
tions and explanations.
, 1 J 9 atOlllA
expefiencTs "Zt were cited oyj
Dr. werkmeister mciuaeo. juy Vj.
creation, peace of mind, lnieuec-
tual satisfaction, communial feel-
ins. well-being, gratifications of.
comes an experience, wnetner it
is pleasant or unpleasant.
Following his talk, Dr. Werk
meister answered questions asked
by the audience.
Before taking over his new post
in California, Dr. Werkmeister
win nresent a naner at the Elev-
pnth International Congress of
Philosophy in Brussels, Belgium.
Cabinet, Project Council
leathers Chosen By YIV
YWCA has announced the new
- . . ;,
caoincL uu
next year,
The new groups were selected
following interviews witn coeo
New Cabinet members and tne
imnrrlass commissions whicn
they will direct are: Nancy Hall,
News and views: jvay uuituui,
Comparative Religions; Jo Knapp,
Noon Discussion; jviary aue i.unui,
Jobs and Futures; Lois Anderson,
r.nmmimitv Tours: Pat Lindgren,
leadership training; bniriey Ham
ilton, Morning Coffee Hour; Bar
bara Raun, You're on Your Own,
thf crwviai new senior group: Pat
Graham, Community Service and
Acnes Anderson, conference
Other Cabinet position holders
are: Nancy Hegstrom, Member-
shin dhairman: Marlys Johnson,
Projects Council chairman; Shir-
gates; Marilyn mess, iirumte
chairman; Jean Steffen, Freshman
Cabinet chairman and Marilyn
Tvnn and Martha Hill, publicity.
Members of the new Projects;
Council are: Mary Ellerbroek,
Hanging of the Greens; Janet
Quinn, uretcnen iv o,
Unrf Service Projects Corliss
ru.lom Vn.R' Dnttie
itlU. w.-"""-
Sears, International Students Pro
ject; Alice Craig, Vs cracKs;
Phyllis Sherman, raper ana reu
cils; Helene Sherman and Peggy
Larson, co-chairmen of Y Party
Hop Dance and Lee Spencer, AUF
Slate Friday Picnic
The traditional Cornhusker-
Daily Nebraskan Softball game
and picnic will be held Friday at
2 p m.
Columnists, reporters, stair
members of both publications and
the board of publications members
may attend the picnic. Per as in
terested in attending should meet
nt the Daily Nebraskan office at
1:45 p.m. Rides will be provided.
Nancy Odum and Marilyn Ty
son are making arrangements for
the food.
Five Stage Productions
Scheduled For May 21, 22
Three Arena plays and two lab
stage plays will be given May 21
and 22 in the Temple Building
at 7:30 p.m.
No admission will be charged.
These plays are presented by the
University Laboratory Produc
tions. The four plays that will be
given in the Arena are "The Moor
is Blue," "tiiass jviengene ana
"The Boor."
Rita Shaw is the director and
Norma Erickson Is the production
manager of the "Moon is Blue.
a cut iron Tthe iSli
way W-tion The ZffiSS' iciSSl
Margot Hunt, A. D. Van Sickle, , . Williamson arid Frances
Fletcher Coleman ana jonn v-nur"
ChDirectnr for the "Glass Ms ng -
i... 4 urn w.Hflh Th nrod ic -
tion manager is Jim uavis. ine
cast is composed of Phyllis Schock,
Verconia Rowley, Morrel Clute
and Bob Wells.
A. widowed woman who Is In
mourning for her son and is in
errupted Is th- theme of the play
The Boor. Harnett iiarvey
Ethiopia, described the Chancel
lor's relations with international
students. He called Nebraska his
second home and indicated that
nr. Oustavson was largely re-
and David Mullin, who was ac
companied by Janice Fullerton,
sang solos.
Seven Given
Seven University pharmacy stu
dents were recognized recently
Students and the awards pre-
S tVSX'sWlt.m: Kho
Chi .wth
Wnrman F.. Creutz. WaUSa: RhO
Chi award for the freshman with,
the highest scholastic standing.
Charles B. Faubion, Cody: Typi
cal pharmacy student award.
Josyrcne D. Heelan, Emerson:
Kappa Epsilon award for the
freshman woman with the highest
scholastic standing.
James J. Justice. Central City:
Merck award for the senior with
the second highest scholastic
Eldon W. Shuey, Crab Orchard:
Kappa Psi key and the Lehn and
Fink medal for the senior with
the highest scholastic standing and
the Bristol Laboratories award for
proficiency in dispensing phar-
Applications Now Open
Students interesting in apply
ing for positions as Daily Ne
braskan reporters or columnists
for the coming semester may
apply for such positions at The
Daily Nebraskan office any aft
ernoon this week.
Persons applying need not be
journalism majors nor have any
previous experience on news
papers. The only requirements are an
Interest in campus affairs and
willingness to learn.
TYpsh man Commission leaden
who will handle the freshman
program next fall are: Joey Ding
man, Linda Jacoby, Mary. Ann
Nehls, Sharon Mangold, Janet
Gordon, Carolyn Roxberg, Carol
Thompson and Janice Yost.
The new Cabinet, Council and
commission leaders will meet in
Ellen Smith Thursday at 5 p.m.
Steen, Enke Place 1,2
In Chess Tournament
William Steen and Ernest Enk
placed first and second in the
Union chess tournament
The Tournament began March 3
and both men played one match
a week. Both Enkea nd Steen
were awarded trophies after win-
rtincf rmer A tntal tit 19 other COI1'
u masquers
Banquet Set
For Saturday
Nebraska Masquers will present
their ninth annual awards ban-
"ie'r IuV"'"..,.i . -.,
QUet Saturday nignc
at 6:30 in
the Lincoln Hotel.
The outstanding student in the
University theatre for this year
will be honored. University Thea
tre acting awards will also be
presented and the new members
of the Purple Masque, the high
est University theatre honorary
for students, will be announced.
At last year's awards dinner,
Marvin Stromer was named the
outstanding freshman actor.
Named as honorary Masquers
were Miss Maxine Trauernicht,
instructor in speech and dramatic
art; John Tolch, technical director
of the University Theatre and
Orin Stepanek, associate profes
sor of English and Slavic lan
guages. Introduced as new members of
Masquers at last year's banquet
were: Diane Downing, Marilyn
Lehr, Pat Loder, Don K. Smith,
Betty Stratton and Marion Uhe.
the director and Bill Walton 1st
the production manager. Gloria
Kollmorgan, Al Hazelwood and
Syvian Zwick make up the cast
"He" and "Where the Cross is
Made" are the two lab stage play
that will be presented at the sam
time as the arena plays. The first-
play "He" is about a ship that is
locked on an iceberg in the Arctic
Seas. The story is the effects upon
the crew and the wife of the cap
tain. Norma Carse is the director for
this nlay and Vance Hansen it
' The director for "Where th
iCross is Made" is Gerald Hom-
burg. The production manager is
Jane Jorden. Members of the cast
include Tony Meiia, Jack Parris,
Knthy O'Donneii and Terry Moors.
In order to attend all five plays.
it will be r.eccssary to m both,
nlht of the productionsThe pub-
m c