The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 15, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Poga 2
Friday, May 15, 1953 Q
ml Between Us...
Ex-Prime Minister Attlee, the aggressive
leader of Britain's Labor Party, is wondering just
who runs our government
Why, Mr. Attlee, the President does. He is
helped by the Congress, but he hag the prime re
sponsibility for the preservation ot the nation.
Certainly, Mr. Attlee, you know that. An out
standing leader like yourself has had enough edu-
Justice Tom Clark and Jerry Minnick say what
they please too.
No Mr. Attlee, the Wisconsin senator does not
run America. But he does run and ruin the
minds of a good many Americans. His attacks on
the characters of unsuspecting government work
ers has thrown such a scare into civil servants
that only the brave remain. After all, a man can near Suez,
earn more money and keep his reputation if he' The government
enters private enterprise. The Senator has
more than that. He has tried to prove that it is
Staff Writer
ypt charged Thursday that Bri
tish troops hearing Egyptian ar
tillery signalling the beginning of
Ramadan, the Mohammedan holy
month, opened fire on a village
said reports
J. 'icnLiuuK u:e Capital 1IUII1 U"U icu.c
aoneiri- - i ji n.i
wauai fiuuo Hits jmuiBLCu wmi
cation in the political structure of the outstanding perfectly proper to run over 100 Innocent Individ
uals to get to one guilty man. And, Mr. Attlee,
to some extent the American public is waving him
If that is what you mean when you charge, In
countries of the world to know who is "calling
the shots" in this country.
It Is hard for us to realize that you could be
Ignorant of these facts. Therefore, we were im
mensely surprised when you asked, in a recent ne of the most vindictive speeches in Commons
speech before the House of Commons, who was
running this country Senator McCarthy or Presi
dent Eisenhower? Evidently, Senator McCarthy
an easily excited but militant American thought
that you really knew the answer too. He called
your question "foul, dastardly" tactics.
Now, you mustn't worry too much about what
the Senator says he often makes ambitious
history, that McCarthy is running our government.
we Americans had better think again beiore we
answer. Certainly, Joe R. McCarthy is running a
segment of our population. But, thank God, not
the majority. But, then, you don't control the
majority of Britons' either.
If McCarthy Is doing the right thing, modern
democracy a faith in the integrity of the voter-
charges. But, and never forget this, the Wiscon- will see to it that he does run our nation. 'But, if
he is wrong, ho will continue to be considered
nothing more than a vicious publicity hound by
all thinking people.
You are wrong, Mr. Attlee, if you think that
McCarthy runs this nation. He never will I
sin Senator does not run this country. In our na
. tion, just as in yours, anyone can say anything he
wants (especially if he is a senator.)
' And there is a great difference, sir, between
saying what you please and running the govern
ment. President Eisenhower, Supreme Court
k Poor Record
The 1953-54 Student Council became official
Wednesday afternoon. As was last year's Coun
cil at this time, its members were filled with en
thusiasm for the potential power they felt they
held in their hands.
The position of the new Council, however, is
somewhat different from that of last year's body.
Although the 1932-53 Council was not vitally
aware of it, the Council's constitution was on pro
bation this year. At the filial meeting of the old
Council last week, President Wayne White in
formed the representatives that he felt the Coun
cil had proved the workability of the constitution
and that the faculty committee on student affairs
would not hesitate to endorse it.
Endorsing the constitution implies endorsing
the performance of the 1952-53 Council. If the
old Council is considered acceptable by the faculty
committee; subsequent Councils must be accept
able if they handle as much business Is the 1952-
63 Council.
It appears fitting therefore that we review
performance of this year's Council. -
houses. The Council reached a compromise satis
factory to both the women and the organizations
sponsoring such elections.
4. Debated the position of Junior-Senior Class
Councils, approving their constitution, suggesting
that $500 be lent to the councils from the actiV'
ities fund for a junior-senior prom and finally or
dering next year's class officers to reorganize the
Councils on a new system.
5. Investigated possibilities for increasing park
ing facilities (with no appreciable results) and
suggested a parking board to administer a fining
system for traffic violations (now somewhere in
the hands of the administration).
This is all. After some 25 meetings the 1952-53
Council ended up by talking about five problems.
Of the five, only one resulted in a decisive action
(the constitutional amendment which followed
the paid elections investigation).
From The Daily Nebraskan's point of view,
: this "Is not an impressive record. If the 1953-34
Council succeeds in following in the footsteps of
this year's Council, its members may lose a lot of
X the enthusiasm they expressed at Wednesday's
In addition to purely functionary actions, the meeting.
1. Endorsed Professor E. N. Anderson, follow
ing the American Legion's attack on a book he had
2. Endorsed the Regents Bookstore in its sell
ing of classroom supplies.
3. Conducted hearings on paid elections, fol
lowing a Complaint from organized women's
Perhaps the new Council can breathe new life
into the present system. If it can, wonderful.
If it cannot succeed in compiling a more im
pressive record than this year's Council, Student
Councils in the very near future may again be
forced to turn to drawing up a new constitution.
Such a project in the past has always given a
couple of Councils a little busy-work to justify
their existence. K. R,
in Interna
tional P
The Student Council was offered another
responsibility Wednesday evening and it took' a
bright young man from Berlin to recognize that interested in the structure of our government,
the responsibility belonged with the Council.
At a meeting designed to discover the needs
of international students and the methods to meet
those needs, it Was decided that the Council Com
mittee on Student Affairs should act as a eoOrdin-
Because he has come from another country, he
Interested in our way of doing things. He is
wants to know the intricacies of our language. He
wants to know why we feel that America is well
worth dying for.
one Egyptian resident of the vil
lage of Abdbu was wounded in
the incident.
Angry Communist rejection of
a new truce plan and United Na
tions charges that Allied prison
ers have been spirited to Man
churia brought the revived arm
istice talks to a crisis Thursday.
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles was met at Tel Aviv by
surging mobs which hurled every
thing from tomatoes to stones at
him ... He is being protected
by a "small army" of police dur
ing tils stay in Israel.
Thousands of rounds of Allied
fire aided tough Republic of Ko
rea miantrymen in smashing a
series of bitter East-Central Front
attacks Thursday by some 1.200
Chinese. . . . The Reds left more
than 330 dead and wounded be
hind. . . .
Nine persons were killed in a
crash of a B-29 near Sargent,
Neb., Thursday afternoon in which
tnree others miraculously escaped
with only slight injuries. . . The
Air orce plane was reportedly en
route from Great Falls, Mont., to
urne unaries, La. . , , It crashed
about 2 p.m. . . .
Peron Is Looking
For A Scapegoat
(MIITOR'S JJOTBt The follow ln editorial
appeared In the Mv 7th trillion o( Iht New
lnrk Times.)
Argentina's dictator. President
Juan Peron. was acting strictly in
cnaracter when he celebrated. May
Day and the opening of his Con
gress with a dia-tribe against
United States news agencies nd a
demand for their investigation and
punishment. The principle of loy
alty to a iree press is not under
stood by dictators. The working
oi a iree press cannot be tolerated.
Two of the charges that Presi
dent Peron leveled were absurd,
one on the face of it in Buenos
Aires, the other to anyone who
knows the place of the news agen
cies in the United States political
scene. The first was that the agen
cies had falsified hugely in indi
cating that there was any sort of
crisis in Buenos Aires
...On Ik Social Side
One Marriage
Heads Social
Activities List
The marriage of Betty Hall,
Alpha XI, and Jim Tighe, Theta
Xi, took place April in ai.
Terost's Church in Lincoln. Betty
is an Ag senior from Lincoln. Jim,
nn Engineering senior, is irom
Carole Trussell and Gene Scott
Farm House, announced their en
gagement at the Chi O formal
Friday night. Carole, who is from
Beatrice, and Gene, from Bd
grade, are both Ag freshman.
Lois Kleckhafer, Love Hall, has
announced her pinning to Sterling
Olson, an AGR. Lois, an Ag jun
lor. is from Plalnvlew. Her pin
mate is a senior in Ag from Min-
A Gamma Phi picnic for seniors
was highlighted by the candy
passing of Bobby Nielsen Monday
night. She announced her pinning
to Bill Adams, Delt. Bobby is a
Bi2 Ad senior from Columbus.
Bill, also a senior in Biz Ad, is
from West Point. His activities in
clude Innocents, Kosmot Klub and
past vice-president of the senior
class. Before Monday night, he
was one of the 1953 Eligible
Donna Wamberg, an Ag jun
ior, and Dale Olson, a sophomore
in Teachers, have announced their
pinning. They are both from
Wausa. Donna is an Alpha Xi, and
her activities include Home Ec
Club and YWCA. Dale is a mem
ber of Theta Xi.
At the Sigma Theta EDsilon
Sweetheart formal, the pinning of
Dome bears to Lyle Hamilton was
announced. Dottie, a member of
Kappa Phi, is a Biz Ad sopho-
Miss Jean Burford
Jean Burford, Al
pha Phi, and Bill
Cambridge, Phi Psl.
have announced
their engagement.
The wedding will be
an event of late
Jean is a senior
In Teachers and Bill
I In Law Collcre.
They are both from
i r
Caanm Lincoln Stur
more from Seward. Lyle, a sopho
more in electrical engineering, is
from Lincoln.
Kay Pasco, of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
has announced her pinning to
Duane Nielsen. Kay is a freshman
in Biz Ad. uuane, an a ami
Sciences senior from Moorhead,
la., is a Delt.
Bettl Anderson and Glenn Mor-
itz have announced their pinning.
Betti, a senior, is from Ord. Glenn
is from Lexington. He Is an Ag
senior and a member of AGR.
Sally Kjelson, Chi O, has an
nounced her pinning to Barry
Thompson, Sig Ep president.
Sally, a Teachers senior, is from
Stromburg. Barry, .from Oshkosh,
is a junior in Pharmacy.
At the May Morning Breakfast
Sunday, Towne Club announced
its new officers. They are Darlene
Gooddlng, president; Beverly
Jackson, vice-president and Mary
Anne Schlcgel, secretary. Doris
Mach is treasurer; Winnie Stolz,
social chairman; Joan Joyner, ac
tivitics chairman, and Natalie
Katt, historian.
Party Calendar
Pharmacy College banquet.
Alpha Phi house party.
Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha
Tau Omega Fiji-Tau Tussle.
Delta Upsilon lawn party. -Delta
Sigma Phi sailors ball.
Delta Sigma Pi dinner dance.
Meaning 01 kaiemk freedom
KniTon's ttotki t foiiowi .
ccmu are from an w written by Stan,
ley A. Wolpert of lite folleae of the Off
of New York. The essay won first prlre la
a contest nn "The meaning of Academic
Freedom," sponsored by Ihe National Com.
ell of Jewish Women. Mr, Wolpert received
S2.SU0 for kit OTsay.)
... There is no greater chal
lenge to test the mettle of demo
cracy's defenders than the current
threat to academic freedom. Since
the "cold war" has become
warmer in Korea, havoc-crying
patriots and understandably wor-
. . To the teacher, to the
.scholar on the high road of reason ried democrats have successfully
1 I d a I n (f t r truth onnriAwtiA s ka. n J A. IkIh. . t . J An A
The srjeech was aeeomnan eti hv. . Vs " """s ,""s io uuu uie wmK i
. ---- - i " nnm 1 c entiatv. 1 . v. . T
seven bomb explosions in the cap
ital, so one must conclude that
the dictator regards this as en
tirely normal.
The second is that United States
news agencies serve merely as the
instruments of an "Imperialist"
State Department to carry out its
nefarious purposes. That should
be good for a laugh in every news
room 1n the United States, not to
mention some highly arched eye-
prows in ine state Department.
The search for a scapegoat Is
a normal proceeding for a dic
tator In President Peron's posi
tion. Since the free reporting: of
such an organization as a United
states news agency stands for a
concept of society precisely the
opposite of his own, it becomes
a logical target. The things that
the Peron mentality finds most
intolerable are freedom and th
That such incidents and surh an
address should cause an even fur
ther deterioration in the relations
between two American states is
regrettable. Even more lamentable
is its contribution to the ugly psy
chosis of fear UDon which his riir-
tatorship must feed.
Now, we don't have to run his life to get this
job done. But we can Invite him to our homes,
ating agency to see to it that the foreign student explain out school activities, help him organize an
geti the most out of America, that America gets
the most out of the foreign student and that the
foreign Students get the most Out of each other.
it Id most Important that the Council accept
this offer and begin as quickly as possible setting
up a sub-committee to work on foreign student
problems. :
Because foreign students have so much to offer.
Because foreign students are people just like the
rest of us. Because right now there is no agency
through which international students may be con
tacted. BUt, most of all, because international
students want to understand uS and don't have a
teal chance. t
We must not enter into this plan, however,
with the idea that the foreign student is a differ1
ent creature and must be handled separately from
the rest of the student body. We must hot decide
effective foreign student club, encourage him to
participate with us in our extra-curricular activi
ties and just plain help him feel at home.
The Council committee shouldn't try to do
these jobs but it should try to discover which of
these jobs need to be done and help interested
campus activities do the work. If the Lions Club,
for instance, would want to have a foreign student
Speak, it could contact the Council committee
which would contact the" student. There has been
a heedless duplication of projects which this cen
tral agency could cure. For instance, thete has
been an emphasis by activities on group picnics
Of dinners. The international students would pre
fer meeting Americans individually. If an or
ganization wanted to sponsor Eome function on
behalf of foreign students, it could contact the co
ordinating agency to see if another group is plan
ning a similar function.
that our ccrtrimittee has accepted the "white man's IT
burden" and will make something out of the Vis-, The meeting Wednesday night proved that the
iting students no matter what. We must realize foreign student is interested In Americans and It
th&i the foreign student is merely an individual proved that American are interested in the for
our dwft age who has come fYflm another country eign student and It decided to do something about
to- study at out scliodl. it. t). P.
Ihp Daily Nebraskan
Member: Aasclted Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press
V Advertiser Representative) National Advertising SerrlM Is.
N 411 Madlaon Ave.i New York It. New fork
vm Mj HfSmfcSuU M MtStilsae A atadni of Ot Virt- Kdltorml p BHel
tvmUr tf Nthraafc M ewrvneatt af at4ewr aewe ttM er
i,-Lh'!i,M twl Mnl.kiiterxl W Oil Boar of PabiklHlwu. "If la
Mi txtorv wlKt of th Board (Ml MIttfot der ft Isrt.
3t?ili thill b iraa from editorial teMMf IM fttrl f tM
hmti n r ttf aor, nwtwiww at ( . rel! f
I'HOtuHf, hot IM ..awnM ! (Is Tk BaUl'
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H--;v.-nst race lire M teaneanu'i IMS mmStm 01 IS f n
!Wr year, t ftwll(. Stnfl sff M. PtnltwiNl !
nA hKlHffliif, tfimifav, Monitor, treat tttt tamlaattha
r"'. (.no fil-ttakeo' dnfto atitiM ataek ycf fey flat
I nhvrrity f Knhstult aooVr III tnf!rvliloin of (ft CoaaAtlM
on r-!tk fu'.HirattoiHk KntorHi lit trtm4 ftM natter fti
V rU. In Lincoln, Nabnuwik. on ax of ttonftrcfa. Mare t,
'f m-4 m mfral WW of fenvtfaA Inf l Sect! 1!S.
Ait or ot tKwiNf t twti, taittKrrirctI lietrimnjwr la, IllaS.
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Ka bMiot 14 m Mml
Manaxinti Fottar
Copy fcdltora. i. ........
s porta Kottot... . 1 1. it i
Ant aorta Bdltat i, ,,.
riaian kihw hh,,,,! n
At IMlfM ......................
, aTMl ft!
hslie Hail
,fmn WwmIwm4, ika itarttaon,
Mvtift Tyaooj, SMf Owrrtliie
tiitiiii.iiHitkvHtai pvtmm
, . i . . . m . . i i Utrnum Vmm
....., iir i;ewe
in,, .,... Cteaee Beam
MarlluiM Ruhaon, Kk Hwiky, fjrnthl rteh4riHi MaHIrM
Hutton, Willi Oetieh, Msrllyn Mltehell, Betk Mnhwer, ttrfteo
Marvey, Don Hllkemelef, Nancy Odtitn, Marela Mlrkelien, Nata
lia Katt, Elaine Nmltuherter, fhrllla llernhrwrettr. Deri AM
irhweile. Henry Rairm, fQml Rnkc, t rank Reebotla, RHI iarkann,
Pftii Hhnft-.n, BKHt Walt, Uleh Kadleeek, iim I'arrtnk and
Martin Bret,
fttjBiliirai iA
fetttafl IrSanaar ..m utiiiM i.tnttiHiiini, ajVal4 fltaeti
Am'I Hailnem Maaanr ....... . M Rw
t'lrenliHioa M . . 1 1 . . . . Peak wtaaa. IHaa Pawn
Night Sen dUf .. Marijja aMi
Staff Writer
Friday 7 a.m.; Breakfast
Bible Study.
unaay -s:o p.m., supper
iorum. joint program with the
Methodist Student House. Dr. C.
Vin White will speak on "Reli
gious Views of Marriage."
(Missouri Synod)
Sunday 9:30 a.m., Bible Study;
10:45 a.m., Worship with Confir
mation and Holy Communion,
(Announcements for Communion
may be made Friday afternoon);
5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta, begin
ning with cost supper. Dr. Milton
Beckman will speak on "Mathe
matical Footprints of God."
Wednesday7 p.m., choir prac
tice. Thursday 1 p.m., Christian
doctrine class.
Sunday 9:15 a.m.. Bible studv.
City and Ag centers; 3 p.m., meet
at htudent House for Joint Picnic
at Pioneers Park. Campfire ves
pers will follow.
Tuesday 7:15 p.m., evening
Thursday 7:15 a.m., matins.
Saturdy-t8:30 p.m., picnic,
meet at the house.
Sunday 3 p.m., Wesley Fire
side, "Fit to Be Tied," Dr. C. Vin
White, speaker.
Sunday Masses, 8, 9, 10:30,
11:30 a.m.
Daily masses, 6:45, 7:15 a.m.
No Tuesday night discussion
for the remainder of the year.
First anniversary of Newman
Student Center to be celebrated
by a Mother's tea from 2-4 p.m.
Sunday at the Student Center.
Benediction Of Blessed Sacrament
will be at 8 n.m.
Saturday 0:30 p.m., Annual
Senior banquet at Cotner Terrace.
Sunday 9:45 a.m., church
school; 11 a.m., morning worship
in all city churches; 4:30 p.m.,
meet at Baptist House for picnic
and vesper service.
Saturday May 231 p.m.,
meet at Cotner House for the
annual spring retreat.
dom is society's green lieht. It
signifies, "You go, you who have
been tested and tried by your
teachers and colleagues, you who
have learned through arduous
study and long years of disciplined
labor how to use h'onestly and ob
jectively the tools of scholarship,
the books, the logic, the facts of
nistory and the natural world, you
who have mastered the art and
science of education, investigation
ana clear tninicing, you go on un
afraid, go as Prometheus went
steal more of the fire from Olym
And if at the end of his road
the scholar arrives at conclusions
in conflict with popular opinion.
or not in keeping with the current
pnase of an evolving national pol
icy, or inimical to powerful groups
in society, academic freedom
means that no government or
newspaper or individual will be
permitted to force a retraction of
tnose conclusions, to ban or burn
them, to punish in vengeance their
champion. It means that in th
woria or ideas, the stock of wea
pons is strictly limited to better
ideas , , ,
. , . The tests of scholastic
capacity are of an exacting na
ture, concerned rather with the
quality of mind and integrity of
intellectual performance than
with the political complexion of
man's beliefs . . .
. . . The scholar's wnrfc t
him to the frontiers of knowledge
. . . iie Diazes new trails in
thought. Instead of accepting au
thority, he investigates the sub
stance of its foundations, and
should these prove false or rotten
uic auiimar is ooiigea to warn the
world , . ,
. . i But in time of tense con
flict. Or Violently rrimhatltiit lrt
- . lucaa,
of fear, insecurity and confusion,
many people contend that the
staunchest advocates of intellec
tual freedom are corrupters, Sub-
"'ras au social values, and
must therefore be silenced.
In Greece there wu a Rnent...
ifi Germany, a Martin Luther; in
Italy Galilee Galilei. Stubborn
men these, curious men, peculiar
and disturbing men who dared
challenge the very gods and the
rules of the earth, for the sake of
conscience, in the service of
truth ...
. . . Unless the teachef is free to
question and dissent, the student's
mind will emerge from school, not
strong wun wisdom, but at best
heavy with information. The
teacher who tailors his opinions to
the cut of popular pressure will
hardly encourage bold inquiry in
his classroom . , .
Men who will one day govern
themselves must first leant to
think for themselves , . ,
Tri-K Club judging and seed
identification contest at 8:30 P.m.,
Agronomy building at Ag Campus.
Athletic department luncheon
at 12 p.m., Parlor C, Union.
AAUW meeting at 1:30 p.m.,
Union Ballroom.
Delta Sigma Theta tea at 1:30
p.m., Parlor Z, Union.
Delta G-micren initiation at 9
p.m., Parlor X, Union.
Simfonia rehearsal 1:30 p.m.,
Union Ballroom.
Film at 7:30 p.m., Union Ball
room. MONDAY
Builders Calendar Committee
meeting at 4 p.m., Room 315,
Faculty Newcomers bridge 7:30
p.m., Faculty Lounge, Union.
(academic) . . . freedom
. . . A far greater danger than
any statutory restriction threatens
the life of academic freedom the
subtle and silent fear, self-censor
ship. No university is an island
divorced from the passions of the
community out of which it has
When the social atmosphere is
charged with suspicion and cla
mors for conformity, when in the
market place the greys of opinion
are increasingly forced into areas
of black or white, when the mere
suspension of judgment on sub
jects of vital controversy is la
belled "abetting the enemy" . .
instructors become more cautious,
students cynical and apathetic
about the very issue that will most
strongly affect their future lives
and the lives of their children
. . . The "sins" of youth are not
lightly absolved today, and the
Asnfrlnfir omttlrtvu
the apprentice public school
teacher, tomorrow's engineer or
"top secret" scientist, the ambi
tious lawyer-in-embryo, all take
great pains to avoid any costly
iHJ must UUUUUVCl&lBl
books are too often left unopened.
ine most controversial soeethes
too often heard by too few, and
for lack of an opposing team, the
most stimulating debates are re
solved without argument . . .
Freedom is lost or won In the
minds of men long before it is
legislated out of of Into exist
ence. A nation suspicious and
fearful of her "Intellectuals," of
her scientists and educators, her
thinkers and serious students,
cannot retain the respect of the
world or dare aspire to Its lead
ership . . .
. . . There are no ideas or ideo
logies abroad in the world today
strong enough to defeat the un
tarnished tenets ' of democracy.
Are all eyes open to the rights of
men without regard to their color
or creed? let them look to
America. And let us look to our
schools, insisting upon a policy oi
admission based on each candi
date's abilities, hot on the com
plexion or beliefs of his parents
is it peace, is it equality of oppor
tunity? let them learn by Ameri
ca's example. But not the exam
ple of imitating nations which fear
the potent force of unrestricted
interchange of scientific ideas,
denying visas and passports to
eminent scientists and scholars
for whom face-to-face discussion
at professional congresses is an
indispensable stimulus to creative
endeavor . . .
. i . Freedom will not be saved
by men who have so little faith
in her strength that with every
sign of totalitarian attack they
flee from her finest outposts
and race into the arms of tyr
anny and suppression. '
Those who would shield our
youth from the dangers of Incite- f
ment forget Oliver Wendell v"
Holmes statement that "every
idea is an incitement."
Those who insist their only In
terest is national security forget
Mill's warning that "A State
which dwarfs her men, in order
that they may be more docile in
struments in its hands even for
beneficial purposes will find that
with small men no ureat thin
can really be accomplished."
uauy the meaning of aca
demic freedom la defined by the
student who insists upon hla
rlfht to be guided, not led or
driven in the direction of truth
and understanding: by the
teacher who resist all doctrin
aire shackles, faithfully follow
ing the light of reason and con
science; by the administrator
who values free inquiry above
the largess of monetary endow
ments . . .
For Freshmen
Here are the five command
ment! fnr froth man di lrviptilnJ
- - . .so .I11115HILV.
by the Daily Californian, Univer
sity of California:
1. No high school paraphernalia
will be tolerated and thou Shalt
not bluster ostentatiously about
childhood achievements.
2. Thou shalt religiously pack
as much wood to all rallies as any
puriy muscles can uphold.
3. Thou shalt not pose as a "Big
Man on Campus."
4. Thou shalt learn that saddles,
levis and such do not constitute
the proper full dress and should
be worn only at brawls.
5. Thou shalt live in most rever
ential awe and undiluted admira-
tion Of thv ctinnrinra th till-
Is it freedom humanity craves, I powerful . . .class of 1955. (h
Mebraskan Chssifie
a Ms
are you womciNn YOUR WAV
Is leaking mat atutlanta over 31 yettra
of age who hava car and Hv In Ne
braaka, tint) t dulrt to cam a good living
during summer Vacation.
You may wall pay for your ntxi term
and ba abla to put mbney m th ban
in representing our company In th (
months you have during the summer.
Our meri are averaalha between RS mil
1150 per week representing th White
Oroal Plan and receive qualified leads.
Vou will be working out of either our
Lincoln, umana, or orand Inland Offices,
depending on Where you live.
it will pay you well to investigate our
proposition before deciding what you
will do with your tlm during tha Vaca
tion term.
Please aentaet Mr. tkjel at S-S318 fir
114 NO. 12 anytime during the week
i rem now until acnool ends.
ifhts position 1 for helper oft Ui drapery
irimRnourn are i- :io r.m. oauy,
Saturday 8:00 A.M. -12:00. Duties con
sist of helping Install draperies In cus
tomer' homes. Apply employment offlc
Tth floor. Miller ?aln.
Wanted fldera to Los Angeles or vlalnlty.
vk'i tfliti iuur, weaving as soon aa poa-
niMia. rnunf o-luv.
Riders wanted to Fott Bennlng by way of
ot. uuu is, it aermiie. Leaving June (,
Can Richard Fink 2-5849.
Lost between Student Union and Andrews,
weunesrtay inn. Mortar Board Pin,
Says Biirnh Fulton on back. Cnll 3-8471
reward. .
r the happiest move you evef made.
North American Van Lines, T01 f Street,
Free estimaeta. Call Paul Fridrlck 2-S327,
SHOE salesman for Bummer vaoatlon, tarn
While attending Bummer school Of Work
full time. Apply Mr. Crawford, Hagea't
hot department, 12 1 "O".
Camera Fans Your Opportunity Id gave)
on your camera and photosirjpAI
furehases. I have atk ateney with 4
New York WarehouM and can Mtmt
19 on a Kodak Bantam, nv.i-
Retina IIA, and hundreds of other iirrtl.
jm .otiiho. Aiss nandie
wire recorders, and othei
For details call or see Jim Siachot at
Men's Dorm A, 2-T661.
faa an a.
ther iirrtl. k
typewriters, f " J
Excellent condl.
For sale lest Chevrolet.
nun ib.uuu miles, metalia blue finish.
raaio ana neater, full accessories. May
bj seen at Logan Tetaco, ita end Q
J-Tli nargaten, t-iUi or
it Hudson Six' Sedan. Priced to cell. Good
condition. RAH. Good rubber. S. .
Hall. 00-8S72.
BLfcxiCLOGa, newly patented a port sllb-
rer, divided sole sections In step te tM,
l.atraa aelections, washable. 5.M &
16.95. Phone J-8788.
195TFordlctorla) completely equlisped!
8,00 omlles, joe Xrause, 1701 "'JS"i
-un atier a p.m.
Daily Nebraskan Want Ads CiingO
Quick ftcsulu