The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 21, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Page 2
Just Between Us...
Tuesday. April 21 , 1953
Eighteen University students have taken ad
vantage of the Student Council action to re
open filings for class officer posts. For some
reason 15 of these stMdents applied for senior
ing result of the re-opened filings ii the number
of women who decided to try their dainty hands
at the dirty game of campus politics. Hereto
fore, coeds have been willing to let the men
take over the class offices while they dominate
the other activities. But now the women are
offices, but the point remains that there is some reaching into other pots,
interest in class government on this campus. 4
In fact, I can honestly say that there is the
most avid interest tha I have seen in four
years here.
It's hard to understand why this interest lay
dormant during the original filing period. And
it's harder to understand why it lay dormant dur
ing the first extension of the original filings.
But the fact remains that there is interest in
class government
From all early indications there will be a wild
election campaign. I cannot remember a wild
However you look at it, a few strong women
candidates can throw the election wide open. For
the first time in years there might be some organ
ized woman voting or at least campaigning.
Although the official list of candidates has
not been released as yet, rumor has it that at
least one independent has filed. This is another
group which has failed to show any political am
bition in the past Now is the time to press the
The Nebraskan is not choosing sides, but we
election campaign on this campus. One encourag- expect some lively news in the next few weeks.
The Communist Peace Offensive
Victory For 85
r The headlines Monday morning read:
First POW Trade Successful
A hundred Allied war prisoners including be
tween 30 and 35 Americans were released by
the Communists in the first sign of peace in al
most three years of Korean fighting.
So far, the Communists have proved that they
are sincere in their peace offensive. So far they
Trip To Russia
The Crown at Queens College and the Specta
tor at Columbia University are going to send a
cablegram to Russia.
This is their message:
"The recent trip to the USSR by a group of
American editors and publishers provided a wel
come sign of friendship between our nations. On
a student level such an opportunity would do much
to further international understanding.
Staff Writer
hundred more Allied prisoners to
day began to pass through Pan
munjom's "freedom gate" even as
the first 30 American captives re
leased by Communists 24 hours
ago were flying to Tokyo for treat
ment and transfer home . . .
Nearly a half billion dollars
worth of European military air
planes will be purchased thru
NATO during the next few days
. , . The United States will put up
one-half or more of the money
Treasury Secretary George M.
Humphrey said Monday there will
be no depression in America, come
a Korean armistice or even full
world peace ...
Elsenhower called on Russia to
prove it wants peace and said he
believes Soviet leaders can De
convinced the world does not live
under fear of atomic war. . .
The Allies told the Communists
last week that they were ready
to resume preliminary Korean
War armistice talks but warned
they would not tolerate long
winded discussions that hold no
promise of success. . .
Secretary Weeks
Bats For Business
EPITOR'8 NOTE: The following article.
7 Thorn L. Bloke, appeared la Ike
April lota eoitioa of rb Clettlaa Press.
WASHINGTON: Secretary of
Commerce Sinclair Weeks is be
ginning to impress Washington
with the vigorous manner in
which he is swinging his weight
By Bibler
One' lC
-We therefore request permision for a group of, ....- . . haU .f hi. nar
have fulfilled every provision of the exchange college newspaper editors to visit the USSR testicular protege, business and in
agreement the near future."
Union Cues
Union Personnel System
Is Extensive, Complex
'No Ammo
Were Seen'
Staff Writer
Recently there has been a surge
of comments sweeping over the
country concerning an ammuni
tion shortage in Korea. These
comments have ranged from sheer
condemnation of no one in par
ticular it is interesting to note
to the typical Mortimer Snerd
philosopsy of "Well, that's the
way it goes."
For the benefit of my unfortu
nate few readers and the jour
nalism students who have to read
the paper anyway I'll pass on a
few of the observations I had the
opportunity to make while in
purgatorial Korea.
As far as small arms ammuni
tion was concerned, the only prob
lem encountered was that of
transportation. The supply was
abundant. There never was a
shortage of .30 cal. ammunition
that wasn't immediately allevi
ated, even if it meant a special
operation by Army and Air Force
planes to parachute the needed
ammunition to the fighting men.
The same situation prevailed in
the case of mortar ammunition,
with one slight exception, that of
60-mm mortar rounds used for
These rounds are now obsolete
and the only source of supply is
An elaborate organization em
ploying from 100 to 150 students
many directions.
This Boston businessman and
finanrior lnno rrnminpnt in na.
Would-be realists amonz us. however, hasten A cablegram iie mat, ougni w caicn air. ai-ltional Republican Paarty affairs,
enkov with his guard down. The pudgy premier, saw the election as a mandate and handling from 840.000 to $50.-
were intersnereed amon truck Wine Allied has been peeking out from under the Iron Cui-;to estabhsh an Admmistration o00 annuaHy in cash or meals-
- - - . . f weeks and lettina some'vcrj , uusiucm a.iu mat is me aiuaeni union, mere,-"" - " "-
prisoners as the convoys traveled southward free tain lor ine lasi iewweeKs ana iung somis going about that with enthusi-is more flurry of activity behind or waitresses. Many students stay;Pr hat n order to insure
from UN air attacks. There are those who declare westerners pee m. n.e 6iUUt, ui uu..K1 ...u,asra ana e,iergy. Mot content Wthe scenes than most students
that the Communists are trying to pull the wool editors mentioned in the cablegram studied HiConfine himself to his own depart- realize.
kH.!. the forgotten stockpiles left over
lYiQTianne Hansen from World War II. A few thou-
from all parts of the state and sand of these specialized projec
. .. . . ,. . tiles were shipped to the fighting
from other countries. Although ,area frQm Pacifi an
most of the workers are boys, sev-;the United States. However, the
eral girls are employed as clerks quality of these rounds was so
over our eves, as thev Dreoare for a new offen- yu n call seeing what the Russians want youlment, he is reaching out in other For instancet consider the Union- f1 . . ' ...
over our eyes, as iney prepare lor a new ouen ' .. .JI o. ,,.. a;,;. governmental quarters m his mis-' nn, .ctom .wh ie DV. student working
UX XVUICd, 111 WUUICiLM Aild, 111 Uf
iripntsLii tu i r, raA proper functioning in cold weath-
idents au four years. The longest record ,for whjch Rora js we
- . 'of service, however, is held by a; the men in the mortar squads had
some place else. There are even Americans who
object violently to talk of any truce negotiations.
"We can never compromise with tie despised
Communist totalitarian states," they say. "To ne
gotiate with them is to admit that we respect their
claim to power and are satisfied with co-existence."
These America-pl users are simply chauvinists
who advocate having nothing to do with the
Communists until we have pushed them off the
map or destroyed the map they live on. In
cluded ia this group of Americans who feel that
negotiations with Communists can bring no good
are a number of Congressmen, army officers,
newspapers, veterans and other citizens.
Z dv n,-Sovi'e W and cond tions! IS,H -for b- s slTrtegic---
to see studying Soviet We and conditions, "'rjosition as a member of the Presi- ; . 1 a. m.
s"" a Dart-time worker and mav serve r.ono rnn r-rw
his master's, to sleep with the rounds in their
sleeping bags with them to pre
vent freezing. The use of these
iiiuiiuuaiiuii luuuub is noi cnurtiy
supervisor, essential in view of the fact that
was a sound move ana one wnicn Americans oent s
?nid to annreciate .room ana ine iresiaeni s ear. ;a5 nnvlhine- from rook tn nieht' - ... ... , " . c
semea to appreciaie. .u . a ! anvtning irom cook to nignt voiced his appr0val of the person- the heavier mortars and artillery
In fact, we appreciated it so much that a group supervisor. Students fill part-time, serving have the same type of projectihs
of our college journalists have decided to try! It is within his owti department is far more effective in
IK1 A hll MrAHA1 IhA mArt WrfMlfl V SIKIH If I KN. I I V IIH1KN. , . .
for an encore. There is no reason why church,""" "I f Cashiers suDervisors bookkeeoers Ployee. works from 20 to 25 hours e)"y respect, it is always avau-
- -u- matic episode publicly thus far..caiers, supervisors, iwiuteepers, ' . . lnfHe in able.
groups, paixioiic orginiiiiiii w uu. w.i ,The furore over his summary fir-sgn painters ana movie operators. -
groups couldn't try for permission too. We mighVing 0f Dr. Allen V. Aslin as direc- The Union offers the same op-lid "! mink the Crib is the best
as well really put the Russians on the spot
tor of the Bureau of Standards.lportunity for advancement
: In the rase nf artitlprv nmmn-
. i ir i . . . -. i , . . . T. .ijivlk w nuiiv. unaiuc iticic is.wi.iuu i u hit Lciici .1 1 ti . uic
. is on the crescendo, with scien-j Ferns and Keith Maul, pharmacyum j, j nni. m;r, th .mail ormc m.
It is impossible to predict how the Russians tists protesting loudf and with a(Seniors, started four yeara ago LJffi and COmingi TcStS wobTem That
rill greet this move. It is impossible to predict Congressional investigation of the waiters and worked up to posi-!2 gmg" .. . . . ?JiiSamfiroblS?J -"Lat
ht His tions as night supervisors. As su-' , Anomer urio supervisor, Koianaj bVtfionTn "' d rartillerv ,,n
nuhMriv Dervisors thev are in chare nf!Struss, also likes the excitement, oaiwnon in need 01 artillery sup
pub.icly!perisors. iney are m cnarge 01 gDecific'Port' and that support was unob-
n of an the whole building from 5 p.m.'1" Ule -"? "e glves a.s.a speclutainahio n..r. .
additive to hop up old storage bat-;until closing. jexamp.e me surprise kiss one o i -
teries a suhiert of rontrovercv Promotions are based urjon merit e waiters received from a pretty ln, enemy Trf alway 'mme-
wui greet wis move, it is impossioie o preaici congressional investigation
how the Russians will greet any move especially; whole affair being sought
...v,. mn.rtiiiii a "npafi. nffpnsivc . Rut'only reason announced
fc " - lh i.ii.A.ti'.
the fact remains that the student journalists at Col
umbia University and Queens College h?ve per
fected a way of calling the USSR bluff. The Mal
enkov mistake began when he allowed the pro
fessional journalists a look at his country. It's an
But the exchange of sick and wounded pri
soners proves that they are wrong. We can gain
in negotiations with Communists. Thirty happy
fumilij 1tk91w t1ct in thai Thirl
mothers, saying "My prayer, have been answered.- sUm are ,e.xpcrU "' a"! H doesn
will never doubt that happiness can be won by
talking -with the Reds.
Thirty families were overjoyed Sunday night,
35 more were to know that their sons or hus
bands were safe by Monday night and 19 more
families will know by Tuesday night If noth
ing else, the prisoner exchange has brought happi
ness to nearly E5 American homes.
Even if the truce talks which open Saturday
fail to produce an armistice, the Communist peace
offensive has cot been without its advantages to
the 'United Nations. The life of one wounded
prisoner and the happiness of his family is well
worth the time, effort and expense of negotiat
ing with the Reds.
If the Ctenmiinists have bargained 5n good
A . a , n a . . ifllXIflV T I I I I I 1 I nn OT11 flAIFM aika
that revolves around its inventor iratings made three times a unaay there . cessaTion ol : fire wpprt
and purveyor, Jess Ritch e, small ter. Workers are graded on 10 f ms tnere was -a s gn on tne d . ammunition
manufacturer of Oakland. Cahfjpoints, including attitude, cooper- water's back readmg "Kiss Me!" Pi 1 Sadict th.
whom Seerelarv Weeks cham-iation. dependability and efficiency. t - ir r.
old story that if you give in to one group, it's pioned, and who has run a foul, i Ratings are graded numerically,! Another advantage of working'is a far more able man than I
hard to refuse anyone else. Of course, the Rus- also, of the Federal Trade Com-'averaged, recorded and thereafter in the Crib, in the opinion of sev- can expect to be. My intention
t seem nussion. iorm a pan 01 me siuaem s ser- eral waiters, is the excellent is to relate the facts as I encoun-
unreasonable to expect , blue-ribbon excuse if the - Wt Sco
collegiate request is refused. alwavs enioved a remi!5tion fjf ences after graduation. too, it's extremely easy to learn reader another view of th .it
However you look at it, the Russians are on objectivity and impartiality. Con
the spot. jsequently, any appearance of in-
Maybe they have nothing to hide behind the Inference ith its findings thai
Curtain-it certainly would be interesting to find ' -
out D.P . ably resented by scientists, as well
as by the bureau, itself. For the
Wecome, AUF
k f uwi. ,a wv,; . Coliseum, Ben Chernngto.i speak
. - - m - v. v. itki-LiiiLf ti &r
As a
all the nnnnlar snnpc horanco nafinn
The Union pulls its workers waiters are forced to listen to themj
repeatea over tne uKe box ail day.! Qno
'Bob Lucas, sophomore worker on. wperu Views
jthe party crew, turns his worker The famous opera star, Giovan
jstatus to another advantage. Be- ni Martinelli, was closeted with
Honor Convocation 10 -15 am TC, C i L w , " -' nc compiainea mat nis
vi prompi service. moke. and asked would thv
,! Roger Larson, assistant director m'id getting rid of their cigar-
&r.t.-! ti a
Appearing elsewhere on the editorial page is unusual incident seems warranted.'., " K.!ir,t. ot toe Union, feels the present ettes.
a letter from ALT fully endorsing The Daily Ne-! As a Republican Party leader, Danceparty and finai d'ance , fpersonnel program has worked' "But Mr. Martinelli." cut in one
braskan Crusade for Safety. .7 son at 7:30 pm. in tK Un.on. f"1 s"fu - of the boy,, "didn't you endorse
- , t . . hacl e mot contact with busin- TY rr- k, rf , ity of our student emp oyees is a cigarette on'"
This, a itself, is gratifying to the staff mem- ;eSEroen of his role in r' Snt niw 'veiy ood, and our experience :?i,Hf'
bers and other persons who have realized the im-helping to finance the party. :fKrfnV .7 W nr? EtZ i5h thcm h Ped extremely 'mJ"'p ? e an-. "but re-
i. . ras, lectunng at 8.30 p.r.i. Love , u . aaa 'member what I said. I said that
portance of safety on our highways. ! I Memorial Library. tisf-ctory he added. -these ciarett neviSkt my
But even more heartening than any endorse- j When he became secretary ofi Red Cross Senior Lie Savlnr ; throat SOrC And that la not-fm4l
laitn ana at apepars Ihey have, no matter what roerjt we could receive, is the promise of AUF mmerce, he regarded it as part course at 7 p.m.. Coliseum pool,
their motive we cannot lose In expanding nego-
l.T . J . i M . ... I
to take an active part in The Xebraskaa cam-;"1 X. ?Tf
ployees, the Union is not only a
tiatou tor peace. Even if we fail to win a solu- Baifl. lnT .Vr.""rL " !i 1 society meetmg at Enquire tuX ""L0
T-- V 1 Jt- " . . .. r "f'-l, ..,.. .-.!,., "
cia w ir many fTOBJcrns exasimg onweea zasx Laudatory phrases coming from organizations Utory agencies and commissions , J i, , 7 "''""v establishment.
and West, we stand to win the lives and well- wiping to jump on the bandwagan really accom-more toward the business view. rJ"-' kU( LT' fl, ,.! Tlie Union offers the studen
being cf the prisoners still in Red hands as well Very little. The spirit in which the AUF:".03 m o: hat- P1S geography at University of Madras ernp,oywal not an opportunity to
as the lives f UN soldiers holding the line on the enounce their intentions, bcrwever. Is definitely wr;h,, lecture at 750 p.m. in VrionZ'?,? Cil3ege yea"
Korean battlefield. within tr,e realistic realm of action. WhiV rthr rnit ffirri i Faculty Lounge.
The slakes are high enough and the initial We welcome the AUF to the campaign andibpth Democratic
ibut alio to learn how a eooperat
,:r;-. . v-ii-. ... 4 ..v. . .nmriititinMta Administrations
tory agencies are not branches of
re-double our efforts for peace in Korea
this organization. E.D.
Yesteryear At IM . . .
Br DICK EALSTOtf some Jt Is far shorter than for others.
Biarr rnr U j, small wonder that mort of the campus of
The aftermath of the budget hassle in 1923 1823 went into mourning after the death of Cres-
wai a oompromiBe. cent ItMar at the comparatjve ytmth of only
The budget bill passed by the boune of repre- eight years. Only one daughter and one grand-
swntativea called far an appropriation of $J,12Jj- daughter were left in the immediate family to
450 for the University, approximately the same mourn the lost But faculty members and stu-
figure recomroendei by the Investigating com- dents alike joined the survivors in mourning,
mittee. The Senate, however, tfet.ed a budge Aowrding to The Daily tfebraikan. Crescent
bm calling fur a University appropriation of f3 DeMar was better kacmra on the cumput than1
55750, which was dose to Governor Bryan's jb- beti-drcsted man or tee president of any boo-1
and SnuMlran' American Associatioo f L'nlver- Y: tonet!rn xtensive as the
ii ihf , Union Parlors. A and B. m hkh a,nse e handled. The
firii, -h-anA .a, ;
Frrf.!.aa riSntiaa -.4 M tlU'JCril
a-a jrr as -at. a"u a V
ine tjtecutive Department, thoughi" 'Am'"rT. . .'..-.. In business, iwsonell. or.nir.a-
L IVW II J C HAVIUZ . - , - "
count i 7 n.tfi. Co sfum nr . ! 'vi hkiii. ine union
Ttff anv -mryjoyec need have no fears that
nc u woficjng in a
rine Arw r.nsnibie concert at is nA
8 pjn. Un;on ballroom.
the Preeident makes the appoint
ments. They are creatures of Con
gress and are supposed lo repre
fent the over-all public interest,
and not any special Interest
'every way.
business that
to himself in
Letter. p
A conference ocanmittee, called lo find a fig
ure acceptable to both eventually settled
em t3.Tll.ceO, r about half way in between the
tv9 figwes.
ornry organization. She resided on Ag campus
and was always a favorite in FarmtT Fair and
Feeder's Day activities.
Our Guardians?
Dear Editor:
Congratulation! to my 't-oj-'avery laws are functiwing. Ah
league," Mr. John G. Bilzes. fori"050 ar r fheap Mr.
ZTLWrr T. . . r-- tht Safety Cm-
" . --i oome noieworui orrinussions oe sponsored by The Daily JJe-
..' " -- jronj iTje saure concerr.irjs' our orasKan. w ram ti ih rmrn
www cherish a trip to a land Soefy Endorsed . . .
' At a,i T.. ' . . .
- April 9, we of the All University
"L ZZZh" rTZZl1??. rt triupmhs of re- that safety U everyone's busi
T5T' bwr Joeaeph c" cent date tfxmM ulm be men- nss, not a newspaper's alwe In
Ritsea wer lnfl4.Brin lh lf1 : 1-- ViZr.:'j' 1T; . T.vr":?. iw per
v.. 7 -," "" " vrwij juwjs r;a ir;e rra. we Will strive to ret irfhr
. ... . . .. ., liana rji rji rjTT7rarrfi j.rjTMjia. - . . t:. . . . . . . .....
istscause i creaceni s immense popuutmy. "ijMfjer snaT- MrV-arih 1 ji nnmHin, wj iua ms sr'wpi ana iniiviiuls to ao like-
was announced that m flowers could be accepted W. I widih -demand the ! IZ .
n.:, . i ji. . - u i... n ... . ,,.. ,. ' . j . ......... . .viuwnn sincere! y vmirt.
jjjjj stuixiyj'uuiuBc jj.$uue c-vriJi.u'ijj joj- ijct oeniii. sia-t-c ai vvuo ue a mi j ojujenuiy wmx reaon ijj- tj- jn Kwea throuifh trade with the THF AIT lvrttciTv mtvn
JJF awus:r, myyiVVB 4JJ wv. AJftJU, JPIJU xw d julat:m - - - f , JTi3JVl.iW.V JJTrTi jUI -
Although It was a shock to low Creawnt De- It-ontradictory statements circum-! . ' . .... 'ULVA Coveraae . . .
one was satisfied.
life Is much Jo abort fwr all .of us. But fw
M.r when s!j was only eight years old, that lm'
too fhort a lifetime for a orrel Btlgin mare.
The Dally Nebraskan
Member: Acaciate4 Cvliertste Frcas laereoliegtate Preaa
AfrertiBr rtiaeataiirM KattetnJ AJvertlistnt ftervtee, tac
ttACisea Ave Xew Terfe 17, Hew Yn
net Itmtir fiaanaitss j Miami tM
a almMMi .a aaat
IMnaMfn aMil
a 'iV
wuUc4ia am aawiwMnal k I
aKMini rttr t ak t- HI
mitu a aara w
au i l
frawvlKa anawaiai. M.t anriM a
anltmta xaau. MM. Kiutfia aw aa. ramnaiMia awry
aiw. (u wane aniitwM nrtt aaraM
M a "iiim(sna. CnMw aw annua' mmm aa ata
fMd OttMw IMM. aaKhv n( f (wimat. Mama a
fUTi. an wi'il " "aua a ia laattrai
Aval iaaai at txroiM . W i. iiani'ai I w aatar . ll.
Swc tattoo-. .
csmiAi Tsrr
r.!iartat aa tMMar
Oaar B4Mara
San anaw aaav
iailm fttUMr
a- Mat)
ata-aaa .WB 0 WfWi. 4l9 (SfarftaWBU
Mfl.MJJjl,4.,l.i ifBjBfajBj fMaMaaal
' T". ll Ta aV-a'Yri.kawf
r,li laairffl. rinxnl . i . " f WiC WW
f,-w,-4i-TT ' ... .,.vriatwn of shirts
Dear Editor:
formatiGm in the
lb article is read act in, and
again and arain,--the truthless
meaning can be viualird. How
ever, in ordfT to (Clarify several
undeniably state
ments, the foiiowug addiUcjl
information ioull be considered
before drawing afcy rabid con
tluriynt from Mr, Boxes' satire..1
satire, but ii ., Vl. iyr cxcJknt wverare of th
iHca (latter
Hanaaw Sihhnhi. atra na. , CVaaMla .
ili'imiiii. wiitir iMwh. SkKF axMfcr, aw Mwdtimftn, Mavtira
MrfiMut. Mff 4Mna. evH-a ftwahtitirarr. CVrch Svatw'.
I'.iM.mi rtitlit war. aaa wnan. (Ma aawkaua, (. Manv.
Watrflia MirAMiwm. SW Wait. rraMHia axrtmaaM H.wrr Ahaana.
x f-aritatt. ftnfe lUtaXiwiaw. ! ttaatNaau Immi aUtkMMinr. mu4
Mariia Oraa.
caiSBiM aiarr
One fcistwrical ftlemer.t sug
gested was that Creete was the
tvtrjvnt knows ..that democra
ies were funrtioning bwJt in
the days of Meanderthal man.'
How mci'a tusiorr dcKs fot3
the ignorantJ
Of courw. we triow Ihe Daily
wurtfr Jour oppositions ptrly
prri frcresms lor anti-WEit-ea
Uwis. and fair tr1 merit to J1 rd.
wJvl, tut bow ibeir b in Kuw,
lions V..e "b ite shirts"). There ii V .C1 . i"?r Conference and
are shirts of Kavy blue. Air! ,7J publkity through
vr,-m i.i,.. 4 w the year.
grefn. and the olive drab of the'.. ?;e ,reJ'te how important pub-Arn-iy.
Some ore rteirnsd withllV J1 Daily Ntbraskan af-,
blood. And many l()irjnairef llFf u uccm of tliis project
fvffllng CcTik-rence Chairman
kww tht human blood runs red.
irregairdJeri of skin clor.
Yes, indeed, we should arw-nd
tlie Ccmrtitution of the United
trt. A c. . .1 , ......
Ufgi'm't motto is "For Cod and '"VCHgorOn . , ,
for Country." we should modify 'Do-ar Editor
Wie Fifth Amendment to rad . ,. Cof;er.lulUorjs on ruwilnf the
, " 7 ... ,iwwi 7wn on church investi.
- ' ----- w ' - f w an lr , 1TF 1 T !3" Vim f a.
ju?-1 wh are
. . - " '-
iw iryiig again. 5om-Jiy the
h e cburrh will be ir.iv.n..
1 Ckaaa
. - - ?;t KremUa jirortiee what toe guardians of Aamw Drroc- 'maris 'my word " e "
i j itamawicure M. A, Lirttsoln (in rplrHJI J I CHARD A. STUJJF.'! IPAVK J'lfpvoN
Whether yon know much
or nothlnr about Christian
Science, this lecture will Inter
est yon, becauae It w Ul explain
some af the reasons why
Christian Science brings happi
ness, health, and freedom from
worries and fears. It will ex
plain bow prtyer m taught Is
Christian Science beala disease
and solves all manner af tin
man problems. Accept ibis In-
4 mi UCTUtl
Member f the Board af Lea
turesblp f The Mather Cfaorcb,
Tbe First Church af Christ,
Scientist, in BotfUn, Massacbv-
nl 8 oVIock
Room 315
Student Union