Cy is Mebraskami TSwee 1 The Daily Nebraskan will have to change its name next fall. The. new name will be The Nebraskan. For, according to a decision reached Saturday by the Board of Student Publications, the University's only newspaper will be published three times a week. The decision to cut out an Jssue a week came as a result of severe financial problems which The Daily Nebraskan has faced during the last year. . The Board also cut staff sal aries and eliminated two paid editorial positions feature edi tor and assistant sports editor. According to estimates pre sented to the Board, The Daily Nebraskan will lose between $1,500 and $2,500 this semester. The cuts in salary, positions end publishing schedule will 6ave $3,348 a semester. After a loss of approximately $3,500 first semester of thjs year, the Board in January re duced The Daily Nebraskan from five to four issues a week, eliminated two staff positions and reduced salaries for an es timated savings of $2,938 a sem ester. The economy measures Sat urday followed the Board's re jection, by a vote of 4-3, of an offer from the University ad ministration to donate $2,000 to The Daily Nebraskan next year (1) if staff salaries were cut at least 10 per cent and (2) if the advertising revenue for the first semester of the 1953-54 school year exceeded the cur rent year's first semester rev enue by $600. The offer was available to The Daily Ne braskan only if the seven-column four-day-a-week sched ule "was maintained. The Board reportedly refused the administration's offer be cause: 1. The subsidy would be available only for the 1953-54 school year. 2. Neither the $2,000 nor the Increase In advertising revenue could be incorporated into next fall's budget, since the Board would not know whether cither would have been available until mid-year. 3. According to the Board's figures, The Daily Nebraskan would have lost money next semester at four issues a week, despite the subsidy and the in crease in advertising. The Board, however, did make an effort to increase ad vertising revenue by cerating two additional assistant busi ness managers, making four in stead of two. Although their salaries will $20 a month instead of the cur rent $45 a month, the assistant business managers will receiye a 10 per cent commission on all advertising sold, except for national and contract advertis ing. The Daily Nebraskan busi ness staff had not previously re ceived commissions. Other economy measures en acted at Saturday's meeting in cluded: 1. Saving $2,528 a semester by eliminating one issue a week. (16 weeks at the $158-an-issue it now costs for printing). 2. Eliminating the positions of assistant sports editor (at $25 a month) and feature editor (at $35 a month.) Salaries are paid on a four month basis each semester. This would save $240. 3. Reducing salaries of the following: Editor from $85 to $65 a month. Editorial Page Editor from $55 to $45. Managing Editor from $55 to $45., News Editor from $55 to $45. Sports Editor from $55 to $45. Copy Editor (four positions) from $40 to $35. Ag Editor from $35 to $20. Business Manager from $80 to $60. Circulation Manager from $70 to $50. This would save $540. The reductions were recom mended in a report from a Pub lications B08rd sub-committee, consisting of Dr. Nathan B. Blumberg, assistant professor of journalism, and Hile Goodrich, senior student representative on the Board. Also considered, but not rec ommended by the sub-committee, was conversion of The Daily Nebraskan into a four-issuo-n-week. tabloid-size news paper. The sub-committee rec ommended the three-a-w e e k seven-column edition in prefer ence to a tabloid after consult ing members of The Daily Ne braskan staff. Although the Board met Thursday afternoon to receive the sub-committee's report, it adjourned until Saturday after learning of the administration's offer. The offer was not pre sented in detail until Satur day's meeting. The administration's proposal was first relayed to the Board from Bruce H. Nicoll, adminis trative assistant to the Chancel lor, through Kenneth R. Keller, adviser to The Daily Nebraskan. Keller, Dr. R. V. Shumate, chairman of the Board, end William C. Harper, Board mem ber, met Friday with Nicholl and other administrative offi cials to determine details of the proposal. The $2,000 offer resulted from a meeting of three University students with Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and Nicoll. The stu dents were Goodrich; Sally Hall, managing editor of the Daily Nebraskan, and Ken Rystrom, editorial page editor of The Daily Nebraskan. The students did not repre sent either the Publications Board, or its sub-committee, or The Daily Nebraskan. Nicoll, however, told Board members meeting with him Sat urday morning that he had as sumed the students spoke for the Board's sub-committee. He later reaffirmed this to the Daily Nebraskan. The students acquainted the Chancellor and Nicoll with the financial problems of The Daily Nebraskan and the sub-committee report. The students made no specific recommenda tions. . Gustavson and Nicoll said they would take the matter un der advisement. The first hint that the ad ministration might take action was Keller's report at Thurs day's Board meeting. Seniles Sfydlein Weekly it PII the Voic of a Gtiat Midwestern University VOL. 52 No. 131 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Tuesday, May 19, 1953 UCOFfOI? 'CfOFCIi issue Lioseo y kzegents Graduate Council Presents Views The matter of the Doctorate of Education degree to be adminis tered by the University's Teachers College is now a closed issue as the result of the Regent's meeting Saturday. C. Y. Thompson of West Point, president of the University's Board of Regents, . had indicated earlier in the week that the de gree, approved by the Board this spring, would be brougnt up ior discussion at the Regent's meeting Saturday. At the meeting, the Regents re- fused to reconsider the Doctorate of Education and 'felt that the degree was logical and that the matter should be dropped." The discussion arose originally When the Teachers college pre sented a program of the Doctorate of Education degree to tne uraau ate Faculty for consideration. The Graduate College stated that they did not approve of the program. The program was then appealed to the Board of Regents. The Board granted the Teachers Col lege the right to give a Doctorate degree but did not go on record as to the program or requirements to be followed and fulfilled. Regents Decision The Graduate Council, a com mittee from the Graduate Fac ulty, asked to appear before the Board of Regents to give their views on the degree and the pro gram to be followed. As a result of this hearing, the Board of Re gents stated that the matter is closed and that the program will stand as it is presently. Thompson said both sides of the question had been discussed by the Board. He said the discussion Saturday on the newly-approved education doctorate was rjnei. Relations, said that he had "no comment" on the issue and re frained from making public his stand on the issue. Frank Henzlik. dean of the Uni versity Teachers College, said that the Doctorate of Education de gree, under preparation for seven years, was rejected by the coun cil of the Graduate College three times. The Graduate College, ac cording to Henzlik, has refused to administer the degrees on the basis of three objections to the degree. These concerned the ma jor and minor field of study re quirement for a doctor's degree, the language requirements and the practical as opposed to pure research in the field. Walter Militzer, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, said, "The faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences will certainly abide by the decisions of the Board of Regents in the matter of the Doctorate of Education de gree. The College is basically no more mvoivea wnn xne uugiee than ' the other colleges. The prime interest in the degree one of the Graduate College." 4. Minimum of one academic year of successful professional ex perience under the supervision of his adviser . . D. Ed. Requirements The reauirements for the de gree of Doctor of Education, as snhmitted to and approved by the Board of Regents, as they stand at present, include: 1. Meeting the "same general requirements for admission to the Graduate Division of Teachers College as are prescribed for ad mission to the Graduate College." 2. Minimum of three academic years beyond the Bachelor's de- urpp or two years oeyuuu me Master's decree. 3. Minimum of 70 semester p.- r ixt Tjenninf riirtvtnr of credit hours exclusive of credit XJL. VI. ,T, "v... -- - Admissions and Inter-Institutionamor doctoral a.u.. 5. A major department, in which at least half of the graduate work, including dissertation or field study, is to be done. 6. At least 18 semester hours of course work in departments other than the major department dis tributed as to include a minimum of three graduate hours in each of three of the five departments of educational psychology, his tory and principles of education, elementary education, school ad ministration and secondary edu cation. 7. Indication of the tools of re search (for research or field in vestigation) such as a knowledge of statistical methods ... a for eign language or special research techniques necessary to the stu dent's study, 8. The dissertation or field in vestigation should be an investi gation of a program which is ap is: propria te to the area of the stu dents specialization . . . may be practical in nature and may util ize any approved method of research. it happened at nu The power of the almighty word was ably displayed during a speech class at the University. A student delivering a "per-suasal-type" speech In class made the proposal that tuition be Increased 50 cents to com pensate for the Daily Nebras kan's financial difficulties. The response from the speech was so successful that three stu dents In the class volunteered to contribute right on the spot. Class Announcements Official senior announce ments, namecards and booklets are now on sale at the Regent's Bookstore. Laging Acclaims Student Exhibition The Annual Student Art Ex hibition is "the most outstanding exnimt oi student work to date," stated Duard W. Laging, chairman and director of the University gal- laries. The exhibition, which opened Friday in Morrill Hall and will continue to June 14, includes work in sculpture, water color draw ings, art education, oil paintings, and crematics. Works in graphics, interior design, commercial de sign, and composition will also be shown. College students from the four class levels and members of the night classes are the contributors to the exhibition. Freshmen To Register Wednesday Registration began Tuesday morning with students who had 50 or more hours as on record of January 31. Approximately 1,200 students completed registration Monday, a registration official said. Dr, Floyd W. Hoover, director of reg istrations and records, said. "We nave every expectation of getting to freshmen by Wednesday. Junior Division student's work sheets are at the Military and Naval Science building, Dr. HooV' er said, and all students plan' ning to register need their work sheets with their college dean's signature; however, Arts and Sci ences and Agriculture students do not need the dean's signature on tneir work sheets. Closed sections at 4 p.m. Mon day were: mechanical engineering, iu, section z; engineering mech anics, 228, section 1; home eco nomics, 191, section 1, 2. 3: zo ology, 107, three hours; economics, 115, section 2 and 107. section 1: business organization 235, except to seniors with 110 hours, 172, section 2, 282 and 171, section 1; military science, Army, 127, lab 3 and 107, lab 3; and air science, 203-5, 203-4, 203 lab 5 and 203-6. una ecjetrirs y lio By DEL HARDING Staff Writer "What do you think of the ac tion taken by the Committee on Student Publications Saturday. They decided to cut publication of The Daily Nebraskan next semes ter from four times weekly to three times weekly. The alternate choice was to publish a four-day tabloid size paper." This was the question posed to the students whose comments upon the boards action follow: Natalie Nelson, freshman in Teachers: "How odd' It's just stu pid! They may as well let the journalism classes put out the pa per it'll all be dead news. It'll turn into a high school paper." Walter Wright, sophomore in Business Administration and stu dent member of the Publications Board: "It seemed to me that it was a matter of either cutting back this year or next. If we had waited until next year, the Pub lications Board reserve fund would have been completely de pleted. So, it seems to me, that if we cut now it would be possible to revert back to a four or five issue-a-week paper sometime in tne luture. "The main reason the cutback has been made is because there is no competition for the printing oi xne paper." Rocky Yapp, lumor in Asr: -mars terrible. The vaver is an intregal part of camrms life. I think students would be willing to pay ior live issues a week if they were given the opportunity." Agnes Anderson. Teachers sophomore: "Why? It's a shame, I ininic a taoioia would have been better there's nothing worse than deaa news! What's this school coming to?" Marv Stromer, Bizad. soDho- more: "It seems to me the cut will deprive students of full campus news coverage. I would be in fa vor of raising part of the tuition to cover tne cost of publishing a uauy, Eleanor GnilHatt, Arts and Sci. ences, sophomore: "The Daily Ne- DrasKan is a way of keeping up on campus news and an issue three days a week will cut the coverage too much." Hile Goodrich, graduating sen ior in Arts and Sciences, and stu dent member of the Publications Board: "It is a particularly un- rortunate situation that a Univer sity the size of Nebraska cannot support a daily newspaper. How ever, the Pub Board had little choice in the matter since accent ing the Administration offer of a $2,000 grant would have meant taking a gamble that advertising revenue would increase $600 the first semester. But, as a member of the Board and as one of three students who discussed the financial difficul ties of the paper with the Chan cellor and Bruce Nicoll, I should like to express my personal grati tude for the efforts these two men made to settle the problem." Jackie Switzer, Teachers sopho more: "I don't think as many students will be as attracted to work on a paper which is only published three times a week." Jean Steffen, Teachers sopho more: "It will deprive students of campus and national news they should know, since it's the only paper many students read. It isn't fair!" Ernest Bebb, Bizad junior: "The Daily Nebraskan is the only means of inter-campus communication and on a campus of 7,000 to 8,000 people a daily newspaper is a1 University faculty membersjchancellor of the University, Cornhusker For 1953 Has New Look' Cover The 1953 Cornhusker with it Vw look'" was released inoay For the first time, a full-color Titiir nnnpars 'on the cover of the yearbook. The "tip-in" pic ture is of Love Memorial Li brary. The cover design and all art work were fey Dale Sass, art editor. The 1953 Cornhusker is dedi cated to Ken Keller, assistant di rector of public relations and stu dent publications sponsor for the last two years. Thirteen sections, each with a full page photograph previewing the section on the division page, are featured in the annual. i The 454 pages record many of the highlights of the 1952-oj year, varying from students viewing the Nebraska State Historical So ciety building still under comple tion to cheerleaders siunung on a springboard. The Queen section composed of the six Cornhusker beauty queen finalists and runners-up was re vised to include the activity queens of the year. The photography for the book was under the direction of the Photographic Production Laboratory. Pat Bechan, editor, headed the Cornhusker staff. University Beauty Queens Chosen From 42 Candidates Six 1953 Cornhusker beauty Queens were revealed with the release of the new iornnusitciB. Forty-two girls were nominated by women's groups and screened in November by three local indpps. Tr,Mf ludces. Miss Bene BonnWJack St. Hall and Claude T-i 1 4iTAlra finni- lsts. The finalists were introduced for the first time at the Military Ball. In January, the girls were pre sented at Vaughn Monroe's show and the bandleader made the fi nal selection, bestowing the beauty queen title on six girls. The Cornhusker beauty queens are: Lee Ellen Creasman, Mc-j Cook, senior in Teachers College, Kappa Alpha Theta; Mrs. Bryce Crawford IIL formerly Catherine Corp, Omaha, Pi Beta Phi; Paddy Wright, Lincoln, freshman m Teachers College, Alpha Omicron Pi; Marilyn Mangold, Bennington, junior in Arts and Sciences, Gam ma Phi Beta; Marine Bees, Wa verly, sophomore in Teachers Col lege, Alpha Omlcro i Pi, and Pa-i . V ' - tricia Nellis, Lincoln, sophomore in Teachers College, Alpha Chi Omega. . The six runners-up are Mimi DuTeau. Patricia Forsythe, Kath leen Kelley, Sandra Ledingham, Mitzi Marquesen and Charney Taub. French Receives P.E. Scholarship Carol French received the Ma bel Lee Scholarship award at the annual banquet of the Depart ment of Physical Education for Women Friday evening. The award honors the outstand ing junior student in the Depart ment of Physical Education for Women. It was established last year by friends of Miss Lee, who was for many years department chairman. The Physicial Education Club announced as new officers: Geor gia Hulac, president; Carol Duey, vice president; Arlina Harte, sec retary; and Jacy Mathieson, treasurer. have been assured of consultation in the selection of a new chan cellor. As the result of a petition sub mitted by the deans of the vari ous colleges at the Board oi lie' gents meeting Saturday, the Board issued a statement providing for the selection of . a faculty com mittee to serve the Board in nom. inating Chancellor R. G. Gustav. son's successor. The committee consists of from four to six faculty members se lected by the faculty liaison and policy committees under the au thorization of the D acuity senate. The liaison committee met pre ceding the Regents meeting, con sidered 25 faculty members for appointment and decided upon a committee of from four to six members. Niles Barnard, chairman of the liaison committee, said the faculty group is ready "to go to work" as soon as they receive a formal invitation from the Regents. The invitation came after the closed. Regents meeting Saturday in the form of a press statement out a formal invitation is expected to come Tuesday, Barnard said. According to Barnard, the com mittee members were chosen from faculty members "who know the University fairly well ... are broad minded . . . and are familiar with sources of chancellor ma terial the country over." The petition placed before the Board of Regents resulted from action taken by faculty members who circulated petitions after they had been informed "by au thentic sources" that the Regents might name Dr. George W. Rosen lof as temporary or permanent chancellor without consulting a faculty committee. The Board had scheduled the Saturday meeting earlier "to consider a temporary or permanent chancellor" and only after the meeting was the provision for an assisting faculty committee announced. The petition presented to the Board of Regents by the faculty read: "In view of information re ceived and acting, we believe, in the best interests of the Uni versity, we the undersigned, as members of the faculty of the University of Nebraska, petition tne Board of Regents: "1. Not to appoint G. "W. Rosen- lof as chancellor or as acting "2. That in the selection of the chancellor for the University: "A. No action thereon be taken except as in conformity with the announced intent of the Board of Regents to consult with the fac ulty through its constituted com mittee. "B. Such consideration by the Board of Regents and a faculty committee shall be maintained in line with the established practice at the University since the resig nation of Chancellor Boucher." The action taken by the Board of Regents Saturday was released in a formal press statement: 1. Set in motion the machinery needed to carefully select a suc cessor to the chancellorship which included an invitation to the fac ulty of the University to appoint a committee to offer the Regents advice. their services as to possible nomi nees for the position. 2. Set in motion machinery needed to select an interim chan cellor and in this respect to invite the services of a committee repre senting the faculty on possible nominees ior this position. 3. voiced appreciation to the friends of the University for their interest in selection of a new chan cellor. The faculty group felt that in view of the Regents' statement calling the meeting for the pur pose of "appointing a temporary or permanent chancellor," at that time the interests of the faculty would not be represented and the Regents would be acting in non accordance to established pro cedures, that is, excluding faculty must, not a' luxury! (Cutting down to three issues weekly would necessarily mean 25 per cent less news coverage. As far as insuf ficient funds, if every other or ganization has had a budget in crease o. k. from the University the Daily Nebraskan by all means should have one also!" Marshall Kushner, junior in Business Administration and stu dent member of the Publication Board: "I was rather disap pointed at the outcome of the vote. The action virtually killed The Daily "Nebraskan. I certainly hope we can reinstate a four-issue-a-week paper next year. Glenn Rosenquist, Arts and Sciences senior: "I think a tobloid would be much better. When I was a freshman we had a tabloid and it worked out fine. The paper would be less wordy, which would be a good deal." Change Slated In Applications For DN Staff Students who have applied for Daily Nebraskan feature editor or assistant sports editor will be given an opportunity to make ap plication for another staff posi tion. This is necessitated by the Board of Publication's decision to eliminate the feature and assist ant sports editors for the Ne braskan's staff. Such applicants should notify Ken Keller, adviser on student publications, before noon Thurs day. The Board will interview ap pliacnts for the 1954 staff of The Daily Nebraskan beginning at 4 p.m. Thursday in the Music room at the Union. Positions open are: editor (1), editorial page editor (1), manag ing editor (1), news editor (1), copy editors (4), sports editor (1), Ag editor (1), business manager (1) and circulation manager (l). The interviews on Thursday will begin with candidates for editor. P. Moyer Awarded Fellowship Phyllis Moyer, a Senior Art ma jor, was notified yesterday by the Institute of International i,duca tion that she is one of four American students to win a Woo ley Foundation Award that will allow her to study art in Paris for eight months. These awards are valued at $1,000 each and are given to four U.S. students to further their studies in either art or music. Miss Moyer will start her art studies in Paris at the Cite Universitaire next October. She will reside at the United States house in Paris while attending classes. Miss Moyer is from Fremont and a member of Delta Gamma. She will graduate with a major in art in June and at the present plans to spend more than the eight months studying art in Paris that are alloted by the fellowship. Stepanek, Raymond Join 'Nebraskan' Nominee List Orin Stepanek, English instrue tor, and Ruth Roymand, senior journalism student, have been nominated for this semester's Outstanding Nebraska awards. Stepanek and Miss Raymond join Glenn Rosenquist in the run ning for The Nebraskan awards based on individual service to the University . Nominations for the awards must be turned in to The Daily Nebraskan office by 5 pjn. Wed nesday. The winners, one Btudent and one faculty member, will be selected by staff members and an nounced in Friday's paper. The letter nominating Stepanek said, "We, as students, have been impressed by his devotion to us. We suspect that not too many teachers who have taught as long as he has, work daily to prepare lectures for us; but we know that Mr. Stepanek not only does this. but also finds time to read the papers we turn in. "We think that no other fac ulty person deserves this award as much as does Mr. stepanek." Stepanek, associate professor of English, has been teaching at the University since 1S20. The other nominee, Miss Ray mond, is past editor of The Daily Nebraskan and senior attendant to the May Queen. The letter nominating her said. "We feel that in her senior year Ruth probably has been the out standing woman on the campus, for as the first semester editor of The Nebraskan, she rose quickly to defend the right of our profes sors and students to be free of any dogmatic indoctrination and through her editorials she helped to maintain their freedom in the classroom, to examine critically all that they study. "Ruth has made further contri butions to the campus, besides editing a good paper, by partici pating throughout her three years here in the activities of several extra-curricular organizations." The first nominee, Rosenquist, is a member of the Innocents So ciety, past vice president of the Inter-fraternity Council, member of the Junior Class Council, and Phi Beta Kappa. Rosenquist was nominated be cause, "he has not only excelled in extra-curricular activities but has maintained high scholarship for four years." Each nomination must be in writing and include a statement of the nominee's qualifications for the honor. All University students and faculty members, with the ex ception of former recipients and staff members, are eligible for nomination. Selection is based on the nominations made by students. ana faculty members. Committee, Dr. Gus View Paper Slice Cutting the Daily Nebraskan to three issues a week,, although re gretted by faculty and Publica tions Board members as well as students, was felt to be absolute economic necessity. R. V. Shumate, professor of po litical science and chairman of the Board of Publications, ex plained that the Board would like to have a full-size five-day-a- week paper, but the University just can't support it. "It was a hard choice to make," he said, but I don't see how it would be justified running a paper at such a large deficit." The deficit, the continued, was due to the de cline in student enrollment and the inadequacy of advertising revenue. Other alternatives suggested were an outright subsidy from the University or an increase in stu dent fees. "The $2,000 offer from the University was not accepted because the offer was contingent and valid only if the advertising revenue increased $1,200 next year, which is not likely," Shu mate said. "Even that subsidy would not have wiped out the deficit," he added, "for The Daily Nebraskan has suffered a loss of $5,000 to $6,000 this year." "I am in favor of restoring the Daily Nebraskan to a four-day publica tion, however, if there is any pos sible means," he said. Chancellor R. G. Gustavson, who promised to explore every possible alternative, declared "I am very much concerned about it. "I think a fine, independent, courageous student newspaper is essential to a good University. Whatever academic freedom may mean to be faculty, the right of the students to express themselves is equally important. I don't want to see the paper cut if there is any way it can be avoided. A free newspaper is a terribly essential part of keeping the University sound and democratic,' he said. The Chancellor pointed out that the main objection to a Univer-; sity subsidy has usually been that subsidies carry a certain amount of control with them. Hoping to keep the paper unrestricted, he indicated that there might be a possibility of making a grant which has no strings attached. Dr. Nathan B. Blumberg, as sistant professor of journalism and member of the Publications Board, said, "We held off as long as pos sible. The step was taken with great regret by the Board and we hope the day will arrive when we can go back on a full-time schedule." "The decision was purely an economic one," Frank HaUgren, assistant dean of student affairs and Board member, said. "When you get to the bottom of your reserve, there is only one thing you can do," he added. He said that if the students would rather have a tabloid published four times a week, the Board would probably agree to that arrange a larger paper but this was a matter of economic necessity," he concluded. As the arrangement now stands, The Daily Nebraskan will be pub lished every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Hoping to spur the advertising revenue, the Board has set up the experiment of four assistant business managers and a commission basis of payment. The personal and financial stake in the advertising should result in improved performance, it is felt concerned about the inadequate advertising ,Dr. William Swindler. director of the school of journal ism, stated "A University of this size should definitely have a daily paper. Lincoln business people are cutting tneir own throats if they don't advertise in The Daily Ne braskan because this is -the only local paper students read. It's a $21,000,000 annual market that's going begging." Kosmet Klub To Select New Workers At Smoker A Kosmet Klub smoker, for selection of new Kosmet Klub workers, will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m., Room SIS . in the Union. "Men's organizations are nnrcd, according to Mac Bailey, KK vice president "to send as many men as they desire." Students interested most fee sophomores next school year.