The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Tuesday, May 5, J 953
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RELIGIOUS ASPECT . . . Chancellor Gustavson is shown
here speaking at Cardinal Newman Day. He spoke o.n Cardinal
Newman's ideas of a University.
Comment On Departure Of Chancellor
University faculty members,! Roy M. Green, dean pf the En-
ipan! nnri administrators wereigmeenng and Architecture col
unanimous in their' regret that
Chancellor Reuben G. Gustavson
is resigning.
William V. Lambert, dnan of the
Agriculture college, said, "Chan
cellor Gustavson's leaving win oe
a tremendous loss to the Univer
sity and to the state. His honesty,
sincerity, friendliness and quail
ties of leadership have won the
respect and admiration of faculty
and people of the state."
Lt. Gov. Charles Warner said,
"Gustavson is the most outstand
ing Chancellor in University his
tory. His relations with th leg
islature and people of Nebraska
have been outstanding. A loss to
Nebraska will be the gain of the
Resources for the Future Inc."
SPEAKERS PLATFORM . . . Chancellor Gustavson, fre- V J l - V-4 1
quently seen among: distinguished guests at the University, is 7 f I 1 I
shown during an NROTC award program. i . . I A ' 5 I
liiaiw iiiiii
.All "V
liilii iilli.
Gustavson's Administration Filled With Advancements
State Executive, Department ChairmeniGustavson Introduced Building Program
leges, said, "I feel that it's a great
loss for the University and the
state. I enjoyed working with him
very much and admired his lead
ership." George W. Kosenlof, dean of ad
missions and institutional rela
tions, said, "Chancellor Gustav
son's resignation comes as a se
vere blow to all of us, whether
we be students of the University,
members of the faculty or citi-
this great state
Honors Banquet, Employee Recognition
Chancellor Gustavson's seven Chanceyor presented certificates
years at the University have been of appreciation to employees who
busy with speaking engagements! have besn with the University for
before campus and state organiza-125 years or more,
tions, promoting the program of The first annual brotherhood
the University, and appearing be-jaward of tne ocal Bnai B.rith
fore the btate Legislature wun a:was presented to Chancellor Gus
request lor an increased Duagei.
At the suggestion of the Chan
cellor, the first University Ath
letic Banquet was held in Decem
ber to honor all participating let-
Other "firsts" this year were
tavson in ieoruary lor improv
ing "certain racial and religious
conditions at the University."
Working with the Board of Re
gents, Gustavson made it possible
for the faculty members to have
FACULTY RECEPTION . . . Familiar figures at many University functions, Chancellor and
Mrs. R. G. Gustavson (left) are shown here at one of the annual Chancellor's receptions at their
home. i
Long, Varied Career Stretches Ahead,
Behind Niters' Outgoing 'Head Man'
Jaycee, DN
Car Taping
Attracts 52
The Lincoln Junior Chamber of
Commerce and Daily Nebraskan
'lite-a-bumper campaign scotch-
lighted 52 University students cars
Friday in the campus campaign.
"We were very pleased with the
University response," Roger I.
Larson, assistant managing direc
tor of the Union, said. "Consider
ing the weather conditions, the
turnout was excellent."
Car bumpers were washed,
dried, and given a 5 to 6 foot
strip of the tape for a fee of $1.
The reflective tape reduces
night-time accident rates and
draws attention to parked cars.
The tape is produced by the same
company which produces scotch
tape and is visibJe for about one
half mile and 'catches an ap
proaching driver's eyes about 70
per cent quicker than tail lights,
according to tests made at Iowa's
State College.
The Jaycees have optained ex
clusive right to sell tapes of 1"
width, which is felt to be the bost
width for the purpose. The 'lite-a-sorry to hear of the resignation
bumper' campaign originated in a 'of Chancellor Gustavson. He has
Jaycee chapter in Virginia andjbeen a really great Chancellor,
has been spread throughout the; and the University and the state
country.:. 'will miss him very much."
fTt'nl for rnfiininnnff t t TTwi'itni-M'titi
7onc rtf thie errant- ctain rf ?U tha Raninot fnr rftPflJflll- .. . r r 'i
braska. jtion of senior students for super-r"1"?"1""- . , J Known internationally as a sci-ipartment project to test the ef-, He is a member of the Ameri
"His influence and his contribu- ior scholarship, and the All non- " Z"h a , hvl , nnin tentlst.and. as on.e f the outstand- fects of high altitude Iligms on can Chemical Society, the Society
tions in the field of higher educa- academic employees dinner neia
tion in the University cannot be 'in April. At this dinner, the
lition of post season games and
asked the state for a program of
de-emphasizing i n t e r c o llegiate
fully measured, whether we think "t Tt "W
ministrative ability or personal f YtYf'tsAfT Q
of it in terms of scholarship, ad
inspiration. He was indeed a
friend of every person with whom
he came in contact.
"His genuiness of character, his
fearlessness in promoting any
worthy cause and his determina
tion to always support what was
best in behalf of the education of
all the youth of this institution
can never be forgotten. His con
tribution will continue long after
his period of leadership on our
"May God speed him on his
way to even greater contributions
in the days to come."
William F. Swindler, director of
the School of Journalism, said,
"The University has gone further
under his administration than any
other Chancellor in history."
Frank E. Henzlik, dean of
Teachers College, said, "Nebraska
has not only lost one of its great
est educators, but one of its few
great men. We regret very much
that he is leaving the University,
but our loss is somebody else's
"He has done many things to
improve the University and in
many ways. The University and
the tsate of Nebraska is deeply
indebted to him.
"He is a wonderful Chancellor
and he will be difficult to re
E. O. Belsheim, dean at the
Law College, said, "I am deeply
Wife Sorry
To Leave NU
"I'm awfully sorry to leave
University life," Mrs. R. G. Gus
tavson said in a Daily Nebraskan
interview after the news of her
husband's resignation as chancel
lor of the University was released.
"I'll miss attending the meet
ings of the Faculty Women's Club.
"But I am happy and proud
that my husband was selected for
his new job," she continued. "As
his wife, I'll be glad to go any
where his job takes him. It will
be fun and a new experience for
both of us."
Mrs. Gustavson, who came to
Lincoln with her husband more
than eight yeas ago, has been
active in the Sorosis Club and
Lotus Club here and also is a
member of the Board of Child
The Chancellor's wife pointed
out that one of his goals while
head of the University was integ
rity in athletics. She also said that
m iv i anu ljuili vsuii auuumLtia . j a Ai :j . -r
a committee to screen it. Ik 'rTr'C " . uJ..e Study of Experimental
The chancellor favors the abo- u" ,Y' u" tt .LZl., "!ls.a i.ormer memoer oi .u.eMedlclne and Bloiogy, an Asso.
, .it-iiduraiui vi we uijivtisiij' .ijc., 11 v, iaT.innni commission on
In March, the Chancellor took
part in ground breaking cere-j
monies for the $1.5 million Ne
braska Psychiatric Institute at the1
College of Medicine.
Youth Arrives
One of the five
Farm Youth Exchanges arrived in
Nebraska last week to spend
three months living with various
farm families.
He is 24-year-old Picter Dekkcr
of the Netherlands who will spend
the first month of his stay in this
country on the Art Wichert farm
near Lincoln.
Dekker will spend six months
in all in the U.S., during which he
will live with farming people,
studying various types of agri
culture, as well 'as types of edu
cational and governmental insti
tutions. At the same time, Dekker will
tell of life in his own country
both to the farm families with
whom he is staying and to those!
September, 1946.
Immediately prior to his asso
ciation with the University, Dr.
UNESCO, the educational, scien
tific and cultural organization of
date member of the American
Medical Society, the American
Federation of Biochemists, and a
Gustavson was Vice President and member of the U. S. delegation
Dean of Faculties at the Univer-'to the UNESCO conference in
tne United Nations, tie was a Swedish nrdfessional society.
Svensk Kemist Samfundet, and
Mexico City in 1947.
Dr. Gustavson is a member of
the Educational and Research
sity of Chicago.
Born in Denver, April 6, 1892,
h received his A.B. and M.A. De
grees from the University of Den-Committee of the National Coun
ver in 1916 and 1917, respectively. 'cil of the National Foundation for
He received his Ph. D. degree; Infantile Paralysis, and a mem
from the University of Chicngo'ber of the National Board, Society
in 1925. He is the recipient of five j for Crippled Children and Adults,
honorary degrees; Doctor of Sci-' Dr. Gustavson is currently
pnno frnm TJppis Cnllpff''. Danvcr. hnldinff three nositions in-national
International; iqofi. i., Milliken Universitv. educatinnal crouDs. (1) He is
Decatur, 111., 1946; the University,President of the Natianal Com
of Florida, 1950; Doane College, jmission on Accrediting, a group
Crete, Neb., 1950; and Doctor owhich represents all colleges and
Humanities, University of Denver, universities of America, and which
"Dr. Gustavson is an informal
man," she said. "He's the type
that takes his coat off the minute
he gets home. He'll put it back
on if the occasion calls for it, but
he hopes he doesn't have to."
Cosmic Rays Discussed At Annual
Nebraska Academy Of Science Meet
A glimpse at one of the prescntfinally stopped in materials such
day's greatest scientific mysteries as lead and iron and determining
was given members of the Ne
braska Academy of Sciences which
opened its C3rd annual meeting
at the University of Nebraska
Cosmic rays which bombard the
earth from outer space every sec
ond of the day and night were
discussed by five staff members
of the University's physics depart
ment. The symposium is the first
by the Academy designed to give
laymen and scientists a like an un
derstanding of a complete- sub
ject. Opening the symposium. Prof.
Theodore Jorgensen Jr. demon
strated the electrical conductivity
of air. To show that a glass tube,
filled with air becomes a con
ductor of electricity, Dr. Jorgen
sen pumped the air out of the
tube until the tube became a
lamp, giving off a reddish clow.
He also demonstrated the action
of the electroscope, a very sen
how the tracks of the rays are
bent by a magnetic field.
The rays. Prof. Moore saiditheories explains all of the facts
were found to be composed of and thus the origin of cosmic rays
many kinds of particles; "some'is still unknown.'
were the familiar proton and elec-
trons, but many were particles -
he was thrilled with the research attending meetings at which he
work done here, but that he hadWI" Pe -
uj ,,r, o., rfnfnc in vtvJ When he returns to the Nethpr-
nia uijo nun uvjvvna . wviii
ianus, ne wjn ieii or nis experi
ences in this country.
The International Farm Youth
Exchange program is designed to
acquaint natives of foreign coun
tries with this country and its
ways of life. At the same time, it
sends an American farm youth
abroad to become acquainted with
an overseas country.
German Educator
To Speak Thursday
Dr. Werner Richter, Tector of
the University of Bonn, Germany,
will discuss German re-education
speeds with energies much greater
than man can. produce with his
cyclotrons and other machines. Ho
Dr. Gustavson began his teach
ing career at Colorado Agricul
tural College, Fort Collins, where
he served from 1917 to 1920 with
ranks of instructor, assistant pro
fessor, and associate professor.
From 1920 until 1943 he was a
member of the chemistry staff at
the- University of Denver, becom
ing head of the department in
1937. In 1942 he became Dean of
the Graduate School at the Uni
versity of Colorado, and served
as president of the University
from 1943 to 1945 when he ac
cepted the vice presidency and
is examining the influence of ac
crediting agencies upon operating
policies and operational costs of
institutions of higher education.
(2) He is a member of the Com
mittee on Research Grants of thej
U. S. Public Health Service which j
is resoonsible for determining the1
merits of applications for funds'
or research rom that agency. j
(3) He is a member of the Pres
idents' Committee on Intercolleg-;
iate Athletics of the American1
Council on Education, a group ap
pointed to study influences and.
practices considered inimical to:
the best interests of participants
for many years was a member of
the American Association of Uni
versity Professors.
In 1948 he was decorated by the
Swedish government for his work
in the fields of science and edu
cation. He is a member of Phi
Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi, Phi
Beta Kappa, and Tau Beta Pi.
Mrs. Gustavson is the former
Edna Marie Carlson of Omaha.
They have a daughter, Charlotte
(Mrs. R. J. Wheeler of Houston,
Tex.) and a son, Russell G who
graduated in 1952 from the Uni
versity of Nebraska College of
concluded: "None of the presentjat a University convo c a t i o n nors for the Argonne Laboratory
deanship from the University of in intercollegiate athletics and the
Chicago. ihigher educational institutions op-
As a biochemist. Dr. Gustav- erating athletic programs.
son's principal research has dealt
with the glands for internal se
cretion and sex hormones. His
work in the field has been recog
nized both in the U. S. and
abroad. In 1930 he was a delegate
to the International Congress for
Glandular Research in London.
During World War II he served
in a liaison capacity between the
Argonne National Laboratory at
the University of Chicago, and the
War Department. It was at the
Argonne Laboratory where scien
tists proved the feasibility of the
atomic bomb. Later he served as
a member of the board of gover-
Junior Men!
We have a limited supply of
reasonably priced KNEE PADS
and PRE - Grass -stained
Also, this week onlv at & nrc.
ial low price The Official Ivy
Day Classic Racing Form. ..13c
lied Devil Manufacturing Co.
13 Student Union
JVo Phonm Order Pleat
For that nightly snath
Left eat at the
previously unknown, such as me
sons and positrons." The particles,
he added, may be classed as sec
ondary and primary rays, with
the secondary rays easily studied
at ground level and the primary
only detectable at extreme am
In closing the symposium, Prof.
Edward J. Zlemmerman said the
exact nature of the primary rays
are unknown, but experiments
indicate that they come toward
the earth equally from all di
rcctions and are fragments of
He said they travel at very high
oi me electroscope, a very sen- pBA niMWFD
iUve instrument for detecting rDIV UimmcK
electrical effects. j
Discussing how cosmic rays'll AATmJ
-were discovered, William L. Bade,! liQPPy IVUIlQd
instrurtir. said that nhnnt Sfl vinr 11
ago scientists first sought an ex
planation for a slight rcsiduul
electrical effect in air that could
not be attributed to radio-active
rays. "They found," Bade ex
plained, "after carrying electro
scopes to great heights with man
ned balloons, that rays similar in
some respects to rays from radium
were coming Into the earth's at
mosphercf rom above. These rays
of unknown origin were named
cosmic rays."
Prof. Robert L. Chasson told
the audience that one of the big
gest problems of the cxeprimenter
is the constant improvement and
refinement of his instruments
used for looking at the rays.
He explained that the Geiger
counter can be used to count no great culture can thrive u ca
suigle particles of radiation with- pable persons withdraw into a
out regard to their identity. "Thenlclotsterea group ana ian w com-
Part Of Job
For Engineers'
University Engineering students
were told Friday that when they
accept positions in industry they
can expect, in addition to tech
nical problems, extra-curricular
activities which may well deter
mine their future success.
Louis Lundstrom, assistant di
rector of General Motors Proving
Ground at Milford, Mich., said
at u convocation Friday that suc
cessful participation in these ac
tivities requires more than the
application of slide-rule engineer
ing. By self-training, the engineer
must develop the ability to work
with people and to successfully
arbitrate differences in opinion,
he added.
Lundstrom listed these extra
curricular activities which the
New members of Phi Beta Kap-iengineer may expect to nartici-
pate in:
Dual purpose plants for the sim
ultaneous production of military
and civilian goods, requiring dual
purpose engineering.
Government-sponsored organiz
ations such as the National Re
search Council which initiate pro
jects that are strongly supported
by engineering representatives of
Industrial organizations such as
the Automobile Manufacturers'
To Everyday
Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Union
A European educator. Dr. Rich
ter became a United States citi
zen during World War II and
served on the faculties of several
universities in this country. He
was elected. rector of the Univer
sity of Bonn in 1951. His lecture
is sponsored by the University
and Union Convocations Committees.
Also during the war, Dr. Gus
tavson was director of a War De-
Printed, Embossed, Engraved
As low as $10 for 100 sets
Goldenrod Stationey Store
215 North 14 th Street
Serving daily from 11:00 A.M. to MiJnite
1317 O St.
J. Paul Sheeity Switched lo Wildrool (eam-0il
lirrause He Flunked The Finger-Nail Test
pa, national honorary scholastic
society, were urged Sunday night
to apply their mental gifts to the
everyday problems of the world.
Dr. Walter K. Beggs, professor
of school administration, warned
that the gifted mind may find it
easy to revolt in its everyday re
lationships with mjnds of lesser
caliber and seek a life of seclu
sion. Speaking at the initiation ban
quet Sunday Dr. Beggs said that
there are the Wilson cloud cham
bers and photographic plate with
which it is possible to distinguish
one specie from another."
He demonstrated the Geiger
counter telescope, showing that
the radiation reaching the earth's
surface arrives mainly irom a ver
tical direction.
Explaining the experiments con
ducted as the result of these de
tecting instruments, Prof. Don
ald C. Moore said the general
methods consisted of watchingj
),.)w the rays were slowed and
municate with the average mind.
"While an average mind can
never comprehend a superior
mentally when it is operating at
peak performance, the reverse Is
never true, because it is always
within the power of the mentally
gifted to understand the mentally
And it is the responsibility of
the gifted to communicate his best
thinking downward by translat
ing it into a medium hat is within
the grasp of the average, Beggs
Association which require engin
eering assistance , from many
Technical societies which spon
sore many, engineering investiga
tions. Educational programs designed
to widen the knowledge of en
gineers in industry or to train
younger engineers assigned to
Fields of advertising, public
relations nd sales which are
working closely with engineering.
The awards banquet Friday
night ut the Lincoln Hotel which
close Engineers' Week at the Uni
versity at Nebraska.
"A- ; "" i
...V I
SHIIDY ilicd crocodile tcari till he had litigator bags under his eyes, because
he got the gator from his girl. "I'm going to hide from you and your humble
hair," she said "until you go gator bottle of Wildroor Cvam-Oil, America'
iavonte hair tonic It I non-alcoholic. Contains toothing
I.anolin. Keeps hair well-groomed from morning 'till night.
Relieves annoying dryness. Removes looe, ugly dandruff.
Helps you pass the Finger-Nail Test." Paul slithered down to
nearby toilet goods counter for Wildroot Cream-Oil. Now
he's swamped with purse-lipped females who want him to
crocodile their telephone numbers. So water you waiting for?
Buy a bottle, or tube of Wildroot Cream-Oil, or ask for it on
your hair at tny barber shop. Then your social life will stop
dragon, and you'll scale the heights.
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