The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 12, 1953, Image 1

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"iggest Budigef
NU 8 Million Dolldr Request Goes
To Legislature Floor For Approval
The biggest budget in the Uni
versitv's history nearly 36 mil
lion dollars was approved by the
Legislature Budget Committee for
the 1953-55 biennium.
Eight million above the budget
for the current biennium, which
ends June 20, the figure oi $d5,.
961,000 now goes to the Legist
ture for .approval.
This budget consists of a $15
million appropriation, which is
$2.5 million increase in the gen
eral fund (tax money); $1.5 mil
lion in the next two years from
the one-fourth mill property tax
levy for expansion of the Univer
sity College of Medicine at
Omaha; cash funds such as tui
tion fees, $13,385,000; federal
funds, $1,622,600; and the Univer
sity's share of the 1.1 mill insti
tional building fund state levy,
$3,250,000. The remainder of the
University s income consists of
money appropriated, but not spent
for the laoi-oa biennium, now
reappropriated by the committee,
Although $1.3 million less than
the University asked, the $15 mil
lion appropriated represents a
compromise between the $16.3
million the University asked and
the $14.5 million Gov. Robert
Crosby recommended.
Paul Grimm
To Receive
Marine Award
Paul E. Grimm, senior in Bus!
ress Administration and NROTC
student, is the recipient of the
3 953 Marine Corps Award of
The award is presented each
year to the outstanding NROTC
candidate for commission in the
Marine Corps. Selection, based
upon accomplishment records and
outstanding scholastic achieve
ment, is made by the NROTC
Unit staff.
The award stipulates full mem
bership in the Marine Corps As
sociation, and a two-year sub
scription to the Marine Corps
professional magazine.
Captain T. A. Donovan, USN,
professor of Naval Sciences, will
present the award to Grimm at
a Naval convocation in Love Li
brary Auditorium Tuesday' at 3
Corn Cob Meeting
Set For Tuesday
A Corn Cob mass meeting will
be held in Room 315 of the Union
Tuesday at 7 p.m.
All officers will be present at
the meeting to explain the Corn
Cobs program for next year and
the goals of the organization to the
new pledges. The object of the
meeting is to obtain workers for
next year. These workers will be
student leaders during New Stu
dent Week next fall.
Professor Clarence J. Frank
furter, faculty adviser of the
erouo. will speak during the pro
gram. Also in the program will be.
entertainment by a group or las
sels, a short film, "Football High
lights of 1952" and refreshments.
Cal Kuska, Corn Cob president,
urges a large turnout or womers
from as many organized and in
dependent houses as possible.
Meeting For
Students Set
A panel discussion will be held
in the Faculty Lounge of the Un
ion Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. to dis
cuss the needs of the international
students on the campus.
International students will take
part in the discussion which has
been organized by the YWCA and
the YMCA.
The purpose of the panel is to
find out what should be done to
coordinate the activities of the
international students on the Uni
versity campus.
Dottie Sears, YWCA member,'. "' rtV
said they hope to "eliminate the 1
constant overlapping of various! Two more holes in his head and
existing organizations" that have hed' look like a Buick.
international students in mcir
However, Chancellor Gustavson
said the Budget Committee's rec
ommendation is "firm evidence
the committee has a clear under
standing of the University's prob
lem." "I am certain the committee's
action represents a realistic com
promise between what should be
and what can be done. . In all
my experience I have never seen
a legislative committee show
more genuine interest in the prob
lems oi higher education or mani
fest more clearly a desire for real
progress than has this 1953 com
Chancellor Gustavson said the
$15 million appropriation will
"insure the healthy operation of
the university at its present level
for another two years and will
permit modest reinforcement in
several areas, especially in medi
cal training and agricultural re
He explained that about $14.8
million of the $15 million would
be needed to operate University
programs for another two years
at their present performance level.
The $2.3 million above the 1951-
53 appropriation will go for sal
ary increases and also cover the
increased cost of equipment, sup
plies and books because of the in
flationary spiral.
The other $200,000 will go to
these principal purposes:
1. Strengthening the , teaching
program at the College of Medi
cine in Omaha.
2. Increasing research in the
areas of animal diseases and soil
3. Reinforcing general Univer
sity teaching and service pro
grams, including the building of
a teacher-training program in
special education to serve handi
capped children and the purchase
of books for the University
Sen. Arthur Carmody of Tren
ton, chairman of the committee,
said the figure arrived at was a
"We on the committee hoped
there would be limited salary in
creases at the University and that
there would be a great stride for
ward at the College of Medicine,"
sen. t-armody said.
Sen. Carmody pointed out that
the University as a whole got a
20 per cent increase. He said that
he was assured by University
officials that the medical school
would get a 30 per cent increase.
Gov. Crosby in his budget had
recommended that the increase
go to the medical school and agri
cultural colleges, -he emphasized
we leit that the salary in
creases were probably too ereat."
he said, "but we couldn't shake
(the University officials) from
considering these first."
The University also wanted to
hire more full-time teachers at
the College of Medicine, Sen. Car
mody said. "They'll have ample
iunos to do that," he asserted
I l.lj
Voice ol a Gnat Midwestern VuivtsilT
VOL. 52 No. 127
Tuesday, May 12, 1953
Presiding At Ivy Day
1:1 rrfylti
.. : Sb, , " 7u A - M
Mill -SMI0KX,' 1
Hloinioir yysfsiv
Union Office, House Representatives
To Sell Tickets For May 20 Dinner
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Julie Johnson, crowned May
Queen at the 52nd annual Ivy Day ceremonies, is shown here as
cending: to her throne from which she reigned over the festivi
ties last Saturday.
Julie Johnson Reigns
At Ivy Day Ceremony
Staff Writer
Today we are going to have . a
short course in humor or maybe
sarcasm or something. In every
crowd, there is always a wise
guy who delights in throwing out
cutting remarks, or having a good
time at your expense. Well, going
back to the old addage "he who
laughs last laughs best," you
should always be prepared with
a smashing comeback to put the
heckler in his place.
However, if you are like me,
you probably just don't have a
good comeback on the tip of your
tongue at the proper instant, and
are forced to take the brunt of
the joke.
With this in mind, I have as
sembled a few choice retorts to
quiet "the life of the party."
Oh brother, if birth control
could only be made retroactive.
Everytime I think about your
brain I realize it's the little things
in life that count.
I thought the circus was In wln-
A number of the groups and
Dr. Rosenlof have endorsed the
The organizations invited to
participate include campus and
Lincoln groups.
Following the panel discussion,
the participants will break up into
small groups to talk over different
"International students are en
couraged to attend since the ac
tivities of the proposed organiza
tion will be to integrate the in
ternational student into the cam
pus community," Miss Scars said.
He's as phony as an undertaker
trying to look sad at a $3,000
I don't know what you are, but
whnt ever it Is. I hope it's the
only one.
Hmmm. You're looking fine.
Who's your cmbalmer?
, I couldn't warm up to you if we
were cremated together.
Vou know, Mac, when I look at
you I feel like I'm doing the gov
ernment out of its entertainment
Julie Johnson, blonde, blue
eyed senior from Lincoln, was
crowned as the 1953 University
May Queen Saturday morning.
She reigned over a court of hon
ored women at the 52nd annual
Ivy Day Ceremonies held on the
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Johnson of Lincoln, she is 21 years
old and an English major in the
College of Arts and Sciences.
Maid-of-honor to Miss Johnson
was Marilyn Bamesberger, also a
senior and the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Hi Bamesberger of
Mrs. Richard Johnson, Lincoln,
and Jeanne Bomen, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Bomen, Den
ton, flower girls' and Rex Knowles,
Jr., son of the Rev. and Mrs. Rex
Knowles, Lincoln, erownbearer.
Leaders of the Ivy Chain: Jo Ann
Meyer, Phillips, daughter of Mrs.
John D. Meyer; Barbara Hersh-
berger, Seward, daughter of Mrs.
Helen Hershberger; Margaret
Coy, Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. McCoy, and Dianne
Downing, Superior, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Downing.
Leaders of the Daisy Chain
Sandra Daley, Ansehiio, daughter
Miss Johnson and Miss Barnes- Mr. and Mrs. James Daley;
herepr wpre selected bv serretlPhyllis Loudon, Lincoln, daugh
ballot of University women, andlter of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Loudon;
jean uavis, j-iincojn, wnose guar
dian is Mrs. Emma Grcenhalgh;
Donna Folmcr, Lincoln, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Folmer;
Sharon Cook, Lexington, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cook, Sr
and Georgia Hulac, Omaha,
daughter of Frank Hulac,
their identity was not told until
Saturday morning.
The Queen wore a dress of
white imported urgandy, made
with a long bodice and a full skirt
which ended in a cathedral train.
Miss Bamesbcrger's dress was of
pale blue shantung.
Members of the Ivy Day Court
Seniors Ruth Raymond, Scotts-
bluff, daughter of Mrs. Jack Ray
mond; Nancy Weir, Galesburg,
111., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Weir; Virginia Cooper,
Humboldt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Cooper; Ramona Laun,
Geneva, daughter of Mrs. Lydia
Juniors Connie Gordon, Lin
coln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Gordon; Sue Holmes, Kear
ney, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. K.
L. Holmes; Beth Rohwer, Ft. Cal
houn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Rohwer, Jr.; Norma Lo
throp, Sioux City, la., daughter of
Mr. .and Mrs. M. M.Lothrop; Mary
Ellen Maronde, Lincoln, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Maronde.
Sophomores Nancy Hemphill,
Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ben F. Hemphill; Joyce Laase,
Lincoln, daughter of Dr. and ivirs.
LeRoy ... Laase.
Freshmen Sharon Mangold,
Bennington, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Mangold; Suzanne
Good, Lincoln, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Good; Carol
Thompson, Omaha, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Thompson.
Attendants wore dresses of pink
Pages: Chloryce Ode, Sioux
City, la., daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl J. Ode; Eileen Mularky,
Omaha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Mularky.
Children in the court were Carol
Johnson, daughter of Mr. and
Theta Sigma Phi Takes 7
Preceding the Ivy Day cere
monies, seven University women
were recognized for scholarship
and ability in the field of jour
The following women were
pledged to Theta Sigma Phi,
women's honorary and profes
sional journalism fraternity Sat
urday morning: Barbara Adams,
Jan Harrison, Shirley Mead,
Nancy Odum, Peg Bartunek,
Elizabeth Rohwer and Janet Yos.
Scholarship, Activity Cups
Farmhouse and Alpha Chi
Omega were presented with cups
on Ivy Day as awards for achieve
ments in scholarship and extra
curricular activities,
Don Noble, retiring president of
Innocents, presented the award
to Farmhouse. Second place went
to Zeta Beta Tau and third to Beta
Theta Pi. Second and third place
winners were presented with en
graved plaques.
Syvia Krasnc, retiring president
of Mortar Board, presented the
Mortar Board award, given for the
first time this year, to Alpha Chi
Delta Gamma placed ccond and
received an engraved plaque.
Kappa Kappa Gamma placed
U Journalists Protest National Fraternity Action
Abandonment of a proposed
Survey of the 1952 presidential
campaign by a special committee
ol Sigma Delta Chi brought a
strongly-worded resolution from
tha. University of Nebraska chap
ter of the national professional
Jpurnalistic fraternity.
The resolution states that the
action of the special committee is
"distinctly lacking in courage, im
agination and that rare quality,
common sense, that is so neces
sary for Journalism in ,a Western
democracy." ,
Plans to survey the fairness of
press, magazine, radio and tele
vision coverage of the campaign
were originally expressed in a
resolution approved by the 1952
convention of Sigma Delta Chi In
Denver, Colo., last fall.
The report o the committee
named to explore the possibilities
of such a survey stated that the
survey "is not feasible."
The University of Nebraska
chapter approved its opposition
of the resolution by a unanimous
vote nnd forwarded the resolution
to the Chicago ofiico of Lee Hills,
national president the fraternity.
The JNebrasKa resolution wem
to say that "such a survey
ghnnlH ha unrWtaWpn in maintain
if not restore confidence in the
integrity of the press . .
The -resolution states:
whereas The 63rd conven
tion of Sigma Delta Chi directed
in Resolution Number One of
Vin KnnunnHnn thnt a romnre-
henslve survey of news coverage,
in the 1952 presidential campaign
be undertaken by a special com-:
mittee or the iratcrnuy ana
WHEREAS It has been a cart
of the tradition of the American
press to strive if not to achieve
a anal of objective and fair re
porting and coverage, and
WHEREAS me American
people deserve a reason for con
tinuing faith that the press is
attempting to perform that serv
ice of objective and fair coverage
and reporting, particularly of sig
nificant and controversial events
and topics
SOLVED THAT The University
of Nebraska Chapter of Sigma
Delta Chi considers the abandon
ment of the proposed survey of
news coverage in the 1952 presi
dential campaign by a special
committee of the fraternity dis
tinctly lacking In courage, imagin
ation and that rare quality, com
mon sense, that is so necessary for
contemporary Journalism in a
Western democracy
THAT The chapter regards
the "excuse" that a survey "Is not
feasible" little short of a dodge
to refrain from doing something
that may prove to be an un
pleasant task and
THAT The University of Ne
braska chapter believes that the
negative action taken by the
special committee involved comes
dangerously close to an admission
that "fairness" and "objectivity"
in news columns are relative ex
pressions and thus have no uni
versal application since they can
not be measured which in turn
would leave every editor free to
determine for himself what these
terms shall mean in his news
columns with no trouble from his
THAT The University of Ne
braska chapter of Sigma Delta Chi
believes such a survey of news
coverage a necessary action if the
American press is to maintain
standard of self-criticism and . . .
THAT The chapter believes
such a survey should be under
taken to maintain if not restore
confidence in the integrity of
the press and
THAT The chapter is of the
opinion that where no method
ology exists, some should nnd can
be created that would be satis
factory for the purposes intended
in Resolution Number One of the
53rd convention of the fraternity
THAT The University of Ne
braska chapter of Sigma Relta Chi
hereby respectfully encourages
the national president to appoint
a new committee, with member
ship not necessarily confined to
the ranks of the working press, to
carry out the expressed wishes
of the 53rd convention of the fraternity.
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson and
his wife, Edna, will be honored
at an all-student banquet Wednes
day, May 20, at 6 p.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
The banquet is being planned
by a student sponsoring commit
tee, headed bv Don Noble and
Syvia Krasne. past presidents of
the Innocents Society and Mortar
Board respectively.
"Other members of the com
mittee are heads of organizations
and interested students," Noble
Tickets cost $1.35, and are being
distributed by committee mem
bers of each organization and
Pi Sigma Alpha
To Be Revived
On NU Campus
Tau chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha,
national political science honor
ary, will be revived on the Uni
versity campus before the end of
the 1953 spring term.
R. J. Morgan, assistant profes
sor of political science, will be
the faculty advisor for the revived
chapter. The chapter at Nebraska
went inactive during World War
II. It was founded on this campus
in 1931.
Among the charter members of
Tau chapter are former Governor
Val Peterson, and local business
men, W. R. Hecht and E. J. Faulk
ner Jr.
The new members will be
chosen by faculty members who
are members of Pi Sigma Alpha
They are Adam C. Breckenridge
and Roger V. Shumate, professors
of political science.
Morgan said, "New members
will be chosen before the end of
the semester and the chapter will
be put on an active basis. A meet
ing will be held to re-activate the
chapter and to initiate the new
The purpose of this honorary
is to promote student and profes
sional interest in the study of
political science and public affairs.
Members will meet for discussion
of public affairs in general and
political science in particular.
Graduate and upperclass stu
dents, faculty members, qualified
alumni and persons of notable
achievements are eligible for
membership in Pi Sigma Alpha.
An average grade of 6 or higher
is required. A member must have
10 semester hours credit of politi
cal science work and at least one
course that is not open to students
in the first and second years of
work. A member must be in the
upper third of his college class.
Pi Sigma Alpha has chapters at
approximately 55 leading univer
sities. Yale was the most recent
chapter to be added to the role.
house. Additional tickets are also
on sale at the main office in the
Union to any student interested
in attending.
Tentative plans include a talk
on the advancements in student
faculty relationship during Dr.
Gustavson's years as chancellor
and a student-presentation of his
favorite musical numbers.
A foreign student, not yet
chosen, will formally thank Dr.
Gustavson for the student body on
the accomplishments he has per
formed for all students, especially
foreign, during his University ca
reer. A short biographical sketch on
Dr. Gustavson's life including his
education and degrees will also
be given by a student during the
"All banquet speakers appear
ing on the program, as tentatively
scheduled, are students," Don
Pieper, program chairman said.
He emphasized that the banquet
is a student idea planned strictly
by students and for students.
Members of the committee are':
Virginia Koehler, Ruth Raymond,
Glenn Rosenquist, Robert La
Shelle, Jack Greer, Don Pieper,
Jan Steffen, Susie Reinhardt, Jean
Davis, Rockford Yapp, El don
Park, Barbara Adams, Dean Lins
cott, Wayne White, Joy WachaL
Don Noble and Syvia Krasne.
Special Meeting
A special meeting of the In
terfraternity Council will be
held immediately following the
ROTC parade in Room 316 of
the Union, announced Bob
Hasebrowck, IFC president.
Pictures Available
The campaign pictures of the
Student Council and Class Of
ficer candidates may be pur
chased any day this week from
noon until 1 p.m. in the Student
Council office in the Union.
These' pictures, which were
displayed in the Union before
election, are bcintr sold for 50c
each or two for 75c.
it happened at nu
Ivy Day, oh Ivy Day!
Strange and couageous
things happened Saturday. One
new Innocent turned out to be
the bravest of all.
After much rejoicing, the old
and new Innocents started out
to serenade the houses on cam
pus. In front of one house, things
were in a particularly gay mood
and two campus policemen
strolled by to investigate.
The brave Innocent, being the
target of the policeman's flash
light, looked him straight in the
eye and said, "Do you realize
who I am?"
His fellow Innocents quickly
removed him from the law's
bright eye.
ROTC Drill
To Climax
A joint Army and Air Force
ROTC parade Tuesday will cli
max annual two-day inspection
at the University.
A yearly event, the inspection
serves as a check on the uniform
ity and efficiency of ROTC units
in the nation's colleges and universities.
At the parade ceremonies, to.
begin at 4 p.m. at 14th and Vine'
streets, awards wm be presented
to outstanding cadets.
The Army inspecting team in
cludes: Col. Lawrence Brown,
infantry, professor of military sci
ence and tactics at Kansas State
College; Lt. Col. Ronald S. Brock-
way, corps of engineers, oi Colo
rado School of Mines: Lt. Col
Oliver E. Griest, artillery, of Uni
versity of Missouri, and Maj.
Martin F. Schroeder, infantry, of
Kansas State Teachers College.
The Air Force ROTC inspect-
ina team includes: Col. Lewis H.
Kensineer of Hoadquarters Air
Force ROTC. Maxwell Air Force
Base, Alabama; Lt. Col. Donald
C. Pricer of Headquarters Air
Force ROTC, and Maj. Donald N.
Johnston of Florida State Uni
Audio-Visual Film Production
Entered In National Festival
A mntinn TlicturO Production.
produced by the University and
directed by John Freeman, has
been chosen to be shown at the
National Film Festival in Cleve
land, O., June 17 and 18.
The movie. "Vallcv of Still
Waters," was written and directed
by John Freeman, 32-year-old
production supervisor for the Bu
reau of Audio-Visual Instruction,
University's Extension Division. It
is one of 12 selected in the teach-
ng film category from more than
60 such films entered from
throughout the country.
DN Interview
Date Changed
By Pub Board
To caln lime for a further study
of the financial affairs of The
Daily Nebraskan, the Committee
on Student Publications Monday
afternoon ordered the 1954 applicant-interviews
postponed one
week,. from Thursday, May 14 to
Thursday, May 21.
The interviews will be held in
the Faculty Lounge beginning at
4 p.m. on the 21st.
Meanwhile, the committee
agreed to meet on Thursday of
this week to decide two issues:
( 1 ) The paper size and number of
issues Per week for The Daily
Nebraskan next fall, and (2) Pos
sible revision of staff assignments
and salaries.
Dr. Roger V. Shumate, commit
tee chairman, named a sub-com-
mlttce of Dr. N. B. Blumberg, fac
ulty member, and Hlle Goodrich,
student member, to make recom
mendations for new staff assign
ments and salary scales.
The committee agreed to pro
ceed with staff interviews on the
Crisis of applications made to date.
Freeman's 16-millimeter pro
duction tells the story of the pro
posed development of the Salt
Wahoo Watershed in southeast
Nebraska. The movie was pro
duced by a grant of the Cooper
Foundation and sponsored by the
Salt-Wahoo Watershed Associa
tion. "Valley of Still Waters" is the
only movie filmed by a university
to be selected for the teaching
films division. The others chosen
were produced by commercial
The Lincoln Junior Chamber of
Commerce public affairs commit
tee is currently using the movie
in its watershed education cam
paign. According to Dr. James Taylor,
director of the Nebraska Bureau
of Audio-Visual Instruction, this
production is the first NU film to
be selected for this national com
petition. Copies of the film may be ob
tained by contacting the Junior
Chamber of Commerce, the Salt
Wahoo Watershed Association or
the Audio-Visual Aids film library
at the University,
Builder Ad Sellers
To Attend Meeting
Bill Devrlcs, business manager
of the 1953-54 Student Directory,
requests that any student who
wishes to Rell ads for the Build
ers Student Directory this sum
mer attend a Builders meeting
Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Room 316
of the Union.
Any student who will be In Lin
coln this summer nnd wants to sell
ads for the Directory should at
tend this meeting.
The Builders' pay 10 per cent
commission on each ad sold. Ac
tivity credits will also be given.
Students desiring more lnfor
mntlon should call Bill Dcvrics at
2-7835 or 3-6769.
Gene Berg
To Address
RC Banquet
Gene Berg, the past founder of
the University's Red Cross college
unit, will give the main address
at the 5th annual awards and
birthday banquet, 6:30 p.m.,
Thursday in Union parlors A and
Berg, associate editor of the
Nebraska Educational News Ser
vice, will review the University's
Red Cross history to those attend
ing the banquet. .
Other highlights of the banquet
will be the presentation of awards
to the outstanding workers in each.
Red Cross committee. Each com
mittee chairman will present in
dividual awards to their commit
tee worker.
Committee chairmen and their
committees presenting the awards
are: Michael Greenberg, blood;
Joyce Laase, Gray Ladies; Joan
Knudson, handicraft; Wilma
Kindhart, orphanage; Carol Gil-
lett, Orthopedic; Donna Elliott,
special activities; Arlina Harte.
swimming, and Frances Locke,
Veterans Hospital.
Connie Gordon, vice president
of the local campus unit, is in
charge of ticket sales. Board mem
bers are selling advance tickets
at $1.35 each.
Exams Slated
For Entering
Law College
Any student interested in enter
ing the College of Law next se
mester who has not yet taken the
law aptitude examination may do
so on Friday and Saturday of
this week.
The examination is required of
all students admitted to the Col
lege. Application to take the examin
ation should be made at once at
the office of the dean in the Col
lege of Law.
The examination will be given
in two sections. The first half
will be given at 1:30 p.m. Friday
in Room 202 of the College; the
second on Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
at the same place.
New Council To Meet
Student Council president.
Rocky Yapp, announced that 1
the first meeting of the new
Council will take place
Wednesday at 4 p.m. in Room
313, Student Union.
Installation of officers will
take place at the meeting.
Yapp requests that all new
members be present.
Not listed in Friday's Daily
Nebraskan naming new Coun
cil members was the represen
tative from Builders, Muriel
IMckett, sophomore in Teachers
Writes New
Text Book
Dr. Leslie L. Chlsholm Tirnfoi-
sor of education, is tho Biithn
of a new text book, "The Work
of the Modern High School," re
cently published in New York.
The central purpose of the book
is to develop a clear understand
ing of each part of the work of
the modern secondary school. It
is Dr. Chisholm's belief that "the
most important handicap of Amer
ican education is me lack or clear
understanding on the nart of Hnc
room teachers and school admin
istrators of the purposes of educa
Th( tpvthnok a rlivirlorl ntn
four parts. The first discusses an
understanding of the role of edu
cation in American life; the sec
ond, an understanding of a com
prehensive program of education
based on the needs of youth and
our democratic way of life; the
third, types and revision of cur
riculum, and extracurricular ac
tivities, and fourth, suggestions
which teachers may use in build
ing an "interesting, stimulating
nroeram of rdnrntinn in hamwmv
with the problems and needs of
youth today."