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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1953)
oTiiioiromv7 liD Tapping, Singing Divided In W J u 4 Paris o Voico of a Gfg Midwestern Paivarsity . 126 VOL. 52 No LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, May 8, 1953 1 , IT UQQnY Mac Bailey, Jan Steffen Hold Senior SC Positions; Council's Business Over For 1952-53 School Year Student Council elected officers and senior hold-over members at its meeting Thurs- OPHCIf PfCfSICf day. Officers for next year are: Rocky Yapp, president; Eldon Park, first vice-president and judiciary chairman, and Bob Peterson, second vice-president and elections chairman European Scholar, Rector Speaks On Wars At Convo -.external reasons xor war are son, tne European problem was - . - . . . i - T4Ti t i . tMKiis ui mui'ii more uwd y rootea mp inTPPrai on nr mp rnmnipv Yapp, junior in Agriculture COUege, IS president 01 AO, memoer OI Student council, Vernal changes. Wars are a kind;and various nations who must be! Ivy Day court will enter. The May uu,ra -uuuu Puicui,!of thermometer on which may be welded together into a unified ueen will ce announcea ai uus nn,m!S Kha!measured moral ills of human whole. There was no virgin soil; time. f U ! a .society," stated Dr. Werner Rich- instead, national tradition, he Planung of the ivy by the senior Organization Representatives Named For i53-54 Council ter, -European scholar and rector continued. May Queen And Court To Reign One of the most traditional pro-i The women's -ringing contest grams on campus will begin at will then precede the Court reces 9:15 a.m. Saturday when the'sional at 11:50 a.m. Following tne ringing 01 we Carillon at 12:55 p.m. the Uni versity ROTC Band will present a concert. The Court will again enter at 1:10 a.m. After the processional, the men's sing contest will be held. The Junior-Senior class council will present cups to the senior man and woman with the highest scholastic averages. Announcement of the winners of the women's sing contest will be made at 2:25 p.m. The winners will sing again. The Mortar Boards and Inno cents will present cups to the out standing sorority and fraternity. The selection is made on the basis of scholarship and activity roints At 2:45, the winners of the men's sing contest will be an nounced. The Ivy Day court will recess at 2:55 p.m. Masking of the New memoers Carillon Tower concert opens the 52nd annual Ivy Day festivities. This is the day the retiring Mor tar Boards and Innocents will re veal their successors, and mem bers of organized houses compete m the annual Ivy Day Sings. The day's actual program will begin at 9:20 a.m. when the Uni versity ROTC band, under direc tor of Donald Lentz, presents a 15-minute concert. After the entrance of the Mor tar Boards and Innocents, who will be in full dress, president Don Noble will introduce Dean Colbert who will address the spec tators and introduce the Ivy Day announcer, Rex Knowles. Following the reading of the Ivy Day history, the processional of Ivy and Daisy chains, and the class president, Don Pieper and Student Council announced' more; Corn Cobs Doran Jacobs, dent Council, present president'TOnvocatjon Thursday evening. Thursday the Council representa tives from the organization. of Mortar Board and tackling of Park, junior in Business Ad- u-hn nnw tho m-inr f fho iini.l tv, w r .n,. tJjunior class president Rockfordj new Innocents will end Ivy .uay ministration, is former treasurer; rwm,r. !n!.. , v YaDD will be the next ceremony, activities. and first vice-president of Stu- .a. Cl TTT,.,C!,Tn!V, Jt --I The Chains. Mortar Boards and In case of rain, the program entire generation of people be- Thev are: AWS Madeline Watson, Agri- - Business Admimstration sopho-Q V1'""" r. Kichter said that after the tween the ages of mnns.W Jane! T - l ,7,, " .. " v.,;Xure ot tne democratization of classes of Brode, Teachers College sopho-;Tau Delta. 35 and 50 has entirely separate a2e erouos. The old IGermany did not come true. Hejgeneration turns to the past leav- Inrocents will then recess. will be In the Coliseum, Last Year's Ivy Day Court lntr kVaforriTw f Aiinil t- i - . - . i " f""u cultural sophomore; B.W-Joan;"" r "- Admistoa-1 n 3 JLadded that the aims of the U. S. ing the younger generation with t JV 4 o,. .,BiU Cannon, BusmessAOnunistra- College, is president of Sigma Tau, w e r e changed a m-Pat HMMittiA tn.irfan.VtA xith tn' ' tion sophomore; Men's Co-ops and member of Eneinr Evecutive k,m. t " ,.V, " C"V:i r; -V:.; vlt UnionDance O.-.J O V--. ir. J J - . llTOOL, . ncui "",rT,."''"'",,D0ara ana lormer co-cnairman oi of the great powers such as Eng-added u u o u. Ilu.,u,..UUu..v,. ,,t uiguitxia ntrciv. land and France- 2. ihp d more; Panhellenic Patricia Ora- Hold-over members in addition tic reconstruction of G ham. Agriculture college sopno-:to Yapp, Park and Peterson are'and 3. the need for material aid reeeivinsr artilicial resDiration he . . i uiiu a & uwv.v , n it ucriiiuLi a" t more: Fannenenic fatncia ora- .jj;(:a .i r- L In conclusion Dr. Wichter Germany; stated, "Western Germany is still C&-l- O D f A ore:. nelte0 eK"J LSfTclT Kanet Steffen and Mac Bailey. ! in rebuilding Europe. !SU1I needs medical' care and JlUI IS O r.llhlwul V , t J Miss bteiien, junior in Teach-! He said that in comparison of advice from V ence sophomore; Tassels Joyce.ers CoUege, is president of AWS, 'the U. S.' problems of integration'this there is m cemungion, icauras vuic6cpaSt secretary or arac JUmammimm ll im Mi sophomore; YMCA and ywua 'cil, winner of Donald L. Miller America. Without no other alternative communism." II IUU V IIUI II (Brock Dutton, Agriculture CoUege scholarship. Pi Lambda Theta, Al- A Klkll I A I DA Ml ICT BB ' Uphomore, and Cosmo p o 1 i t a npha rr.bia Delta, Builders board, AIN N UAL bANCJUtl furnish the music for the dance beginning at 8 p.m.. which will be held between 14th and 15th streets on R street j Included in the entertainment are the Pi Phi trio, Marilyn; Mitchell, Ann Andreasen and Peg Wolcott, singing several French songs. outdoor French Cafe atmosphere Administration junior. Schairman of Coed Follies and 1 f II I I I is being sponsored by the Union These students will represent 5c21.!r?hiP chairman of Gamma U IT! Vlf CI V VVf PllQ I C MPflfl .to celebrate its fifteenth anniver-. their respective organizations in,Phi Beta. W V V V V IJ IWI IWMM sary rriuav uiyu. Uje DUsmess ana anairs pi osu- -- Jimmy Philips' orchestra will Art rmmHl t.ptI vear. sCodege, is president of the Can- !ber of Kompt Kluh. Ensinppr?; Billoni Alpha Tau Omega. Other business discussed i Council in Band, Gamma Lambda Stan Shumway and Frank. Wells, Jack Wells, Stan Shum-I Weils were announced as xhe new way Jhn McElhaney and John uiccuus wax uie an-.r- " T,m flner TQ';'10';' rim nouncement of Council represen- Gamma Lambda, honorary band ma Lambda president, was mas Jatives from campus organizations, fr-tmv rtmtrti-e.w Tim i nf romnninc f r-ft -trcinr sf rtT-m-,rt- S J k T,.rf 4 carl thin out on a '"""' ,.x- - . . . ; v tt; t j - t'.-li . .cation MTiic aclmnn-iwicpmPTif u.Hv.v.. .t vv."- regSy t-oioii diiu .ai- SCr OUS tone tOdav, Wben 1 Slopped i rT" ' V Chariot Klawlr na nam,v1 honr? will be f LlTte 5?. .0-:5 S!Lil--ni Eeanor Guilliatt as a roaming - ' " r e election pictures mi K nls FuUuut)- mu Berigan. r ri I if vv I ! f t "t ; I , - ? Sl 1; I ! 'V St.-- 5 s - - - s Vx V "ya.luMWMim'"' t... ,v, ., -- x!Utee J( v V I 5s . v v By BILL DEARIES Staff Writer RETGXIXG QUEEX . . 53 Iyt Day festivities. tendants daring last year's festivities. Delores Lovegrove reigned over the 1952 Pic tared above is the queen and her at- Union Displays Art 'Exhibition 9:15 9:20 9:36 9:35 artist who will sketch people- i . L .TT' to &e candldates- . -rolt- laajes sponsor. - Other things that will be used """ i , "Krrivrnvi 1 "" conciucea wj ji uiner oiiicers oi uamma Lamu- Thirteen paintings from the to help portray the French theme jth to..?0T1 preSident , Wayne XVhite.s m- da are: Charles ice P-University Art Galleries collection re sidewalk tables. French in 8150 are ou EOiisg xrsents and resume of this years ident, Jerry Shumway. secretary now on whiw.t in fv, fninn scenes, French cigarette girls, out- give is some tunsiane ror cotinciL Wliite commented on the and Dennis Carroll, treasurer. ilounge. j 9:9 ride liehtine. and the band will Ivy Day?" many ideas that have been pre-j p.nt) st th hannnot SmntnrM h,v fv rvim 9:50 be dressed in French costume. J He simply took anoer drag sented by the counciL five band kevs Ewarded to the and office committee, the exhibit Refreshments to be served as on the cigarette that was hang-j He said that the new cons'u- band members who have con-consists of eight paintings from' compliments of the Union will in-ing out of tne corner ot nis tution was being tested by t-e tributed the most to the organiza- the University's F. M. Hall col- 10:40 clade the Union's birthday cakemouth and admist the cloud of Council this year and the plan was tion in the past year. Recipients lection and five paintings from 18:58 and punch. 1 smoke that bellowed from fcss on probation as to its effective- c lhis Tears awards are: Frank ' the Nebraska Art Association col- 18:55 The commit" ee lor tne oanee lace ne replied, - looks ukc rajn. pess. rse Deueves ice council nas i consists of Bob Meehan, chair-j Judging from thai you a eerier joeen erucier.t ana ne urgea par man; Billie Croft, entertainment; ! start looking up an old horse tici pa tion of each council mem Don Orr, construction; Shirley blanket to take with you to sit ber in the discussion of each Stohlman and Berne ta Rosen- on, for rain means that the Ivy meeting and consideration of the quist, publicity. ,Day ceremonies will be held in ugent-iacuiiy reiationsmp. T . I the Coliseum. Cosmopolitan ClUb Gee, I hope none of the Inno- , .... . rests get shaken up when they Ttie Cosmooolitan Club wui-. . . , Z, hold the last regular meeting of 1S53 Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. in room 316 Union. John MttcuseJan. rrom inaia. Theater goers used to roonev to see "Ten Nights In A Juniors AH Juniors participating in Fun and Games Day this afternoon are requested to pick up all data spend iconcerning the gala festivities. moll show films oa Indian cus- Bar Room," whereas nowadays toms. history, silk industry and many of them spend it to see 10 railroad system. Jbar rooms in a night. You are asked to check with rep resentatives Sally Hall and Ken neth Rystrom in the Daily Xe- Di-asican office. .lection. i The Nebraska Art Association In Case OF Rain 'loaned the mainline to the Uni-1:55 In eas of rain. Ivr Dit cere- versity Galleries for exhibition i monies will be held in the eoli- purposes. seam, announced Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board Wednesday. Students are requested to bring blankets if the activities are moved to the Coliseum since bleacher seats will be limited. The program will be held as schedaled. Predominantly oil the paint- lings are landscapes, portraits, still life aind abstracts. Water color iavA rharmsl wnrk are also in- Irfuded in the exhibit which Willi 2:35 Among the are Julian" t'AS Levi's Beached," "Church Above the River" bv Raymond Breinin 2:55 land "Burial in North Dakota" by 3:08 .'John Martin Socha. I Ivy Day Schedule MORNING EVENTS: Carillon Concert Band Concert Mortar Boards and Innocents enter Introduction ef Dea-n Colbert by Don Noble Address by Dean Colbert Ivy Day history read by Announcer Rex Knowles Ivy and Daisy Chains enter Court enters Class presidents plant the Ivy Mortar Boards. Innocents and Chains recess Theta Sigma Phi pledges announced Women's Organized House Sing Court recessional AFTERNOON EVENTS: Carillon Concert Band Concert Court Processional Men's Organized House Sing Jr.-Sr. Class Council presents Scholarship Cups Announce winner of women's sing Winner sings again i'Tesentation of Mortar Board Cops Presentation of Innocent Cups Announce winner of men's sing Winner sings again Conrt Recessional Masking of new Mortar Boards Tackling of new Innocents 11:59 1:00 1:10 130 2:20 2:25 o 'S3-fSfi legist ration, S aiis 5uminr To Top ession Special Recreational Facilities Planned For Summer School have been an- Ma for the summer school session nounced by the Administration office. Jime 8 Pre-registration tests begin at 1:00 p.m. June Pre-reeistration tests and medical examina tions. m m mtration Fall term fcegi Slated May IB, 79, 20 June 30 General registration. Il pm. tbe Union will maintain a Boole June 11 Classes begin. A student may select courses Nook, music room, game room,1 June 13 La rt day on wmcn.irom com ine eigci ana sa-vwi pm-iu i&muvs, c-j.t ivy. regiEtrstion and payment of lees! sessions, since Ibey run concur-;aM tounges. in me fine Arts program, na tionally known artists will appear before classes and public audi tor tii four-weeKi term win ee remiy. ine maximum w accepted. pours for which a student may iim. isT.ast dav on which reeistrr may not exceed 29 reci- regirtration and pavroent oi Mses tacon nours per wees, icree douj lences. Exhibitions and programs for the six-weeks term will be of .laboratory being equivalent to wni be arranged by the Art De accepted, .one recitation hour, except by !partment GaUery lectures will be June IS Last Jay on which 'permission irom the dean of lb 'scheduled to iarniliartte students Many special cultural and recre-by the department of Speech and ational activities have been sched-'Dramatic Art. Any student in the uled for summer school students, summer sessions is eligible to try VTh TTnirt, mnll iffar o rariMip lin trir ii nrnfllir'tion . Alco T"3 tTiy - r" - i o .lull euptniw .iTitiac 'ttlc TiT-5tj3.HI i-v adIJ Corn Crib, the Round-Up Cafe- vanced rausic students and fac-i"" ' l.Uo. rvn of h- Co 'e.-e 'for reristration. and are asked to open from 8 a.m. until 11:S0 ajn.!ot Arts and Sciences must sign, bring pencils with them, and again at 1 until 450 p.m. ,the work sheets. Any suggestions for improve- Students sbou'I meet with their The assignment cjmiruttee will ment of the registration process .ZT..I. Jt, . r UiTTiit etnoents on the basis of the, from students will be welcomed alternative numoer oi r.ours icey nave on vy ti&u.:ri.i. wiumv. record as of Jan. 31, 1953. Grade suggestions cave proved vaiuaDie reports are not required this the part, assignment officials teria and the Main Dining Room ulty rrembers from the Depart- beginning on Monday, June 8, at will be open. For leisure hours, ment cf Music Housing Plans Include Men's Women's Dorm registration will begin i courses. All work sheets must be 'fastened to the Regents Book at 9 a.m. and will con- signed ty tne aoviser. iar . t .t T,rr-- 10 mryA 7 ft 1 DCS!) Of tne COiiete Oi AETJ- OiUUVJii IJJUtl mil viilit will be culture and twan 01 tne co.iege ;or regiu-2uori,sr , v,f Art Tir! Rciprjfs must sien i bring pencils with courses including alternative j Foreign Service Courses Offered nmTf iirh the students ' said. 'will be called will be posted on Catalogues may be picked up at J MarVlvwd at the entrance to the Administration Building from 'the Military and Naval Science 9 until 4 daily except Saturday Eight Weeks Sessioa Ine J0-Jmly 21. Six Weeks SessioB Jane 10 Joly 17. Fonr Weeks Sesswa June 10-Xnlr X. Post Sesskm Aug. l-Aag. 10. college concerned. For the summer with artists and their morks. session any The University of Nebraska; for housirig for STimmer resident student carrying eight, state Museum will exhibit dis-students. semester hours or more will pay plays of fossils, geology, archeo-l Besidence Halls for Wom a fee of $40-00 and any non-resi-noev. looloev. and health sciences. ' . v- t4 w,! u -j $80DD. For students carrying less than ei!ht semester hours in a i, Diversity sruaents in tne group Building and also on a blackboard! from until 12 a.m. major in interna tional affairs who! , , , v K X Arrangements have been made, wish to take the Foreign Service school examination in the tail may at- summer sesskas there will be allocated south of the Men's Fhysi The Foreign Service Renew The Museum will be open daily aeeral soroiity houses will be Course is being offered from June aunxig ine summer sessions. ,)Den for mrornen. Most rooms wffl,iJ " unuzi. cy me w The six grass-tex tennis courts, ac.orarnodate two girls, though a'of GcjniTjent of George Wash-, examination ui ice nm may ax-i if I S?o DfrSerWash-iStudents In Junior Division To Follow Special Directions graduated fee depending on the cal Education building, will be ZZ- "r. s r,J The coarse, approved for veter-'3-53.10 iouow special tion, and make it recesssry to reg- reristration Jor full schedule waHnumber cf semester hours forjtvailable until 830 p.m. daily andtlgS Pw reservations or furthe- ans educational benefits, is an in-1 spririgregisTraiioa sot refcier-igj. Zgajn in September. JSoepted. h'hi registered. IThis fdnglefee;fee Coliseum pool mill be avail- iSSe l ten-week view deigned g for the summer sessions. June 15-18 Textbook and Au-will include matriculation, regis- Utie for rwimming in the late aft-1 JLrm .hmili contact the Office prepare candidates for the writ- An appointment with the ad- q jp dio-all ixMbit. Ration, Student Union, etc It does ernoons en-ery day. WS S -ce examinations to be!vker should be made very soon HUttXPBr I 00100 June 3 B X.ast day on which not include special fees for applied Other activities will delude the v5il All bou.g for women must &v&1 h? tte Foreign Senice tx- in order that a program cf studies i I W regirtrations and payment of fees musie practice room charges or Sum.mer Sessions ph.y sponsored; tppTOved ty the Office" of the ?iing Board from Sept It to can be arranged for the summer Icnc Cmffin, -fnThe 4cht-weeks term will bemusical mstrnmeoli. . . wrin U?- session or the fall semester. The LfOSGS rilUQy Evidence Halls for Men wail Full formation and application date rf fs Scotch liting of car bumpers al.0 be open. Eesem-ations ? writ-.between May and May 15 u rri"1 .directed to Manager, Men's Eesi-.g",- onior Division stodects wDl, fl to 2 pxi. This mill be the dene Halls. llfS .TJ! 1&y 3A,19' ?L ilart da. P As to other bousing in IiBcom.!"1"11 r. , we isiiiury -;eii Students who have cot had their BBuamg Mocnra ww car bumpers taped will find the ted in accordance wi A the num- a foTappl;W the tape be- f" iJSljtweii e Sl building ruary 1. The numbers for adtrut- P,t Hn The cost of t- Students in Junior Division trejXLr June 2B-S0 AU-Teachers Col-jbusiness orguuiiation and man-; My MaH President lepe conierence. ."t13"1 Juiv a rinal examinations and , engineering, commercial arts, eco- tv ,nf frmr-u'eeks session. toomics, eoncationai July W Final examinations and ja n d measurements. lfBe f six -weeks session. (education, aaigusn, Lyle Kelson was elected preri JUr UJC SItuirii'TOa , . ... . I accepted. courses - cuereo irns year m f - . . Jur 22-23-All-UniversityjBuminer scnool are: agronomy, ,yQ fSlClSOrl PlCKCC! n:-.;. snimal hutandrv. art. botany. 1 T ' ' ' ' i -r-Kr,ir,-r;dent of Xa Mftfc t r-' the ollice ci tut ian oi oTuoent iwi.s.T:inee1anr m'e.dnpoflav j Affairs will assist married couples eiementarvlirieeting Wedne?day. entomology. Elected to assist him were juyS .rmalexammjmoniuia;geograpny, seoKy, ehiiuuiicj, jireuooii. ji.ary "I,- rf eirht-weeks session. languages mxm jneraxures, niBuury.iivcexjKii, secretary; ca uaurnen,! ... 1 Post session classes ratnory ana principles ci ruuia- ";nua, uria uonnia vues, jiuo-icuum in finding sraitable summer living ne Set May 1 8 close ft wir IfcAfeUOfc A , . - .. .... . i beiein. i0113 eoononucs, mamemaTicsciTy cnairman. Cr PIrftrra Pprurninn ttr: . -nmrnstinrwIimiS Ktrfinr.Trrv. tnusie. Dhilosonhv: Dr. IL O. GarHncnimne. a Tjrj- " rfCIWre neiWIIUIW '-j ,wt cinri. Infcvsieal education for men and: coin surreon. presented a moie! Pirrores borrowed from Itite reriEtratioa fees will excuse a stuaem irom iuu re- cpcmsibility for H class work. Inlrvsical education for men and; coin surgeon, presented a movie Pictures not women, physics, physiology and ; on the use and application of local Union's picture leading pi Mil llltl lfM , pracucfel tins. d. a Recreational Swimming Kditical scieneeJand region! rct."hpna tnHovine must be returned by May 18. psychology, ro- trie bansuft which was held at the i Students may x&r.e xr.-e picrures day from 4-a. Union. , to the ActrsTues cm.ce any a.T- trution. secondary education, so- Dr. E. F. PoweTL Cbe croup s noon from to o pn. icioiory and ar.uropolcry, speech as riper, reOTiindea the group ths t o...rinT.c xnjnintioni for en-rmance languages, school adminiS' tering freKhmen and undergradu ate transfer Etudents will be ud Ar h riirBrtinn of the Junior Divkion and Counseling ServicejCEUon, ana ooiogy ana anaiDmy.joe luieei u4 noon. The library is under the hasbeCT canceled due to Ivy Day. XavJil BuJdjr.g and. r . The Coliseum pool will be open ITT .v. P00v cT A 5 to loot strip ci red tape three afternoons a m-eek for the J? K5e !? . is plsced on the rear bumper after the next two weeks for recreational iee? Ior..lJZ?, f1 session tforoper is m-ashed and dried. Knarylcwtamir It win be open on1 Jft ZTrtz: J iP "i1?"!08 "? "f?1 Tues&av. Wednesday and Thurs- -4 "'c wt- I;OT ene fc&u. cute eoa it,..?..y tMxj.uiU4-. icaTcaes vac ej e oi ui p proacbmg Wnnwn sir mrtnwl tn V.sf 1 StufleriS Will mSEIVe Olil t CTlver. rwi.TJx.irg permit and furnish 'home during the' summer for tbej The Jsycec's are fonsoring the r-!Twir mn tiit riff 'fall seiTierter fes. if they nave:tramper litine project ucaer tne and dramatic art, vocational edu- medical school applications should ion's bouse and office committee-lTbere w-Hi be a charge cf ten ousts ipul'ed cards. This W3 tsurt ht'fwfcam of Gorooa Gay, eenkr iPolly Ackersoa Is chairman. per m-im. ipaM uot later lhai. August W.iia Bmixitst AiSaJBistration. ! i of i H "