The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 01, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Fricfav. May -1, 1953
Poge 4
Scene From 'Anything Goes'
d S
I . . ; v . , t I . I
JJJ I !w, : XX,
" In AfU
e Elijah
BOX VOYAGE , , . Passengers on board the Liner "American" wave roodby before sailing to
Europe in the Kosmet Klub Spring: Musical. "Anything: Goes." The final performance of the Cole
Porter Spring; Musical will be presented Friday, 8 p.m. at the Nebraska Theater, starring Nick
Amos, Hank Gibson, Jean Carol DeLong and Marilyn. Lehr.
Three Workshops Scheduled Tuesday
For Coeds To Discuss AWS Rules
Dean Hallgren To Speak At Delegate Meeting
Five hundred student voices
will combine to present "The
Elijah," an oratorio by Men
delssohn, Sunday afternoon
at 3 p.m. in the Coliseum.
Arthur Westbrook, professor of
voice, will be the conductor.
The combined choruses include,
the Ag College chorus, the two
University chorus groups, and
the University Singers, The Uni
versity Orchestra, directed byi
Emanuel Winshow, will accom
pany the singers. Radaker Jenkins
Outstanding state soloists have Crete. He has done solo work
been chosen to sing the leading in the "Messiah" and the "Elijah
vv vi-t in "Th Fiiiah" Thpw in the Chicago area and appeared
soloists include one student froml with the Chicago Metropolitan
thA iTnivfrsitv 9nH nm inctrn-trr lOoera. Gilbert was featured as
from the school of music. j soloist in the spring concert last
Kathryn Radaker, soprano, will! year.
have the part of the Youth. Missj Each spring concert is given
Radaker is a senior from Wisner by the University Choral Union,
and a music major. j A crowd of about 4,000 is ex-
Earl F. Jenkins, instructor in pected at the concert Sunday, Dr.
voice and director of one of the i Westbrook stated.
- - 1 A S J
i r ' AY J
Journsl am) Str
Counesy Sunday
rmilfw Sunday
Journal and Star
tone, "Lord, God of Abraham";
chorus and University Singers,
"Cast thy burden upon the Lord";
recitative by baritone and chorus,
"The fire descends from heaven".
Air, baritone, "Is not His
word"; air, alto, "Woe unto
them"; recitative, air by the
tenor, baritone and The Youth,
and chorus, "Look down on us";
chorus, "Thanks be to God".
Air, soprano, "Hear ye Israel";
chorus, "Be not afraid"; recita
tive, baritone and alto and chorus,
"The Lord hath exalted Thee and
Have Ye not heard"; recitative
and air, tenor and baritone, "Man
of .God, It is enough". j
Recitative, tenor and trio, Uni-J
versity Singers, "Lift thine eyes";
chorus, "He watching over Is-j
rael"; recitative, alto and bari-l
tone, "Arise, Elijah"; air, alto, "O
rest in the Lord".
Recitative, baritone and
soprana, and chorus, "Behold;
God the Lord passed by"; air,
: I r
University coeds who live inj Major topics for discussion are:
organized houses will have a' 1. Should girls be restricted to
chance to air their views on rules 8 p.m. nights when they are down
governing them at the firs-t Asso- in four or more hours? i
ciated Women Students workshop' 2. Should second semester fresh
a. w hat can we do to raise
standards at the University?
AWS Point System
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
. . . The 500 -voice cheral Union
will be directed by Dr. West
brook Sunday In the Coliseum,
Varrv TTAmnViill 4V
Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. men be allowed to stay out until member, will be the leader of a bra ska a"d adjoining states. 'and University
Frank M. Hallgren, assistant 10:30 p.m. rather than 9 p.m.? discussion of the point system. Alyce Roth, contralto lead from alto, "Now Cherith's brook"; duet
dean of student affairs, will ad-! 3. Should girls be automatical-. Martha Pavne will act as secretary Hastings, has studied voice atiby the soprano and baritone,
dress the general meeting of all campused for coming in late on arid Miss 'Mary Jean Mulvanev (Hastings College and in New ("What have I to do with thee";
delegates in the Union Ballroom Saturday nights? instructor in women's physicaliYork City. She has been fea- "Blessed are the Men", by the
at 7 p.m. i Other topics include: Are special education, will serve as facultyirured as soloist with the Hastings chorus.
Starting at ':30 p.m., the dele-permissions useful? What about acjvisor. College choir and the Hastings Recitative, baritone and chorus,
gates will divk'e to meet in three the quiet hours and visiting hoursi evnlana-inn ,hP Civic Svmphony. "As God the Lord"; chorus, "Baal,
discussion groups. At 8:30 p.m., set-up? And what about 11' . . Jl .v.. The baritone soloist will be we rrv to thee": recitative, bari
University choruses, will have the The program includes: Intro- tenor, "Then shall the nghteoaus;
tenor role in the oratorio. Jen- duction; baritone. "As God the shine ; chorus, "And men snau,
kins earned his bachelor and Lord"; overture; "Help, Lord", byiyour light break forth". '
master of music degrees from the! the chorus; duet by the soprano.
University and studied voice at and alto, "Zion spreadeth her
York. chorus; recitative by the tenor,
The soprano lead will be filled. "Ye people read your hearts";
by Mrs. Margaret Hasebroock, 1 air by the tenor, "If with all your
from West Point. Mrs. Hase- hearts .
broock, who is at present music! "Yet doth the Lord see it not"
chairman of the General Federa- chorus! recitative, alto, "Elijah he goal of the Lincoln Junior jtions all over the country, as well
tion of Women's Clubs, has made get thee hence"; "For He shall chamber of Commerce "lite-a- as local officials and businest
I'Lite-A-Bumper' Safety
Campaign Begins Today
board13"? o appearances in Ne- give His angels" by the chorus bumper" safety campaign, is fi ha raiiied to the n.
Singers; recitative, have at least 10 per cent of the. . K
they will reassemble in the ball- o'clocks on Sunday?
room for the reports of the pro-) University Standards
ceedings in each workshop. winvciiiy jiuriuuiu
Jan Steffan, AWS president,! Su? Brownlee, AWS board
urges all coeds to attend and for member, will lead a discussion on
those who do attend to find out University standards in Room 316.
how the majority of the house -"een --uuuarKy win serve a:, sl-l
50,000 cars in Lancaster county f"'1 i""'a""
scotch-lighted. ( In Lincoln police have lent their
The campaign opens Friday on, enthusiastic support to the cam
the University campus and Sat- paign, giving the Jaycees special
urday in downtown Lincoln. jpermission to operate loudspeak-
Gordon Gay, business adminis-jcrs atop car$j handbills oa
irauoii senior anu uiilvhi - .. j . . .
tt-iu iwa in -hare of th cam- autos. and crect banner across
it is set up, the following topics !Palc Gilbert, voice and choral one. and chorus, "Baal, hear and' us taping station, located be- O street, as well as buying stripi
recitative and air, bari-
JIUW UIC IlldJUilLV Ui inc iiuust . v , . ... j,
i u. t i. .1.- . rptjirv and the farnltv advisor wili souna.
" LT1: " L, T1 .! be Miss Marr Aueustine. assistant 3. Should the appeal board be
that nnminnci nwi.H in thp W aean Ol omen, .... ... 1 OntQtanHinff
workshops will be more nearly! ome 01 xne zmn6s 10 De ois"U, ylfZl k-. "'VNROTC were presented awards nessmen, were presented to An- -, "u ' . eraxmS stations. "The program
representative of campus fcclingsJcussed are: ,apal before the board for ior , Naval Scj. drew Paul graduating at triP ot the tape for a fee has proven effective in other
PfAc rVci-McciVtfi ' hat are the standards "l be ence at a ceremonv Wednesday the head of his class in Naval,01 .states, and there is no question
KUJeS UlSCUSVOn smoking and drinking for women? ipointed. Which Ones 'afternoon in Love Librarj- Audi-'Science; Louis Jackson Keester,! ezze of rain, however, the that it will be effective here, es-
Shirley Murphy, AWS vice-, 2. When is it permissible to "e'e8aT?s wrnch nave feen midshipman standing highest in studcnt station will not be oper- pecially if a driver's tail light
president, will lead a discussion, wear shorts, slacks or jeans? added to the AWb groups are. , Naval Science 4 year course, iated. Instead, students may have should be defective or burned
of rules in the ballroom. Joyce: 3. What about using profanity Point system scuson: ' 5rf c1 Robert John Peters, graduating at, the tape applied Saturday at the out," he said.
Bennington will act as secretary in public? f L' Aa WStKfi ffi P i " Marine1 ttion, 13th md K. "It's a good thing to do"
and Miss Elsie Jevons, assistant! 4. What is the time and pacejLothrop and Nita Fra nmP , is Charles Fowler. University dire-
professor of commercial arts, will for kissing and what does a kiss'Alpha Ph, Barb Raun and Ann g:ala Adm5 Miche,et' midshipman of gradual-'produced bv the same company tor of buildings and ground, saTd.
n-e as faculty advisor. mean to the girl and to the Y? ;"ner K P a Gmm Nal D, tr c , and Rear Admiral outstand-j which produces scotch tape, isvis-! He asserted that, the cars in th.
Joan Eeiling Adelphi :ficer. Captain T. A. Donovan, pro-!1 . apmude ior .avai Venice icie jor aoout one-nail mile andniversity pool would probably
Rules workshop- Judy Pollock lessor of Naval Science, presided. urse. catches an approaching driver's be stripped Sgt. John Furrow.
and GeorX Hulac Kappa Kappa ; - -i Other awards went to William eyes about 70 per cent quicker , the University police, also
?r flwri- Tcrt, MDt.-J SI iLee Devrics. midshipman contrib-;than tail lights, according to tests 'yp.ed his support, adding "I
(Continued from Tare 1) requirements of a treasurer is ob- T ' -t pv VpUl Pni UIZ.UU WIUUU luting most to morale and esprit de.m!de at Iowa State College. :lran" " should be required
the junior-senior Class Council. v lou,sy ""V e y't" Bobbie Dunn, Alpha Phi; Charlene C J DmJmaf A UamiJ corps and Albert Paul Tilley, sen-j .""i imueaaea
The Council is the first in a series 1 WU1Q siaim mK "iy, 1 Johnson. Alpha Chi Omega: Joy - '"y" ncwu ior who displayed outstanding.'1" ""'.'"'e Riass
. ntftiidi auu ticdii 1 cum, ttiia, .ew oiiicei
jlvll . V. v . . . . . .v . ' I fA'ULC vaid, iVUCl Udl
ana tsurne;; nau. ine siaiion, co- son, jaycee nce-president and as
ordinated with the downtown sistant Union director, said.
campaign and manned by stu-j Captain Wood, of the State
Am A I nr 1 "... oaieiy fairoi, stated mat tne Fa-
At NOW ROTC CeremQnieS apP the "Pe tape m two;trol planned to put the strips oa
ni ,uv7 IV W I VCf CI IfWIIlC'd .minutes. Between 1 and 5 p.m. !thcir cars in all the areas over
midshipmen ini The awards, donated by busi-'r,' : . . D.pers. win oe the state where Jaycees were op-
will be discussed: (instructor at uoane College m'answer
1. Are activities fairly pointed?
bhould we r e - e v a 1 u a t e our
Is the idea of an appeal board
Outstanding Middies Rewarded
awards 'nessmen.
Platforms . . .
" . . ... .tlJl IjUIIUL. rCKLV VI t A 3 i JU
e junior-senior Class Council. jviousiy to exercise iniBobbie Dunn, Alpha PhiiCharleneXJ Rnnoc Ac Hfinrl
k- rnrr.;-i ,. h firct in !-:, would stand high on my cam- . . ... T CQ DllQGGS MS rleOu
f movements to create class and Paign Platform. I would like to f flnd Jean pe . DeU 0rfiCers were elected by 'proficiency in Naval Engineering.. lens" which serve 1 as tiny reflec-
ofessional! Also recemng honors vrere-:;'"'"'"
its meet-lDean Thurston Buckingham. jun-'S 11! L"
ior who displayed utslanding,-- the "cu'rVe of
e for proficiency m Navigation; Gerald th. y,. cn 1hat
. f . . "'i"''f j
chool unity, two very important see the treasurery or the Junior;
nrnicrts iass built into something sub-,Y"?"?1
projects. .tt..,i v. k: m0.,Tv,t! Adelphi.
The Oass Council action in or-T"'" 4S,": ',t 7.' Standards
and oioria liarris. Alpha Kappa Psi, professional: Also recemng honors were
l ie v-i-s -"u..w4 ... w.- . project namely the Ju
gamzing sales and promotion of ScBnj The jth
umir cnnftiinwrnpnTB has Khnwn . . ...
business fraternity, at
discussion: Connie; ine Wednesday night.
Clark, Alpha Chi Omega; Barbara) The officers who will serv
the 19o3 fall semester are
: - t,-,o ckn,.m ' w.i a 1.. i TIV AUr, 4 1r,V T5Ki .1 mz .lt ,. TA in;lli -1 1 -
what a real contribution it can CnSi:p. ,'J Z d c,, Marne Cook and Sally Hall,: Bridges, president; Bill Melville," displayed outstanding proficiency:?"0, a 1 1 aF UPC
ake to a specific class and to the ,. -Kappa Kappa Gamma; Mimi vice president; Roger Graul, sec- in Naval Weapons; Donald Lee; n. 1" ctrinc nMmi.
and I ay ; retary : Linus Ostdiek, Jjsurer Becker, sophomore who displayed ml from the ja - Th have
' M ifdlef,1 wvrovemem, ana nwi(M,iMd exclusive right to 5
nidKe lo it e(.'lllt uiom onu iu .lit ,.!e
University as a whole. I . ' ... Hamer. Delta Gamma
With the support of the Class' . P?!c?"i..? lLfS? .Thoreson, Adelphi.
Council, I believe tne junior- T , . . ,v,,,,.;, j
c,, W,, 9 noar mi" thi want to see enthusiasm and spir-i
gaATa; S? ,S Library Creates
nexi jear. ... ' trochmr, locc union tv, timo v . r
,v f"1 .-r "7 stents to throw away! ypewnTer service
iLlewellvn Thorson. freshman who ...u. i.w
Vance Baker was chosen dele- displayed outstanding proficiency .u- ...;J.w .i
ention m Naval Orientation.
gate to the national conv
'in New York City next Septem
ber. Frank Wells, Roger Graul
cf class and school unity at Ne-
braska I think the Class Coun-meir oeanies, lei s maKe sure inciri students who are studying in ternate delegates,
cols offer the best chance to do'spint fo.V,Js sch001 lsn 1 throw'n the library and find they have A pledging ceremony held dur
somethinr about this well- away wlt" them. '-typing to do, may now use type- jng the meeting brought the
founded criticism. would propose making the i writers i.i the building. spring pledee class up to twelve! , rh d ' f ,h riirertio lf
If elected. 1 feel that 1 couid class offices more important than In ansvr : to frequent requests members. The members of the:VJ . r' " ...;n J
make a contribution to the Junior they have been in the past. When'for typewr'Trs to be made avail-pledge class are Daniel Pop, Gor-. nnr ' n 'c,mHav Arf-
v-5 Hiving uic wjj vuuiivi. - . . ijun., inlnp Mav fipvpn-thiriv n clnck
and Ernie Bt-bb were named al- UUIIICIUII
To Give Concert
The University Lutheran Cha-
I Because it reduces night-time
: accident rates and draws attention
jto parked cars, safety organiza-
kntmrt Klub prmrnlt
at the
Curtain at P.M.
my full, active support.
at the University Lutheran Cha-
Ciiren .nuiiitritj'; linnK uui "'. nu"j rave a a trivii;c n cuuesuay. . w 1111dm iveisuu, jui" iuctjijc, ic- i ictw nnj r e.nn.
College Days should be sponsored, well-defined purpose. Three typewriters have been rome Barton. Dana Clement. JerryjK Rpfreshrnents will follow
cy uic Class uiiicers, nuu inai 111c 1 would HKe 10 se tne TUnior M""- i ui ciiu vi luuiu jfii&fii, ci mum ciikc, euu jiiii
Junior-Senior Prom should be in- ancj junior class oficers initiate I1"9 01 the library. Oliver.
eluded as a highlight during coi- cultural programs for their res-
For that iht1f tumek
Let's eat mt the
Doran Jacobs: "One of the first
Of MA Hall
In Progress
jege uayg. i-ernaps uie rcvivjus pective Classes. This could ln
f this tradition would encourage ciude such things as speakers and
unity within the University and convocations. We need to empha
bring out a little of the diminish-!Sjze this sort of thing more on
jug pep and enthusiasm." icampu.
Junior Class Treasurer ! So- if 1 am elected, i win do
- my best to accomplish these
Jamet Hofstetter: No platform .v,i. t v,,.. ,.,Hiil4 t
...v, things I have outlined above. I
aubmitted. ...,, ... ;.; ...-.
w 411 irjiuri ine piJMuun w iiii en
ergy and enthusiasm; in the hope
i that the class officers will, in the
future, be more than mere figure
Jean Steffen: "I am for the idea
of women taking part in the run
ning of their classes. For the
most part. I believe women are
I as qualified as men and am
jagainst the idea of a man being
j elected just because he is a man
i or is backed by a certain group.
,1 believe my interest in class wel-
The Mechanic Arts Hall U get- 'are and class spirit and my will
ting a new lease on life! ingness to work for these things
For the benefit of c t u d e n ts qualifies me for the position of
walking past the Hull who have Junior class treasurer.
wondered why the roof was lit
ernlly being raised it's not van
dals. The building is being com
pletely remodeled. This includes
construction of new roof, new
floors, new partitions and a new
north entrance plus other lesser
The hall of the remodeled
building will be tiled similar to
the halls in Ferguson Hall. A
partial brick front on the south
ide will be constructed ro that
Mechanic Arts Hall will resem
ble the surrounding halls.
The work, which was started
three weeks ago, will be com
pleted by the opening of the
1953-54 term.
Attractive Sumner
Possible to make $7030.00
this summer.
A Marball Field family owned
company. Can work locally or
eUewhere. Company represen
tative will Interview at Student
Union Bid it .Faculty Lounre
at 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, May 5th.
Preport for en executivt Career
in KETAIUNG-in just One Year!
From New York to New Zealand, college graduate converge
en "The Retailing Center" to train for an exciting, rewarding
carter In Just one year: Retailers need you and look to
our graduata achool for future advertising managers, buyers,
merchandise manager, fashion executives, atora managers,
personnel administrator, researchers. Prominent retailers
send their sons and daughter to the N.Y.U. School of Retail
ing ta Help carry on th family business' successfully. Our
en-year Mastar's Degree program includes courses in all
branches of f jtl-siore management, under well-known special
lt, PLUS 10 full Msek of supervised executive training, with
pi-. In leading New York store, PLUS valuable tor and
market eeniract.
Inr dmimh, tcrlf of RULI WIS C.J
assified Ms
To place a classified od
, Office Boon 20
Stop la tba Bust
Jft4aM UcJm
Call 2-76S1 En. 4226 far (lass.
Hoars 14:30 tton. ihn fit
No. words ) X cay day day 4 days I weet
UU I M I M I j M I IM I S120
11-11 M I JO I IM IM 148
lt-Sfl I I M 12$ IM ) l-ftt
81-fS I .? I 1.10 I 14 1 ITS 1J
ad-ao i m i im i ii i jj i
Printed, Embossed, Engraved
As low as $10 for 100 sets
Goldenrod Stationey Store
315 North 14th Street
Sen Ine dafly from 11:00 A.M. lo Midnile
I 1317 0 St.
Special Purchase our
1C3 Kylen
3 65
a ;.r f t -
f ,, , ' 1 A
Comparable lo 4.93
liirls in regular stork
Maeii- fuliric
: .j-u i
100 Vhln5ton 8sjuar Eatt,
New York 3, New York
fcrn 75 00 (ir wi-k ilurinr Bummnr.
A)o pn tlrrw mont rllnbl linhno!
Urm. THI 1 your Invltnimn to tirnl
xrnup intrvMn m Asnrulluml Hull.
Hnom Sf at 4 m P.M. Thurwlnv,
April join.
HAHMSO FOlfvKCT i'oVtxt rrmri
pnrlrit tirt ntilvrry PAKTV
t'.AIIi TriiinicKy ovcnlng t 7. l lAth
nil R. Tllla M UK ll.unlvrlty rionty
rii1 ! will b ilHmlMorl. To pr
UrirmU you mu tn your . I).
cert) punched or tit IcHUt torn lltlla.
Dally rJcbraskan
Crinj; Hciult.
turner Phmh Put ntri mony In your i
M'M'ket with wimt you can wuw on your1 1
cumri itid iliulixrtilc purrhwHrn. J
b n Hiency tor 11 New York wure- ,J
huuM iind reri efrwrt urtnlll envinije ; .
tor you when you riuy emra auiiplie ti
Keve over IV on Kotluk fcentem. over
11 an mn Argue C-4. na humlreHe nf 1
other minller euvltiKe. Ymi owe It to!-;
ymiree'f tn ennttilne Iheee uarente(l
mercHertrtlM berreine For more detail ,t
cull it aee Jim Klechaf at Urn' Dorm A. a
BTUDKNT-loTfull" time work ae lerwrirli;
on the remtiue dilrlni Hummer. Tou rn . f
tart now If you ara able to work full.T,
mornlnne. or afternnnne. laborer tn f
nl CI 00 en horn. Anidv Pereonnel lie pi., 1"
Artmin. lil. 11 A K at. j 'i
nur aiiirt buy of tlir araaun
(100 duPunl nylon) that' fal tlrying, takn
lilllr or no Irotihm, and i niol and li;:lit lo wrarl
litu'ly iDBilr. eliortilrfvwl. I lire have nrw,
hitrlrrHtpread rullur, fwurl tiiilliin. Srlrri f rum
a rainbttw of pntrl ir wliltr, iisn S, M, I,
XI- ftninaralile quulity aliirtv in reeular attx-k
aril at 4.95. Tbeae are rrmarUnblv law priced al
MEN'S WEAR... First Floor
Joaaaf m eH mn- '
Tail ( V, in.riltr M IBUll
u Am I
ifr..... A .1..
warn VUjant' Tell.ire Weaver. Cleanlna, I"ree
j Ins. Iletelrln. One uy tleattlnf alter
J auurt. i't: j. lii, flu