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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1953)
nGUQi u crag 0 o O o o Lif 1M1 Voict 0 a Gitot Midwaitern University VOL 52 No. 130 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, May 15, 1953 17 ernesfer Trial Interhaterhity Council Defeats Social Probation Proposal Without Motion Two semesters has been set as the time allowed for a pledge in a fraternity to make the required 6.0 average lor activation, The new ruling, passed in an IFC meeting held Thursday, was a part of two regulations passed by the group to help raise fra ternity averages throughout the University. The new rule states, in effect, that a pledge in a fraternity will be given two semesters to make a 5.0 average. The required grade was originally 4.5, but was changed Tuesday by the IFC. If the pledge does not make the required '5.0 average, he will be required to move out of the fra ternity house. . If he should make a 5.0 aver age or better during the next se mester, he becomes eligible for pledging or re-pledging by the original or other fraternity. IFC president, Bob Hasebroock, noted the motions as the out- BUILDERS Park Names 4 Changes In Positions Builders president Eldon Park announced four position changes in the organization Thursday. Ginny Franks will replace Jo- Ann Johnson as Office Manager, a board position. She is a former assistant membership chairman, a sophomore in Arts and Sciences and a number of Delta Gamma New business manager for the special edition of The Daily Ne braskan published by Builders is John Gourley. He is a freshman in Arts and Sciences and a Beta Theta Pi. Shirley Schott is the new ad vertising manager of the Student Directory. She is a freshman in Teachers College and an Alpha Phi. Replacing JoAnn Meyers, Sara She is a freshman in Arts and Carveth will be in charge of stu dent lists in the student directory. Sciences and an Alpha Phi. growth of suggestions submitted by the Interfraternity Alumni Council, an advisory alumni body iu me mteriraternity Council. Bill Hodder, president of Phi Delta Theta, said the raising of the required average for initiation and the time limit for making the required average were necessary to raise fraternity averages which have slipped to a level where the University or fraternities must take action. Another suggestion by the IFC CORNHUSKER Editor Names Tvmty-Fw To Afeiv Staff Appointive staff positions and section heads for the 1954 Corn husker were announced Thursday by Barbara Adams, Cornhusker editor. The positions were appointed following staff interviews with applicants. New staff positions are: layout editor, Berne Rosenquist; assistant layout editor, Muriel Pickett: lay out staff, Carole Tremain, Bonnie Atlman and Lou Sanchez; panel editor, Ann Jouvenat; assistant panel editor, All Skold. Section heads arer ag activities and organizations, Nancy Draper; activities, Carole Unterseher; ad ministration, Alice Todd; men's athletics, Gene Spencer women's athletics, Jo Knudson; beauty queens, Ken Pinkerton; colleges and classes, Shirley Meade, Jeanne Greving, Sue Olson, Jo Raben and Jane Gorton; student scene, Janet Healey; houses and halls, Mary Jean Harpstreith; mil itary, Charles Ferguson; organiza tions, Sue Ramey; religion and arts, Dinny Weiss: sororities. Na talie Nelson; student government, Marvin Stromer. There will be a meeting of the new staff Friday at 4 p.m. in the uomnusker office. Board of Control, all houses hav ing an overall average of below 5.0 be placed on social proba tion was presented. This sugges tion did not receive a motion and died without receiving a vote. A suggestion by past IFC presl dent Cy Johnson, later put in the form of a motion, was to rescind the past decision by the group to remove open house from the schedule of rush week events. The IFC. in an earlier meeting had voted the open house plan out of existence. Johnson said the open house did cause some incon venience to the fraternity houses, but it operates to the rushee's ad vantage. "To vote the open house ar rangement out," Johnson said, "is a step backwards in viraternuy; rush week." After discussion, the motion to rescind to action was defeated, This means there will be no open house during fraternity rush week noxt vear. Legislation was also passea to ohtain a definite IFC policy of in fractions of rush week rules. A motion to have fining and pun ishment done by the IFC execu tive council was passed, with the fine limit set at $100 per offense and punishment at the descretion of the executive council. Another motion, to allow groups being fined or punished the right to appeal the action to tne ir, was defeated. However, a motion was passed to allow appeals to be made to the Alumni Council of the IFO Tri-K Crop Contest Scheduled May 16 The annual Tri-K sponsored crop judging and seed identifica tion contest and a banquet will be held Saturday. All agricultural students are eligible to enter the contest, which will begin at 8:30 p.m. in the Agronomy building. Contestants should register in room 244 by 8:15 a.m. For the first time this year, the contest has been set up with three divisions. Winners will be presented their awards at the Saturday evening banquet. Eta Kappa Nu Initiation '1 Ij T.o Honor Aleids Professor Joseph E. A. Alexis, who will retire at the close of the current semester after 43 years of teaching at the University, will be honored by the departments oi Germanic and Romance languages at a dinner. Friday evening at the Union. Dr. Boyd C. Carter, associate professor of Romance Languages, said, "Professor Alexis is the best linguist I have ever known. He has made a great contribution to foreign languages in the state and the Mid-West through his many textbooks and his msistance on the oral use of a foreign lan guage." Dr. Carter added, "He is a staunch believer in the approach to the understanding of other peo ple through their language. He feels that the best way to get aiong with people is to speak their lan guage." "I will miss him even though I have known him for only two years" was the comment of Paul Schach, associate professor of Germanic Languages, on hearing of Professor Alexis's retirement. Schach added "He has an amaz ing knowledge of languages. He is a very congenial person and I am amazed at his vitality and interest in many, many things." Professor William K. Pfeller, chairman of the department of Germanic Languages, will be mas ter of ceremonies at the dinner. Walter E. Militzer, dean of the college of Arts and Sciences, and Professor Boyd C. Carter, chair man of the department of Ro mance Languages, will speak. The dinner will be open to ths faculty of the departments ol Germanic, classical and Romance Languages, graduate students, and wives of the professors. Iron Fence Kept Cows Off, Professors Inside NU Campus The four new pledges to Eta Kappa Nu, Electrical Engineering honorary, are shown above with the president, Stan Smith, at a recent initiation ceremonies. From left to right, they are: Robert Parsons, Art Gross, Stan Smith, Charles Eatough and Dick Ayers. The plaques being held by the initiates were made as a part of pledge duties; each plaque shows a colored shield and is sur rounded by signatures of actives and alumni. Rosenquist Nominated For Nebraskan Honor Glenn Rosenquist, senior pre-1 will be named by The Daily Ne- med student, has been nominated I braskan May 22. Pinky-Dink Day Held By N-ClubFor Initiates for the title of Outstanding Ne braskan. The letter nominating him said, "Glenn Rosenquist deserves the award of Outstanding Nebraskan for his four years of outstanding service to the University. He has not only excelled in extracurricu lar activities but has maintained high scholarship for four years, and will attend Med School in Omaha next fall. "Rosenauist is a member of the Innocents Society, Phi Beta Kap pa and has been a Regents scholar for four years. These are just a few of his accomplishments which make him deserving of the award." The nominee is also a past pub board member, past Daily Ne braskan news editor and is now a columnist, a member of the Jun ior class council, past treasurer and vice president of the Inter fraternity Council. Two outstanding Nebraskans jtsmw .4; 1 t -! w HHH I Toting the athletic equlp- N-CLUB INITIATES PROMENADE ment illustrative of the sport with which they are associated, these men are performing the duties required of membership in the N" Club. Fall Class Registration To Open Monday Morn Students and administration complete their preparation for next week's registration Friday, according to the schedule of the office of registration and records. The assignment committee puts finishing touches on regis.rauon facilities in the drill hall of the Military and Naval Sciences Mili tary. Students comolete their ap pointments with faculty advisers to map out next fall s scneauie. Registration will begin at 9 a m Monday and continue Wednesday. The assignment committee will allow students to register from 8 a,m. until 11:30 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day. During the last two weeks stu dents with the aid of their advi serg have filled out work sheets, which should include both pre lerred sources and alternates. All work sheets must be signed by the student's adviser and his dean. Only students in Arts and Sciences College and Ag College need not obtain their dean's sig nature. Admittance to the assignment committee will deoend upon accu mulated hours, as of Jan. 31. Min imum admittance hours will be posted on blackboards at the Mili- Today js Rinky-Dink Day on! campus. The tradition was established four years ago that all initiates of N-Club would illustrate what sport they had lettered in by car rying around the necessary equip ment during an entire day. By toting around all the equip ment the new initiates cran be easily identified by the student body. Informal initiation will be held May 17. On May 20 formal initia tion will be held at the Lincoln hotel at which time the new members will be honored. Election of officers will also be held. tary and Naval Sciences Building and at the Regents Bookstore. Registration for summer school is scheduled for June 10. Grad uate students, however, may reg ister for summer courses next week. Graduate registration forms may be obtained in the office of the dean of the graduate college, Room 111, Social Science Building or in Room 206, Agricultural Hall. Rasmusson Elected ASCE President John Rasmusson was elected president of the American Society of Civil Engineers at its final meeting of the year. Other officers elected were Mac Bailey, vice-president; Jim Wells, secretary; and Bob Maclay, trea surer. A. R. Legualt, associate professor of civil engineering, was renamed faculty advisor. The society has two remaining functions: a banquet, May 21, at which the outstanding senior in the Society wil be announced and a picnic May 24. SUI Guest To Address PE Banquet Margaret Fox of the University of Iowa will be guest speaker at the annual banquet of the Physi cal Education Club at 6:30 p.m. Friday at tfco University Club. Miss Fox v. iJ talk about physi cal education classes in England and her travels through Europe She will also show slides. Guests of the club will be the graduating seniors who are Rose mary Amos, Kay Christoffel, Mary Jane Maxwell, Virginia Noble, Marilyn Ogden and Joan Savage The Mable Lee Scholarship will be presented to the- outstanding junior girl. Other awards will be prpesented to the girl in each class with the highest average. The new club officers will also be announced. Dr. Dudley Ashton and Mrs. Ruth Levinson are sponsors of the club. Arrangements for the ban quet are being made by the jun iors in the club. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday. Each nomination must include a written statement of the nominee's qualifications and evidence of his service to the University. Last semester Dr. G. W. Rosen- Iof, Dean of Admissions and In stitutional Relations, and Syvia Krasne, senior in Arts and Sci ences college were selected as Outstanding Nebraskans from eight student nominees and five faculty nominees. The Daily Nebraskan has hon ored one student and one faculty member with this title since 1949. The selection is based on the nom inations made by students and fac ulty members. Research In Hog Raising Aids Farmer Swine investigations at the Ne braska Experiment Station have yielded results that enable us to formulate more complete and economical rations for growing fattening hogs. Practical applica tion of these findings means more profit to the hog producer. Other research projects are ex panding our knowledge about the feeding and management of sows and litters. Important studies in swine breeding are also underway. The Experiment Station's swine research is conducted at both Lincoln and North Platte. By ERNEST ENKE Staff Writer There was an iron fence to keep the cows off the campus when Joseph E. A. Alexis, retiring pro fessor of Modern Languages, first came to teach at the University. "The gate was padlocked at 10 . . . i every night, ana i occasionally had to climb over when I worked late," said Professor Alexis in a Daily Nebraskan interview inurs day. Recalling the dingy buildings surrounding the campus when he originally came to the University, Alexis said the University cer tainly had grown and improved during the 43 years he taugnt. During his academic career, Alexis has taught 14 different languages. He attributed his com 40 Attend Picnic Forty former members of the 4-H Club were re-united at the annual University 4-H Club picnic at Bethany Park. The former club members, ell members of the University 4-H, hpld their regular meeting and appointed committees to help with 4-H Club Week to be held on Ag College May 25-28. to in Billoni By BILL DEVRIES Staff Writer Then there was the one about the college student who got his draft notice and was called up for a physical. He wasn't going to let the Army take him, so when the doctor said, "look at that chart and read it to me," he replied, "Chart? What chart?" "The chart on the wall," screamed the doctor. "Wall? What wall?" he answered while groping with his hands. "Buddv." said the doctor, "You're in bad shape, the Army can't use you." He filled out a re ject slip, and guided the student jut of his oince. The student could hardly keep from laughing out loud as ne walked away. He felt so wonder ful that he decided to relax by taking in a movie. He thoroughly enjoyed the show, but when the lights went on during the intermission, he found to his surprise that the doe tor who examined him was sitting in the next seat. The student was literally shocked, and was at a loss for words. Finally, however, he mustered up courage, and with squinted eyes he turned to the doctor and said, ".Pardon me, madam, but is this the boat to Hackensack?" The weather man said today that it will start raining late tonight and most of Saturday morning. He then expects it to clear in the afternoon and stay clear through Sunday. Don't expect any summer weather though, for the temperatures won't exceed the sixties. mand of so many languages learning related languages groups. He has also written textbooks for Spanish, French, German and Swedish, in addition to contribut ing articles to the Encyclopedia Americana and Scandinavian Studies. Stressing the importance of language study, Professor Alexis said, "I believe greatly in tne studies of languages because the world has shrunk in size. "I believe that as a result of speed in travel we get out of our own language territory very quickly. A further reason is that Americans are all over the globe and if we really want to get any where, we must understand other peoples by knowing their lan guage." Speaking of the students he has had contact with, Professor Alexis stated that he had a very good group of students while at Ne braska and said, "My fondness for Nebraska is evidenced by the fact that whenever I have dreamed that I had accepted a position elsewhere I was always unhappy until I woke up." NU Red Cross Unit Honors Seven Workers Eight outstanding Red Cross workers were recipients of awards at the fifth annual awards and birthday banquet of the Univer sity Red Cross unit Thursday night in the Union. Those honored oy , committee chairman for their work in the field t.f a particular committee were: Joan Clements, veterans Hospital; Lee Spencer and Mona Lee Smith, Grey Ladies; Mary Fuelberth, Orthopedic; Martha Morrison, Orphange; Karen Ben son, Special Projects and Susan Enyeart, Handicraft. Gene Berg, past founder of the University's Red Cross college unit spoke on the University's Red Cross history and the services it performs for those in the community. White Chosen To Emcee At Chancellor's Banquet Applications Now Open Students interested in applying for positions as Daily Nebraskan reporters or columnists for the coming semester may apply for such positions at The uauy ne braskan office any afternoon this and next week. Persons applying need not be journalism majors nor have any previous experience on newspapers. The only requirements are an interest in campus affairs and a willingness to learn. Wayne White, senior in Agri- culture, will be toastmaster at the banquet in honor of Chancellor and Mrs. Gustavson, the student planning committee announced Thursday. At the banquet, to be held Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the. Union Ballroom, a gift will be presented to the Gustavsons by Don Noble and Syvia Krasne, past presidents of Innocents and Mortar Boards, respectively. The gift will be pur chased from student contributions and is, according to Noble, "an expression of thanks to the Chan cellor for his many years of serv ice to the University and its stu dents." Janet Steffen, new Mortar Board president, will give a fare well address on behalf of Univer sity women students and Rocky efiee Frmses jcorecrKf New Coed Counselors Attend Picnic Thursday New Coed Counselors attended a picnic in Antelope park Thurs day afternoon. - The picnic was the third meet ing of the newly chosen Coed Counselors for next year and wili be the last activity of the organ ization as a whole until next fall. During the summer the Coed Counselors will be in contact by mail with incoming freshman women in an attempt to acquaint them with the University through By BRUCE KENDALL Staff Writer What was undoubtedly as en thusiastic a theater audience as this reviewer has seen at an open ing night of a University play gave acclaim last night to Jack Babcock's thesis production of Percy Mackaye's "The Scarecrow," The longest applause and loud est "bravo's" were rightfully re served for the performances of David Hayes and Richard Thomp son, although the audience reac tion left no doubt as to their feel ings toward the entire production. Babcock states in tne program nf "Tha Scarecrow" that he is at tempting to "discover wnetner this play can be fitted to the limi tations of a typical educational theater." , . Assuming that the Temple 201 facilities are certainly no better than those of a "typical educa tional theater," and that the next director has Babcock's ingenuity in creating fantastic effects, one can give an unqualified "yes" to t.h director's Query. The director's other aim was to discover whether the play "can be staged as an entertaining piece of theater." This question cannot be answered without a consider able number of reservations. For this reviewer. "The Scarecrow" is decidedly uneven in interest. The brilliance of this produc tion's technical effects tended to add to this fluctation of interest value as one waited after one puff of smoke and flashing red lights for another such effect to occur. As Lord Ravensbane, David Hayes gave what was easily the outstanding performance of the show.Hayes' delivery of lines was extremely sensitive,, his diction throughout the play expressed perfectly the significance of the play s theme. In the role of Mackaye's ver sion of Mephistophales, Richard Thompson was impressive, par ticularly physically. His use of movement added considerably to the production's effect Dickon seems to have a large share of the play's best line's, and it was thus somewhat unfortunate that Thompson's vigorous delivery at times obscured tneir meaning, as the witch, Goody Rickby, Lynne Morgan was exceedingly skiiiiui. Her striking use of hands and voice created completely a char acter one wished the author had allowed to appear more than in Acts One and Four. Joyce Fangman gave a com petent if somewhat too wide-eyed performance as nacnei and Morrel Clute was suitably hu- FROM SCARECROW TO HUMAN BEING POOF!! . . . And the scarecrow is transformed into a human. Tne piece of witchcraft results In the play, "Scarecrow," when Goody Rickby portayed by Lynn Morgan (left) and DIcken played by Richard Thompson (center) set to gether. The scarecrow-turned-human Is David Hayes. morless as her betrothed, Richard Talbot. Other members of the cast were generally effective and included Fletcher Coleman, Char les Peterson, Sue Nuenswander, Ron Becker, Jim Davis, Ernest Enke, Nancy Pratt, Bill Walton, Amer Lincoln, Hal Cohen, Margot Hunt, and Valerie Hompes. In conclusion, tribute should be paid to this, the University ol Ne braska's first thesis production, which one can hoDe will be only the beginning of the staging of significant plays which have not received their rightful place in Merton American theatrical repertoire. t : PA I Yano. new Innocent vice-presl dent, will tnanic tne cnanceiior on behalf of the men students in the University, Representing the. entire student body and foreign students, Kassa Michael from Ethiopia, will for mally thank Dr. Gustavson. Included in the banquet pro gram will be a short biographical sketch of Dr. Gustavson's life; his educational history and degrees and a summary of the advance ments in student-faculty relation ships during his years as Chan cellor are tentative topics. Some of the Chancellor's favor ite songs will be presented by students during the dinner. Tickets for the banquet will be on sale in a Union booth from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Mon day. The price is $1.35. The dinner menu includes Fruit cocktail and wheat thins, potatoes au gratin, green beans, nork choDS in mushroom gravy, lime gelatin salads with cottage cheese and pineapple, assonea rolls, milk or coffee and straw' berry sundaes. Members of the student com mittee sponsoring the banquet nr! Virginia Koehler. Ruth Kay mond, Glenn Rosenquist, Robert LaShelle, Jack ureer, uon jrieper, Jan Steffen, Susie Reinhardt, Jean Davis, Rockfora xapp, FiHnn Park. Barbara Adams, Dean Linscott, Wayne White, Joy Wachal. Don Noble and Syvia Krasne. Banquet To Honor Gustavson June 8 chancellor and Mrs. R. G Gustavson will be honored June 8 at a dinner given at the Uni versity Club by trustees of the University of webrasKa rounaa. tinn. , The 125 trustees have also in vited University of Nebraska Al umni Association class agents and their wives to attend and will eive sDecial recognition to the fol. lowing agents for outstanding work during the 1952-'53 year Charles L. Stone. Cleveland, O., 1898; Merril V. Reed, New York City, 1914; Earl L. Coryell, Lin- coin IWli', J.ynn uauoway, jRocn oster. N.Y.. 1931. and John W. I Stewart, Lincoln, 1942. YEARBOOKS Distribution Begins Today "First come, first serve!" This will be the situation when the first 300 Cornhuskers for 1953 are distributed Friday in the base ment of the Union. The remainder of the books Will be ready for distribution begin ning Monday and continuing through the week. In order for the students to pick up their Cornhuskers, they must present the receipt they, received when they ordered a book. D.W.Laging Resigns As Art Head Duard W. Laging. chairman of the University of Nebraska art de partment since 1947, has submit ted his resignation as chairman and director of the University gal leries to Dean Walter Militzer of the College of Arts and Sciences. In a statement Thursday, Lag ing said, "In spite of the fact that, under my administration, the de partment and the galleries have become nationally recognized as on the leading centers for art training in America, a sterotype of "modernism" has grown around my name that has brought such pressure to bear on my office that my position has become untenable." His resignation, which will be come effective "immediately," will go to Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and the University Board of Reg ents for action. University spokes men said that the matter of a suc cessor to Laging has not yet been considered. Laging said he has "no specific plans" at the present and may "possibly remain on the staff here." a university organization.