The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2
it A .."tv i sr,t ;4 1. '3; Paqe 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, May 20, 1953 0 to Beluem Us... Br DON PIEPER What did the informer let out? According to Editor the best Information The Nebraskan can gather When the members of the University Board of from its "Informed sources," there was an attempt Regents met Saturday, they found themselves In on the part of certain Regents to pusn tnrougn a the midst of a couple of red-hot arguments. candidate without consulting the lacuty, One concerned the oroDer methodology of se- deans acted upon this information. WORLD REPORT By PAUL MEANS Staff Writer mn ivie it v imiNt S I . a , V . " ' ine i President Eisenhower disclosed Tuesday his new tax program. I LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS By Bibler It included the extension of the excess profits levy on business un- lecting another chancellor and the other concerned in view of these circumstances, it is a very the propriety of authorizing a doctorate of edu- good thing that the Regents though twice before til Jan j an(1 tne maintenance of cation. nushinff throueh a Gustavson successor. L.ets,the individual income taxes at The Regents found that the faculty wanted to hope that there is an element on the Board which be sure that it was consulted before any final would have stopped any such attempts before they move was made in the selection of a replacement were made. But, because it is impossible to know for resigning Dr. Gustavson. The Graduate Col- just how the Regents would have reacted to this lege wanted to make sure that this University railroading, it is a good thing that the deans dis did not offer a doctorate of education especially tributed their petition. Now, we know for ure. under the plan which the Teachers College pre sented to the Regents, v Now, the matter of the doctorate of education is an even more confusing situation. I find it hard to understand why the dean of the Graduate College and the dean of Teachers College' (Robert w ond-SVartlr Wmizlilr rpsrmrtivelvl couldn't When the smoke cleared, the faculty had been enmA . . agrmml on the gub1ect. assured participation in the selection of a new doctorate has been under preparation for The uproar was enough to make Dr. Gustavson wish that he was already in his office as presi dent of Resources for the Future Inc. chancellor. And, the Teachers College plan for offering a doctorate of education had been ac cepted for good. Both of these problems were donated a good many column inches on the front pages of the two Lincoln newspapers. They have received a great deal of coverage in The Nebraskan. ' But even so neither problem is entirely clear. Let's look first at the problem of appointing a new chancellor. There is nothing which forces the Regents to consider faculty opinion when sifting through chancellor candidates. Nothing, that is, except precedent and a promise. The faculty was consulted when Dr. Gustavson was chosen in seven years that should be plenty of time for reasonable men to work something out Unless news reports are misleading, there doesn't seem to be any problem in the matter which is to tally insoluble. It is truly unfortunate that there must be dis agreements such as this between different parts of the University. It is especially unfortunate that this disagreement had to show up at the same time the state Legislature is preparing to open floor debate on the University budget. From this point, there seems to be a lot of 194S. But there is no positive regulation which questions still unanswered concerning me two requires consultation with the faculty on such problems. I would like to know just how the lac- matters. ulty's "Informed source" happened to let we Ke -L. gent's plan slip. I would like to know just how Even so It is only common sense that a man many Regents were involved in the plan to rail- be chosen who has the support of the faculty. But, road a candidate into the chancellor s omce. 1 who said the faculty wouldn't be consulted? Cer- would like to know just what would have hap- tainly the Regents never mentioned ignoring the pened in the Regents meeting if the faculty hadn't faculty. But an "informed source" did and the taken any action. I would like to know why faculty didn't like the idea. The deans got to- an agreement couldn't have been worked out be- gether and drew up a petition which they circu- tween Teachers College and the Graduate Col lated among other faculty members and presented lege. I would like to know if the reasons given to to the Regents. They wanted to remind the Board the press for the friction between the two schools that the faculty should have a voice in the selec- are the real reasons. tion. They indicated that they were positive that I'll probably never know the answers to my their "informed source" knew what he was talk- questions but things would be a lot clearer if those ing about. answers were available. NEBRASKAN EDITORIALS loney Orfaiih? present rates until that date. , The Army disclosed Tuesday that South Korean troops may be able to man the entire battle front in Korea next year... It was stressed, however, that Allied troops will be needed in reserve . . Selective Service Director Lewis B. Hershey has recommended tightening college draft defer ments, especially for freshman, sophomores and graduate stu dents. Pro-American Premier Shigeru Yoshida was re-elected by the Japanese House of Representa tives Tuesday and won the right to form his fifth postwar Cabinet and his fourth in a row. . . Press Freedom Or Mr. McCarthy OCniTOR S NOTBt Til tollawlnf articlt wu aablUkat is Ik Mu lttk tdltioa of Ik ChriKtM 8ciac Monitor.) Does the Senator McCarthy Editor Wechsler affair constitute attempted intimidation of the press? The American Society of Newspaper Editors proposes to find out. The copious quotations and commentaries which have fol lowed release of the transcript of the tlosed hearings before the Senate Investigating Subcommit tee have pretty well established the salient facts: That James A, Wechsler, edi tor of the New York Eveninx Post, wu for three years, while a eollete student, a member of the Young Communist League; that he then resigned in dis illusionment and for the past 18 years has been an active and effective exposer and opponent of communism; and that he has never made any secret of his early d connections. TWO ON THE AISLE "Well, now, I suppose you guys have never borrowed any of my clothes." From The Glass Box Rival Paper Not Likely To Appear; Costs Heavy Since the decision of the Board of Student Publications to limit publication of The Daily Nebras kan to three issues a week next semester several students have en tertained the idea of publishing a "rival newspaper" on the off-days at least. It would fee fine were some en trepenteur to succeed with a new paper but there is little chance That the Senate committee. un-Jof that happening. Competition, Hal Hasselbalch on red ink for some time before it could begin to cut into Nebras kan advertising fields. Advertis ers have to be sure that their dis plays will be seen. The prices above cover printing costs only and do not include any salary for the staff. Approxi mately $800 per month is paid to Nebraskan staff members. That does not include reporters, col umnists or workers in the busi ness office. Thus, it is seen that nuhliratinn of a newspaper to rival the Ne- Draskan, although a top notch der Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's especially in the newspaper fields, chairmanship palled Mr. Wwhslenis one of the most healthy devel- to testify ostensibly concerning his ; opments that can happen to a books said to be in government .community. ir.fnrrr,atinn lihrsri.e ? a Hor First investigation Would prOD- of countries; that it developed abJy discourage any ambitions en-j dream, will likely remain a dream "'VI Hit WiaUlliail UVfi. LilL . . ma. . ! committee staff knew whether thei ST.iifE t f , , ,., . . lish a paper with all the features If these figures were projected into next year , q- - Vigl would f assuming a stable income), continuing The Daily . - , ,. rrir.rr rii... w About $150 is a safe bac cost The re-converted Nebraskan should make money next year. If it doesn't, the trouble won't lie with the Nebraskan at its present frequency and the staff -later attacking communism, nor for a singe issue AU enmvin Board of Student Publications. at its present salaries wouia nve reuueeu me uu- For. according to the comments of several of lications fund by nearly $2,500. the Board's members, the reduction to three days With this expected loss in mind, the Publica a week, together with the staff and salary cuts, tions Board appointed a sub-committee to suggest was designed solely to place The Nebraskan on a what might be done to prevent the loss. The sub sound financial basis. committee recommended the now-official $3,348- The Board's efforts are assured of success. a-semester reduction. ' While one may argue that the sub-committee's Let's see just how much money the recent cuts proposed slash was too drastic, considering the fa The Nebraskan will save the publications fund, expected $4,100 profit attached to it, there appeared Last semester The Daily Nebraskan lost $3,- to be no compromise between the four-and three-. 155.24 (see the tabulated figures elsewhere on this day-a-week paper. The jump was a natural one. page). Between semesters the Board cut the pub- But the opportunity for a compromise did lishing schedule from five to four days a week, present itself. mm vrA.11 fie aAiirA cal9Tic'tj CUV H'Viaf Vfts fip- mr j : ji . t ? i aid uiey jenow wnicn UDrsneS am trr Thro run frnm 5H nlc uau cupics or jiow many, Reaction To New Movie: 'So What?' By BOB SPEARMAN Staff Writer "House of Wax," filmdom'i first full-scale plunge into the drama tic with 3-D, has come and gone. Hollywood dipped back into its bloody reservoir of old tT'tfcs t dream up the plot for this one. Elements of Dracula, Franken stein, Pearl White (remember tha Perils of Pauline?), and also a few new horror angles were in this ghastly,, gory, gripping, gas-light murder story. I didn't like "House of Wax." I go to movies to be entertained. Entertainment is a broad term. But it's stretching the point to strangulation when you show all of the finer details of life in a morgue. Also, I don't think it is absolutely necessary to have the story line in a movie so com pletely wrapped up in horror that there is no room for humor. Al most any horror show has a comic relief character, and House of Wax was noticeably devoid of any such person. The movie is about a sensitive sculptor-in-wax who has created a display of life-like statutes. The artist's partner set the exhibit on fire to collect the insurance. The sculptor, burned beyond recogni tion in the fire, is driven mad by the incident and sets out to re create his exhibit using human subjects. If he can's find what he wants in the local morgue h$ looks over the living populace with a fiendish leer. So the story goes. Eventually the demented sculptor falls to his death in a vat of his own paraffin. There was a certain amount of artistry in the movie, but it be came hopelessly lost in a pa geantry of panic. Maybe I'm get ting senile but I'd like to see a 3-D movie similar to "The Great est Show on Earth. This type of movie would lend itself well to the 3rd dimension. Speaking of 3-D, "House of Wax" obviously was a challenge for the directors. The 3-D effect was a sort of sidelight to the action. It was inserted here and there when the story started to resemble something just a littla less terrifying than the rest of tht movie. or a dollar for small half column .Witch Huntc size to $5 or $10 for large ones. " . . 5 ' North Carolina, Michigan Consider Velde, Voting So far only one of the 48 statea That after five minutes spent on a i i m j m i uic docks, senator Mccanny ana1.. r-r-- . . , - ,' . '"" 'new voters on ih hnnk the committee counsel spent the in certain faces that must L'aY 'oU? "J" 1 T remaininc five hours rhieflv on nd, there is an extra f Ll act ons .of House.- The idea has wide That isn't too large a one at that.) Tom ,'etler The Michigan 3! , as WK , mi slepI If the paper is to contain head-i"-"'' university Michigan: 1 u ,ulousana super- remainine five hours chieflv on el D" nana, mere is an extra ' ui uie nous - iuc uU me uper- STSSit of whXrC the Eve-!5P- Any body, type that is not ; Un-American AcUv.tie, 'Commit-: JMpau ninff Port had nraicr! nr n-iti. icuiit clsi- luwi oiie column " . . . " vuiuiiuivee, .-"-. ivur is uuii any- S Messrs JeSerVeWe and st a. head?d Velde. and cop- one old enough to fight for hi. wtT- lu.f" I No', where does one get the Sessional investigating groups in 'country u old enough to vote ured to be $2,938 a semester. McCarthy in their several inves tigative activities. This alone might not consti tute attempted intimidation of the press. Bat, to borrow one ef Senator McCarthy's ph arses, there seems to be at pattern: On .December 15 1950. Mr. Me-!to the Nebraskan. money to finance such an under taking? The Nebraskan has en joyed a net paid circulation equal to the enrollment of the Univer sity. Each subscriber pays for his general, have been picking ud a hiEh sounding, though not neces- momentum. isarily logical deduction. It was my belief and hope that! I we were forced by a man as soon as the Republican Admin- power shortage to start draftinf istration took office, these hyster-'16 nd 17-year-olds, as some The University adm... ;tration rather suddenly , Carthy on the Senate floor urged paper when he registers. Two ical witch-hunts would die off for countries did in World War II, dollars of the registration fee Eoes!,ulc Vl VJC"rns. u seems. how-(ouia mat argument still hold . - il. t-i i ever, lhat inct Vi i ltrll(, , - j .- vjjpvu i Where would They we tell . . happeneil Mr. Velde. MrCartfcv I ... What about h Hrli the public to tell the Adam Hat , ,ktrfimri i. .,;,, I Jenner. and Co.. have turned on aren't drafted at 18. Shair u Company -hat thev think of lhat one hundred per cent of the i tlr own Party's administration, to come back in three years sponsoring this man (Drew Pear-! university students would be in-'- most shocking and disquiet- or )ust throw them in as a bonus? au" jauju, jmc-oiuij.tfrM j ,n n- ""s "jw-i ui uie siiuauon now . cuKioiuiy w voie ttoun ! ..... . n r-r fai.irt i. : . - . -; .1 'ifcolf .1 . - . parawe to tne Nebraskan for $2 " " vjc uiese """" qucsuon or Despite this cut in expense, The Daily Ne- offered to aid The Daily Nebraskan by an amount braskan, largely through an expected reduction in of $2,000 if the salaries were cut 10 per cent, advertising revenue, this semester will incur an the advertising revenue were increased $600 the estimated $2,200 less. first semester and the paper remained a four-day-Saturday the Board slashed the publishing a-week enterprise. -vj.,i f.iori. nm, annrnvj- a iatr TintfB without the cubsidv. tne in-i zine reveaica mat n or its na-'nni.u D j; eujcuuit '- .Kt.""- - m - Ki i4.,vuu u fcuoseiipiJons' j ; , ,. ; IJ ; 4. n- x ----- - .j,-cir, r, 4V, ,.,11,- in n a Th ; uonai aaverasers naa reDonea that v; . uum u ujc vtrj iDunoauon 01 our," uiwiugeni manner, ine av- ' 1 . a. . , . l . . v . jivjii i" v nv ... nj iCOFIS. i " - . .uuov j- mm ...... iu llifrll critic) On June 16, 1952. Time maga- Even Enother business manacer pou'er"and inluis1-s into theheihr or not a person is able ine revealed that 11 of its na-'eouij Eet gi?oO0 in subKfrimionc fleld ot education. Academic free-;to exercise this right in a wise Thus the reductions made in Daily Nebraskan Daily Nebraskan would have lost $2,500 next year ; lT""'? Il " ' "'IvrfJ'T I00- Ml J ! . 41 1 . " ADC . - IB .KlirVjul f r-M IT- A HTB - . - ' . - ... liiutnccB uuiuig uie last year uitaus 90, .ou a fanes- t'uwitoucti " vfc ter. If. however, we add the administration's offer If the liicome of the paper next semester ap- of $2,000 to the required revenue increase of $000 proximates that of the paper during the first se- and the required salary reductions of $638 (two mester 1952-53, The Nebraskan can expect to profit semesters at 10 per cent cl the present salaries, tor Mcuaruiy sent ana made o"b-Shvh t vTTtv , sea oy more than $3,000 during the fall. of $3,180). we find that the potential mcrease mi . ir in rlV: income would amount to $3,236. This would mean If the income for the second semester 1853-54 more than a $700 profit next year, equals that of the present semester and the $3,34$ These figures do not include the reductions in savings is applied. The Nebraskan can expect to engraving costs which have occurred this semes make more than $1,100 during the spring term. ter (see the tabulated figures), or any increase in Add the $3,000 to the $1,100, and you can esti- advertising revenue during the second semester of mate that the paper will earn $4,100 for the pub- next year. lications fund next year. The Publications Board should be quite satis fied with the profits. 4r But The Nebraskan will be published only three The Publications Board will immediately say that neither the $2,000 nor the $fi00 can be counted on next year. And, indeed, that is true. But the administration's offer was not made to days a week, its staff will have been reduced by insure that The Daily Nebraskan would break two members on the news force and its salaries even. The offer was made to aid the pap fi- wffl have been sliced $540 a semester. nancially only tf staff members were willing ana The University's newspaper will be but a skel- able to boost the paper, eton of its former five-day-a-week sell And its In other words, the administration was chal- nervice to University students win be reduced. lenging the members of The Nebraskan staff to No one denies that the recent reductions will demonstrate their concern for the paper. If the cut the effectiveness of The Nebraskan. No one challenge were met, as shown through a $600 in- aeriously denies that a four-day-a-week or even crease in advertising revenue, the administration a five-day-a-week paper is justified by the size was willing to donate $2,000 to the paper's in- of our University. come. ir . But the Publications Board (or at least 47ths When tjhe Publications Board refused the ad- of it does not believe that the University can af- ministration's challenge to the staff of The Daily ford a four-day-a-week, seven-column paper. Nebraskan, it demonstrated that it was more in- No doubt the Board is right if it figures that terested in insuring the paper would be produced on the basis of its than it was in putting faith in the staff in hopes 1952-53 income. Even if the $2831 cuts made of saving the "Daily" in The Daily Nebratkan. In January had applied to the entire year's opera- We feel certain that the Board will see its tion, The Dally Nebraskan would have lost $217 2i expected results more money. But we feel the first semester and would have, of course, etui equally certain that, had the Board given the staff lost $2,200 this semester, for a total loss of $2,- of the paper a chance to save The Daily Ne- 417.24. braskan, its faith would have been justified. KJ8. rann..1.. 2 a I r-z-.K-.l ...... U : t . .. . , course fcr. Int. f ,.. I"?'"' ucurasa. " year, tie vertising because of an article inesses in Lincoln that advertise I e odlous congressional in-' about to graduate from Amer- critical of his record. Many business places do not use iesUgations inio the "V'olc of reatest training ground in The NebrSkan PihhTiAfflwka antJ Stat Depart-democracythe public schooL a,!. , c Id u reLZ But when! . . . Many of .these youngster. o "u ., ccjj- - . . . JilCUarrflv and (;n acmtme K are seriOUK-minrterf inH mature J r. DOLfmiai SflUWtlcpri tmicca V, ' . --. . . ... - power to dictate their idea of oeyona their years, but the maj- nnnfnmi!4u 4a . .' nr'' T ' r- . a . , " 1 I. . . . , . . rnunti are all ititr,M. v Tn.. ."j w ui ouia.wi . uie " w, arc J duller addressed to "Arthur La wson. di- ' "f. contracted by The ie must be drawn by a strong carefree and limit their profound tor New York Evening Post- and buy'd determined opposition. ithoughts and observaUoni for the explained he deemed the use of 'rakan space for years. Be- profesors and teachers should class room. Mr. Wechsler's Young Communist eJ 51 ffff: be made to testify publicly Since their teachers' inter- pseuaonj-m or 18 years ago, sp- r ur puducs- before a congressional committee. Pretations exert a great deal of vpriiJr. iiJ1,1IJt-ca oy wncorn aa-'Aad when they refuse to anawer; influence on their thinking, most , . . A question put to them by these0' thir ideas ere formulated in new wouId have to run committees, they are clearly with:" class room. But again, the 1 . '..-jin their constitutional rights. A!clas room should be a training Ml IDE) statement issued by a group f ground for citizenship, not a final iMwwD prominent college president su-t. , staining professors who refuse to! There should be a period when Vi ED.VESDAF co-operate with the investigators academic ideas have time AIEE m e e t i b r at 7;30 p.nvwould be very influentiaL The!10 into their proper relation Room 217, Ferguson HalL : presidents," who are of unques-i1" actual condition, a period of Chancellor's Dinner at i p.m.itionable loyalty, are in an Unas- crystallization, of adjustment to in the Main Dining Room, Union.! Bailable position, and are the log- reality as opposed to theory. Americaa Society ef Mechanical ical choice to lead the fight. We all ae big changes in our Enrineer's Dinner at 650 pxo. in I Of course subversive elements attitudes and our beliefs since we parlor X, Union. i should be removed from our in- ft hih echooL Some of them we CoUcge ef Dentistry Dinner attlitution8 of learning. But this'rc8nite & juvenile . . . Leaving 5:30 p.m. in parlor Z, Union. should be done by a more ef-j131 protection of home and elate Inter-Varsity meeting at 12:30 .'tjve and less noky organiza- room, we find ourselves reastess p.m. in room 31J, Union. jlioll such as the FEL We should!"'-', taking a new account Phi Chi Thrta meeting it 7 p m. not ,low reckless and hysteria- - - - I'm sure that the people in room 313, Union. jin spiring tactics to defeat our pur- advocating the 13-year-old vote Kosmet Klub meeting at 730poM' ljtvt 001 "urn aow'n we, LUQ'- rgeiy cy weir con n.nv in room J16 iinim jhouse to get the rats. science and their intention are Dr. lVerkmeirfM-. Ke.ln,r Hftw Cl.Al vttrT prorriate.' And now comes the reccrd of the eonunfttee hurt nr. which m far as the chairman's utter like an indictment by dennncia ances are concerned, reads more tion and lnnurnda than a search for facts. Are publications and their edi tors who thoroughly oppose com munism but who happen to pee dangers in the method by which Senator McCarthy attacks it thus to be "tunish"i" and equated with "the Daily Worker and every other Communist-line paper?" Korea: Help... The World Student Service Fund is setting up program for aiding 30,000 Korean students. Food, medical supplies and clothes will be sent to Korea as immedi ate help. Later, aid will be gliven in the form of books and rtudents sup plies. WSSF was asked to help fsimrsHf finsnrial -result ,wrean scuaenxs oy i-resiacDi tj- Stfimuwtri lata jchtciiiijcj . The Daily Nebraskan raTT-FTMT TEAS mamfter. Anedaiel OtUeglaie rno--Interineglale Prese ASvwrtSsiBf Kemveentative: Kas!al AdverrisUif Cenrlee. Inc. 429 Kadlaesi Ave. New Terk 17, Hew zers mmui mt ttatimma m ttmmrsmm ml mtHMf www. mmt mwUttmm mwv. ftwwniwt W ..- II t 0m hp-ir tmxmww MM r-'w.r.iKhmm mat wv.tanimMt ttf mm BmmI f rmnitmitmm. "U u f K.'ys" vKX-v td turn Bwr M wtmB mm Mt tmrtm-u-m Midi! mm (n. tm tktvrmt iom mm t. mum mt aw m mm nr mf mm "'wwr mt tat taoilr tea ii, me. tKrt torn mmfsma at f mt Tto fc '...j,o m n ftr iMnwwin m mmm tm mm mm nci.a, tutu mm K mmM UH mttOmt ar RS M j .( .' in ij. JK .:.. vmm m mt tiiKtu . Man a, W. er mt mwm 1 fi wmKr4 tm v NiKfjW J . a ,: f .. ',: it-rax ml IWSMtm illl.'u, Rfjy-M-vU lllHITOIt la. ltfXS. ' ftaa tm F.dtunial Paw t anr Cmvf mmm.- mm tta .fmm SFaaCvrant, Jaa Hmrniwm,' tmrnMirm 1y. Owrdmar Ha (Mw A tt mi Kdlav BMtm l4liua .... ...... ..... .. - - . . ... la trnrnm ... HrPOKTEEt Martanw Baaam. Car Wonky, f'mthta iia'iraa. Marttrc Hunou, Wlllui Itwita. MwrUya MhnBall. tu HoMmr. m Harvey. aa UIIumwm. aiaMcr 4 Mum, Mania Mlokehwa. Kata U Katt. Rlalne MnttlihmTr. ftiyllM tmMMTrtf liarta M vHmwl. Hwy Haant, Krnia t.nMm. frank evunotla. Ia iaflVwim, fta HHartoa, auar Halt. 1mK Jutdlneafc. torn fmrrmm mat ftbtrlla tana. V ttt'aursea ntrw t vtvAmlm Mvmmmr ........ fri.m timrm tMUa . 4 p.m. in room 215, Union. , J weiu Siffma Delta meeting at 730 p.m. in room 315, Union. Student Facnitr Coffee Hour at 4 p.m. in the Faculty Lounxe. 'Union. But USUM arm fatilv mntnm4 (By Jim Wilkerson of the Dailrlwhen Tar HeL University of Korth' shadow A Carolina): It is tljere fore doubly important From time to time the ques- that the issues be lifted outeare tion of lowering the voting age to fully scrutinized and evaluated on IS comes up for discussion . . . I their wn merits. PA! P rot It Loss Stat Acceant Sept Expenses: Printing & Eng. .....1,868.00 Salaries 85.00 Photography 22.00 Telephone 21.83 Stationery & Supplies. J 03.26 Advertising 16.00 Sundry & Misc. ...... Postage Art Equipment .......... Subscription ........ Total Expenses . .2,124.29 Semester Expense Income: Local Display P76.88 Kafl Display 221.20 Classified 23.00 Student Fees 910.08 Foreign Subscription . 109.00 Misc. Income 44 Jl Total Income ....2S5.E7 Semester Xaoome Semester Lmm Oct. A'ov. Dec Jib. 3,433.20 2,428.20 2,455.34 1,494.06 , 957.50 957.50 957.50 957.50 182.88 26.52 25.83 25.83 28 CJ 24.99 4.68 27.26 40.00 24.00 117.34 30.78 12J1 4.38 20.00 is.oo 7oo lo.oa 15.60 4,642.24 4,6C3.7 HJoiS 2,484.57 TetaJ 12.076.89 2,915-uO 3,797.27 644.35 30.65 3,744.22 53.70 tSU.DW 1,568.87 i!G5.54 255 1898 9.95 894.61 243.35 15.45 1.06L76 7.50 4,330.48 3,269.59 2,322.67 17,416.73 779 64 374.65 13.20 682.56 10.50 94.53 1,953.08 14.26L49 2,155.24 8,180.31 5,68.00 Mar Total Febr. March April (eat.) (eat.) 2.200.46 2,377.10 2.191J58 2,0000 10.169.H 795.00 715.00 795.00 795.00 3.10 03 2.50 , 29.24 25X3 27.03 25.81 21.10 5J1 4!J3 4.79 i.20 36.52 19.79 55 .2 5Z.D0 5.4ft 2,142.28 4,127.65 2,019.12 . " 1I.25J.C5 886.98 863.77 767J1 893.25 809.38 563 00 38.90 23.40 J8.45 J, 900.00 168.80 1,45435 U8335 1,111X9 Silf.M 15.00 . 3,1923 2,150.70 2,628.01 - (te May 1) it I II 2.f 0 0 0 0'