The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 14, 1953, Image 1

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    t Council
JSPk 0 0 9
Rogers, Hgmer, Cannon Elected
To Treasurer, Secretary Positions
Alter otunem; council presi
dent Rocky Yapp opened the first
meeting of the new Council with
a prayer, retiring president, Wayne
White initiated Yapp, Eldon Park
and Bob Peterson into their re
spective offices of president, first
vice-president and second vice
president. After the introduction of the
remaining hold - over Council
Red Cross
To Present
8 Awards
Awards will be presented to
outstanding Red Cross workers at
the 5th annual awards and birth
day banquet, 6:30 p.m., Thurs
day in Union parlors A and B.
Gene Berg, past founder of the
University's Red Cross college
vmit will review the University's
Red Cross history to those attend
ing the banquet.
Committee chairmen and their
committees presented the awards
ore: Michael Greenberg, blood;
Joyce Laase, Gray Ladies; Joan
Knudson, handicraft; Wilma Kind
hart, orphanage; Carol Gillett,
Orthopedic; Donna Elliott, special
activities; Arlina Harte, swim
ming, and Frances Locke, Vet
erans Hospital.
Red Cross board members are
telling advance tickets at $1.35.
Connie Gordon, vice president
of the campus unit, is in charge
of ticket sales.
members, Jan Steffen and Mack
Bailey, the new Council elected
a treasurer, recording secretary
and corresponding secretary. Art
Raun, Carl Mammel and Jack
Rogers were nominated for treas
urers office. Jack Rogers was
Marvin Freedman and Mimi
Hamer were nominated for re
cording secretary. Miss Hamer
was elected to this position. Bill
Cannon and Freedman were cor
responding secretary nominees.
Cannon was elected by the Coun
cil. Yapp and ' the other hold-over
officers went through the list of
standing Council committees and
gave a short explanation of the
duties of each.
These standing committees
which are comprised of students
exclusively are: judiciary, elec
tions, student activities and cam
pus improvements.
The Council's standing student
faculty committees are: parking,
honors convocation, convocations,
commencement, student affairs,
migration, coliseum, calendar,
student conduct, finance, social
affairs and new ideas.
Yapp informed the Council that
each member will be given an ap
pointment to a particular commit
tee at the Council meeting next
The Judiciary committee pre
sented the Council with the pro
posed constitution of the Seventh
Vote ol a Gfat Midwifrn Vnivititr
VOL. 52 No.' 129
Thursday, May 14, 153
nines Due
Two outstanding Nebraskans
will be named by the Daily Ne
braskan May 22.
The deadline for nominations is
Wednesday. Each must include
a written statement of the nom
inee's qualifications and evidence
of his service to the University
Each semester since 1949, the
Daily Nebraskan has honored one
student and one faculty member
with this title. The selection is
based on nominations "made by
students and faculty members.
Last semester's Outstanding Ne
braskans were Dr. G. W. Rosen
iof, Dean of Admissions and In
stitutional Relations, and Syvia
Krasne, senior in Arts and Sci
ences. They were selected from 13
Others of the 14 Outstanding
Nebraskans include Chancellor R
it happened at nu j
ROTC units of all branches
were waiting, standing stiffly at
attention before passing in review
for the "brass" at Tuesday's drill.
Cadet officers bawled com
mands and instructions to the
waiting men. One officer, suf
fering from a cold, squeaked, "last
week, we were the worst looking
flight of the entire unit."
The nearby groups roared at
the remark.
The officer, suddenly realized
what he had said and turning to
the still laughing group on his
left squeaked,
weren't there!"
Silence reigned supreme in the
squelched laughers.
eaernvs si o isJiscuss
anned Educat ion
'Problems Need Clarifying'
Day Adventist Fellowship. The!pastor of th; Presbyterian-Con-Councils
acceptance Of the con- rf.eational Student House: Don
stitution was unanimous.
After completing a further ex
planation of the pertinent details
of the Council's duties the meet
ing was adjourned.
NU Student Group To Ask
SC To Act As Co-ordinators
Noble, Innocents president; All
Americans Bob Reynolds, and
Mary Mielenz, associate professor
of secondary education and stu
dent adviser.
A group of University students
end Lincoln club representatives
decided Wednesday evening to
suggest to the Student Council
that the Council Student Affairs
Committee serve as a co-ordinating
agency to handle efforts to
work -with international students.
The decision was made after
two hours of discussion includ
ing a panel and small-group talks
on the needs of the foreign stu
dent, the way this campus is meet
ing those needs and the methods
which should be used to improve
present methods.
The meeting was called after
Seminar Topic:
'Value Theory'
Dr. H. G. Werkmeister will be
guest lecturer and discussion
Sam Gibson, executive director of
the campus YMCA, and Dottle
Sears, a member of YWCA, dis
cussed the problem of co-ordinat
ing the different efforts of various
rammis oreanirations wprp mak
ing to help the foreign student en-'eaaer i a union seminar wea
inv stuHvincf at tho TTnivwsitv. nesday, May M.
j .7 CS v 1 T"". TIT , .'-A . A I' .. '11 t
Representatives from several UT- weremeisier s topic win oe
representatives irom several Vall, Thenrv" alrn frnm
campus activities and Lincolnr C i.
, i u u u in v tonga llu uic
To Faction
A special meeting of the Board
of Regents is tentatively sched
uled for May 23 to discuss points
involved in annroval of a pro-
but you guys Psed doetor o education degree
out you guys . . jminit,tBIW uv tv,P Urn-
versity Teachers College,
This degree was established
April 18 by the Board of Regents
on. recommendation oi leacners
College and without the recom
mendation of the Graduate Col
lege, of which Robert W. Goss is
The main objections of the
graduate council of Graduate
College pertained to the program
outline which would be necessary
to obtain the degree.
"There is in motion an effort
to clarify some points involved
in approval of this graduate de
gree," said Bruce Nicoll, adminis
trative assistant to Chancellor R
G. Gustavson.
new three volume book which
i i rrtu. nn ; . ,J
after a panel including Gerd Hof-I . . hv r?r nnviH n ' Prn
llCn"rJ fessor of law, will be held for tics as complete
. . s I. ... students ann fai
miner, an American stuuem; Ar--r - houses or hW voting
Tuesday evening a group of
students, most of them interested
representatives of organized wom
an's houses, attended a "Fact
The meeting, which was adver
tised as the "Fact Meeting" on the
Union bulletin board, was called
by Dave Tunnicliff, a junior in
Engineering College and a resi
dent of the Men's Dorm, to dis
cuss plans to form an organiza
tion which would oppose the Fac
tion in campus politics.
Rrepresentatives of six soror
ities (all sororities were invited)
attended the meeting but. indi
cated that they did not come be
cause they were sympathetic with ganization.
Tunnicliff 's idea. They just
wanted to find out what was go
ing on, the women said.
The main objection to the Fac
tion, the women indicated, was
the methods which the fraternities
used. Coed representatives made
it' clear that they did not believe
that a campus party opposing the
Faction should use Faction tactics.
The women described these tac-
cooperation of
Nicoll made the announcement
immediately after a morning con
ference with Dean Goss, who also
confirmed that the matter of clari
fication had been suggested.
Dean Goss emphasized that he
had no communication whatever
with the Regents since April 18
and if the graduate council had a
meeting to discuss "reconsider
ation" he had not called the meet
Nicoll said, "There are some
procedural problems that have
arisen and they need clarifica
Dean Frank E. Henzlik of
Teachers College had no com
ment on the possible discussion of
the decree bv the Regents. Ob
jections to the degree were trans
mitted to the Board of Regents.
Establishment of Doctor of Edu-j
cation degree, University spokes
men said, furnished but another
Ernest Harrison To Present
Recital In Union Thursday
accompanist for cellist Cornelius
staff, Harrison toured the U.S. as
Patterson Book
Examines Old
Testament Ideas
Tr. Charles H. Patterson, pro
fessor of philosophy, is the author
of a new book, "The Philosophy
of the Old Testament," which is
an examination and analysis of
the Old Testament.
A staff member of the depart
ment of philosophy since 1921 and
professor of philosophy since
1946, Dr. Patterson wrote his book
to be used as a text for college
courses emphasizing ancient He
brew contributions to Western
In examining the ethical and
religious ideas of the Old Testa
ment, Dr. Patterson shows how
the writers revealed their beliefs
r.4 iauc anA how these ideas
are relevent to the thinking of
our time.
Tn addition to this book, pub-!
lished in April, Dr. Patterson has
American student- Arlstudents facultv members in j the members of men's organized
American MUlieill, AI- TT . y, VinilKOC rr M. mtinrr
mando Torrico, from Bolivia, and!"1""" " , v, v.
Dr. George Rosenlof, University Dr. Werkmeister, who has re
Registrar, pointed out the specific I ce"tly resigned his Postiion as
areas needing improvement.
A piano recital will be pre
sented by Ernest Harrison, associ
ate professor of piano, Thursday!
at 8:15 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
Harrison's recital will be spon
sored by Phi Mu Alpha, or Sin
fonia, men's professional music or-
He is a charter mem
ber of this organization.
The proceeds from this recital
will be used for a scholarship
which Sinfonia awards to an out
standing music student.
The recital program includes:
Chaconne" by Bach - Busoni,
"Sonata, Op. 53" by Beethoven,
'Ballad in A Flat" by Chopin,
'Two Preludes' by Debussy and
. ."Tarantelle " by Liszt,
n iiaiivc mi.-uiasn.Hii, iiciiiisuni . ift uQ Ho
became an associate professor of u;"av c. "
VLfXiiv in hjo& vvutru lie t;iiicit:va
outlet wherein educational ideo
logy of the teachers colleges and
arts and science colleges seem at
issue in institutions the country
Involved is the problem of "pro
fessional degrees" versus "gradu
ate degrees," the granting of
which turns on the same basic
and divergent ideology as that
come into even sharper focus of
the problems of entrance require
ments established by institutions
of higher education all over Amer
ica. Friday Set
For Student
Art Exhibit
All areas of instruction in the
art department will be displayed
in the Annual Student Art Ex
hibition which opens Friday in
Morrill Hall.
Continuing through June 14, the
chairman of the University's phil
Basically, these methods were' r ' f tne Sc.hool of Phiiosoohv
Tours, of city, state and student
governmental agencies: pamphlets
explaining American life; lectures
for and by international students;
an effort to get more Lincolnites
to invite foreign students to pn
vate homes for weekends; an ef
fort to get more foreign students
into campus activities; an effort
to help put Cosmopolitan Club on
its feet: an international dinner;
encourage Lincolnites to rent
rooms to foreign students.
at Southern University in Cali
fornia, is the author of "History
of Philosophical Ideas in America."
Before going to California, Dr.
Werkmeister will present a paper
at the Eleventh International Con
gress of Philosophy in Brussels,
Belgium and win auena a pro
fessional meeting in Dublin, Ire
Tunnicliff pointed out that if
the sororities banded together and
put up a slate, the independents
would support it.
He promised to organize the in
dependents even if he could not
get sorority help. He called the
meeting to see now tne women
felt about his suggestions, he said.
Many of the coeds hesitated to
He promised that, if he does
organize a party, he will select
the best candidates from organ
ized men, organized women and
rn Vliot anH tho latp .Tpanptte pvnosition Will include WOl'K in
Vreeland, concert violinist. art education, jewelry, water color
Harrison is also a violinist. Heidrawing, sculpture, and ceramics.
Student efiorts in grapnics, in
terior, design, commercial design,
volume design, and composition
will also be displayed.
College students from the four
class levels and members of the
night classes are the contributors
to the exhibition.
The work displayed was selec
IpH hv instructors in the art
classes and by Duard W. Laging,
plays first chair, second violin in
the Lincoln Symphony. He has
appeared as soloist with the Uni
versity and Lincoln Symphony or
chestras. Billoni
Staff Writer
NROTC . . . President Roosevelt chairman of the University gal
once told the story of a young en- leries.
sign in the Navy whose knowledge
Snndav will mark the public
opening of the exhibition. At this
time, Delta rni ueua, an-
ano re-
The ship was on cruise, and
u tt: u.. moo u twic eiisitiii was ttaaigncu tne uuij Amrv. w eive a Led
uden ' n1 the Col g ' o " En2n-i. ,th? T" t0 deter" Option, and the additions to the
. . 'minn tno chin e Innatinn ,,-4 -. rr 1 o r t. 1 n Tl.
eenng. He changed colleges be-l"" . r - ' r . permwn -'Zw iwu
cause he liked music and had pre- , iv v. chosen irom ims a
vious musical experience. latlns and promptly sent for the iu be ann0unced.
Besides his piano training it their. 6 e ,.', . ,T
University, Harrison studied inl iemov w Lc lK "uw DtSUI lUNiHI
New York, Chicago and Paris. He
obtained his Masters Degree from
the University
Before he joined the University
Banquet Set
To Honor
Applications Now Open
Students interesting in apply
ing for positions as Daily Ne
braskan reporters or columnists
for the coming semester may
apply for such positions at The
Daily Nebraskan office any aft
ernoon this and next week.
Persons applying: need not be
journalism majors nor have any
previous experience on newspapers.
The only requirements are an
AUF MaSS fvleetina plete information about his plans - A A I
,iwr mM, '"""S and Tunnicliff promised to work H A Xi lAVIC
T CAMaaw rr Drr-eon a program over the summir!"' m IVAld
iu rcuiuic s-ri. i mvw months an(i rflll annfhpr mt!T, . . .
.. . .v.-iii6 Profpssnr .Trmpnh F. A A1pyi
interest in campus affairs and a
written several other books which willingness to learn,
include "Democratic Ideals" andj
"Moral Standards."
Dr Donald M. Pace, professorlin the fall.
it vi0 TntitntP of Cellular ; rpnrpSpntntiPc of tK i!wlU be honored by the depart-
WU11 o- 1 1" - - - -" . t n.t 111CCL1I1K
Professor of Modern Languages,
Growth at an All University Fund could be contacted Wednesday by
mass meeting in 10o Burnett nan ine Nebraskan.
Thursday at 7 p.m.
Included in the program will be QJ I II
the invocation by Father Cross DIZUU V.ONGQ6
i n 'Uiirior MinHs" ahnnt'
u 1 1 n a 1.11111 j
the student situation abroad.
- Rocky Yapp, president of the
..!... I-Ua 11 c .i
organization, asiis wot an
dents interested in the work of Vf Iqc InrfArtCAC
the AUF come to the meeting. jUICi llllf tU5U5
Eileen Mullarky is in cnarge oi An estimated dollar total of re
Reports Retail
the program.
Librarian Resigns Outstanding Army, AF
ROTC Cadets Honored
Ralph H. Hopp, librarian in sci-,
ence and director of the library
at the College of Agriculture, has
resigned effective June 30. i
He will assume the position of
ments of Germanic and Romance
languages at a dinner Friday.
Professor Alexis will retire
from the University this year
after 43 years of teaching at the
University. He came here as an
instructor in 1910.
Master of ceremonies at the
dinner will be Professor William
K. Pfeiler, chairman of the de
partment of Germanic Languages
and Literatures.
Dean Walter E. Militzer, dean
upon a hallowed spot."
The puzzled ensign removed his
cap. "Yes, sir, continued tne cap
tain, "If you have calculated ac
curately we are now right smack
in the middle of Westminster Ab
bey." The weatherman hopes that
this foul weather we have been
having all week will clear up.
In fact, he even predicts that it
will. For Thursday, he predicts
warmer weather and fair skies.
Fraternity man: "Will you have
breakfast with me in the morning?"
Sorority girl: "Certainly.
Fraternity man: "Shall I phone
you or nudge you?"
Women blush not in reflection
upon wnat nas nappeneo, out in - - . - in theatrical m
rosy anticipation or wnat may. r; " . : -,av ie nevertheless.
CldlUlC, HI. '
tail sales in seven principal cities !f the college of Arts and Sciences
Presentation of awards featured
assistant director of libraries at a joint Army and Air Force ROTC
the University of Minnesota -in!parade Tuesday afternoon, closing
Minneapolis on July 1. ia two-day federal inspection of
Hopp came to the University in ROTC units at the University.
July of 1951. He received a B.S. Captain Arthur Belknap, as
degree in chemical engineering at!sistant professor of military sci
the University and a Master ofiences and tactics, was awarded a
Science in librarianship degree! Bronze Star medal for "meritor
from the University of Illinois. He j0us service in Korea as a pla
currently is working on Ph.D. injtoon leader and later company
librarianship at the latter insti- commander." The medal was pre
tution. sented by Colonel James H. Work-
He is married and the father of man, professor oi mimary
three children.
Air Force Association award
first year
Senior Announcements
Available At Bookstore
Students who ordered gradua
tion announcements will receive
them upon presentation of their
receipts for the same at the Re
gents Bookstore. The French-fold
announcements arrived last week.
The booklets, which students
bought at the same time as the
announcements, have not yet ar
rived. Students will be notified
at hA time the booklets and
nampcarris arrive.
Bob Stewart of the Regent
Ronkstore announced that 3,600
nnnjincements and 300 booklets
had been sold.
(FC Meeting
An important rFC meeting
will be held Thursday in Room
313 of the Union.
President Bob Hasebrook
made this announcement at a
special 1FC meeting held Tues
day and unred all IFC delegates
from fraternities to be present
- at the regular Thursday meet
ing. Ag Campus Picnic
TV,. tViird annual All-Ag Cam'
pus picnic will be held Thursday
' 4V inwer Ap eamDUS.
Games are to start at 4:30 with
food serving to begin at 5:30 p.m.
nimif snonsored by tne
Ag Union activities committee,
was attended by over 200 stu
dent? last year. In case of ram,
the r"" wil1 be he,(1 in
ences and tactics,
Army ROTC cadets who re-
reived awards are:
fJeoree Prochaska ot Ulysses,
Association of U. S. Army award,
for the outstanding, cadet in the
infantry section.
James P. Stepnenson oi wanas-;
ma, Minnesota, lvumaij jrui-c
Association award, for outstand
ing cadet in the military police
section. .
Maurice R. Norton oi tagm,
Association of U. S. Army award,
for outstanding cadet in the artil
lery section.
John A. Graf Jr. of Talmage,
and Gene A. York of Harvard,
a junior, Society of American Mil
itary Engineers award, for out
standing senior and junior cadets
in the engineering section.
Howard M. Doty, ot uncom.
American Ordnance Association
award, for outstanding cadet in
the Ordnance section.
Air Force ROTC cadets re
ceiving awards were:
William H. Doole oi uncom,
Donald L. Winkleman of Lin
coln, Vartu award, for outstand
ing second year advanced cactet.
Roger C. Noble of Red Cloud,
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft
Corporation annual award, for
outstanding senior who has ap
plied for pilot training.
William F. Norris of Lincoln,
Richardson Trophy, for ROTC
cadet with highest average score
in all University rifle matches.
in Nebraska shows a 12 per cent
increase since 1948, the Univer
sity's College of Business Admin
istration reported Thursday in its
monthly publication, Business in
The retail sales of the seven
cities in 1952 totaled $603,800,000,
for compared with $539,400,000 in
and Professor Boyd C. Carter.
chairman of the department of
Romance Languages and Litera
tures, will talk.
The faculty of the departments
of Germanic, -Classical and Ro
mance Languages, graduate stu
dents, and wives of the professors
will be at the dinner.
advanced! 1948. The dinner will be Friday at
The publication said, "Most of! 6:30 p.m. at the Student Union,
this increase must be ascribed to i Parlor X.
the increase in retail prices. The
net increase in the physical vol
ume of sales, after the price in
crease has been taken out, is about
2.5 per cent.
"Actually, sales ran ahead of
i . ) u i c,crnrleH sentences. 90 - day
dial vuiiiuit ui uuua nuiu 111- uujv..--
creased rapidly from 1948 to probations and orders
1950. and has been on the decline restitution were given
since then."
Rarely Seen
Opens At 8
Marking the eighth time eWr
produced since 1911, "Scarecrow,
a four-act fantasy drama will
make its NU debut xnurscay
night at 8 p.m., 201 Temple.
Given as part of a thesis for
a master's degree, the play is
being proaucea uy w uav."..
who will also direct.
Recognized by 'critics as one of
Leo: "What is the scoop on that
blind date you had out last
Irv: "Strictly a loser. Before I
took her out, someone had told
me that she was a real sweater
girl but after one look, I could
see that all a sweater could do for
her would be to make her itch."
A local policeman who had
stopped a college student for
dangerous driving, and was taking
down the particulars, kept putting
the point of his pencil in
rarely given because it calls for
trick staging effects which are
difficult to produce.
Babcock has received word
from the author. 78-year-old
Percy MacKaye now of New York
City, expressing his interest in
the success of the production.
MacKaye wrote the play in 1911
after reading Nathaniel Haw
thorne's "Feathertop." The stories
are similar.
Cast as leads m the play are two
his faculty members. This is the nrst
time in 10 years tnat a iacunj'
Why is it necessary to moisten member has participated in such
your pencil?" the student asked
"To make the case look
(blacker," replied the cop.
Suspended Sentence, Probation
Received By Six NU Students
Mver Ch
g Mop
7.8 Average Wins
For Art Student
No Signature Required
The Daily Nebraskan errone
ously announced that students
in the College of Agriculture or
Arts and Sciences must ' have
the signature of the dean of
their college on the worksheets
for spring registration.
Dr. Hoover, Director of Reg
istrations and Records states
that students in the College of
Agriculture or Arts and Sci
ences DO NOT NEED the sig
nature of the dean of their college.
A queen who is an artist is this
year's Miss Rag Mop, Phyllis
Miss Moyer, a senior in the Col
lege of Arts and Sciences, is an
art major.
Winner by acclamation, she ful
filled the requirements of beauty,
brains, no campus activities and
no fraternity pins or engagement
Miss Rag Mop is president of
Delta Phi Delta, national art hon
orary. She has a 7.8 average, in
her freshman year of college, she
attended the Kansas City Art In
stitute and she has been at the
University for three years. She is
a member of Delta Gamma.
The brown-haired, blue-eyed
winner is from Fremont. Her fav
orite hobby is reading all kinds of
literature, particularly drama.
Two years ago, Miss Moyer took
a summer tour of Europe. After
graduation, she will return to
Paris for study, or do graduate
work at Illinois or Minnesota.
This is the second time a Miss
Rag Mop contest has been held by
Th-; n'.h' Nebraskan.
Ronald Ramsey, 18; Carl Weber,
20; Harold L. Sterner, 18; Roger
L. Nichols, 18; Harry D. Lewis, 19,
and Robert McKee, 22, were each
ordered to make restitution of $20
A seventh youth, Lawrence E.
Stirtz, also charged, did not ap
pear in court because of illness.
to make
six Uni
versity students Dy um
County Judge Herbert Ronin. The
men pleaded guilty Tuesday to
malicious destruction of property.
Delta Uds Ion fraternity ana trie
six men involved will do numer
ous deeds for Lloyd C. Jenkins,
2501 Calvert, m order to mane
amends for damage caused in his
Authorities said auproxiinaieij'
SLMi?rhjSiwr,tn2':lncreases In Food Production
boys "rolled up" newly-laid, grass
a Droduction.
The cast for the play is as
follows: Lord Ravensbane, David
Hayes; Dicken, Richard Thomp
son; Goody Rickby, Lynne Mor
gan; Rachel, Joyce Fangman;
Richard Talbot, Morrel Clute;
Justice Merton, Charlie Peterson;
Mistress Merton, Sue Neuen
swander; Micah, Ron Becker; the
Mirror Image, Ebenezer, Dick
Coleman; Captain Bugby, Jim Da
vis; Gov. Reddington, Hal Cohen,
and Fanny, Margot Hunt.
Also: Amelia, Valerie Hompes;
Minister Dodge, Ernest Enke;
Mistress Dodge, Nancy Pratt;
Master Rand, Bill Walton, and
Master Todd, Amer Lincoln.
Werner Lauds Agriculture
Werner, professor ofjgood use of the knowledge and
UUVa IU11CU up lvw,7 j a
rxmni, it tn the Delta Vr-
Upsilon fraternity house, inn ' r .T "v fa Nebraska great expansion can
".-- - - ,! - tv,o ujpstpm rirv-
1 . 1 kin..nn.nntr rY ttlO naCTiHPH I 1" w... w
CU1LU1C11 clCllHTVClnciii-a wn. uvi-o--
D, last Saturday night,
Harry D. Lewis, acting as
spokesman for the men, said that
the six guilty youths and the fra
tprnitv. as & erouD, would hold a
work session at Jenkins' home
before this school term ends. The
group will do whatever jobs Jen
kins has for them. This might
range from cleaning out a base
ment to painting the garage. As
another compensation to Jenkins
for the damage to his lawns, tne
group will keep his sidewalks
clear of snow this winter.
. . . The second girl to receive
the title of "Miss Rag Mop,"
Phyllis Moyer is an Arts and
Sciences senior.
Award At Picni
So far
- -.r W i-N I 'J M M V 41111 111 Oil mv
ou years in connecuun wnu uk " -- f canrf
production of potatoes. He spoke 'areas and the valleys oi the Sand
before the annual banquet oi
Sigma Xi, honorary scientific re-: . 1 1 .
search society. DOVIS WSnS UHiOtt
Ha said thft scientific research
has trebled the average potato
production in tne - nitea ouuw . . m Tehers
during the past 50 years from! - " - deceived the Distin
about 80 to over 260 bushels Perj08 s'ervice Award at the
"Almost double the number ofLioUf
bushels are now produced on less! i)uane Lake, Director of the
than half of the acreage used -50city union, made the presenta
years ago, and these bushels arejtion
Droduced with many lewer nours Tht Outstanding worKer
tagr Svntfr tttti
University Student
have signed
Safety Pledges
of labor. The Quality of the po
tatoes has. improved comparably."
He pointed out that the time in
terval between important scienti
fic discoveriers and their exten
sive use in the industry has been
Awards went to bhiriey Jesse,
freshman in Teachers College, for
city Union, and to Gene Kerr,
sophomore in Agriculture, for.Ag
Union activities.
Nearly 100 students attended
much shorter with the potato the picnic neiam me ys '"vr
than with any other crops. ties Building. New Union Board
But, he said, "our present high' members were initiated. Jac-K
average yields can probably be, Greer was Master of Cereniunit-s.
doubled when most of the potato! Jeanette Sclk and Nancy Htmp-
growers catch up to our betterjhiu were co - cndirmeu m tin:
nrpwnt riav growers in milking event.